
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel

by Phaoray

First published

Maud is home alone for a night. The perfect chance for Trixie's first sleep over at her totally-not-girlfriend's house. But, what if two of her sisters haven't actually left?

The Pie family always had strong bonds with one another. But, a past event continues to hang over some members of the family. They don't speak about it, preferring to let it be buried and forgotten, despite the drastic changes it brought about. For two of them, it brought about isolation. An isolation that Limestone prefers her family stay in.

Well, except for Pinkie. But she's...unique.

For Limestone, those events kindled the desire to keep her family safe from outsiders. Something a certain silver haired magician has started making difficult for her.

Old wounds will be reopened on all sides as Limestone tries to keep the past from repeating.

Edited and story bounced off of the illustrious Crowscrowcrow.

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Angry Perceptions

Limestone sighed and took another sip of her lemonade. She was sitting at the desk in her room, trying to figure out what she should do about a recent development in her life. Pictures and notes were scattered across her desk haphazardly. All of them about a certain wannabe magician. Her attention at the moment, however, was on the framed photo in her hands. Her family, the Pie family.

Few people in Canterlot knew them well, despite the family moving to the area over four years ago. She knew not many people really cared to, her entire family was strange in one way or another. She could admit as much.

Pinkie Pie was impossible to not notice, and, at times, to get away from. Ever cheery and ready to make someone smile. She was known to go to incredible lengths for others.

Limestone couldn't stop that, nor did she want to. But, she expected that someone would take advantage of her little sister one day. Luckily, Pinkie Pie had shown no interest in getting a boyfriend, so that was a small blessing.

Pinkie didn't fit in with their parents. For that matter, she didn't really fit in with the entire family. She took after their grandmother. A patch of pink amidst a family of grey. This also applied to her ambitions. Pinkie also didn't fit anywhere in the family business, something their father worried about constantly. Still, she was happy, and the family had more than enough money to help her with whatever dream she may have for the future.

Then, there was Marble. Home schooled ever since the incident. Limestone felt the most assured of Marble, that she wasn't going to get into trouble again like last time. Marble had even gone with their parents on a few trips, in order to help her learn more about being a business inspector. It was a good way for the family to keep an eye on their business partners, and it would help them make sure their own practices were safe and efficient. The fact that it was a job of quiet observation and would be more about paperwork, and much less talking, was also a huge plus for the shy girl.

As for Limestone herself, well, she expected to take her over the family business one day. She was currently in college for business, and had been helping her parents with finances and purchasing years before that. She knew she'd do a fine job, if she could just have someone else pitch ideas and handle employees. She wasn't...good with people outside of her family.

And finally, there was Maud. Limestone set the photo frame down on her desk and let her finger run over her most promising sister.

Maud had plans to be an Geologist. At least, that was what Lime had heard from her last. She wanted to go to different mines and quarries, help find new ones, and grade the stones found there. Her grades were excellent, and Maud probably knew more about mining and grading stones than anyone else in the family.

And all of it might go to waste thanks to one blue-skinned bitch. Lime picked up one of her photos. She growled at the smug conceited face staring back at her.

She had thought Maud was smarter than this. She was sure Maud had learned enough after what happened to Marble. But, despite that painful time, Lime saw the same pattern emerging again.

The changes had been slow and subtle, something hard to pick out if Limestone wasn't Maud's sister and looking out for her like she was. Maud spending more time at the quarry wasn't anything unique. But, when it became several times every week, a few warning bells started ringing for Lime.

What was odd was when Maud announced she was going to the Spring Fling. She had never gone before. At first, Lime was concerned, but, Maud showed no signs of dressing up for it; no signs of having a date. So Lime had brushed it off as probably a promise Maud made to Pinkie to go, or something along those lines.

For Limestone, that was the night where everything had started to go wrong.

Maud had come home very late, bruised and battered. Apparently, she had gotten into a fight, but refused to tell Lime anything other than that. A short time after, Maud started coming home late. When Limestone asked, Maud never told the full truth of where she had been.

With more force than necessary, Lime went through the papers and pictures, crinkling some with the force of her grip. One paper showed the price of a stone statue, along with the name of the artist hired to make it. Another picture showed the broken remains of the statue, with the date it supposedly happened. Maud had still refused to explain anything about that incident.

Another paper, and yet more purchases. Lime bit at her lip. Maud had been so frugal with her allowance up till this point. Purchases for eyeliner and subtle makeup were evident. Makeup! Her sister was wearing makeup for probably the first time in her life!

Receipts for clothing purchases were in abundance as well, despite it once being something Maud couldn't be bothered to shop for more than once a year. To be fair, most of her wardrobe still looked the same. But, anything slightly tattered had been thrown out and replaced. Along with them were yet more receipts for snacks and food from malls, or small, nearby restaurants.

Maud had finally admitted to having a friend, but, asides from her name, she had refused to say little else about the girl. Just getting that information out of Maud had taken Limestone over an hour of prying and the silent concern of Marble for both of them.

Trixie. Feh, what a stupid name. It's telling you right there that she is just going to fool you and walk away.

For Limestone, it had reached a critical level when Maud had been injured again. This time though, it wasn't just a few bruises, she had cracked several bones in her hand and had to wear a cast. She refused to tell Lime why yet again.

Their parent's weren't of much help either. They were busy as usual managing the family business. Plus, in Lime's opinion, they trusted Maud a lot more than they should. The money she wasted on Trixie was evidence enough for Lime that Maud was no longer thinking straight.

Maud staying out most of the weekend was becoming an increasing issue for Lime. Her attempts at subtly watching the situation had to drop when Maud caught on and began harassing the investigators Lime hired. They had to stop all together once Maud actually called Lime from the cellphone she had snatched from one of them! Things had gotten progressively awkward between the two of them since. And it was all that snobbish wanna-be magician's fault!

The same pattern was happening again. Only this time, Lime was aware of it and working to prevent it. Lime wasn't willing to act too late. There would be no repeat if she could help it.

She let out an irritated huff as she quickly stood up, knocking the chair backward from the force. Limestone made her way out of the room and into their hallway, intent on getting something hard to chew on from the kitchen to vent her frustrations. However, on her way there, she heard a noise coming from Maud's room. Limestone actively worked to make her heavy footfalls gentler as she approached. Maud was talking to someone on her cellphone, yet another new purchase from last month.

Carefully, Limestone pressed her ear to Maud's door.

"Motionless, stationary, static, on the side of the slope am I. A solitary, secluded, singular troll caught out in the light of the day."

Was that...poetry? Was Maud actually repeating poetry over the phone to someone?

"I contemplate and cogitate in my ossified, fossilized, petrified state. Immobility leaves me limited, restricted, constrained while I wait."

Just what the hell was-


Limestone gave a sharp cry as the door she had been pressed to reverberated with the force of the impact.

"Nothing. I just got rid of a pest."

