
A Faint Hope: When Darkness Breaks

by Amethyst_Dawn

Chapter 9: Chapter Eight: Plans and Paths.

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Chapter Eight: Plans and Paths.

The next morning, the group had gotten a good night’s sleep in the guest rooms, and were headed up to the conference room. Mac stayed in the back for a while, thinking to himself about all that had transpired the previous night. That hug especially. Part of the sensation still lingered on his shoulders:, almost like a pleasant itch: peacefully and endlessly tickling his relaxing flesh.

As Mac looked up from the floor, he noticed that a certain dragon was being watched thoughtfully by the pony directly behind him. Mac, deciding to get some more answers, walked over to Applejack.

“Why don’t you tell him?” He asked quietly, nodding his head towards the dragon in front of them. Applejack just looked away from Spike, letting out a deep, sad sigh:

“He’s so infatuated with Rarity, Ah can’t say anything without it bein' harmful to him.” She stated sadly. “Ah jus' don' know how t' handle it, so Ah won’t tell him… Ah just have to let it be… for now.”

Mac nodded. “I’m sorry, let me know if I can help in any way.”

Applejack laughed ruefully. “Y’all are just like Mac, you know that?”

“Hey,” Mac shrugged, “anything to help somepony with a crush.”

Applejack froze in her tracks, hooves skidding slightly on the floor, prompting Mac to do the same as the group pulled ahead.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

“Wait a minute. Y-you actually thought that it’s me that has a crush on Spike?” She stuttered, face starting to turn pink.

“Well… yeah?” Mac said, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, for the love of…! He’s, what, Five years my junior?” Applejack shrieked quietly, making sure nopony else was listening in.

“Oh…” Mac smiled sheepishly. “I guess I didn’t figure that that amount of time would be significant to a race that lives up to a few hundred years…”

"Only when they're that young, Sugarcube." Applejack scoffed.

“Well, then... who is it?” Mac asked slowly. Applejack gave him a somewhat antagonizing smirk.

‘Scratch Applespike,’ He thought. ‘Maybe there are other salvageable good ones…’

“Figger it out for yourself!” The flustered mare snorted, before walking off towards the head of the group.


After a long, silent walk, they had all re-seated at the conference table: with the Royal Sisters back in their throne-like seats at the head. Orion and Mac were sitting on equally comfortable, though not as grandeur, chairs at the opposite end. And Spike, who’d been up with Fluttershy reading on the matter at hand for half the night, was having trouble staying awake. Mac considered this to be a testament to Twilight’s unconscious influence on the young dragon.

“My sister and I have discussed what needs to be done, and have come to a decision as to who does what.” Celestia said slowly. “There will be three teams--”

“I call their team!” Wooden quickly yelled: pointing at Mac and Orion.

“Yes… well…” Celestia hummed patiently, thinking for a second.  “So be it! We cannot risk separating the Bearers of the Elements, so that is acceptable.”

She looked to Spike, who had started to doze off again: “Spike! You and Zecora will take these three buffoons to the Barrier Sierra, and will search the towns there diligently and thoroughly.”

“Yes Ma’am!” Spike answered, snapping upright.

“Wait… these three what now?!” Orion asked, shooting a glare in the Princess’ direction.

“The Bearers of the Elements will search the Everfree, and the many ruins within.” Celestia continued, ignoring the remark.

“No, seriously, what did you call us?” Mac insisted, earning a snicker from Rainbow.

“Luna and I will search the towns and villages silently and invisibly, so as not to attract attention to ourselves. And we will instruct all Unicorns in the Royal Guard to do the same.” She ended, seemingly oblivious to the three ponies glaring at her from the other side.

“Oh, never mind!” Orion growled in frustration, crossing his forearms.


After several hours, Spike was arranging the burdens among his teammates. “Listen up, Maggots! I was assigned by our Princess to take charge of this team, and by Starswirl's beard, I will do so. Any arguments?” He swiveled his eyes from face to face as Mac, Orion, and Wooden stood in an almost military line: the former trying desperately not to laugh.

Seeing no for this decision, he continued. “Good, I will divide the responsibilities evenly and accordingly. I am in charge of the fires on this search, and for setting camps.” He stated, breathing a quick spark from the corner of his mouth for emphasis.

He then leveled a finger at Wooden and Zecora: “You two are in charge of food, and making sure that our meals are well-cooked.”

“Yes sir.” Wooden responded. He was rather amused by the fact that one as young as a colt was placed in command of him on this mission, though he knew Spike to be quite capable.

The reptilian moved his finger to Orion: “You are on sentry duty, I’ve heard your kind almost never sleep.”

