
Equestria Girls: Digital War

by Fear Ripper

Chapter 4: The First Mission: Dorugamon's Roar!

Previous Chapter

The group of Digi-defenders quickly left the restaurant with their Digimon partners. After a few moments of searching, they found the digital field at an abandoned warehouse a few blocks away from Uncle's Place.

"Alright girls, this will be our first mission together as a team!" Brave Heart cheered, "We'll all have to be careful. You all don't have the experience like me and Dorumon. So be cautious."

"There's no need to worry." Rainbow said, "Now that you got Veemon and I, we'll take care of those Digi-grunts no sweat."

"That's right!" Veemon agreed. The others deadpanned at them.

"Y'know, the rest of us are her too." Applejack said. "But she is right. You and Dorumon had a hard enough time fighting these varmint's with just the two of ya. Now ya got us." The others nodded in agreement.

Brave Heart smiled at his friends. "Alright, but still be careful."

With that being said, the new Digimon Battle Front headed into the warehouse as well as the digital field.

Inside was the same as any other digital field, dark, void of anything, and full of fog.

"This fog is just as thick as the last one." Applejack said.

Before anyone could say anything else...

"YOOOHOOOO! Are there any Digimon in here! If there are, please don't try and destroy us!" Pinkie yelled.

"Pinkie!" Rainbow yelled at her.

"There goes our element of surprise." Renamon said.

"Oh, I wouldn't dreaming of harming any of you." An unknown voice said.

A few feet away from the group, there floated a bowling ball sized, bat-like creature. It had glowing yellow eyes, and a skull image on the middle of its forehead. It had two clawed feet with three red talons.

"Greetings brave warriors, I am DemiDevimon. I am a servant of the moon!" The now named Digimon said. For some reason, the moon Digimon of the team narrowed their eyes at him.

His data popped up on Twilight's Digivice.

Digimon Analyzer:
DemiDevimon- Rookie Level- Evil Type- Virus Attribute.
Special Attacks: Demi Dart, Bat Flutter, evil whisper, and DemiDevi Claw.
Its personality is the epitome of a Dark Side Digimon, so although it's offensive ability and the like are not strong, it is cunning and makes mischief all over, but it seldom voluntarily takes part in anything like direct combat. Exists only to serve those who are stronger than him.She read.

"Gee, he sounds like an underling." Rainbow said.

"Hey!" DemiDevimon yelled, "I'll have you know that I can be strong when I wanna be! I was just sent here to talk peace with you."

"Oh, that sounds nice." Fluttershy sighed in relief, not wanting things to get violent.

"It does, doesn't it? Why don't you all come over here and we can talk?"

Being a bit naive, Fluttershy stepped forward, but was immediately stopped by her partner.

"No! Fluttershy, don't go near him!" Lopmon said confusing the humans and the sun Digimon.

Gaomon, Renamon, and Lunamon stood defensively between the team and DemiDevimon.

"Lopmon's right. Don't believe any dribble that comes out of this little rats mouth."

"Correct, that little nuisance is trouble."

"Just like the data said, the DemiDevimon are notorious for being mischievous and a bad influence. It was even said that a DemiDevimon lead an angel Digimon to fall into darkness."

DemiDevimon began to sweat nervously.

"Whoa! Hey! I don't know who writes that stuff, but that ain't true!" DemiDevimon said defensively, "It's true about most of my species, but not all of us have to be like that. I mean, we can all be different can't we?" He fluttered his eyes in an innocent way.

Most of the team dropped their offensive stances, but some of them kept their guard up.

"Yeah guys, give him a break. He is right, so why don't we give him the benefit of the doubt?" Coronamon said. Lalamon and Veemon agreed, since the sun Digimon did not know of the bat's reputation.

Their sentiment was shared by Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

"Yeah! He does look a bit freaky deaky, but that doesn't mean we can't try and make friends."

"I kind of agree, we shouldn't just assume the worst in people." They agreed.

Without thinking, Pinkie skipped towards DemiDevimon with Lalamon in tow.

"Pinkie, Ah don't think that's a good idea." Applejack warned.

"Don't worry! It's going to be fine." Pinkie said.

The innocent smile on the DemiDevimon's face was replaced with one of mischief. To which, BraveHeart noticed and sprung into action.

"Pinkie! Get back!" He yelled as he ran towards her.

"Demi Dart!"

In the nick of time, Brave tackled Pinkie and Lalamon to the ground, in turn dodging incoming projectiles. Brave recovered from the fall, and saw two large syringes with skull images stuck in the ground. The green liquid that was inside started to empty into the ground, which caused it to melt.

"An ambush, just like the Fanbeemon. They say they are different, but both sun and moon use the same tactics. It shows how pointless the war really is." He muttered to himself.

"Um, Bravey?" Pinkie said.

"Yes Pinkie?" Brave Heart looked below him, only to see Pinkie underneath him, and his hand firmly planted on her chest. Which was rather large in his opinion.

"I mean, I'm okay with this happening its just that we are in public and I don't think I'm ready for that kind of responsibility..." Pinkie started to ramble.

In the midst of his embarrassment, Brave Heart noticed another dart incoming. So he grabbed Pinkie and rolled out of the way.

"You dunces! How could you two miss?!" DemiDevimon said.

Out of the fog, two more DemiDevimon appeared next the the first.

"Hey! What are you yelling at us for?!" DemiDevimon 2 said.

"Yeah, you missed just like us!" DemiDevimon 3 said.

Brave and Pinkie got up and the rest of the group joined them.

"So I'm guessing you never really wanted to talk peace?" Sunset said.

The three DemiDevimon laughed, "You foolish humans! Of course not. We three are assassins of Lord MetalGarurumon! We have been sent here to take care of the Human and Digimon that has interfered with us. But now I see that there are more annoying humans, but no matter. We, the DemiDevimon trio will destroy you, and claim this world for the moon!" The three of them struck a pose together.

