by Hiver
First published

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes.
Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes. The point is that your actions, large or small, have consequences. If they turn out good or bad is often not up to you. Especially when you live with the Princess.
But fear of the consequences is not a reason not to act when you need to.
Next story can be found here: /story/361744/secret-of-flying
Chapter 1
The moon shone across the clearing, turning the dew covered grass and trees glint like silver. The sky was clear and the air slightly cool like a summer's night.
But Luna's side was warm against mine.
Sighing softly, I leaned against her, looking up at the stars and moon high above, the stars sparkling, not a cloud in the skies, the sky perfectly clear. It was the perfect night.
Chuckling, I flicked my ears at her insistent nuzzles, her wing pulling me closer to her side. There was a sudden crack in the forest behind us, causing us both to freeze.
Turning my head, I looked back into the darkness, “...Hello?”
The wind picked up slightly, the woods starting to creek all around us and the light slowly shifted. The shadows growing longer and darker, sharper as the moon far above seemed to tint red.
Things moved in the forest and Luna shifted next to me, causing me to turn back to her with a growing feeling of dread.
What I saw, was not Luna. It was like a mix of Luna and Chrysalis if they had been dead for five years. Shining chitin and rotting flesh, sharp teeth with half the lower jaw missing. Her wing across my back was nothing but bone.
I stared at her for a long moment before I sighed and rolled my eyes, “Finally. Took you long enough, I thought I would need to wait all night.”
An application of will and I teleported out from under the wing before stomping my hoof against the ground. Waves of white light radiated out from where my hoof hit the ground and where they touched, things dissolved away, leaving nothing but white behind.
Reality melted and faded away into a brightly lit room, perhaps ten meters across in all directions. Pure white walls, ceiling and floor. Other than myself and one more thing, the room was empty.
Before me, across the room there was a floating cloud of dark smoke, constantly shifting shape. I could see things in it. Ponies in pain, Xenomorphs, other horrible things I remember having seen in movies, games, real life.
It hissed at me, turning into a kind of pony/changeling/tiger hybrid.
Rolling my eyes again, I willed at it and the creature was bound in chains and shackles of pure bright light.
“Stop that. Couldn't you have come a bit earlier? Now I overslept. But I figured I would give you another twenty minutes or so.”
It was a Night Terror. Or at least that was the name Luna had given them. Basically they were primitive spirit creatures formed by the fear and worry of ponies. They lived in the dream world, feeding off fear and terror they caused by entering happy dreams and turning them into nightmares. Not all nightmares were caused by them. But ever had a happy dream that turned into a nightmare halfway through? That was a Night Terror.
They were not dangerous. Not beyond causing some lack of sleep or possibly traumatizing some particularly sensitive pony. But they were annoying so Luna hunted them down and cleared them out whenever she could.
Since Luna started to teach me dream magic, I found that there was actually a branch of magic I was really good at. It was more willpower and imagination than anything else, at least as long as you stayed in your own head.
I couldn't leap from dream to dream all night like Luna, it was simply too draining. But in here? In my head?
In here I was god.
Luna could override me, but she had to really, really work to do it and she cheated by simply throwing more power at it.
I suspected it had something to do with my special talent. Stories... what were dreams if not stories?
The Night Terror struggles and growled, hissing and shifting from shape to shape. I could feel it trying to change the dream.
I didn't let it.
I couldn't chase them down like Luna could. It simply took to much energy to move to another dream for it to be practical for me.
...So instead I put up a trap. When I was hunting, I crafted a dream that just radiated happiness through the dreamworld. It was like bait, these things loved to change dreams into horrors. The happier dream the better as it got a stronger reaction they could feed off.
I half closed my eyes and took a slow deep breath before lighting my horn up. It was all mnemonics of course, I wasn't actually casting magic in here. The beam of light speared the spirit creature and it dissolved, turning into sparkles before flowing into me.
Like every other time, I suddenly felt like I just gulped down half a liter of energy drink.
Bloody hell, that had been a big one!
...Those things gathered up energy when they fed. Emotions turned into magic. All that had to go somewhere when the creature is destroyed, you couldn't simply destroy energy, even magical energy had to go somewhere.
Luna just grounded it into herself, she didn't even notice the boost. I did.
Oh, it didn't actually make me any more powerful, well, not in the long run. It was usually used up before lunch simply doing normal things like telekinesis. One decent combat spell would burn through it all at once.
This one was unusually big though, might last til mid afternoon. No, wait, we were going into the Everfree Forest today. That will likely be quite a drain.
Looking around the empty white room, I then shrugged. Might as well wake up.
The light faded away into nothing and I opened my eyes to reveal Twilight Sparkles' guestroom. The sun was already beaming in through the window, revealing that I had been right about the time. It was mid morning. Stretching with a groan, I yawned before rolling off the bed onto my hooves.
“Good Morning, Skitter.” I grumbled, rubbing my eyes. Bloody hell, even with that energy boost, I hate mornings. I need some tea.
Silence. No answer.
Bending down I looked beneath the bed to find the Changeling missing. Damn, I really must have overslept if even Skitter got tired of waiting for me to wake up.
Shaking my head I trotted over to the door and headed down stairs in search of food.
Chapter 2
Trotting down the stairs, I yawned as I entered the small kitchen, revealing Skitter in her winged, white unicorn disguise sitting by the table with Princess Twilight Sparkle, each of them with a cup of what smelled like hot chocolate before them.
“Good morning, Skitter, Princess.”
“Good Morning, Page. And you can call me Twilight you know.” Twilight said with a smile, floating a third cup over to the table for me.
“Thank you.” I answered and took it, taking a long sip. Mmm. She did good hot chocolate, “Thanks for letting us stay here while we're in Ponyville. You didn't need to though, we could have taken a hotel.”
“Nonsense. What kind of Princess of Friendship would I be then?”
“Still, thanks.” I said as I sank down by the table.
It was good to see her again, we didn't have the time/energy for more than a quick 'Hi' before bed last night. Skitter and I arrived kinda late from Manehattan. That city felt very... Earthy.
Well, as close as a Pony city could at least, which was middling at best. No cars or anything, but the architecture was way different from anything else I had seen here. Nice place, but not sure I wanted to live there.
We went to concerts, plays, hung around the harbor, looked into some seedy taverns filled with sailors. Got into a couple of barfights. It had been awesome.
It had been just one of the stops Skitter and I did.
Manehattan, Baltimare, Appeloosa, The Badlands (which was just sunbaked desert. Got bored quickly of that. I did see a neat lizard though), Cloudsdale which was AWESOME and now Ponyville and the Everfree Forest.
A lot of time spent in hotel rooms and trains while traveling. Surrounded with that much inspiration, writing came easily.
“Oh! I finished it!” Twilight said and put a stack of papers on the table before me, “It was great, Page. The action scenes were really tense and I liked the villain.”
I looked at the draft in surprise. I let her borrow it last night, did she really read the entire thing? Wow, she was a faster reader than I was.
“Really? What did you think of the main character?”
Twilight tilted her head, flicking on an ear, “Shimmering Diamond was.. interesting. I'm not sure it's realistic that she managed to seduce ponies that easily. But she is described as beautiful and intelligent and I guess as a agent she would be trained for that.”
I frowned in thought and nodded, “Think I need to turn it down?”
“Well... no. I mean, it's clearly a book for adults and even then none of the love scenes are very graphic and the violence wasn't overdone.” Twilight said and slowly rotated her hot chocolate between her front hooves, “I hope you don't mind, I made some notes.” she added and floated a stack of papers a quarter the size of the draft itself onto the table.
I blinked at the pile in surprise, looking at the first page. Notes on the first chapter with notations to not only page numbers but also paragraphs. Questions and small spelling corrections.
Switching pages, I then looked over at Twilight, “...Did you get any sleep?”
Stopping, I took a deep breath, taking in the scent of the small town. Mmm... baked goods, cut grass, flowers.
“Hmm?” I asked, opening my eyes again to look at the semi disguised changeling next to me.
She tilted her head, “What now, sir? To the forest?”
I considered that for a moment and then shook my head, “Tomorrow. We still have a couple of weeks before I promised Luna we would be back in Canterlot. We have time to just recuperate from all that train traveling for a day.”
Skitter nodded, “We do need to purchase supplies, especially if you still intend to see the castle.”
The Castle of the Two Sisters. The point of the original battle between Luna and Celestia. It was deep in the forest, but we should be fine.
We both could defend ourselves. Better than most ponies even. If we were careful, we would be able to handle the Everfree Forest.
I nodded, “I do. If possible, we need to get a map of the forest. Twilight should have one, we can ask her when we get back to the Library. For now let's focus on WAAAHG!”
As I turned back forward I ended up nose to nose with a pink pony,
“Uhm... Hi?” I asked as I stepped back, “...I know you. Pinkie Pie, right?”
Another element bearer. Laughter was it? Oh yeah, she was the strange one. And considering who I am, that's saying something.
“Yep! Are you in town for long, Pagey?” the mare asked as she bounced on the spot with a happy smile.
I shook my head, “Until tomorrow, then we're moving on. We'll be back in a week or two though depending on how things go before we continue back to Canterlot.”
“Oh! We need to have a 'gathered all the supplies we need for the adventuring party' party! Of course that's completely different from party where you are being adventurous and it's important you don't mix them up! I'll bring the Mountain Dew and Doritos!” she babbled with a happy grin as she bounced off into the distance, “But what's a Dorito?” she continued to herself.
I just looked after her for a long moment, my jaw hanging half open before I turned back to Skitter, “Did that really...”
She could not have said what I thought she said, could she?
Skitter looked after her with the same expression on her face before she shook her head, “No, sir. It didn't.”
I considered that for a moment before I nodded, “Agreed. Let's go see if we can find what we need.”
It's Pinkie Pie, don't think about it.
The Twilight Sparkle is wise.
Chapter 3
Pausing at the path with one front hoof half lifted as the trees came into view I took in the rather foreboding sight.
As the path reached the edge of the forest it was covered with deep shadows, the trees seemingly leaning over it, the thick branches keeping the inside of the forest in a constant twilight.
The entire forest felt...
Dark. Predatory.
Like there were eyes somewhere between those trees watching us and licking its fangs.
“Do you feel that?” I asked as Skitter came to a halt next to me.
“You are nervous.” She agreed. “Not a fan of that kind of nervosity. The other kind tastes way better.”
I struggled not to roll my eyes. “Not me, the forest.”
Skitter buzzed her wings and then nodded. “I'm not certain this is a good idea, sir. There are dangerous creatures in that forest.”
“We just have to be careful.” I said as much for myself as for her.
I wanted to see the Castle.
Taking a deep breath, I started forward before I stopped a couple of steps later, looking at the trees. Wait, this is fucking stupid.
Why am I walking into a possibly monster-infested forest? I'm a unicorn. This is stupid. I have magic.
Skitter could just fly across the forest no problem. She might be able to carry me, but I wouldn't ask her to do that.
I did, however, have access to something even better.
It's about time I learn how to do that sodding wing spell.
“New plan, this is stupid.” I said and turned around, walking back the same way I came back towards the village.
Skitter buzzed her wings and turned around, jumping into the air for a second to catch up. “Sir?”
“Why go through the forest when we can go over it?”
What's the use of having imagination if you don't use it?
“I do have that spell.” Twilight said and moved into the stacks. “Where did I put that book... Spike! SPIKE!”
The dragon came walking down the stairs. “What?”
“The book with the wing spell I used on Rarity. Where is it?”
The small dragon frowned. “Uhm... Wasn't that Temuria's Transfigurations and Illusions? It should be either under T for Temurias, T for Transfigurations or S for strange spells.”
“Found it!”
“So... what are you two doing back already?” He asked as he scratched behind one of his head fins.
I grinned. “Finally figured out I was being stupid. Why walk through the forest when I can fly over it?”
“You know that this is a rather difficult spell, right?” Twilight said with a small frown, shifting her own wings as she exited the stacks while she flipped through the book. “I'll rate it about the difficulty of medium-distance teleports. Ah, there. Page twenty-seven.”
Ugh. Seriously?
I knew it was about at the level of teleports but... I thought it was the line of sight, close range ones. Well, that explains why you never see unicorns flying about.
I nodded. “Well, it wouldn't hurt to have a look, at least.” I said before I paused. “...Uhm... it won't hurt to miscast, will it?”
Twilight shook her head, stated: “No, this one is safe, it's just a pair of metaphysical manifestations. They are generally pretty safe. If you fail, they simply don't form.” and floated the book over for me to take in my magic.
It's funny, her magic feels completely different from Luna's. Luna's magic field feels like poprocks. Twilight's is like...
It's like sticking your hoof into a clear cool pool of water. Smooth and infinite. Element of Magic indeed.
Turning my eyes to the book I almost cringed. Bloody hell, that was a spell equation. Uhm, let's see now.
Luna taught me how to do this, start at the beginning and then slowly work through the steps. If you lose yourself, start over from the beginning. In theory, by this method you can cast any spell in existence if you have the physical power to do so. It's not fast and it's boring and impractical but you will be able to do it.
If you were physically able to.
Even so, this thing was so complex it made my eyes cross and there was like thirty steps to do it. This wasn't going to work. Maybe if I had a month or two to work on it and practice, but... yeah, no.
“Sorry, there is no way I will be able to do this.” I finally sighed and closed the book. “Not in time, anyway.”
Twilight frowned slightly. “Like I said, it is a rather difficult spell, but if you want I can help you work through it.”
I shook my head. “I would like that, I really want to learn this spell, but I just don't have the time. I'm expected back in Canterlot in a couple of weeks. I guess I'm going to need to walk through the Everfree after all.”
“I thought you were going to stick to the edges?” Twilight asked as she frowned. “The forest is dangerous.”
“I know, which is why I didn't want to walk through it. But I really want to see the the Castle of the Two Sisters.” I sighed, rubbing my forehead beneath my horn. Damn it, why couldn't I be less crap at magic. Well, most magic. Dream magic I actually had talent in.
“Why don't you borrow the balloon?” Spike asked as he jumped up and sat down on the table.
I looked over at him in surprise. “Balloon?”
“Twilight's hot air balloon.”
Twilight has a...
“Spike, that's brilliant!” Twilight exclaimed. “Yes, Page can use that and Skitter, you can guide it in the right direction if the winds don't cooperate!”
Skitter nodded, actually looking somewhat relived at that. “That is a good idea.”
Probably looking forward to having her charge not walking into a monster-infested forest. Honestly, so was I.
“Sure, let's roll with that.”
Chapter 4
“Couldn't we just have used a cloud instead?” I asked, looking out over the forest far below as the balloon slowly floated towards the castle in the distance.
Almost there, just a few more kilometers or so to go. Twilight had offered to come, but we could handle this without taking up more of her time.
Skitter was beside me in the basket looking thoughtful, the winds cooperating and pushing us in the right direction without her needing to guide them, replying as she continued reorganizing our packs. “...Maybe? But I wouldn't suggest it, sir. Changelings can somewhat manipulate clouds if they are small enough, but we are not anywhere near as adept at it as pegasi. I'm less capable than most, in fact.”
“Better not then.” I agreed.
The cloud walking spell was difficult but not impossible to cast and not really something you want to get right through unmonitored practice. Still, it was an option as mine lasted for six or so hours and was a hundred percent reliable, especially as I could simply recast it once a hour while on a cloud.
I had worked on the spell for over a week before visiting Cloudsdale to get it to that level. Well worth it even if somewhat embarrassing, as I couldn't really move around easily on my own. I think Skitter found it more amusing than she let on to carry me from cloud to cloud.
Rearing up I put my forehooves onto the railing, peering at the approaching castle ruins. For a site of Alicorn on Alicorn action followed by a thousand years of abandonment it really didn't look that bad.
Sure, a couple of towers had fallen but the main structure seemed more or less intact. As long as we were careful, it should be safe enough to explore.
Skitter moved up next to me, tilting her head as she took in the slowly approaching castle, “Where are the trees?”
It took me a second to figure out what she meant. A thousand years? It should have been overgrown. Instead there was a clearing around the castle stretching to a dozen meters outside the outer walls. Oh, the inside was still overgrown but it was all grass and moss and such. Minor bushes, nothing big.
“Good question.” I said with a frown. “Magic?”
Who know what kind of powerful magic was still running down there. But none of it smote Twilight and the other element bearers when they freed my Luna so it should be okay.
Nodding, Skitter jumped out of the basket, her wings starting to buzz as she floated next to it. “If you start descending, sir, I'll guide you to a empty spot.”
“Got it.”
I looked around the empty courtyard as I telekinetically lifted our saddle bags from the balloon, having finished tying it down.
It was... peaceful. The birds were chirping, insects were buzzing between the flowers and the wind was brushing across the tall grass.
“This is nice.”
Skitter looked a bit dubious but nodded, “It is.”
Changelings, when not in disguise, really prefer dark narrow spaces where they could hide from predators. Or just hide in general. An open brightly lit space like this really wasn't Skitters idea of a comfortable position.
Smiling, I put the bags over my back, I prompted my guard. “Come on, let's find a campsite inside. Preferably something with a thick door we can block from inside. We are still in the middle of a monster infested forest after all. And who knows what might come through here at night... or even during the day.”
Nodding, Skitter took the lead into the castle, leaving it to me to take up the rear. As we left the bright sunshine behind, things became a bit more tense.
Light filtered in through broken windows and holes in the walls, but mostly we were left in dark twilight and the light of my horn.
Skitter might not, but I needed light to see and twisting my hoof in a hole in the floor would be really embarrassing. And painful. But mostly embarrassing.
Dust drifted across the beams of sunlight as we entered what had to have been the large entrance hall. Fallen stones and statues blocked the way, but the remains of the thick wall hangings still hung in place.
Definitely magically preserved. Cloth would not have survived a thousand years normally.
Skitter paused and looked around, “...Which way do you think, sir?”
“Let's find the throneroom. If it is anything like the castle in Canterlot, it's going to have small siderooms that might be a good place to set up camp.”
As it turned out, finding the throneroom was not exactly difficult. Just two doors in from the entrance hall. It was meant to be easy to get to.
Entering the throneroom, I took in the sight. Sometime during the years the roof had fallen in... or more likely, when I considered the lack of debris on the floor, been blasted out.
Was this where it started? Was it were it ended?
At the other end of the throneroom the thrones still stood. Identical thrones in everything but color. Luna's dark blue and Celestia's sun yellow, above them a pair of tapestries with their marks still hung.
Slowly stepping into the throneroom, I looked around as I slowly crossed the floor. Skitter hung back allowing me to take it all in.
A thousand years. I could still see where spells had shattered stone, melted holes. There were even places on the floor where the stone looked like it had been scorched.
They fought here.
Slowly making my way up the stairs I stopped before Luna's throne. Last time she was sitting it she was... she had not yet been Nightmare Moon.
I put my hoof on the edge of the throne, looking up at the tapestry above.
I missed her, I couldn't wait until we got back to Canterlot. Meeting in dreams was simply not the same thing.
“Let's go.” I finally said as I put my hoof back down, “Let's find a place we can put up camp before dark."
Chapter 5
Canterlot Castle's throne room was brightly lit from the sun outside the colorful windows. I was settled down sideways across the throne, my frontlegs hooked over the 'arm rest', my side against the backrest as I waited, idly flicking a fireball around.
It didn't take long for the main doors of the throne room to open and a dark Alicorn to enter before stopping and looking around, “The Throne Room?” she asked as she folded her wings.
“Well, I was waiting for a Princess. What better place to find one?” I asked with a grin as I jumped of the throne, letting the fire disappear into nothing as I trotted over to nuzzle softly at her cheek, “I miss you.”
Smiling, Luna gave me a quick kiss before stepping forward, resting her neck against mine in a half hug, “I miss you too, My Page.” she said softly, “Have you reached Ponyville yet?”
“Reached and left.”
Luna pulled back with a smile, “Oh? You are almost back to Canterlot then?”
I shook my head as I sat down on the floor, “Not quite. You know how I wanted to see the Everfree Forest?”
“I do.”
“Well, I read about some thing else I wanted to see. I'm at your old home, Luna.”
“Oh.” she said softly as she sat down as well with a small frown, “Page, that's it in the middle of the forest! That's dangerous!”
I shrugged, “Less than you think. We didn't go through the forest.”
I grinned, “We went over it. We borrowed Twilight's hot air balloon. We are as safe as we can be and I have Skitter watching my back.”
Luna shifted a bit uncomfortably before she laid down on the floor, “I... guess that's fine then. I do wish you'd have told me before hand though. I thought you would stick to the outer edges.”
“That was the plan before I read about the castle.” I admitted as I shifted around to lay next to her, her wing settling down across my back, “But I felt like I had to see it. I would have asked if you would go with me but... I kinda assumed bad memories.”
Luna just nodded, “It is somewhere I do not want to go again. Last time...” she said before she smiled slightly, “Last time I was freed from my Nightmare. But before then. As you said, My Page. Bad memories.”
Nodding, I shifted my weight a bit against her side in support, causing her to tighten her wing across my back and turn her head to nuzzle at the top of my head, “I do notice you made some small changes to the throne room.”
“Like it?” I asked with a grin as I looked around.
I had replaced Celestia's colors with Luna's, the Throne having a large moon instead of a sun and all the flags had Luna's mark instead of a mix.
Luna looked around, “I do think the color choice is better than my sisters. She always used too much pink.” before she sighed and nipped at my ear, “But there should be two Princesses in Equestria. Four now.”
“Equestria can have as many Princesses as it wants, I'm keeping my one.”
That earned me a rather brilliant smile and a nuzzle at my ear, “Keep talking like that and you might get somewhere.”
“I miss you. This is a thousand times better than sending letters, but I'm so looking forward to seeing you in person again.” I sighed after a couple of moments as I leaned against her, “It's just not the same like this.”
“I know.”
We stayed like that for a moment before Luna raised her head with a thoughtful look on her face, “Page... while you are at the castle, is the southern tower still standing? I... My memories of the battle are fragmentary. I don't remember if it was destroyed. Nor do I know if it has fallen since then. I did not think to look when I was last there.”
Tilting my head in thought I considered the castle, “I'm... uncertain. Some of the towers are still standing, I think the southern one is still semi intact. Why?”
“My bedroom was there. It gave the best view of the stars. If the tower is still standing, it might still be sealed. I do remember closing and sealing the door being the last thing I did before I went my sister.” Luna explained, “If the tower is still there, it should be untouched. The magic locking the room was meant to keep my sister out.”
“I think the tower is still standing so it should still be there then. If possibly somewhat dusty.”
Most things left alone for a thousand years tended to be looted. But then again, most things were not in the middle of a monster infested forest and behind a Alicorn grade magical lock.
She grinned at that and gave me a small quick nuzzle, “Silly Page.” she teased before she sighed, “Well, while you are already at the Castle, would you mind going to my old chambers? And if they are in fact still intact, bring me back some of my old things? It's not much, some minor items. Things with... memories.”
“Of course I will. But... if you put a magical lock on it to keep somebody like Celestia out, how exactly do you expect me to get inside?”
Luna smiled and lifted the moon medallion around my neck with her hoof, “This it not simply to give you passage from guards. It literally lets you into my chambers, My Page. It is personally enchanted by me to allow you inside, past my normal magical locks if they are in place. There is a trick to it of course, I'll teach you.”
“But before then...” Luna continued and spread her wings with a smile and I could feel my dream change. I let it shift around us until we were laying on a soft carpet before the fireplace in our tower, “It is a simple trick to teach, but what shall we do with the rest of the night?” she asked and settled down again, nosing between my ears with a playful grin as she slid her frontlegs around my neck.
“...I might be able to think of a couple of things.”
Chapter 6
“Are you sure this will work?” Skitter asked as she looked up at the Moon marked door before us.
“Fairly.” I answered as I removed the medallion from around my neck, taking it in my hoof, “If it still works like Luna left it.”
It had been over a thousand years after all. Still the door did seem well preserved.
Stepping forward, I closed my eyes as I took the medallion in my left hoof before rubbing the front against the door while thinking of pink hamsters playing drums.
The medallion was the key but you needed to know how to turn it.
The door shone a soft blue before the light faded away. Taking a step back I put the medallion back around my neck.
“Was that's it?” Skitter asked as she gave the door a wary look.
“Should be.”
With that, I stepped up and pushed the door open to reveal a set of chambers in Luna's colors. Dark blues and some purples and blacks. The room was dusty as predicted, but it was intact, even the window.
I turned to Skitter, “Wait here.” before I slowly crossed the threshold. The air smelled stale. Nobody had been here in... a long time.
The furniture reminded me of what Luna had picked out for the tower when she returned. Dark woods of high quality. The same kind of carved works.
Everything was covered by a layer of dust but looked untouched. Books laying where they had been put down, even a empty glass and a bottle of wine. It was open so what remained of the wine was in a clump at the bottom.
She used to live here. This was her private chambers.
I moved slowly and carefully as not to touch anything. Even having been not only invited, but asked to go here, I still felt like I was intruding.
Adjusting the bags on my back, I moved past the book shelves to the second door, pushing it open with my hoof. This one wasn't locked and smoothly swung open with a slight squeak, my horn lightning the way to help the light from outside the windows.
The bedroom was in worse condition. Something had hit one of the walls and the windows were broken. There was rubble across the floor, but some sort of preservation spells were clearly still working as the wood and books were not completely gone.
Oh, the stuff closest to the hole was pretty decayed, but even just the next shelf looked like it had simply been there a couple of decades. The next after that looked... well, not new, but it didn't look like it had been subject to the elements.
I really wanted to look into those books, but they were not what I was after.
Walking over I looked out over the forest far below, taking in the sunlight for a moment before I continued over to what remained of the bed and the nightside table next to it.
Now... let's see.
I tapped my hoof firmly against the outer right corner on the top of the nightside table. Nothing.
Slamming my hoof down on the same spot again there was a click and a hidden compartment swung open on the side. Excellent. I really didn't like the idea of dragging the entire thing back to Luna in case the hidden compartment didn't open. I didn't want to risk hurting it if I tried to take it apart.
Kneeling down, I peeked into the hidden compartment before pulling out an ornate jewelry box about two decimeters a side and a decimeter thick.
Nodding to myself, I pulled my scarf from my bag and wrapping it up before gently putting it back in my bag. I didn't know what was in it, but it was clearly important and personal for Luna.
If she felt like telling me later, then she would.
Getting back up, I looked around. I had what I was looking for. A book on a desk by the inner wall drew my attention. Mostly because it was laying open like it had just been left there.
Walking over I peered at the pages. The language was old. Well, no surprise there, it was a thousand years old after all.
Frowning down at the page, I put my hoof on the desk as I tried to decipher the old faded text. It was something about using emotions to use your magic in different ways. In this case, anger.
That sounded... like dark magic to me. How about we don't do that.
...Then again...
I did meant to look into that. It affected Ponies' minds, but... I wasn't really a pony. Not where it mattered. The problem was that there was not a lot of information about dark magic and I didn't want to ask Luna about it.
Also, I really wanted to avoid turning into Dark Page. For one thing, I'm not sure I would look good in a lot of dark leather. Even more importantly it would hurt Luna. I couldn't do that.
But it wouldn't hurt to read a bit about it, would it?
Settling down, I carefully turned the pages back to start from the beginning.
“Page! Sir! Are you alright!?”
I looked up from the book, “Huh?” That was Skitter. “Yeah, I'm fine. Why?”
“You have been in there for hours.” She yelled from outside the chambers, “Did you find what you were looking for?”
“Oh... Uhm yeah.” I said and turned to look out at the sun. Crap, I really had been here for hours! It was almost mid day! Only felt like minutes.
I just got lost in my reading, even with the horribly antiquated language and hoof writing the book had been fascinating. Oh, what it was talking about seemed evil as all hell. It was not just using emotions in your magic, it also talked about draining energy from ponies and had some seriously nasty spells in it. Like spells to flay ponies.
Really Evil, but also fascinating. I had never even seen spells with calculations even close to those before, a completely different structure compared to most spells.
Also, really advanced, I wouldn't be able to cast half of the spells in that book even if I, for some twisted reason, wanted to. Not that I would ever even try most of those. They were just... wrong.
Shaking my head, I got up and closed the book and slit it into my pack before and heading back out to Skitter, “Sorry for making you wait, I got distracted by a book.” I explained with a small cringe.
Skitter just shook her head, “You could have warned me, sir.”
“Sorry.” I mumbled and turned to reseal the chambers, feeling rather bad for leaving her alone out here for some stupid book.
Chapter 7
Skitter snoozed away, curled up in a corner of the small chamber. She had shifted some old furniture around to create a kind of fort, giving her a cramped place to curl up.
I guess that was comfortable for her. Also kinda cute.
Climbing out of my sleeping bag, I stretched before silently leaving the chamber, casting a bubble of silence around her so I didn't wake her up while opening the door.
A spider the size of my hoof with a softly glowing star on it's back slowly lowered from the ceiling and I shivered. Pushing it away and putting it down on the floor caused it to skitter of into the dark down the hallway. Creepy as all hell but harmless.
Shaking my head I made my way to the throneroom, moving silently through the castle ruin, the only sound was of hooves against stone as I slowly walked out into open. The way lit only by the stars above and the slight glow of my horn.
Walking out into the middle of the throneroom I let the light fade away as I looked up at the stars.
I had to try this and I didn't really want anypony to know. Fiddling around with Dark Magic was... a bad idea in general. But I wanted to know if I could do it safely.
If I could there was a chance I could use it to... to not leave Luna alone. Sooner or later time would take me from her and the only way I knew that had a chance to stop it was dark magic. Sombra did it, over a thousand years.
Let's see, what did that book say...
Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and focused on my magic, anger. You didn't need it to use dark magic, but it made it easier to connect to that side of your magic. It was the opposite of normal magic. Harmony, peace, love... according to the book, Dark Magic was nothing like that. Hatred, destruction, anger.
...All of which fit very well into the human mind I'm afraid to say. Much more so than a ponies. So there was a chance, a chance I had to take, that I could use it without going Darth Page and start walking around in black leather.
Anger. I needed to become angry. Furious.
Never seeing my family again. Never being told about the Mirror portal to that other human world. Celestia risking everything by releasing Discord.
Being pushed around, manipulated by Queen Chrysalis.
Luna standing in this spot. This very spot, being rejected by her people. My Luna, locked away for a thousand years on her moon. Alone.
My Luna hurt on the ground. Celestia standing over her, the Element hovering around her.
Opening my eyes with a snarl I pulled at my magic and turned, shooting a blast of black bubbling magic at one of the remaining standing pillars, the blast smashing the base of the pillar, eating through it like it was some kind of super acid, causing the pillar to come crashing down onto the floor in a cloud of dust.
Panting softly, I felt my magic move and bubble as I let go of my forced fury. My magic settled down again, returning to normal.
That was more difficult than I thought but I still did it. Not sure what it said about me that I managed to cast what was clearly dark magic on my first try, but...
Did I feel any different? Like wearing a facemask and breathing heavily?
Not really.
Lighting my horn up, I walked over to look at the pillar where it had fallen as the dust started to set. I had blasted half the foundation out from it.
