
A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 8: Saving a Red Clothed Plumber

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Saving a Red Clothed Plumber

Fluttershy was crying a storm of tears. No matter how many of her animal friends tried, no matter how nice they all were, it did not stop the pain that she was suffering right now. Even Angel or Harry couldn't try to possibly heal her internal wounds. Yes, she does love her animals, but Colin was something special that came to her in her life.

It was just too much to bare for both of them, that they, and some of the other animals started to shed a few tears about missing Colin too. It may look like a nice day outside, but it felt like a dark cloud was hovering over the cottage.

She kept scolding to herself over and over again saying that she must be strong for little Colin and hope that he will be alright. When her eyes were completely out of tears to shed, her garbage was overcrowded woth used tissue paper.

Not able to cry another tear anymore, she decided to just have faith in Johnny and Rose, and maybe Celestia and Luna will do all they can to help Colin escape from that Hell which is George's home island. She sniffed in her nose again and looked our the window.

A raccoon then lept up on the table and stood on it's hind legs, sniffing at the yellow pegasus' arm. Fluttershy looked down and gave the critter a sad smile, gently patting his head.

"Oh I know, Slyly." Said Fluttershy. "I know there is nothing I can do to save Colin, but I know he will be okay." She looked out the window again. "And I bet Johnny and Rose are on their way to help him get out of George's secret headquarters."

Then the door knocked a couple of times "Fluttershy, it's us, your friends." Called Twilight on the other side if the door. Fluttershy felt a little better to see her friends coming to see her and possibly do their best to console with her. She sighed and answered the door. Indeed, it was her friends, and along with the rest of Johnny's friends, looking worried for her well being.

"Can we come in, darling?" Rarity asked him.

Fluttershy made another small, depressed sigh, and then flatly replied "Okay." then she stepped aside for her friends to come inside to visit her.

"Is everything doing okay, Shy?" Asked Rainbow softly

"No." The yellow pegasus admitted "I don't know how much more I can take missing my beautiful baby." Then she laid back on the couch, looking at her ceiling I'm a depressed state, her eyes a little bloodshot from all the crying and weeping.

Pinkie noticed the little tower of tissues inside her trash bin. "I see you made a little snowy mountain of tissue paper." Applejack made an elbow jab on her side, causing her to say "Ow! What?"

"Not helping!" Applejack whispered in her ear while gritting her teeth.

"Look, Fluttershy. I know how you feel." Twilight consoled with her. "Celestia and Luna are doing all they can to save Colin from George, and you know that, right?"

Fluttershy made another sigh of sadness. "I know, but I still miss Colin. I just hope he is okay."

"And Johnny and Rose are searching for him their own way." Said Severin. "S'Il vous plaƮt, have a little faith in them."

Christian stepped up by saying "yeah, I have known Johnny for a long time, and if there was one thing I would be sure of, he never gives up on family."

"They're right, Fluttershy. Take it from them." Spike remarked. "Have the princess' or us have let you down before?"

"No." Fluttershy knew they were not wrong. Celestial and ?una are more powerful than George and his troops of, who knows how many there are. "You're right." She slowly got back on her feet, wiping her nose.

"Would you like, anything to make you feel better?" Rarity offered

"No thank you. I just need to wait for Colin to be rescued, and come home back to me. But, I do not need anything, well..... I guess I can go out for a little walk around Ponyville."

Many of her friends. Smiled, seeing that Fluttershy is trying her best to stay strong. After all, she ran out of tears to cry for one day. "And don't worry, we will all do our best to bring Colin back. We promise, so did Johnny and Rose, and the princess'" Twilight reminded her softly

The yellow Pegasus are a small sad smile. "I know I need to pull through, and I am sorry for being like this."

"It is quite alright, Fluttershy." Severin replied, placing his hand on her back for comfort. "Colin will come home. We would never let the boy on the hands of that demonic child."

"And let's forget about the plan we, princess Celestial and Luna talked about." Bobby reminded with a wink. "It's totally foolproof and it will work for sure."

"I know."

"Come on, maybe some zesty cucumber sandwiches might make you a little better. I know how much you love those."