Lime took the hint, and headed to the kitchen, softly swearing to herself along the way.

Wordy. If there was one word Lime wanted to use for how Maud was around Trixie, that would be it. Maud often gave no response to strangers, and only a few words at a time to her family. But with this Trixie bitch, she was willing to recite entire poems!?

Every time Lime brought up Trixie, Maud told her to stay out of it. It was Maud's business. Let it go. All the same words Marble had said.

She paused in the kitchen, angrily slamming one of her fists into the table and causing it to creak in protest.

It was impossible for her to leave this alone. Not after last time.

"Wait, your house has pests?"

Maud eyed the door to her room. "Something like that..."

"Hmmm, if Trixie were to guess, it's because of your sister. She can't imagine Pinkie being the cleanest of people."

Maud turned from the door and picked Boulder up again. "You'd be surprised."

Trixie's laughter rang out over the phone. "Not nearly as surprised as Sunset was!"



Maud gripped Boulder a little tighter. "...I didn't like what happened..."

"What do you mean?"

"...I lost control."

"Everyone did, Maud. It's not like you were alone in that. Sunset probably even had Trixie under her control for a few moments."

"...I don't like losing control."

There was a pregnant pause before Trixie tentatively spoke up again. "Do you even remember what happened?"

"...Not really."

Maud heard a sigh on Trixie's end. "Me neither. When Trixie came to, there was a hole in the ground, Sunset Shimmer crying, and Pinkie and those jerks looked...weird."

"Sunset became a demon."

"Pfft, she didn't have to transform for Trixie to know that about her."

"I thought you didn't remember anything."

"Some of the students saw it happen before Sunset took them over...this really sounds ridiculous."


Another minute went by while Maud idly rolled Boulder around on the floor.

"Well, whatever. The important thing is that Sunset is gone now and won't bother anyone again. Me especially."

"...Was she still bothering you?"

"No, but, Trixie really couldn't relax when she was around, you know?"


"Did you just nod? I can't see you nod your head, Maud."

"Then how did you know I did it?"

"...anyways, we have Monday off because of...whatever all that was. So why don't we-"

"-Actually, would you like to come over tomorrow?"

"...What? Why?"

"There is a show on Rosey Quartz I wanted to watch."

"...You need to get out more."


"...Fine. Trixie will grace your humble home with her presence. Feel honored."

"...Okay. My sisters should be gone for the weekend."

"Ah. Trixie is glad to hear it, Pinkie is a little...much, even for Trixie. The others will be gone too?"

"...Yes. There is nothing to worry about."

"...Why would Trixie have to worry, Maud?"

"My sisters are...odd."

"...Ya don't say."


Limestone tried not to sound annoyed at Maud for making her repeat herself. She failed.

"I said the trip got called off, meaning me and Marble just wasted all that time last night packing. Didn't you hear us down here?"

"...I thought that was Pinkie..."

Limestone let out a snarky laugh "Yeah, when was the last time Pinkie was home on a Saturday afternoon?"

"...So you're home today?"

"For all that's left of it."

The noise of someone softly walking down the stairs distracted Lime. Marble, dressed in a light pink skirt that went down to her knees, could be seen descending the stairs to enter the kitchen. Limestone looked back to Maud.

"Seriously, what the hell is wrong with airports? They couldn't have-um...Maud?

Maud's widened eyes threw Limestone off of the tangent she had been working up to. "You okay?"

"..." Maud turned around and got her cellphone out. Limestone heard the noise of Maud quickly tapping the keys as she made her way upstairs and passed Marble without saying a word.

"....Okay, what the hell is her problem?"

Marble shrugged for a second and looked at Lime suspiciously.

"Woah, hey. I haven't done shit to her, okay!?"

Marble's face went back to normal, though she did raise a doubting eyebrow.

"Seriously, I haven't bothered her about that little bitch Trixie in over a month, okay!? She's the one with the problem, not me!"

Limestone angrily gestured towards the stairs Maud had just walked up.

"Hell, I didn't even ask her for her cell number yet! Doesn't that kind of annoy you too? She's had it for over a month now, but didn't bother to give her sister's her number?"

Marble looking to the side and innocently whistling brought a glare to her sister's face.

"You suck. I bet Pinkie has it too, doesn't she?"


"Great. Just fucking great."

Marble rolled her eyes a second too slow for Limestone to not see, then took out her cellphone. Within seconds, Marble typed out a message and sent it.

Limestone heard her cellphone go off and took it out of her pocket. Shortly after, she gave Marble a scowl.

"You're pretty ballsy when you don't have to say anything."

"Hmph." Marble's single eye glared at Limestone with all the strength of a puppy. She pointed at her phone and then gave Limestone a come hither motion.

Lime couldn't help but crack up a little. "Heh, no thanks. The last thing I want is to get into a shit throwing match over the phone with you. I'll just-"

Knock Knock Knock


Knock Knock KNOCK!

"Okay! I'm coming! For fuck's sake!"

Limestone made her way over to the door, a slight tick pulsing on her forehead as whoever was there began pounding again. With a quick turn of the knob Limestone threw the door open, ready to let out her anger on the impatient idiot that kept knocking.

"WHAT THE.....fuck...?"

"Hmm...your sister was right, you are odd. Has Trixie's wonderful appearance shocked you into silence?"

The girl. The bitch using her sister was standing right in front of her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Despite the intended harshness of Lime's tone, Trixie returned it with a smirk.

"Funny, Trixie could ask you the same thing. Maud said she had the house to herself today."

So that's why she was so freaked out. Damn it, Maud, you seriously invited her here!?

"Plan's changed. So you better just-"

"Is Maud here?" Trixie interrupted.

"Yes, she is, and I don't-"

Trixie walked around her, ducking underneath Lime's arm that was holding the door open in a death grip.

"Maud!? The great and powerful Trixie has arrived!"

You did NOT just ignore me!

"Huh, you're not Maud either. Cute though."


Lime turned around to see Trixie standing less than a foot away from a red faced Marble. Marble was trying to inch away from Trixie and looking to Limestone in terror.

Lime growled and slammed the door before stalking towards Trixie. "Get away from her you B-"

Trixie's eyes looked away from Marble's due to Lime's yelling, but instead of focusing on her, they looked to the stairs. "Ah! There you are!"

"Trixie...you're scaring Marble."

Limestone's eyes darted to the stairs where Maud was now standing.

"What?" Trixie huffed, eyeing Marble. "I'm not even touching her!"

"She's...not good with strangers..."

Despite Maud talking to Trixie, her eyes stayed on Limestone. With a growl, Limestone gave Maud a glare.

Trixie eyed the blushing girl for a moment longer before stepping back. Seconds later Marble took a seat at the table, making sure to keep it between her and Trixie. "Hmm, must be why I don't recognize her from school."

"...Did you get my message?"

"Oh, sorry, Trixie left her phone at home. Was there something you needed her to pick up?"