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Rainbow yelled. "Let's go Veemon!"

"Right!" The dragon Digimon agreed.

Applejack pulled out a lasso she had on her person. "Us too Gaomon!"

"Yes Ma'am!" The dog Digimon followed.

The four of them charged at the three DemiDevimon, only for them to disappear into the fog.

"Careful, they could attack at any position. They may be weak, but we should be cautious of that poison." Gaomon said.


A dart shot towards both Rainbow and AJ, but it missed them. In the direction of the attack, a DemiDevimon could be seen fading back into the fog.

"There's one!" Rainbow said. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and their partners gave chase.

"Girls wait! We have to stick together." Sunset yelled.

Suddenly, a DemiDevimon appeared quietly behind Fluttershy and Lopmon.

"Evil Whisper." It said quietly.

The two both paled, and without thinking, ran away screaming in fright.

"Fluttershy, wait!" Rarity said chasing after her with Renamon following.

"Wait! Sunset is right, we need to stay together!" Brave Heart agreed.

"Hey you!"

The remaining members of the team turned their attention to the last DemiDevimon. It taunted them by blowing a raspberry and swiftly faded in the fog.

"Oh! It's like hide and seek! And he's taunting us!" Pinkie growled, in a cute way. "Come back here you!" Like the others, she ran after it with Lalamon following behind her.

"Pinkie Pie! Weren't you listening to Brave and Sunset. We have to stick together and make a plan!" Twilight said with her and Lunamon running after her.




"Even after all we said, we still ended up split apart." Sunset said with a sigh.

Brave Heart grunted in frustration. "This isn't how I wanted to make my debut as a leader of my own hero team."

(With Rainbow and Applejack)

"DemiDevi Claw!"

Rainbow, Applejack and their partners have been dodging the attacks from their DemiDevimon. It seemed as if he was using a hit and run tactic. Only coming out of the fog to swiftly attack and immediately retreating back to cover.

"Quick Veemon! Attack!" Rainbow ordered.

"Vee Headbutt!" Veemon shot towards the DemiDevimon, only for the bat to disappear again and made Veemon ram into a wooden crate.

Veemon recovered, "Darn it! I missed again."

Applejack and Gaomon stood close together, both being on guard.

"Rainbow, you guys can't just attack randomly. Y'all gonna wear yourselves out." Applejack said.

"What's the point? With a puny mon like that, this fight will be over in a flash." Veemon said.

"She's right Veemon." Gaomon agreed, "We shouldn't underestimate our opponents. Especially since you don't know what DemiDevimon is capable of."

"Psssha." Rainbow scoffed. "Whatever. With how strong Veemon and I are, we'll delete him faster that you can say Digi-egg."

Applejack rolled her eyes, and re-focused on her surroundings. In the corner of her eye she caught the sight of a moving object.

"There!" She threw her lasso in that direction.

Her lasso wrapped around the claw of DemiDevimon, holding him in place.

"Hey not fair! let go human!"

"Not a chance. Gaomon, go!"

"Yes Ma'am!" Gaomon charged at the trapped bat.

"I can get him!" Veeman also charged, without realizing Gaomon running in his opposing direction.

"Rolling Upper!"

"Vee Headbutt!"

Both Digimon were barreling towards the DemiDevimon, but at the last second it used its claw to cut the rope and fly away. This caused Veemon and Gaomon to collide in a comedic way with Gaomon's attack punching Veemon in the stomach and Veemons Headbutt hitting Gaomon's head.

"Ow! Hey you punched me!"

"You got in my way. Plus you headbutted my face."

"I got in your way!? If you haven't interfered, I would have deleted him!"

"Miss Applejack gave me the order, and my commander's orders are absolute. You were the one in the way!"

While the two were arguing, the same could be seen with their human partners.

"Hey AJ! Gaomon got in the way!"

"Well that's not how I saw it. I lassoed that varmint for Gaomon to attack, but Veemon messed it all up!"

(With Fluttershy and Rarity)

The Fear amplifying effects of the Evil Whisper attack was still active as both Fluttershy and Lopmon were cowering in fear. Rarity was next to her attempting to get threw to her friend.

"Fluttershy, darling, please snap out of it! We need to get back to the others before that ruffian shows up." She tried to shake her friend back to reality.

"Bat Flutter!"

A swarm of bats flew towards them. Rarity ducked down to prepare for the attack.

"Diamond Storm!"

But it never came as Renamon swooped in and intercepted the attack with her own.

"Gracious! Thank you Renamon." Rarity thanked her partner. "I knew we should have asked Brave Heart to use those battle chips of his."

"Don't worry Ms. Rarity. I'll protect you no matter what." The fox Digimon said as she put her guard up.

"Bat Flutter!"

"Diamond Storm!"

'I can't fight and protect Ms. Rarity at the same time. I'll have to hold him off until help comes.'

(With Twilight and Pinkie Pie)

Twilight could be seen writing down on a notepad she had on her. It seemed as though she was trying to write out a plan. While this was happening, Pinkie Pie seemed to be playing a game of tag with the DemiDevimon. Said DemiDevimon, for whatever reason, seemed to be playing along. However, Lalamon was not, and chased them around trying to get them back to focus.

In the middle of Twilight's planning, Lunamon tugged on her skirt to get her attention.

"Um, Twilight?"

"Not now Lunamon, I'm trying to come up with a plan of attack." Twilight said without looking up from her note pad.

The moon Digimon sighed, and just continued to watch the strange game of tag.

(Back to Sunset and Brave)

The two of them stood back and watch each spectacle as they happen.

"This isn't going very well." Sunset said.

