
A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 27: Cruel Kleever

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More Chaos of Evil Colin

Back in Fluttershy's cottage, Discord was discussing with Severin, and his closest friends about what is going on here. It was rather puzzling hearing about George creating an evil twin, a twisted and dangerous clone of he Colin they all know in love, being sent to ruin his good name. They all knew it wasn't the real him, for the real Colin was too good for doing such misdeeds like urinating on the plants. "So, how did you get out of there?" asked Christian.

"It was not easy, mind you." said the Master of Chaos. "Despite it being a little magic proof where I was restrained at, the torture board had a small flaw, which gave me an excellent opportunity. The machine had a little bit of a patch on it that was not magic-proof. Doctor Eggman thought he made it perfectly, but he was wrong."

"Right. That is not really the main topic of this anyway." said Severin. "You are telling us, Discord, that George created an Evil clone of Colin to ruin his reputation. Are we hearing correctly?"

"Come on, when was the last time you all seen Colin do some mischievous acts like hypnotizing the good ponies of Ponyville, and make them look like a pack of idiots?" Discord pointed. "We all know the real Colin would never do something as vile as that. I can assure you all that this is an evil clone created by George."

"Touche." said Bobby. "A nice kid like him would never do that. It has to be a clone."

"Yeah. We believe you on that." said Christian. "But our friends are still trapped by the clutches of George and all his minions. What can we do?"

"Well, we have gained allies on our way to George's island, and they might figure something out. The rest of our friends are all ensnared by Colin's trap, like a spider in it's web." Discord explained. "We need to put an end to evil Colin's wrath over Ponyville first, at least subdue and restrain him before he can cause any more chaos, and I don't mean the good type of chaos, either."

"Right." said all the men.

"Come on, we need to find the impostor and stop him from destroying the whole town." Severin said. They all went out of the cottage while he animals stayed behind. When all four of them entered Ponyville, they saw that a couple of buildings were on fire already. They knew that the nightmare has begun to escalate from bad to worse.

Some of the townsfolk were already acting like idiots, like some of them believe like they were crazy chickens or turkeys acting all goofy.

Discord chuckled and snickered to himself seeing how silly evil Colin made them under hypnosis. "You have to admit." he said "This is kind of funny. I wish I could do something like this."

"Discord!" said the three young men sternly.

"Right, right. My apologies."

"Have you not forgotten that our friends are in danger, and Ponyville is under threat of an evil double?" Severin reminded the Master of Chaos.

"I know."

"Where can we find an evil Colin in this part of town, anyway?" asked Christian. They avoided many crazy ponies who were behaving like obstacles in their way, and avoided any flames that tied to hit them by exploding from the burning buildings.

"Well well well." said a familiar kid's voice. It was evil Colin, looking quite sneaky and manipulative like before. "Were you all looking for me?"

"We know your game, you demonic imposter!" said Bobby. "You trying to ruing Colin's name and life by trying to look like he is the most evil kid alive! But it's you and George that are the most evil kids alive!"

"Oh, I'm really flattered you would say such nice things to me, Bobby. I always figured you weren't the sharpest tool in the shed." said evil Colin. "Just take a look at all this delicious mayhem I am causing right now." And he licked his lips wickedly.

"As much as I love causing mayhem and destruction, I cannot allow you to cause any more damage to Ponyville, or anypony else in this world."

"You have dug your own grave, fake Colin!" Christian exclaimed.

"Oh yeah?" Said Evil Colin with a raised eyebrow in amusement. "Because after I kill you guys, I will turn Ponyville into a lifeless crater after I've had my fun."

"Not on our watch!" Said Severin. They all charged at him, making a battle cry in a bold manner. Before they could actually get their hands on him, evil Colin used a smoke bomb on them, and he made a break for it through the town.

"Stop him!" Discord shouted. They all went after the clone, but he was faster than he looked, and left from wall to wall with his parkour skills.

