
When it's cold outside

by Mariana Deep

Chapter 6: The mall was fun

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"Look you three, I feel like you're gonna cause serious damage to yourselves if you keep this up."

All three of them of continued to lift the tree but spoke simultaneously none the less. "But we can do this, we know we can."

"Oh boy..If there is such thing as a miracle, then let it happen now."

And so spoke the voice of my miracle. "Girls, when I told you help the customers, this isn't what I meant."

I turned to face the fiery haired girl waving at me in her excellent beauty. "Sunset? What are you doing here?...And what are you wearing?"

"I work here and this is just a simple santa suit."

"Since when does a Santa suit include short shorts and stockings?"

"I added my own style...what do you think it's too much?"

"No no, just a bit revealing don't you think?"

"I attract those pervy boys all the time. I figured I'd use that to my advantage to get people in the store."

"Well it's working...I mean not on me you know i'm not a creep."

"Hehe sure you aren't. Anyway I'm guessing that my three little helpers decided to help you."

"They've been lifting that tree for the last twenty minutes, I think they took to far."

"Yea they are an ambitious bunch, take lots of pride in that whole Cutie Mark Crusaders thing which...would explain the tree I assume?"


"Well i'm sure you don't want to be here until after christmas so let me take care of them."


Sunset walked over as they were resting and rubbing their backs and squatted down to their level. "So how's this going so far."

Applebloom attempted a smile but just winced in pain as she rubbed back. "It's going just fine...just..ow, need a few minutes to rest."

"Girls, I don't think this is something you can lift, It's better you better you try to be helpful in other ways. Applejack nor Rarity would be happy if you guys got hurt."

Wait a minute.....Applebloom....Applejack...Oh my god how did I not see that before...."Say you probably can't lift that tree but I do have a bunch of stuff in those two boxes behind me that you could help me with."

The girls jumped up as if their injuries never happened, I myself wasn't surprised at their sudden burst of energy, being friends with Pinkie Pie really prepares you for it.

"I got the decorations!" Scootaloo yelled out.

"I got the presents!" Screamed out Sweetie belle.

"I got the teddy bears!" Applebloom yelled out as she attempted to pick the three huge teddy bears.

They're not that big but you average person could only hold two at a time. Sunset walked over and caught the third one as it fumbled out of Applebloom's hands. "How bout I get this last one kay bloom?"

"Thanks miss Sunset."

I removed my wallet and paid the other worker at the register, not a cheap price for all this but it's worth it as I grabbed the rest of my bags. As we walked through the mall, three girls seemed beyond happy, walking, talking, laughing, and even singing a little song. It was catchy to be honest, even I whispered the words to myself. "We got hearts...as strong as horses."

I stopped when I heard Sunset chuckle at my attempt to silently sing. "Nice to know there's a good heart in there."

"Well the song is catchy ok..don't judge me."

"haha I wasn't, it was just cute is all."

"So Sunset, do they really volunteer as young as they are?"

"Well yes and no. In reality, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash ask me to watch them for this day every year. It gives to set up for parties and anything alike."

"I'll be honest, I had no idea they were their little sisters."

"Really? I thought Applebloom would be obvious."

"I'm easily oblivious."

"Hehe got that right."

"Thank you for agreeing....hey!"

She laughed at her successful trick and flipped open her phone. "So can I ask you something?"

"Sure..wait....where did you keep that phone?"

"Where do you think I kept it?"

"......Never mind..."

"That's what I thought. Anyway, is it true?"

"What true?"

"That you're from the other side of the portal?"

"Wait how did you know about that?!"

"Rainbow Dash texted me."

"Of course she did. Yes it's true."

"Why keep it a secret?"

"Well I had no idea that there were other people from the other side besides the dazzlings, figured everyone would kinda freak out if they just heard me blurt out I'm from another world. Wasn't until maybe I met Sonata that I found out that not only did you come out of the portal but the freaking princess of friendship. By the way, I've heard that she looks just like the Twilight here, that true?"

"Seriously the spitting image."

"Wonder if there's another me here that I didn't know about."

"That wouldn't be the weirdest thing I've seen while here. Hey there's Applejack and Rainbow Dash...hey gu......" She stopped when she laid eyes upon who Rainbow Dash was chuckling with. "Is that...Aria Blaze?"

"Sunset please, I can explain."


"Please don't kill her......I'm sorry?"

"It's seems that the whole evil siren business went out the door and she's ready to be reformed right?"

"Wow....you were one of the last people I thought would take this so easily."

"I'm not that Sunset anymore. This one is trusting and friendlier than the she-demon I turned out to be."

"Thank Celestia."

"You really are from the other side. I thought I was the only one who still says that."

"Yea it's something I've been saying for the last couple years all of a sudden and I just never stopped. People question it and I just say it's a childhood thing."

"Good excuse I suppose. Anyway let's go greet our friends."

Applejack seemed the most confused when the crusaders greeted them first. "Applebloom? What're you doing here sugar?"

