
Myou've Gotta be Kidding Me

by DataPacRat

Chapter 51: Little Town on the Prairie

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We'd finally crossed the border back into Equestria - and the rain had slipped away, though the clouds hadn't, quite.

I was in the workshop, doing one of the most important, if least glamorous, parts of the CAT WHISKER project - writing out the documentation so that other ponies could replicate my work, and build pulse-radios for themselves. As I was trying to figure out how to describe the importance of the capacitance of the antenna without actually using any technical jargon, a hoof knocked on my door. I swept all the papers into the document safe before seeing what was what.

Red informed me, "Slight problem. You know the rebuilding for NOVA BURST?" I nodded - that was the pseudo-napalm dispenser I'd had built into the Alicorn, a version of which had dumped the concentrated poison joke on the Pillar estate. "Looks like somepony hammered some nails in the wrong place - the port overflow ballast tank's got a leak."

"Anything we can do about it?"

"Well, we didn't need it yet, so we can just dump the starboard overflow ballast tank to match. We can try making a field repair - and now that we're back in civilization, we can buy some decent lumber and hardware to make it, instead of making do with chopping wood ourselves."

"Hm... Our schedule is still flexible - and Blueblood would be annoyed if I gave him the Alicorn back in less than perfect condition, and might be less amenable to future borrowings. So let's get that hardware. Will Stalliongrad have it?"

"Of course. Actually, just about any town we stop at would."

"Then let's find a town to stop at."

"You know," I said to Red, "the way things've been going, I at least half expected to find the town under siege by monsters, or putting up guards against slaver raids, or that it had some sort of deep dark secret that we'd happen across, or was the site of some noble's plotting, or some individual who wanted to escape their boring life by joining our merry band. But - everypony here farms, or helps the ones who farm, and they just seem... reasonably happy about the whole arrangement."


"It's just... nice to know that at least some of Equestria is living up to its promise."

Next Chapter: Jiggity Jig Estimated time remaining: 10 Hours, 37 Minutes
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