
A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 29: Krazy Kremland

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How to Kill a Swarm? Kill the Queen!

Going deeper and deeper into the Zinger hive, there were more and more sticky puddles or honey, and there were a bunch of endless corridors that went on for an extended period of time, and it was extremely difficult to figure out where to get to the King Zinger to go to the next world, or possibly, the place where Colin was being held up. "ooh ohh ah!" Diddy Kong exclaimed like any other monkey would do. "Where do we go next?"

"I don't know." Johnny replied with uncertainty. "These goddamn hexagonal tunnels could lead us any where, and there are no signs that say where we should go now. It's like... a labyrinth or a maze. Matter of fact, I get the feeling we're going around in complete circles."

Rose made an exasperated gasp, and said: "I hate to say it, but you're probably right." she felt like taking a long rest, for her legs were getting tired and felt like snapping like twigs or toothpicks if they continued on any further. Despite her aches, Rose didn't want to give up on Colin, and she never had given up on the boy. "We can't give up now, Colin needs our help."

"And so does DK!" Dixie added. "We can't live without our big, banana loving friend."

"Right. Let's just keep moving." said Johnny. Going down through many hexagonal corridors and tunnels, they were still feeling like they were going around in circles, and getting absolutely nowhere to finding King Zing. They found him at a dead end that led to absolutely nowhere, but a large, gaping hole, and they were about sixty stories high from the bottom of it. Johnny then made a realization that it was the complete center of the Zinger hive.

It took a little while, but then, they encountered Squitter again, the gigantic, friendly spider that was good friends with the two Kong children. "Need a little leg in this again?" he asked

"You have no idea." said Johnny.

"I wish I can carry all of you on my back, but it would be way to heavy, it would break my spine."

"You're a spider." said Rose. "You don't have a spine."

"Ohhhh, right. Anyway, I'll help you out once more." Then he vomited more webs that would get them to the center of the hive more easily than before. "There we go. Now, King Zinger is at the bottom of this large, gaping hole. Defeat him and you will be out of here, and this world."

Johnny had a burst of hope in him again, and he made a mighty jump across the ledge where he was, and he landed on the sticky webbing wall that his spider friend had created for him and his other three friends to climb down on.

"I'll meet you guys down at the bottom, just wait for me." said Squitter." then he promptly went down the wall in a fast pace, possibly to help the four heroes on their quest to rescue the ones they know an love. Diddy and Dixie jumped farther than Johnny did, made monkey or chimp sounds, and landed on the web together, then Rose was the last.

"I don't know about this, guys." she said nervously.

"Come on, babe." Johnny urged. "It's a large and long web to get us down."

"But... I'm afraid of heights, and... I'm not a very good jumper."

"Rose, please." her boyfriend begged her. "You can make this jump. I know you can."

The poor woman was frozen at first, but she took a breath, realizing that saving Colin was more important than her fear of heights, and with her eyes closed, she made a jump, and landed on the webbing. She opened her eyes, and realized that she was perfectly okay. "Whew." she remarked.

"Okay guys, let's get down there and stop King Zing, we might be one step closer to getting my brother back." and they started climbing down the long web, and it was about a really long way down. Some of the zingers noticed them, and tried stopping all four of the heroes from continuing onward, but nonetheless, they were able to shoo them away, and scare them off.

Finally, there was the king Zinger buzzing around, He was obviously larger than the typical vermin Johnny and his three friends have fought coming here. "Here he is, fellas." said Diddy. "King Zing. Big, mean, nasty, and very deadly."

The king of these monstrous insects didn't say anything, and glared a very angry look at them, and began buzzing louder than before. A dozen more zingers appeared, and hovered all around their king's side, ready to protect him at all costs.

"This is gonna be fun." Johnny readied his sword once again. "I always hated bees." Diddy readied his popgun again, and Dixie and Rose got in a battle stance that was similar to Karate and Kung Fu again, then these insect-like monsters charged at all four of them, buzzing in the loudest buzz ever heard.

Despite the numbers, they four of them were repenting any incoming enemies that were trying to hurt or kill them, but it was a little annoying at first because of the numbers, but Johnny managed to use a spin attack with the sword like a pair of helicopter propellers, and Diddy would fire explosive peanuts from his guns designed to work like frag bombs, which the smaller pieces of them exploded so it can kill more of these enemies.