"I do, Spike."

"Then it's settled. Discord will meet us there, and we all have a little decent lunch." Then they all agreed on what she proposed, and they all went outside to go into Ponyville.

Inside, Fluttershy was thinking "please stay strong, Colin. You'll be home soon."

Meanwhile, Johnny, Rose, and Sonic traveled long and far for any clue for where Colin would be. Since a new friend, Knuckles the Echidna was with them, he could probably help them since he was hired by Eggman for believing Sonic took the Master Emerald.

"Listen, I am really sorry about this." Said the red Echidna with a little guilt. "Like I said before, I would never work with someone who will kidnap a child, I'm a nice guy, hell, I love kids-!"

"It's okay, Knuckles." Johnny chuckled. "We understand perfectly. All is forgiven."

"Yeah, you are one of my closest friends."

"Even thought we have our differences, Sonic?"

"Ah, those are just setbacks." The blue hedgehog brushed off. "Anyway, you still know where Egg,an is, right?"

"Well, I don't know for sure. The last time I saw that mad scientist flying in his little pod ship, he was going in this direction close to the sea where we're going to now.

"Well, in the meantime, if we can find more of George's goons, we can interrogate him with my friend Severin's sword at his neck to make him talk."

"Oh yeah, that's the kind of attitude I wanna hear." Knuckles said boldly, clashing his fists to one another, feeling more than ready to pick a fight with any baddies. "I would feel more than ready to bash them all into hell, and make them bleed out till they look nothing but a bunch of raisins!"

"Okay killer, don't get to Carrie away." Sonic joked.

"I wonder if we can find anyone, pony, or other friendly creature that can help us." Said Rose.

"Help!" Called a funny man's voice.

They all knew what that probably meant. Another call for help would mean someone would help the group. The more allies there were for them, the more chances they might prevail on getting Johnny's. either back and live happily ever after.

"Help! I am in need a help a here!" It sounded somewhat Italian.

As they ran to where it was coming from, they saw a small man with a large mustache, in a red and blue plumber suit, tied up to a rope cornered by a small army that made up creature that look like turtles with green shells and another type that looked brown with funny looking angry faces with legs but no arms.

"Hey! You there!" Johnny called out to the goons. They all turned towards them, looking scared.

"Oh no." Said a turtle creature. His voice sounded a little high-pitched and having a stuffy nose. "It's that kid's brother George and Bowser told us about!"

"Eh, let's just take care of him, then Mario next." Said a brown creature.

They all charged at the heroes and all their attempts were fruitless. The brown and angry-looking creatures were easily pounded by Knuckles' mighty fists, hurdling at the sky. The turtle-like ones tried to throw punches of their own at the heroes, but some of them were kicked and sliced. One of their heads fell on the ground from Johnny's sword, and another cowards in fear and hid in it's shell before it slid away in it's shell.

When they were all taken care of, there was one last turtle-creature alive. Shaking and cowering in fear. Johnny picked it up by it's small arm. "Okay, little guy, where is my brother?" Johnny demanded. "Just tell me where my brother and your leaders are, and you can go."

"Or face the wrath of my mighty lightning kick strike!" Sonic threatened.

The little creature gulped. His kind didn't look so evil as a little adorable and funny-looking. "Okay, okay, please just don't hurt me, I'll talk." It begged

"Now where are they?" Johnny asked, in a lessintimidating tone of voice, lowering his sword.

"They- they are over at an island in the ocean one day away from here. You follow the path through here, and the city of Las Pegasus and the White Tail Woods, you can't miss it from there."

"Perfect." Then he put the creature down "okay, you can go."

Then the little turtle monster ran off in a cowardly way. All of th m quickly turned their eyes away from it, and looked at the funny man.

"Ah, thank you for a helping me outa from those fiends." He said. As they got him out of the net, Sonic recognized him


"Sonic! Mama Mia!" Said the plumber. Then they both hugged. "It has been a little while my friend!"

"Yeah, I know, how's princess Peach."

"Never a better. Bowser has a kidnapped her again." He said in annoyance, the. He looked at the red echidna "Ah Knuckles, my read-headed friend. I trust you are still punching a them baddies?"