...That was not any different than what I could do normally with a cutting or force spell if I put as much energy into it. Sure, the acid like thing was new, but it didn't seem any more powerful than what I could already do.
I poked it with my hoof and the stone at the point of impact crumbled like styrofoam. Dark magic, huh.
I knew it could extend life as observed with Sombra but honestly... I didn't see the appeal. Recalling the feeling of it, that... oily, bubbling feeling of magic, I tried to pull at it.
It was still there. In the back even without fury or anger. It responded slowly, sluggishly without the emotions boosting it. Maybe it was always there.
Molding it into one of my normal spells, a simple cutter I cast it at the fallen pillar. Black and purple energy hit it, cutting into the stone before fading away again.
Lighting my horn up again to see properly, I moved in to check it out. Yeah, that was not any stronger than using normal magic.
Well screw that then. Even if it turned out I could use Dark Magic easier than any pony alive, which I was not sure about, it clearly wasn't any stronger or easier.
So what was the point?
Shaking my head, I have the pillar one last poke with my hoof before turning to slowly walk up the steps to Luna's old throne.
I regarded it for a short moment before jumping up and laying down across it sideways, hooking my fronthoofs over the arm rest, leaning my side against the back of it as I looked up at the stars through the missing roof.
I would not use Dark Magic. It was worth a try, but it was not stronger than the normal stuff and even if I used it Sombras longevity was likely the darkest of dark magic. Sucking life from ponies or something. Seemed like the kind of thing a evil overlord would do.
Even if I had been willing to go that far Luna would never accept that. It would hurt her... it would hurt her worse than me dying. I could never do that. Ever.
Not that I would be sucking the life out of ponies anyway. That was just wrong.
...Speaking of which I better remember to feed my Skitter tomorrow. Without Luna being physically around to help generate enough background emotions to let her drink it, she needed physical contact.
Thinking of Luna while leaning against her was enough to top her off, but the thing was that she never informed me of when she was hungry, instead trying to sneak nibbles when we got close enough to other couples.
Something about being tasked to protect me and not feed of me. Silly changeling. How was she going to do that if she was starving?
Sighing softly to myself I looked up at the stars and Luna's moon. I had really expected Dark Magic to be stronger or addictive. Or that I would be unable to do it. I had readied myself to either of those.
I really had not accounted for the result to being able to turn out to be 'Meh, whatever.'
Chapter 8
“What was that?”
I looked up at Skitter's warning and glanced around. The sun beat down on us from above. We were currently not inside the castle but outside in a overgrown courtyard.
I think it used to be wilder than the rest even before the entire alicorn on alicorn action thing that went on here, as nothing else on the grounds was as overgrown.
And I so have to remember to call it that sometime around Celestia! She always gets the best of me in wordgames.
My ears turned slowly as I listened hard. What?
“Did you hear something?” I asked, as I glanced up to where she was laying on a branch in one of the trees.
The changeling nodded and peered around, her wings moving slowly, “Don't know what. But we should get back inside, sir.”
Looking around, I started to slowly nod, “Might be best. There doesn't seem to be anything interesting here anywa...uegh!”
I almost gagged as the stench of rotting wood flooded through the thick growth. What in all the... shit!
A dark dog like creature twice my size pounced out of the undergrowth with a snarl. My training with Luna took over and I dove to the side, my horn lighting up and I lashed out with a kinetic beam.
Slamming into the shoulder of the Timberwolf, it was thrown to the side with the sound of cracking wood.
“Sir! Look out!” Skitter cried out as I rolled to my hooves, only for her to flash past above me, tackling a second Timberwolf, stopping it from pouncing me.
“Skitter! Back!” I ordered and charged up another spell. A third wolf rushed me and I grabbed it with my telekinesis, slamming the back of it's heard hard, bringing it's jaw against the ground, bringing it to a tumble.
Skitter threw herself back and I fired another piercing beam at the one she brought down, blasting a hole straight through the middle. The chlorofiend collapsed in a pile of rotten wood and I ducked, rolling to the side as the first one slashed at me only to be smashed to pieces as Skitter's green magic slashed at it, sending it's pieces to scatter across the ground.
The one I slammed into the ground was almost on me when I formed a shield globe around myself. It managed to just about look surprised before it slammed into the shield like a freight train, it's separate pieces going clattering across the ground.
Panting softly I stayed inside the gold shimmering shield as I looked around, my pulse pounding in my ears, seeking new targets.
“Skitter? You okay?”
“I'm fine, sir. Are you hurt?” the changeling asked as she hovered above me.
I shook my head and cancelled the shield, “I'm fine. Thanks for the warning.”
Dropping down next to me, Skitter looked like she was trying to cover every angle at once, “We should leave now, sir.”
“Yeah. I think you are right. We have pushed this far enough, let's get the balloon ready.” I agreed with a nod as I started to get my heartbeat back under control.
I had never had anything try to eat me before. A whole new experience I'd really rather skip ever having again.
Changelings don't count.
A small sound drew my attention towards one of the bushes and Skitter moved between me and the sound, “Sir, back away. I'll cover you.” She said moments before a tiny little Timberwolf exited the bush, nosing at the ground as it moved towards us.
A Timber... puppy? How did that even work?
“I think I can handle that one on my own.” I told her and moved around her before I reached out with my magic and picked the thing up, floating it over to look it over.
“Mrrrrr.” The timberpuppy said and struggled in my grasp, wiggling before giving up and just hanging there, looking at me with big luminous balls of green light as eyes.
In comparison to the adults, this one seemed to be made mainly from saplings, leaves and fresher wood. It had a slight wet woody smell over it, but it didn't stink like the big ones.
It was kinda cute.
Opening it's maw, it's tongue extended as it panted slightly. It's tongue was a green leaf.
Oh shit!
I looked around at the piles of wood on the ground. We killed it's... parents? How does Timberwolf reproduction even work?
Can it even survive on its own?
“Sir, dispatch the thing. We need to move.” Skitter said and moved up next to me as she kept an eye on the surroundings, “There might be more big ones.”
I looked down on the Timberwolf. It looked back at me before tilting it's head with a Mruf. Damn it.
Reaching out with a hoof, I held it close and the Timberwolf reached closer and nosed at it.
Taking the plantcreaturespiritthing along in my magic, I turned and headed towards the closest opening in the castle.
“Sir?” Skitter asked, sounding somewhat confused as she followed along.
“Its pack is dead. I'm not sure it can survive on it's own. I'm keeping it, maybe it can be raised to behave.”
“It's adorable. And I won't kill something that's that cute.”
At least I was being honest about it.
What do Timberwolves even eat? Other than ponies I guess. Hope it wasn't ponies, I wouldn't be able to feed it then. Then I really would need to put it down so it didn't starve.
Chapter 9
Ka-thunk. Ka-thunk.
The sound of the train filled the cabin as I turned a page, looking over Twilight's notes. I had no idea how she managed to do all this this quickly.
But she had caught a couple of minor errors. Mostly grammar and spelling errors some places where I could expand things to make things a bit clearer for the reader.
Skitter was laying on the bench opposite to the one I was in, looking out through the dark window into the night.
On the floor between the couches, beneath the table was a small cage, holding my new pet/houseplant. It was currently curled up, seemingly asleep.
When the train took a turn, you could just about make out the lights of Canterlot in the distance far above. Another hour and we would be there.
Giving up on the editing for now, I put it off for later and packed it up to instead pull the book Twilight borrowed me before out, flipping it open to the right page.
Being able to fly would be... amazing. You could even pick what kind of wings it was! From dragonfly and butterfly to bat and pegasus.
If only it wasn't so insanely complex! It had to have enough power to be able to not only support a pony's weight during maneuvers, but also have a long duration, be durable and controllable.
...But being able to fly.
Sighing to myself I glanced at the window before starting to study, pulling out a notepad and a quill along with some ink to write down notes.
Let's break this bloody spell equation down.
There were times I envied Twilight and her abilities. She had worked for them, yes, but she took to magic like... Well the Element of Magic. No wonder she was its bearer.
I'm pretty sure the only area I was better than her was dream magic, and that was more imagination and willpower than actual magic. At least as long as you stuck to your own dream world anyway, anything else needed more power. But that stuff was easy, especially with Luna as a teacher.
If Twilight actually got instruction with that kind of magic, she would likely happily skip right past me.
But I would be damned if I let this spell beat me. I conquered the spell to shrink items, I will conquer this one as well. The shrinking spell was insanely useful, if really difficult. It took quite a bit of effort to do right and didn't work on things like food or living creatures. But it was so, so, so useful, especially when traveling.
I mastered that one, and I will master this one too!
“Yes Skitter?” I asked as I looked over at her.
“Tea, sir?” she asked as she pulled a thermos from her bag.
“...Yes please.”
Skitter is the best.
It's not even a model.
Taking a deep breath, I enjoyed the cool night air as I entered onto the castle grounds. It felt good to be home.
It really did feel like home.
Smiling to myself, I trotted for the main gate, Skitter moving along next to me, “ It's good to be back.”
“It is, sir.” Skitter agreed as she moved along next to me, her wings moving on her back in a slow buzz, almost inaudible.
I glanced at her. She was doing a good job at hiding it, but she was as happy as I was to be back here. Not surprising, since she could get fresher Love here and she would be able to connect to the Hive again.
Changelings didn't have a hivemind as such, it was more like... It's kinda hard to explain. More like a carrier wave.
Simply put, being around other changelings, and especially the Queen made changelings feel good. It may even be pheromones or something and not actual mental stuff.
I regarded Skitter for a moment as we headed towards the main gates. Was she taller than I remember? I could have sworn she used to be shorter than me, and now we're the same height.
I was however distracted from that thought when we entered the castle only to be met by a dark unicorn wearing the armor of a Nightguard with the rank of Sergeant.
“Sir, Welcome back to Canterlot.” He said with a professional smile, “The Princess would like you to know that she is currently holding court in the throneroom.”
“Thanks Swift.” I said with a smile as I trotted up to slap him on the shoulder with my hoof, “You know, you don't need to 'Sir' me all the time. We are friends.”
“When on duty I do, sir.” He answered with a smile of his own, “If I don't, my Captain would tie my tail to my ears.” before he looked at the floating cage, “What is that?”
“Tiberwolf puppy in a cage. Could you arrange to have it brought up to the tower?”
“Uhm...” He stared at it before he finally nodded, “Yes sir?”
“So what's been going on while we were gone?” I asked as I put it down before I continued on my way towards the throneroom, Swift turning to fall in on my other side, opposite to Skitter.
“Same old. Mostly some noise from the Noble peanut gallery. Somebody has been spreading rumors about trouble between you and Luna.”
I just rolled my eyes and trotted into the throneroom through the main doors, pushing them open with my magic without slowing down, neither of the guards on either side doing a single thing to stop me.
The two ponies standing before Luna stopped yelling at each other as she got up from the throne, lighting up in a smile as she quickly moved past them, ignoring their protests as she moved to meet me half way.
“My Page.” she said softly and nuzzled along my neck.
“Luna.” I answered quietly and nuzzled right back along hers, ignoring the ponies watching.
They can all get fucked. This was our moment.
Chapter 10
The first thing I became aware of was that I was really, really comfortable. Everything smelled familiar.
I was home in bed and the warmth I was feeling was Luna against my side, her wing across my back.
Hmm? What time is it?
Yawning, I raised my head and looked around until I located the clock. Mostly that was here for me; Luna could tell the time by her moon.
Holy... it was almost time for Luna to get up! I'd overslept by eight hours!
...Eh, whatever. Yawning I settled down again. We didn't actually get to sleep until ten in the morning. I could keep to Luna's schedule for a couple of days. Spend some extra time with her.
A thought entered my head though.
Skitter was usually waiting outside the door for when I got up. I was eight hours late to that normal time. Even more if she was following the normal day times we kept while away from Canterlot.
I better not have kept her waiting for twelve hours and I just knew that if she showed up in the morning, she would have simply sat there looking at the door all day until I opened it.
I really, really wanted to stay in bed and wake Luna up properly in thirty minutes or so, but in good conscience I couldn't. I had to at least check if Skitter was there.
Slowly shifting beneath Luna's wing, I slid towards the edge of the bed until I was out from beneath her wing and climbed off the bed before sneaking until I exited out from the bubble of silence around the bed.
As soon as I got out of it, I yawned and stretched, cracking my neck before heading to the main room, closing the bedroom door behind me again before pausing.
On the small table by the couch, there was a tray with sandwiches and a steaming hot kettle of tea. I just stared at the food.
How in the world...
Seriously, the maid staff here deserve some kind of medal. Because I think they might be actually breaking causality right now.
How in the hell do they even do that? Whenever I exited the bedroom, there were a pile of sandwiches ready and the tea hot and ready to drink.
And I never saw a single maid unless they were attending to Luna when she needed special assistance with a dress. I never even saw them cleaning. Oh, out in the castle, but not in the private chambers. Not once.
Seriously, gorram ninjas the lot of them.
Grabbing a sandwich on the way past, I headed to peek out the door. Just like I expected, Skitter was by the table, comfortably laying on the soft seating pillow, facing the door. What I didn't expect however was that she had company and was talking to a pony.
“Moon Dancer.” I exclaimed in surprise with a smile, “Good morning.. ehm... Evening both of you. Skitter, I hope I didn't make you wait long.”
Skitter shook her head, “It's fine, sir. I should have expected it.”
Moon Dancer got up as well, adjusting her glasses before doing a small bow, “Good Evening, Lord Page.”
I must say, she looked better since I saw her last. Her mane was no longer in a silly bunch sticking straight up but brushed back and she had dropped the turtleneck. She still had glasses, but they were no longer black and heavy rimmed, instead being framed by thin silver.
“None of that, Moon Dancer.” I sighed, “I get enough of the entire Lord thing from other ponies and official functions. It's mostly Celestia messing with me anyway. Come in, come in.”
Moving back and to the side, I let both of them inside before allowing the door to close as I headed back towards the table, “Please, help yourselves.” before taking a bite of my own sandwich. Mmm. Cheese, bell peppers and daffodils. Nice combo!
“No thank you, I'm fine.” Moon Dancer said and stopped close by the table, looking around a bit.
“Relax, have a seat.” I said and jumped onto the couch, laying down as I poured us each a cup of tea. I didn't even bother to ask Skitter, by now I knew that she would simply decline. She was also missing.
Like usual when other people stopped by, she stayed out of sight. Considering the very limited hiding places here, she was likely on the balcony. Or possibly beneath the couch.
“Uhm... yes. Thank you.” Moon Dancer said and jumped up to sit down on the comfy chair Skitter usually occupied, automatically taking the cup and saucer as I passed it to her.
“So what bring you to our door?”
“I finished a research project for Princess Luna and I'm ready to present the results. I may be a hour or so early for our meeting, though,” Moon Dancer explained, seemingly starting to relax slightly, “I'm not sure how interested you would be in the general effects upon the Equestrian farming practices by new farming methods spreading from the Minotaur Republic.”
I shook my head, “I can't say it's a subject that I am well versed in. Farming is not exactly something I know about, it's actually for the best if I'm normally not allowed to keep houseplants. But I'm sure it's an important subject. Luna should be up soon.”
Nodding, Moon Dancer sipped at her tea before shifting to finally putting her bag down next to the chair, “It was rather facilitating researching the differences in methods and yields. For some crops it is actually superior to the traditional method, but for others it gives much lower quality.”
“I see. So how have you been, Moon Dancer? I have not seen you in ages.”
“...Busy. My new job keeps me really busy, but it's fascinating. Varied subjects. Access to the Royal Archives and labs. Resources for research projects and experiments.” Moon Dancer answered with a smile, “I love it.”
“So I can see.” I said with a smile of my own, “I'm glad it's working out for you.”
“What about you? How were your travels?”
“Well, first we headed to Balitmare. There was a bit of a complication on the train station there where we ran into this Griffin that's...”
Chapter 11
Later that night, I exited onto the balcony, carrying along my bags as I joined Luna. She had just finished raising the moon and I had finished setting the still unnamed bundle of curious twigs back into it's cage with a bowl of dirt, some branches, and a bowl of water. Hopefully the dirt will give it any trace elements it needed.
This was going to be quite a bit of trial and error. Hopefully not too much error.
“Here.” I said giving her neck a nuzzle as I floated the bag up and pulled out the ornate little box she told me to get for her, “I hope it's the right one, since it's the only one I found.”
She gasped softly and nodded, “It is.” she said gently as her magic picked it up from mine, “I... have not seen it in over a thousand years. Thank you, My Page.” she whispered and nuzzled my ear.
“You're welcome.”
I didn't ask what it was or why it was important. It was private and if she wanted me to know she would tell me.
Smiling to herself, Luna settled down on the balcony, folding her legs beneath herself, “Here, Page. I wish to show you something.”
Nodding I sank down next to her, my side against hers as she settled her warm wing across my back like usual.
“What is it?” I asked peering at the box as she put it down.
“Some important things.” She answered and the crack between the lid and the container itself lit up in a bright blue light for a moment before she lifted it, revealing a variety of small items.
The first thing she took out was a small stone figurine. At some point it had broken, one of the pegasus' wings missing. It was quite worn, and of a strange style. Old. Even so, it was skillfully crafted.
“It belonged to my mother.” Luna said softly, turning it over in her magic, floating it closer so I could see, “I think it's the last thing that remain that was hers. I think this might be the last one.”
“Is that her?” I asked as I looked at the figurine. I could see the family resemblance. Same kind of body type.
That caused Luna to smile brightly for a second and give my ear a nuzzle, “That's me. Before. It's not a very good depiction though, if I remember correctly it was the Earth Ponies' Crafts pony's apprentice that made it. She was talented, but still an apprentice. Mother had one made of both me and my sister. Father was so annoyed with her for wasting gold on 'mud pony rubbish', as he called it.” she continued with a small grimace, “He was a good pony, but... It was a different time.”
I just nodded, “It was a long time ago.”
“Some struggle with it still.” Luna sighed and shook her head, giving my ear a small nip before setting the small stone pegasus back in the box to pull another item out.
A necklace of a small seashell on a thin gold chain. The seashell had silver engravings, accenting the lines in it.
“...This was the first gift Thunder Bolt ever gave to me.” Luna explained softly, “I'm not sure where he got it, but it was after a raid on a Unicorn stronghold his group did. I still think he looted it after the fighting was over. Often that was the only pay soldiers got, what they could take from their slain enemies.”
“You were important to him.”
“We were in love.” Luna whispered softly, her eyes shimmering with tears as she looked at the necklace floating in her magic, “For such a short, short time. The next time he went out... he never returned.”
I rested my head against her neck in comfort, her wing tightening around me in turn.
Putting it down, she picked up the next item. A small masterfully painted picture, the paint somewhat faded with age despite being clearly enchanted to last. It depicted a unicorn mare, stretched out in a rather appealing manner beneath a apple tree. She had white coat and a long amber mane, the picture of a flower bud as her cutiemark. Despite her pose, she looked a bit embarrassed by the whole thing.
“Flower Burst.” Luna sniffed softly, “You have no idea how difficult it was for me to talk her into getting this picture painted. But I was leaving for peace talks with the Griffons and I wanted something with me to remind me of her while I was away. She finally went along with it.”
“She was beautiful.” I said softly was I looked at the painting.
“The most beautiful unicorn I've ever seen.” Luna agreed.
I couldn't help but smile at that, “What, I don't count?” I teased her softly with a nuzzle after a moment.
“You are handsome, not beautiful. There is a difference.” Luna countered and nuzzled back with a smile, “Thank you for bringing these back to me, My Page.”
“I'm glad I could, Luna. They belong with you.”
As morbid as it seemed, I wanted something to give her for her box of memories. I wanted her to have something of mine, something permanent once I was gone.
“We should go inside.” Luna said softly and gave me a quick kiss as she closed the box, “No work today. How do spending the night reading by the fire sound?”
“...Rather great.”
Picking my bag up with her magic as she got up along with the box, she did a doubletake before seemingly freezing, “Page, what's this?”
She pulled a black leather bound book from my bag and I blinked in surprise.
“It's that book. I saw it when I was in your chambers at the castle. I'm not sure how it ended up my bag, I could have sworn I left it there.”
“Did you read it?” She asked slowly, looking at it like it was a viper.
“...Maybe half? It was laying open in your old bedroom.”
“Page, this book is cursed. Enchanted to attract a reader and make them want to try the spells inside.” Luna explained as she looked at me carefully, “Did you do any of them? Did you use Dark Magic?”
I hesitated before I nodded, “Two spells. Just variations of spells you had already taught me. I have not used any of it since, I didn't see the point. They were not any stronger and were harder to cast.”
Luna looked at me strangely before flinging the book out over the courtyard, following it up with a beam of magic that just made it... go away.
“We spoke of Dark Magic once.” Luna chided me as she walked up, her magic scanning over me, “And how stupid it would be to try it.”
“...I know. I just needed to know if I could. I'm not a pony, I didn't think...”
“Yes! You didn't think!” she snarled at me before she frowned, “But... I'm not reading any dark magic on you. When did you cast these spells?”
“Maybe a week ago?”
“And you have not felt the need to use them again? Truly?”
I shook my head.
Luna sighed and nuzzled along the top of my head before she bit my ear, quite a bit harder than usual, “Stupid!”
“I'm sorry!”
Sighing again, Luna let go of my ear and nuzzled, “...My fault. I left it out when I was Nightmare Moon. I should have remembered it was there and warned you not to read it. I am sorry, My Page.”
“I can take care of myself. Cursed or not, I chose to read it.”
“It don't seem to have hurt you, but please Promise me you will never experiment with unknown magic again, of any sort without first discussing it with me, my sister or Twilight?” she asked as she looked into my eyes, “Please.”
“I promise.”
I felt like such a idiot.
Chapter 12
Trotting out of my publisher's office, I looked around and took in the sight of Canterlot around me. Such a contrast to somewhere like Manehattan.
Canterlot really was the seat of government. Manehattan reminded me a bit of cities on earth, the architecture was way different than in Canterlot, reminding me a bit of Earth actually. Taller buildings, much more crowded. Not much technology. Well, not any more than here in any case. Just... busier.
Higher pace.
Then again, quite a bit of Canterlot was centered around the castle or the nobles, it was the seat of a multi-thousand year old diarchy, after all, instead of being a naturally buzzing metropolis and trade port like Manehattan.
Why else build a city on the side of a mountain, other than for it to be impressive? Hardly a natural spot for it, even for Pegasi, and it wasn't even a Pegasus city.
As familiar as Manehattan was, I must say I preferred Canterlot; and not just because the ponies I knew here. I never was one for the big city life.
Turning to the right, I started down the street. For once I was on my own... well, at least visibly. Skitter had disappeared when I left the castle grounds, but I had no doubt that she was still around. She did that sometimes. I had no idea why, but I figured it was to practice stealth or something.
I had given up trying to spot her most of the time when she didn't want to be spotted.
Two weeks back in Canterlot, and it still felt good to be back home. Being on the road for months was tiring. Okay, we traveled mostly by rail, and a bit by boat but; we did spend a whole week walking at one point. But it was surprisingly tiring and stressful.
I was so going to do it again at some point, but next time I need to find some way to convince Luna to come with. It was fun with just Skitter, but I really, really missed my marefriend.
Entering the market, I spotted some fresh apples. Awesome, the first harvest must be done. That was another thing that was different from earth. Availability of foods.
Some stuff was simply not available during late winter or spring. Apples were not among them, they were still around pretty much all year as they could be stored pretty effectively, but for the last couple of months the, for lack of a better word, 'fresh' apples had been of really dubious quality. Oh, you could still find actual fresh apples from the earlier ripening breeds during the summer but they were relatively rare.
And quite frankly I didn't quite like those, they were always slightly sour.
“Five apples please.” I said as I got to the counter.
“That'll be ten bits, sir.” The pink earth pony mare behind the counter said and picked out some apples to put on the counter.
I raised an eyebrow at that, “A bit steep.”
“First harvest. And I think you will agree it will be worth it once you tasted them, sir.” She countered with a bright smile, “Straight from Sweet Apple Acres. They are the royal suppliers as well.”
That was a good point, I could likely go to the kitchens at the castle. But that would mean going back there and... I didn't want to just rely on Luna's wealth. I knew it was silly, but I still wanted to pay my way when I could.
I considered the apples for a second, tapping my hoof against the cobblestone square. Finally I nodded, “Very well.” I finally agreed, “Two bits a apple.” and started to count the money out with my magic.
In a couple of weeks they would be quarter that price. But I was really craving for a fresh apple and I really didn't feel like standing here haggling for five minutes just to save a couple of bits at most.
“Thank you, sir.” she answered cheerfully as she scooped the bits up and into her money pouch. First harvest or not, I felt like I'd just been played.
Putting the apples in my bag, I then continued along the market as I took a bite from the first one after looking it over.
...Oh man that's juicy and sweet. If anything, I felt like I should go back and pay more. Because damn.
Finishing the apple on my way, I walked into my favorite cafe to spot one of my favorite pegasi.
“Lord Page! Welcome back!”, Silver Leaf exclaimed from the counter with a smile and her wings held high as I entered.
“Thank you, Silver. But you know you don't need to call me that.” I said with a smile of my own as I took in the scent of the small cafe. Tea, baked goods, and that other accursed brew we shall not speak of.
It smelled... it smelled perfect.
She shifted her wings in a small shrug, still smiling, “I know. But I kinda like the sound of it.”
I just shook my head with a smile, “Sorry I have not been by earlier, been kinda busy since I returned to Canterlot.”
Glancing around that none of the other customers were paying attention, she stuck her tongue out at me quickly before she grinned, “I only heard you were back last week. I did think I would see you soon but I figured you were busy.
I sighed softly at that, “More than I would like, I'm afraid. I finished writing my next book while I was away,and I spent pretty much ofthe last two weeks editing and rewriting parts that needed to be fixed.”
Next time, I'm so sending the draft to Twilight for an early read and error check. She was amazing and her notes had been a wondrous help during the editing process.
“Really!? That's awesome! More in the Jedi series?”
“Not this time. Spy novel.” I answered and shook my head, “I'll get you a signed copy as soon as they start getting back from the presses.”
“You don't need to do that.”
I just grinned and winked, “Have to keep my favorite barista happy somehow.”
“Silver! Are you flirting with the customers again?” a voice asked loudly from from the kitchen out back.
Silver Leaf cringed slightly, “No, dad!” she yelled back before she smiled at me, “So what can I get you today, Lord page?”
“Surprise me.”
Chapter 13
Returning from my bath, my coat mostly dry already, I yawned on my way over to where Luna was sitting by her desk, three sets of papers floating before her.
“Anything interesting?” I asked and leaned against her side softly, nuzzling at her neck.
Luna sighed softly and nuzzled back, “Matters of the royal guard. Mostly requests for budget changes. Celestia asked if I could have a look. Not sure why, she was always the one with the head for math.”
“Want some help?”
She grinned and gave me a quick kiss, “Love, you are worse at numbers than I am.” she teased.
I couldn't really argue that. Math never was my strong suit.
“...Point. The offer still stands though.”
Nodding she put her wing around me for a second, “Heading to bed?”
“Mmm. I think so. Need to start twisting my sleep schedule back to something practical.” I confirmed and rested against her side for a moment.
Since getting back, I had mostly followed Luna's schedule. Which meant up around six to eight in the evening and staying up until eight to ten in the morning. It didn't leave overly much time to do things during the day when everyone else was awake.
Nuzzling softly, she nodded, “Sweet dreams, My Page.”
“Good night, Love.” I said with a smile, I kissed her cheek and rubbed my shoulder against hers before I finally pulled back and headed for the bedroom. Honestly, I would have preferred to stay on her schedule, but everyone else was awake during the day. I had friends I wanted to see and places to visit.
So I went to half schedule. Sleep until noon, stay awake until three or four in the morning. Gave me the most possible Luna time while still making it possible for me to do stuff during the day. From one and forward she was usually busy anyway so what I missed the most was usually going to bed together.
Which kind of sucked. I couldn't even really wake up with her because I woke up so much earlier.
Shaking that thought out of my head, I closed the door and headed over to jump onto the bed, lifting the covers up with my magic before laying down with a sigh, pulling them over me. I wasn't that tired really. Luckily, I had magic for that!
Being able to fall asleep on command was part of the dream magic Luna had taught me. Lighting my horn up with the spell, I closed my eyes before opening them again, finding myself in my dream world. Really practical when sleeping on trains!
Should I set another Night Terror trap? Those were good, even if you didn't attract one of the little dream beings you still ended up with a nice dream. That was my usual method. Or maybe I should just get some normal sleep?
Eh, might as well practice my dream walking. I didn't have anything planned tomorrow that was overly magic intense. So hunting it is!
Focusing, I cast my spell and formed a silvery portal in front of me before trotting through into a place of night sky.
Funny how that kind of thing worked. For Luna they were normal doors. For me, they were silvery portals. Personally I blame having watched too much Stargate. Silvery portals all around, each indicating a ponies(or other thinking beings) dream.
Slowly walking along the path, I took a breath of the cool not air. I actually rather liked this place between dreams, It was relaxing. Stars high above, light of silvery portals. Not dark, not with all those lights, but still not brightly lit.
It was nice. Comforting.
As I got closer to each portal, I made out more details. Not showing me what was inside, but more about who it was. Recognizing ponies by their portals was kind of tricky. It was more of a feeling than anything else. Skitters was easy, is was usually close to mine and had a slight green tint to it, the surface almost always smooth of a dreamless sleep. Changelings apparently didn't dream much.
The one I passed by next belonged to Swift Spear. It wasn't something as crude as having his mark stamped on it, it was more of a... a feeling. I just knew it was his. It had slow waves going across it, a ripple of pink.
That's one dream I'm not entering if I'm guessing right about what he was dreaming about. I can live a perfectly happy life without seeing that.
I soon passed by Silver Leaf's portal. It was also tinged a soft pink. Better pass by that one as well.
Pausing I stopped, one front hoof lifted off the not ground as I looked around. That's odd, Twilight Sparkles dream world is missing. Huh, she must still be awake then.
Maybe studying astronomy or something or got hooked on a book. Can't blame her for that, I have done the same more than once.
Spotting Pinkie Pies portal, I just gave it a quick look to check for signs of a nightmare but quickly moved past. Considering what she was out in reality, through there was madness.
Moving past portals, ponies dreaming or not dreaming I headed on. This didn't take much magic at all, it was entering and leaving dreams that took it out of you. My maximum was about five to six times in a night before I had to stop.
Pausing I stopped before the next silvery portal. Ripples raced across it and it was a dark grey color, black stripes moved across it.
Through it was a pony that was in the middle of a nightmare. A really bad one from the look of the portal. That was a strong indication of a Night Terror. Could just be a nightmare, but they rarely got that bad on their own.
There was only one problem though.
This portal lead to Princess Celestia's dreamworld. I'm not sure I was qualified for that. But... Luna cleared me to help her with Night Terrors and ponies like this.
