
Equestria Girls: Sunset Awakening

by Nordryd

Chapter 5: Ch.4: The Unidentifiable

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The next day, over at CPA, Lemon and Indigo were walking around. They weren’t taking any classes, rather they were getting supplies they forgot. Cinch allowed them to come back and collect things they missed.

However, their minds were dominated by their first day at CHS, which was anything but welcoming.

“Ugh, what are we gonna do?” Lemon groaned. “We barely said anything and we’re already the most hated people there.” In frustration she banged her head against the locker and didn’t raise it back up.

“We do kind of deserve it Lemon. It was pretty crappy of us to pull all of those stunts on CHS in the past.” Indigo replied as she entered the combination on her locker.

“But what can we do? We can’t be hated forever, can we?”

“Well…. No, but--”

“Then we got to do something about it.” Lemon finished as she pulled out the last bit of materials from her locker. But just as she was about to slip on her headset listening to more of rock and roll tunes, she froze to see Royal Pin walking on by, looking incredibly suspicious. He stopped and seemed to pan around the room for a second before continuing to walk.

“Hey, did Royal seem a little suspicious to you?” Lemon asked.

“Yeah, he did. Wanna see what’s going on?” Indigo offered.

Lemon nodded, closed her locker, and followed Indigo creeping down the hallway to find Royal with Upper Crust and Suri. She leaned in closer, looking through the cracked open door to listen in.

“Look, how do we know this plan is gonna work?” Royal asked. “Can we even trust this girl?”

“Look, while I don’t know if it's a wise idea to listen, she’s giving us help, so I say we take it, M’kay?” Suri replied.

“I must agree with Suri. Sunset’s offering all the help we can get, and I for one think this is the perfect opportunity for some… revenge as you seem to call it.” Upper replied.

Lemon and Indigo couldn’t believe what they were hearing. Sunset was helping them? But another thought came into their mind, Sunset wouldn’t dare help them. Maybe someone else with her name was helping them?

However they wouldn’t have much else to listen to, for more people were heading for the door. Luckily Indigo and Lemon backed out just in time as they stayed hidden, and watched the three of the exit the room and meet up with Neon, Jet, and Fleur, and they walked down the hallway.

Little did any of them know, that soon Lemon and Indigo would be creeping behind them, following them all the way...

“Indigo, this is crazy!” Lemon said.

“I know,” Indigo said. “But we need to figure out what’s going on. Two Sunset Shimmers?”

Lemon sighed. “Yeah… I guess you’re right.”

Like cops, they tailed the suspicious group to wherever their destination was. After a while, they followed them to a… mansion?

“What the…?” Indigo said.

“Where are we?” Lemon said.

“We’re gonna find out,” Indigo said. “Now be quiet. We don’t want to get caught.”

Indigo and Lemon hid behind some bushes as they watched Neon, Jet, and Fleur enter the mansion. The door closed behind them, making an audible, metallic sound when it shut.

“Alright, let’s go in,” Indigo said, getting out from the bushes.

“Wait!” Lemon said, pulling Indigo back. “We can’t just walk through the front door.”

“Why not?” Indigo asked.

“We could hear the door shut from here,” Lemon said. “Imagine how loud it must be inside the house. We’ll get busted for sure.”

“Ooh… good point,” Indigo said, biting her lip. “Wait… I see something.”

“What?” Lemon said.

Indigo pointed her finger to an open window. “There.”

Lemon’s eyes went wide. “That just might work. And I don’t think the lights are on either.”

“Let’s do it,” Indigo said.

Quietly, they snuck up to the wall of the mansion. Indigo peered in to see if anyone was watching. When the coast seemed clear, she crawled through the window, quickly but quietly followed by Lemon.

They heard voice coming from somewhere in the mansion. Carefully, the snuck around, following the sounds to the source. They kept their mouths shut, not wanting to make a single peep and get busted.

They followed the sound downstairs, and came to the only room that existed on the lower level. The door was cracked open, and inside they heard voices. The same voices, and louder than ever. They were here.

Indigo and Lemon peeked into the room, and did their best to muffle their gasps at what they saw.

Machines, electronics, and radars were everywhere. A giant tank was in the corner of the room, emitting a strange aura. Strange… but an aura that seemed oddly familiar. It was hard to make out, but there appeared to be a map of the city with red ball-pins placed in certain places.

“What is all this?” Indigo asked.

“Is that a tank of… magic?” Lemon asked.

“More like a silo,” Indigo said. “It’s huge. I think I can feel it from here.”

