
The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Wondercolt

by Golden Flare

Chapter 1: Prelude I

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Author's Notes:

Some Legend of Zelda music will be played here and there, just a heads up

You rode through the streets with your family on the family horse, Epona, to your destination. Your homeland, Hyrule, was recently discovered by Canterlot officials and the king is currently working out a peace treaty with them, making sure that there is no hostility between the two countries. Now, you and your family are on your way to Canterlot High School to meet with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna to discuss your education arrangements.

Your father, Link, was controlling Epona to the school, your mother, Princess Zelda, was sitting between you and Link, holding the both of you, and you yourself held onto your mother's waist, trying not to fall off of the horse. You were wearing a green tunic held together at the waist with a brown belt, green cloak, denim shorts, and brown boots, now all you needed was a long, green hat and you'd look like your father. Soon enough, you all approach the school grounds and dismount Epona as the principals who were waiting outside for you made their way over.

"Hello, Your Highnesses," Celestia greets, "it's great to see you all here."

"Yes," your mom agrees, "we have been meaning to give our son a good education, but the teaching methods we have had been used for generations and appeared outdated to your customs."

"It is understandable," Luna adds, "your kingdom has kept to itself and has been living in the medieval ages for far too long."

"Indeed, hopefully our kingdom can modernize and learn from the technology your country has."

"Oh, where are our manners?" Celestia interjects, "We've been standing out here for a while now, why don't we head inside and discuss your son's education?"

"We would like that, right, you two?"

You and your father nodded.

"Great! Let's get a move on, shall we?" Celestia says as she leads you all inside.

The Main Foyer was rather spacious; trophy cases adorned the walls, a massive star chandelier that reached down past the second level of the school, and the floors sparkled as if the guards back at home spit shined them themselves.

"Young one," Luna gains your attention, "we will take your parents to my sister's office to begin our discussion, meanwhile, you will stay here and wait for your tour guide, she will show you around the school to help you get a good grasp of your surroundings here."

Your face appeared apprehensive as you didn't want to be separated from your family.

"It's okay, sweetie," your mom cooed, "we'll be back, we just need to talk about your education here, you'll be in good hands with this 'tour guide' they have, okay?"

You hesitated, but nodded.

"Good. We'll see you in an hour."

"Here," your dad came up to you and put his hat on your head, "for good luck."

Your mom giggles, "You look like the spitting image of your father when he was your age."

You couldn't help but giggle as well, you always had your dad's looks and your mom's kindness. Your parents and the principals left the Foyer, leaving you by yourself. It had been half an hour when a girl with fiery-like hair came up to you with a smile.

"Hi! Are you the new guy I'm supposed to show around?"

You shy away a bit, covering more of yourself with your cloak as you nod.

She giggles, "It's okay, I won't bite."

You walk up closer to her, but struggle to make eye contact.

"So, what's your name?"

Next Chapter: Name Entry Estimated time remaining: 12 Minutes
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