
A Broken Peace

by 7-4

Chapter 42: Explanations. (41)

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You'll have to imagine the music playing.

"So, why were the dogs here?" Canary asked after making sure that Ivan was sleeping. Also, making sure that Ivan didn't twitch or open up the massive cut in his side was a pretty big priority as well. Honestly, Canary was getting a little tired of everything being Ivan centric. He may have been the main chara- Canary quickly made a vow to not finish that thought.

The zebra of his consideration was taped down with plastic tubes coming from all over his body, supplying blood, medicine and who knows what else. Nonmagical medicine really was of the more disturbing things to think about.

Catastrophe reached into her pouch and ate something quickly in a way that he couldn't even see what she was putting in her mouth. Her new prosthetic tail faintly whined with gears and a tiny hum of magic discharging and recharging.

It was slowly getting on his nerves as everytime she moved her tail it would eventually click against the ground. His eyes couldn't spot a difference between her new tail and her old tail, but the audible difference was really quite bothersome.

Boss and her replacement paw weren't half as bad. It only hummed or made any sort of noise when she grasped something too tightly. It didn't get in the way of her fighting, though considering they had all spent the better part of the day staring at their downed 'leader' fighting wasn't on the battle plan. Today was when he was supposed to wake up.

"A wandering pack of dogs tried to capture or kill Ivan." Catastrophe responded. Her tail flicked out again. "They also tried to take out the rest of us but weren't as fucking close." She almost snarled the last few words.

It was sad how bad they had it for each other.

Boss nodded. "Repairs on The Scourge are coming along rather well. They should be done in another week." She mused.

"So, for clarity, why did the dogs leave?"

The griffon took over, turning her gaze to Canary. "Well aren't you expositional today. Same reason I have a new tail. They had a pact that the town would not interfere with the dogs as long as they did not hurt any of the creatures around here. They sliced up one of the doctors and the rest of the docs didn't take it well." She winced. "So, yeah."

He watched her carefully as she pulled something out of the pouch again and slowly ate them. He shook his head, deciding he didn't want to know as he noted her pupils dilate.

Boss looked around uneasily and the placed a bag that had been lumped over her shoulder on the ground. As the contents settled it rang out with the sound of metal slipping against each other and of gems faintly tinkling. "These are the donations the town gave us." She nodded at Ivan.

He hadn't stirred.

"They are giving us free medical care to try and say they are sorry for almost having us killed, and most of the weapons around here and pretty shoddy."

He looked at both of them, unsure where this was going or whether he should be concerned. "And?"

"Where should we spend it?" The swords dog asked.

Cata smirked and Canary knew he was supposed to have a bad feeling.

"Easy, I say we hit up a casino or four and have a great fucking time." She smiled.

"Yeah, that's what you'll be doing with Ivan." He quipped, his mouth working faster than his mind. A feeling of pain graced him long before the griffoness backhanded him.

He was practically thrown against a wall, but it was worth it to see the light blush on her face. "Shut up, idiot." she spat, glaring.

"Why? Afraid to wake your crush?" He muttered under his breath. Ignoring the pain, it felt good to see her off guard for once.

Another swat, less painful but stinging all the same. "Fuck you." She hissed.

"No thanks, but ask Ivan, I'm sure he'll help you with that." He braced for the next hit.

Boss walked in between both of them. "Cut it out." She glared at him. "We are all short of patience. Canary, she will kill you." He shrugged. Boss turned to the red faced griffon. "We are in a hospital. Don't put another patient in here."

He smiled victoriously at the griffon. He couldn't really believed that worked... Unless this was a com- he didn't finish that thought. "So where are we going?"

"A nice little place by the name of Las Pegasus. Nice place, nice whores, nice casinos." She smirked. "It's in Equestria, and hopefully we'll be a fair bit safer there than we have been."

Canary blinked at her for a long moment and counted the seconds before her face went back to its normal shade.

17 seconds.


The sky was blue.

I could see for miles and miles around me without turning my head.

The wind tore against me in just the right way and I felt welcomed in a hug by its wisps. I felt, for lack of better words, safe.

The sky felt safe.


I opened my eyes, a disquieting calm hitting me.

"I'm awake." My statement was paralleled.

"He's awake." Boss spoke. I felt a slight twinge of irritation from her but was far more worried at the fact that I was without magic.

It was quiet. Using magic brought to mind having a fan turned on in a room. A constant dull noise that you slowly tuned on until the day that you turned off the fan.

And then it was quiet and you missed it.

I missed the whisper of magic, the little taunts and teases that it would give me constantly in a not quite audible manner.

"It's quiet." I said in a simple tone while trying not to let on just how much it bothered me. No weakness. No hint at what I was doing. It was better this way.

"Let me fix that." Canary said with a warm smile.

"Las Pegasus." Catastrophe said offhandedly, confusing me.


"We are going to Las pegasus to have fun." Catastrophe stated in a tone that would not let me argue. Not that I really wanted to, it sounded like a good idea.


She felt like wincing

He looked broken. Like someone had smashed a mirror that was his eyes and tried to put it back together. She carefully pulled out a few seeds from her pouch and let them sit in her mouth.

Poppy seeds.

It was a bad habit, she guessed, but honestly, with her new prosthetic messing with all of the others it was a far more preferable alternative to dealing with the sensation of her limbs being on fire.

His wounds were mostly treated. It had been a week since he had gotten hurt.

Thinking about it made her hurt a little.

She had spent the week getting into shape with Boss, sparring with her near constantly. Boss had given her a few daggers, razor sharp to use and she used them well, her speed aiding her in learning.

She kept her gaze off of his face and vowed to be there next time.

It almost made her feel better.

Next Chapter: A month in passing Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 41 Minutes
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