Orion nodded in agreement, but his face showed concern. “I am not questioning my position, kid, but I am not sure whether this new form will affect my sleeping habits or not.”

“A valid concern, Orion, but I’ve found that the change of bodies doesn’t have much of an effect on our habits or our mannerisms.” Mac stated quickly.

“Now that we’ve got that cleared up, let’s continue. You will be our scout, being the fastest flier among us." Spike said, claw finally landing on Mac. “And you are to carry your friend there for us whenever we find it necessary to fly.” He added with a gesture to Orion.

“A-are you sure that’s possible?” Mac stammered, looking over at his hulky associate. “I mean, it took three Pegasi to hoist me up into the air… I can only imagine how many it would take to lift him.”

“HEY!” Orion shouted.

“It took so many to lift you because of your strength." Twilight cut in from across the room. "If you're anything like Mac, Stranger, you may not look the part: but you’re as strong as an ox when you need to be.”

“Alright, everyone, listen up!” She called to her group, assured that the Stranger had gotten her point. She was once again taking her continually undisputed role as team leader, as everypony present respected her organizational skills.

“Rainbow: you’re in charge of weather conditions, make sure you do your best to keep us dry during our trek through the Everfree. I know you can’t fully manipulate the weather in there, but I want you to do your best.

"Fluttershy: you’re in responsible for taming any wild animals that come our way. Keep them from destroying us by any means.

"Myra: you and Applejack will attend to the cooking and the setup of our camps. That includes finding clearings, caves, and the like when the need arises. Pinkie and Rarity will find us supplies, and suitable…” she shot a glance at Rarity, “and reasonable barding for us.”

The white Unicorn’s smile drooped. Satisfied, Twilight continued. “I will be in charge of maps, charts, research, and organization." she concluded. "Any questions?”

“Ooh! Ooh! Do we want to take any apple cider or hot coco mix flavored like peppermint or cinnamon or sugarcane or dandelion or daisy or crabgrass on our trip?” Pinkie asked in a high pitched voice, raising her hoof in the air: her words almost sounding like some sort of verbal machine gun.

Twilight looked around. “All votes yes?”

Everyone raised their right hoof.

“There’s your answer, Pinkie!” She chuckled.

Pinkie leapt into the air as confetti exploded from behind her: “AAAWWESOOOOMME!” She cried, before landing in a perfectly thoughtful sitting position on a chair. A chair which Mac would’ve sworn wasn’t there before.

The stallions in the other group watched the entire scene: three with slack-jawed expressions, while Spike and Zecora merely raised their eyebrows.


“So… how, exactly, do we plan on getting her down?” Rainbow asked, looking up at Pinkie Pie: who had been sitting on a chandelier for the past hour with her pack opened up on her hind legs.

“I don’t… how did she even get up there?” Orion asked; the vessel of his mind lost in an ocean of confusion.

“I’ve learned to stop asking.” Mac said with a shrug. He too was looking up at the hyperactive pony, dangling forty feet off the ground.

“Well, as soon as she stops talking, Ah’ll get her attention.” Applejack offered, holding a cookie.

“…It’ll be a long journey and I want to make sure I’ve packed everything I need...” Pinkie Pie giggled, keeping in her rapid-word style as she ruffled through her pack. She pulled a sink out of the topmost pocket, eyed it carefully with her lips pooched out to the side, and threw it to the floor with a shrug.

“I’ve got everything!” She called down.

“Great! Can you come down here now?” Rainbow said supportively.

“I am down here.” a high-pitched voice stated from behind them.

Everypony turned to see Pinkie in full camping gear: including an overstuffed backpack, camo binoculars, pale safari clothes, several multi-tools strapped to her belt, a compass, a wristwatch, green scarf, and a pale pith helmet standing behind them with a confused expression. Orion shuffled his focus between her and the previously occupied chandelier, starting to sweat a little as his mind raced.

The Stranger smiled at him. “Welcome to Equestria!” He said simply, “I’ve only been here for five days, but I was a fan of this world for years… it took me less time to adjust.”

Orion shook his aching head. “I- I need to lie down for a while… I think I sprained my psyche.” He moaned, walking over towards a couch in the corner.

Suddenly, a thundering laugh echoed in through the window: shuddering the glass and quaking the floor. The very sound of it halted all in their tracks.

“Uh, g-g-guys? What was t-that?” Fluttershy shuddered, turning her head to look out of the window.

“Kietelethar,” Mac said worriedly, “he knows we're hunting for him.”

“Then we shouldn’t dawdle any longer...” Twilight ordered.

