
A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 23: Payback (Part 2)

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A Whole Family Captured

Tied up, imprisoned to metal binders on floating tables. Fluttershy would normally be scared of this, but when it comes to her baby, her glorious human baby, Colin, she was being quita serious and infuriated.

"Why are you even doing this young man?!" Fluttershy sternly said to George. "Doesn't your mother even know what you're doing?"

George couldn't help but laugh evilly and mockingly. "Not really, Fluttershy." He said coldly. "But if I decide to bring her back from the dead, i'll tell her." And he made an evil chuckle.

Rainbow Dash was trying with all her might to get out of those cuffs keeping her from escaping. Grunting, she said "Just let out outta here, or i'm gonna squish your head like a watermelon, you twerp!"

"Ooh, we would love to see you try." Shadow Mavis mocked her.

"Just wait until Johnny and Rose save us from you!" Said Applejack. "You'really nothin', but cowards!"

Shadow flew up to her and gave her a hard slap across the face with her hand. It was so hard that it looked like she broke Applejack's neck. "Shut up!" She snapped at her. "You will learn respect."

"You leave her alone!" Colin shouted.

"Hush, Colin" George said. "That's no way to use a tone of voice in front of your whole friends and family, is it?"

"You are a very bad boy, George!" Fluttershy said angrily.

"And you got a mind full of evil!" Said Twilight. "Believe me when I say, Johnny will atop you and save us!"

"Don't get your hopes up, princess. " George remarked flatly. “I may have lost some of my finest servings and or followers, but not all of them.”

“Yes, Those were only temporary setbacks.” Eggman added. “No matter how many if my robots fall, I can always build new ones with my incredible mind and IQ” and the scientist taped his head with his finger three times.

“You’ll pay for this.” Rarity Said sternly. “Just watch, wait, and see what will happen next.”

“Ohh, That is a wonderful idea.” Said Shadow Mavis. “We can watch your precious saviors trynajd come save you. But will end up getting killed in the end.”

“No, that’s unlikely!” Spike retorted. “If Johnny and Rose made it this far, they will confront you in this room!”

“Besides. They have those cute little monkeys to help them out now,” Pinkie added.

“Diddy and Dixie are nothing but a pair of monkeys.” Eggman mocked wth his arms crossed. “They never defeat us.”

“Speaking of which, Colin, we know how much you love their family, so that’s exactly what will be our advantage.” In a more evil voice, he ordered “Shadow Mavis! Make them all scream!” Colin did ‘t know what George meant, but he definitely felt scared.

All of a sudden, Shadow Mavis pulled out a peculiar remote control and pushed the big red button. Electricity was running on all the captives bodies, minus Colin who was not tied to that kind of device.

“Ahhh!’ Fluttershy screamed.

“The pain!!” Twilight screamed.

It was just too much for poor Colin to bear watching his whole family and friends get electrocuted like this. He felt like crying, but he was still trying to be strong. “Stop! Can’t you see it’s hurting him! Stop it!!” He shouted at Shadow Mavis.

“And let this machine go to waste?” Said Shadow Mavis. “I don’t think so. I think the fun has just begun.”

“Quite right, Shadow.” George agreed with her. Fluttershy, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, And the others continued screaming in pain and agony from all the shocking they were receiving from the machine.

“Discord! Ahh! Get us out of here!!” Applejack grunted.

“I... I can’t!” The master of chaos grunted. “These cuffs are magic-proof! Every time I struggle, the shocks.... get worse! Ah!!”

“That’s right.” Eggman chimed. “Struggling will only make you tired, so resistance is completely futile.”

All of a sudden, George suddenly came up with an idea. “Shadow Mavis, can you please be a good girl and fetch me the dry ice branding tool?”

“What for?”

“I want to do something special for Colin’s precious girlfriend.” Scootaloo was quite scared to hear those words. She knew that if George put it that way, it would be the exact opposite of special, and it would be a worse kind of torture.

The electricity stopped running through the orange pegasus’ body, and Shadow Mavis grabbed hold of her.

“Ugh! Let me go, you flying freak!” Scootaloo exclaimed, trying to break free from this psychotic girl’s grasp.

"Flying freak? Oh you're too kind." Shadow mocked her. She immediately dropped her on the floor from midair with a loud thud heard.

"What are you... ah!" She felt a little weak from all the shocking she received. "...Do with me?"

"Let's just say; I want to make Colin suffer a little longer, and what I learned is, if I want to attack someone that badly, I gotta attack his heart, if you know what I mean."

Scootaloo still didn't really know what was going to happen next, but she was definitely scared just thinking about it.

"Hold her down, boys." George ordered. All of a sudden, a bunch of kremlings came from another room, and restrained Scootaloo, like a rodeo calf about to be branded. George smiled wickedly and pulled out a large brand with a block of dry ice being held by it.

"What's that?!" Scootaloo asked

"This is dry ice. It'seems colder than any other type of ice in the world, probably even the coldest thing of all."

He moved the torture device close to Scootaloo, and when he touched one of her flanks with it, the filly let put an ear-piercing scream of pain and agony with the sound of sizzling being heard from the touch.

Rainbow Dash was absolutely flabbergasted by seeing her "sister" being tormented like this. She struggled with all her might to get out of the shackles restraining her again, but to no avail.

"Leave her alone, you little runt!" Rainbow threatened the evil child.

"Someone shock her and shut her up." George ordered. One of Eggman's robots had control of the remote and began shocking Rainbow Dash with more volts of pure energy.