But this was Princess Celestia. Who knew what she was dreaming about. It could be incredibly private, not that I would ever tell anypony. It was part of an oath I swore to Luna before she would even allow me to learn this kind of magic.
It could be over a city burning down, an ancient battlefield or a lover dying in her arms.
A dark spiky ripple moved across the portal and I made my mind up. As long as I didn't make my presence known, she would not know I was there. If it was a Night Terror, I would end it and leave. If not I'll just make sure Celestia is okay and then leave her alone, maybe give her dream a nudge in a happier direction or allow it to end to dreamless sleep.
Channeling my magic, I touched the tip of my horn to the dark and unsettled portal.
Chapter 14
The dream faded into view around me and I was suddenly at the edge of one of the squares in Canterlot. The one just outside the main castle gates, the one with the statue of Princess Celestia on the raised in the middle.
The place didn't look quite like I remembered, the castle looked the same, but the buildings were a bit different. More white marble, more copper roofs, rounder walls. Similar styles to the castle.
Was this what Canterlot used to look like further into the past?
The Square was full of ponies of all kinds, talking, laughing, buying and selling wares from stalls around the edges and filling most of the open square.
Frowning softly to myself, I slowly entered the crowd. This was a nightmare? The sun was shining warm far above and the sky was clear of clouds. A rather nice summer day. No monsters running around, no invading armies or dying ponies. It wasn't coming either, the Nightmare was in full swing already.
Where is...
Turning my head I looked at the statue. That was not a statue. Celestia was standing in it's normal place, her wings spread high and wide, her head raised. She wasn't moving a feather, even in the wind. Even her mane and tail were still, like frozen in time.
Frowning I slowly started to make my way towards her and I started to notice things. The closer I got, the stranger things went. Ponies moving a bit faster around me, laughs and talks become briefer the closer I got.
By the time I stood before her, I saw there was a empty space around the large raised marble square she was standing on. Nobody entered it. All around me ponies were... not moving faster anymore, barely even moving at normal speed.
But they were aging. Young ponies getting closer and in a blink of a eye they just turned old and wrinkly and then they were gone. Most that tried never managed to get to Celestia, they just turned to dust, disappeared and was replaced before they even reached her.
As I watched one managed to put his hoof against her leg for a second before he also turned to dust and disappeared. As I watched hundreds, thousands and ponies grew up, become adults and died. Only a few even managed to even touch her and then they were also gone.
She wasn't crying, she was just standing there without moving a feather as she watches the crowd, unable to see me. Her face was neutral, controlled. But it was there... the terror, sorrow, the loneliness. Her eyes...
She hated this.
But through it all, she didn't move. She couldn't. Time went on and mortal ponies withered to dust and died and there was nothing she could do to stop them, to hold on. So she stood there, she was their rock, their center point.
This was no Night Terror. It was too... personal for that. Celestia was having a real nightmare.
I hesitated. No Night Terror, but I couldn't just leave her here. She deserved better.
A lot better.
Taking a slow breath, I then tapped my right front hoof against the marble and suddenly we were alone, the ponies in the square dissipated as a circle of light radiated away from me as I solidified the dream and I brought Celestia to full consciousness in it. If I didn't solidify it before having her realize it was a dream there was a large chance it would collapse into nothing. In this case it wouldn't have been a bad thing, but she deserved to know I was here.
Celestia startled and took a half step back as she looked around before blinking down at me, “...Blank Page.” she finally said.
I bowed down for her, “Yes, Princess. I apologize for the intrusion. I was hunting for Night Terrors.”
She folded her wings and carefully stepped down from the raised marble, “I was unaware you were so far advanced in the art of dream magic.” she said softly.
“It turned out to be a school of magic I had talent in.” I admitted, “Your dream felt like it could have been infested. It is not. I... just didn't think I could just leave you to it. You deserve better than that.”
Celestia regarded me for a long moment, her face inscrutable before she sighed, “You may get up, Page. I am not angry with you. You meant well.”
Getting to my hooves, I sat down as I looked around the now empty square, not quite sure what so say next.
Celestia was the one to break the silence, “It is a reoccurring dream.” she finally said quietly, “Not often. Can be months between times. Years even. But it always returns.”
I nodded, “Everyone has those.”
“They do.” She agreed, her mane and tail moving in a wind only she could feel, “It is... a unpleasant one.”
“Nightmares usually are.” I agreed in turn before I looked up at the large alicorn, “I would never tell anypony else anything I see inside a dream. I follow the same code as Luna on that.”
Celestia actually smiled softly, “I never thought you would, my friend.” as she laid down, bringing herself down to my eye level, “Now when I am not trapped in the grasp of the dream, I can see the symbolism in it all. For once, it is quite clear, it fades when you wake up.”
What do I even say to that?
“...You are not alone you know.” I answered quietly after a moment of looking down at the marble ground, “Luna, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Candace. They are as long-lived as you are, Celestia.”
“Feelings of the heart are rarely swayed by logic. And for a long time, I was. It takes... time.” Celestia said quietly, looking down on the marble.
I nodded. She was very right about that.
“I want to apologize again. I'm sorry for intrudi...”
“I'm not.” Celestia interrupted me, “I trust you to keep it private and the dream would have kept going for quite some time. I'm thankful that you stopped it.” before she sighed softly, “I admit, I am unable to do such a thing myself. My abilities for dream magic is... lacking. It is the opposite of my realm of powers.”
“Not everyone is good at everything. Even Princesses.”
That got a small laugh from her, “Too true.”
“How do you feel, Princess?”
Celestia shifted her wings and smiled softly, “A bit embarrassed, but better. Will I remember this tomorrow?”
I nodded, “Of course. Solidifying the dream like this also make it certain you will remember it. And this seemed like a dream you would remember anyway.”
Nodding, Celestia looked around, “Can you change the environment please?”
A small application of magic and will and the dream shifted, flowing out from beneath me until we were laying on the grass in a sun lit meadow instead with butterflies all around, moving from flower to flower, “Better?”
“Much. Thank you, Page.” She said as she looked around, feeling the grass beneath her.
Another small amount of magic and a some more will locked the dream in. She would be having this dream until she woke up. Give her a moment to simply relax.
Getting to my hooves, I sighed softly, “I should be taking my leave then and stop bothering you, Princess.”
“Good night, Page. And thank you.” She answered and got up as well, giving me a small nuzzle between the ears, “Come see me tomorrow once you are awake. I wish to speak to you regarding Sunset Shimmer.”
“Of course. Sweet Dreams, Celestia.” I said and released the solidification of the dream. There was no visual change, but Celestia seemed confused for half a second, her eyes simply gliding past me before she turned and walked through the grass, bending down to smell a flower.
I regarded her for a moment before I turned and walked through a silver circle, leaving her to her dream.
Chapter 15
“Blank Page to see Princess Celestia.” I said as I stopped before the two guards.
They looked at me for a long moment before the left pegasus nodded, “She is expecting you, Lord Page.” he said as his unicorn partner pulled the door open with his magic.
“Thank you.”
This was not somewhere I had been often. Celestia's private chambers. Well, one of them at least.
The room was airy, doors open to a garden outside. Very little furniture. Luna favored furniture.
Couches, chairs and tables. Normal stuff.
Celestia didn't. She was laying on a large pillow, her legs pulled in beneath herself, a stack of papers floating in front of her as she looked through them.
When I entered, she looked over at me and I bowed, “Your Highness.”
She smiled at that, “Lord Blank Page.”
I suppressed a groan at that, causing her to smile a bit wider.
“I'm going to keep doing that until you stop calling me that.”
Sighing, I got up and flicked my ears, “Considering what happened last night, I thought it was wiser to side on the side of formality.”
“You did nothing wrong, my little pony.” Celestia said with her normal smile, “I quite enjoyed the dream you gave me. Come, join me.”
Hesitating slightly I then crossed the room and settled down on the massive alicorn plus sized pillow. Seriously, it could hold three alicorns Celestias size.
“Banana?” she asked, floating a fruit bowl over.
“Oh... uhm, thank you.” I said and took one with my own magic aura, starting to idly peal it. Opened from the correct end of course. Which is the bottom.
Nodding, Celestia shuffled her papers, starting to order them up.
“You wished to speak to me regarding Sunset Shimmer?” I asked after a moment.
Celestia nodded, “I do. I have tried talking to her, but her feelings towards me is... I am unsure how to get her to listen. Perhaps it would have been better to allow her to remain in the Human world. There she could live freely and work through her issues.”
“It was too dangerous. She had already risked Equestria with stealing a Element. Who know what devastation she would have caused there?” I countered as I nibbled at the fruit.
“Hmm. I wish for you to talk to her. You are similar, perhaps you can find a common ground.”
I looked at the white alicorn like she had hit her head, “...As far as I know, I have yet tried to conquer Equestria.”
She grinned at that, “So far. But I have my eye on you.” she teased and poked me with her wing before getting serious again, “But you have both experienced what it is like to be trapped in an alien world in an alien form. You are both intelligent ponies when you want to be.”
Celestia kinda had a point there. And apparently I did good work with Queen Chrysalis. The reward of good work is more work.
Frowning slightly to myself I nodded, poking the pillow with my hoof, “...If you think it will help, I'll talk to her. But considering I was the one that brought her back, I'm not sure how much it will help.”
“The alternative is to keep her prisoner for the rest of her life. She used to be my student, I want a better life for her. I want her to be happy.”
“I'll try.”
Celestia nodded, “It is all I can ask.” and put the papers in a pile before her, floating an apple over to herself.
Now was just the question of how the hell would I do that? Sunset Shimmer hardly liked me. Hell, I was likely second on her shitlist, just beneath Celestia.
Nothing is ever easy.
I silently ate the banana, crossing my forelegs on the pillow. Celestia seemed willing enough to leave me to my thoughts.
Fuck it. I'll just wing it, trying to figure something out beforehand is just going to make it look rehearsed.
Finishing the fruit, I shifted to sit up, “Where is she?”
“She is in one of the gardens, north side of the castle.” Celestia answered, “She is not imprisoned or locked in, but she is under constant guard. Now, I must send a letter to Twilight. She is going to assist with the Summer Sun Celebration this year.”
Nodding I got up off the pillow before I paused, “Princess?”
“Yes, Page?”
“About your dream...” I started to say before I paused.
Celestia smiled the same polite smile as always, “Yes?”
Eh, screw it.
“It hurts to lose people. But it hurt more to never get the chance. You must know this better than anypony. Rainbow Dash won't...” I started to say before Celestias smile turned from her normal polite one to a real grin and she burst out into a giggle.
Celestia used giggle.
It is super effective! Blank Page is confused!
“I'm missing something.” I said after a moment as I sat down again to look up at the Alicorn.
Celestia smiled and shifted her wings, “You are indeed. I was playing a joke on my sister and her attempts to guide me towards Twilight.”
She grinned playfully, “You thought I did not notice?”
“Rather hoped you didn't.”
“I may not look it, but I do have the experience of age.” Celestia said with a smile as she got up, stretching her wings before folding them again, “And it's not the first time my sister have tried something like this.”
You know, in retrospect, I really should have expected her to see through it all.
“Not that I don't appreciate the effort you went through. Thank you, my little pony.” She said and gave me a quick nuzzle between the ears.
“So no Twilight and no Rainbow.”
“Indeed. But no worries, I will find someone in time, I always do.” Celestia agreed and raised her head again, smiling down at me, “I did always prefer stallions anyway. Not to say I have never fallen for mares before, it happens, but mostly it's stallions.” she then winked at me, “And between you and me, I tend to go for Earth ponies. They are usually larger.”
I just stared up at the large alicorn. This was just so surreal.
“...Larger?” I couldn't help but ask before silently cursing my lack of brain and mouth connection. I really didn't want her to elaborate on that!
“Mhmm.” Celestia agreed with a nod, “You know, taller. So they are not so much shorter than me.” before she smiled playfully, “What did you think I meant, Page?”
Alicorns! UAGH!
Chapter 16
Entering the garden, I walked along, a book on monsters floating along in front of me. Turning along the path, I turned the page. The section on Timberwolves was not very long.
But I needed information if I was going to keep it.
How do you even train a creature if you couldn't bribe it with treats? Sure, there was the stick approach but I wasn't about to hurt the thing.
Spotting my target, I slowly made my way over to the tree she was laying under on the soft grass. Sunset Shimmer.
Funnily enough, just like Twilight in human form, I could still recognize her in pony form even after only having seen her in human form before. Same hair and mane, the same general facial features if in pony versions. Same eyes.
Her coat matched her red and yellow hair, she was a yellow unicorn with a sun as her mark. Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle. Did Celestia pick her students by naming scheme?
A pair of guards stood by her, not quite at attention as they guarded her. They firmed up as I approached.
Sunset was reading a book on the grass in front of her, turning a page with her hoof. As I got closer, I could see a ring around the base of her horn. A magic inhibitor. She couldn't use her magic like that at all.
As I got close, she looked up at me and the coat along her spine... you could almost see it stand up as her eyes widened in recognition. “You!”
“Me.” I answered and settled down nearby, closing the book after snatching a leaf to use as bookmark. Twilight might have killed me for it, but she wasn't here, now was she. “How have you been, Sunset Shimmer?”
If looks could kill, I would have been slightly smoking right now. “What do you care?”
Putting the book down, I smiled slightly, “I put you here. Of course I care.” I said before I looked at the guards, “Dismissed.”
“Sir, we have orders to...”
“Dismissed, Sergeant. I take responsibility.”
He hesitated for a second before he saluted, “Yes, sir.”
Sunset looked after them when they left before she rolled her eyes, “Finally rid of dumb and dumber. Now if I could just get rid of my latest pain in the flank as well.”
“Trust me, if I had choice, I have a dozen places I rather be. Like the changeling hive.” I said with a grin, “Considering our last meeting I suspect neither of us is overly glad to see the other.”
“What, did Celestia order you to talk to me?”
There was no use denying it so I nodded, “She asked me.”
“So she manipulated you into it like she does all things.”
I shrugged, “Not really. She asked, that's all. I could have said no, but it seemed like a reasonable request after I heard her reasons.”
“Ah, yes. She always has her reasons, don't she? No, Sunset, you are not ready for that. No Sunset, you can't do that. Well I did it anyway. I was ready. I could do it. All she did was hold me back.”
I tilted my head, “So why are you here then?”
“Because you forced me back! You and that... new student. The one she didn't hold back, my replacement! She got everything! She is a alicorn now! A Princess! Celestia said... she said it wasn't possible. I knew she was lying then. Now I have proof!” Sunset exclaimed, slamming her hoof against the grass as she surged up to stand, glaring at me.
“I think that's more to do with Twilight Sparkle being broken level powerful rather than Celestia deceiving you.” I sighed, “You know who I am?”
“Princess Luna's plaything.”
I grinned at that, “At times, yes. I rather enjoy that part too. But I am also a mortal pony, just like you. Would you not have though that if it was possible to turn anypony into a alicorn, Luna would not have done so with me by now? So she would not have to live through me dying?”
Sunset stared at me for a moment before sinking down onto the grass again, “...I suppose she would have.”
“Mmm.” I agreed with a nod, “If she could, I think she would. Despite everything, Celestia worries about you. It was Princess Luna that told me to bring you back here. Celestia just wanted the crown back, she was happy to allow you to live your life in the human world.”
“...She didn't want me back?”
“Not what I said and you know it.”
There was a long silence where I studied her. She carefully studied the grass between her front hooves in turn.
“Why are you still here?” I finally asked her.
“Here. In Canterlot. Equestria. You are a powerful unicorn, Sunset Shimmer. I bet you are second only to Twilight Sparkle when it come to magic. You did study under the same teacher.” I explained, “Why are you still here? Why have you not escaped? I bet you could.”
She glared at me, “Are you stupid? I can't use my magic like this!”
“You mean this ring?” I asked, and pulled it off her horn with my magic, “What is your excuse now?”
Sunset looked at me, looking like I slapped her with a fish before her horn lit up and she tested it by lifting her book. “That was stupid.” she finally said, letting the book drop.
I nodded, “Could have been. But I wonder... what is your excuse now?”
“I could crush you like a bug.”
“Maybe. I wouldn't bet on it though, not if you have the same dueling training as Twilight. For all her power, that alicorn can't fight her way out a wet paper bag. So why are you still here now?”
Oh, she would still kick my arse. But that was with pure power, she didn't have dueling training. Sunset didn't need to know that though.
Sunset just stared at me so I continued talking,
“So what are you going to do now, Sunset? No guards, just me here and I won't stop you. Are you going to teleport away? Return to the crystal kingdom and the mirror? Try to get revenge on me and the Princesses?” I asked her as picked my book up, opening it back up to the original page as I looked over at her, “Or are you going to lay back down, read your book and reclaim your life? Free of princesses and not being hunted by the royal guard. Free to live your life in Equestria.”
Sunset slowly shook her head before, ”Still hate you.” she finally said as she lit her horn back up, pulling her book over.
“That's fine.” I answered before I looked over at her, “...You know anything about Timberwolves?”
Chapter 17
Somepony shaking my shoulder pulled me from my sleep. Or maybe that should be 'somechangeling'.
“Uegh? Skitter?” I asked as I tried to blink the sleep from my eyes. What in the world? She's never woken me up before. Hell, she hasn't even entered the outer room without being invited before. I don't think she had ever entered Luna's and my bedroom.
Doing my best to change gear from 'deep asleep' to 'awake' I peered up at her before quickly checking that Luna wasn't awake. If it was early to me, she would have just gone asleep.
The bed next to me was empty. Luna.
That woke me right up and I rolled onto my stomach, looking at Skitter, “Report.”
“I don't know, sir. The sky...”
Jumping off the bed, I trotted over to look out the window. The sun was high in the sky... the problem was that the Moon was as well. The sky was split down the middle, one side night, the other middle of the day.
I just stared at it for a long moment before I looked at the empty bed and then turned to skitter, “Follow.” I ordered her as I exited the bedroom, almost running into Captain Cold Skies, the leader of Luna's Night Guard.
“Lord Page. Princess Luna? Is she...” He asked quickly.
I shook my head, “She is missing. Princess Celestia?”
“She is missing as well.”
Both Princesses missing and the sky was fucked up in a way I would have said was impossible. It sounded like Discord but everything was too orderly for it to be him.
Whatever it was, it was bad.
“Lord Page, your orders?” Captain Sky asked, his wings shifting on his back as he regarded me.
“When Princess Luna is not present, you speak for the Princess. Your orders, sir? What do we do?”
Luna was missing. Celestia was missing. Something apocalyptically bad was going on. And wearing some silver bling apparently put me in charge.
What do we do!? If the sky looked like that, it might mean that Lu-
I crushed that train of thought without mercy before it fully formed. I can't think that. If I do, I won't be able to function. No. When I went to bed, she was in the room outside working. I felt the bed shift when she got in. She went to bed so she was safe for that long.
During the night, something happened.
Closing my eyes, I forced myself to take a slow deep breath, collecting my thoughts before I looked at Cold Skies, “What is the Day Guard doing?”
He nodded at me, “The Day Guard is scouring the castle and city for any sign of the Princesses and is attempting to keep the population calm at the order of Princess Twilight.”
“Twilight is in Canterlot?”
Skies nodded again, “Yes, sir. She arrived to investigate an hour ago. She took charge of the situation.”
“Good.” I sighed. The Night Guard was much smaller than the Day version. Enough to provide personal security for Princess Luna. The Day Guard was a lot bigger, providing security for the rest of Equestria(with some cities as exceptions that had their own forces, like Cloudsdale) as well as Princess Celestia.
“Leave them to it.” I finally ordered, “We don't have the forces to conduct a search of the city and would just get in each others ways. Focus on the tower and get the best mages you can get your hooves on to investigate. Princess Luna was here earlier and now she is not. Unless somepony broke in, subdued an alicorn and then carried her out, all without anyone, including me and the guards by the doors, noticing... There is powerful magic at work. It might have left some sort of trace.”
“Yes, sir!”
“Where is Princess Twilight? I should speak to her,” I then asked. She must be the one that knows the most right now.
“She should be in the Throneroom still, sir. I'll assign a pair of guards to take you to her.”
I frowned at that, “Captain, I think all the guards should be...”
“With all due respect, Lord Page, when Princess Luna comes back and if something has happened to you while she was gone, it would be my hide that was at stake. You are getting a pair of guards in addition to your Changeling.” Captain Cold Skies interrupted me.
“I must agree sir.” Skitter said with a nod as she moved up next to me, “I would prefer if you stayed here, but if you must go out, more guards would be better.”
I just nodded and headed for the door, “Fine.”
No time to argue about it. I had to find out what was going on.
By the time I was out of the tower, Skitter and a pair of guards had quickly caught up, Skitter moving up next to me, looking around, keeping a eye out. She couldn't help but keep shooting a look at the sky though.
I didn't blame her. It was freaky as all hell, even if you didn't know the cause of it. Luna. Celestia. What was going on.
If something had hap-
I crushed the thought before it formed once more. Cannot go there. If I think it, I am going to panic. Have to keep calm. Luna taught me that. If you lose your head, you may actually lose your head in a crisis.
Even more so, if I thought it, I would just curl up and cry. She is fine.
Luna is just fine.
Chapter 18
“Princess Twilight,” I said as I trotted into the throneroom, “Any news?”
The purple alicorn turned to me, looking somewhat stressed, her dragon sticking close to her side, “Page. No, nothing yet. Luna is indeed missing as well?”
“...She is.” I admitted, “Without a trace so far. I ordered the Night Guard to..”
And I just realized that I'm standing in front of the most powerful mage anywhere. The literal bearer of the element of magic. If someone could pull something like this off, it would be someone like Twilight.
The sky outside was both day and night. Twilight.
“..assist the Day Guard in their search of the castle and city.” I finished, hoping she didn't notice any pause in the middle, “Do you have any clues yet, Princess?” I then asked, my right front hoof lifted of the floor nervously.
I liked to think Twilight was my friend. She was Celestias prized student. The Element of Magic and protector of Equestria as well as the rest of the world. She was one of the smartest ponies I knew.
But... she wanted knowledge more than anything else. What if she found one of Lunas books from when she was Nightmare Moon? She lived close to the Everfree forest and she had been to the old castle before. What if she found some books of Sombras in the Crystal Empire?
Any evidence was circumstantial at best, but... still evidence and it pointed towards the violet alicorn before me. I didn't think she did it. I didn't 'want' to think it.
But I couldn't risk it.
Twilight looked really worried as she shook her head, “No. Nothing yet.” she said a moment before the door slammed open and a guard galloped inside.
“Your Highness! News from Ponyville! The Everfree Forest appears to be... well.. Invading!”
Twilight gasped before she straightened up, “Right.” and turned to me, “Page, I need you to take command in Canterlot. I need to see to Ponyville.”
I just stared at her, “...What?”
“As Princess Luna's representative you speak for her when she is not present and traditionally the consort of a Princess is in command of her personal guard. You are not yet her consort, but your relationship with Princess Luna in combination with your position as Princess Luna's Herald give you authority in this sort of situation just beneath the Princesses.” Twilight explained, “I need to go see to Ponyville and gather the rest of the Elements of Harmony.”
The Princesses would all be unavalible and that effectively put me in charge?
Why don't anyone ever tell me this kind of thing in advance?!
“I'll do my best.” I finally answered with a nod. No matter if Twilight was responsible or not, Luna was counting on me to keep it together. If Twilight was in fact behind this, the unicorns that were examining the tower would most likely find either unicorn or dark magic traces.
If it was not Twilight, we were still in deep shit, but not as much as before. If it was her... I would be in command of the royal guard and we might be able to get her with a ambush when she returned.
Twilight nodded, “I know you will.” and then forced a small smile, lifting her dragon onto her back, “Don't worry, Page. We will find the Princesses.”
Swallowing, I nodded, “...I know.” before ruthlessly stomping the reminder that Luna was missing and most likely in mortal danger down into the back of my mind before I could dwell on it.
Turning, Twilight galloped out of the Throneroom without a second look back as I watcher her leave.
Luna, when you come home, we are doing two things. One, I'm putting a collar with a bell on around your neck. Two, we are sitting down and you tell me exactly everything that this medallion and my relationship with you mean in the bigger picture. I was getting really tired of being ambushed by this kind of crap.
“Sir?” The guard that delivered the news asked, “Orders, sir?”
“...Continue the search. Report any findings to me at once, I will be...” I wanted to rush back to the tower and find out what the mages found. I wanted to join the search. I wanted to... I wanted to think this was a nightmare.
“...I will be here.” I finally finished, “I want an update on the search pattern and I want a meeting with the captain of the Day Guard as soon as he finds some time over without having it conflict with the search effort.” before I looked back at my Night Guard... well, guards... “And I want the same thing from the Night Guard. One guard and Skitter is enough in the throneroom.” Especially with the current main suspect heading off for Ponyville “Gloom Cloud, carry the message to Captain Cold Skies.”
He nodded once and saluted, “Yes, sir!” before both ponies galloped off with their messages.
I then turned to Skitter, “Skitter, I need you to take a message to Queen Chrysalis.”
Her eyes narrowed slightly at me and she stood up a bit straighter, “Sir, I have been tasked with your protection. I can't do that from halfway across the city.”
“No. No you can't.” I sighed and rubbed between my eyes with my hoof, “But I need you to take a message to your Queen. She will let you through at once, you are one of her changelings. A pony she might have wait around just to prove who is in charge. This is important, more important than the very low risk of me getting attacked in the throneroom.”
Skitter buzzed her wings for a second, looking rebellious before she sighed and nodded, glancing to the side, “...What is the message, sir?”
“Tell her that I would like to remind her that despite what the sky looks like, Equestria still has two Princesses able to act, the royal guards, the Elements of Harmony and a Discord. So she can just sit her chitinous arse back down and stop thinking what she is thinking right now.”
Skitter switched, “Sir...” she started to say, looking uncertain.
I nodded, “I know, Skitter. In those words, please.”
She sighed and shook her head, “...As you wish, sir.” before taking to the air with a buzz of her wings and speeding off.
Right now, I had no patience for Queen Chrysalis so I wanted to be one hundred percent clear. We'll deal with the fallout later.
The sound of her wings died down, leaving it silent for once. Too silent.
I looked around. I said I would remain here for news and for the captains of the guard. I knew nothing about what we needed to do or the tactics of the guard. They would need to let me know what I needed to know... and if the results came back with dark unicorn magic, I needed to brief them on Twilight.
So I was stuck here. With nothing to do. While Luna was...
I swallowed and turned the the remaining Night Guard. The unicorn looked at me steadily as if daring me to order him away to do something as well so he could refuse to leave me alone.
Instead I shook my head, “It appears we are stuck here for now. Please let the guard by the door know that I would like a copy of the plans of the castle and a map of the surrounding city delivered as soon as they can. Including the caves if possible.”
Moonshadow nodded, “Yes, sir.” and trotted over towards the door to deliver the message without leaving the throneroom.
Maybe I might spot something someone else had missed.
Chapter 19
Opening my eyes, I raised my head and looked around the throneroom. Other than the guards by the entrances and by the doors it was empty.
Well, and Skitter standing next to me, looking very alert, her eyes flickering between every entrance in the room.
“Anything, sir?” she asked as she glanced down at me before resuming her vigil.
Sighing, I shifted to sit up, shaking my head, “Nothing.”
I had accessed the dreamscape and searched for Luna and Celestia. I didn't find a trace of either of them. Not that it meant anything more than that they weren't asleep. They could be awake or unconscious which was something different than sleeping.
Taking the cup of tea Skitter offered, I took a small sip with a slight frown, forcing myself to appear relaxed. One of the secrets to ruling according to Luna... always appear to know what you are doing. Especially if you don't. Because nothing scare people more than seeing the people in charge not knowing what to do.
So I forced myself to stop, think and relax. What I wanted to do was tear through the city looking for them.
What I did was stay in the throneroom, letting the much more experienced captains of the guards organize the search while I stayed out of their hooves.
Every instinct I had screamed at me to get up and DO something. Anything!
Instead I took another sip of the tea.
At the very least the magical scans of the tower came back clear. No dark or unicorn magic. On the bright side that cleared Twilight. I hated having suspected her in the first place, but...
On the other side, this meant we were now lacking a suspect. The only one I could think of that might be able to pull that off would be Discord. But It didn't fit. It was too... organized. So likely a new player on the field.
Chrysalis? Nope. Not her style. Besides, there was no way she could have done it. Oh, she could crush me like a bug, but only reason she had any kind of chance before was surprise and the fact that she was supercharged.
So someone new. Unknown.
And Celestia help herself if it turns out to be one of those 'evil in a can' she had hidden away during the ages. Because if it is, I will actually hit her.
“Skitter, remind me that when everything is back to normal, to request a meeting with Princess Celestia regarding future security improvements.”
“Yes sir.”
Putting the cup down, I turned my head to look at the changeling, “...Skitter?”
“Yes sir?” she asked with a small frown.
“I'm sorry. I should never have put you in that position, to deliver a message like that.”
She shifted on her hooves as she looked uncomfortable, “..I didn't, sir.” she finally admitted, “I didn't deliver it like that. I simply said that you wanted to remind her that Equestria has other protections than Princess Luna and Celestia.”
I raised an eyebrow, “What did she say?”
“She asked if that was really what you wanted me to tell her and then I told her the real message.”
I couldn't help but snort in amusement despite the current situation, “And what was her reaction?”
“...She laughed.”
Laughed, huh? Did that mean I hit the mark? Or was she amused that I was being paranoid about what she might do?
Well, quite frankly, at the moment I didn't overly care as long as she kept herself in check. As I picked my cup up again, the doors of the throneroom opened and a unicorn walked inside. White fur, blonde mane.
Great. Exactly what I needed right now. Not.
“Lord Page. Any news of my aunts?” He asked as he stopped before the stairs up to the thrones.
Uhm... what? He looked worried, but I expected whining. Yelling. Possibly accusations.
“Nothing yet I am afraid.” I answered with a frown as I studied him, “Princess Twilight is dealing with a situation in Ponyville. It might or might not be related, but considering the timing my guess it that it is. Meanwhile the guards are searching the castle and town with no luck so far but I think she represents the best chance right now.”
“I see. Well, I suppose that if anyone can do it, it would be the Elements.” He commented before he looked up at me again, raising an eyebrow at my expression, “What? Something surprising you, Lord Page?”
“...You are being rational and calm...” I answered before I glanced at Skitter. She shook her head slightly. Not a changeling then. Then again, if it was a changeling it would have to be a particularly stupid one for the act to be that bad.
“Yes, and?” He asked, his other eyebrow going up as well, looking at me for a long moment before he grinned easily, “It's nice to see that my normal act worked on you as well.”
I just stared at him like he just said he wrestled chimeras on his off time, “Act. It's all an act!?”
“Of course. You really think anypony could be such a spoiled arse without it being an act?”
“...Fair point. I have met ponies like that too.”
I took a slow breath and slowly shook my head in amazement, “Why?”
“Because if I don't, Aunt Celestia might expect me to actually do something other than organize parties and enjoy life. I know exactly what kind of life is expected by the eldest child in a noble family. I saw what the stress did to my father and I'd much rather spend my time enjoying parties, fine wine and finer mares.”
