
A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 31: Trying to Save the whole Gang

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Mucky Mudhole Marsh

In the next world, Johnny, Rose, Diddy Kong, and Dixie Kong arrived in a very bleak and spooky type of forest or a type of swamp. The sky was very dark gray with very thick clouds that made it look like the evening, almost nighttime, and many spooky trees were seen scattered across the area. To make it more eerie, there were the sounds of ravens and crows cawing heard every once in a while, like a stereotypical dark, haunted forest, along with the sound of owls hooting.

The atmosphere was unbearably humid out here like Louisiana or Florida would be like in the summer, and there were many murky ponds and some herons searching for food in them. Spooky or not, the four heroes had to pass through if they wanted to save their friends in time before George commences a world domination.

"Mudhole Marsh." Said Diddy Kong, describing this type of realm or world. "This place never fails to give chills down my fur. A place like this can be very dangerous, even more dangerous than the precious ones we went to."

"Still, we can't give up now." Said Johnny. "Come on, the sooner we find the boss to this world, the closer we are to George."

"Right!" Everyone said in unison. They all went down a dirt road through this eerie forest, and Johnmy had his nimcha out at all times.

This was reminding him and his girlfriend of Slenderman because of how dark it was in this place.

Along the way, there were some krockheads that lurked in the swamp waters, but they were all able to jump on their beasts without getting bitten to pieces of minced meat.

Many parts of Mudhole Marsh were a little inaccessible, for they had to go on many different platforms and launch from many canon barrels to rely on.

The atmosphere around Johnny, and his three friends was absolutely dreadful, for it reeked in this world, and many flies or mosquitoes were buzzing around the area

Johnny sure hoped that he and his four allies would get past this horrible place soon, for the humidity was unbearable, making him sweat like a big, juicy ham out of the oven. Some old enemies like the Krockheads, and Zingers were trying to stop them, but the four either defeated them in combat, or escaped from them by using the platforms or barrel cannons.

New foes appeared, trying to stop them, a horde of dragonflies called zingers, a large beetle with sharp pinchers called Click-clacks, and a very unusual enemy called a: Cat O’ 9 Tails. Am anthropomorphic purple cat with nine tails coming out of his rump, as it’s name implies. Looking at them a little more, it was revealed they actually had seven tails and not nine.

They weren’t so numerous, but they ran into at least one. “Going somewhere?” Said the cat-like creature

“I’m going to cut your head off if you don’t get out of the way.” Johnny threatened, pointing the sword at the thing.

“Hoo hoo! Talk’s cheap, human, but you can never defeat someone like me!”

‘Don’t underestimate him, Johnny.” Said Diddy. “These guys can tangle you in their tails, and spin you around until you are too dizzy to even walk.”

“We’ll see about that.” Said Rose, readying herself in a Kung Fu pose. A fight broke out between the four heroes and this cat-like beast. Dixie charged at him, but the thing was fast, and dodged the charging female Kong, and used it's seven tails to trap her and spin her in a crazy fashion like a top.

Just like that, Dixie was very dizzy, like she had gone out of a swing ride from a carnival. Birds were tweeting and circling around her noggin, then she collapsed.

"Uh-oh. I'll help you Dixie!" Diddy stepped up to help his friend. He pulled out his dual popguns and fired at the Cat O' Nine Tails repeatedly with no end until he was reloading them both, and relentlessly fired at the creature again. He jumped from tree to tree and so did the monster. Both of them were going lightning fast through this creepy forest two-hundred yards from where Johnny, Rose, and Dixie Kong were at right now.

The three decided to follow them in pursuit, with Rose carrying Dixie on her right shoulder.

"Is that the best you can do, monkey?" said the Cat O' Nine Tails tauntingly. He even blew a raspberry at him to edge him on. Diddy was surely becoming angry and irritated by this cat's teasing attitude. He fired more peanuts at the creature, until he was completely out of them to fire.

"Uh-oh." Diddy muttered. "I can't be out of ammo!" Then he felt himself being trapped and entangled by the many tails from this monster.

"Looks like you're out of your league, monkey boy!" said the creature. Then he threw him off the tree, landing on Johnny's arms, looking dizzy as well. Now Johnny and Rose were getting mad at the animal, and laid the two Kongs in front of a dead tree without leaves

Johnny swung his sword at the cat-like thing with style like an expert fencer with grace while Rose was doing many side-jumps and backflips like a martial arts expert.

With two against one, the Cat O' Nine Tails was having a difficult time against both the humans.

Every time he was lashing his tails at the two, they were thwarted away with Johnny's sword or Rose's kicks.

"You have nowhere left to run to!" Said Rose

This creature was silent for a moment, ht he made a smug smile on his face, and replied at last: "I think you will die like a pair...." he readied himself like he was going to pounce on either one of them. ".... Like dogs!"

It pounced on Johnny, looking ready to kill him and maul him to shreds of minced meat.

It looked like Johnny have met his match, but then the Cat O' Nine Tails wasn't moving at all. Johnny then pulled it off his body, slowly getting back on his feet.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Asked Rose, who was carefully pulling him up.

"Just fine. That cat didn't even hurt me. Ot only felt like a dog tackling me or almost like someone running me over with their bike."

It was then Diddy and Dixie awoken from being dizzy, and their eyes were no longer moving uncontrollably.

"What happened?" Asked Diddy

"We took care of the Cat O' Nine Tails." Rose clarified. "It was a little tricky, it we took care of it."

They all looked at the thing laying dead in a rather silly fashion, face flat on the ground. "You were right when you said not to underestimate it, Diddy." Said Johnny. "Now, how are we going to get out of this hellhole?"

All of a sudden, a purple vortex appeared in front of them all like magic, and promptly set foot through, one at a time.

Meanwhile, George and Shadow Mavis were about ready to do another roleplaying together as a couple.

"Okay, Mavis. Ready when you are." Said George.

"Yay! I love doing this with you!" Said his evil and demented girlfriend.

"Halt! Stop right therea" George exclaimed.

"You'll never take me alive, copper!" Shadow Mavis said playfully. A couple of Kremling guards came in the room and they looked a little nervous, mostly because they know what is going to happen to them both. It was up to five guards or six of them, somewhere around those numbers

"Guards! Arrest her!" Said the evil boy.

Both reluctantly doing so, the Kremlins tried grabbing at Mavis and restraining. They were planning on throwing her back in her "cell".

"You'll never stop me!" Said Shadow before letting out a crazy cackling. She then used her wings and punched all around at the brutes.

Both of them were being punched and kicked around by Mavis. They would love to oppose this, but not without facing George's wrath if they anger him.

All they could do was just be a bunch of punching bags for Mavis until their boss says otherwise.

After all of them were. eaten up pretty badly, she was about to get out when George caught her and threw her back in her "cell".

"Nice try, prisoner, but you're not going anywhere as long as I live!"

George then closed the pretend iron door with a loud "clang!" And wiped his hands in satisfaction.

Shadow Mavis let put a playful growl of frustration and anger, putting her hands on the iron bars, trying to get her way out of that box, and she exclaimed: "I'll get out of here someday, you hear me?!"

"Ho ho, that will be the day!" George doubted with a smirk.

After the roleplay, they were both laughing with one another, and Shadow Mavis said: "You should be an actor, Georgy."

"Nah, you are a way better one than I am. You know how to act more than i do."

"Oh, don't be coy.

Next Chapter: Mucky Mudhole Marsh Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 11 Minutes
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