“There!” Spike declared, closing the final backpack. “We’re all packed for our journey, Twilight!”

“Excellent! We’ll leave immediately.” The Princess barked. “We mustn’t waste any more time.”

“Load up, people!” Applejack yelled, grabbing her pack. “We’re moving out!”

"But it's almost sunrise!" Rainbow protested. "Shouldn't we at least get some sleep?"

Twilight looked out the window soberly. "Right now, Rainbow, I'm not we can afford the luxury..."

The Bearers climbed into the Albatross, while the others placed their packs on their backs and took flight towards the south. The Princesses assigned their Unicorn Guard to search the cities and towns of the kingdom, silently and invisibly, and hey informed all the Inner Royal Guard that Prince Armor would be in charge while they, the rulers of the land, did the same. all they were to tell anyone who asks, serf or noble, was that the Princesses were taking a respite.


A dark shape stood in the night: watching all that was being done in preparation for the hunt from a concealed ledge on the mountainside.

“Well, now...” It grinned, grasping at its camouflaged cloak with an armored fist. “The Bearers will be searching for us in the Old Palace, my faithful slave.”

It looked down with blazing eyes at the smaller shape beside him, and with a fling of its arms, cast off its cloak: revealing a large crocodilian head, two black kudu antlers, and a long, black mane like that of a lion that ran down his muscular, scaly back. His torso rose from the dark body of a lion, with a dragon’s tail slithering on the ground behind him. Scaly, black-stained silver armor was worn by him: with a single sapphire shining in the center of his breastplate. The Prophet, Kietelethar, stood over Canterlot: sturdy in all his wicked glory.

His accomplice had also shed his cloak, unveiling a dark-coated stallion. His mind was enslaved by the dark lord beside him. And a red, fiery hatred burned where his eyes should have been. Kietelethar pounded his metal-clad fists together with a mighty clang, and grinned deviously.

“Let’s not disappoint them!” He shouted, bursting into a fit of laughter that echoed down into the city below, invoking fear into every pony that heard it.

A great, red sphere encircled them. And with a flash: they were gone.


The journey back to Ponyville took another three days, but the Bearers arrived there in plenty of time to search the forest while there was still daylight out. They were now tramping through the forest, with wary eyes watching the surrounding wood.

“I think we’ve done enough searching for today, we should really set up camp.” Rarity suggested, shivering nervously.

“If we make camp, we’ll still be in the forest.” Twilight pointed out. “Besides, we don’t really have anything to worry about as long as we stick together.”

“Ah swear, Rarity! If any Timberwolves try to attack us, Ah’m sure we’ll be able to fight them off. What with seven of us, and they usually attack in numbers of eight.” Applejack added, rolling her eyes.

“Still… I think we should rest up, at least for now anyways.” Rarity pleaded, pointing towards a clearing. “Look! Over there’s a nice spot!”

“Y’mean where that pack of Timberwolves nearly chomped the hay out of me and Spike a few years back?” Applejack said with an amused stare. “What a wonderful idea!”

“At least it’s a clearing.” Rarity defended.

“It’ll do.” Twilight interjected. “Each one of us has a different memory of horror connected to each area of this forest, and yet we still venture into it whenever we need to."

She looked around nervously. "It’s supposed to be in the safe season, but it’s still a sentient wood: we should post a guard.”

“Besides,” Rainbow added. “we all know there are worse things than Timberwolves… hiding in these woods.” She finished, holding Fluttershy close with a dramatic whisper.

The cream Pegasus’ eyes grew immensely as they darted back and forth: surveying her surroundings in mortal terror. ‘Hydras, dragons, Bark Spiders…’

“Oh, you’re very helpful there, Rainbow.” Myra said flatly.

“Ah, c’mon, I’m just teasing!” Rainbow said, nudging the trembling Pegasus playfully.

Fluttershy just sat there like a rock, hardly daring to breathe as her unfocused pupils shrank to the size of pinpricks.

“Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked in concern: waving a hand frantically in front of her frightened female friend’s frozen, unfocused face.

“Nice alliteration.” Pinkie said with a smile, staring into the starry sky.

Uh... thanks?

“Snap out of it!” Myra yelled, frightening Fluttershy out of her stunned silence. “You’ve got to get a hold on yourself! So what if the forest holds monsters beyond imagination? Have you forgotten why we’re here?” She whispered, regaining her usual calm attitude.

“Mac is our friend, too." Fluttershy snapped back, retreating slightly. "But if we get ourselves killed, we won’t be much help to him.”

“As much as I’d love to hear you two argue about which way to best save your coltfriend, Myra: Rarity’s right, this is a good time to make camp.” Twilight said flatly.