Applebloom set her box down and gave her sister a big hug. "Helping out at the christmas store. We're just carrying a few boxes for this nice man."

"And who's this nice man?"

"We didn't get his name but here he comes right now."

I waved to Applejack who let out a sigh of relief and waved back. "Why the sudden tension Applejack?"

"Because ah love my little sister and would kill anyone to make sure she's safe."

"Whoa...a bit overprotective there Applejack."

"Um..sorry..it's a weakness ah know. Who's that there behind ya?"

Sunset peeked out from behind me and waved. "Heya AJ."

"Hey there Sunset. These three aren't giving you trouble are they?"

"Not even a little bit. By the way I noticed Rainbow Dash didn't even get up to come greet us."

"Yea...she's got Aria locked in pretty deep. Not even me standing in between them stopped them."

I looked over at watched as they talked and giggled to each other. "They really can't hear us can they? Rainbow Dash?" No response. "Aria?" Still nothing. "I bought you guys what you wanted for christmas, do you wanna know what they are?" Not even a glance in this direction. "Wow you're right AJ."

"It wasn't a problem but ah even had to push them all the way here."

"Well get ready to push again we have to get back to house to put all this stuff up."

"I'm beat but ah guess it wouldn't hurt. Question though, how we gonna get that tree you're carrying back to your house?"

A deeper voice came from the distance but none the less was recognizable. "Ah think I can help."

"Big Mac? What are you doing here brother?..Granny Smith made you do the shopping again didn't she?"

"Eeyup. I heard you needed some help though so I'm offering. I got a truck in the parking lot that carry that thing."

Big Mac looked to me for confirmation which was a bit surprising to be honest. "Well if you really want to, I'm not saying no. That cool?"

"Eeyup. Hand me the tree, ah'll get it strapped in and wait near the exit to the lot."

I did just that and watched he effortlessly carried the tree out the nearest exit. "How does he do that? That tree hurt my shoulder."

Applejack laughed and extended her hand. "He's a big guy for a reason. Now hand me some of those bags, they seem heavy."

"Thanks." I felt my body relax as the weight dropped off of it. "Finally some relief. Shall we head out to the car?"

The three girls responded simultaneously with a salute. "We shall!"

We happily parked the car a bit closer than most and that made the trip a bit easier. "Alright people decoration and the bears in the back, ornaments and presents up front." They slipped everything into place as I closed the trunk and wiped my hands. Sunset gave everyone a hug which seemed to mean alot more for me as it was an extra long hug. She interrupted Rainbow somehow and they began talking as I knelt down to Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. "You guys were a great help today. You may have not been able to lift that tree but you did help me with all the other stuff, even those big bears. You, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, have succeeded in helping someone out today and so.."

I ripped out my wallet once again and handed 20$ each. Their smiles almost gave me a heart attack as looked at each other for confirmation. I was downright frozen at how cute it was to watch them jump up and down and say in sync, "the Cutie Mark Crusaders are helpful."

Sunset finally said her goodbyes and escorted the three back into the mall. We hopped in Rarity's car and made our towards the exit of the lot. I rolled down the window and motioned to Big Mac to follow. We made our way down the streets and finally in front of my home. Big Mac dropped off the tree and waved goodbye to all of us. "So is everyone ready to get decorating?"

The three girls responded with a, "you know it!" We all stepped out of the car as and began to grab decorations. I locked it soon after stopped them all before entering the house. "Alright let's assign roles people. Who take the cold for the longest?"

"Me!" Applejack and Rainbow screamed as they raised their hands and immediately looked at eachother with competitive looks.

"Whoa you two, this isn't a race. Let's just focus on getting the decorations up. So you two will take the outside decorations and me and Aria will take the interior decorating, cool?"

They both nodded but Aria just hugged my arm and purred. "I hope we both have the same taste in decorating."

Everyone watched as my cheeks instantly switched red like a light switch. i nervously coughed and just patted her head. "Yea...me too."

Rainbow and AJ simply laughed with annoying little, "Awww."


Quickly I sped up the stairs with everyone else in tow and proceeded to unlock the door. As it opened however, "Alright let's sort through what I got real quick and...aaaaaa.a.aa.a..a.a.and...." My entire life flashed before my eyes as I stared at the two figures sitting on the couch.

"Hello Delz." She said as she scowled and adjusted her glasses.

"What you been up to lately?" The other one said as her eyebrow twitched with her scowl.

I dropped the bags on the floor and whistled a tune as I began to slowly make my back down to the car.

Both the figures shot up in blinding speed and screamed out, "Get back here!"

I bolted to the car and proceeded to try and unlock but the key just wouldn't go into the hole. Like a classic anime, I turned to see a wave of bright colorful energy coming straight for my face. I sighed and accepted was about happen as the my vision instantly turned black.

Next Chapter: Love is a virtue, no matter what form Estimated time remaining: 15 Minutes
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