“Me too,” Lemon said.

“I think they’re saying something,” Indigo said, shushing Lemon.

“Are you sure about this?” Fleur asked. “We can’t discuss this somewhere else? This place is… ugh… shady…”

“She said to meet her down here,” Jet said.

Indigo raised an eyebrow. “Her? Do they mean…?”

Ahem,” a voice behind them said, making them jump.

Indigo and Lemon darted their heads to look behind them, and the last thing either of them remembered was a blow to the face before everything went black.

Indigo and Lemon slowly awoke, their eyes slightly flinched at the bright light. Distorted shapes appeared in their vision, vaguely resembling humanoid forms. Once their vision adjusted, the sights of a devious Jet, Royal, and Neon were all staring down at them.

Great, if they’re here then we should… wait… I can’t move… Why can’t I move!?

Indigo realized her feet were now tied together with rope, and she looked sort of behind and saw her hands were tied to a bar mounted into the ground, and she couldn’t get loose. Things were not looking good. Her head turned to see Lemon and she was tied as well, only her hands were chained to the wall.

“Where are we?” Indigo asked.

“Well from what we know, you’re two girls breaking and entering so that question is answered.” Royal replied.

Lemon tried to get her hands loose, but she had no luck.

“Where are we?” Lemon asked with fear.

“You’re in my house.” Came from a voice in the darkness.

The girl walked up towards them, appearing in their vision, as Sunset Shimmer.

“Sunset? Why are you here, and why are they here?” Indigo asked.

Jet snickered a bit, but regained his composure.

“You two actually believe this is your Sunset? We found the actual human Sunset Shimmer, who is now helping us.” Jet replied with a smirk.

“And you two are going to tell us what you know about their magic.”

“Like we ever would tell you. And even if we could, we don’t understand it.” Lemon replied.

Sunset laughed slightly at her comment, but then she noticed Lemon and Indigo’s serious faces.

“You’re not joking!?” she yelled.

“No, we’re not. We don’t understand their magic. Because, well, it's magic.” Indigo replied.

“Then tell us what you know about that… other Sunset Shimmer and her friends…” human Sunset snarled.

“Like we’d ever tell you.” Indigo snapped.

“You won’t get away with this, you know!? You can’t keep us in here forever!” Lemon yelled.

“If you don’t shut up right now--”

“Oh, and just what are you gonna do about it!?” Lemon shouted back.

The human Sunset urged Neon to follow her and the two stepped into the darkness. There they could hear them opening up drawers, and their footsteps making their way towards them. The two then leaned down and Indigo and Lemon both freaked after seeing what they had in their hands.

“No, no, wait, don’t p-MMM! RMM!! LLMM MMM GMM!” Indigo had a rag shoved into her mouth, and then Neon wrapped duct tape around her head to keep it secure. Sunset did the same with Lemon Zest who kept trying to scream under her gag, but she had no luck.

“Until such time as you want to give me an answer, you’ll be staying here for the time being. And if you think your friends or your families will look for you, guess again. They’ve been texted already. And I don’t know how much you know, but I do know that you know we now have some of that magic.…. And I’ll only say this, what we’re using it for, will reset balance to our crazy messed up world. See you.”

Sunset and the three boys left them in the basement, letting their screams stay muffled in the gags. They tried getting free, but they had no luck. The ropes were tied up pretty tied. They tried to see if they could somehow communicate, but the tape muffled them pretty good. And after struggling for an hour, they both gave up. Lemon laid her head against Indigo’s shoulder crying, in fear they would soon probably be killed, or worse, tortured.

Time had passed to 11:00 in the evening, and all of Sunset and her friends were worried as to what had happened to the two girls. They were not seen in the next couple of hours, and they were beginning to get worried, so they decided to try and head out and see where they ended up.

Over at human Sunset’s house, she had already gone to sleep, and the Shadowbolts had left, and the two hostages had fallen asleep. Until the sound of clanking woke them up.

Indigo jolted up in shock, and Lemon woke up after nearly hitting her head against the ground.

Indigo with what little vision she had, tried to look in the darkness of the room to see where it was coming from, but she hadn’t seen anything. Until the gleaming light of green, menacing eyes shined right into her vision. Soon the eyes began to move a little closer, and Indigo and Lemon were terrified. They tried backing up against the wall, but they found they had nowhere to run, especially since they were tied up and couldn’t scream.