The doors of the throneroom slammed open and a guard galloped inside, skidding to a halt before the stairs next to Prince Blueblood, “The sky! Lord Page! The moon is lowering! It's turning to full day!”
Chapter 20
Moving through the corridor, I trotted along, flanked by Skitter and two other guards as I headed towards the main command center. Just because the moon had gone down didn't mean things were over. There could be a thousand reasons to why it went down.
No time to play messenger tag anymore.
Suddenly a pony dove out of a side passage, a hat on her head and a pen and papers in her magic field, “Lord Page, Hot Scoop, Sunrise Times. What is really going on here? Where is Princess Celestia?”
“Fuck off.” I snarled and pushed her out of the way.
To be fair, I could likely have handled that better, but I didn't have the patience for any kind of bullshit right now. How the hell did she even get in here!? The press was banned form the castle grounds.
I didn't look back as there was the sound of yelling and a struggle as the two guards descended on her, instead I simply pushed on to the command center.
The doors opened before me, revealing the brain of the Equestrian Royal Guard. It reminded me a bit of a world war two command bunker. It was centered around a big map, showing Canterlot and the surrounding countryside, the place was bustling with officers and messengers running between them and the different groups in the field.
“Your thoughts, Captain?” I asked, looking at the captain of the Day Guard. Before Lunas return they had simply been the Royal Guard for a thousand years. Now there was a difference.
The unicorn frowned in thought before he nodded, “I agree with your suggestion, My Lord. It should allow a good search rate without leaving Canterlot vulnerable in case it is some sort of ruse to pull our forces away.”
With the search of the city and castle completed with no sign, we needed to spread our search. The sky might look normal now, but that was no reason to relax.
The princesses were not returned yet and until they were found, the search would continue. In this case, half the the guards pegasi would pull unicorns in sky carriages. The unicorns would be running their best magical scans and the pegasi would allow them to cover a lot of ground.
In theory a alicorn should stand out like a neon bulb. In theory. But everyone knew it was a longshot which is why the city had been searched by hoof.
Even I knew how to block one of those scans. But maybe we would get lucky.
I turned to his pegasi counterpart of the Night Guard, “Captain? Any suggestions?”
He shook his head, “No, it is as good a plan we can hope for without risking the city.” he answered, his eyes flicking to Skitter who pretended not to notice.
“Well, let's be about...” I started to say before the doors of the command center opened and... Oh thank Luna.
The previously mentioned Alicorn walked inside, flanked by a pair of Night Guard. She looked tired but she smiled as she spotted me.
My eyes flicked to Skitter who looked back at me before nodding once with a small smile. It was her.
It was really her!
I wanted to gallop over there to kiss her and... just hold her close to make sure she was real. Instead I trotted over, passing the now bowing captains of the guard to meet her.
I couldn't, I wouldn't embarrass her. If I allowed myself, I knew I would break down. She didn't need that right now. Neither did the ponies in here, they needed me to be collected.
Stopping before her, I smiled up at her, “Luna.”
“My Page.” she whispered back with a smile, leaning down to nuzzle softly. Returning the nuzzle I moved closer to rest my head against the side of her neck as she sat down, her wings sliding around me.
I didn't know how long we stayed like that. Could have been five minutes. Could have been five hours. Finally I pulled back slightly, ignoring the slightly wet spots my eyes left on her silky fur before I looked up at her, “Never do that again.” I whispered quietly.
Luna smiled softly and nuzzled between my ears, “I'll do my best, My Page. I was so worried for you.”
“For me!?”
She swallowed and nodded, “We were trapped, unable to move or cast, unable to fall asleep or see. We knew nothing of what happened with the outside world. For all We knew... you were in the same position. Or worse. was all We could think of.”
I swallowed. To be trapped like that... for hours upon hours...
“Celestia?” I asked after a moment.
“My sister is fine. She is conversing with Princess Twilight Sparkle. They should soon return again.” Luna answered softly, pulling me close with her wings again.
Both were safe. All of them were safe.
I allowed myself to relax slightly against her, “Who did this?”
Snarling at that thought, I pulled back to stare up at her, “Discord!? I knew that fucking bastard would be trouble. I assume he is stoned again?”
Luna shook her head and settled down, bringing us to more of eye level, “He is not. In fact he helped stop it.”
“It was a old plan he put in place when we first turned him to stone. He had forgotten about it. He assisted Twilight Sparkle in defeating the stranglevines that had captured me and my sister and threatened Ponyville,” Luna explained before she smiled slightly, “For a certain value of assisting in any case.”
I looked a her for a long moment before I nuzzled softly and shifted to settle down against her side beneath her wing without further comment. Even as I relaxed, my mind was filled with murder.
I might not be able to actually kill Discord, but if he ever get close to either of us again, I'm going to give it my best shot.
“I want him returned to stone,” I finally said quietly, “Too dangerous, too unpredictable. Too powerful. He is a threat to not only you and Celestia, but Equestria as a whole.”
Luna nodded and nosed softly at my ear, “He is,” she whispered softly, “But my sister is right, he is also a great boon if kept in check. This was something he did before we defeated him for the first time and none got really hurt.”
Pulling back I glared up at her, “So he is just getting of scoot free with a dual princess kidnapping!?”
She smiled at that and clicked her horn against mine, “I didn't say that. That's is part of what my sister is discussing with Twilight Sparkle right now. Some... community service if you will.”
Not enough. Not nearly enough. But that was part of the problem with Discord. Any punishment would be either voluntary on his part or semi-permanent.
Letting out my breath, I sighed, sliding my horn against hers until I rested my forehead against hers as I looked into her eyes, “I don't like it. But I suppose it's all that I'm getting. I missed you.”
“I missed you as well, My Page.”
Neither of us noticed, but everyone in the command center had evacuated at some point. Even Skitter had gotten herself out of sight.
Author's Notes:
Extra midsummer part!
Chapter 21
Sighing softly I shifted on the couch, leaning against Luna's side, her wing resting over my back. My eyes were closed and I relaxed again, just enjoying the sound of rain against the windows, wind, crackling fire and the sound of rustling paper and the occasional scratches of a quill.
It's been a couple of days since she returned and... I admit I had been a bit clingy since then. Not that she complained about that.
I knew it was silly but it felt like if I ever let her go, she would disappear again. I knew it was silly. I knew it. But feeling it was something different.
Let's just say I was rather happy she taught me dream magic. It really cut down on the nightmares unless I was intentionally baiting in a Night Terror. Because I had a feeling I would be having quite a bit of them if not for that.
A small nuzzle at my ear and I flicked it, opening my eyes and looking up at Luna to see her smiling down at me, “Tired?”
“Bit. Not very.” I answered and nosed at her neck, “Want some help with the paperwork? I know I'm not exactly qualified or anything and some of them is likely confidential, but I should at least be able to sort them for you or something.”
She grinned at that, “Thank you, but I'm just about done. And I believe you are selling yourself short.”
I just raised a eyebrow at her so she continued,
“I have reviewed the reports about everything that went on while my sister and I were captive. You performed exemplary. You were faced with a very difficult challenge with no real experience in it. You have never ruled, Page. You rose to the challenge wonderfully. You took charge but without trying to control everything, allowing more experienced ponies to handle their parts,” Luna explained with a smile, giving me a squeeze with her wing, “You did well indeed, My Page.”
I did my best not to blush. I failed.
“I just...” I started to say before I blinked and looked up at her, “Wait a moment. Why exactly was it why you never told me that I'm fucking FIFTH in charge!?”
Luna tilted her head in question, her star filled mane flowing above my head, “I thought you already knew,” she answered, reaching to touch the medallion, “When I'm not there, you speak for me, My Page. I thought that alone made it obvious that if none of the Princesses are available and you are, it put you in the position of leader.”
You know, when you put it like that it sounded kinda obvious, didn't it?
Giggling at my expression Luna gave my ear a nuzzle, “Granted, it is not quite that clear cut. It doesn't give you my full authority or we would never be able to issue them to our ambassadors in the past. You wouldn't be able to for example pass any laws or command the guard in any major extent with that authority. The power for legal matters are also somewhat limited. You can order someone arrested, but you can't lead a trial without a written letter from me.” she explained before she earflicked, “You know, I should likely have someone dig out the old laws for you to peruse.”
“...Ya think?” I sighed before I frowned, “Wait, I did order the guards around. Several times, both now and in the past.”
“That is from your authority as my consort.” Luna said with a small nuzzle, “Well, future consort. So technically not completely legal but noone likely felt like arguing over it at those times. As my consort you would have the direct authority over my personal guard as well as in times of crisis, the Day Guard, unless my sister also has a Consort. It was felt that our consorts would be the ones most privileged to my sister and mine intentions and have the most information available to them and as such be the most well positioned to serve the interests of Equestria.”
I considered that for a long moment, leaning my head against her neck. I finally shook my head, “Luna... I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. I don't have the experience nor the training for anything like that.”
“You did well.”
“Because it was a short time. I'm not qualified, I barely did anything and I was about ready to curl up in a ball and hope everything just went away until you got back.”
Luna gave me a small hug with her wing, nosing at my ear, “...You were 'dropped in at the deep end' as they say,” she admitted, “That was not fair, but you did me proud, My Page.”
I blushed again and sighed, “I... suppose that's the kind of thing I should have expected getting involved with a Princess. If I wanted a quiet calm life I should have gotten involved with somepony running a tea shop or something.”
“Hmm? Thinking of a certain pegasus with a silver coat, are you?” Luna asked as she noses at my mane and I startled,
“I didn't mean anything like thaEEP!”
Giggling Luna let go of my ear and gave it a small lick with a grin, “Silly. I'm merely teasing.”
Damn it. Sometime tonight I might actually be able to get rid of this blush but I doubted it would be anytime soon.
“Too easy.” Luna teased with another giggle and nipped at my eartip.
I gave the side of her neck a nip in return, folding my ears against my head to protect them before I sighed and cuddled close, “...Well, I suppose I should do some studying at some point. I'm not even going to pretend to understand politics, but I don't want to get ponies killed if they look for me to tell them what to do in a crisis.”
“I'll ask some of the instructors teaching the classes at the academy if they could...”
“You will do no such thing.” I interrupted before I smiled up at her, “I'm going to look at the times for their officer classes and if they will allow it, I'm going to sit in on the ones I can. I'm not going to join the guard and I'm certainly I'm not going to demand special attention from them. I'm a author, Luna, not military or a politician. For now I just want enough that I'll understand when I'm in over my head so I can defer to the real experts in a crisis.”
I smirked at her reaction and raised wings before she kissed me. I kissed back for a moment before pulling back, “But we need to talk. About security.”
Luna blinked, “Oh?”
“Nightmare Moon. Discord. Sunset Shimmer/Magic Mirror, Discord AGAIN. These things have threatened Equestria since I came here. All of them could have been prevented if there had been enough security measures in place. Luna, I'm honestly worried about what other dormant doomsday devices you may have laying about.” I sighed and leaned against her side, “I want to see them, see what can be done to improve the security. I know I'm not a expert in anything, but... I'm worried, Luna.”
“Page, I can assure you that we keep things well secu....” Luna started to say before she slowly trailed off as I raised a eyebrow at her.
Four possibly world ending events in two years is not secure.
She frowned and then sighed, “...Several of the artifacts we keep secure can hurt ponies even if they just look at them. We have no idea what they would do to you, My Love. As for the creatures... some are even worse.”
What did she keep locked up!? Fucking Cthulhu!?
“Even more important things are secure. Even if it's just a new different viewpoint that I can provide, I want to help.”
Luna frowned and her ears shifted in thought before she nodded, “Let me discuss it with my sister?”
“That's all I ask.”
Chapter 22
Something hit my side. I stirred but then settled down again, trying to cling to my sleep. Maybe if I ignore it, it goes away.
Go away. Sleepy.
Everything moved and spun before I found myself briefly without a bed beneath me. Then the floor rose up and smacked me.
Forcing my eyes open against the light, I groaned and started to extract myself from the bundle of blankets I landed in.
What in...
Sitting up I peered at Luna on the bed. She looked just as sleepy as I did if not more. Also, she didn't look particularly happy,
“Deal with your accursed pet, Page.” she grumbled and curled up on the bed, “And give back the blanket.”
I just blinked at her sleepily before I saw something moving in her mane behind her and a wooden head with green eyes poked out of it, putting it's paws on her side as it looked at me, tilting it's head in question as if wondering what I'm doing on the floor.
Grumbling I floated the blanket back over her while snatching up the playful timberwolf, “What have I said about being in the bed, Fern?” I chided it before putting it back down on the floor.
It just tilted it's head the other way, leaf tongue hanging out.
“Bad Fern.” I sighed and looked out the window. Uegh. It can't be later than ten at the most. Way too early.
There was the sound of wood against wood and I looked down at the timberpuppy with a small frown before rubbing my eyes and heading for the door out of the bedroom.
He was likely just hungry. The door was slightly open where he had pushed it open. Walking out I checked the bowl.
Yep. Hungry.
Refilling the water bowl I put it down letting the little plant/spirit being quickly duck it's snout into it, the level visibly lowering as it sucked it in.
As it turned out, Timberwolves lived primarily on three things. Sunlight, water and magic. In that order. With some supplements such as dirt, wood and meat.
I had worried about the smell. The adult ones smelled like rot, but not this one. Not yet. I think it might actually be nourishment that did it. Made sense. Not get enough nourishment and the wood they were made of started to rot. Might not even hurt them as they were clearly not just physical beings, but it would weaken them.
We just have to see I guess. If nothing else, I had already researched anti smell spells.
I raised a eyebrow at the chlorofiend, “Better?” I asked with a smile.
“Goody.” I agreed before turning towards the door, this early I would need to...
I paused and looked at the table to find a steaming hot pot of tea, a cup and a pair of sandwiches on a tray.
How in the fucking world do they even do that!? I woke up hours early! Fricking ninja maids!
Shaking my head, I picked one of the sandwiches up in my magic before checking. Mmm. Tomato and cheese. Nice.
Digging in, I eyed the door warily. If the clearly omniscient maids figured out I was awake, then I suppose Skitter would be waiting outside the door as well.
Floating the pot and cup along, I poured it while I walked up to open the door, peering outside.
Empty. Well, not empty, the guards flanking the door were still there and they stood a bit straighter when they heard the door open but otherwise didn't react.
Huh. No Skitter.
That have to be the first time since... well, ever that happened. Then again, I was over two hours early and not like she slept out here. Well, for the most part.
She instead had been given the room beneath Lunas and mine. I grinned in amusement at that thought before I frowned in thought as I closed the door and sipped my tea as I turned to go back to the couch. Wonder if you can over feed a Change..
“Good Morning, sir.”
I didn't squeal like a girl and pour tea all over myself! Lies and slander!
Skitters smile dropped and she cringed, “Sorry sir!” and started to brush the liquid of my coat, “I didn't mean to surprise you!”
I just sighed, “It's fine.” as I tried getting my hearthrate and breathing back under control, seeing the balcony door open, “Sleep on the balcony?”
“It was a warm night, sir. The stars were beautiful.”
“They always are.” I agreed with a smile and picked the cup up. Awesome, it survived.
Skitter pulled back, seemingly satisfied she had gotten the worst of the liquid away, “Any plans for today, sir?”
“A bath.” I commented and the changeling cringed again before I smiled at her, focusing on Luna for a moment, poking at her shoulder to give her a small amount of love to let her know for certain I wasn't angry, “Then I'm free. Anything on the schedule?”
“Nothing planned, sir. Other than your morning run that is.”
“Awesome. I might actually get some writing done today.”
That was getting increasingly rare.
Chapter 23
Jumping to the side I avoided most of the blast of yellow energy, the rest being redirected into the ground, knocking up dust by a angled shield.
Only the exertion kept me from smiling as I panted softly.
I had been right before. Sunset Shimmer hit like a girl.
Oh, she had power to spare. She was one of the strongest unicorns I ever practiced with.
But her strategy was basically 'throw enough power at the problem and hope it get the job done' with some teleports sprinkled in. The Twilight Sparkle school of dueling.
I didn't have much experience in magical duels. Oh, okay, Luna had been training me and I sparred with Swift from time to time. Oh and Thunder Cloud and Shining Armor when they were in town. I was good, but I was hardly what you would call a professional duelist or something.
What Sunset was throwing around felt at least twice as powerful as anything I used. Hell, she might ever be stronger than Shining Armor when it came to offense. But she had no clue about what she was doing.
“Stand still, damn you!”
Fine. How about this then?
The next blast rushed towards me and this time I didn't move. My horn lit up and I focused. Her kinetic spell turned into sparkles, dissolving into nothing before it reached me, my own answer spell blasting through the remains of her spell, catching her of guard and she scrambled to get out of the way.
Giving credit where it's earned, Sunset almost made it.
The spell clipped her rear with a lout smack, sending her tumbling onto the dusty ground.
Coming to a stop in a small cloud of dust, she stayed still, panting softly. I stayed still watching her idly as I caught my own breath, enjoying the cool autumn air. This was the best time of the year in my opinion. Cool without being cold.
A warm summer day was nice, but I liked this time too. For one thing it made exercise a lot less of a pain in the tail.
But following the nice and cool came icy and snowy which was even worse than the heaviest summer heat. But that was still weeks away. For now I could enjoy the cool weather while kicking the shit out of Sunset. For educational purposes of course.
It was actually Luna's idea to further my own training. According to her, the best way to hammer your own lessons home was to teach somepony else.
Now, I had not been at it for long. I was still an apprentice according to Luna. ven so, I was clearly better trained then anybody I'd met who wasn't in the guard. Besides, we kept to spells that didn't hit harder than perhaps a strong kick so it's not like we were going to accidentally kill each other while still practicing.
I thought it rather rewarding.
Sunset didn't seem to share my opinion on the matter. The glare she was shooting me while slowly struggling to lay on her stomach, panting heavily said it all. It would have burst me into flames if it could have.
“Yes?” I asked, getting my breath under control.
She ground her teeth together with a glare before she snorted, “How did you do that?”
“Do what?”
It was all I could do not to smirk at her renewed glare. It was strange the relationship we developed. She didn't like me. I didn't overly like her either. She had threatened the security of not only Equestria but a version of Earth.
I stopped her together with Twilight. That didn't exactly cause her to like me even if she had settled down a bit. I don't think she was actively hating me anymore.
While I was the one that brought her back... by threatening to stab her until she stopped resisting no less... I was also the one that intervened with Celestia a month or two ago to get her released and took her suppression ring off.
We didn't like each other, even if I must admit she had been growing one me, but we had some things in common that we didn't share with anypony else here in Equestria.
Both Sunset and I knew what it was like to survive and adapt to an entirely new world. That gave a certain connection. Twilight didn't count, she was barely on Earth for a day.
“Cancel my spell!”
“Oh that. I used my own magic to ground it out.”
She frowned at me at that, blinking, “But.. you need to know the spells meta frequency to do that. You can't do that in the middle of a fight. Especially not while it's cast at you!”
I smirked at her, “Yes it is. Well, unless you are immortal alicorn good with hundreds of years of experience.”
Oh yes, that turned her glare up to eleven.
Shrugging I settled down next to her, crossing my frontlegs on the ground before me as I gave in to the unspoken question, “You cast the same spell again and again. Each time it hit my shield, I got more and more pieces of the puzzle.”
Sunset Shimmer blinked at me and looked thoughtful, “...Oh.”
“Vary your spells up.” I said with a shrug, “Or at least cast them a bit different every time. And stop with your stupid teleporting.”
“Just because you can't d...”
I sighed and shook my head, “It doesn't matter if you can teleport if you stay in my line of sight when doing it. Yes, you avoid the spell in question, but you also disorient yourself for half a second while you reacquire my position. Shield or simply get out of the way of the spell if you can't use the teleport in a more tactical manner.”
“What do you know about using teleportation? You can't even do it!”
“I know what works and what doesn't because Luna likes using teleportation.” I explained with a smirk, “The result from her tactics of always appearing somewhere out of my line of sight and not just of to the side of the spell is rather clear.”
Sunset sighed but nodded, “...The further you have to teleport, the more difficult it becomes. When you only have a split second, you can only go so far.” she admitted.
“Yeah, I know.” I agreed, “Which is why I and Luna recommend not using it until you are that good. Until you do, it's not an advantage. Not unless it give you a ground advantage, like getting onto a roof when up against a earth pony.”
She bit her lower lip with a frown before she nodded, “I guess you may be right,” she admitted before she glanced back at herself and made a disgusted sound, “Ugh, I'm covered with dust.”
Couldn't argue with that. She was more brown than golden now.
I made a show of looking her over before I nodded with a smile, “Yep. Perhaps avoid rolling around on the ground so much? It's really dusty here.”
The look I earned for that lived up to her name. She is fun to tease!
“Go take a bath and then grab a pizza?” I asked with a grin as a peace offering, “It's about dinner time.”
Sunset blinked at that, her ears perking up as she apparently forgot her anger, “Pizza? You know where to get pizza?”
“I know how to make pizza. Took me months but I finally tracked down all the correct ingredients of substitutes about... six months, nine months ago? Haven't gotten around to showing the royal kitchen yet though so if I want it, I have to make it myself.”
“...Yes please.” She quickly answered and scrambled onto her hooves, “Let's go!”
Chuckling I trotted along to the castle staffs public bathing facilities. They were closer than heading all the way up to the tower.
Chapter 24
Yawning I relaxed in the warm water, idly watching the sun's reflections moving on the wall from where the sun hit the water.
“So what do you miss about Earth the most?” Sunset suddenly as she put the bucket down, water dripping from her mane.
“Hmm?” I asked, turning to look at her.
Her horn lit up and she twisted her mane to get the worst of the water out of it before ducking beneath the water again, “What do you miss most about earth? When I was there, there were things I really, really missed about Equestria. Things I didn't expect, like being able to eat daisies.” she said as she returned to the surface.
This had been one of the things that took some getting used to. Ponies did communal bathing. Oh, most homes had private baths as well, but there were several public ones around the city and the castle had it's own.
Took some getting used to, but it made sense. Not like either of us were any more or less naked now than as were sitting on a couch or practicing dueling. Besides, especially earth ponies had difficulty reaching some spots on their backs on their own.
Tilting my head in thought I frowned slightly before I shrugged, “Other than obvious things like family and friends, I have to say the Internet.”
Sunset nodded, “Oh yeah. Yeah I kinda miss that too, it was so convenient. You could look up anything anytime you wanted. I could even do it on my phone. Way easier than going to a library.”
“Mmm. And boobs. I miss boobs.”
That earned me a surprised look, “...Why? They just got in the way.”
I grinned, “I didn't have them, I just liked looking at them.”
Sunset shrugged, “Well, you were human so I guess you would. I just had them get in the way and pull at my center of balance. Then there was all those clothes at all times and humans were so shy about everything.“
“Different cultures and different worlds.”
Ducking beneath the water I scrambled my mane with my magic field before returning to the surface, brushing my mane from my eyes before relaxing again.”
Sunset smirked, “Of course, I likely missed having a nice stallion to look at as much as you miss human women.”
“Well, that's just natura...” I started to say before I noticed her look and rolled my eyes, sending a wave to splash her, “Very funny.”
She smiled, letting the wave splash against her neck, “What? You may be the consort of Princess Luna, but I can still look. Don't need to like you for that.” she answered before she grinned, “Why, does it make you uncomfortable?”
Ignoring her, I reached out with my magic and floated over a discarded newspaper. She just had to make this weird didn't she?
“Blank Page: Author, Future Consort or something darker?” the headline said and I stared at it for a long moment before I eyed through the article.
Appeared out of nowhere, no records, no-one knowing him before then. No school records found. Violent fighter. Disturbing elements in writing. When the Princesses went missing, he took control of the Guard illegally. Working with changelings.
I blinked at the article before I looked who wrote it. Hot Scoop.
Didn't ring a bell.
“Hmm? Something wrong?” Sunset asked and she moved up next to me and leaned it to read it with me before she cringed, “Ouch.”
To say the least.
“Well... I guess I really should have expected to end up in the spotlight sooner or later if I stayed with Luna.” I finally said, handing the newspaper over to her so she could read it for herself, “Honestly, I'm a bit surprised it's not happened before now.”
Sure, there has been a couple of fluff pieces, but nothing like this.
Sunset eyed through the article and raised a eyebrow before she looked at me, “Well... they are not wrong. I can't tell anything in here that's a fabrication. A bit twisted at places but technically accurate.”
I scowled at her, “Not helping.”
“Wasn't trying to. If I was trying to help I would say that you should go and discuss what to do about it with Princess Celestia. She always was good at handling the press.” Sunset said with a shrug before she pulled away, bringing the paper with her, flicking through it.
I watched her for a second before I nodded, “...Thanks.”
What would the fallout be of this? It all depended on how it was handled. I trusted the ponies that knew the truth to keep quiet about it but I wouldn't put it past Chrysalis to leak something. But would she actually do that? Not sure she would.
Actually letting it be known I was not really a pony originally would hurt her as well as it would backlash onto her. The fact that I was not only would Luna trust my safety to a changeling but I was also a pony that got a long with said changeling was a major PR point in her favor.
Perhaps we should play up the amnesia angle. Damn it, I really should talk to Celestia.
“This was a recurring nightmare I had you know,” Sunset said quietly after a long moment of silence as she folded up the paper, “That I would wake up one morning and find the headline 'Alien hiding as girl' in the paper and black cars outside my apartment.”
I just nodded. I can't say I had not worried about something similar at times even if I knew the Princesses had my back in this. Ponies were not as dissection happy as humans even if Celestia and Luna had not already known. As proven by the fact that they didn't when I first arrived and they realized what happened.
If the humans on Earth had figured out who Sunset really was...
It would not have been pretty.
Shaking my head I started heading to the small stairs to climb out of the shallow but wide pool, “I'm going to see if Celestia has time to discuss this.”
Chapter 25
Celestia sipped her tea with a small thoughtful look before she shook her head, “I don't believe there is any need to panic, Page. Compared to what has been written about me in the past it is fairly tame.”
“The difference Celestia is that you are not a strange meat eating alien from another dimension in pony form. And they got scary close to the truth in some parts” I sighed up at the large alicorn.
She just smiled down at me and I frowned,
Celestia smiled a bit wider before she laughed softly, “Right” she agreed with a grin, “But I have been lambasted in the papers in the past for things at least as scandalous. One of the dangers of a free press I'm afraid.”
I just looked up at her for a long moment before I couldn't resist anymore, “Like what?”
“Wouldn't you like to know?” She teased before she smiled and sipped the tea, “Let's say I learned a lesson some four hundred years ago. That there are things you should not do in the throne room, even in the middle of the night. No matter how unlikely it is that somepony walks in or how handsome your consort...”
She had been... oh my.
Clearing my throat, I focused on my teacup, taking a sip.
“...and his brother were.”
My tea splashed across Celestia's perfectly timed shield and she looked at me innocently, “Something in your throat, Lord Page?”
I glowered at her. She planned that!
“I'm starting to think your sister has quite a lot of stories to tell about you” I finally said as I put my cup down.
Celestia smiled down at me, “She should. Before her banishment she were there for some of them.”
“...Perhaps we should get back to the point at hoof?” I finally said to get back on topic before my brain short circuited, fighting not to blush. If I didn't get this back on track, she would be teasing me all day. She found it hilarious to lure me into traps of words.
She smiled in victory with a nod, “We should” the Princess agreed, “In the end the solution is fairly simple. Care to make a guess?”
I flicked my ears in thought and slowly rotated my tea cup in my magic field, “...Tell them part of the truth?” I finally guessed.
Celestia nodded, her smile turning almost predatory, “Tell them the truth. You were in a magical accident and when you woke up you had no memory of Equestria or even living as a pony. You went on to work hard, getting a job, writing a book, caught the eye of a Princess and helped broker peace with the Changelings. Worked your way from nothing to the nobility and to be the future consort of Princess Luna. They put your past in question? Make them eat it.”
It was beautiful. Every single word of that was even true.
I slowly smiled, “The best lies are the true ones.”
“Not a single word of that was a lie” Celestia answered with a smile, sipping her tea.
Let's see how you like it?
“So... have you warned Twilight about the entire throne room thing?”
“And deprive her of experiencing it herself? Perish the thought!”
Rolling my eyes, I shook my head, “This is Twilight we are talking about. She is the most straight laced pony I know.”
“Is she now? What is that saying about the quiet ones? The quieter, the...” Celestia teased with a grin, nibbling on a cookie, “Bet you Manehattan to donuts.”
Good point.
A thought struck me and I raised a eyebrow, “Fluttershy?”
Celestia almost choked on her cookie.
She narrowed her eyes at me and the half eaten cookie flew from her magic field to bounce off my forehead, landing on the table.
I just grinned and sipped my tea, enjoying my victory, “So... is there going to be a press announcement or are we simply sending them a letter?”
“About Fluttershy?”
“Oh, fuck no.” I choked out. That would kill the gentle pegasus!
Celestia smiled and then nodded, “I'll have the speech writers put together a suitable letter to the media.”
“Thank you, Princess.”
“You are quite welcome, my little pony.” Celestia said with her normal 'perfect princess' polite smile before it turned more real, “It's the least I can do for the pony that makes my sister so happy.”
I tired not to blush. I failed.
“In more than one way as I understand it” Celestia continued, her smile turning into a grin, “If you want, I could arrange for the throneroom to be 'closed for cleaning' for a couple of hours for you two...”
I shifted on the thick pillow and shot her a flat look, “Somepony is in a good mood today.”
Celestia nodded happily, “I am indeed. Twilight is arriving in a couple of hours, we are going to have a study session and review what she has learned about her new role so far.”
“Is that what they are calling it nowadays? Study session?”
A cookie bounced off my horn.
Chapter 26
I looked up at the pegasus that came in for a landing before I raised a eyebrow at him, “Cloud. First of all, you are Day Guard. Second, you are out of uniform and as such not on duty. Third, you are my friend. Cut it the fuck out.”
Folding his wings he smiled easily, his breath a cloud in the winter air, “Sorry, reflex. I have been calling everyone sir for the last three months.”
“The guard is keeping you busy?” I asked with a smile.
He nodded with a sigh, “Yep. Been running the tour between Canterlot and the garrison over at Staliongrad for the last three months.”
I had spent some time studying maps of Equestria. That's quite a distance.
“It got easier after the first month.” He shrugged, “But if you think basic sounded tough... try spending twelve hours in the air a day flying high and fast. While carrying satchels with messages.”
“You know, sometimes I wonder why I didn't join the guard. Then I'm reminded exactly why by things like that.”
“Eh, you always were a prissy unicorn.”
I raised a eyebrow at him, “This prissy unicorn could kick your arse any day of the week, birdy.”
“You never managed it before. And that was before I went through training.”
I chuckled and shouldered the pegasus, “Missed having you around, featherhead. So what's up? Get kicked out?”
“Ha! There were times I wished for that.” He laughed and pushed back before he grinned, walking along the street alongside me, “Nope, was too good. Got transferred.”