Brave Heart sighed and his shoulders slumped down. "This wasn't how it was supposed to go. I knew being the leader of a team wasn't going to start out easy, but I didn't think it would be this difficult. I didn't even get a chance to give an order before everyone left."

Sunset looked at her leader with sympathy, seeing him distraught. She knew this was a big moment for him to help him achieve his dream. As well as his first time being a leader. Coronamon and Dorumon Mirrored her concern.

Her sympathetic look turned into one of determination.

"Not everyone's gone."

Brave Heart looked at his friend, who was wearing a confident smile.

"I'm still here, Coronamon too, and I'm awaiting your orders, leader." She continued, with her partner nodding in agreement.

"Yeah Brave." Dorumon prepared for battle, "It's our turn to get into the fight."

Seeing his friends confidence, he regained his regular composure and smiled.

"Alright! I gotta start being a leader, but let me think first."

He observed his surroundings, as well as his friends situation, and quickly came up with a plan.

"I got it. They chose to spread out because they are too big a target together. Considering their lack of attack strength, it seems they wanted us to break up so they can use their assassin tactics to pick us off in smaller groups. From what I see, the least mobile of them at the moment is the one with Rarity and Fluttershy who is focused on attacking." He explained. "We need to get them together and corner them. Sunset, Coronamon, I need you two to try and direct Pinkie's and Twilight's DemiDevimon towards Rarity and Fluttershy's. Dorumon and I will do the same with Rainbow and Applejack's."

"Right!" They responded, as the four of them sprung into action.

(Twilight and Pinkie Pie)

The scene was the same as earlier with Twilight making a plan and Pinkie Pie "playing" with the DemiDevimon.

"Hahaha! You can't catch me you lousy human!"

"Grrr! Come back here and let me delete you!"

Meanwhile, Lalamon had landed in exhaustion, and panting heavily.

"Trying to keep up with Pinkie Pie is harder than helping Togemon and Elecmon with the little ones." She said to herself.


She then saw Sunset and Coronamon running towards her.

"Are you okay?" Coronamon asked.

"Yeah, just a bit tired." She glanced over at her human partner along with Twilight and Lunamon, "As you can see things aren't going well."

"Well we need to hurry." Sunset said, "Brave came up with a plan. We need to get Pinkie back here."

"I've got it!" A sudden yell shocked them.

They turn to see Twilight with Lunamon by her side. Twilight looked up from her notepad, and saw them. She ran towards the group with a large smile on her face.

"Sunset! Good, you're here! I've finally completed my plan."

Sunset looked at her friend nervously, "Um, sorry Twilight, but Brave already came up with a plan."

"*Sigh* Thank goodness. Twilight's plan was over complicated as it was." Lunamon said.

"Wha... but... I... uh.." Twilight couldn't form words to express how she felt.

"No time for that," She stopped her stammering, "Just follow my lead."

Back with Pinkie and the DemiDevimon, the bat Digimon started to look slightly winded.

"Geez human, don't you get tired?" It looked behind it at Pinkie, who didn't look winded at all.

"Corona Knuckle!"

Suddenly, a fiery fist collided with the bat Digimon's face. The attack sent it flying a few feet away and knocked it on the ground.

Pinkie Pie came to a complete haul and saw Coronamon in place of the DemiDevimon.


Twilight, Lunamon, Sunset, and Lalamon rushed towards her.

"Hey guys! Did you see that? I almost had him!" Pinkie said nonchalantly.

"Pinkie, there's no time for that." Sunset said, "Now's the time to get serious!"

(With Rainbow and Applejack)

"Just step aside! Veemon and I can take care of him ourselves."

"Ya'll the ones who should stop. You two haven't got a single hit yet. Me and Gaomon are the only ones doin' some damage!"

The two girls kept arguing, while simultaneously dodging the DemiDevimon's Bat Flutter attack. The same situation was happening with their partners.

"My orders are to eliminate the DemiDevimon, but your useless attacks are getting in the way. So you must stand down."

"Who are you calling 'useless,' Fur Face!? You ain't doing much better than I am."

"I was not calling you useless, your attacks are useless, Lizard Lips!"

"Bat Flutter!"

While they all were distracted, the bat Digimon took its chance to attack.

Gaomon and Veemon and their human partners, who were caught off guard, could only guard themselves.

"Dash Metal!"

A metal sphere collided with the attack, canceling both.

Uncovering their faces, they saw Dorumon and Brave Heart run up to them.

"Are you okay?" the purple dragon digimon asked.

"Yeah, I'd be better if Gaomon hadn't distracted me." Veemon accused.

"Negative. It was Veemon who distracted me from the battle."

"Enough!" Dorumon shouted before they could continue to argue, "Arguing is pointless. We need to work with each other and direct the DemiDevimon that way." He nodded towards Rarity and Fluttershy's direction.

"Why should we take orders from you?" Veemon said defiantly.

"Because they are my orders." Brave Heart spoke up, "And as my partner Dorumon is co-leader of this team, are there any objections?"

The other four didn't question his words and proceeded to follow their orders.

(With Fluttershy and Rarity)

Renamon and Lopmon could be seen standing defensively in front of their partners. The effects of the Evil Whisper had worn off, but not soon enough as Renamon had already been fatigue from constantly defending her partner and the other two.

Due to her fatigue and Lopmon's lack of battle experience, all they could do was defend against the assassin bat Digimon's rapid attacks.

"Bat Flutter!" Another swarm of bats shot towards the group.

"Tiny Twister!"

"Diamond Storm!" Lopmon and Renamon launched their attacks to intercept DemiDevimon's.

"C'mon, just keel over and die already!" The bat Digimon yelled.

"Bat Flu-!"



The attack was interrupted by the two other DemiDevimon bashing into the first one. Said collision made them all fall to the ground.

"Everyone!" They heard Brave yell.

Both Brave Heart's group and Sunset's group arrived, now reuniting the entire team.

