
A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 12: Getting a Boat

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Getting a Boat

There they were, Johnny, Sonic, Knuckles, Mario, Luigi, Rose, and the Cooper Gang were finally at the pier near the Whitetail Woods. The town was packed with boats and bazaars with some fish in them. Now they reached the destination, now all they needed was a boat. They all hoped that it didn't cost a fortune like a thousand bits or more to borrow. Still, Sly, Bentley, and Murray would just borrow one for the team if any one of the captains are uncooperative.

"Okay, guys. You know what we have to do." said Johnny."

"Right!" the others said.

"Let's just look for a good boat, and look for the captain so we can talk to him." Johnny was reluctant to say it, but he sighed before he said "And if any of that doesn't work, then..."

"Then's when we come in." Sly said. The raccoon confidentially waved his cane around three times, and laid it on his back. Murray pounded his fist, and Bentley just crossed his arms, trying to feel tough as possible.

"Right." Johnny said. "let's just get this over with." Then they both began looking around the docks and the pier for any boats that would come in handy for them. One that was tough, and big enough for all of them to carry at once. After going through many boat captains, it was a failure. One reason was because the price was too steep, or the captains wouldn't allow them on their boats at all

Finally, they saw a boat that looked perfect, almost like a pirate ship, and it looked just as strong, except it was made of steel and not wood. "Where is he ship captain where you need one?" Rose muttered to herself

"There he is." Sonic pointed. It was a large, terrifying earth stallion with an eyepatch, and garments that looked like captain Ahab from Moby Dick, along with a white goatee. His skin color was a very pale grey and wore a leather jacket, and his mane looked ragged and ratty. His cutie mark was a gold shilling or a dabloom.

The group approached him, smoking a cigar, and Johnny was the first one to speak to him "Excuse me, sir."

"Bah, what do you landlubbers want?" he said, sounding like a grouchy fellow with a Welsh or Irish accent. "Can't ye see that I am polishing me finest treasure chest with me booty in it? along with me best harpoon?"

"Sorry, sir. But we need your help." said Knuckles. "Please, just hear us out."

"Hmph, what do ye all want from me?"

"Listen mister...."

"Iron Side." the stallion corrected. "That be me name." Then he coughed two times.

"Well, Iron Side, My little brother has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George." Johnny explained. "Could you please take us to the island where he lives so we can rescue my brother there?"

It was silent at first, but the old coot finally answered "Take ye all over to that little scalawag's island? Ha! Nopony who has ever tried to set foot on the island has never returned to tell the tale. Besides, I don't escort anypony on me precious ship. Not even for a million bits."

"Sir, please. He wants to save his little brother from the clutches of George." said Murray.

"Yeah, at a least try and a have a heart." Mario added. "No child a should not a deserve a such a fate like a this."

"Take a look at a me, and a my brother." said Luigi. "Truly you a can a open up your heart a, and try and help us." then he and Mario clung to each other.

"Hmmm, no. That is final."

"Not even for bits?"

"No means no. No piss off, I got to grab me some grub after a long day of cleaning the floors of me ship."

Running out of options, Johnny decided that this stallion is more stubborn than a Somalian wild ass, and he said "Fine. Come on guys, let's go" then he and the others tried to make it look like they were leaving Iron Side alone, but they got to an alleyway. "Okay Sly, Bentley, Murray, you guys go for plan B."

"We're on it, Johnny. Leave this to us." said Bentley. He readied his wheelchair, and Murray pounded his fists again. The large pink hippo got out of the alley way, and he looked like he was ready for a fight. Bentley followed him, and looked around the area to see if any witnesses were there or not. Turns out the cost is clear, and everyone was just about ready to go get some lunch.

The fat hippo cleared his throat, and announced "Alright! Listen up! I am looking for someone to brawl with. Any one of you ponies step right up, and try to take on the Murray if you dare!" Many ponies gathered around to hear what Murray had to say

"And this turtle in a wheelchair!" Bentley added.

Turns out this is a stage fight set up by these two, and the pretended to hate each other and call each other names so the townsfolk can watch the drama and be distracted, including Iron Side. They all chanted "Fight! Fight! Fight!" over and over again

While they were distracted enough, Sly carefully, and quietly used his cane to pitpocket Iron Side without him noticing it. He pulled out the key to the boat in success, and tip-toed away from the fake fight.

He scurried back to where the others were in the alley, and he said "I'll get on board, and start the ignition, then you guys come with me as soon as I start the boat, and when old Iron Side is out getting some food."

"Got it. Sounds like a plan. Good going, Sly." Johnny said

"Nothin' to it." The raccoon boasted. "Okay, I'll be right back." Then the raccoon climbed a building, above the roof by climbing on a rain gutter, then Sly jumped on a rope connected to another building, and quietly leaped off it, landing on the ground.

Next, the raccoon quietly got on the boat, and snuck over to where the wheel and the ignition were. Just to be sure, Sly had to make sure that there were no crew on board to bust him if he got caught doing this.

Fortunately, the coast was clear, and he put the captain's keys in the ignition, and then went back to inform the others that he was successful. When he got off to spread the word to his friends, Murray and Bentley stopped their little fake fighting, and collapsed of exhaustion.

The other ponies, including the stubborn captain lost interest, and went to their own businesses. "Okay, guys. Let's go." Sly whispered to them

"Awesome. Let's blow this hot stand." Knuckles said. All of them, including Bentley and Murray snuck on board, and the raccoon started the keys.

Iron Side heard his engine, and realized that his boat was being hijacked. As the boat went off to see, he hurridly went back to the docks to try and get it back, but it was too late. "Arrggh! You stinking bilge rats! Wait till I get me Hooves on you!"

"Don't worry, sir!" Johnny called out to the old coot. "As soon as I get my brother back, we'll give it back To you."

The old stallion gritted his teeth and angrily kicked at the ground. Now, Johnny, Rose, and their new friends finally have a boat to help rescue Colin.

Next Chapter: Sailing for Adventure Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 50 Minutes
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