They backed up more, and this time, the unidentifiable figure revealed itself in the little bit of moonlight, showing what it looked like. But from their vision, it was still unknown what it was. But from a few details, they could see its arm were slender and black, with a few holes jotted in them. The ears were pointed up like an equine, it had fangs, its hair was long, mucky green and messy, and it's eyes were threatening, as if looking straight into their souls.

Indigo and Lemon were both thinking the same thought. Was this thing gonna eat them? A bit of muffled panic noises emerged, until…

“I could sever one limb at a time...”

Indigo gave a small nod and watched as the strange being raised a talon from his left hand and slit through the ropes keeping her legs restrained. And he moved right up to her face. Fear paralyzed her as she stared face to face with this… thing.

“Scream and you’ll slowly fade… from your soul...”

Indigo gave a small nod, trying not to shake too much, but the sheer level of fear was making it difficult.

The creature then raising a finger with a talon put back, pulled the piece of tape off her mouth, and pulled out the rag, letting Indigo cough heavily from having it in her mouth.

The creature asked the same thing to Lemon and she obliged as well, and just like Indigo coughed heavily from being finally being able to breathe again. Soon a talon was raised, and he cut through the ropes with just one swing getting Lemon and Indigo free from their restraints.

They got onto their feet, dusting their clothes off, and the creature stood up to face them, and the two girls got a better look at it. From their views it looked like a human fused with a changeling they faced from Equestria.

Its skin was looking shiny and a little sticky, its fingers were long and slender, looking as if it can cut through someone’s skin in one swipe. Other features shown were its feet being muscular and brawny, with sharp talons on the toenails, its chest looked as if it had an outer rib cage acting as more muscles and a shield, and a tail was waving around like a snake, but instead of a rattle it possessed a dagger like tip.

“Wait… what are you?”

I am… what happens when humans think they are superior… they think they are gods when they possess a supernatural power… and their greedy minds up corrupting them… to the point of them turning into a monster from the inside… and turning on all of their friends…. And if you ever tell anyone I’m in this world… “ The creature moved closer towards Indigo’s face with its fangs extended out, all sharpened. “I will tear into your stomach and tear your guts out!!

“No, of course. No, no issues!” Indigo raised her hands in surrender as sweat ran down her forehead.

The creature then led them to a window for them to crawl through, and raised it open.

“You can escape through here... Once you do, tell all your friends about what you’ve seen. Sunset Shimmer will fall… as well as all of Crystal Prep. But when you tell them what you’ve seen... you will forget you ever saw me… or I will find you… and you’ll have surrendered your right to live… and I will slowly… painfully… mutilate you...”

And with that final line, the monster climbed through the window and the girls never saw them again.

“Come on Lemon, we got to get out of here while we can.”

Soon Lemon pulled herself up on the ledge and climbed out of the window, and she helped pull Indigo through and she escaped as well.

The two leaned against the wall listening in for any sounds, and luckily no sounds were heard. But just to check, Indigo poked her head out at both sides to see, and no one was there.

So the two of them took advantage of no one being around them, and ran down the sidewalk, not looking back. The feel of the wind hit their faces as they ran down the sidewalks and luckily made it back into the small town. By the time they got back, they were out of breath.

“Okay… please tell me you have some idea, on, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?” Indigo shouted at the top of her lungs.

“I don’t know! You don’t think one of those changelings made it here on Earth, do you?” Lemon asked, while still coughing a bit from having that rag in her mouth.

“I hope not, but if one of them did, we have a serious problem on our hands.” Indigo clutched her knees still trying to catch her breath from the hard running. “Okay, right now, we should head home. We’ll tell them what we saw those Bolts doing tomorrow.”

“But what about that… thing we just saw? Shouldn’t we tell them about it? I think we would probably be killed either way.” Lemon replied.

Indigo took in thought of Lemon’s question. She didn’t want to be killed by the monster, but at the same time, she didn’t want to be hiding crucial information from their friends. So, it looked they had a choice. Either let them be hidden in the dark over that info, or be protected by them with that info.

“Okay. We’ll tell them tomorrow. But, keep your guard up. That thing could be anywhere.”

“Of course. Night, Indy.” Lemon smiled.

“Night, Lemon.”

And so the girls walked to their respective homes, hoping for tomorrow would be much better.

Little did any of them know, that the creature from the basement stood facing down at the small town, on the roof of Canterlot High school, standing tall and slender.

Beware, Canterlot… A new terror has been born...”

Next Chapter: Ch.5: Amending Fences/Nightmares Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 25 Minutes
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