Both Fluttershy and Lopmon sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness." They said simultaneously.

"Good gracious, you're all here." Rarity said in relief, "Renamon and Lopmon were almost worn out protecting us."

"Alright, now that we are all together let's take it from the top." Brave Heart said before facing the, now recovered, group of DemiDevimon. He then struck a dramatic pose and pointed his right finger towards them.

"Ahem! So, you thought you could deceive us could you DemiDevimon? Well you were wrong!" Brave said in a bold voice.

Dorumon stood next to his partner in a similar pose. "The eyes of justice saw through your sinister plot!" He said.

The rest of their team sweat dropped at their leaders antics.

Brave Heart struck a different pose, "We may not have a name for our team yet so we can't announce ourselves, but that matters not!"

"Earth is not for the conquering of ether the sun or moon! We will not let this world suffer for the mistakes of the Digital World.

"We are Heroes that will defend the innocent, no matter what!"


A small explosion erupted behind the team as both Brave Heart and Dorumon struck their last pose. Although it frightened the rest of the team.

"What was that!?"


"When did you plant explosives!?" Were their various responses.

"Not important!" Was Brave's only response. "Now, let's go team! Sunset I need you t-!"

"Don't worry, Veemon and I got this! Let's take them down with a VeeHeadbutt!"

"You ain't getting ahead of us! Gaomon, show em' your Double Backhand!"

"No way I'm being left out on the fun! Lalamon Shoot them with Seed Blast!"

Rainbow, AppleJack, and Pinkie interrupted their leader.

"Wait, stop!" Brave tried to say.

But it was already too late. The three Digimon followed their partners orders and proceeded to attack.

The three DemiDevimon smirked. "Ha! Those attacks won't harm us! Ready boys?" The lead one said, and the other two nodded in confirmation.

"""Bat Flutter!"""

The three of them simultaneously fired their attacks, making the normal average sized Bat Flutter into a gigantic swarm of bats that consumed the attacking Digimon, bar Lalamon who had used a far ranged attack.

Out of the swarm of bats fell Veemon and Gaomon covered in multiple cuts and bruises across their bodies.


"Gaomon!" Their partners called out.

"Hahaha! This is the power of the Moon! Now to take care of the rest of you!" The DemiDevimon then faces the rest of the team. They all put up their guard.

Bat Flu-!"


As they were about to attack, the sudden noise interrupted them. Everyone looked around the area, and saw that the fog around them disappearing.

"Oh no! The Digital field is going down!" Dorumon said.

"Haha! Finally!" The lead DemiDevimon said. "Well, we'd love to stay and chat, but we have a world to conquer in the name of the Moon!" The three sped towards a nearby window to escape.

Brave Heart ran towards them to intersect, "No! Stop!"

"Demi Dart!" One DemiDevimon threw a syringe towards him. The moment it hit the ground it broke and covered the area in a smoke screen.

The moment the fog was gone, the DemiDevimon were gone.

"Damn it!" He sneered.


Both Rainbow and Applejack ran to their injured partners.

Rainbow cradled Veemon in her arms.

"Veemon! Speak to me buddy!" She said.

"I guess I don't look as cool right new huh?" He laughed sheepishly.

Same with Applejack and Gaomon.

"Y'all right partner?" She asked.

Gaomon grunted, "Apologies ma'am. I couldn't defeat the enemy."

"That's not important right now. We need to get you two some first aid."

"There's no need for that." Brave entered the scene. He held up two battle chips that had plus signs on them. "Insert these recovery chips into your Digivices. It'll heal them right up." He tossed them the chips.

Rainbow and Applejack were a bit hesitant, but trusted their leader. They were about to insert them.

"WAIT!" Brave suddenly yelled, which startled everyone but Dorumon.

"When you insert them, say "Download!" and their names." He said.

The two of them sweat dropped.

"Do we really have to do that?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes! It's how they work! Plus it adds hero points to our team! Heroes always announce their attacks and abilities."

They both sighed.

"Download: Recovery!"

A green glow emanated from both Veemon and Gaomon. When the glow died down The cuts and bruises on both of them were gone, but both still looked tired.

"Alright, back to the matter at hand." Brave grabbed their attention. "The DemiDevimon are now out on the loose, this is very troubling."

"Well maybe if someone didn't keep getting in our way there would be one less to worry about." Rainbow mumbled, but was still audible.

Applejack frowned, "Now hang on there Dash! You better not be blaming Gaomon and I for the lose."

"Well who else is there!? If you just let Veemon and I do our thing, we would have deleted the bowling ball with wings!"

Not wanting to see confrontation, Twilight decided to step in.

"Come one girls, no one's to blame here." She said gently.

"Pfft, figures you'd say that." Rainbow said.

Twilight reared back, "What is that supposed to mean?" She said will narrowed eyes.

"All you did was sit back and make a plan, that took too long by the way!"

"Enough!" Brave exclaimed.

Everyone was silent, and the three girls stopped arguing.

"We are a team. We are not going to assign blame to any single one of us. Those Digimon are on the loose now and we are all to blame. The best course of action right now is to track them down and prevent them harming anyone." He said sternly to everyone.

"They probably won't be any trouble to anyone right now." Lunamon said intervening along with Renamon.

"That's right, they are Digimon of the moon like us, so in the Sun their power would be reduced. Also, considering their vampire like body's, they are pretty much useless in the day. They will probably be hiding out somewhere."

"That's some good news." Sunset sighed, "But that still doesn't help us with the 'finding them' part."

"You can just leave that to us Digimon!" Coronamon said, "We can sense them if they are relatively near us, being that their presents is foreign to this world like ours. From what I can tell they are already out of range."