She chuckled. "Your silence's are SO helpful, Maud."


Trixie eyed the way Maud and Limestone kept looking at each other. "Are you two fighting?"


Trixie sighed. "Maud, could you please let whatever it is you two are angry over go for right now? Trixie came here for fun...well, however much fun there is in quartz. Speaking of which!"

Trixie stood in front of Maud, breaking the sister's eye contact with each other. Lime couldn't see what, but Trixie was holding something up to Maud.

"Ta Da! Trixie figured she should bring a gift over, and here it is! To rose quartz! And to... whatever they are used for." She dropped the thing in Maud's hand.

"...Were did you get this?"

Trixie turned from Maud and raised her hands to her sides in expectation. Limestone tried to glare at her, but quickly realized that Trixie wasn't even registering her existence at the moment.

"Amazed, Maud? Well, you should be. Trixie searched high and low for a mid grade Rose quartz for tonight! The dealer-"

"-Wait...you bought this?"

Trixie half turned back to Maud, letting Limestone see the piece of rose quartz in Maud's hand.

She bought that!?

"Of course Trixie bought it, Maud. You wouldn't expect her to mine it herself, would you?" Trixie shook her head at the ludicrousness of such a thought. "No, no, Trixie assures you, she got the better end of that deal. The poor dealer was practically in tears at the price Trixie bargained him down to!"

"...It's low grade...and cracked."

"...What? Let me see that."

Trixie swiped the quartz out of Maud's hand and peered at it.

"The dealer said it complimented Trixie perfectly!"


Limestone could literally feel the glare Trixie was leveling at Maud.

"Very funny."

"...I didn't-"

"You were thinking it!"

"...What part did he say was mid grade?"

Limestone was getting annoyed at trying to stare a hole through Trixie's back, and went over to sit next to Marble. The siblings silently watched the two bicker.

Trixie looked at Maud, confusion on her face. "What...part...?"

"...Was it the tone...the saturation...the-"

Trixie stamped a foot on the ground and looked away from Maud. "I don't know! He just said it was mid-grade! How would I know!? I'm not a rock freak!"

Limestone couldn't help herself and yelled at Trixie. "Just what the hell does that mean!?"

Gently, Maud placed a hand on Trixie's shoulder. "He was right though."

Trixie gave Maud a sideways glance, irritation still on her face. "So it is mid grade?"

Seriously!? Limestone thought to herself. Am I fucking invisible!?

"...No. You were ripped off."


"...It does suit you a little though."


Limestone's outburst caused Maud to stare over at her for a second. When Maud turned back to Trixie, she was met with a pair of deadpan eyes.

"...I didn't mean anything bad..."


Surprisingly, to Limestone, Maud looked frustrated. It was unique, something she hadn't seen from Maud in a long time.

"Look-" Maud pointed to the quartz in Trixie's hand and moved it around. "The tone and saturation work well with you, he was right about that. The clarity is...horrible...which...works with..."



Finally, Trixie sighed and handed the quartz over to Maud. "Maud, you suck at compliments..."

With a shake of her shoulders, Trixie turned around and started up the stairs. "You're lucky Trixie's in a good mood, and that her confidence is unshakable. Let's just go watch this video of yours now and quit wasting time, okay?"


Maud followed Trixie up the stairs. Trixie's voice could be heard loudly proclaiming something, but Limestone couldn't understand it.

A glance over to Marble revealed her own worries and confusion on what they had just witnessed. After a few moments, Limestone's phone beeped. Lime looked over the message, then turned to Marble and nodded.

"Yeah. We're totally doing that."

A little sparse, but it fits her.

If there was one word Trixie had to describe about Maud's room, it would be functional. Give her another word, and it would be grey. The bed was comfortable enough underneath her, and with a pillow Trixie was comfortably using the wall the bed pressed against for support. But, the greyish sheets, blankets and pillows were... well, Trixie wasn't sure. Awkward? There was matching a room to one color scheme and then there was overkill.

This was overkill.

The bed, the dresser, the desk, the chair, hell, even the carpet and paint color of the room. Trixie was surrounded in a vastness of grey. The only real color was the myriad of different colored and shaped stones on shelves above the desk. Trixie stared at them for a minute or two, chewing her cracker slowly, before taking a peek over at Maud. She was met with a familiar sight.

For the third time in a row, Trixie caught Maud staring at her instead of the television. And for the third time in a row, Maud looked back to the screen quickly. Trixie finished chewing her crackers and swallowed. "What?"


"Is there something on Trixie's face?" Trixie rubbed around her cheeks, but only came up with a couple crumbs.

"...You brought a lot..."

"Hmm?" Trixie looked over to her back pack, and the multiple boxes of crackers sticking out of it. "Yeah, I guess so."

Trixie grinned to herself, grabbing another handful. "There are so many flavors, and Trixie gave them up when she-"

A gentle prod to her side reminded Trixie of Maud's aversion. Every time Trixie unwittingly slipped back into third person, it bothered Maud. When it happened too often, Maud chose to let that displeasure be known. Luckily for Trixie, Maud chose to let her know it in a ticklish form.

"...Sorry. Have I been speaking like that a lot tonight?"

"...A bit."

Trixie shrugged. "You're going to have to get used to it, Maud. I'm trying to remember not to, but it's kind of a... habit."

"...Habits can be broken."

Trixie sighed and waved a hand at Maud. "Yes, yes. Trixie has no interest in breaking it though. So just accept it already."

"...So...the crackers?"

"Hmm? Oh! Right!" Trixie took a moment to chew on another one. "I gave them up when I decided to remake myself, the calories on these are ridiculous. Then, when that...fell through, I wasn't in much of a mood for, well, anything."

She sighed and began licking the remains off of her fingers. "So, I'm indulging. Sunset's gone, we have a three day weekend, and this is my first time at your house. I think it's a good time to indulge, don't you?" Trixie grinned over to Maud, slowly licking her last finger to savor the taste.

Maud looked away from Trixie quickly, feeling heat radiating across her face again. She could feel her heart beating faster and tried to calm her body down.

By this point in their friendship, Maud had come to expect this sort of thing from Trixie. She was almost positive Trixie didn't even realize what she was doing to Maud, or what her actions would have meant to anyone who didn't know her by now.

Trixie was, in all aspects, a horrible tease.

Once Maud felt her face cool down, she looked back to Trixie. She was nibbling on another cracker slowly in a way that, to Maud, emphasized her lips. It was clear to Maud how much Trixie enjoyed crackers, she just wished that Trixie didn't show it quite this much. Still...

I know her favorite snack now...

Maud looked over to Boulder, and then back to the bags of crackers, looking for something to take her mind off of Trixie's unintentional antics.

"Maud, what are you doing?"

"Boulder's hungry..."

"Don't waste them like that!"

"What the hell are they doing?"

Marble shrugged, but kept her ear pressed to the door.

