
Aunt Millie

by Fluttercheer

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Cemetery Filly

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Chapter 7: Cemetery Filly

As the sound of the schoolbell signaling the start of recess rang into their ears, Dinky and Lily put down their pencils, almost simultaneously, and moved away from their desks. They looked at each other, both wearing a happy smile. Like each of them had read the mind of the other, they said the same word.


A giggle left their mouths, then they dashed forward between the rows of desks and outside the door, where they made a beeline for the swings at the opposite end of the school's playground. They reached them before any other foals could and, ignoring some disappointed groans behind them, sat down on the two swings, with Dinky choosing the one she had sat on after arriving at school.

Having successfully occupied the swings, the two fillies began to rock them. First slow, then ever faster, until their momentum was so big that their hooves got swung up high into the air. Feeling the tug of the speed pulling at them every time they approached the highest point, the two friends cheered and laughed, their faces now displays of utter happiness. Dinky's own face was a stark contrast to the sad expressions she wore yesterday when dealing with her aunt.

Around them, the playground turned into a blur. It became more and more a mishmash of colors from the green grass, the blue sky and the red schoolhouse. The blur obscured their vision and their happy laughter and cheers didn't let them hear anything else. The only thing they recognized was a yellow-colored blob suddenly appearing at the edges of their vision as they looked at each other, a blob that seemed to approach them in swift tempo.

With a shriek, Noi ducked and let herself fall on the ground, Lily's hooves flying over her head so close that they slightly touched the top of her mane. The fearful shriek finally came through to Dinky's and Lily's ears and the earth pony and the unicorn slowed down their swinging until they had come to a halt, the swings now being in a perfect vertical position again.

In front of Lily, Noi was still cowering, her tiny body pressed into the ground, unaware of how dirty her coat became, but also not in a mood to care about this if she would have noticed. As Noi heard the two fillies in front of her leaving the swings, she finally dared to look up again and peeked at them over her hoof with one eye, before she finally got up. Wearing an angry, and still slightly startled, expression, she brushed off the dusty dirt from the coat on her belly, then shot Lily and Dinky a glare.

“What was this?!” she asked them furiously. “I don't want to get hit by the hooves of a filly with super strength! Didn't you see me coming?” Her glare was mostly resting on Lily now.

Guilty, the two friends looked at each other, biting their lips slightly, then they returned their gaze at Noi.

“We're sorry, Noi,” Lily took the floor, expressing her regret for almost causing an accident.

Dinky at her side nodded in affirmation. “Yeah, we didn't see you coming, we were too distracted from the speed and from laughing.” Like her friend before, she apologized to their angry classmate as well.

It quenched Noi's fury only slightly. She huffed. “Can you finally let somepony else on the swings? You didn't rent them, or something.”

Slowly, Dinky and Lily nodded, then they moved aside, giving way to the swings behind them, their hooves pointing invitingly at them. “Go ahead, Noi, we're done with swinging for now,” Dinky said, then she trotted away with Lily, the two of them leaving the third filly behind.

Still a bit upset over what had almost happened because of their carelessness, they were quiet as they trotted over to the climbing frame in the middle of the playground.

Having arrived, Lily grabbed the bottom bar of the frame and pulled herself up with ease, with Dinky doing the same thing just a bit left of her, albeit slower than her friend. As Lily had reached the top of the construction and sat down on it, Dinky was still busy pulling herself up and had only brought half of the way behind her. Lily let her eyes wander over the playing foals down on the ground while Dinky struggled to follow her, then directed her eyes at her friend as she had finally managed to reach her and took seat at her side.

“We really should have been more careful earlier. Or, at least I should have..... The last thing I want to happen is hurting anypony with my strength. And Noi was really angry too.”

Dinky nodded, but with an expression of compassion. “Yeah, but don't worry about her being angry. I know you haven't talked with her much since you moved to Ponyville, but Noi is always angry like this. Nopony knows why, but I guess it has something to do with that stuff she's watching at night.....”

Lily's face became puzzled. “Stuff?”

All of a sudden, the eerie feeling of a déjà vu coursed through Dinky's body. “It's called 'The Trotting Dead',” she explained.