Brave Heart thought for a moment before speaking.
"Alright, then the best option will be to split up to cover more ground." He ordered, "We'll be searching
in teams of two tamers with their Digimon. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy, and finally Sunset and I. If anyone has a clue on where to find the DemiDevimon contact the rest of us immediately. Are there any objections?"

Some of them looked like they were about to speak, but perished the thought seeing Brave Heart's serious expression.

Brave's serious look melted back into his usual, cheerful smile.

"Alright, Digi-Squad, Move Out!" He said and pumped his fist in the air.

"RIGHT!" Was their response as they rushed out of the building, only leaving Sunset, Brave and their Digimon partners.

"Hey Brave," Sunset spoke, "Are you sure it was a good idea to pair them up like that? It didn't seem like they were all well with it, and given what happened during the fight they will probably fight each other instead of the enemy."

"I'm hoping that they will take this time to reflect on their actions today so we can grow as a team." He said before turning to start searching himself.

Right then and there, Sunset saw what she never thought she would see on Brave Heart's face.

A look of doubt.

(With the DemiDevimon)

The three Moon Digimon were huffing and puffing from fatigue as they rested in a very dark room they found.

"Why did we have to come during they day?" DemiDevimon 3 said.

"How were we supposed to know what time it was? Human time in confusing compared to ours." DemiDevimon 2

"Enough complaining." The lead DemiDevimon said. It pulled what looks like a device with a big red button. "Now, let's see if this gizmo Vademon gave us actually works."

It pushed the red button and threw it on the ground.

The three DemiDevimon waited a moment, but nothing happened.

"What happened? Is it a dud?" DemiDevimon 3 asked.

The leader spat in frustration. "I should have known that would happen. I knew we shouldn't have trusted something that was made by that big headed digi-dope wou-!"


A loud boom originating from where it threw the device, and a small portal opened up with some fog leaking out.

"Okay so it did work... don't tell Vademon what I said."

(With Brave and Sunset)

The two ran down an alleyway, following their Digimon partners. Dorumon was sniffing the air and Coronamon looked around.

“Anything?” Braver Heart asked.

“It's very weak, but I'm pretty sure it's them. It feels like it's coming from the northern part of town.” Dorumon replied.

“Great, I'll call the others.” Sunset said.

Sunset was about to pull out her phone, but Brave quickly grabbed her arm.

“Brave, what are you doing?”

“I can't let you call them. That fight earlier was a disaster.” Brave said, aggravated.

“I know they made mistakes, but I'm sure they'll get better.”

“No, it's not them, it's me.”

“What are you talking about?” Sunset asked with Coronamon walking up to her side.

“I was terrible back there. I couldn't even keep my team together on the first mission. Some leader I turned out to be.”
Brave slumped down on the ground, placing his head in between his arms and legs. Dorumon started moving closer to his partner, but Coronamon place an arm in front of him, pointing at Sunset. She nodded at her partner and walked over to Brave, sitting next to him.

“You are a leader Brave.” Sunset said, trying to make eye contact.

“Yeah, and Chuumon are great fighters.” He said sarcastically, throwing his arms up in the air before putting them back down.

Sunset was confused, but continued to support her friend.

“Well, I'm sure you could be a great leader, you just need to keep trying."

"Maybe I'm not strong enough to be a leader yet. So that's why I'm gonna fight the DemiDevimon alone. Maybe only then I could be strong enough to lead a team."

"What!? Brave that's stupid! I can't let you go in alone. Let's just call the others and we can take them on together." Sunset tried to talk him out of it.

"You still see me as a leader right Sunset?"

"Yeah, bu-."

"Then as your leader this is an order. Contact the others and wait here for them, while I take care of the DemiDevimon." He demanded. Sunset couldn't think of anything to say, trying to come up with something to talk him out of it. Brave smiled, "Don't worry Sunset. Dorumon and I have been doing this way before you all got involved. Maybe this one last mission could give me the push I need to be your leader. C'mon Dorumon." With that, the pair left.

Sunset sighed, without anything else she could do she contacted the others.

As the sun started to set bringing an end to the day, Brave and Dorumon were walking through a local park, in search of their target. Since it was near the end of the day the park was empty.

"Come out, we know you're here!" Dorumon yelled.

The rustling of a nearby tree caught their attention, then the three DemiDevimon flew out and hovered across from the duo.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to show up." DemiDevimon 1 said.

"But what's this? There are only two of you?" 2 said.

"Where are the rest of you human scum, as well as the traitors?" 3 snarked.

The duo got ready to battle. "The two of us are more than enough for the likes of you." Brave said.

"We will eradicate you human! We'll take this world for the Moon! Demi Dart!!" The trio of DemiDevimon threw their darts towards the duo, which they easily dodged. "Demi Dart!" However, more voices came from behind. The duo were suddenly hit by two large syringes, but instead of piercing skin it dissolved and left a glowing purple splotch on the two. They both fell on the ground, grunting in pain, and five more DemiDevimon appeared. Making it a total of 8.

"H-how? There were only three of you before you escaped the Digital-field." Brave struggled to say.

"We of the Moon have been working hard to ensure this world is ours. So much so that our scientist have created a way to re-open the portal on a smaller scale. So we could bring reinforcement through without you being able to detect them." The leader said.

"What did you do to us?" Dorumon asked.

"We injected you with a virus. Now that it's contaminated your data, it will slowly eat away at your energy until your as week as an in-training Digimon! Which makes it easier to destroy you!" The leader said as they dove towards the duo.

(With Sunset and the others)

Sunset and Coronamon were still waiting around where Brave had left them. Not long after, the others had arrived. Some not looking very happy with the other.

"Sunset!" Twilight called out to her. "Where are the DemiDevimon? Brave's not here?"

"We got to hurry girls, Brave went to fight them on his own!" Sunset alerted, which surprised the girls.