"Of all the stupid things, that's it! Maud, you are banned from Trixie's crackers for the rest of the night!"


Lime didn't hear the rest of the conversation, she was busy seething.

With the money Maud's spent on her, that bitch shouldn't complain even if Maud just threw them all out!

Limestone wouldn't have been surprised if Maud had been the one to purchase the snacks for tonight as well. Or, at least, had given Trixie the money for them. I can't believe Maud is being taking in by this waste of-

A hand on her shoulder took her out of her thoughts, causing her to jolt in surprise. Marble was looking at her in concern. The reason became clear as Lime quickly realized how ragged her breathing had become, and how a slight red haze had taken the sides of her vision away.

"Sorry, I'm fine now. Look, it's clear how Trixie treats Maud, right? So- "

Limestone was interrupted by Maud's door suddenly opening. Marble, with no support now, fell forward and sprawled out half in the hallway and half in Maud's room. Maud calmly looked between the two of them, a slight twitch of irritation on her face.

"...What are you two doing...?"

Lime heard laughter from behind Maud.

"Aww, isn't it obvious, Maud?" Trixie called from Maud's bed. "They didn't have anything better to do since their plans got cancelled. Did you two want to watch the show with Maud but were too afraid to ask?" She chuckled, giving Lime a pitying look.


Lime looked over to Marble in confusion. No one had stepped on her, so why had she made such a high pitched noise? A quick once over confirmed that Marble wasn't hurt, but her face was redder than Limestone had seen before. Confused at this, Limestone followed Marble's gaze back to Trixie's face.

Then, she looked down. Her face instantly matched Marble's.

What the hell!

Marble was still in her pink skirt from earlier. Lime had stripped down to a pair of grey shorts and a white tank top. Maud had Lime's same taste in sleepwear, though she still had on her makeup for some reason.

Trixie, however, was clad in a blue and purple one piece negligee that more resembled a corset than anything else, and hid about as much. She grinned over to Marble and patted the space next to herself "It's okay girls, I think Maud wouldn't mind starting the video over again, right?" She looked up to Maud for confirmation. "She missed most of it anyway."

Maud looked over at Limestone and Marble. Despite Marble's blushing, she nodded with some enthusiasm, trying to appear innocent while keeping her eyes firmly away from Trixie. Lime rolled her eyes and shrugged at Maud, also trying to latch onto the excuse Trixie had given her and Marble for snooping.

Maud walked over to the television and started fiddling with the menus. "...I guess."

Limestone looked over to Marble nervously. Marble eyed her apologetically before standing up and taking a spot on the floor as far away from Trixie as possible.

With an internal groan, Limestone stood up and took a spot next to Marble as Maud started the video again.

Rose Quartz. One of nature's many miracles. Who could imagine that adding a small amount of titanium, iron, or manganese, could produce such a magnificent color? In this documentary, we-

Trixie pointed vaguely at the screen. "What's that one?"


"...A m-milky quartz..."

"And the one behind her?"


"...A smoky quartz..."

"Seriously? Why is she still talking about the rose one? The smoky one looks more interesting."


"...I-if you want, I have that one r-recorded too..."

Trixie squeezed Maud's arm between her own before giving a nervous little laugh. "Heh... maybe next time, okay?"

Shut up!?

Marble comfortingly rubbed one of Lime's shoulders.

The last hour had been an endurance trial for Limestone. It had, at least, firmly helped cement her thoughts on Trixie.

The bitch was definitely using her sister. No one went to these lengths if they weren't getting something out of it.

Limestone had watched silently as Trixie kept talking throughout the entire documentary. It was all inane, stupid things too. What rock is that? What's that thing? Why don't the workers look like miners? What did the narrator just say?

To make it worse, her sister Maud just answered like nothing was wrong! Like the little brat wasn't bothering her, or acting like an idiot! And every time Maud answered, Trixie had given Maud's arm, which was firmly held in both of Trixie's own and pressed slightly against her right breast, a squeeze.

Maud's responses would have been kind of funny, if she wasn't Lime's sister. Maud was red the entire time she sat on the bed next to Trixie, and at least half the time Maud's response, despite only consisting of one or two words, had a stutter in it. It probably didn't help Maud that Trixie kept squirming and accidentally rubbing her naked legs against Maud's.

Twice throughout, Maud had left for the bathroom. Both times, Trixie had stretched herself across the entire bed and completely ignored the show until Maud had come back. None of this endeared Lime to her.

It's disgusting. Lime thought. Marble didn't even have to put up with this shit in the beginning. Is this how she's getting Maud to pay for everything and get in fights for her?

It was clear to Lime now that Trixie was faking being Maud's friend. She had barely looked at the screen when Maud was away, and the black void that Trixie called a mind clearly had no clue about geology in the slightest. She was just putting up with this to keep Maud.

Lime couldn't do anything tonight, but tomorrow, she could. Tomorrow she'd stop being nice and rehire the investigator. Tomorrow she'd start digging up everything that made this blue-skinned fucker tick.

After all, she thought. No matter where you dig, eventually you'll find a skeleton.

Later that night...

Trixie slowly slipped down the stairs and into the kitchen, humming a happy tune.

I didn't understand half of that show, but at least Maud and her sisters seemed to enjoy themselves. I think.

Maud had told her earlier to help herself to whatever was in the fridge, and since she was thirsty, that's just what Trixie intended to do.

After crossing half the distance over to the fridge though, Trixie became aware of the sound of clicking. A quick glance around the kitchen, and Trixie found the source of the noise. Marble.

Hmm, well, she seems the nicest of Maud's sisters. Perhaps I should try to talk to her again. She's quiet, like Maud. She also kept sneaking glances at me, like Maud.

Trixie knew from earlier that Marble was a little nervous, so she made sure her footfalls were heavy as she made her way over to the table. Despite that, Marble didn't glance up at all.

Impressive. Trixie thought, watching as Marble's fingers flew over the keys on her phone in a blur. Marble's face was scrunched up in concentration, though she wore an amused grin.

Well, no time like the present to break the ice. Again.

"What are you texting ab-woah!"

With a sharp cry of surprise, Marble launched her phone into the air. The phone flew up for a few seconds, before making a quick descent and hitting the table with a solid thunk.

Trixie nervously laughed. "W-well, that could have been worse."

"...." Marble slumped in her seat and stared down at the table.

A minute passed.

It's like getting to meet Maud all over again.

With a sigh, Trixie sat down next to Marble, not quite touching her, but close enough that Marble couldn't avoid seeing Trixie out of the corner of her eye. Trixie quickly noticed Marble turning red.

"Are you okay? Trixie didn't scare you that badly, right?"

Marble's eyes darted around the room, looking anywhere they could but at Trixie.

"Hey, calm down, Trixie doesn't bite." She gave a sideways grin before lightly patting Marble on the back.

Things went drastically downhill from there.