"You'll never catch me!" Said Evil Colin as he continued running away.

"We know one thing about you!" Said Severin. "Colin is very brave and you are a sniveling coward!"

"Lies!" Said evil Colin. "If there's one thing that I am not: it would be a coward!"

"Then come back here and fight like a man so we can discipline you with a spanking treatment!" Said Discord.

"Bahahaha! You'll never spank my butt! Never!"

As when he was going to leave town, be was stopped by Discord, who suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"Time for me to discipline the naughty child." Said the Master of chaos. "You have nowhere else to run off to!"

Just then, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who were clearly hypnotized, tackled Discord and barked at him like he was an intruder to someone's home.

It appeared that Diamond and Silver were hypnotized to believe they were aggressive lapdog, for their barking sounded high-pitched.

"Girls! Calm down!" Severin said. He and the other two men intervened and threw them off of Discord.

"Dudes, this isn't like you!" Said Bobby. "Snap out of it!"

It was no use, however, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were fully believed that they were a pair of aggressive dogs.

"Here, I'll take care of them." Said Discord. He used a snap of his fingers to conjure a large, fierce-looking dragon face, and it roared at them both.

This made Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon run away in fear, yapping like crazy.

"Ha! Works every time." Discord remarked.

Just then, another bark was heard and it was Paw Print, still acting like an angry pooch.

"Paw Print, please." Said Discord. "I don't want to hurt you, rasta." Then the petshop keeper lunged at the master of chaos with a bounce, but he missed when Discord mixed to the right side.

"Arf arf arf!" He barked while panting.

"Right. Time for me to put you to sleep." Discord said with another snap of his finger.

Just like that, Paw Print fell asleep on the spot.

"Grr. You were lucky, but you will never get the best if me." Evil Colin said. He fired his hypno ray at Severin, but he was quick on his feet, and jumped out of the way.

"Hold still!"

"Not a chance!" Said Christian. After firing many hypno beams of energy at his opponents, Evil Colin was getting frustrated at this, and didn't stop firing.

Discord suddenly appeared from behind him, and subdued the hypno ray from the evil twin before being tied up in a line of chains and shackles around him.

"Let me go!" Said evil Colin, struggling so hard to break free from these chains, but they were too strong for him to get out of.

Discord picked up the hypno guns and looked at it. "Boys, we have a whole town to turn back to normal."

"I'm afraid that will have to wait." Said Severin. "We have to go and help all our friends!"

"You're right." Said Christian. "Discord, do you think you can get us all to the island?"

"Of course, but we need to lie low once we get inside. George's fortress is locked tighter than a thousand bank safes.

"We don't care. We got friends to save."

Then Discord nodded his head and poofed away with the three humans with him.

Meanwhile, Colin was watching Pinkie Pie getting tortured next, and this time, with a shock machine like they did to him.

The sound of Pinkie screaming and writhing in agony was so much to bear for him, and it will only be a matter of time before Eggman puts Fluttershy in her place next.

He thought of Comet Onyxtail and his band of prisoner friends that might come and save him and his family from this horrible chamber.

Just then, the wall on the left side of the room was broken down, and there were Comet and his friends.

"Let him go! Now!"

"Comet!" Colin smiled

"Hang in there, kiddo!" Said Onyxtail. "Get them, boys!" And a small battle erupted broke out between the heroes and Eggman and his robots.

"Get them, you fools!" Said the doctor

Seeing many robots being ripped to pieces by Comet and his posse, he decided to make a retreat like the coward he was.

Comet got Colin and his friends and family out of their chains and cuffs, and they were all free. "Did you miss us?" Asked Silver Moon

"You came for us!" Said Colin with joy.

"Of course we did." Said the leader. "What are friends for?" Then the young boy went up to Fluttershy and hugged her


"Colin!" They both hugged, and had tears of happiness in their eyes. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, mommy." Colin replied.

Next Chapter: More Chaos of Evil Colin Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 39 Minutes
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