"What?! Why would he do that?" AJ asked.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "I could think of a reason." She muttered. But it was audible enough for the others to hear here.

AJ glared, "What is that supposed to mean? You sayin' I'm the reason?"

"Well who else would it be? Considering you messed me up during the fight with the DemiDevimon!" Rainbow argued.

"You and Veemon got on our way! We would have had him if you didn't interfere!" AJ said. All the while of the argument, Sunset started to get agitated and her hands tightens in to fists.

Pinkie hops up and tries to calm them down, "C'mon, let's not start this again. We gotta go help Bravey!"

"You're one to talk. At least we were fighting, not playing tag with our target!" Rainbow accused.

"Hey! I wasn't the one who was just doodling down on a notebook when there was an enemy in front of me! Unlike some people!" she pointed at Twilight.

"Don't drag me into this! My plan was gonna work if we actually gave it a try! Rarity and Fluttershy weren't even doing anything!" Twilight argued.

This began a grand argument between the whole group, as well as their digimon. Sunset kept getting more agitated and annoyed at her friends behavior. Digi-soul started burning around her fist. This kept going on, until Sunset finally went over the edge.

"ENOUGH!" She yelled very audibly. Orange Digi-soul started blazing around her whole being. The force was enough to get the groups attentions.

"That's enough! All of you! You're all friends, should friends really be blaming each other over something that's already happened!? You want to know why Brave went on to fight them alone? Because he lost confidence in being a leader because of our performance. You all went off doing your own thing, and completely disregarded Brave. Who is supposed to lead this team! He was the one who came up with the plan that got us all together, but you weren't there for that."

The others looked down in shame, knowing that everything Sunset was saying was correct.

"Brave is a great leader. So are we gonna keep arguing while he's fighting? Or are we gonna be the team he deserves?" She finished.



Both Brave and Dorumon were thrown onto the hard ground. In front of them, the 8 DemiDevimon hovered over them with victorious smirks on their faces.

"Hahaha! That's right human! Crumble before us, like the rest of your weak species will when the Moon takes this world!" The lead DemiDevimon shouted.

The Duo struggled to get up, but with the poison still affecting them it was futile. "You ambush us to weaken us, and them out number us. The same plan as the Fanbeemon of the sun." Dorumon said.

"Yeah, reminds you on how pointless this whole war is. Right partner?" Brave said.

The lead moon digimon raised its brow, "What do you mean?"

"That this is all pointless!" Dorumon yelled. "Why should the Sun and Moon fight? We're all digimon no matter what side we are on! Why fight when we can all live in peace?"

The DemiDevimon growled at him. "Don't compare us to those weak, holy-er than thou, sun Digimon! We of the moon are the strongest of all! Both the Sun and the Humans should be serving us! I don't want to hear from and unaligned traitor like you!" It made one last dive towards them, intent on finishing them.

"Corona Knuckle!"

A flaming fist intersects its path and made it fly towards a nearby tree, knocking it out.


Suddenly, the rest of the Digi-squad (Name still in progress) ran to their leader's side.

"Girls?" Brave said. "Why are you all here?"

"How could we not be here?" Rainbow said. "We can't leave our leader hanging. Especially now."

"That's right." AJ agreed. "We're sorry for what happened before. We all tried to finish them off our own way, but we're part of a team now."

"Which means we have to work together!" Pinkie Pie said.

Sunset nodded firmly. "Sorry I didn't follow orders, but we aren't gonna let you fight alone anymore.

Brave smiled slightly. "Thanks girls. Although this moment would be a whole lot nicer if the two of us weren't poisoned."

"Oh my!" Fluttershy suddenly sprang into action and examined both their wounds. "We need to get this healed! Do you have any more of that healing chip?"

"As a matter of fact," Brave pulled out a battle chip with the picture of a syringe on it. "This is the antidote, to get rid of the poison."

Without even a second thought, she swiped the battle chip from his hand.

"Download: Antidote!"

A green aura surrounded her hands. She aimed her palms towards Brave and Dorumon and the energy started to flow into them. The purple splotches started disappearing, showing that the antidote was working. They eventually stood up, fully recovered.

"Thanks. Now, why don't we show these digi-dope's who the protectors of earth are?" Brave said confidently. The others nodded in agreement and got ready for battle.

The lead DemiDevimon snapped out of his daze, flying towards his small horde. "Well, now this was unexpected, but it makes no difference. You all couldn't defeat three of us, what hope can you have against eight!"

Brave smirked. "I think you'll be pleasantly surprised on how much a little teamwork can help."

"Grr! Attack!" The DemiDevimon horde kept to their old strategy and split up.

"Okay guys. This time, I think we actually do need to split up. Pick one and take them done the best you can." Brave ordered.


Two DemiDevimon were being pursued by AJ and Rainbow, along with their Digimon partners.

"Oh, so it's you two humans again. Haha! This is great! We just have to let you fight eachother!" Both moon digimon laughed.

"It's not gonna be like last time!" Rainbow said.

"That's right! We aren't taking it easy on you anymore!" Veemon said.

AJ got her rope out again while Gaomon took his stance. "You varmint's are gonna be code in no time! Go Gaomon!"

"Yes Ma'am!"

Gaomon rushed forward to punch the DemiDevimon but they swiftly dodged out of the way. Before they could get away, Veemon had intercepted with a Vee Headbutt. Which knocked them to the ground.

Keeping up the assault, Gaomon rushed to the downed DemiDevimon.

"Rolling Upper!"

He delivered a strong punch to the both of them, making them fly away towards Rainbow and AJ. The former started to kick and bounce one of them like a soccer ball, as the latter tied the other one with her lasso and started swinging it around.

"Haha! Not so tough now are you?" Rainbow dash boasted.

"We ain't lettin' y'all have your way no more! Let's finish this Rainbow!" AJ said.

"You got it Applejack!"