"GAH!" Marble nearly leaped out of her seat at the sudden contact, and proceeded to trip over one of her chair's legs and fall over. The chair came along for the ride and made a solid smack as it hit the tiled floor next to Marble.

Trixie sighed and leaned down, peering at Marble for a second before grabbing her wrist and trying to help her back up.

The blood quickly rushed to Marble's head as Trixie leaned down, her eyes transfixed on the negligee Trixie wore and the uncomfortable contact. Panicked, Marble started kicking lightly at Trixie's feet to keep her away.

"Oh come on, Trixie is trying to help y-ow!" She got out of her seat and sat down on her knees next to Marble, keeping Marble's wrist firmly in her grasp the entire time despite the squirming.

Crap, her face is completely red, is she hyperventilating?

Irritation wormed its way onto Trixie's face as she grabbed for Marble's other hand that was waving around randomly. "I said calm down!"

Suddenly, Trixie was lifted up. With a solid smack, the air was quickly forced from her lungs as she hit a wall. She was firmly held against it while a furry gray blob screamed into her face.


"W-wait, *cough* Trixie was-"

Limestone ignored her and moved the arm pressing against Trixie's chest up to her throat.

"I don't give a fuck what you think you were doing. Stay away from my family!"

Trixie found her vision starting to swim. "I was just-"

Lime's eyes widened as a twisted look crossed over her face. Her other arm gripped at Trixie's shoulder and dug in painfully. "I will break every bone in your fucking body and make it look like an accident.."

Trixie found herself shivering. Futilely, she grasped for words. "I-I'm not-"

Limestone quickly pulled Trixie towards her and then slammed her head back into the wall. " I already did it once, you know. You don't deserve to be around Maud, so you can take your stupid little accent, inane questions and slutty outfit and get the fuck out of my house!"

Trixie's breathing became more erratic. For a second, she saw Sunset in front of her again. Saw herself slammed up against a locker again. Saw Sunset's hand against her throat.

A second hand joined Lime's at her neck. Marble's. Trixie heard an unfamiliar voice. It was soft, but insistent.


Air suddenly became much easier for Trixie, as both hands let go of her throat. Without a second thought, Trixie ran between the two of them and fumbled for a few seconds with the lock.

The soft voice called out again. "W-wait..."

Trixie didn't hear it. The second the lock was off she threw the door open and ran out into the night.

Marble wouldn't let go of her hand. Sure, Limestone might have gone a little too far, but she wasn't about to go chasing after the little bitch.

The look on Marble's face said that she thought otherwise.

"I-I'm okay." Lime panted. Why was she panting? "Seriously."

Marble shook her head, and kept a firm grip on Lime's hand.

The sound of someone walking down the stairs made Limestone's eyes go wide for a few seconds.

Fuck. Maud's gonna be pissed. Well, it wasn't my fault. Trixie was attacking Marble.

Yeah, Lime let her rage out on the bitch, but she deserved it.

"...I heard something."

Lime watched as Maud slowly looked over the room, eyes lingering on the fallen chair, Marble holding onto Lime, and then finally, over to the door.

Looking over the scene herself, Lime gave a soft whistle. The door stopper had been completely smashed into the wall and would need replacement. There was also a slight, acrid smell in the air that caused Lime to look around. Her gaze finally fell to the floor, where a small, wet trail was obvious. Limestone almost wanted to laugh.

Holy fuck, It's been forever since I made someone piss themselves.

Finally, Maud looked over to Limestone. "...Where's Trixie?"

Lime grumbled angrily. This was going to suck. "Probably halfway home by now."


"Hey, she attacked Marble!"

Maud blinked. "...Why?"

Limestone clenched her teeth before leveling Maud with a glare. "Why? That doesn't matter, Maud! She. Attacked. Marble! Marble was struggling on the floor with Trixie still in that whore outfit of hers trying to pin her down!"

Maud's wide eyed, disbelieving stare only pissed Limestone off more.

"...u-uhm..." Limestone felt her hand being tugged at, but ignored it.

Clenching her first, Limestone raised it in front her. "So I threw that bitch off of her and into the wall! I warned her to stay away from us! Away from you! You aren't thinking straight anymore, Maud!"


"I saw it all, Maud! All the money you've wasted on her! The injuries you came home with! Did you really think I was going to let her treat you like that!? She's just after your money, like that son of a bitch that latched on Marble!"

"She wasn't-"

"And tonight proved it! You saw what she was wearing! She was practically begging you to fuck her! She's manipulating you, Maud! And she showed her true colors when I came downstairs and saw her attacking M-"

"She wasn't attacking me!"

Marble's scream stopped Lime's rant cold. After a few seconds, when the rage had calmed down a little, Lime picked up on a few things she had failed to notice until now. The tight death grip Marble had on her hand. The small sniffs and sobs that Marble had probably been working up to during Lime's rant.

"Wait..." Lime asked, torn between anger and confusion. "What?"

"I-I'm sorry..." Marble mumbled out, burying her head in Limestone's back. "I'm so sorry...she-she-"

"...She what?" Maud asked, her eyes slowly moving between the door and Marble.

"...She scared me. S-she...wanted to talk. T-then she...touched me. And I fell. I-I'm sorry. I just-"

"Hey, hey." Lime turned around and embraced Marble, hugging her tight. "It's not your fault."

"B-But-" Marble whimpered out, clinging to Lime. "I-if I could just t-talk to s-someone normally...T-this-"

"...Don't worry." Maud said, coming over and giving Marble a pat on the head. "...If Trixie likes you, or...is comfortable...she's...bad at...personal space..."

"B-but, she was t-trying to help me u-up, and t-then I panicked. I was k-kicking her, a-and-"

"Sssshhh" Lime quietly said while rubbing Marble's back. "You're fine Marble, okay? It's not your fault. You're not to blame here."

"No," Maud agreed icily. Lime looked over to Maud, surprised at the coldness in her voice, before seeing something she hadn't expected.

Maud was glaring at her. There was no hinting at what Maud was feeling at that moment. She was completely pissed with Limestone.

"You are."

With that, Maud turned around and walked back upstairs. Less than a minute later, she came back down with her shoes on, and headed out the door, far faster than Lime had seen her move in years.

"So..." Lime started, dumbly. "she wasn't hurting you?"

Marble, still pressed into her chest, shook her head.


After Maud left, Limestone helped Marble get to bed, even tucking her in before she left. With her sister calmed down, all Limestone could really think to do was wait for Maud to come back. So, she camped out in the kitchen and waited.

A little over an hour later, Maud walked through the door. From Limestone's vantage point, the anger on Maud's face hadn't lessened at all. Lime could hardly remember the last time Maud had stayed angry for this long.

"Any luck?" Lime asked.

"...She's home..." Maud closed the door and walked over to the table. She didn't sit down. "The light was on...before I knocked..."

"That's good. I guess?"

"...I knocked on her window..."

"Ummm, okay?"