Scootaloo was struggling with all her might, but these brutes holding her down were too strong, for she was puny compared to them.

Colin was also horrified to watch his own girlfriend getting tormented like this. "Let her go!" Colin screamed. "You let her go!" Now he was feeling angry and wanted to try and save Scootaloo from this evil genius, if not for him being restrained like this.

"Stop!! Please!!" Scootaloo said. Just like that, George stopped his branding and moved the ice away from her. Tears were streaming down Scootaloo's eyes. For she was in great pain from all that torture.

"Does it hurt, Scootaloo?" The boy asked her sadistically

"I'll do anything. Please." Scootaloo sniveled. "I'll do anything!"

"Yeah, I don't believe you." Then George went back to torturing her for an extended period of time and the screaming continued to fill the room.

Colin didn't know how much more he can take watching this happen. "Johnny, Rose, please hurry and save us." He thought to himself.

After a long ten minutes of torture, George decided that he had his fun with poor Scootaloo and put the dry ice away.

Scootaloo collapsed from the pain she was going through, and her flanks were red from where the ice was on her.

"You are a monster, George!" Twilight said.

"Scootaloo did absolutely nothing wrong!" Fluttershy added

"What did she ever do to you" Twilight asked

"What are you talking about?" George said with a raised eyebrow. "I'm evil! I kill whoever I want, whenever I want! The weak die and the strong survive! Besides, it's what Charles Darwin always thought when he was alive."

"Well your completely cray cray!" Pinkie shouted at him

"I've been called worse names than that, you stupid mare."

"Stupid?" Pinkie said with offense. "How dare you?!"

"Shouting will not get you out of those shackles." Shadow sang. "Oh George! I almost forgot. We should do a little role-playing again."

"Excellent idea, my dear Shadow Mavis."

"What about the Pegasus filly?" Asked Eggman, looking at the still injured Scoots loo, still unconcious with dry tears tinkling down her cheeks.

"Ah, she can rot with the rest. Place her next to Colin." George said. "And keep an eye on the others."

"No problemo, George." Eggman said. "These ponies, master of chaos, baby dragon, and human boy will be in good hands."

The mad doctor stretched out his fingers, knuckles cracking and smiling evilly on his ugly face.

"Perfect. That's all I needed to hear, Eggman. Come on, Mavis. I'll get the handcuffs." And the two evil children went to George's bedroom for some fun together.

"Mommy, i'm sorry if I got you guys into this." Vin said to Fluttershy.

"Oh don't be sorry." Said Fluttershy sweetly. "We would never blame you for this."

"Yeah, we know very well who is to blame for all this." Said Big Mac.

Meanwhile, Shadow Mavis was in her police uniform and allowed herself to taken a picture for her mugshot for their little arrest recital.

"Okay, now that we're here, Mavis, shall we continue our roleplay?" George asked.

"Anything for you, Georgie." Shadow Mavis answered as she put on her police uniform, boots, gloves, and hat.

"Ok. You there!" George roleplayed. "You are under arrest! Get in that mugshot line!"

Then Shadow Mavis got into the room where there was a mugshot lineup. She then grabbed a card that read, "Shadow Mavis: Prisoner 956: GC PD". She came to the lineup as George got the camera ready.

"Ok, babe. Now try to look mad."

Shadow Mavis made a angry face as she held up the card and George took the photo.

"Now turn to the side, but refuse before you do"

"You won't hold me on those cuffs and bars!" Shadow Mavis prevailed.

"Do it now before I taser you!" George fakely yelled.

Shadow Mavis then made a scared face and turned to the side and George took the photo. Shadow Mavis then got out of the mugshot lineup room.

"Ok, now let's do more." George said.

"I agree. It's making me more relaxed than the time I actually got arrested." Shadow Mavis agreed.

"I see." said George. "Now get out of there, and try to steal something."

Shadow Mavis then exited the room and then saw a vase.
"Cool. Another one for my collection!"

Then an alarm rang, and George came in with a gun. "Freeze, madam. Hands up where I can see them!"

Shadow Mavis then kept her hands up. George then walked to her and frisked her on her skirt, wings, hair, and boots, like a security guard checking for weapons. He then used a baton to hit her in her pants, boots, hair, head, and skirt. Next, with the baton, he led Shadow Mavis, with her hands still up, to a wall. George then grabbed his girlfriend's hands, and put them behind her back. He then grabbed the handcuffs and CLICK! when the cuffs when they were attached to Shadow Mavis's hands. Again, her wrists chaffed when she tried to break them, but she was enjoying them.

"Now, walk with me and try to kick me."

Shadow Mavis then got up and walked with George, and then kicked him with one of her latex boots. She then tried to run off, but then face planted to the wall.

"Do you really think I forgot?" George fakely said, as he got another pair of handcuffs and held Shadow Mavis's legs together. He then locked the cuffs with a huge click sound on her boots. "Now try to escape."

Shadow Mavis squirmed around, trying to break both pairs of handcuffs, but no avail, they were too strong to be broken by her. Then George, again, frisked her.

"Well, looks like you got me. You might as well throw me in those places where prisoner use those picks to destroy rocks on the sun" Shadow Mavis said.

George then grabbed his girlfriend to throw her on his bed, which her police cap fell down.

"Snuggle time! And this time, leave the cuffs on, dear. I like being restrained by you." Shadow Mavis said.

George agreed, as the two snuggled.

Next Chapter: A Whole Family Captured Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 6 Minutes
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