Rainbow delivered a powerful kick to her substitute ball, making it fly high in the air. At the same time AJ wiped her lasso with her DemiDevimon still tied to it, making both DemiDevimon collide in mid air. Immoderately both Veemon and Gaomon charged at them.

"Vee Headbutt!"

"Rolling Upper!"

Their attacks connected simultaneously, making the DemiDevimon burst into data. All that was left was their Digi-eggs and data particles in the air.

They girls with their Digimon regrouped.

"Yeah! We showed them who's boss!"

"That's right!" AJ and Rainbow high fived in celebration.

Gaomon and Veemon shook hands.

"You did alright, but I probably could have done better myself." Veemon said.

Gaomon smirked, "Funny, I was gonna say the same."

"You aren't getting away this time!"

Pinkie and Twilight we pursuing another two DemiDevimon.

"Oh, are you ready for round two human?" One of them asked.

"Not this time buddy!" Pinkie said in a surprisingly serious voice. "No more games! It's time to get serious."

"Let's see how you handle this! Bat Flutter!" Both DemiDevimon show out a flurry of bats towards the four of them.

Lopmon and Lalamon dashed forward to protect their partners.

"Seed Blast!"

"Tear Shot!" A barrage of seeds and tear shaped ice projectiles intercepted the flurry of bats. Causing the battle field to be covered in smoke, obscuring the DemiDevimon's vision. When it cleared, the girls and their Digimon were out of sight.

"Damn humans! Where'd you go!?"

From behind, Pinkie had appeared with her party cannon. She pulled the string, making confetti blast out and forcing the DemiDevimon away.

"Gah! What the hell was that?!" The DemiDevimon said surprised.

Once again from behind, Lalamon appeared.

"Sing A Song!~"

A melody filled the air as a rainbow aura surrounded the DemiDevimon, causing them to suddenly feel sleepy. During their daze they couldn't react fast enough to Lunamon charging straight for them.

"Lop-ear Ripple!" Her ears started glowing as she delivered a hard strike with them. Making them explode into data and turn into digi-eggs.

"Hooray!" Pinkie cheered. "You plan actually worked Twilight."

"Thanks Pinkie. I had to think of it fast this time, but it worked out in the end." Twilight said bashfully.

"DemiDevi Claw!"

"Power Paws!"

One DemiDevimon was locked in combat with Renamon while Rarity, Fluttershy, and Lopmon were close by. From behind another DemiDevimon snuck up from behind Fluttershy, getting close to her ear.

"Evil Whi-!"

It didn't even finish saying its attack before a hand suddenly gripped his face. Looking up he saw a very intimidating Fluttershy was the one clutching on to its face with an iron grip.

"That isn't going to work this time." She said slowly and ominously. Which scared Rarity and Lopmon. "Lopmon." She said before tossing it in the air.

Lopmon snapped out of her shock. "Tiny Twister!" She spun around rapidly until a small tornado formed around her, which she sent towards the DemiDevimon. The twister captured said DemiDevimon in its current.

With Renamon, she continued to to fight her DemiDevimon until the twister suddenly caught hers as well. Thinking fast, she unleashed her attack.

"Diamond Storm!"

The storm of diamonds flew towards the twister, making said diamonds get caught up along with the DemiDevimon. The attack continuously struck the moon digimon until they exploded into data and turned into digi-eggs.

"Um, Fluttershy, darling, I didn't know you could be so... intimidating." Rarity said nervously.

The shy girl tried to hide behind her hair. "Sorry if I scared you all. I was just mad at that one for doing that to me last time. I guess i was madder than I thought."

"H-how can this be?" The Lead DemiDevimon stuttered. He saw his subordinates get deleted one by one, leaving only him and one other that was next to him. "How could they have lost? You couldn't defeat three of us together, how is this possible?"

"This is what teamwork looks like." Sunset said.

"Sure we weren't at our best last time, but that's because we were out of harmony. Now that we are working together, as one team, you stood no chance against us." Brave said.

"Both sun and moon digimon, along with our human partners!" Dorumon and Coronamon said.

Brave gained a confident smirk. "So what will you do now? Fight and be deleted, or surrender peacefully?"

The remaining two DemiDevimon started to panic.

"What do we do commander? We have no choice but to surrender!" the underling said to the lead DemiDevimon?

The leader snarled at him. "We can't return to General Darkdramon as failures! He'll erase us!" The underling started to sputter in fear, making the lead angry. "You coward! I have a better use for you!"

Suddenly, the lead DemiDevimon stabbed his last subordinate with its claws. Shocking Brave, Sunset, and their partners.

"Why would you delete your own team mate!?" Brave said, angered by its actions.

"So I can do this!" The DemiDevimon smirked as it opened up its mouth wide. The lingering data in the air started to flow into its mouth, leaving only the digi-eggs. When it consumed all the data, the DemiDevimon's body started to glow and was consumed by a spiral of data.

"DemiDevimon! Digivolve To..!

The cocoon of data started to grow larger until it dispersed, revealing a much more imitating Digimon.


His body had grown drasticly to eight feet and was clad in jet-black cloth. Black belts were wrapped around random parts of his body and his chest had a strange orange symbol on his chest. He had two horns protruding from the sides of his head and two tattered bat wings extended from his back.

The other digi-destined re-grouped with their leader, and looked in shock at the new Digimon before them.

"W-what happend?" Fluttershy asked.

Brave gritted his teeth. "He digivolved. He consumed all the data of the other DeviDevimon to trigger a digivolution into his champion form."

The moon Digimon on the team tensed at the sight of him. "This is really bad everyone." Lopmon shivered.

Gaomon nodded. "Lopmon's right. Devimon is one of the most powerful champion Digimon. Said to have been created by Apocolymon himself."