Maud grabbed the back of one of the chairs. The chair creaked as Maud squeezed it.

"I knocked for twenty minutes..."

Lime looked at her confusedly. "Why?"

"If you're persistent...Trixie won't ignore you..."

Lime heard the back of the chair cracking.

"She didn't answer..."

Why are my sisters so messed up?

Lime held both her hands up, as if trying to ward off Maud's anger. "Look, I fucked up, okay? But you can't blame me, that bitch-"

Maud's glare stopped her from continuing.

"This is why I didn't want her around you."

"What? Because I could see what she-"

"-Because I can't trust you anymore."

That hit Lime hard. It was like Maud's words had cut a hole in her chest.

"H-hey. Come on, I-"

"-You never thought about me."

Lime was creeped out. Maud was talking in full sentences. Maud was glaring at her. Anger was visible in Maud's normally monotone voice.

Maud continued, fingers repeatedly clenching on the poor abused chair.

"You stepped on everything I had. Again."

"Maud," Lime winced, she could hear the pleading tone in her own voice. "calm down. L-look, I don't remember ever stepping on your life."

Maud raised a hand, and brought up a finger.

"You took Marble."

She held up a second finger.

"And now, Trixie."

"W-what!?" Lime protested. "What the hell are you talking about? I never took Marble from you. What does that even mean!?"

"You talked her out of school."

"I was trying to protect her! She couldn't handle being around all those-"

"She was getting better!" Maud shouted.

That action seemed to release something in Maud. Quietly, she sat in the chair she had been gripping up to this point. She bowed her head and stared at the table.

"She was getting better," Maud insisted. "And, and even if she wasn't...I wasn't alone..."

Lime didn't know what to say to that. After a moment, Maud continued on, voice slightly choked.

"Trixie...Trixie doesn't know what we do..."


"She doesn't know. About the business, about the quarries. The mines. Anything."

Lime looked at her, dumbstruck. "You're fucking kidding me. You don't expect me to believe that, right?"

Maud shook her head, still refusing to look up.

"No, but I do. She also thinks...I made the statue."




"Yes..." Maud slowly reached out to grasp one of Lime's hands. She gave a hard squeeze before looking up, revealing how wet her face had become. "And if you chased her off for good, I''m never forgiving you."

Author's Notes:

Long time no see, eh? It seems like every year, for a few months, I just lost all interest in writing. If anyone is interested, Here is the poem Maud was reciting.

The second part will not take another four months to get done, I promise. :twilightsheepish:

Angry Acceptance

Lime ignored the stares she received as students walked by her.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

Yet, here she was, Standing in front of a bench a few hundred yards away from one of the side entrances of Canterlot High. She was not very patient, and from the way the students would flinch and avoid her, she knew that she was failing to look friendly at all.

Fuck' em. Any minute now...

Her 'research' into Trixie revealed that, unless she was putting on one of her stupid little shows, this would be the entrance she came out of nine times out of ten. Limestone also knew that Maud and Trixie never hung out on Tuesdays, so that was why she chose this day to track Trixie down and talk to her somewhere the girl would feel safe.

Marble had shook her head repeatedly when Limestone brought up how much easier this would be if Lime could just corner her in an alley. Apparently that would give off the wrong impressions, or some shit.

Ah... Lime thought, eyes trained on her target as Trixie walked out of the side doors of the school. Lime was still over a hundred feet away from her, arms crossed and trying to smile. There's the little bitch n-hey!

Trixie ran off the walkway and quickly started running along the grass away from Lime. Trixie had apparently missed her smile, Lime surmised as she ran after her.

"Hey! Wait! I have something to say to you!"

Trixie ran around the corner of the school as fast as she could, causing Lime to lose sight of her.

"Get back here!"

Lime sprinted around the corner, and quickly noted the lack of an overly dressed magician's presence. With a frustrated sigh, she looked around, seeing only a few trees and some bushes nearby.

Great. Where the fuck is she!?

"Come out here, Trixie, and make this easier on both of us!"

After waiting a moment, Lime let out a soft growl as her teeth clenched and her shoulders cracked.

"Fine, have it your way!"

Slowly, Lime stalked forward, glaring at everything in sight. She knew she was in the wrong, but having to apologize, to someone who wasn't even family, pissed her off.

A quick flick of blue showed itself behind one of the trees. The sleeve of Trixie's jacket. Lime got as close to the tree as she dared before lunging.

"I've got you now, bitch!"

Lime grabbed hold of Trixie's jacket sleeve and pulled.

Pop! Hssssssssssssssss!

Fuck, Limestone thought, staring at the abandoned jacket in her hand, then down at the smoking little black ball on the ground. Her name is Trixie, why the hell did I fall for-

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang as the black ball exploded, covering everything in smoke and blinding her. She swore she could hear someone running off.

"Damn it!" She screamed, throwing the jacket to the ground as she began coughing.

Several Days Later...

Trixie looked around the home ec room nervously, then back to the girl who insisted they talk alone.

Pinkie Pie smiled and gave Trixie a rough slap on the back "There's nothing to be nervous about, silly! Thank you sooo much for meeting me between classes like this!"

"Pinkie...Trixie was in the middle of class when you barged in and told the teacher you were borrowing her for an emergency..."

"Potato, tomato. Besides, it is an emergency! A family one!"

Trixie knew it. She shook her head at Pinkie. "No. Look, I don't care what Lime told you, I-"

Pinkie shook her head, causing bits of confetti to fall around her. "No no no, silly! I'm not here to talk about Lime. Wellllll, okay, that's not, hmm...." Pinkie stroked her chin and looked up for a moment before snapping her fingers. "I'm not here for Lime, I'm here about Lime!"

"What do you...what are you doing?"

In a flash, Pinkie was completely on the ground, arms straight out in Trixie's direction as she seemingly worked on her impression of a plank of wood.

"I'm bowing!" Came Pinkie's muffle reply.

Why do I have to deal with this? One Pie is enough in Trixie's life, thank you.

"That's not how you bow, dolt!"

"Uh-huh! You bow low to show your sorry, right? So you have to bow reeeeaaaaallllly low when you are super, duper sorry!"

"It doesn't-" Trixie shook her head. These last few days had reminded her just how odd, and at times, dangerous, the Pie's were. "What are you apologizing about?"

With physics defying speed, Pinkie stood back up. Her fingers were together in a pleading manner. "I am sooooo sorry about my older little sister Lime!"

"W-wait, that doesn't-" Trixie rubbed her head a little. "forget it. I really don't want to know. Is this about the other day?"

Pinkie looked at Trixie quizzically. "No no, why would I be sorry about that?"

"Well, she was trying to attack Trixie at school. Someone should apologize to Trixie about that."

Pinkie shook her head again. Trixie really hoped all the colored flakes coming out of her hair were just paper. "She came to apologize, not attack you."

Trixie raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "She looked ready to kill me the minute I walked out of the school!"