“Oh,” Lily answered, a little bit disgusted, making it obvious that she knew what Dinky was talking about. She looked to the ground below her and grimaced.

“I have no idea if her parents actually know that she's watching it, but she's often bragging about it in front of other foals and talking about the newest episode.” Dinky shrugged her shoulders. “Then they leave her really quickly.”

A faint giggle came from Lily. “I understand why. I was curious and watched it on TV once, but I couldn't stand it for more than five minutes. It was so brutal and..... bloody. My parents watch it too, but I don't understand how they can.”

Dinky nodded, feeling reminded on her own thoughts about the mature show.

“Does it even have a plot?” Lily asked her friend, her voice a bit derogatory.

“I'm not sure,” Dinky answered. “I only watched one episode of it in secret late at night. But there was a new character, I could tell, because no one of the other characters knew him. And he died only twenty minutes later!” Dinky almost shouted the last sentence, disbelief in her voice.

“I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't have any plot at all. The characters seem to be just food for the next horde of zombies.”

The comment made Lily giggle a little again and she held a hoof at her mouth, but she became serious again soon.

“And Noi really likes this show? Why? What could be so fascinating about it?”

Dinky shrugged. “I don't get it either. I already don't understand why my mom and Sparkler are such big fans of it. I have no idea why a filly our age would like it. But that's Noi for you.”

Lily looked at her unicorn friend, not understanding what she referred to. Noticing her clueless expression, Dinky continued.

“Noi was always a little strange. She loves everything dark and the night too.”

“What's strange about liking the night?” Lily asked her confused. “It can be nice at night.”

Dinky shook her head. “No, not because of this. That's fine. But as long as I can remember, Noi was always talking about zombies. She loves to be at cemeteries and sometimes even stays there after it got dark.”

“At night?” Lily's eyes grew wide. “I couldn't stay on a cemetery at night, I would die from fear.”

“Me too. But Noi can. She is fascinated by it and never afraid. Or maybe she likes being afraid, I'm not sure. I only know that she was seen coming out of the cemetery at night a few times by adults.”

Lily gasped. “Do you think she's doing anything bad there?”

The young unicorn shook her head. “No. I bet somepony would have found out already then. I think she just enjoys the atmosphere, or something. But it's still really weird. Her obsession with zombies goes far. A few years ago, she even dressed up as one for Nightmare Night and overdid it so much with scaring other foals that she was grounded for a week and had to share her Nightmare Night candies with them.”

“This is strange.....” Lily commented, not knowing what else to say.

“Mhm. I guess that's why she doesn't have many friends and hides behind her books all the time.” Then Dinky fell in silence too. It took a few minutes until it was broken again.

“I wonder what your aunt would say about this,” Lily pondered.

“You mean if I would be like Noi and hang out at graves at night and watch nothing but 'The Trotting Dead' and zombie movies?” Dinky giggled a little at the imagination. “Nothing,” she said then. “She already thinks of me as a misbehaved filly, if I would do that and she found out, she would probably die from a heart attack immediately.” Dinky noticed happily that there was still something of the sass her big sister had infected her with left.

“Probably,” Lily answered, then she started laughing, followed by Dinky who just snickered gleefully. Lily stopped laughing soon, though.

“Thinking about this makes me sad.” Lily lowered her eyes.

“Hm? What do you mean?” Dinky asked curiously.

“Noi. You said she doesn't have many friends, but she should. She's different, like me, and I know how it feels to not have friends. I don't think it's fair.”

Now Dinky lowered her eyes too and flattened her ears. “Maybe,” she said quietly. “I guess a lot of ponies are just scared of her.”

Lily nodded, sunken in thoughts. “Just like I thought ponies would be scared of me because of my strength. I was wrong, Dinky, but they are actually scared of Noi and I think it makes her very sad.” A shadow cast itself over her eyes.

Dinky lifted her head, looking at her friend. She opened her mouth to say something, but then the schoolbell stifled her voice as it announced the end of recess and the start of the next lesson.

Now suddenly noticing that the schoolgrounds below them were empty, Dinky and Lily made their way down the climbing frame in a hurry, their faces showing stress and fear of coming too late. There was literally an inch between them and Miss Cheerilee's hooves as they rushed into the schoolhouse, where they sat down quickly and pulled out their stuff for the lesson ahead of them.