Devimon smirked, "Bow before me humans! This is the power of the Moon Digimon! Tough of Evil!," His elongated, clawed arms stretched out towards the digi-destined.

They had dodged swiftly, but that didn't stop the attack as Devimon swung his streched arms and smacked Rarity and Fluttershy away as well as their partners. Thanks to their digi-soul they were fine, but it did knock them down.

"Veemon! Let's take him down!" Rainbow said to her partner, who agreed. The two charged at the fallen angel Digimon from behind hoping to catch him off guard, but Devimon saw this coming as his wings started to glow.

"Evil Wing!" His wings swatted them away with great force. Making them crash into a tree, taking them out of the battle.

"Corona Knuckle!"

"Rolling Upper!"

Two fists slammed into the fallen angels face, curticy of Gaomon and Coronamon.

"Yeah! That's the way." Sunset and AJ cheered.

Devimon appeared to be falling backwards, but suddenly stood back up. His claws clutched on to both Digimon as he threw them at their respective partners. He was about to finish them off, were it not for projectiles shooting him in the back. From behind he saw Twilight and Pinkie with their partners attacking him from long range.

"Seed Blast!"

"Tear Shot!"

More and more projectiles were fired. They seemed to be doing some damage to the champion, but it also made him more annoyed. From his hands, purple energy started to gather.

"Death Hand!" a blast of unholy energy fired towards the two, going straight threw the two rookies attacks. The blast make them fly back from the sheer power.

With that, the only Digi-destined standing was Brave with Dorumon,

"Hahaha! Do you see now!? You weak humans can not hope to defeat me now! The Moon Digimon will take this world, and prove our supremacy to the sun!"

Brave snarled, "You may be more powerful now, but you haven't won yet. Dorumon and I are still standing!"

Devimon laughed again, "Foolish! One rookie Digimon can not defeat a top-tier champion such as I!"

Dorumon smirked. "News flash buddy, you aren't the only one who can digivolve."

"What!?" Devimon's eyes widened.

Without another word Brave pulled out another Battle Chip, but this one was blank. His hand started to blaze with digi-soul, but it started to flow into the Battle Chip. When all of the Digi-soul was absorbed, and image of a pixlated D surrounded by flames appeared on the Chip. Brave inserted the Battle Chip into his digivice.

"Download: Digivolution!"

Dorumon's body started glowing as his body was covered in a cocoon of data, just like what happened to DemiDevimon.

"Dorumon! Digivolve to... Dorugamon!"

The cocoon dissipated to reveal a larger, more ferocious looking Dorumon. His body had turned dark with a black and purple zigzag pattern all through his body. Two dragonic wings sprouted from his back, and blood red claws extended from his feet and hands.

As the other Digidestined struggled to get up, they stared in amazement at their friends new form.

"Woah! He looks awesome!" Rainbow said.

"Pretty fierce, if I do say so myself." Rarity said.

"No way! He can digivolve? I thought I would be the first one." Veemon said.

"Is that really Dorumon?" Lopmon said timidly.

Dorugamon smirked at the fallen angel Digimon, "Not so mighty now, are we?" He said.

Devimon growled, "Digivolve as many times as you want! I will still delete you! Touch of Evil!" He launched his long arms towards Dorugamon. Dorugamon started charging as he reared his head back.

"Cannon Ball!"

Dorugamon shot a large metal sphere towards Devimon. It collided with his arm's, making them dissolve into data as Devimon screamed in pain.

Flapping his wings, Dorugamon continued his charge towards Devimon. When he reached Devimon, Dorugamon swung his tail like a whip making the fallen angel Digimon fly back.

"Don't forget about me!" Brave Heart, with a fist charged with what was left of his Digi-soul, delivered a swift punch to Devimon's abdomen. "That was for humanity!"

Devimon fell to his knees, panting heavily as his arm sockets continuously spewed data. "This can't be! A Human with his Digimon pet, defeated me? A soldier of the moon? I'd rather be deleted!" He yelled.

Dorugamon and Brave stood before him. "So be it." Brave said, signaling Dorugamon. Energy started gathering in his mouth.

"Power Metal!"

A flaming Iron sphere shot out of his mouth towards the downed Devimon. The sphere went straight threw its body, finally making him explode into data and reverting into a digi-egg.

"Upload!" The lingering data was absorbed into Brave's digivice. The others gathered around their leader and dorumon, who had de-digivolved, as he picked up the digi-egg.

"That was so awesome! Dorugamon totally dominated that devil freak!" Rainbow cheered.

"But you didn't tell us that he could digivolve. How did you do it?" Twilight asked.

Brave smirked. "That's a story for another time. I guess we can call our first mission a success, right team?"

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

"But Brave," AJ spoke up. "We're real sorry about before. We didn't listen to a word you said, even though you know more about this than any of us." The others agreed.

"It's alright girls, you saved Dorumon and I from being code. I guess we all have things we have to grow on. But I promise that I'll do my best to be a great leader to you all."

Suddenly, they heard sirens in the back ground getting closer.

"Uh oh, someone must have called the police because of the commotion. Let's get out of here."

With that, stored all the digi-eggs, hid their digimon, and quickly ran from the scene. But what they didn't realize, was a shadowy figure near by hiding behind a tree. In their hands was one of the DemiDevimon's digi-eggs.

"Extraction successful, they don't suspect a thing. I'll be returning to base." They said in a disguised voice, into a cell phone.

Author's Notes:

What is up everybody!?

Now i know that it's been a while for this story, but ive been kind of busy with my Foretellers fic that I'm working on. but that doesn't mean I'll be forgeting this one. I'll be updating when I can, so stay tuned cause the next chapter of Digital Wars is coming out soon, I think.

And if you haven't read my Foretellers story then go do that, as well as read the other stories that it links to. You can find the all at our page Broken Barrier.

Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace Out!

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