"That's just her thinking face!"

"She chased after me while yelling!"

Pinkie nodded enthusiastically. "She really, really wants to make up!"

"Pinkie," Trixie grabbed her by the shoulders in irritation. "She threatened me and called me a bitch! She grabbed my coat with enough force to have thrown me to the ground if it had been attached to me at the time!"

"I know!" Pinkie smiled, bouncing a little. "I was so surprised how much Limestone held back! Usually this kind of thing makes her go all punchy! But, she didn't punch anything, so she was really working to control herself around you!"

Trixie sighed and let go of Pinkie's shoulders, sitting down at one of the nearby chairs. "You're all crazy. Look. I don't care if you say she was 'holding back' or not. Trixie does not want to see her again, ever. Okay? One Sunset in Trixie's life was enough."

"Hey!" Pinkie put on a slightly annoyed face, one which she pushed up against Trixie's. "She's not like that!"

Trixie scowled and grabbed Pinkie's head, pushing her back. "Really? Then why did she, oh, Trixie doesn't know, THROW ME AGAINST THE WALL AND KICK ME OUT OF YOUR HOUSE!?"

Sheepishly, Pinkie rubbed the back of her head, avoiding eye contact. "Oh. That. Weeellll, you kind of, scared her."

Trixie gave Pinkie an unamused stare. "I scared her!?

Quickly, Pinkie waved her hands in front of herself.

"It's not an excuse! I mean, what she did was horrible, and Maud is totally pissed at her about it. Buuut, yeah. You scared her, and you scare her."

"I...." Trixie pointed to herself. "Scare her?"

Pinkie nodded. "Exactly! So-" Pinkie put her arms back up in a pleading motion. "Don't stop being friends with Maud over it! She really really, really, really-"


"really, really, reeeeeeeeeee-"


"-allly likes you!"

They stared at each other for a moment, Pinkie smiling while Trixie tried to hold back an incoming headache.


"Yes, Trixie?"

"I'm not going to stop being Maud's friend over Lime."



"Yaay!" Pinkie cried, two streamers shooting out of her hands and making a small mess along several tables.

"Trixie is just going to avoid the rest of you and never go back to her house again."

The cheer in Pinkie's face drooped a little. "Oh. That's not so great....Wait, you're going to avoid me!?"

Trixie stood up from her chair and eyed the exit. "That's what Trixie said."

Pinkie looked at Trixie, confused and feeling a little hurt. "Now hold on, what did I do? We've been friends for-"


Trixie was in Pinkie's face now, glaring from an inch away. Her hands were balled into tight fists. Pinkie gave a slow, audible gulp.

"...I never helped you." Trixie almost whispered. "You never helped me. We have barely ever talked to each other." Trixie pulled away, shaking her head. "No. We aren't friends. You don't get to say that just because I'm friends with your sister."

"..." Pinkie looked at the floor, dejectedly.

Trixie sighed and looked off to the side. She didn't feel good about hurting Pinkie, but, she refused to be involved in another fake friendship if she could help it. "Is it okay if Trixie goes now?"


Trixie looked over at Pinkie, curiously.

"But-" Pinkie continued, lifting her gaze to look at Trixie. For a moment, Trixie thought Pinkie's hair looked less...vibrant...but shook the thought away. "You're Maud's friend, right?"


"Right..." Pinkie nodded, confidence returning to her face. "So that means I have to be your friend!"

Trixie scowled, working up her anger again. "No, I'm NOT Yo-"

"I don't mean right now, silly!" Pinkie smiled at her, ignoring Trixie's outraged look. "I'll learn more about you, talk to Maud, and totally find time to hang out with you two! I'm okay if we aren't friends right now. BUT! We are totally going to BECOME friends, or my name isn't Pinkamena Diane Pie!!"

"I...umm..." Trixie was a little flabbergasted. She rubbed the back of her head and looked away from the crazy pink girl. An odd mix of irritation and embarrassment was making its way through her body."I'm not sure if I should tell you to leave me alone or wish you luck..."


She suddenly felt her ribs compact as the air was pushed from her lungs for several long seconds. Seconds where all she could see were stars. Thankfully, it ended before her skin turned any bluer as Pinkie Pie let her go.

"I'll go with the second option, thanks!"

"Y-you're *hack* welcome."

Pinkie hummed thoughtfully while Trixie gasped for air. "But, you know, you and Maud are sure alike when it comes to friends. You're both really picky."

"I-ish that *cough* so..?"

Pinkie nodded. "I mean, everyone is my friend! Or, well, I think they all are, and no one has ever said they weren't." She pointed at Trixie. "Except for you, I mean. I guess Lime and Maud are the same way."

Pinkie sighed, looking a little nostalgic.

"It wasn't always like that, you know. I'd totally hoped that the move would have let them put all that stuff in the past. I mean, yeah, it was tough, everyone was going through some icky stuff back then, Marble especially. Lime was always a little prickly, but she had a few friends."

"Pinkie, Trixie really needs to get back to class, could you babble a-"

"-But Maud, poor Maud. I didn't think moving away from all her friends would have hit her this hard. I mean, I wasn't happy about it either, but I keep in touch. She didn't try at all! So, I tried to help her find new ones, but-"

She was interrupted by a finger pressed against her lips.

"Wait..." Trixie calmly said, giving Pinkie a curious stare. "Maud had friends?"

Knock Knock Knock!

"Ugh.." Trixie muttered out loud as she approached the door. "Mom, did you lose the key again? Trixie swears you-"

Less than a second after opening the door, she slammed it shut. Or, at least, she tried to. Limestone had an edge on Trixie in strength.

"So, you dress like a slut at our place, but not at your own home?" Lime commented, pushing with her shoulder as she worked to pry the door open.

"Trixie got home less than a minute ago! Give her time to-Wait!" She grunted and tried stomping on one of Lime's feet, but did not have the force behind her to do more than irritate Lime. "Trixie isn't a slut, you grey hairball!"

"Sure could have fooled me." Lime continued to press against the door, feeling a bit more amused than angry at the moment. There was just something funny about watching someone flail helplessly against the inevitable. With precise aim, Lime trapped Trixie's foot under her own while trying not to press too hard on it.

"Get your dirt covered shoes off of Tri-ow!"

Okay, maybe she pressed a little that time.

Lime took her foot off of Trixie's and slammed the door forward, sending Trixie flying back. Though Trixie had to flail her hands around a bit, she managed to stay upright.

"Nice, Trixie, at least you aren't a total klutz on top of the shit way you dress."

Trixie was caught between her anger and fear. For now, she let her anger win out.

"Trixie will have you know that she spent months picking out her attire! She looked through dozens of magazines on fashion! So, if you have a problem with it, then maybe you're the one who has trash for taste!"

Lime growled a little, but kept her temper. For now. "Yeah, right, because that get up you had on last week didn't have 'fuck me' written all over it!"