Until school was over for today, they still had to go through three more hours. Dinky was concentrated, attentively listening to her teacher's explanations, but Lily felt distracted. Every few minutes, her focus on the lesson was broken and she had to glance at Noi. The yellow earthpony filly was bent over her book, reading what Miss Cheerilee was talking about at the same time. Her eyes shot over the page and she was gnawing at her pencil. Her face displayed an angry expression as always and it remained like this for the rest of the morning, so Lily discovered.

The moment the bell rang the last time on this day, Lily hurried to pack her books, her pen and her notebook into her saddlebags. At her side, Dinky was doing the same, in an equally fast tempo, which caused surprise to appear on Lily's face.

“Why are you in such a hurry to get home? You're not missing your aunt, that's for sure.”

Dinky frowned at the statement, but felt amused by it at the same.

“Of course not,” she said. “But she knows when I come home. If I return earlier, then maybe she's still busy with something else and I can get up into my room before she notices me!” With a swing, she threw the saddlebags on her back.

Lily did the same, then both fillies galloped out of the classroom and the building. Behind them, most of the other foals were still busy with getting ready to leave.

While the distance between them and the school became greater and greater, Lily looked around, her eyes searching the path in front of them thoroughly. They became locked at one spot as they had found their target.

“I hope it's okay if I leave you already,” Lily said with a hunch of regret. “There's something I need to take care off, Dinky.”

“It's fine!” Dinky answered. “I want to be home and in my room as fast as possible anyway.”

Now with both fillies having made their goals clear, Dinky lifted a hoof and gave Lily a quick pat on the shoulder. “Bye, Lily, I see you tomorrow at school!” Then she dashed away. From the corner of her eyes, the last thing she saw of Lily was her approaching Noi and talking to her, which Noi acknowledged with an annoyed glare.

Then she left the two fillies behind. Focused on her goal of arriving early, Dinky rushed through the streets of Ponyville, dodging ponies she met on the way and trying not to trip one or two times. As she finally arrived at her house, she felt out of breath, but did not allow herself to rest.

Using only the tiniest amount of magic necessary, she opened the door very slowly and tiphoofed inside. She closed it in the same fashion, then turned around carefully. The foyer was empty, Dinky could tell with one short glance. She directed her attention to the kitchen for a moment, but she could not see Aunt Millie through the door and neither were there any sounds coming from inside of it.

Dinky held a hoof at her chest and allowed the breath she was holding to escape, then she went to the stairs and began ascending on them. Everything was pointing at her aunt not being in the house right now, but Dinky did not want to tempt fate, so she made sure to set her hooves as carefully as possible on the steps, to reduce the risk of treacherous, creaking sounds.

Arrived on top of the stairs, Dinky attempted another breath of relief, but froze in her movement as she noticed the door of her room being slightly open, light shining out of it into the dim corridor on the second floor. Sounds came from the room, loud sounds; something heavy getting put down, combined with some rummaging and occasional, hasty hoofsteps. Her heart bumping strongly in her chest and her mind filled with the worst ideas of what was Aunt Millie doing in her bedroom, Dinky approached the door, still carefully, but with faster steps than before. She did a peek through the opening, not daring to open it completely yet, innerly prepared for any worst case scenario that might happen in there. As her eyes fell on the familiar mare in the room, though, things changed, and Dinky threw the door open quickly and stormed into the room with eagerness.

“Sparkler!” Her eyes gleamed with excitement and happiness now.

Her big sister turned around to her, a bit startled, and smirked. “Of course. Did you expect somepony else?” She reached out and booped Dinky's nose.

Dinky frowned slightly. “You know who I expected.”

“Well, don't worry,” Sparkler answered casually. “The dragon is not in the house right now.”

“What are you doing here at this time, Sparkler?” Dinky asked then, confused to see her big sister at home so early.

Sparkler smirked again. “Oh, I'm just having lunch break right now, so I used the time to head over to the Mash's and get your stuff back.”

The moment Sparkler had finished her sentence, Dinky's eyes became big as plates and she darted over to her table, where her eyes started to glimmer from joy as she saw her Neightendo in front of her TV, with the stack of games she had removed from her drawer neatly arranged at its side. The game she was playing last was still inserted into the slot on top.

