
A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 25: Really Kreepy Krow

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Twin Trouble

Back in Ponyville, everypony was going about their own businesses, and even though the shops were still running and it looked like everypony was happy like nothing ever happened at all, everypony was still quite worried about Colin, and the Elements of Harmony bringing Colin back home where he belongs. Severin, Christian, and Bobby were still quite worried about the others as well, considering Johnny and Rose went off on their own to find poor Colin, and the others already set out to find him on a journey of their own

The three older humans were waiting in the cottage, along with the other animals to wait for Fluttershy's return, and her friends, and the two humans setting out to find Colin. Out of the others, Severin was the one most concerned because he is Johnny's closest friend of the group.

"Oh Johnny." said the African man. "I hope you find your brother soon." and Angel Bunny stood next to him with a worried look on his cute little face. Severin waved his dreadlocks back, and knelt down to pet the rabbit. "Je sais (I know), Angel. Je sais. We all miss him and Fluttershy too. We told them it was too dangerous, but they are determined to bring him back home. We just have to accept that. At least princess Celestia and Luna are with them on their journey."

"You think they should have been back by now?" asked Bobby

"I know. The princess' are with them, and they are supposed to be the most powerful ponies here." Christiain agreed. "Where could they be?"

"I don't know, mes amies." Severin replied. "All we can do now is have faith in them all to bring poor Colin back. He's probably scared shitless by now."

"Don't even say that, Severin." Bobby said. "It makes us worry about him even more."

"Desole. (Sorry)." Severin remarked with a sigh. "I'm just as worried about him as you all are. He's family to us just as much as he is family to Johnny." and he stopped rubbing the angel's head. Out the window, much to his surprise, he saw Colin Fraser just walking up to the cottage right now, and he had a somewhat sly smirk on his face. "Colin?" he said with his eyes open in disbelief

The boy outside stopped for a moment and did something unthinkable, he unzipped his jeans and urinated over a patch of flowers near the door.

"What the?!" Christian said. Everyone couldn't help but come outside to see why in the world Colin would do something as despicable as that to his own mother's flowers. "Colin? Is that you?"

"What do you mean, Christian?" asked Colin in a smug way

"I mean: why did you just piss all over Fluttershy's flowers? If she sees that, she's gonna be very mad at that."

"Pfft, and?"

"Colin," said Severin. "What has gotten into you? You come back home, and you suddenly decided to do something so poor and ill-mannered as this? It's... nothing like you at all."

"Nonsesne! Of course this is me."

"No, the Colin I know would never do something like this."

"Well, guess this is the first time, eh?" and he suddenly hawked a loogie out of his mouth onto the ground. "Nope, this is definitely me alright."

"Since when did you ever hawk a spit like that?" said Bobby

"And... how did you get all the way back here, and... where are Johnny and Rose? They were just out there looking for you."

"Don't know." Colin shrugged with his shoulders. "Probably eaten by a bunch of manticores or killed by George along the way. I, got out just fine."

"I don't believe it." said Christian. "A sweet little boy like you getting out of that kind of place? Honestly. I get the feeling you're not really Colin at all.

"I have no idea what you mean, Christian." Colin said in mock offense, then he made a small chuckle that sounded rather... evil.

An evil laugh? That wouldn't be something the Colin everyone knew in love would do at all.

All of a sudden, he pulled out a laser gun and blasted at them, but the three humans ducked down just in time before the laser could disintegrate them all into piles of ash. "Think fast, Morons!" Colin said evilly.

"Whk are you and what have you done with Colin?! You are not him at all! He would never be as vile and despicable as you!"

"Okay, okay. You caught me." Said the imposter. He put down his gun and said "I'm an evil twin created by George from that goody-goody Colin's DNA. Therefore, I can do this!." And he suddenly pulled out a baseball back and knocked the three men out cold, and fell to the ground.

"Oh ho yeah, this is going to be fun, hehe." And he suddenly pulled out a hypno ray from his back and cackled evily as he was coming down to Ponyville.

While in town, everypony was surprised to see Colin back home. Or so they think the real Colin was back, but that was wear they were wrong.

The reggae stallion, Paw Print of the pet shop, grew a smile on his face and waved his dreadlocks around in happiness. "Colin. My boy!" How are you doing so? I taught we would lose you to George forever."

"Don't worry Paw Print. I'm as right as rain." Evil Colin said. "Now, I have something I want to show you."

"What's that?"

Pulling out the hypno beam again, he zapped it at the Rasta pony, being completely hypnotized in a trance. "Bow, you think you're.... a crazy dog defending his puppies."

Coming back from his trance, Paw Print began to bark like crazy at Strawberry Sunrise chasing her whole barking frantically.

"Hahaha! Oh mercy!" Evil Colin laughed evily. He saw Dinky next to him and smiled, then zapped her with a hypno ray next. "You think you're a crazy ostrich who is very territorial and attacks anyone, Besides me, nearby."

Dinky looked at Cheerilee, and began cawing loudly like a chicken and wagged her head in the wildest fashion.

"Colin! What are you doing?!" Cheerilee demanded while being chased by her own student. "This is going to bring you fifty detentions! Aaah!"

Evil Colin pulled out a laser gun and zapped it at Spoiled Rich, causing her mane to disintegrate, turning her bald. "Aaaaahhh!!! My mane!!" She screamed.

Noticing how aggressive evil Colin was, everypony ran away from him down the street.

The evil clone pulled out a small gallon of gasoline, and dumped it on the Apple Family's apple stand, and lit a match, threw or, and it caught on fire in an instant.

"Whoo! Burn baby! Burn!" Evil Colin cackled while clapping his hands in the wildest excitement. "A boy like me can get used to this, because I a loving this job! Hehehe."

The twin decided to do a little more destruction and havoc among Ponyville like vandalizing some stalls and setting some things on fire.

Things were coming pretty bad over in Ponyville since the evil clone of Colin Fraser was causing havoc in the good, real, Glorious Colin's hometown.

Just then, Discord proofed out of nowhere and saw what was happening in the town of Ponyville. "What? An evil clone?" He said in his brain. "Dear lord almighty. I need to find the other humans and tell them about this. And Celestia will need to know about this too."

And the master of chaos went to look for Severin, Christian, and Bobny all together, and found them unconscious, and decided to bring them back to reality in the cottage.

Next Chapter: Twin Trouble Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 51 Minutes
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