
A Broken Peace

by 7-4

Chapter 31: Memories (31)

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I stared down at the basic blueprint of the building, smiling lightly to myself like I had heard a joke nobody else had. I spun it around with a lazy twist of magic through my horn, adding minor details and design notes to the structure as needed.

I looked up from the sketch to spy at the clock next to me, sneaking a glance when the rest of the students weren't looking. I stared over at a unicorn mare across the class, warm feelings erupting out and enveloping my attention.

Ten minutes passed and time was running out. I looked down at my half finished design and planted a few half assed corrections to it and frowned.

"Not good enough." I mumbled, or felt myself mumble. My horn flared up and I felt a surge of memory from past experiences. The magic took over and planted a few design corrections to the design, assuring that it would take an earth quake to take out the integrity.

The clock seemed to be spinning as I layered last minute corrections. It needed to not catch the wind so much or the building's life span would be inversely affected...

The last minute addition pleased the teacher in charge of the class and he proudly showed my design off. "Bricklayer's design is perfect! You should all try to be more like him..."

At the mention of the name I began to fall out of the dream.

Memories of being a unicorn among an earth pony family swarmed about, memories of marrying the mare that had held my eye swarmed.

Memories of getting revenge on the one who took the mare from me pushed to the forefront.

Hunting him down and burying my horn in his eyes and taking pleasure in taking the life who took her from me. It was glorious...

Memories of being suspicious of the seemingly cold system that called ME a criminal after I buried his body under a building.

Memories of leaving all that I knew to land in Oblivion.

Memories of my last day.


"Gems can be fixed to give off light or heat. A diamond is multi purpose in that regard." This was so lame...

My wings itched and I stared outside the classroom's window. The white clouds seemed so close and far away at the same time. The feel of the wind against my wings... I half listened to the professor drone on.

"As ponies interested in the weather factory-" His voice was next to my desk. "I expect that you-" He slammed down a ruler on the desk, fracturing it into a few pieces, on striking my cheek. "-Can pay attention.

It got my attention, I'll give him that.

I turned to look at the chocolate brown pegasus, a few tears springing to my eyes almost instantly. Crocodile in nature, of course, but I think they were rather convincing. The proff was actually rather handsome, once you got past the fact that he was constantly getting pissy at me. What a drag. "Oh... I'm sorry... it's just... my wing..." I let a tear fall as I twitched my broken wing.

The pale green walls of the classroom did little to hold my attention. I barely held back a smirk as I heard a few guys talk about me near the back of the class. It was always flattering to know that they thought me a cute mare.

Teach sighed, and rolled his eyes. "Be that as it may, you need to pay attention. You expressed an interest in working in the weather factory, and you need to know about the processes used to keep it running."

I nodded like I cared. "I understand."

"Silver Lining. Just..." He shook his head. "Just pay attention, ok?"

Memories flew past me as I fell out of the dream.

I would later become a thief of industrial secrets to try and afford to pay for my mother's medicine. She was very sick and all I wanted was for her to feel better.

And she died despite me wasting everything I had to my name.

I went to the wastes to try and start anew.

I remembered my last day.


Everything was a blur of pain and defeat. My sword... that fucking zebra bastard stole my fucking sword. Couldn't he have just put me out of my misery?

I forced my eyes open and watched the asshole walk away, dragging his bleeding body down the streets with barely a blood trail on the pavement.

Every single fucking breath I took was pained and labored. All the training I had put into commanding... I felt like the zebra had twisted a knife into my heart. Twisted it and set it on fire, removing my will to live.

I was sweat soaked and most of it wasn't anything I could even justify from fighting. Just... it was going to take forever to get the blood out of my feathers. Probably longer to try and wash away the idiots who doubted my fighting skills. Fucking zebras.

He had beaten me... because I had let him win. I had every single fucking opportunity to end his freaky life and I didn't take any of them.

I sighed and forced my gaze off of his despicable hide. I clicked my beak and slowly stood up, feeling my head ache and pound from his attempts to knock me out. I looked back at the group I had assembled to race airships with. They... didn't care.

I slumped back to the ground, feeling it almost cold.

In a whisper of wind, through the cacophony of the crowd, through the din of dumbasses, I heard his name through the beak of a familiar griffon. "Ivan..." I hissed.

And of course it was Catastrophe. It was always her. That smug smirk always seemed to haunt me...

Catastrophe had wronged me. Ivan had wronged me. I would make them pay.

I waited until his group was gone and sulked away to lick my wounds.

The next day was my last...


I can still feel...

I can hear...


I will end you...






Next Chapter: Full... Steam Ahead? (32) Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 25 Minutes
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