(Cue Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Music - In The Groove)
"My name's Sonic! Sonic The Hedgehog! I was chilling out in Green Hill Zone, nothing too special, that is until that old Eggman showed up and launched another one of his attacks using the new and improved Death Egg. I stormed the base using the Chaos Emeralds and destroyed thousands of robots. It seemed Eggman was finished, until he hopped into his new Death Egg Robot. I got to give to the Eggster, he's persistent alright I'll give him that. No sense waiting around, time for me to finish this!"
"I'm Sunset Shimmer, but you can just call me Sunset. The others and I are waiting for Twilight to cross through the portal a month in our world. It seems like this will be the first time that she will be seeing us to have fun and not fight an evil power mad lunatic in our world. Yeah, that was still a bit embarrassing. Oh! It looks like Twilight's coming through!