“Too fast, huh? They managed to find you a longer route?”
He grinned, “I bet they would if they could! But nope. Royal Guard, Canterlot garrison. Air scout division. They need fast and high fliers with good stamina. While my large wings don't let me go as fast as some, they are also pretty good for long distance when high up” before he smiled at an admittedly kinda pretty amber pegasus mare that walked past the other direction.
“I suppose a congratulations is in order.”
Canterlot was the premier post that everyone in the guard wanted. They were the closest to the princesses.
“Damn right. Let's find Swift and the drinks are on you.”
I raised a eyebrow, “Don't you mean on you?”
“I'm on a private's pay. You are the rich one, you buy.”
I just chuckled in amusement before I nodded, “Very well. But it's going to need to wait, Swift is on duty for...” I glanced around until I found a timepiece, “Another two hours.”
“Well, damn. So what are you up to?”
“Right now? Nothing really, heading for the wall road.”
The road stretching all around Canterlot in a big circle on top of the thick wall. It was the normal path recruits and the guard used for their running as it was usually clear other than for the occasional patrol or piece of siege equipment as it was blocked for civilians.
I had access as well. And this was one privilege of my position I had all intention to make full use of. Because if I didn't keep in shape between sessions there is no way I would survive Luna.
Our practice sessions of course. What were you thinking of?
“Finally got off your comfy chair and started to work for a living?”
“Perish the thought.” I snorted, “Nope, just wanna keep in shape. Too much awesome food at the castle. If I don't run, I'll soon be rolling down the road.”
“Oh yeah, can't have the Princess have a pudgy consort.”
I couldn't help but grin, “That too.”
“You lucky bastard.”
“Don't you know it.”
“You know, she does have a sister...” Thunder Cloud started to say with a grin, “Introduce me?”
I almost tripped over my own hooves, “Wait, what, seriously?”
He looked at me for a long moment before he grinned, “No. The thought of hitting on Princess Celestia is seriously scary. Had you going though!”
I rolled my eyes, “If you want me to, I can introduce you. Could just bring you in to one of the more relaxed functions I have to go to from time to time. I'll arrange an introduction, but the rest would be up to you.”
Cloud shook his head, “No, seriously, I would have no clue what to do. A normal mare is one thing, but one of the Princesses... especially 'the' Princess... I would have no idea what to say.”
“Hello, I'm Thunder Cloud, I want to make you squeak?” I suggested with a grin, “And I'll argue with you over who's 'the' Princess if I have to.”
The big bad Royal Guard Scout seemed to choke on his own spit.
The worst thing was that I had a feeling that that line might actually work on Celestia if said in private so she could drop her public face. Or in public depending on how much she wanted to fuck with the heads of the audience.
He finally cleared his throat and shot me a look, the inside of his ears burning red, “Damn it, don't say stuff like that without warning!”
I just shrugged with a smirk, “So? Want that introduction?”
“Dude, I'm a enlisted member of the Guard. Private, not even a Sergeant, there is no way Princess...”
“And I'm a author, what's your point?” I interrupted him.
Cloud looked more uncertain than I had ever seen him before he shook his head.
“Up to you. Let me know if you change your mind.” I said with a grin as we trotted past the checkpoint onto the wall road, the guards just giving us a quick look before allowing us past when they recognized me, “But for now, we have a couple of hours until we can grab Swift. Keep up if you can.”
“There will be a cold day in Tartarus before a pegasus gets outrun by a unicorn. On the ground or not. You keep going further than me and I'll buy today.”
He didn't pay for a single drink.
Chapter 27
“You know, if you actually reproduced in a normal manner rather than from magic and the fears of ponies I would be tempted to practice some catch and release with you. Because this kind of bad luck really should be encouraged in the predator population,” I commented as I watched the Night Terror before me shifting into scary form after scary form trying to feed off us, “I mean seriously. Out of all the dreams you could have, you pick the one shared by the Princess of the Night and the only other pony she taught how to do this.”
Shaking my head I lashed out with the beam of will and the psychic dream predator dissolved into a shower of sparks and I pulled them in, grounding the magic into my own. Huh, that was a weak one. Must have been pretty new.
Feeling Luna's wing settle over my back I looked up at her, finding that she looked thoughtful.
“What?” I asked as I raised a eyebrow.
Luna smiled and shook her head, “Just wondering if being able to hunt these things satisfies some sort of primal need from when you were human.”
I tilted my head and then shrugged, “Maybe? Never hunted before, but I suppose on a instinctual level it's possible. This isn't really the right way though, humans were not originally ambush predators. Too slow and no natural weapons. We only really started to do that when we discovered spears I think.”
My Princess frowned, “...So how did you catch food before you discovered tools? Scavenging?”
“That too.” I agreed, “If the kill was new at least, humans were never that good with rotten food. But no, humans were persistence hunters.”
“Persistence hunters?”
Nodding and shifted reality around us with a thought and suddenly we were on the grasslands of Africa, a herd of gazelles grazing a bit away from us, “Persistence hunting. We didn't try to catch our prey. We were way too slow and couldn't kill it fast enough to stop it from hurting us.”
A human walked out from beneath one of the trees, starting towards the group of gazelles at a smooth slow jog.
The herd bolted.
He just kept following, angling towards one of the smaller animals.
I shifted the environment and sped up time so we could follow without moving and still see the entire hunt today, “Humans are great long distance runners. We would pick a prey, alone or in a group, and then just follow it.”
The gazelle slowed down to rest, panting for air before another sound startled it and it looked up before starting to run again as its pursuer started to get closer.
“We would simply follow the prey until it was too exhausted to move or died of heatstroke,.” I explained as the small deer like animal finally collapsed.
When the human showed up again, it struggled onto it's hooves and ran for it once more. Next time it collapsed it didn't get up again.
I ended the image before the human was able to get to work finishing it off, leaving us instead back on the field of battle where Luna had been spending the dream teaching me how to direct forces around the field of battle.
Luna shivered slightly and then shook her head, “...Such a terrifying way to hunt.”
“It's what we could do back then.” I shrugged and nuzzled at her neck, “Sorry.”
She smiled slightly and nosed, “Nothing to be sorry about. I suppose it's just the idea of fighting a foe that just kept coming, you run and when you could run no longer it would just show up again. Couldn't be stopped. It's a really scary idea.”
“Dundun dundun.” I said and grinned, “I think I know what to write next.”
“Don't you dare! There is enough nightmares in Equestria without your stories adding to it!”
“I'd put a warning label on it! Besides, it has a happy ending and it's more of a action than horror thing,” I protested before I sighed, “It's a good story and I don't think Equestria has an equivalent! They should not be deprived of the greatness that is The Terminator!”
Then again, without the music and Ahnold, would it be as good? I think so, the basic story idea of a time traveling golem to stop kill the mother of the resistance leader against the golem rebellion was still a classic one.
Can even use the same title.
I didn't care about the money anymore. Right now I just wanted Equestria to have these stories. Fuck, if I could I would import the originals!
But right now, the best I could do would be to take the basic concept and write my own stories with it.
“Speaking of which.” Luna said and nosed, “I liked your latest book. The reviews were good too, not as high as your latest Jedi book, but still good.”
“Mmm. Have a signing in a couple of days,” I sighed, “Honestly, it's nice to meet fans but it's such a horn ache after the thousand times you sign your name.”
Luna snorted, “Tell me about it. Signing documents gets like that after a while.”
“So what did you like about it?” I asked and leaned against her side, “Sorry for not getting you a pre print version by the way, but it's easier to read in a actual book rather than lose pages.”
“It is,” Luna agreed before she kissed my cheek, “I forgive you... this time,” she teased before she hmmed, “I liked the action and the main character. I suspect the intelligence service will find a upswing in recruits for a while.”
“It's not very realistic.”
“Not really,” she agreed, “But neither are most novels written about a member of the guard. It's not all heroic victories or catching the eye of one of the Princesses,” she teased with a grin, “But mostly, I liked the main character. She was fun, brave and intelligent.”
“Thank you, I based her on somepony I know.” I said with a smirk as I eyed her.
“Is that so?” she almost purred and then stepped back to shift to match the description of the earth pony in the book, Shimmering Diamond.
Oh my.
“Buuut...” she continued with a grin, “I think it's time you wake up.”
“Oh that's just mean.”
Luna winked and started to collapse the dream which would wake me up. Narrowing my eyes at her, I put my own power against hers, keeping my dream solid.
That caused her to smile playfully, “If you can resist for ten minutes, we can negotiate,” she teased, “Maybe that scene... you know the one on the ship?”
I just ground my teeth at the effort, the steadily building pressure, shifting my hooves as she slowly put more and more energy into it. It was my dream, it gave me a homefield advantage. A big one. But she had literally thousands of years of experience and a vastly larger amount of power to pull on.
I struggled to keep the dream solid around us as the seconds slowly ticked by. She didn't even look like she was working hard and despite my best work, her power was like holding back the ocean. Luna wasn't even bothering trying to beat me with skill, she was just slowly applying more and more pressure until I couldn't keep it steady. The dream started to shrink around us as I reduced the size to give me less to focus on.
“You have become a lot better, My Page,” Luna said softly, “You have a talent for dream magic.”
“G-guess it comes from dreaming up stories.” I managed to answer, slowly diverting a small amount of power for a second task, using what I absorbed from the Night Terror.
“There is a strong link there, yes,” Luna agreed.
I snorted, the dream soon pressing in on us, the edge of the mists just meters away as I struggled to keep it solid.
“Good Morning, My Page,” Luna said with a smile, “Wakey wakey.”
“Wake Wakey.” I answered and stopped resisting, diverting the rest of my magic into the 'ground' beneath me, forming a flat disk of silver before I winked as the dream collapsed, “Catch me if you can.” I teased and dropped out into the space between dreams.
With me out of the dream, it would be her dream, not mine. Which meant that the dream collapsing would wake HER up!
A second later she dove through after me, clearly able to catch the dream collapse in time.
The chase was on!
Chapter 28
I happily walked along the winter sidewalk, a scarf around my neck and a warm hat on my head. Skitter was walking next to me in her semi unicorn form, the only thing marking her as changeling were her insect like wings.
She was just as bundled up as I was against the freezing cold. Scarf, Jane hat and even a jacket. Changelings were actually more sensitive to cold than ponies even when shapeshifted. No shiver reflex.
“What's next on the list?” I asked her as we stopped at a cross section.
Skitter reached into her bag and pulled a scroll list out and unrolled it to have a look, “Uhm... jewelry order is done. We've been past the publisher and checked the numbers.”
I nodded, “Anything else?”
“Nothing on the list, sir.”
There was one thing left though. A gift for Skitter... and that was something insanely difficult to be able to arrange as she stuck to my side like glue as soon as I left home.
Then there was also the trouble of actually finding something for Skitter. For one thing she was not a pony. She basically had zero cares for material things and I wasn't even certain that she even understood half the reasons why ponies did things. She could copy them of course, she was a changeling infiltrator, but she didn't truly understand some of them.
Hopefully she'll like the necklace I commissioned while at the jewelers while she was browsing and keeping a eye on the door. A nice and simple silver chain with a small pendant of a silver moon with an emerald silhouette of a butterfly in flight in the middle. I think I managed to sneak it in while getting the earrings for Luna.
“Well then. Some tea would be nice then I think,” I said with a smile, “Perhaps some hot chocolate.”
That got a smile from the changeling, “That would be nice, sir.”
Chocolate was the one food it turned out that changelings cared about. Something about the taste reminded them of love apparently.
Turning to the right, I headed for the favorite cafe, “What to do after... I likely should be getting some writing done.”
The Terminator was actually a pretty good idea to work on. Classic story. Of course it would likely be more horror than action in the pony adaptation.
“Back to the castle after tea then?”
“Mmm. I think so,” I confirmed as we reached the cafe and I moved to push the door open only to find it locked.
Huh? They were almost never closed.
The light was on inside but it looked empty. Frowning to myself, I knocked on the door.
“Maybe nopony is here,” Skitter suggested as she peeked into the empty window, “But I feel...” she started to say before she paused, “She is inside there, Silver Leaf. But she tastes awful.”
I blinked at her and knocked on the door again.
Fine then. Focusing on the lock, I slowly slipped my magic in between the door and door frame, feeling around before turning the lock, pushing the door open.
The shop was silent and I slowly entered, “Hello?” I asked softly without getting an answer. I glanced at Skitter who pointed towards the kitchens,
“In there, sir.”
Nodding I ducked in behind the counter and carefully pushed the door to the kitchen open to look inside. It was a small kitchen, but it had a great number of ovens and a bunch of other equipment I couldn't recognize.
What I did recognize though was Silver Leaf laying on the floor, curled up, her wings pulled around herself.
“Silver?” I asked quietly, “What's wrong?” as I moved up next to her, putting my hoof on her shoulder.
She twitched and looked up at me in surprise, her eyes filled with tears before she closed her eyes and looked away, “I-I'm sorry, L-lord Page. W-we are closed today.”
Frowning I settled down next to her I shook my head, “Forget about that Silver. What's wrong?” and put my frontleg around her.
Suddenly I had a pegasus bawling against my chest as I held her close, stroking her mane. I didn't say anything, simply holding her seemed to be the best thing I could do.
She cried for what seemed like a long time. I never knew how to handle a crying woman/mare so I just stroked her mane.
Silver slowly settled down into sniffles, trembling against me before she spoke up again, “M-... My father passed away two days ago.”
Oh. Oh no.
“Silver... I'm so, so sorry.” I whispered softly.
“H-heart attack. I-I found him in the morning. The doctors couldn't do anything,” Silver continued quietly.
That... that was horrible. I could think of very few things that would be worse to experience.
“Silver. You should be home. What are you doing here?” I asked and stroked her mane.
“D-daddy would have wanted the store to open. B-but when I got here I... I couldn't... I couldn't stop crying.”
I nodded, “I think he would like you to take care of yourself more. Come on,” I said and gently helped her up, “Let's take you home.”
“...I can't. That's...”
“Then we take you somewhere else.” I continued gently as she leaned against my side, “Come, we have plenty of rooms at the castle.”
“But... I can't... I have to...”
“You can and you will. Come on.”
Silver settled down and allowed me to lead her out of the cafe.
Chapter 29
I carefully closed the door to the guestroom, leaving Silver sleeping in the bubble of silence I cast around her bed.
As soon as she was asleep I ducked into the dreamrealm for a couple of minutes and made sure she got a deep dreamless sleep. She needed the rest.
“Sir?” Skitter said from where she was waiting next to the door.
I shook my head, “She is asleep at least.”
Nodding Skitter looked at the door for a moment before she looked back at me, “What now, sir?”
Sighing I shook my head again with a frown, “I don't know. It's going to be rough for her for a while.”
Skitter shifted and nodded, her wings doing a small buzz.
“She is going to sleep for a while, I made sure of that.” I sighed and rubbed my forehead next to my horn before down across my eyes, “I have a feeling she has not slept since her father passed away.”
She nodded and looked at the door, “She did feel tired.”
“Changelings can tell that?”
“Makes the emotions a bit fuzzy.”
“Huh. I see.” I said and frowned, “Well, I don't exactly feel like writing right now. Luna should be up soon, let's head back.”
On the way back to the stairs, I wrote down a quick note on a piece of paper before rolling it up, pulling a quick piece of string from my pack and tying around it, stopping by the guards by the door, “Dispatch this to Grass Flower, earth pony mare, she lives in the east district.”
The pegasus took it with a nod, quickly saluting, “Yes, sir. At once.”
I managed to get her to tell me of one of her friends before I got her to sleep. She needed somepony to be there for her when she woke up. Well, it's should be at least twelve hours until then, more likely fourteen to sixteen with the combination of deep dreamless sleep and exhaustion.
“Thank you.”
Moving past them I walked inside and closed the door, jumping up to lay down on the couch, resting my head against the armrest.
Silver was one of the first ponies I got to know after arriving here. Not close friends but... friends. She was always nice to me. I only met her father a couple of times, he was usually in the kitchen, allowing her to run the public part of the cafe. But Steaming Cup had been a nice pony, a big Pegasus with a coffee cup as his mark.
And now he was gone.
I knew that Silver had already lost her mother when she was little. Now she lost her father. I knew that feeling. I was pretty sure my family was still alive and well, but I also knew I would never see them again. They most likely thought I was dead.
The couch shifted beneath me as Skitter settled down next to me, her side against mine, leaning softly against me. I glanced at her but she didn't say anything, just staying there as support.
Thank you.
Sighing softly I settled down again.
Half an hour later Luna exited the bedroom and paused, her wings raising in surprise as she spotted us before she frowned, “Page? What's wrong?” she asked as she moved over to nuzzle softly.
“Morning.” I said and nuzzled back softly before I sighed and explained what had happened.
“Oh no.” Luna said softly with a frown when I finished, “Page, I'm so sorry.”
I shook my head, “I didn't know him well, I'm mostly worried about Silver.” I said as Luna settled down next to me, Skitter having vacated the spot and then moved for the balcony as soon as Luna exited the bedroom, giving us privacy.
“It is always painful to lose somepony.” Luna said softly, settling her wing across my back, “Trust me, I know.”
I nodded and leaned against her warm side. If somepony knew that, it would be an alicorn.
“...Does it get easier?”
She was silent for a moment and then shook her head, “No. But handling it does.” Luna sighed and rested her head on top of mine.
Frowning I turned my head slightly and nosed at her neck, “I... I'm not sure that's something I want to get better at.”
“Nobody does, My Page. But it's not up to us.”
I frowned at that and my ears folded to the sides before I rolled onto my back so I could look up at her properly, “...We need a Alicorn of healing.”
Luna smiled sadly, “Perhaps some day we will. But you know how rare of an event it is for somepony to ascend.”
Only four in total. Ever as far as I knew.
“How is she doing?” Luna then asked and shifted to rest her head on my chest. I shrugged and slipped my frontlegs around her neck,
“Put her to sleep and made sure she wouldn't dream.” I sighed as I flicked her mane, sending a couple of stars spinning, “Best I could do I think. Sent a message to one of her friends. She shouldn't be alone when she wakes up tomorrow.”
“So why not you?” Luna asked, raising her head to look down at me with a small frown.
I grimaced and sighed, “...I'm not that good with the consoling and crying thing.”
“You don't need to be.” Luna sighed and bumped her nose against mine with a soft smile, “Just go and be there for her, you silly pony. It's the only thing anypony can do right now.”
“I'll try.”
Chapter 30
I carefully knocked on the door and at the call to come in, I opened the door and peeked inside. Silver Leaf was sitting by the small table on the couch next to a mint green earth pony with a flower as her mark and a light blue mane.
“Hey, I brought breakfast.” I said as I walked inside, floating the tray along .
“...Thank you...” Silver Leaf mumbled quietly, “Lord Page, I'm so...”
“None of that.” I cut her off with a smile, “We are friends, right?”
Flicking her ears she nodded, “Yeah.”
“Then don't worry about it.” I said and put the tray down on the table, smiling at them, “What is important is that you are okay. Right?” I then asked, turning to the the earth pony for support.
Grass Flower smiled and nodded, “Yes, Lord Page.”
I think I dislike that title.
“I won't ask how you are feeling, it seems like a stupid question. But how are you doing?” I asked as I poured their tea.
Silver folded her ears to the side before she sighed, “...Better. I actually managed to sleep somehow. Thank you.”
“No pro...” I started to say before my ears flicked back towards the door at a sudden scratching sound and I paused, “...Excuse me.” I said and made my way over to open the door to reveal Fern standing outside, leaf tongue hanging out as the little wolf spirit looked up at me, the vine tail swaying.
I frowned down at him, “Fern, how did you even get out here? I know I left you in the main chamber.”
He tilted his head at my question, looking pleased with himself.
I just smiled and picked him up with my magic, “Bad houseplant.” I chuckled, “I guess I may need to start locking the door,” before I carried him into the room.
“What's that?” Grass Flower asked as she tried to look around me so I lifted him up.
“This is Fern, my pet/houseplant. Timberwolf pup.”
“Wow, that's a real timberwolf!” Silver exclaimed and slipped off the couch to move closer, “I never thought I would see one. Aren't they dangerous?”
I nodded, “Adults? Very. Fern is very young though and so far he seems to be tameable, ” I agreed and set Fern down on the floor, “Stay still and let him nose at you,” I instructed.
Silver stayed carefully still as the little woof spirit nosed at her hooves before seemingly losing interest and making his way over to Grass Flower to repeat the procedure. Having examined both ponies he started to explore the room instead.
“Where did you get him?” Silver asked as she looked at the mobile houseplant, “I have never heard of a tame one before. I thought they were monsters.”
I smiled, glad that she found a distraction for a moment, “In the Everfree Forest. I passed by during the summer along with Skitter on our way to the Castle of the Two Sisters. We were set up on by a small pack. I... kinda found him after the battle. I couldn't just leave the little guy there alone.”
That earned me a pair of wide eyed looks and I blinked, “What?”
“...You fought a pack of timberwolves?” Grass Flower finally managed to ask, “On the way to the Legendary Castle of the Two Sisters?!”
“It was only like three of them and I wasn't exactly alone.”
She just stared at me, “While on vacation?”
“Yes?” before I blinked and quickly crossed the room, “No! Bad Fern! No eating the pillow!” before I sighed and picked him up with my magic, extracting the pillow he was clinging to, “Sorry girls, I better bring him back to the room before he knocks something over.”
“No, no it's fine” Silver said with a small smile, “He is kinda cute. He is safe, right?”
Nodding I put him down next to her, “Safe enough to play with.” I said with a smile as Fern looked up at her, his leaf tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.
As Silver started to play with the timberwolf puppy, I moved to sit down on the couch next to Grass Flower, pouring myself a cup of tea.
The Earth Pony shifted a bit closer , “...Lord Page...Did you plan this?” she whispered quietly as she watched Fern dance around a smiling Silver.
I just smiled slightly at her and then sipped my tea. Nothing made people or ponies feel better than puppies. I didn't have a puppy, but I did have a puppy substitute.
It wouldn't solve anything. But if it made her feel better for a couple of moments, I'll count it as a win.
Grass Flower looked over at Silver and nodded before settling down.
We stayed watching the pegasus and the timberwolf before I noticed the earth pony studying me, “What?” I asked her quietly.
She blushed at being caught, “Sorry, just wondering how you and Silver met. I didn't know she knew any celebrities.”
Celebrity? Heh, now that's pushing it.
I shrugged, “You read about the accident in the papers?” I asked her quietly, referring to the correction we sent to the papers on that story. At her nod I continued,
“When I was released from the hospital, I didn't know anypony. I barely knew anything for that matter. Silver was the first pony to be really be kind to me. I like to think that she might be the first friend I made.”
Grass Flower blinked and then smiled, “I think I get it.”
Chapter 31
I cringed, “Do I have to?” I asked as I looked up at Luna. Asked, not whined.
She smiled and shifted her wings, “Well... no. If you really don't want to go, you don't have to.”
Translation: Yes. Yes you do.
I tapped my hoof on the floor and then nodded, “Very well. If you want me to go, I'll come.”
Luna sighed and frowned faintly, “Honestly, I would prefer to avoid it as well, but we all have our duties. This is one of them... I let my sister handle the majority and can get away with it because of the schedule, but I'm afraid that this is one of the balls I can't not go to.”
“And it would be an embarrassment to show up without me by your side,” I filled in with a small smile.
“If you truly do not wish to go, I can handle it, My Page.”
“Luna, when I got involved with you, I knew what I was getting into,” I said before I grinned. “Okay, that's a lie. I had no clue. But it's still worth it. Even if I had to spend a night every week listening to nobles talking about how important they are it would still be well worth it.”
That got a smile from her, her wings raising hard as she noses softly at my mane.
“Of course, two nights a week would have been completely unacce-eep!”
“Silly Page,” she giggled and let go of my ear before she smiled and eyed me, “I think you need a new formal outfit. You've put on a bit of muscle since then.”
I raised a eyebrow at her, “Wonder whose fault that is.”
Luna frowned in mock thought, “Maybe I have been too rough with you. Perhaps we should reduce our... physical activity.”
“Oh please, you wouldn't last a week,” I teased right back, “I'm unbelievably irresistible.”
She stuck her tongue out at me, “Half right.”
I just grinned and walked along side her through the corridor, “So... same theater getup as last time or do I get a actual suit this time?”
“Theater getup!? That's the traditional formal dress for a Warmage,” Luna corrected me, “And yes. I'll acquire Rarity's services once more. I need a dress in any case. This time I will wear more than simply my regalia.”
I nodded.
To be honest, it wasn't that bad and I had to admit, the weapon belt, side cloak combo did look kinda good. It sure as hell was more comfortable to wear than a monkey suit in any case. I honestly didn't care if it was a couple of millennia out of date.
Luna liked it when I wore it and that's all that mattered for me.
“So... Just curious, how does it differ from the Warmage field gear?”
“Less armor beneath for the most part. In the field it was worn with vambraces for front and rear legs and a chest plate,” Luna explained, “But that's as far as the Warmage gear was standardized. The Warmages never were a regular fighting force, they were specialists. Those that were good with weapons carried those. I knew some that didn't carry any weapons but the chakram and used their magic in a fight. Others didn't fight at all but focused on the healing arts.”
“...You make it almost sound like Jedi.”
That got a grin from her, “Less negotiation and more going in and cracking heads until whatever the threat was went away. Missions that the Guard of the time couldn't handle or were too secret to be allowed to be known.”
Ah. Elite forces, black ops kinda stuff.
“I see,” I said with a nod.
“Of course, a lot of that was before the formation of Equestira,” Luna said as we exited onto the training ground lit up by nothing but torches and the moon far above, “They were a faction of the Unicorn empire first. We kept them around for a while after we formed Equestria, they were actually one of the first groups to step up and back Celestia and myself.”
“...Why are they not around anymore?”
Luna let out a small breath and scraped her hoof on the dirt, “Betrayal. Some two thousand years ago their leader, Slicing Blade staged a coup... or tried at the very least. He and his fifty closest ambushed me and my sister during a invitation to their fortress.”
She shook her head, “When the fighting was over... There was a total of five loyal Warmages left. Of over five hundred in total. They all swore that due to the shame of their order, their arts would die with them.”
“Many friends died that day.” she sighed softly and put her wing over my back, “It is not something I enjoy thinking of, but you deserve to know. In all honesty I should have told you all this a long time ago.”
I leaned softly against her warmth, “Why did you decide to teach me in that way? You must know many ways to fight and defend yourself.”
“I do, My Page,” she agreed before she smiled down at me, “I chose this way because... It's one of the best. And they deserve to be remembered, those honorable ones are not stained by the actions of those that came after,” before she blushes, “..And I may have a thing for that uniform as they say nowdays.”
I smirked up at her as the mood lightened up again, “And the real reason you wish for me to join you at the ball is revealed,” I teased before I grinned. “Maybe I should wear it more often. Perhaps have a couple more versions made at the same time that's more 'field worthy' rather than the fancy one.”
Luna's ears perked up at that and she smiled, “I believe I would like that. But enough of that for now. It is time you learn the next important magical milestone. Have you reviewed the texts on teleportation I gave you?”
“Yes Ma'am!”
Chapter 32
I did my best not to look bored out of my mind or to avoid tuning out and daydreaming as I moved alongside Luna through the packed ball room.
Just another hour then we'll have been here long enough to be able to politely duck out. At least Celestia was still the hostess and as such she might be stuck here until the end but we could make an escape in a while. Prepare for the duties to protect the night as Luna would say.
In reality, cuddles by the fireplace.
I may be looking forward to that but that didn't help my boredom now. I hate parties. Okay, to be fair, I don't hate parties. I dislike being in large groups of ponies I don't know but have to pretend that I not only find it not annoying but also that I was having fun.
It was exhausting.
It's funny really how much about my life was lies. I bluffed to bring Sunset to Equestria, I lied to most ponies about what I really was.
I was lying now with every movement and polite smile.
Hell, you could even say that my special talent was lies in a way. What are stories but long elaborate lies for entertainment?
Not that I was the only one in the room. Luna was doing the same thing as I did.... and so was everyone else. From Celestia all the way to the servant over by the buffet table putting down more of those little cucumber things.
Every single one in this room was pretending. Pretending to enjoy themselves, pretending to like the others. It was a theater performed with the ease of practice.
I found it insanely boring.
But Luna needed me to be here so here I was. Smiling and nodding at the right spots.
“Love, can I get you a refill?” I asked as I noticed her glass starting to get empty.
“Would you please?” Luna answered with a smile, passing it to me and I nodded before heading to refill our glasses.
Oh well, at least the food was good. I should pick us each up a plate of those cucumber things on the way back.
“Ah, Lord Page. Exactly the pony I was looking to talk to,” A pony said as he intercepted me on the way.
I knew that blue coat and pink mane anywhere.
Lord Bubble Water.
Kill me now.
I collapsed onto the couch with a groan, putting a pillow over my head.
“You are exaggerating,” Luna said with a grin, lifting the pillow off me, “It was not that bad. For a formal ball that is.”
“I'm sorry, Page is not here right now,” I grumbled, “He died down in the ballroom, I'm a ghost now.”
That got a giggle from her and she jumped onto the couch to lay opposite to me, “Oh really?”
“Mhmm.” I answered before I sighed, raising my head to look at her. She was beautiful. Her mane sparkled with stars and her new dress accented it nicely, made from dark flowing and glittering silk.
“You are beautiful. You always are, but today was special,” I told her honestly, “You look amazing.”
The inside of her ears took on a slight red color as she smiled, “Thank you... you are pretty good looking yourself,” she said before she grinned and leaned in to nuzzle, “...Not that I was the only one to notice. I caught more than one mare eyeing you.”
“Let them look all they want. I belong to the heavens. Unless they can compare to the beauty of the night sky, I'm not interested,” I said with a smile, shifting closer to rest my neck against hers, “Burn the land and boil the seas... they can't take the sky from me.”
I may have shamelessly stolen part of that.
A soft intake of air told me my words had the desired effect before Luna pulled back and gave me a teasing grin, “Really?”
I nodded and bumped my nose against hers, “Really.”
“So... What of my sister?” Luna asked with a teasing tone, “There are two of us that match that description.”
I stuck my tongue out at her, “Like I could survive two alicorns. One is bad enough thank you very much,” I answered with a grin before I shrugged, “I like Celestia, but it's not the same thing. You are my Luna, my light in the dark. Celestia and her sky are similar, she shines brightly and beautifully, but she...” I started to say before I paused, trying to find the right words, “...Meeting her brightens up my day, but nowhere near as much as you do. I already have the only alicorn I want, she is my Princess, my sky. Other ponies might get up and greet the sun with smiles on their faces, bowing and going about their days beneath her light, drinking in her warmth. The sun is nice, but nothing is as good as relaxing beneath a clear night sky, the stars shining above. That's my sky. Everyone else can worship their sun, I want my moon.”
Luna blushes softly and nuzzled before she nipped at my ear tip with a small smirk, “So... What you are saying is that you think my sister is hot?”