It was becoming a huge success for these four, despite getting stung a few times from these annoying zingers, Johnny and his cronies managed to either drive them back in cowardice, or kill them with many zingers in the swarm falling flat on the honey-covered floor. It took a long thirty minutes in this fight, but there were no more of the normal zingers left to try and stop the four heroes.

Squitter suddenly jumped into action, and used his webs to ensnare and trap his opponents, making them fall to the
ground as they were now webbed cocoons.

"Hah! Hope that hurts, stupid hornets!" Said the spider. "I'll take you all on by myself!"

King Zinger was quite angrier than before and charged at them all full of zeal and vengeance. He swung his stinger around like his own sword, clashing it with the Nimcha sword that Johnny was wielding, and swaying his opponent's stinger. The king was about to thrust at Johnny with his stinger, right into his stomach, but Johnny dodged out of the way just in time, and swung his sword to the left, trying to cut the zinger in half, but the creature was fast, and evaded it.

This bee-like creature was faster than Johnny had expected it to be, yet again, almost any animal can run faster than a human, and humans certainly had no natural wings like bats or birds.

Despite Zinger being faster than Johnny, he was about to be overpowered by the young man, and he fell on his stomach after being punched in the face.

Johnny was about to shove the sword into king Zinger's chest, but then, the insect recovered and caught him off-guard with a powerful swing to the right from his large, metal stinger.

Diddy saw this as an opportunity to use his pop gun to finish him off, and fired his left one with a loud "boom!" Sound heard.

The peanut flew right into King Zinger, and it immediately exploded into him, guts and body parts flying in different directions, along with green blood spilling the floors.

"Wow. That was quite a battle." Said Squitter. "Nice shooting with those guns, Diddy."

"Thanks. Years of practice with my popguns." Diddy blew on top of one pop gun, and then the other. He then put them away in his waists like a cowboy or a sheriff would do.

"And you handled yourself well with that sword, Johnny." Squitter added.

"Thanks. Hopefully, it won't be long until we get our friends and family back "

Just then, another portal appeared out of nowhere, and it was clearly a sign that the fight in this world had won. All four of the, went through the portal, and Squitter followed after them.

Comet Onyxtail and his buddies were still fighting off a horde of Eggman’s robots, and the whole gang from Ponyville was fighting with them, even Fluttershy, but Big Mac was helping Colin be safe from all this, and they were sitting at a far corner of the walls.

Whenever robots, koopas, goombas, or other enemies or minions or Bowser, or Eggman tried to hurt Colin or take him away again, Big Mac would kick them away like baseballs in a game.

“Get away from my boy!” Said Big Mac fiercely with anger. “No one lays a claw or a hand on my own son.” Then he looked at his adopted son. “Are you Alright, Colin?”

“just fine, daddy.” The boy replied.

“How do you like them apples?” Said Silver Moon after giving a robot an uppercut with his right hoof.

Despite all this fighting going on, little did George and Shadow Mavis realize there was a battle, mostly because they were doing a little more “cop-criminal” role play game of theirs.

“Alright you!” Said George. “In your cell with you!” And he threw his own girlfriend into a small cell, and Shadow Mavis just laughed.

“You think iron bars can hold me down?” She Asked

“I don’t think, prisoner. I know. Now, I got my eye on you, so don’t even think about trying to escape from me.” Then he pulled out. Chair and kept a close eye on her, but he pretended to fall asleep while sitting on the chair.

Shadow Mavis saw this as a perfect oppurtunity to “escape” and quietly snuck out of her cell.

“Freeze!” George shouted. “You p’re not going anywhere!” Then he pushed her against the wall, putting her hands forecibly behind her back, then put cuffs around her wrists with a loud “clunk!” heard, and then another one heard after the first one was done.

“Oh ho, George.” Said Shadow Mavis. “You still know how to arrest people quite nicely

“How evil am I, Mavis?”

“Very evil, sweetie.” Mavis Said Before giving her boyfriend a kiss on his left cheek.

“Heh. Cute.” He muttered. “Now, back to the cell with you.” Then he threw her back in her so-called jail cell.

Next Chapter: How to Kill a Swarm? Kill the Queen! Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 24 Minutes
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