Myra was about to protest: first about the 'coltfriend' comment, and second about them having to stop. But, she decided to save it for later as she walked over to Applejack. And after about twenty minutes, the two of them had the camp set up, and a warm fire blazing at its center.

“That should do it.” Applejack said with satisfaction, looking at her simple green tent.

“Indeed.” Rarity added, looking at her own tent. Which was, surprisingly enough, a deal more humble than the rest.

“Ah’m glad you gave up that fancy old tent of yours.” Applejack said approvingly, “But you didn’t need to get one that poor.”

“I assure you that I chose this tent because of its unsurpassed warmth!” The white Unicorn said with a huff.

The corner of Applejack’s mouth twitched slightly as she remembered hearing a small detail of their 'shopping trip' from Pinkie. “Are ya sure it wasn’t because a Mr. Orion~ recommended it?”

Rarity’s face turned a bright shade of red. “I’m certain!” she squeaked before throwing her bag inside.

Applejack watched with a smug expression as the newly embarrassed unicorn dove into her tent, zipping the flap without hesitance. She turned to see Twilight glaring at her.

“What?” She asked defensively.

The Alicorn rolled her eyes. “You shouldn’t tease her so much, Applejack.” She scolded. “I don’t think it would kill you to try getting along with her.”

“Oh, we get along fine most of the time. And she’s done more than her fair share of the teasing and heckling.” Applejack added with guarded reason. “As the Princess of Friendship, you of all ponies should know that there’s more than one kind!”

“It’s true!” Rarity’s muffled voice called from inside the rag-like tent, still a little squeaky from her recent flustering.

Twilight just raised an eyebrow at how quickly they agreed on this. ‘Maybe they get along better than I realized.’ She thought.

“Nevertheless, you two might want to work on your ‘friendship’, or at least tone it down a little: you tend to sound like a couple of whiny nags.” She said defiantly before walking off. Rarity poked her head out, and stared at Twilight in offended disbelief.

“I must say!” She scoffed, “She’s got some nerve! Saying we sound like a couple of nags. Whiny nags, nevertheless!”

“Ah dunno, Ah can kind of hear that.” Applejack said thoughtfully. When she saw the insulted look on her friend’s face, she rolled her eyes. “Ah’m ref'rrin to myself as much as Ah’m ref'rrin to you.”

Rarity thought for a moment, then nodded: accepting the response, and ducked back into the tent.

“Goodnight, Applejack.” She called warmly.

“Goodnight, Oddball.” The farm pony said playfully, walking off to join the others by the fire.


“How much farther must we fly? I feel near ready to drop and die.” Mac asked halfway through the flight, the baby dragon riding on back of him.

Zecora turned her head around in annoyance: glaring at him past Wooden Steel’s hooves. “Don’t steal my bit, my dear little twit! And do not bother to worry so, a we don’t yet have far to go.” She retorted, turning her eyes back to her map.

Orion, in the meantime, looked as if he was about to empty whatever remained in his stomach onto the sand dunes below.

“I don’t feel so good.” He moaned, the effect of the swaying motions were visible on his greened face.

“What are you complaining about? I’m the one shuttling your sorry butt across the skies.” Mac snapped, adjusting his grip.

“Sorry,” Orion quailed, “I’ve never done well with flying.”

“That explains the mess you left two miles back.” Wooden said, gesturing backwards with his free hoof.

“What?!” Orion cried in disbelief.

“I see a town on the path up ahead. There we will search, and then take to bed.” Zecora called, loud enough to stop the soon-to-be unpleasant conversation.

“You had me at ‘land’!” Mac and Orion said in sync. Mac dashed down to the town, leaving a streak of black and purple behind him as Spike shouted in a panic at the sudden increase of speed.

Zecora and Wooden quietly followed suit: each landing with a clumsy tumble in the street, each sending up their own personal cloud of dust. They got up, and began subtly searching the town’s shops and stores.

When that failed, they searched the hotels.

And after they each turned up with nothing: they met on the south side of town and set up camp.

Compared to the Bearers’ camp, this group’s bivouac seemed incredibly humble: some patchwork tents that were surprisingly warm, a minuscule fire- courtesy of Spike- and some small sticks to mark the barrier of camp.

However, after an unsurprisingly uneventful first day, they had trouble falling asleep. And as a result: they each found themselves one-by-one stepping out of their tents, and sitting beside the growing fire.

“What towns are we scheduled to search next?” Wood asked.

“We’re to search Conjunction Junc., Dodge City, Mexicolt City, and Neighvada. If they are not yet reduced to carnage…” Spike said, looking at the aged, yellowed parchment map in his claws.