I just groaned and let my head drop, “...Damn it, not what I meant.”
That got a giggle from her, “Just teasing, love,” she said and guided me up for a kiss with her hoof, “I understand what you were saying. But I don't mind if you look at other mares. You are with me, not dead. But you are mine. We have such a short time together, I'm planning to be selfish about it.”
“That's a selfishness I don't mind whatsoever,” I chuckled and kissed back before I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows at her playfully, “Of course, if you wish to invite a mare or five to join us sometime... No stallions though. I have to draw the line somewhere.”
Luna stuck her tongue out at me and poked my side, “I'll keep that in mind,” she said dryly before she nosed at my ear, “But for now... how about you get the fire going while I get out of this dress.”
“Deal. And I should get out of this as well,” I commented and glanced back at the side cloak.
“Don't you dare!”
Chapter 33
I stretched out on the soft blanket and yawned.
The fire was roaring in the fireplace, lighting the outer chamber up. Outside a snowstorm was whirling in the night, the wind strong.
The last scheduled snowstorm of the winter.
Opening my eyes I looked over at Luna where she was digging through the drawers of her work desk.
“What are you doing?” I asked as I relaxed again, resting my head on my front legs, rolling onto my side to watch her.
Luna smiled and glanced back at me, “Going to attempt to see if I still possess an old skill.”
I raised my head with a smile, “Should I be worried?”
She winked and returned with a stack of papers, a clipboard and several pieces of pencil like sticks of charcoal, “Stay like that.”
I blinked in surprise, “Luna, I didn't know you could draw.”
She smiled and settled down on the couch, watching me as she floated the clipboard and her drawing tool in front of her, “I have not done so for... a long time. Several hundred years since before even my exile. Hobbies come and go.”
“Mm. I suppose they would,” I said with a nod, relaxing to watch her, “Artistic ability of that sort is way beyond me.”
“But your dreams are beautifully crafted.”
I nodded, “Something happen between my brain and the paper. Might just be the the lack of interest in getting better at it.”
Luna bit her lower lip and the coal floated over the paper, “Can you adjust the cape?”
Grinning I got up and shook myself, my horn lighting up as I adjusted the cloak hanging across my back and left side before I got an idea and headed into the bedroom for a moment to get some stuff.
When I returned, I had three daggers in the main weapon belt and the chakram riding on my side. I settled down in front of the fire again, laying down and crossing my front legs on the carpet in front of me before I shook my hair, sweeping my mane back, “How's that?”
Luna stared at me with her wings raised high before she bit her lower lip again, “...That's perfect. Think you can stay like that for a while?”
I grinned, “Of course.”
I knew exactly the style Luna liked.
But it was really a costume, nothing else. Okay, technically Luna made it officially my formal wear as it was still on the books as the Warmage formal uniform. And I was technically a member when she gave me the rank of Apprentice.
...And she had taught me to use the weapons it currently held. But none of that made me any more of an actual Warmage.
I had to admit that it was hell of a lot more comfortable than the monkey suit or what I seen of the Guards formal non armor wear though.
I was not above ruthlessly taking advantage of the fact that she liked it to make her happy though. It was hardly a great burden to carry. Besides, I did look rather great.
There was a knock on the door and Luna looked over towards it, “Enter.”
The door opened and a day guard in a messenger uniform entered and bowed briefly. I really have to compliment whoever handled the training. He didn't even glance in my direction and there was not even a twitch in his expression. He just handed the scroll over to Luna with an 'Your Highness', before he turned and left, closing the door behind him.
“What's up?” I asked as I turned my head to look at Luna.
“Not sure yet.” Luna answered and put the coal and paper down before sliding the band off the scroll and breaking the seal before unrolling it to read through it.
It took her a moment before she frowned, “...I'm sorry, Page, but I need to go handle this matter now.”
“Something wrong?” I asked and got up, crossing the room.
Luna sighed and shook her head, “Lord Tumble Grass has been arrested.”
“For murder.”
That brought me to a halt, one hoof lifted from the floor. Murder? In Equestria? I suppose that can happen anywhere.
“Who did he allegedly kill?” I finally asked, putting my hoof back down, “Have I met him?”
Luna nodded, “I would guess you have at some of Fancy Pants parties,” before she frowned at the scroll, “His wife.”
“He is being brought directly to the castle. As one of the Nobility, he has the right to be heard by one of the Princesses directly,” Luna explained and let out a slow breath, “Which because it happened during the night... it falls to me.”
I slowly nodded, “Do you want me there?”
She hesitated for a split second and then shook her head, “It's my duty, not yours, My Page,” she said softly and nuzzled at my ear before shifting to steal a quick kiss, “While I would like you by my side, I need you here. Would you handle the dreams tonight? This will take up most of the rest of the night with the preliminary hearing and I won't be able to spend much on covering the dreams of Equestria.”
That had never happened before. Time went faster in dreams, she usually took ten to fifteen minutes from time to time during the night and ducked into the dream world, fluttering across it and helping those that needed it, taking down the Night Terrors that she could find before returning to the waking world.
Frowning softly I nodded, “Of course, I'll do what I can. But I can't do as much as you, I don't have enough magic.”
Luna smiled, “Equestria managed without it for a thousand years, it should be fine even if some ponies have some nightmares tonight. But I don't feel right leaving the dreams completely unguarded.”
I nodded again, “I'll keep them safe.”
“I know you will, Love.”
Chapter 34
I didn't have Lunas pure power. I had to pick and choose, it took quite a bit of power to exit and enter a dream. I could do perhaps six dreams a night if I really pushed it.
So I moved along the close to infinite dream portals, shifting back and forth. Each step taking me to a new part of the realm between dreams. It was still subject to the rules of dreams, not the rules of reality.
First I started with ponies I knew. They were all fine, even Silver Leaf's. It was a nice pink color. Which meant a very nice dream indeed and one I definitely did not want to enter. Pink indicated a rather private one... and from the deep color, an intense one.
One more step could take me one step or a infinite distance. Luckily I was not really limited to just walking around and looking for dark dream portals.
My dream realm, my rules.
I settled down and brought up the menu, entering the options. Dreams of a darkness of this value only. Time since start of nightmare compared to length since start of dream.
I tapped confirm with my hoof and the portals around me rearranged themselves. Still a couple of thousand.
Better at least.
Nodding I dismissed the menu and moving to the closest one. Dark and shimmering. It was also smooth though. Normal nightmare.
I tapped my hoof against it, simply ending the dream, causing the portal to become smooth silver, leaving the pony in a dreamless sleep. Smiling softly I moved on to the next one.
Same at that one.
The third one was turbulent. A much more intense and emotional nightmare there. Exactly the kind that Night Terrors liked to cause so they could feed on the fear, terror and despair.
I touched my horn to it and channeled my magic as I stepped through.
The other side was filled with dancing shadows and shifting forest. A orange pegasus filly was running from shadows reaching for her, the clear sky far above, her little wings beating hard but she was not getting off the ground.
Roots reached for her, wrapping around her legs, pulling.
No Night Terror here. Just a horrible nightmare.
But there was no way I was just leaving her like this. I tapped my hoof against the floor beneath and a ring of light radiated away from me. Where it touched, the shadows dissipated, the darkness being replaced by bright sunshine, the roots pulling at her dissolving into nothing.
She stayed curled up though, her eyes clenched close and she was shivering. If I just left and ended her dream, she would be sleeping better.
But dream or not, leaving a frightened child like that just felt wrong.
A shift of magic and will and I solidified the dream around us as I stepped up, putting my hoof on her shoulder, “You okay, kid?”
She jerked and then looked up at me in surprise, “W-what?”
“You okay?” I asked again with a smile.
“I...I...” she said and looked around, “But... trees...”
“It was just a nightmare. It can't hurt you.”
“Nightmare. But...”
I smiled and laid down on the soft grass, “You are still dreaming, I just helped calm things down. What's your name?”
“Scootaloo,” she answered and sat up, looking around, “But... if this is a dream, how are you here? Only Princess Luna can travel to dreams. Who are you?”
I smiled at that, “I'm Blank Page, I'm he...”
“Oh! You are Princess Luna's special somepony!” she exclaimed and surged onto her hooves, her wings fluttering.
“I suppose you could put it like that,” I agreed, “I'm helping out a bit. That was a pretty nasty nightmare, Scootaloo.”
Her ears folded to the sides and she nodded, “...Yeah.”
“Scary trees and shadows. Everfree Forest?” I asked, “Why didn't you just fly away?”
Scootaloo seemed to shrink back on herself, “...I can't. I can't fly.”
Now I felt like an arse, “Oh.”
She swallowed and nodded, “Some of the doctors think I'll grow out of it,” she said before getting quieter, “...Some don't.”
I sighed and nodded, “Well... that sucks.”
Scootaloo looked up at me in surprise, “What?”
I frowned at her, “It does, doesn't it? You are a pegasus that can't fly. That has to suck.”
“It does suck!” Scootaloo exclaimed, her little wings raising as she stomped at the dirt, “It sucks! I don't want this! I don't deserve this!” before she let out a breath and frowned, “...I didn't expect an adult to say that though. It's always 'it will get better' or 'don't worry, things will work out'. It's almost worse than not being able to fly!”
“I can imagine,” I agreed with a sigh, “Want to know a secret?”
“I can't fly either.”
That earned me a flat look, “You are a unicorn.”
“I am. Doesn't mean I wouldn't love to be able to fly.”
Scootaloo looked at me for a long moment and then she nodded, “...I guess.”
“How's the rest of your magic?” I asked as I idly crossed my frontlegs on the grass.
“Huh?” she asked with a frown as she sat down, “What do you mean?”
“The rest of your pegasus magic. You didn't think your flying had something to do with the size of your wings, right?" I asked with a smile, “It's all magic.”
She slowly nodded, “I can walk on clouds and sculpt them and everything.” she said, “...As long as somepony brings me up there.”
I nodded before I sighed softly, “I can't tell you if you are ever going to be able to fly, Scootaloo. I'm not a expert in pegasus magic. But I wouldn't give up hope if the rest of it is working. Perhaps they are right and you just need to grow into it a bit more than some others.”
“...I guess,” she grumbled and scraped at the dirt.
“I do know one thing though,” I continued with a smile as I stood up and spread my wings, “In here, reality has no say in the matter. I reject reality and substitute my own. Or in this case, yours.”
“But... unicorn...”
I grinned and flapped my wings twice, “What does that matter in here? Just spread your wings and fly.”
Scootaloo slowly smiled and spread her now much wider wings, taking to the skies and I followed her up.
I stayed as long as I could to let her fly.
Chapter 35
“Morning Skitter,” I said and sipped my tea, opening the door before turning to return to the couch. Nothing planned for today, I might actually get some writing done, no classes to sit through, no boring dinners later or anything. Luna would likely be busy with this entire trial thing tonight too. From what she said, he looked guilty.
Pausing I stopped and looked back. The doorway was empty. No 'Good Morning, sir'.
Turning around I returned and looked outside into the hallway. Just the two guards.
“Have any of you seen Skitter?” I asked the Swift Spear.
He shook his head and looked at me, “No, sir. She never showed up.”
That had happened a total of one time before and then Chrysalis had sent a replacement. Now there was nopony here.
Something was wrong.
I floated the tea to the table just next to the door and headed for the stairs, “Swift, you are with me.”
“Yes, sir,” he quickly agreed and followed along.
We didn't need to go far, just down a flight of stairs and to the left to reach the bedroom just beneath mine and Luna's, it's the one I had given to Skitter so she would stop sleeping outside the door.
Knocking on the door didn't give an answer.
I tried again and then glanced at Swift.
He shrugged, “Maybe she overslept?” he suggested uncertainty.
Yeah. And maybe I'll spontaneously grow wings.
I pushed the door open and slowly entered, “Skitter?”
The inside was quite different than what it was when I assigned it to her. Gone was most of the furniture but the desk and a chair, the walls covered with that blackish resin like material Changelings use in their hives.
The bed was missing, having been replaced with one of those cell like openings I saw in their hive that changelings liked sleeping in.
What I had never seen before though was the green sphere hanging from the ceiling almost to the floor. It was large enough for a pony and glowing softly in the dim light. I could see the faint outline of a pony or changeling inside it.
Slowing down I slowly moved around it without touching. Skitter was in there. What in the world... I have seen her molt before, it was nothing like this. Okay, that was disturbing too, she had to crawl out of her own skin.
But this was...
I needed answers and it was clear that she was not in any state to give them. I turned to Swift, “Come on, we are going to see the Queen.”
His ears twitched, “Are you sure that's wise?”
“No. But I need answers.”
The path down to the hive was as long and twisting as ever but it's not like you could get lost. There were always changelings you could ask for the way and I had been down here a couple of times before so I walked the path with sure steps, my horn lit to light the way.
Swift tried to do the same as he followed behind but he kept looking around at the moving shadows. I couldn't blame him, this place was creepy as hell for ponies. And humans too for that matter.
The throneroom was like I remembered it. A throne in the middle, four pillars for the ceiling and large green glowing love storage.
Much more stored this time, seems like the Crystal Kingdom situation is working out.
Chrysalis was lounging on her throne as changelings bustled around the room on different tasks, from shoring up the walls to delivering love into the tanks.
“Queen Chrysalis,” I said and bowed slightly as I reached the steps up to her throne, Swift following my lead with a small quick bow of his own before he went back to looking vigilant.
“Lord Page,” Chrysalis answered as she raised her head, “For what reason do I owe the pleasure?” she asked before she locked her eyes on Swift, “Oh, did you bring me a present?”
“Cut the crap. So not in the mood,” I snorted, “It's related to Skitter.”
She raised an eyeridge at me, “In which way? I assume it has something to do with the fact your shadow is not with you today?”
I nodded, “I found her this morning. She is in some sort of... green cocoon. It's hanging from the ceiling in her room.”
That got Chrysalis' full attention. She regarded me for a long moment before she nodded, “I see. Well, it was expected to happen.”
What was expected to happen?
I waited for a second before I suppressed a groan. Of course she would make me ask.
“What was expected to happen?”
She lazily got out of the throne and moved down the stairs towards us, brushing against my side before slowly circling Swift who didn't move a muscle, his eyes stubbornly forward, “It is your fault of course, Lord Page. You kept her stuffed with love at all times, not allowing her to be hungry.”
“If she was to guard me, she needed the power.”
“Mmm. But you also wished her well. Wanted her to be happy and well fed,” Chrysalis continued with a smirk as she brushed a wing along Swift's back before she moved back to look down at me. “Constantly filled with love. Do you know what the hive's way to replace a lost queen is? They choose a drone and keep her constantly filled up to the brim until the metamorphosis begins.”
They... wow.
“She is becoming a Queen?”
“A Princess. There will be years until she matures fully to a Queen. She should emerge in a month or so. Be sure to be there when she does, she will be starving. I will provide guards and Love storage so she does not drain you dry.”
I nodded, “I see. Thank you.”
“Not doing it for you, my little predator,” she purred and then returned up the stairs to her throne, running her wing along my side on her way past.
I turned to leave before I stopped and looked back at her, “You know... It occurs to me that with a new Queen, we don't really need you anymore, do we?”
Instead of the glare I expected, she just nodded with a small smug smile, “Indeed. But it will take years for her to grow from Princess to Queen. I should last that long.”
Her wings buzzed slightly and she regarded me calmly, “Changeling Queens are long lived but not immortal like your Princesses. And I am Old.”
Oh. Suddenly her attack on Canterlot made a lot more sense.
“You planned this,” I finally said as I stared up at her, “You planned this from all the way back when the treaty was negotiated!”
The new Queen would have the favor and trust of not only me, but the Princess of the Night. Solidifying the alliance in a way Chryaslis herself would never be able to do and she knew it.
Chrysalis just relaxed in her throne again and waved her front hoof with a smirk, “You are dismissed, hunter of dreams. Return to my daughter. Guard her well.”
I hate dealing with changelings.
Okay, that's unfair. I actually like changelings.
I hate dealing with Chrysalis!
Chapter 36
“Good morning,” Luna murmured softly as she walked in.
I smiled when I spotted her and got up to give her a small soft kiss, closing my book and leaving it on the floor where I had been laying, “Morning love.”
Luna smiled and then looked to the left at the green, softly glowing cocoon, “No change yet?”
“Not yet. If the month time table Chrysalis gave is correct, there are still three weeks left.”
It didn't feel quite right just leaving her here alone though. So I spent a couple of hours here each day keeping her company. I had no idea if she could tell or not. But I could just as easily read or write here as I could in the couch a floor up.
Luna shifted her wings at the mention of Chrysalis but didn't say anything, she just moved to stand next to me.
“You worry about her,” she said.
“Of course. It's technically my fault.” I sighed and leaned against her side as her wing settled across my background.
Lunas reaction of 'You did what!?' when I told her I may possibly have accidentally created a new changeling queen had been rather amusing.
“I think Chrysalis might carry a bit more of that blame,” Luna commented with a small smirk before she frowned at the cocoon, “And Skitter herself. She could have told you.”
“Likely under orders not to. You know how difficult it is for a changeling to disobey their queen. I don't blame her.”
I shook my head and leaned my head against her neck, “Sleep well?”
That got a smile from her, “I did, thank you,” before she nosed between my ears, “Page... are you busy next week?”
“Hmm? Not really, why?” I asked as we left the chamber, heading towards the stairs.
“There was a message waiting from Maretonia when I got up. They wish for an audience with all the Princesses to discuss the situation of the Crystal Empire in a week. They wish for it to be held in the Crystal Empire itself.”
I nodded. I could see why as Maretonia was a small, semi independent citystate up to the north east, by the sea. Just on the edge of the Crystal Empire. They were likely worried they would lose what little independence they had with one of the Princesses that close by.
“You want me to come with?” I asked as we moved up the stairs.
Luna nodded and smiled, “I do. The meeting will likely only take a day or two,” she said before smiled a bit wider, giving my eartip a nibble, “But I was thinking we might be... delayed for a week. Away from nobles, the court... paperwork. Only thing remaining would be to handle my moon and the dreams.”
That caused me to perk up, “You can do that for a entire week?”
She smirked slightly, “There is a difference between doing your duty and being stupid about it. Everyone needs a break from time to time,” before she sighed, “...And I promised my sister I would cover two weeks for her after the summer sun celebration.”
I nodded and pushed the door open for us as we moved past the guards, “That sounds great,” before I paused and frowned, “But... I'm not sure I can leave Skitter alone for that long. Feels wrong.”
“There is three weeks left, My Page,” Luna asked. “We will be back with over a week remaining. Plenty of time,” she answered and pulled me closer against her side with her wing, “I know she has become one of your best friends, but we will be back in time. Besides, what do you think she would want?”
“She would want me to go with you. Under heavy guard,” I chuckled and shook my head, “Very well, I suppose I can handle a week in the Crystal Empire with a beautiful alicorn. It's a heavy duty, but I suppose somepony has to do it.”
That earned me an ear bite and a giggle before she moved to get some food from the table. Grinning I jumped up on one of the comfy chairs before frowning to myself. Damn, I forgot my book downstairs. Oh well, I'll get it later.
“So what's on the schedule today?” I asked with a smile.
She shrugged her wings, “Nothing special. Court in some four hours. I suspect it's going to be full of the normal complaints and suggestions.”
“Want some company?” I asked and shifted to cross my frontlegs across the soft arm rest. Why do chairs here even have these?
Smiling, Luna raised a eyebrow at me, “You feel like spending the night listening to ponies yell at each other and complain?”
“I feel like spending the night next to you.” I said before I frowned and shrugged, “...and I doubt it's going to be the last time I need to sit through that. I'm not really interested in statecraft or the ruling of Equestria. In fact, have negative interest in it. But for some reason I was lucky enough to be found worthy of your attention. So I likely have a duty to at least learn how things work, and not just the interesting parts.”
Luna tilted her head, “You don't have to. Flower Burst never did. She stayed as far away from it as she could.”
I smirked, “Trust me, I want to do the same. But I feel like I can't really do that, it's part of your world, Luna. Which means that I need to learn how to handle it as well. I belong by your side, be it in bed, on the field of battle or... listening to ponies bitch at each other about irrelevant and boring things.”
The inside of her ears took on a slightly red tint as she blushed, “...Thank you...”
I then grinned, “Just don't count on it happening every time you hold court. There is a limit on how much bullshit I can stand before I'll say something... unpolitical.”
That got a giggle, “Noted, My Page.”
“Oh... did you talk to Celestia about the security issues?”
Luna frowned at that, “I did. We are still considering it, Page. It's not a trust issue, please don't think that. We both trust you with our lives.. and the lives of our subjects. But some of those things we keep safe are so dangerous to even to an alicorn to get close to... and to inspect the security you need to.”
I nodded, “I understand.”
I had basically asked for the keys of the nuclear silo after all so I could check the locks and keypads.
“I can promise you this though, love. We will review the security measures.”
“Thank you.”
I suppose that will have to be enough.
Chapter 37
Looking up from my book, I frowned slightly and looked out the window of the train, watching the fields flash by. I couldn't help being worried about Skitter. It felt so odd not to have her around.
But she was likely safer than I was right now.
Swift had volunteered to be my temporary guard until she recovered... if she even wanted the position back after.
When she emerged, she would be a changeling princess. I wasn't sure what that meant really. She used to be a changeling drone. I... I hoped she would still be Skitter. She might have more important things to do then than follow me around though.
I missed my friend.
Turning the page, I looked at the couch across the cabin. Swift was laying there, looking bored out of his mind as he looked out the window, “Bored?” I asked with smile.
He shrugged, “Bit. Well, it's only another day.”
“True but come on, it has to be more exciting than standing outside a door all day.”
That got a snort from him, “I do other things you know. To keep the guards fresh, the guard shift by the doors is only four hours. The rest of the day is patrols and practice.”
I grinned, “Come on, how often do you get to visit the Crystal Empire?”
“Not like I'm going on vacation, I'll be following some stuffy noble around all day.”
I tossed a cookie at him.
He caught it with his magic and ate it with a grin, “So what are the plans for when we arrive?”
Shrugging I closed my book, “Well, Luna is going to be busy for a day or two, but after that I expect things to calm down. I think I'll use those days to explore the city. After that, I think I can give you a couple of days of duty. Four or so.”
Swift grinned at that, “Oh? Not planning to leave the guest rooms after that?”
Another cookie bounced of his armor only to be caught.
“When I do, I'll be next to an alicorn. I won't need a shadow then, even Skitter agreed with that.”
What I didn't say was that he was more right than he thought. Of course, I did also not mention that I had talked to Minuette. His marefriend. I may also have gotten her a ticket to arrive two days after we did and I may also have gotten them a room at the best hotel in the Crystal Empire for those four days he would be there and free to do whatever.
“Speaking of the Princess, when is she getting up now?” he asked and finished off the second cookie.
“Same schedule as in Canterlot. More or less anyway,” I said with a shrug. “Switching things over just for a week just isn't practical. She will force herself to stay awake for the meetings, they are held either very early morning or late afternoon for a reason.”
He nodded, “Must be difficult. With the different schedules I mean. Minuette would kill me if I worked the nightshift more than once in a while.”
I sighed, “Can be. At least I don't have a job with fixed times so I could twist mine to match hers somewhat. Remember I tried to match it completely before? It worked well, but it kept me from doing anything during the day. Besides, she is busy during half the night anyway. But yeah, sometimes it sucks.”'
“Yeah," he agreed before he grinned, “the things we put up with from the mares we love.”
“Hear hear,” I chuckled, wishing I had a cider to salute him with.
The door to the cabin opened and I glanced back to see Princess Celestia enter. Swift slid off the couch and bowed slightly before allowing her inside, leaving the cabin.
“Hey,” I said with a smile as I adjusted my cloak, “Bored?”
She smiled slightly, “A bit. I never did enjoy train rides, there is little to do,” she said as she settled down on the couch Swift had vacated.
“Couldn't you just have teleported or something?”
Celestia smiled at that, “In theory? I could. Would take a couple of teleports, but yes. But that would mean only me and my sister would go. It would leave the hundred or so ponies to take the train in any case.”
“You did once and got chewed out by your guards?” I guessed with a grin.
Her ears flicked in amusement, “Once when I was young. And there was carriages then, not trains. The pegasi guards caught up to me a week later. The head of my personal guard were not pleased,” she admitted before she blushed slightly, “Of course, I made it up to him. We got married a year later.”
I raised a eyebrow at her.
“I was younger then!” she protested and shifted her big wings, “it was before the unification even.”
Chuckling, I shook my head, “I can't help but wonder exactly how much is forgotten from the history books. Because none of them mention your consorts.”
Celestia didn't look happy but sighed, “When I do take a lover, we are discreet about it, even when married. For their safety among other things but things also get lost in time. Luna had been forgotten in a mere thousand years, remember?”
I nodded. That was just sad.
“Yeah.” I agreed.
“It's been almost a hundred years since I found my last consort. Sweety Bell. She was a earth pony mare. So sweet, she started out in the castle kitchens,” Celestia said softly, a small smile on her lips. “You should have seen her. Demure and sweet... unless you made her angry. She was fierce! During a diplomatic function, the griffon ambassador was really rather rude to one of the guests. I don't remember exactly what he said to Lady... hmm, who was it again? Crystal Clear I think. She was very young, I think it was the first one her father took her to... anyway, Crystal Clear was almost in tears, but Sweety Bell wouldn't have any of it. She was just serving drinks, but she walked straight up to the griffon and tore into him. By the end he was cowering on the floor, begging for forgiveness. Her tongue was Sharp. I think that might have been when I fell for her. She was never afraid to talk back to me.”
“I think I would have liked to meet her.”
Celestia nodded with a sad smile, “I think she would have liked you too. But she has been gone for forty years now.”
I nodded to myself as I watched Celestia, her wing tips were drooping slightly. She looked sad, but a small smile was on her lips.
I couldn't help but superimpose her with a mental picture of Luna. Same position, same expression... in a hundred years.
Remembering me.
There was a long moment of silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts before I finally spoke up, “Want to play a game? We can get Swift back in here and try that war game again, that always passes the time. Especially with three players.”
“I would like that.”
Chapter 38
I turned the page in my notebook, making a note for my next book. I didn't bring any of my notes of drafts for the next book, the Terminator style timetraveling golem.
But I did bring a notebook in case I got ideas.
Smiling I glanced back at Luna. She rested with her head resting on my back as she performed her dream walking duties.
Also I suspect she could use the nap, she had been up early this evening to attend the meeting with the two ambassadors and the other princesses. I knew Twilight and the other elements were here as well. Not entirely sure where as I had not run into them yet.
Maybe tomorrow.
The Crystal Empire is amazing. It really was. Last time I didn't have much time looking around, but this time I did. I spent the day while they had their meeting just walking the streets.
Luna suddenly jerked awake with a gasp, her wings flapping as she scrambled onto her hooves, looking around quickly.
“Luna? What's wrong?”I asked as I quickly got up as well.
She shook her head and spared me a quick nuzzle, “Need to talk to my sister,” she said before she galloped outside.
That's not a good sign. That's not a good sign at all.
I quickly turned to follow her, trying to keep up.
Luna barreled past the guard and slammed the doors to Celestia's chamber open, “Sister, are you alright?”
Celestia struggled to catch her breath, “I just had the most terrible dream.”
“Why do you think I'm here?” Luna asked as I moved up next to her, “You know as well as I that it was not a dream, but a vision.”
Nodding, Celestia rolled out of bed and onto her hooves, “Then we haven't much time. The stronger He becomes, the more we are all in danger.”
“Uhm... quick question?” I asked, raising my hoof, “He?”
Luna let out a soft breath and looked down at me, “Lord Tirek. A long time ago, Lord Tirek and his brother came to steal Equestrian magic. His brother learned, he found things more powerful than magic, friendship. He returned from whence he came. Not Lord Tirek. He was defeated by me and my sister along with the armies of Equestria. He was sent to Tartarus and locked away for his crimes. It appears he has returned.”
I just stared at her for a long moment before I raised a eyebrow at her, “So... one of these dangerous beings you and your sister locked away has escaped somehow. Look at me, this is my surprised face.”
Shaking her head, Luna frowned before she sighed, “You may yell at me about it later, love, but for now my sister and I need to meet with Cadence and Twilight.”
Nodding I leaned against her side softly for a second before I pulled away, “I'll get out of your way and pack up. I assume we will be returning to Equestria as soon as possible.”
“That would be a safe assumption,” Celestia said and joined us, “Luna, we need to go.”
“Then let's go, sister,” Luna agreed and stole a quick kiss from me before she turned. I got a nuzzle at my ear from Celestia as well as she moved to follow her.
I stayed there for a long moment, looking out the window. Another life threatening danger. Another that managed to escape its containment.
Second time this year.
Very well then.
Luna was right, I could yell at her about it later... and mark my word, I was planning to. But for now I needed to prepare for the return to Canterlot.
Turning around I headed for the door only to be met by an alert looking Swift Spear, “Page?” he asked as he spotted me, “What's going on? I just know we were put on high alert and I was kicked out of my bunk two minutes ago and told to find you.”
I shook my head and moved past him, “Another world ending threat, somepony called Lord Tirek. Don't know much more than that,” I explained, “Need to go back and pack, we are leaving for Equestria as soon as Luna and Celestia brief the other princesses. Alert the guards.”
Swift bit back a curse and then quickly followed me.
The chamber was as we left it. The first thing I did was to cross it to the luggage and flipping it open with my magic, pulling out my chakram and a pair of daggers, putting them in their their places opposite to the side slung cloak I had been wearing for Luna since we left Equestria.
The daggers and sheaths when into their spots along my side, the chakram on the small hook on my right shoulder. Once armed, I started to float everything over to put back into the various bags and chests. Not much had been brought, mostly books and documents.
One of the more practical things about clothes not really being a thing.
Swift moved to help me but stood where he could see the door, eyeing my weapons, “Think you will need those?”
“No. By the time somepony got in here, we would have noticed by the fact that the castle would be half destroyed. But I'd rather have them instead of digging through the trunk if it happens,” I said and collected the papers, putting them into a neat pile before dropping into the trunk.
Never mind that it likely wouldn't matter at all. If it took two Princesses and the entire army of Equestria to defeat him last time... A pair of knives and a sharp disk wouldn't do anything. If I was to be honest with myself, it was to make myself feel better.
Closing the lid, I headed for the door.
“Page, where are you going?”
“Meeting chamber. Or at least to wait outside of it,” I said and pushed the door open, exiting the room again.
Let's see what was going on.
Chapter 39
I stared at the alicorn across the cabin from me before turning to look at the one next to me. I then turned back to stare at Celestia.
“...Are you high?” I finally asked as I shook my head, “No, wrong question. And am I high? Were there some mushrooms in that salad or something? Because I could have sworn you just said that you set Discord on defeating Lord Tirek?”
Celestia nodded, “I did't. We sent him to find Tirek. If we find him early enough, we have a chance to defeat him. Discord's power is a great boon to Equestria and he did help us in the past and if he don't find Tirek in time, he might be our only chance.”
Luna frowned, “I don't like it. But it is the best option in this case.”