"Ah well, you know me, Mario." Said Knuckles. "Fighting is one of my favorite things to do."

The red plumber laughed. Then he looked at Johnny and Rose. "I'm a sorry, I believe we have not introduced ourselves. My name is Mario." He shook both their hands.

"Nice to meet ya, Mario. Name's Johnny Frasier."

"And I'm Rose, his girlfriend."

"Say, what were those guys?"

"The turtle creature were a koopas. The brown ones are called a goombas. They work for my arch a nemesis, Boweser."

"You know where he is?"

"Of a course. Why?"

The rocker took a small breath and replied "listen, he is working for an evil kid named George. He... he kidnapped my little brother, Colin Frasier."

"Mama Mia!" Mario gasped "that's a horrible. Do you know where he a is?"

"Well, I did a see him on a ship with Eggman. Maybe we follow it a there."

"And that little koopa said where they went. Do you think he was telling the truth?"

"He was. I bet George's life on it. And when I get my hands on him, I'll have his head on my wall as a trophy!" He felt the anger rising in him

"Johnny, Sweetie. Calm down." Rose soothed him by rubbing his shoulders.

"Right. Do you think you can help us, Mario."

The funny little man smiled "of a course!" He said with excitement. I will do a what I can to help your brother! Oh and save Princess Peach of course. Anyone who is an enemy of Bowser, is a friend a mine."

They all cheered and went to down the road, and now have another now ally and friend with them. This adventure just kept on getting better and better."

Back in George's lair, He was relaxing on his bed, waiting for his girlfriend, Shadow Mavis, to show up. Why he needed her was because he wanted her to practice arresting any prisoners and how to properly deal with any if under arrest. Finally, the door opened, and there she was in her police uniform.

"Sorry for the wait sweetie." she sang. "I was trying to get Krusha's head out of a small box."

"Ah, typical Krusha. Sometimes, I should never trust him or his soldiers to do a kid's job like me." George said ironically. "Sometimes, i wonder if I just need to do some things myself. Heh, probably not." then he got out of his bed. "You ready for practice?"

"Yep! Anything for you, Georgie-poo!"

The boy took out his glasses and put them on his nightstand, and cleared his throat. "Alright you! You are under arrest for defying me!" he role-played.

Shadow Mavis made a fake gasp. "Oh! No! please! I'm too pretty to go to jail!"

"Tough toenails! get on your knees!" he pulled out a pair of handcuffs, and opened each one to "Trap" his girlfriend in. "On the ground! Now!"

Then Shadow Mavis got on her knees, like her boyfriend instructed her to do. Then he tied her hands with his own in a very tight and firm grip. "I hope I am not hurting you so much."

"Nah, give me all the pain I need." she replied.

"Good." going back into character, he resumed giving her a painful grip around her wrists and then put the handcuffs on them with a loud clink. The handcuffs were so tight that it might cause her skin to chafe, but she was doing everything to keep her boyfriend/master happy, and did not want to disappoint him.

"Now up against the wall!" he ordered


Then George slammed her against a wall, face first, with her police cap falling off of her hair. Nonetheless, Shadow Mavis was enjoying this. "Now, pretend you still won't give in."

"Sure." Mavis cleared her throat. "You can break me down all you want, but you never make me bow to you!"

"Okay, you asked for it!" Then George slammed her against the bed, pretending she was crying her eyes out. "Now what do you say?" he asked in a demanding tone of voice

"Okay!" she exclaimed. "I give in! Take me away! Just please stop the pain!"

It was silent, then George said "Brilliant! excellent job, Mavis. You captured Colin's reaction quite nicely, oh and any other prisoners who defy me."

"I know! you should be an actor!"

"Nah, you're better in acting than I am." George shrugged.

"Snuggle time!" they both said in unison, then they happily began snuggling each other on the bed, and of course, George took off the handcuffs before doing so.

Author's Note

Poor Fluttershy needs a hug, wouldn't anypony just want to hug her and tell her everything will be okay?

Next Chapter: Charming Raccoon Thief Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 19 Minutes
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