“I hope we find that beast before the girls do.” Mac said with a hint of hope.

Orion looked at him smugly. “I didn’t know you were into the ‘Boys vs Girls’ way of thinking, little buddy.” He said with a playful grin.

“Huh? No!" Mac corrected hurriedly. "I mean… if any of us are going to find the greatest enemy Equestria has had thus far, I’d rather it be me in harm’s way instead of her- them.”

Zecora and Wood exchanged knowing smiles. “Seems you are indeed like our own Mac, Stranger.” Wood said. “You seemed to have ‘warmed up’ to Myra rather quickly.”

Mac stiffened as blood rushed into his face, his widened eyes shot up and darted between the ponies, trying to figure out how to say that he was defensive because he knew the ‘her’ in his world.

Zecora noticed this and smiled. “We do not mean romantically so, maybe because her alternate you know?”

Mac’s muscles relaxed. “Yes, exactly.” He said, both relieved and confused that someone understood.

“Well, I’m certainly glad I’m not the only one concerned about the Bearer’s safety.” Wooden said in a relaxed tone.

“I am greatly concerned for our friend’s safety as well, but worry is little reason for you to put yourself through hell.” Zecora said reassuringly.

Mac got up, walked to his tent, and reappeared dragging a pitiful excuse for a sleeping bag out of his tent with his teeth: before dropping it near the fire: “I’ll watch the flames tonight, guys. If they get out of hand: I’ll feel it first.” He said calmly.

He was fairly certain of what would happen if the flames did get out of hand: he would wake the others after bursting into bright flames and screaming for his life. He had thought about this possibility and took note of a nearby lake, as he figured that at the speed he’d be going, the fire would be out by the time he reached the lake. But, the cool waters would still be a welcome sensation to his charred flesh...

… Pleasant thoughts…

After Mac had crawled into his… whatever it was... a gunnysack, maybe: he dozed off. The other four repeated his actions, and soon they were all asleep. Each one was close enough to the fire to suit them.


“Are you sure this is wise, dear si-- brother?” Luna asked the deep blue Pegasus to her left. She was seated in a café in a shady corner of town, and beginning to fidget impatiently.

“I think so.” The Pegasus replied in a masculine tone, looking up from his menu. “These disguise spells don’t only hide our looks, but they can change our voice as well.”

“Pity they don’t hide that accent, though.” He mumbled inaudibly, taking a sip from his drink.

“Yes, but we’re talking about this!” Luna snorted: pointing to her now red coat, silky green hair, blank flank, and her annoyingly smaller Pegasus wings. “What idiot am I supposed to be?”

The disguised Princess of the Day looked rather amused by the question. “I had to disguise you as someone who’s not very well-known, else you attract attention.” She said simply.

“Well, what about you?” Luna asked quizzically. “You look like one of those B-Grade toothpaste commercials!”

“I take this persona whenever I informally visit our subjects.” Celestia said flatly, flipping back a wisp of 'his' red-and-ivory hair, and taking a sip of the cappuccino.

“Whenever you vis- how often do you do this?” Luna asked, giving her elder sister a suspicious look.

“Usually? Once a week.” Celestia said casually. “Though I’ve spent a month amongst other townsfolk before.”

Luna was agape as possible reasons for the Princess of the Morning’s newfound secrecy were flowing like a river through her head. Finally, she was able to find her tongue.

“Why, sister?” She asked in a somewhat pathetic tone.

Celestia downed 'his' coffee, and grinned with satisfaction.

“Good joe.” She sighed. After noticing her younger sibling’s face becoming insistent of an answer, she continued. “I like to see how our charges behave themselves: it’s an interesting study to help me relate to the general public.”

Luna rolled his eyes at her sister’s response. “Must everything be a study with you, dear sister? I do believe you’ve turned into quite the bookworm.” She paused for a moment, then continued. “I do think that that student of yours has affected you a little.”

“Nevertheless, we must continue our search. I’ll have to change my disguise for the next town, as the inhabitants are... unusually friendly towards this persona.” Celestia said, ending the conversation by slapping the menu down on the table.


Within the following week, the Bearers managed to gain substantial progress through the Everfree: getting ready to search the ruins that they’d undoubtedly have to come across. Mac’s ensemble, meanwhile, was able to search nearly all of the Barrier Sierra’s villages, also to no avail. The Twin Princesses and the Unicorn Royal Guard searched all the big cities and small towns in the kingdom’s heartland, and yet they too turned up with empty hooves. Next Chapter: Chapter Nine: Dangerous Threads. Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 31 Minutes

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