“He helped you from a trap he set himself!” I exclaimed and then let my breath out. Fine. “What about the elements?”
“They are unavailable, they are merged with the Tree of Harmony, healing it after it was drained heavily by the strangle vines.”
I just gaped at her.
Not only did they put a spirit of fucking chaos in charge of stopping what sounded like a unstoppable demon lord, but they didn't even have his leash anymore!?
“Discord is off his leash?” I finally managed to ask, looking up at Luna.
She sighed and pressed her lips together, “It was necessary to save the tree of harmony. When it regained it's power, it destroyed the strangle vines and released my sister and me. Twilight Sparkle had to make a choice.”
I felt like screaming.
Discord released the strangle vines, possibly sometime in the past, and as a result it eliminated the only way to defeat him.
“You seriously don't see that he manipulated events so that he would be released?” I asked, turning to Celestia, “Are you that fucking dumb!? Were you blonde before you turned rainbow!?”
Her ears flicked back and she frowned, “Page...”
“Don't you fucking Page me!” I snarled at her and jumped off the couch, “Because of the fucked up security measures, Tirek is free. Discord is free. There is no way to defeat either of them and if you think Discord won't turn on you the moment your back is turned you are so fucking deep in denial, you can see the pyramids!”
“Page!” Luna exclaimed, “That's enough!”
“And you are just as bad!” I yelled as I turned to her, “What in the fuck, Luna!?”
“It was the only thing we could do. Lord Tirek is already too powerful for me and Luna to defeat and without the elements..” Celestia said quietly as Luna stared at me with wide shocked eyes, her ears folded to the sides of her head.
I just shook my head, “I... I just can't... Discord is a chaos spirit for fuck sake! You are relying on a chaos spirit to do the sane thing!? You know what, no. I can't take this right now. I'm going out.”
“Page, wai...” Luna said but I slammed the door to the train cabin behind myself, finding myself in the corridor of the royal train.
Turning to the left, I headed back through the train.
We were all fucked. There was no way this would end well. Discord would fuck us over, I knew he would. There was no way he wouldn't. It was in his nature and now his leash was done.
The question was just if he was going to twist the world into a pretzel or all the magic is going to be eaten by Lord Tirek.
I was just pissed. I was angry with Celestia, I was angry with Luna and I was fucking pissed about this entire situation. It was selfish. I knew that, but... I had been happy. Now things were going to shit and there was nothing I could do about it.
Ponies were going to be hurt. Griffons, dragons... minotaurs. A lot of different creatures were going to pay for this. Luna...Skitter, Celestia, Swift, Cloud, Silver... Twilight and Rainbow. Everyone was going to pay for this.
I reached the end of the train and stopped, looking out the window at the landscape moving past quickly. The sun was shining outside over the frozen landscape. It didn't look like the end of the world. Not yet.
Looking around I found the train car empty. A bit odd considering the significant support staff. Then again me storming through the train while armed likely did it.
Sighing I sank down on one of the couches, resting my head on my frontlegs. What do we do now? I honestly had no clue.
There were years until the mirror open again so we can't even get out of the universe. If Tirek really was powerful enough that they thought Discord was the only one that had a chance to defeat him...
We are screwed.
I just stared out the window for a long time before there was a sound and somepony jumped onto the couch to settle down next to me. I glanced to the side to see Luna next to me.
Sighing softly I leaned silently against her side, “...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. I'm just... afraid.”
Luna settled her wing over my back and then rested her chin against the top of my head, “I know, My Page. I forgive you.. But... you were also right. My sister and I have ruled Equestria for a long time, even before my banishment. There have been mostly peace since then with only minor conflicts. Celestia... no, not Celestia. Both of us... we were complacent. Even before my banishment, I think it's part of what drove my fall.” She said quietly against my mane, “We thought ourselves... undefeatable. In some part, I suppose we still did.”
Frowning, I nuzzled at her neck. That made a scary amount of sense.
“What do we do now?” I whispered and pressed closer against her side.
“We hope.” She answered softly, “We hope Discord is capable and that his chaotic nature causes him to reject his nature to betray us just to be surprising.”
That was just depressing.
Luna nuzzled gently, “When we survive this, I promise you... nothing like this will ever happen again. I will deal with it personally... with you by my side.”
I nuzzled back with a nod before I cringed, “...Now if you excuse me, I think I need to go apologize to Celestia.”
Luna just nodded and lifted her wing off my back to let me off the couch.
Chapter 40
“Princess?” I asked, knocking on the door to the private cabin.
I slid the door open and walked inside, closing it behind me again. Celestia's private cabin on the train was pretty similar to Luna's, just with different colors.
The Princess in question was sitting looking out the window.
“...Celestia...I...” I started to say as I paused, watching her.
“You were right,” She answered, cutting me off, “I.. It's my fault.”
I paused at that and looked up at her, her eyes were shining with unshed tears, “Celestia, that's not...”
She turned and looked down at me, “But it is. I locked the changelings away and considered it handled. I set Cerberus alone to guard Tartarus and then left it. I was the one that decided the Crystal Mirror didn't need to be guarded or even really locked away. I risked Equestria and allowed myself to be captured on the chance that Twilight would be able to free my sister from the madness.”
Frowning I settled down next to her before leaning against her side with a small sigh, “I'm at least thankful for that last one.”
Celestia smiled softly and sighed too, “It worked well. But it could have ended so much worse. And it was my fault that she fell to it in the first place.”
“You have lived for a long time,” I answered after a second, “Actions have consequences, all of them do. Often we can't choose what they will be or even know beforehand. We just need to do what we think is right at the time. In the end, that's all we can do.”
She regarded me for a long moment before a wing settled across my back in a hug, “Wise for your age.”
I smiled slightly at that, “I like to think I'm wise for any age.”
That got a snort before she sighed, “I was still wrong.”
“Hindsight is twenty/twenty.”
“True,” Celestia said and frowned down at me, “But the more power you have, the more your decisions have the risk of hurting ponies.”
I just nodded, leaning against the side of the large alicorn. She was right about that, that's for sure. To rule for that long, with that much power... it didn't matter how experienced you were, how wise or intelligent you were. Things would go wrong and in a catastrophic manner sooner or later. I guess this might just have been a period of perfect storm.
We stayed like that for a long moment, just being there for her as I let her think. She finally spoke up.
I shifted, lifting my head from her shoulder to blink up at her, “Huh?”
“Before my power release changed my mane color. It was pink.”
I looked up at her for a moment before I smiled, “You were white and pink?”
That caused a frown, “Yes?”
“That's a really girly color combination.”
Celestia narrowed her eyes at me, “I'm not above following my sisters example of biting your ears.”
“I'll be good,” I said with a grin, “Pinky.”
She decided to be the adult one and stick her tongue out at me. It was so good to see her smile again.
It didn't last though and she turned serious again, “Tirek.”
“Tirek,” I agreed, nodding with a sigh as I settled back down, “Shit.”
Her wing tightened around me for a second as she nodded with a sigh, “Your thoughts?”
“Go to Earth, contact whoever is president at the time and convince him to loan you a Trident. Then nuke the fucker.”
Celestia tilted her head, “We have tridents here. What is a nuke?”
I shook my head, “Big explosive. Kinda. But it wouldn't work anyway, the mirror is closed and it would take too long anyway. Besides, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't fit through even if it would work here. I don't know what to do. I'm just an author, Celestia. You and Luna are the ones with the experience and knowledge. I can throw shit at the wall and maybe something will stick, but you guys actually know what you are doing... or at least closer to it than anyone else around here.”
“You sell yourself short.”
“I like to think of it as knowing my limits.”
That got another snort, “Such as yelling at Princesses?”
“Well, I saw something that needed doing.”
Celestia smiled sadly with a sigh and nuzzled at my ear, “I think we might have,” before she smiled down at me, “But I believe I need to talk to my sister and Cadence. Would you please go get them? I'm not sure it will work, but I want their opinion. You were right about one thing... I need to talk to ponies about big decisions.”
I smiled up at her, “You figured out a way to defeat him? If Discord doesn't find him in time?”
She shook her head, “No. But I think I have a way that might make it possible in the future and keep him from winning. I'm sorry, Page, but I don't think I should tell you anymore until I've discussed it with Luna and Cadence. I believe it will work, but the time to make decisions hastily is over. There are more Princesses in Equestria now. ”
I moved to get up, but Celestia squeezed me tight with her wing for a moment before letting me up, “I'll find them.”
“Thank you, Page.”
Chapter 41
“Page,” Luna said as she entered Skitters room. We had been back to Canterlot a couple of days now and while we had been busy, I made time to spend at least a hour here a day.
Not sure if it helped or not, but Skitter had earned it.
I looked up from my book and then quickly surged to my hooves as I saw the expression on her face, “What's wrong?”
Shaking her head, she nuzzled softly before she sighed, “We just received news. Tirek is less than three hours from the gates of Canterlot. What's even worse, Discord seems to have joined forces with him.”
I didn't even have the energy to get mad, it was so predictable. I just felt drained and tired. I rested my head against the side of her neck, “So we fight.”
“No, My Page.”
“What?” I exclaimed and pulled back to look up at her in surprise, “Don't tell me you are just going to roll over and die!? Chrysalis might be able to...”
Luna looked down at me sadly and shook her head again, “No, we have a plan. Tirek is too strong to be defeated in battle, besides the Changelings have sealed their hive. He has absorbed too much magic. Now he seek alicorn magic. We will hide ours where he can never find it.”
“...And then what? Why don't we just run!?”
“It would not help. Not for us, all it would do is put more ponies in danger,” Luna said before she kissed me softly, “But you...”
I frowned up at her, “Me?”
She nodded and turned her head towards the door, “Swift Spear.”
My friend entered in his night guard armor and bowed for her, “Your Highness.”
“I'm giving you the most important mission of your life. You are to take Blank Page back to the Crystal Kingdom. Once there, you will retrieve the Crystal Mirror and then keep moving as far away from here as possible until it opens once more. Keep Page and it safe until then!”
“Of course, Ma'am. As you order.”
She shook her head, “You can't be here, Page,” she said and blinked, her eyes shining, “If Tirek threaten you, I... I would give him whatever he wanted. I can't have you here.”
No. No. Fuck no!
“Come with us.”
“I can't,” Luna answered quietly and kissed me again, tears straining my mane, “I love you.”
“I love you too. Please Luna... Please...”
Shaking her head she hugged me tight before pulling away and turning to leave, looking at Swift as she moved past, “You have your orders.”
“I will follow them, Princess. I'll do you proud.”
“I know you will, my little pony.”
Then she was gone.
I just sank down. No... no this can't be it. It just can't.
“Page,” Swift said, having crossed the room without me noticing, “We need to move.”
Shaking my head, I got up, “I...”
“Page, think. The Princess told you why, so you can't be used against them. If Tirek gets Alicorn magic, everything will be lost. As long as he doesn't there is hope,” Swift said, pain in his tone, “We need to go, the sooner the better.”
“I can't. I can't go. There must be...”
Swift punched me in the face and I rocked back, staring at him in surprise before feeling my nose and the blood, “Wha...”
He snarled at me, “Think of her! She is trying to keep everyone safe and I won't have you put that at risk by staying! I have my orders and if I have to drag your unconscious body behind me on a rope, I will follow them!” he yelled before he looked down, “...Don't you think I want to gallop out of here and find Minuette? To hold her close and get her safe? But I have my orders. I have my duty to the Princesses. I will follow my orders. No matter what.”
Swallowing I nodded, “Swift...” I started to say before I sighed, “...I'll come. On one condition.”
“Which is?”
“I want to see the fucker.”
“Didn't I make it clear when I say I would beat you senseless?”
I glared at him in turn, “Think you could?”
He snarled but backed down after a couple of moments, “We will be leaving by sky carriage. I need to get things packed away. You can see him... through a telescope from the tallest tower. If I say we go, we go.”
“Agreed.” I said and walked past him. I had some packing to do as well. Anything to keep moving and avoid thinking or I would start crying and I'm not sure I would ever be able to stop when I finally did.
I stood by the edge of the tower, my telescope floating before me as I looked at the gate facing the main approach to Canterlot.
So that's Tirek.
A big black and red horned centaur.
He wasn't hurrying. He was just walking towards Canterlot, big and unstoppable like a glacier. Not that he would be walking in unopposed. The Royal Guard were setting up by the gate.
Not that it helped.
When he got close, they launched their first spears and arrows, pegasi diving towards him. They might as well not have bothered. The spears and arrows bounced off his thick hide as he raised his arm to protect his eyes from the projectiles and magic before he opened his massive jaw as he reached the gate. Streams of magic were drawn from the ponies and they started to collapse.
Tirek barely broke step.
“There, you have seen him. We are leaving,” Swift said from next to me as I watched Tirek pick a pony up and inhale its magic before dropping her.
He was just inhaling the magic like it was some sort of strange fucking noodles.
I lowered the telescope slowly.
“I'm sorry, Page,” Swift said quietly and took the telescope, putting it down before putting his shoulder against mine, “We are leaving. Now.”
“I'm sorry too,” I answered equally quietly and touched my horn against his, “Sleep.”
His eyes had just enough time to widen at the betrayal before they closed and he sank down onto the stone. I caught him in my magic before putting him in the carriage before moving around to the pegasi pulling it, “Go. Find an unicorn mare named Minuette, she should still be in the Crystal Empire.”
“But sir...”
“...Yes sir.”
As they took to the skies, I looked over at where Tirek was moving towards the castle before I turned and headed towards the stairs. There was a tiny chance, but there was a chance. I had to take it even if it killed me.
I needed Sunset.
Chapter 42
I stood with my eyes closed as I listened to the heavy hoofsteps moving past outside the doors towards the throneroom outside the closed doors of the side passage. I'm not here. I am a hole in the air.
A shadow of nothing. Think empty thoughts.
The ground trembled beneath my hooves as the massive centaur moved past.
I was terrified. I couldn't afford to be, but I was. The hoofsteps slowly moved away and I could hear the gates of the throneroom opening and then closing again.
Pushing the door open I exited and turned to follow, taking a slow deep breath. Focus. If I fuck up, I'm dead.
What's more importantly, if I fuck up, Luna and Celestia are dead. Cadence and Twilight. Everyone loses forever. So no pressure or anything.
Pausing I took a quiet and deep breath, gathering all my fear into a tiny little ball and pushing it away. Then I gathered my magic and lashed out at the doors. The doors crashed open with a loud bang as they hit the walls and I stalked inside.
“Tirek! You will not touch them!” I roared, floating my four spears around me as I entered. The Princesses by the thrones looked towards me in pure surprise, even Tirek looked back at me in surprise.
Luna mouthed 'No... no please...'
I looked away, focusing on Tirek. He chuckled and turned towards me, “Who is going to stop me? You, little pony?”
“I am Blank Page. Consort of Princess Luna, Warmage and negotiator with the Hive. Take one more step towards them and I will fucking murder you. And mark my words, it will be a murder not a fight.”
Tirek just laughed and stepped towards me, the ground shaking at his step, “Her consort, was it. Perhaps that can help convince them...”
I didn't wait for him to get close, I set a spin on my spears around their axis and launched them at him as I dodged to the side, pulling my cloak free and flying to block his view as I sent my chakram spinning after them along with a pair of daggers in an arch.
Tirek ignored the spears and them just bounced off his hide, raising his arm for the daggers and chakram. I didn't let him, I dodged them around his arm and stabbed towards his eyes.
He ducked and twisted his head as he reached out faster than I thought possible to catch the weapons and throwing them to the side, breaking my hold on them.
Pulling another pair of daggers from my belt, I floated them next to me as I faced off towards him. They started to trail frost as I infused them with ice magic.
Tirek just chuckled and then moved towards me fast. Faster than his massive bulk should be capable of. Pulling magic around myself, I threw it from here to there and suddenly I was behind him, gathering up the spears as I finished the teleport, spinning as I launched them towards him before even orienting myself again.
I gasped for breath and dove to the side as he caught one of the spears and launched it back at me hard enough for it to land tip first into the stone floor.
He was almost at me and I gathered my magic around myself again and I was a couple of meters further away once more, stumbling as much from exertion as from disorientation, sweeping my magic to gather up the fallen chakram, spinning it around myself as I rolled onto my hooves and danced back with the sound of the medallions of my necklace hitting each other, just barely avoiding his hand as reached for me.
My weapon lashed out, spinning against his massive forearm.
It actually drew a line of red and he roared, pulling his arm quickly back, looking at it. I readied myself and moved slightly to the side before sending it spinning at him again.
With a annoyed snarl he opened his jaw and I lost control of the metal circle. He caught it in his hand and then simply squeezed before dropping it onto the floor, all twisted up.
I quickly looked around and reached out for the closest dagger when I suddenly couldn't move anymore.
Suddenly there was a massive wham and I was laying on the floor, the world spinning around me, leaving me wondering what the hell just happened.
The floor shook beneath me and my left frontleg protested in pain as I tried to move it.
“Enough playing.” Tirek growled and reached down with his large arm, picking me up and I screamed as it moved my left frontleg.
I felt grinding motion in it before it was drowned out by sheer pain. Something in there was broken.
You would be surprised about the things you notice at strange times. Tirek smelled badly. Like seaweeds.
I tried to kick him.
He just chuckled and squeezed a bit harder, making me gasp for breath as he turned back towards the Princesses, “There. Perhaps we should continue. You were about to tell me where your magic is.”
Cadence looked away. Luna and Celestia stared at me in horror before Luna slowly shook her head, “...No...”
“You are certain?” Tirek asked with a ugly grin, “Tell me what I want to know and I'll just take his magic. I'll even send him with you to Tartarus... if not...”
Luna ground her teeth, tears dripping down her cheeks as he looked at me. It hurt more than my arm to see her like that.
“...We'll tell you.” Celestia said quietly and Luna looked at her in surprise, “Put him down. I'll tell you what you want to know.”
Tirek nodded with a smirk before opening his massive jaw at me and I could feel it. Pain racked through my body as my golden magic started to flow from my horn into his mouth. I could see all the way down into this throat.
Game over.
I win.
Author's Notes:
Double feature today because for the next two weeks, I don't have to go up at five in the morning. Yay.
Chapter 43
Thirty minutes earlier.
I found Sunset in her chambers, frantically packing. She stared at me as soon as I told her what I wanted to do.
“You are nuts.”
“Maybe. But I have to try.”
She shook her head, “Page... that's idiotic, even if you somehow manage to defeat him where the Princesses and the Royal Guard failed, he could kill you in the process! Come on, you can come with me. We can still get out in time.”
I just nodded, “Possible,” before I sighed, “Likely even. But I have to try. For them.”
Sunset sank down to sit, “You love her. You really do.”
I smiled slightly, “What tipped you off?” before I shook my head, “But I need your help and we need to hurry. We need to get to the armory, it will take ten minutes at most, then you can run.”
She shifted, scraping her hoof against the floor, undecided.
“I won't lie, Sunset,” I continued, “The sooner you run, the easier it will be to get away. Staying can kill you. But the question is not if staying can kill you, but if you can live with leaving?”
Sunset gritted her teeth and then got onto her hooves, “Fine, Monkeyboy, you win. Let's go.”
“Thank you.”
“Don't thank me, this is a stupid idea and I still think you are going to get yourself killed.”
I didn't answer, I just followed along towards the armory. She was right. Even if everything went perfectly, I might get seriously injured or killed in the process. But I couldn't do nothing, I couldn't just leave.
I'm sorry, Luna. But I have to try to do something, anything to keep you safe. Even if it killed me.
It didn't take long to reach the armory. It was unguarded. Normally there was at least two guards outside it keeping the contents safe.
Now there was nobody here.
Still, the door was locked.
I moved aside and motioned towards the steel door, “Sunset, if you please?”
She nodded and gathered up her magic before blasting it off its hinges, causing it to go crashing through the room behind it, shattering a stand of spears across the floor.
“What do you need?” Sunset asked as she walked inside first, leaving me to follow.
“Focus on the sturdy things. Steel hafted spears, swords. That kind of thing. The bigger and stronger the better.”
Sunset nodded and started to gather, picking and choosing between the weapons before getting to work with a frown, “Page...”
“Hmm?” I asked, picking up some spears in my magic, giving them a spin. These will work.
“Thanks for bringing me back,” She said quietly as she wove her spell craft.
I nodded as I picked up a pair of daggers, checking the blades and sliding them into one of the belts, “Didn't do it for you. But you are welcome.”
“I just don't think I'm going to get the chance to say it later.”
Grabbing another pair of daggers, I couldn't help but think she might be right.
Pain racked through my body as Tirek opened his massive jaw. I could feel my magic starting to drain from my horn, the golden energy glowing like the sun as he absorbed it.
I gritted my teeth and worked through the pain from the draining, the pain in my left frontleg and reached up to grab my necklace with the medallion and all the little decorations hanging all around the thin chain all around my neck using my right hoof.
Tearing it free, I threw it straight into that gaping maw and down his throat. It didn't even touch the sides.
For a second, nothing happened and it stretched on longer than any second in my life had before. Then Tirek jerked and arched his back as he roared, the draw on my magic turned into a scream as he stumbled back, clawing at his chest and throat as I fell.
I landed hard, something in my right rear leg made a crackling sound and pain shot through me, my vision threatening to go dark for a second as Tirek stumbled back and forth.
He screamed and trashed before slowly sinking down onto the knees of his front legs. He looked confused, “Wha...” he started to say before he fell over onto his side, hitting the floor with a loud crash, the ground shuddering beneath the impact.
Silence. The throneroom was completely silent as everyone stared at the fallen Lord Tirek. I was just trying to stay awake from the shooting pain through two of my legs.
Tirek started to slowly glow. First in small spots on his chest, then his sides. His eyes flashed open, glowing a bright white that filled his slack and open mouth.
The glow spread across him from the growing spots on his chest and sides, covering him in a half sphere before it flashed outwards. I didn't have time to do anything.
I didn't have the magic to shield, I couldn't move and try to get out of the way.
Everything dissolved into blue sparkles.
Chapter 44
The first thing I became aware was that I was laying on something soft and warm. It smelled... nice and clean.
So comfortable. I didn't want my brain to engage, but memories and thoughts came in by their own, pushing the soft fluffy half asleep state away.
Fight. Tirek.
I jerked up, my eyes flashing open. I was in bed in our room. The door to the balcony was open so was the windows, the night outside was dark, lit by the stars and moon far above.
The room looked like it always did, lit by only a couple of lit candles.
“Page,” A voice said to my left and I twisted before smiling and feeling myself relax.
“Luna,” I breathed and shifted close to her, leaning against her side, first not noticing her wing across my back, “I'm so glad you are safe.”
“You are glad I'm okay?” She asked, raising a eyebrow as she closed the book she had been reading, leaning against me softly in turn, nuzzling at my ear, “You stupid, stupid pony,” she said softly and sniffled softly as she pressed her head against my neck, my coat turning wet, “I thought I lost you!”
“I thought I was going to lose you,” I answered quietly as I nuzzled at her mane, “I couldn't stand back anymore than you could if I was in danger.”
She let out a small breath against my mane in turn and just stayed like that, “Seeing you in his grasp like that...”
I leaned against her, resting my head against her neck. No words were needed. I was just so happy she was alright.
Luna shifted after a long moment and gave me a small soft kiss, “How are you feeling?”
“I'm fine,” I answered, shifting my legs, “I remember breaking a couple of bones, but I feel fine. How long was I out?”
“A couple of days, it took a lot out of you.”
I frowned and nodded, looking at my left frontleg, “Well, my compliment to the doctor. I can't even tell my leg was broken.”
Luna looked amused and nodded, “It did heal rather well.”
“How is everyone? Celestia? Cadence? Everyone else?”
She smiled at that, “They are all fine. I traded off with my sister to keep watch over you a couple of hours ago,” before she sighed, “There are some casualties and a lot of injuries, but things could have been a lot worse. He didn't go out of his way to kill anyone, thank the stars.”
“And Discord?”
“He has been nowhere to be seen since Tirek's defeat,” Luna explained before she pulled back and frowned down at me, “How did you manage it? We couldn't see.”
I smirked at that, “I took some help by Sunset Shimmer and shrunk as many swords and spears as we could as small as possible. I tied them as ornaments to my necklace. When he absorbed the magic, they returned to their real size.”
Luna stared at me for a long moment, “...You planned to get caught so he would drain you.”
“...So that's what did it. You stupid, stupid pony. That was so risky.”
“Only thing I could think of. He protected his face when attacked by the guard, he still had weak spots.”
She shook her head and nuzzled at the base of my horn, “Stupid,” before she sighed, “And insanely lucky and brave.”
“I agree with the second one, “ I told her with a smile, “I'm with you, aren't I?”
That got a small giggle from her and she pulled back, “Hungry?”
I was about to say no, but my stomach disagreed and rumbled loudly enough to be heard somewhere over in the Crystal Empire.
“...Apparently, yes,” I admitted with a small cringe.
Luna nodded and jumped off the bed, “I'll send for something.”
Damn, now when she mentioned food, I was so hungry. The wing across my back shifted and I looked over at Luna as she headed towards the door.
I turned my head and looked only to freeze and stare. Why do I have wings? They looked pegasus like. What in the actual...
I tried moving them. They kinda twitched.
Reaching up with my hoof, I touched my head. Yep, that was still a horn.
“I did wonder how long it would take before you noticed, My Page,” Luna said and jumped up to lay onto the bed next to me.
“I... uhm... wha... how?” I finally managed to ask as I stared at the wings.
Luna smiled and touched my chin, giving me a small kiss on the tip of my muzzle, “Remember when we talked about Alicorns and dark magic?”
I nodded.
“You tricked Tirek, My Page,” she explained softly as she looked into my eyes, “You created a world, a story. You lived your cutie mark and at that moment you embodied it. When Tirek died there was an extremely powerful magical surge as all the magic he had absorbed rushed out to return to where it came from. You were straight in the middle of all that magic.”
“Oh,” was all I could say, swallowing before I shook my head, “I... I think I'm going to lay down for a while.”
“You are laying down, love.”
“Oh. Goody.”
Chapter 45
“Aaah!” I snarled and twisted, rolling onto my stomach before glaring over my shoulder, “Fold, damn you!”
Luna smiled where she was laying next to me, “Relax, love. You'll learn to control them, Twilight had problems at first too.”
I just sighed, trying to fold my wings. They kinda twitched. Every little current in the air made my feathers shift and it kinda tickled. I was insanely aware of every single little gust of wind through the open window with them sticking out like this.
“I suppose I should expect it to take more than a couple of hours,” I sighed again and shook my head, pushing them from my mind, “Luna?”
“Hmm?” she asked and nuzzled softly.
“...What will be the fallout for this?”
Luna tilted her head, shifting her wings in thought, “Difficult to say. There has never as far as we know been a male Alicorn. It's difficult to say how ponies will react to the news.”
“I didn't ask for this.”
“I know,” she said with a smile, “I didn't think it was possible.”
I grimaced and nodded, trying to shift my wings again. The feathers were feeling ticklish, moving in every single air current the way they were sticking out now.
“And Tirek? We are sure that he is...”
I had never killed something before that wasn't a Night Terror. Insects, but nothing else. I drove over a squirrel once I guess. I wonder if I'm supposed to feel guilty or something over it. Mostly I was relieved he could not hurt anypony ever again.
“Of course, this does mean you saved the Kingdom again,” Luna said with a small smile, “You are getting another window.”
I just sighed, “And with these things?” I asked, waving my right wing. Hey, it moved! Not like I wanted it to, but it half folded!
“You'll figure them out,” she said and shifted closer with a smile, her wing settling across my back behind my raised wings, “You did want to be able to fly. Now you can.”
That perked me up a bit. Flying... wow. I would be able to fly. I couldn't help but smile at that, leaning against her side. Wow.
I then suddenly jerked upright, “Shit! Swift Spear! Skitter.”
“He is fine,” Luna supplied, “Not happy, but he returned safely a couple of hours after you defeated Tirek.”
“Oh. Good.” I said and slowly relaxed again. Man, he is going to be so pissed with me. Yeah, I kinda deserved it as well, what I did was really dickish.
Luna nuzzled at my ear, “I checked on Skitter on the way up here as well. Her condition is unchanged as far as I can tell. She don't seem to have been affected by Tirek or the magical wave.”
“Thank you, Luna.”
She smiled, “She is important to you. Of course I would watch out for her.”
I gave her a quick kiss and leaned against her, “So what now?”
“Now, you rest. We can discuss the other matters later. It will take weeks to plan the coronation anyway.”
I jerked up at that to stare at her, “The what?”
“The coronation?” Luna asked with a small frown, “What?”
“Why is there an coronation?”
“You are a Prince now.”
I just stared at her and quickly shook my head, “The hell I am. I'm an alicorn apparently. I want nothing to do with ruling.”
Luna sighed softly, “Page, lay down and think. All other alicorns are royalty, ponies are going to expect the same of you.”
“Well, I don't want it! They can fuck off with that!” I exclaimed and then looked back at my wings before turning back to her, “Who knows about this? Can we hide it? Illusions until you teach me that transformation spell?”
She frowned faintly, “...Page, even if we did manage to hide it, sooner or later ponies is going to notice that you are growing and not aging. Even Twilight has grown several centimeters already. Within the decade she will be Cadence's size. I don't know how things will work with a male alicorn, but I would not be surprised if you grew to my sister's size in the end.”
“Who knows!?” I quickly asked, surging up in slight panic.
Luna sighed, “Me, my sister, Cadence, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle. Some guards and a pair of doctors. We have been keeping it quiet while we worked on how to do the reveal.”
“So we can still hide it?”
“If that's what you wish, My Page,” she said quietly with a small sigh, “But... it will not last. A few decades at most before somepony notices even if you manage to learn the transformation spell.”
I shifted and laid back down, my wings folding on my back by their own, “...I know, love. But at least I would have time to adapt. Even then, I don't want to be a prince, it feel so... pretentious. I don't even want my current title,” I said before I perked up, “Wait, I'm an alicorn! I could order ponies not to treat me like royalty!”
Luna raised a eyebrow at me, looking amused.
I frowned at her, “Not going to work?”
She shook her head with a smile, “Twilight tried that.”
Sighing I leaned against her side, “Well, damn. Back to the plan to hide it.”
“Well, if that's what you truly wish, we could try,” Luna said quietly against my ear.
“Thank you, Luna. How long would it take to learn the illusion spell?” I asked, nosing at her neck.
“Don't know, it's not that difficult but very detailed. A week maybe? You being injured would cover that time for the public, we can push back the award ceremony until you 'recover'.”
I cringed at that but nodded. There were only so much of the fallout I could realistically avoid and I'm pretty sure that was one of the things I couldn't duck out of.
Luna nipped at my ear tip, “...Page?”
“Do you have any idea exactly how good you look with wings?” she murmured and pressed closer.
Damn it, Luna! I just got those folded!
Chapter 46
“Press please,” Doctor Stead Beat ordered, the earth pony having his hoof firmly on my left wing.