“It's back!” she exclaimed cheerfully, then she wrapped her big sister who had joined her side in the meanwhile into a hug. “Does it still work?!” she asked in anticipation, with a bit of fear.

“I don't know yet,” Sparkler replied. “You rushed in here the moment I wanted to switch it on.”

Now Dinky released her sister and approached her console, gulping. She turned on the TV, then aimed for the power button of her Neightendo, hooves shaking. The turquoise light at the game console's front went on, but the TV screen stayed black. Dinky waited one second, two, three, but nothing happened.

Biting her lip, she gave her big sister a scared look. Sparkled answered her expression with worry in her eyes.

Dinky turned around again. Her hooves shaking stronger now, she switched off the console, then immediately turned it on again by hitting the power button a third time. Once more the light appeared, but the screen stayed black, and once more, it remained like this. Now a few tears appeared in Dinky's eyes and she gave her older sister another distraught look.

“Now it's broken, I knew it, I was telling her she shouldn't just pull out the plug of the socket while it's running, Sparks.” A whimper escaped her throat, then she sniffed.

Wordlessly, Sparkler approached the console herself now. She switched it off, then leaned down behind the table, where she carefully checked the sockets in the wall. Both the TV and the console were plugged in properly, she noticed, and the Neightendo was connected to the TV as it should be.

Sighing and with a frown on her face, she used her magic and pulled out the console's plug from its socket. She waited a few seconds, carefully inspecting the plug to make sure everything was alright, then inserted it into the socket again. Sparkler got up and returned her attention to the console, hitting the power button again. The light went on and the screen greeted them with more darkness. A sob was already on its way out of Dinky's throat, as the screen suddenly showed light-blue flashes darting over it. A distorted melody rang into their ears, then the screen flickered, showing a familiar face, parts of which occasionally disappeared, then returned again in weird colors. In the next second, the screen went black again, causing Dinky to hold her breath, then the picture reappeared, now with proper colors and no flickering, and the sound of the game had returned to normalcy as well.

Dinky did not dare to believe it for a few more seconds, but as everything remained stable, she finally allowed herself a relieved smile and wiped the tears out of her eyes. Then she turned to her sister again and fell around her neck a second time, now more intense than before.

“Thank you, Sparks!” A happy laughter rang out of her throat as she felt all the anxiety and worries fall off of her at once.

Sparkler answered the hug by putting a hoof around her little sister. She ruffled through her mane, then she pulled out of the hug and bent down to Dinky.

“Crisis averted,” she said with a grin. “But now I have to leave again, Dinks, break's almost over and Rarity does not like to wait when there is so much work.”

Sparkler's words were met with a frown by the little unicorn, but she nodded in understanding.

“Don't worry, Dinks, now you can distract your mind with something again while I'm not here and in the evening, we're going to have another muffin dinner!” She ruffled through her mane again, then she cantered through the door into the corridor. She gave Dinky a quick wave, then she disappeared from the opening.

Dinky kept standing at her spot and eyed the door, listening to her sister's hoofsteps as they went through the corridor, then down on the stairs, until the entrance door of their house falling shut signaled her departure.

Dinky sighed, then proceeded to close the door. As it was shut, she wrapped the key in her magic and turned it around twice, a fierce expression on her face.

“No annoying interruptions this time,” she muttered, then turned around to her bed. She took off her saddlebags and flung them on it, then turned around to her TV, the big face on it looking at her invitingly. There was no homework she had this day, so her task was clear.

Dinky grinned. “Time to meet your fate, Big Bully!”

With a leap, she landed in her chair and hovered the controller over to her. Only now she noticed a bottle of strawberry lemonade standing right next to the TV, a small note sticking on it. Dinky read the message and smiled, then she took a big sip of the delicious lemonade.

Feeling refreshed, she turned her attention to the TV screen. With determination spreading out over her whole face, Dinky concentrated her magic and pressed "A".

Author's Notes:

I won't answer angry letters from fans of "The Walking Dead".

Next Chapter: Chapter 8: The Peeved Mare Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 50 Minutes
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