I tried to do as he ordered and my wing semi responded. Twitching once and then pressing against his hoof, slowly pushing him back.
A day since I woke up, most of that had been spend just sleeping but the wings were starting to respond and do what I wanted them to.
Sometimes. If I was lucky. Mostly they just did their own thing.
Nodding to himself, the Earth Pony picked up his notepad and scribbled something down with the quill held in his mouth, “Thank you, your highness,” he said around it.
I cringed at that, “None of that, I'm not any higher rank than I was a week ago, doc.”
He just raised an eyebrow at me and I sighed, folding my wings again.
“...If you have to, sir is sufficient. But I have a name you know.”
“I'm well aware, sir,” He easily agreed, “Well, as far as I can tell you are a healthy alicorn. Though to be fair, the only baseline of a new alicorn I have examined is Princess Twilight Sparkle. But as far as I can tell, you are adapting well. Just one more test if you please.”
At my nod, he exited the room and then pushed a cart in with a machine on top into the bedroom. One I recognized from when I first arrived in Equestria. It was a magic strength meter.
Basically, a heavy pressurized and reinforced rubber balloon attached to a pressure gauge. You squeezed at it with your magic and the meter went up and from that they calculated your magical strength.
There were more accurate methods because not all unicorns had the same kind of talent for telekinesis but it was often good enough and it was a hell of a lot faster than the other ones.
He reached up and adjusted it before he nodded at me, “Squeeze, please.”
Nodding I walked up and wrapped my magic around the sphere before I poured on the power and squeezed as hard as I could. I held for several moments as hard as I could before I let go.
Steady Beat frowned at the meter and then at his notes before he looked over at me, “As hard as you can, sir.”
I blinked at him, “I did,” I said but tried again, gritting my teeth in effort before I let go.
He frowned and then looked over at Luna where she was lounging on the bed, “Your Highness, if you would? I think it may be broken.”
Luna hmmed and jumped off the bed, making her way over before her horn lit up and she slowly and calmly crushed the rubber sphere until the meter reached the red line before letting go. She didn't even look like she was exerting herself, “It seems to be working, doctor.”
I flicked my ears and looked between Luna and the machine, “How did I do, doc?”
“About twice as much as when you tried last according to your journal. But that was when you first arrived in Equestria, just before you first left the hospital. I would say over fifty percent of that could be accounted for simply by getting used to your magic.”
Steady Beat was one of the few ponies in existence that knew my origins.
I frowned at the rubber sphere at that. That's odd. You would think becoming a gorram Alicorn would increase your magical strength. At least that was my understanding.
Luna nodded, “Thank you, Doctor,” she said with a smile, “we will take it from here.”
“Of course, Princess,” he said and bowed to her before he bowed to me as well before turning to leave.
“That's odd,” I finally said, glancing up at my horn, “am I broken?”
Luna smiled and nuzzled, “I actually had some theories about it already. I thought something like this might happen.”
I frowned up at her, “You did?”
“Mmm,” She agreed, “Two. One is that most of the magical surge that caused your ascension belonged to other ponies. Once it was done, it moved on and returned to their owners.”
I tapped my hoof against the floor in thought and slowly nodded, “I guess that kinda make sense.”
“That is one possibility. Another is that your realm is not well aligned with that sort of thing,” Luna explained, “The same reason as why my sister for all her power is almost completely unable to learn dream magic. It is too far from her realm.”
Now that was a strange thought. I had a realm of power now. Whatever now that was.
“So what is it you can't do?”
Luna smiled and nosed at my ear, “Firemagic. I can barely cause enough of a spark to start a campfire. Also, Chloromancy. Can't do it at all. Earth pony magic or not, I just can't affect plantlife directly.”
Turning my head I looked back at my mark before I turned to look up at Luna, “Well, easy to test. Bed?”
That got a brilliant grin from her, “I think that's more Cadance's realm.”
I blushed softly.
One, not what I meant.
Two, Shining Armor was one lucky bastard.
I poked her with my hoof, “Dreams. Not that,” I said before I continued with a grin, “Maybe later.”
She stuck her tongue out at me and lead the way to the bed. I settled down and closed my eyes before opening them again in a big white chamber.
Exactly like I wanted it to be. It took a moment and then Luna walked in through the doors as they slid open before closing behind her.
She looked around in slight surprise, taking in the large red button on the floor and the large 01 on the wall.
“Welcome to dream testing chamber zero one. Testing will begin in three, two, ooooo...” The voice was cut off in a crackle of static.
She flicked her ears at the sudden voice before making her way over to me, “Page?”
I shrugged my wings, “Seemed fitting.” was all I said with a smile.
Luna tilted her head in question before she shook her head, dismissing it, “I'll change the dream, you resist.”
“Very well.”
Her horn lit up and put her considerable magical weight and ability to shift reality around us. Her magic had felt like an ocean pressing down at me once. It was still heavy and a real struggle, but I could keep things steady.
Luna's eyes widened in surprise at me before she frowned and redoubled her efforts, her horn lighting up and her mane darkening like the night sky in effort. This time to collapse the dream and wake us up. I just looked at her, feeling her effort and magic and... wow. I wouldn't call it anywhere near easy, but I had power to pour into it now.
I could hold her off in here.
Slowly letting up the pressure, Luna looked down at me before she smiled, “I guess this only confirms what I already knew,” she said after a moment as she moved closer until her nose almost touched mine.
I smiled up at her, “Oh?”
“You're the stallion of my dreams,” she murmured before she kissed me.
Chapter 47
Swift just stared at me for a long moment after entering.
I cleared my throat and scraped my hoof against the floor, “Look, I'm so...”
“Alicorn. Seriously?” He interrupted me with a flat stare.
I just nodded.
“You end up here and not only do you end up a rich author, the consort of Princess Luna, but now you are also an Alicorn?”
“It's not my fault! It just happened!”
Swift sighed and rubbed his forehead next to his horn, “Page... you are made of luck, you know that, right?”
“Luck nothing, I'm just that good.”
He rolled his eyes and punched my shoulder.
I smiled at that, “Still, sorry I knocked you out.”
“Eh, is fine. I expected you to try something,” he said and shrugged, “I knew you wouldn't come peacefully to abandon the Princess. I just didn't think you would be so sneaky about it. I should have been more careful.”
Swift shook his head, “Still... so lucky. I can't believe you defeated Lord Tirek.”
“He defeated himself,” I said with a shrug of my wings as I looked at Skitter's green cocoon, “All I did was... show him the road.”
“...And you already speak like a Prince.”
I cringed at that, “Please don't. I'm not going to pick up a crown.”
Swift blinked at me, “You can do that?”
“I can if nobody notices my wings. I'm working on learning an illusion spell that'll keep them hidden. I can already hold it for a couple of hours,” I explained and sat down. “Quite frankly, I don't want it.”
He frowned at me, looking unsure, “I'm not sure it works like that.”
I shrugged again, “I'm going to give it my best attempt at the very least.”
Swift nodded, “Well, I'll keep the secret for as long as you want me to...” he said before he smirked, “...Your Highness.”
“Fuck you.” I chuckled and settled down, shaking my head, “This is so strange.”
“Tell me about it,” he agreed before he frowned, “What are you alicorn of?”
“I mean, Princess Luna is the Alicorn of the Moon, Princess Celestia is the Alicorn of the Sun... Princess Twilight has her magic and friendship and Princess Cadence has her love. What are you the alicorn of?” Swift asked as she moved around to settle down in a location where he could keep an eye on both the windows and door.
“Oh,” I said and frowned, “That gets a bit complex. The simple way to put it is... stories.”
I nodded, “More specifically... imagination, stories, inspiration and dreams. The world's ponies create for themselves. The place artists draw their inspiration from and where authors weave their worlds.”
Swift slowly nodded, “Huh.”
It did have some drawbacks though. My realm of power actually didn't make me very powerful in the real world. I bet I wasn't much stronger than Sunset Shimmer, hell she might even be a bit stronger depending on which test you ran.
In dreams though, I was god. With Capital G. I suppose I could be good at Illusions as well, it was easy enough to learn, especially when compared to other magic, but the one I was learning was a complex one as it needed to be flawless, long term and flexible.
I could hold it for an hour. I wanted it to last at least twenty four before I went out in public again.
“Yeah. Not as impressive as Luna's pet rock, but I think I like it,” I agreed before I looked over at the chrysalis at a sudden sound. The surface kinda... rippled as the entire thing twitched.
Getting onto my hooves, I slowly approached.
“Sir. Are you sure that is wise?” Swift asked as he got up as well, moving up next to me, putting his hoof on my shoulder. Back to his guard persona, no longer just my friend. Now he was my temporary bodyguard.
I nodded, “I trust Skitter. But it might be best if you step back.”
Swift Spear looked unsure but then he nodded back and backed away. He did however keep his horn lit, the magic sparkling around the hilt of his sword.
I simply waited as the chrysalis shifted and moved before a cracked and notched horn pierced the side of it before starting to rip and saw its way upwards, leaving the chrysalis to leak a faintly green fluid.
Suddenly the entire thing ripped open and Skitter tumbled out of it and onto the floor. Or would have anyway if I had not stepped up and caught her.
Skitter gasped and clung to me, drawing in breath as I looked at her. She still looked like Skitter. Her mane was longer and so was her horn. She was taller too. She used to be my height but now standing up she should easily be a head taller than me, about Cadence's size. The biggest change however was the two antenna on top of her head. She only had two in the antenna cluster compared to Chrysalis four, but she had them. She was a Changeling Princess now.
Opening her eyes, Skitter looked up at me with big green eyes before she pressed closer, her muzzle pressed against the side of my neck before giving it a small nip with her teeth and Oh My Luna...
For a split second I could think of nothing else but pinning her to the floor and... Then I wrenched my mind free and I pulled her away with my magic, just in time as my legs were already feeling weak.
Skitter gasped as I dropped her into the bathsized tub of green goo the changelings had provided for her to eat when she came out of the cocoon.
There was a splash of green concentrated Love as I dropped her into it before the level in the tub sized half seen through container started to visibly lower.
Only thirty seconds later Skitter sat up in the now half empty container, looking somewhat confused as she looked around before spotting me, “...Sir? What happened?”
I carefully sat down so my legs would not collapse beneath me as I smiled at her now when she seemed to have regained her mind, “It turns out that overfeeding a changeling has some effects. Welcome to Nobility, Skitter,” as I did my best to ignore the way the goo made her mane cling to her.
Her eyes widened and she reached up to feel the top of her head with her hoof before she cringed and quickly jerked her hoof away from the antenna. They seemed to be sensitive.
“I'm so sorry, Page! I couldn't tell you!”
I sighed, “I know,” and shifted my wings, trying to get them to fold again, “I kinda figured that out. Your mother told me when you ended up in the cocoon.”
Skitter cringed at that as well, “...Couldn't tell you that either,” before she frowned at me and tilted her head. She then slowly leaned to the side to seemingly look around me, her eyes widening.
Turning my head I looked over my shoulder at my wing before I looked back at her. I moved my wing up and then down, her eyes following it before turning to mine.
I looked back at her.
Skitter's eyes narrowed at me in suspicion, “What did you do!?”
Can I like go fight Tirek again?
Chapter 48
I walked along next to Luna, my wings held tightly against my sides beneath the illusion wrapped around me.
Quite frankly, I was a bit nervous.
“Page, relax,” Luna said softly and nuzzled at my ear, “Nopony can tell.”
“Not that,” I answered quietly, “It's where we are going.”
For the first time since this entire situation, I would meet the other Princesses. All of them at once. I was nervous about how things had gone.
Eep! It was all I could do to keep my wings from shooting out.
Luna let go of my ear and shot me a small look.
I flicked my ears and nodded, “I know.”
Then we were there and there was no more time to worry. The guards pushed the doors open and we entered the meeting room.
Well, meeting room and meeting room, it was a side chamber to the main throneroom that was usually used for sensitive negotiations. The middle of the room was taken up by a circular table. And three alicorns.
Around it. Not on it.
The door closed behind us and three pair of eyes turned towards us. I paused and then mentally shrugged, dropping the illusion and spreading my wings.
Twilight draw in a breath, “Wow...” she said quietly as she approached, “You really did it.”
I cringed slightly, “It wasn't by choice.”
Twilight smiled at that, “That seem to be common. Neither did Cadence or I did either,” she said and tilted her head, “But I wasn't even sure it was possible for a stallion to be an Alicorn.”
“Neither did we,” Luna supplied with a nod, “But with ascension being as rare as it is, there was no way for us to know.”
Twilight nodded and watched me for a moment, “Well, it was clearly possible. May I?”
I raised an eyebrow, unsure of what she meant but I nodded anyway and spread my wings for her as she ran her magic along the right one.
Oh, that's kinda nice. Felt like dipping my wing into a cold spring if a bit tickly.
Cadence joined us with a smile, “So when is the coronation?”
“It's not,” I said as I looked up at the pink alicorn, “I don't want anything to do with any sort of crown. In fact, there is a reason I'm walking around with an illusion around them. The moment it's revealed, I can no longer live a normal life and walk around in public.”
Cadence frowned in thought, going crosseyed as she looked up at her horn before she sighed, “...I suppose that's true.”
“Wait, that's an option?” Twilight asked as she pulled back to stare at Celestia.
The big alicorn nodded, “Of course. There is no rule that says a alicorn has to be royalty.”
Twilight let out a small frustrated sound and ran her magic along my wing, “Your wings are bigger than ours. On a comparative scale, your wings are fifteen percent bigger,” she said before she shrugged her own, “Though I suppose that does make some sense. Pegasus stallions tend to have larger wings than mares on average.”
She then sighed, “...Not that I can say for certain, the example pool is rather small.”
I nodded in agreement, “Five examples is not really statistically significant. Statistically, there are no alicorns.”
That got a giggle from Twilight, “I know! I did that joke with Rainbow once! She didn't get it.”
Cadence blinked and then stared at Twilight, looking thoughtful as the purple aliicorn let go of my wing. She then turned her head and looked at Luna.
Luna titled her head and then shrugged her wings, “Don't worry, I don't get it either.”
Shaking my head I walked over to Celestia, “Celestia... there won't be any kind of trouble from me hiding this, will there?”
Celestia shook her head from where she was laying on the big pillow by the table. Luna, Twilight and Cadence stayed by the door, talking among themselves for now.
“I don't believe so, Page,” she answered, looking over at the other three alicorns, “But it will not be easy for you. Anytime you are in public, you need to use an illusion. You will need to lie to hide reality. And you must know it will not last forever. Ponies will notice sooner or later.”
I frowned and looked over at Twilight. She had only been an alicorn for a year or so and she was already slightly taller than me. Not much, only a couple centimeters. No real way to hide that unless you learned shapeshifting and that was difficult enough that LUNA had to study to do it.
“I know,” I sighed, “It'll happen sooner or later. But I want to live as normal as I can until then.”
“I understand.”
Nodding I then looked up at her and lowered my voice, “...Celestia?”
She blinked down at me in question so I continued,
“When Tirek had me... why did you give in? You shouldn't have done that.”
Celestia sighed softly and shifted her wings, shaking her head, “Page, you are my friend. But... That was not why. Not just why. It was her.” she said and looked over at Luna.
“Your sister?”
She nodded, “She was going to give in. Luna would be horribly hurt no matter what she picked. Losing you would... I have seen what that pain does to her. I never wanted to see it again. But giving in and giving him what he wanted to keep you safe would kill her.” Celestia let out a small breath, “I never want to see my sister hurt like that again. So I did it before she could.”
Celestia sighed softly and frowned sadly at the table, not really looking at anything, “I... I couldn't put her through that again. Not even if it cost us Equestia. Does that make me a bad pony?”
“Don't know. Don't think so. But it does make you a good sister,” I said softly and poked her side with my wing, “But you know what she would say about that.”
“I do,” Celestia agreed with a small smile, “Please don't get in that situation again.”
“I'll rather avoid it as well,” I said and smiled over at Luna who smiled back and moved across the room, leaving Twilight and Cadence to talk privately.
“What are we talking about?” Luna asked and settled down next to me, giving my ear a nuzzle.
I grinned and leaned against her as she put her wing across my back, “Me being an idiot. But I'll keep the wings hidden for now anyway.”
Celestia nodded, “We can handle whatever fallout from that later if it happen. But we should proceed with the meeting.”
I smiled at that and got up, “That sounds like official princess business! So I'll just...”
Luna's wing pushed me back down on the pillow.
“...sit right here I suppose.”
“It involves you, My Page. The first subject will be the security of dangerous objects and Discord..”
Chapter 49
I pulled the door closed behind me and sighed. That meeting had been informative if somewhat lacking in some details.
No sign of Discord yet. Nopony knew where he was hiding.
Mostly we looked at the security of Tartarus and the lower vaults. The vaults seemed fine, but Tartarus...
Guarded by a single dog and some enchantments. The hell!? Literally.
In any case, Luna would take me there and we would inspect it personally in a couple of weeks. I would follow that mare into hell itself.
As soon as that was done though, things moved on to some sort of magic chest Twilight couldn't open and then on to increasing the budget for the hospitals and for construction to help the recovery of Tirek's rampage.
Not that any of that involved me, but I stayed anyway to keep up to date and to keep them company even if I didn't have any more input to give.
My suggestion of hitting the chest with a big hammer until it opened it had not been appreciated though.
Oh well.
Releasing the illusion I stretched my wings with a grin. Twilight had offered to teach me how to fly.
Twilight had just learned how and Luna agreed with her. She thought it might be good for both of us... Twilight to learn it deeper by teaching someone else and me to learn it from someone that didn't do it without thinking.
So that would be fun.
I headed for the bedroom before I paused with a small frown at Fern. The little plant creature was laying on the floor, peeking in beneath the couch.
I retraced my steps bent down to look beneath the couch. A pair of wide green eyes stared back at me from the darkness.
The eyes stared at me before they bobbed once.
Frowning I moved beneath the table to lay down next to the couch, shifting Fern out of the way to give me a better view of the changeling. She was squeezed in beneath the couch, just barely fitting between it and the floor by the wall. She was visibly shivering.
I carefully scooted in beneath the couch next to the trembling changeling, “...Skitter, why are you beneath my couch?”
The changeling Princess didn't answer, she just kept staring ahead as she shivered.
That's not good.
Pressing my side against hers, I focused on my love for her. The love of a friend is still love, not just as ...dense... as romantic love.
I felt slightly faint but Skitter kinda melted and relaxed against the floor.
I stopped focusing and relaxed again before I let her draw too much, allowing the silence to drag on for a moment before I spoke up again, “What's wrong?”
Skitter took a long slow breath before she spoke up, “...While you were at your meeting, sir, I visited the hive. The Queen wished to speak to me about the future.”
“I'm surprised that didn't happen earlier,” I agreed with a nod.
Skitter frowned, “She wanted to wait until I had recovered.”
Made sense.
I nodded and waited for her to continue. Skitter took a slow breath before she did.
“She said I should pick a replacement for my current duties and then return to the hive to be taught what I needed to know as the next Queen. She would conduct those lessons personally.”
I sighed softly, “That makes sense, doesn't it? You are not a drone anymore, Skitter. You are a changeling princess and soon you will be their new Queen. I'll miss having you around, but it's necessary. So who is my new guard? Scarab? She seemed comp...”
“I told her to go fuck herself.”
I blinked at her, “ did what?”
Skitter trembled and I settled my wing across her back, “I-I told mother that she was a selfish, underhoofed, backstabbing bitch and that it was her fault everything that had happened to the Hive. If it had not been for her in the hive would never have been banished in the first place and we would never have attacked Canterlot. I-I said that her dying would be the best thing that could ever happen to us and that she could go fuck herself if she thought I would let her turn me into another copy of her.”
Wow. I just stared at her in surprise for a moment. For a changeling to even say no to the Queen, it was... unheard of.
“What did she do?”
If she hurt Skitter, I'll find a way to make sure she didn't have time to die of old age.
“S-she smiled and kissed my forehead. S-she said she was proud of me.”
Fucking Chrysalis.
“That's good though, right?” I asked with a small frown.
“...I'm going to be banished from the hive! After what I said to her...”
“Did she say that?”
Skitter swallowed and shook her head, “No. But...”
“But nothing. You are her heir, she doesn't really have a choice.” I reassured her, “So what did she do?”
“S-she put me in charge of thirty changelings and told me to rule them as I wished and that she was always available for advice. Page, I have no idea what to do!”
I squeezed a wing in between her back and the couch, pulling her close before she could start to hyperventilate again, “Skitter, look at me,” and waited until she did before I continued. “You may not know how to do this, but there are ways to solve that. Luckily you know several ponies that know how to Princess. Come on, let's go talk to Princess Celestia... and wouldn't that fuck with Chrysalis?”
That got a small smile from her.
Chapter 50
I carefully closed the door behind me and looked down on Fern, “Come on, let's go and leave them to it,” I said to the little plant.
His leaf tongue lolled out and he looked quite happy as he padded along in the lead, looking around next to me.
I left Skitter with Celestia, hopefully she will be able to help her get that kind of Princessly thing. I mean, if there was anyone that had that kind of experience it would be Celestia. Of course, she didn't let me leave before I promised to stay in the Castle until she could return to me again.
I was actually a bit worried I wouldn't be able to go anywhere without three or four changelings constantly following me in the future when she couldn't do it herself. Skitter took her duties, self assigned or otherwise, very seriously.
It's almost like she thought I would do something stupid the moment she turned her back.
Taking a left, I paused with my fronthoof just off the floor as I looked into the throneroom for the first time since the fight. Crafts ponies were swarming the place, working the stone and colors. They needed to do repairs anyway and it turned out that Celestia and Luna decided to redecorate the entire thing early to match both their colors instead of just Celestia's. Where Tirek fell, the ground was... I wouldn't call it a crater, but I would say that the marble floor was almost melted in a inverse bubble.
I slowly entered the throneroom, allowing Fern a longer length of leash so he could nose around as I moved over to look down on the spot.
The stone looked like it had kinda melted. If the power had not gone through me... shit, it might have blown up the castle. We were so, so very lucky.
“Lord Page. Can we help you?” an earth pony in a hard hat asked as he bowed to me.
I shook my head, “No, please, don't allow us to get in your way,” I said and guided Fern closer to me with the lead. “I was just looking,” I said and turned to leave.
“Lord Page... thank you. For what you did.”
I paused and looked back at him before I nodded and left.
What the hell do you even say to that? I didn't do it for him or any of the others. I did it for Luna... and I suppose Celestia and Skitter. My friends.
I didn't want to kill Tirek, but what choice did I have? I had to do something and it was the only thing I could think of and even that was so far odds that I wouldn't have bet on me.
I got so lucky, even ignoring my new dust busters.
Exiting the throneroom with Fern happily bouncing along next to me, I almost ran straight into Sunset Shimmer, “Oh... Sunset.”
“Page,” she said as she stopped before she let out a breath and stepped close, pressing her shoulder against mine, “I'm glad I was wrong.”
“Not as happy as I was,” I answered, “How did things go? Did you get out of the castle?”
Sunset pulled back and shook her head, “No, not before the wave hit. I had never felt anything like that. What happened exactly? They say you were hurt.”
I hesitated for a split second and glanced down at Fern. I wanted to keep things quiet and I wasn't sure I trusted Sunset. But she had been involved, she deserved to know, didn't she? She was going to be rewarded at the ceremony anyway.
I motioned back the hallway, “Come on and I'll tell you all about it.”
Moved through the castle as I told her about the fight step by step, answering her questions on the way. By the time we reached the end of the stairs of the Tower, reached the end of it. I nodded to the guards and pulled the door open, allowing her inside.
Sunset paused for a second before she moved past me and into the outer room as she looked around. She had never been there before from what I knew.
Following her inside, I untied Fern's leash and checked his bowls before I sighed, “There were consequences however,” I finished before I dropped the illusion and half spread my wings as Sunset looked over at me, freezing at the sight.
I didn't say anything, instead I just slowly refolded my wings again.
“...You... You're an Alicorn,” Sunset slowly managed to say, “An Alicorn stallion.”
“I am now,” I said as I sat down with a nod, “When I killed Tirek... something happened. Luna tried to explain it, but I'm not sure she knew either exactly how it happened. Maybe it was fulfilling some kind of destiny, maybe it was being at the center of a magical detonation that should have cut Canterlot Mountain in half. Maybe it was something completely different.”
“That's how you become an Alicorn!? You do something so stupidly suicidal that the universe just kinda has to make you one for sheer balls!?” Sunset exclaimed as she stared at me before she sighed and just kinda shrunk down on herself, “...Forget it. Celestia was right, I'm never going to be an Alicorn.”
I wasn't sure what to answer, instead I just frowned and shook my head, “There might still be a chance. How about the next stupidly powerful dangerous evil overlord shows up, you get him?”
She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at me, “Thank you, but I'll just settle for being a unicorn, thank you very much,” she said before she sighed and shook her head, moving closer, “Spread your wings again?”
I raised an eyebrow at her but did as she said.
Sunset sat down and shook her head at the sight, “I'm seeing it but I can't believe it. So... when is the coronation?”
“It's not,” I said and folded my wings again, “I don't want it and I actually want to keep this quiet. I don't want the status and I certainly don't want the responsibilities.”
I had enough attention as it was, thank you very much.
Sunset frowned at me, “There are times I'm not sure if you are one of the brightest ponies I know or the dumbest.”
“Half a dozen of one, six of the other? Why pick one?”
Sighing, Sunset shook her head, “So... what is it like? Compared to being an Unicorn, I mean?”
“...Impossible to find a comfortable position to sleep in and feathers are ticklish.” I admitted, “Other than that, less than you would think.”
Chapter 51
I frowned at Celestia, “Promise?” I asked her again and held my wings tight to my side beneath my cloak, the illusion wrapped firmly in place.
I also cheated and wore a belt around the wings, holding them to my sides. I didn't have complete control of them and there was no way I was going to risk walking before a crowd and accidentally have them fomp open at a stupid time. It was about as far from comfortable as you could get, but it worked.
Celestia smiled, “I promise, Page. No window.”
“And no titles.”
“No titles,” She agreed with a smile and a nod, “You have my word.”
“...Okay, then.”
The door opened and Sunset walked inside, wearing a kind of white dress. Was that silk?
She paused as she spotted Celestia and hesitated in place before she slowly approached the larger Alicorn, her eyes glued at the floor.
I made myself scarce to give them time to talk. Since I brought Sunset back, things had been tense between them. Sunset left for a reason after all.
Closing the door behind myself, I took a slow deep breath. I knew what I was coming and I was not looking forward to it.
Walking up on stage before thousands of ponies for the award ceremony. I was really, really not looking forward to it. Quite frankly, that was one of the reasons I really didn't want the crown. I didn't like crowds and especially not crowds paying attention to me.
I suppose I better get used to it though. I wouldn't be able to hide it forever, even I knew that. Even if I somehow manage to learn that entire shapeshifting spell and keep from growing, sooner or later somepony would start to notice the little things.
Like not aging.
I couldn't help but smile slightly at that thought. I wouldn't hurt Luna like that, I wouldn't leave her alone!
I can handle being stared at for that... and at least I'll have at least a couple of decades until I'll have to face that. And I'll have a couple of decades getting used to being in public next to Luna. It had already started to get easier to handle.
Not that I enjoyed large spectacles like this, but at least I managed to talk Celestia down to a medal, at least for me.
“Ready, Page?” Twilight asked with a smile as she trotted up next to me, wearing a purple dress, a bit darker than her coat and left her wings free.
Swallowing, I quickly nodded, “Y-yeah.”
“Relax,” Twilight said with a smile, “do this,” she said and raised her hoof to her chest as she sucked in a breath, before lowering her hoof again as she slowly let it out.
Closing my eyes, I copied her. In and out. I felt a bit calmer.
“Cadence taught me,” Twilight said with a smile before she grimaced slightly, “When I remember to use it, it works pretty well.”
I nodded before Twilight poked my side with her wing, “Come on, you need to get in position. We start in five minutes.”
“Thanks Twilight.”
You would think that if they actually wanted to reward me, they would let me skip this entire thing. But then again, Celestia liked that entire thing... and I suspected Luna agreed with her to discourage me from being a idiot in the future.
Okay, let's do this.
“Blank Page. Sunset Shimmer. Step forward,” Celestia said, her wings spread with a smile on her face.
She and the other Princesses were standing facing us on the balcony overseeing the major square just outside the castle. Normally this kind of thing was in the throneroom, but it was still... kinda wrecked.
So not paying for that by the way.
I rose from my bow next to Sunset to look up at Celestia. She smiled down at me and then turned her gaze to Sunset.
“Sunset Shimmer,” she said with a smile. “You assisted Lord Page in the defeat of Tirek. While you did not engage him directly, your support and skills were instrumental in stopping him and saving Equestria.”
Sunset swallowed and looked up at Celestia before she bowed slightly again.
“Your bravery shall not go unrewarded... Lady Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia continued, taking a medal with the sun and moon on it, settling the band around Sunset's neck, “I hereby bestow the Key of the Heavens to you as well as the title of Lady of Canterlot.”
One of the higher medals they give out. Specifically to civilians that have done a great service to the crown. I 'just' managed to dodge it last time.
Lady of Canterlot was the classical 'Nobility with no lands' title that was given out for similar actions. Real nobility and hereditary. Just no actual lands attached to it. It did have the entire legal protections and features attached to it though.
I had the male version of it. Lord of Canterlot.
Sunset swallowed again and blinked before she bowed deeply, “Thank you, your Highness.”
Celestia smiled and then broke protocol to give her ear a small nuzzle, her lips moving in a whisper before Celestia rightened up and turned to me instead with a smile.
“Lord Page. Warmage,” she said and I bowed my head for her. “You have once more delivered a great service for Equestria. You defeated the powerful Lord Tirek in single combat, keeping not only Equestria, but also your Princesses from harm at great risk of your own. I bestow upon you the Feather of the Sun,” she said, lifting the second medal on its band and slipping it around my neck.
I bowed to her, glancing down at the shining white gold and silver feather. That was distinctly not a civilian medal, one that the Guard had not handed out for... a long time.
“I have already made you a Lord of Canterlot, Blank Page. So to my regret, I can not do it a second time,” Celestia continued, her lips shifting in a wider smile from her normal polite one, “Luckily, that is not all that's in my power to do.”
Blinking, I looked up at her. That's not the plan.
Her eyes almost sparkled. Oh shit, she is up to something. Luna was looking amused in the background.
Celestia smiled, her wings spreading as she turned to look out across the square, “The victory shall also be memorialized for all to see. I have commissioned a Statue of Lord Page to join my own in the middle of the Royal Canterlot Square.”
I stared up at her, feeling my wings tug beneath the belt holding them to my side as my eyebrow twitched.
She smiled wider down at me and spoke a bit quieter, “It has been standing there alone long enough.”
Celestia, you bitch!
Damn it! Now I can't even be properly pissed at you over it!
Author's Notes:
All the thanks to people over at Spacebattles for helping me beta this story. This is the last part for now but there will be a sequel at a later date and now we are properly of the rails!
I hope everyone enjoyed this one.