Trixie eyed her irritably. "Trixie doesn't have to explain herself to you, pervert. Now get out of her house!"

"Yeah, no." Lime cracked her knuckles and shoulders, a habit she often did after a little exercise. "I didn't waste my time coming here to just walk out after bitching at you about your slutty wardrobe. I-"

Limestone paused as she looked over Trixie for a second. Despite the angry tone of voice and how she was easily returning Lime's retorts, Trixie was shaking. Looking down for a moment, Lime noticed one of her hands balled up into a fist, and pressed into the open palm of her other hand. A few seconds later, and Lime stomped her foot down hard on the carpeted floor, angry.

Fuck. I SUCK at this! Why the hell does she have to be scared of me!?

"Look-" Lime began. "Let's just-"


Lime began coughing as smoke filled the room.

Not again with this shit...FUCK!

Lime cursed inwardly and gave out a cry as the smoke detector went off directly above her, deafening her. She pressed her hands over her ears and tried to ignore the noise, her teeth gritting in irritation at Trixie's antics. As another few seconds went by, the smoke started to clear, leaving Limestone standing alone in the small front hallway of Trixie's house.

"Huh-" Lime muttered, unable to hear herself. Her eyes roamed around the room. "How the hell did she disappear like-"

An open window in the living room gave her the clue she needed. As Limestone ducked her head back outside the front door, she quickly homed in on Trixie making a mad dash down the sidewalk. Limestone screamed, more for herself than anything else.

"Grrr! Fucking COWARD!"

Hmmm... Trixie looked down at her work of the last few hours in the quarry. It's not...quite what Trixie envisioned.

"...Are you done?"

Trixie looked over what once was one large rock, now turned into a small pile of rubble by her inexperienced hands.

"I think so..." Trixie dropped her tools on the ground and looked over at the small bunny Maud was chiseling out in mild irritation. Sighing, she stood up and walked over to the stump Maud was using as a table. Maud was sitting cross legged in front of the stump, carving tools in hand. Glancing down, Trixie gave Maud's outfit a brief look over.

While Maud still wore long boots and frocks most of the time, she had acquired a few different colors after a few outings with Trixie. Today's color of choice was dark green. Trixie shuddered at the memory of Maud telling Trixie that at one point her closet had been filled with nothing but the same colored outfit.

Now, If I could just get her to wear something beyond purple makeup to match her outfits.

Maud had been surprisingly adamant on her color in makeup.

A few seconds later, and Trixie was taken out of her musings by Maud's voice. "...Anyone bothering you...?"

Trixie shook her head and gave a crooked grin. "Not in particular."

"...Great. Lime had me worried..."

Trixie let out a nervous laugh and waved a hand in Maud's direction. "Oh, Trixie can handle her j-just fine."

Maud put the chisel down and turned towards Trixie. "So...she has been bothering you..."

"It's nothing Trixie can't handle on her own."


Trixie leveled a glare at Maud. "I'm serious! Let me handle her. Trix-I-I'll come to you if...I can't. Okay?"


Maud turned back around and began chiseling again.

"So, Trixie heard something...interesting."

Maud continued to chisel away.

"A certain pink menace let slip that you had friends in your last school. Trixie was wondering what they were like?"

"...She was wrong."

Trixie raised an eyebrow as she peeked over Maud's shoulder, staring at the stone rabbit. "Really? But that's what she told Trixie."



Maud's chiseling slowed to a crawl as she continued. "If...if you had a group of people, who you were around a lot. But, suddenly, you left for weeks. If they didn't notice, or care, would you call them friends?"

Trixie didn't need to think on it. "No, Trixie wouldn't."

Maud nodded, and resumed chiseling normally. "Then Pinkie was wrong, I didn't have any friends at that school..."

"...Oh..." Trixie thought on that a moment. "Maud?"


"Why did you disappear at your last school for weeks?"

Maud stayed silent for a time after that. Finally, she put her tools down and blew, dispersing the dust clinging to the rabbit. "...I don't want to talk about it..."

Trixie nodded from behind Maud and gave her a pat on the head before taking a few steps back. "All right, Trixie can accept that. So, are you ready to go?"

Maud nodded as she stood up and looked over to the pile of stones Trixie had been working on earlier. "Sure. No luck...?"

"No," Trixie said, while shaking her head. "Turns out an elephant was not in that rock either. Trixie will just have to try again next week."

A small bang caused Lime to look away from the fridge and over to the door. Maud was home. Limestone gritted her teeth for a second, and then tried to give a smile as she turned to face Maud.

"Hey, sis. Look, I-"

Maud ignored her, shoulder checking Lime hard enough that she was forced to take a step back. Maud then headed up the stairs without a word.

Damn it, that's three days in a row she's been pulling this shit...

Lime couldn't hold back a frustrated little whine. Seconds later, she received a pat on the head. Looking over revealed that Marble had managed to sneak up on her again.

"...I'm going to have to do something about this soon, aren't I?"

Marble nodded and gave her sister a small, encouraging smile.

With a sigh, Lime gave a small grin back. "Fine. But I'm not playing nice anymore. I'm settling this shit tomorrow."

The door to the girls bathroom banged against the wall as Trixie quickly ran in and hid in one of the stalls.

What the hell is she still doing here!?

That was the crux of the situation, the reason why, after seeing her in the hallway during lunch break, Trixie ran in here. With luck, Sunset wouldn't find her.

This doesn't make any sense. She destroyed part of the school, she did...something to everyone's heads. Everyone knows about the blackmail and threats now. Why is she still here!?

Trixie took deep breaths, trying to calm down while her hands wrung through her hair. Was Sunset impervious? Did she have something on Principal Celestia that forced her to make the mess Sunset caused to go away? Or...was she just here, getting her things because she was expelled?

No. Trixie thought. It couldn't be the last one. Sunset had called out to her, said she had been looking for Trixie. At least, that was what Trixie thought she heard Sunset say. Trixie was still in shock at seeing her in the school at all, and then too busy running to listen.

If Sunset was still in the school, after all that happened to her, then surely she was looking for a punching bag. Trixie did not want to be that punching bag. Not again.

After a few minutes, and no Sunset, Trixie's breathing calmed. She heard some girls come in and out of the bathroom during that time, but none had disturbed her. Some chatter went on in the background, a distinct click sound, probably from someone's heel, but nothing out of the ordinary.

I'll just...avoid her...like the Pie family...Trixie's list of people to avoid sure has grown...

With a deep breath, Trixie tried to get her mind off of Sunset and to the upcoming weekend. Lavender was having a family reunion. While not family, Fuschia was going to be there so Lavender didn't go insane with boredom. Trixie was sure she could have livened it up and suggested they put together a small concert to surprise Lavender's family with. The three mostly played for fun, but Trixie thought they would be good enough to entertain a small get together.

However, Trixie was quickly waved off by Fuschia. Something about how the looks Lavender often shot Trixie's way would probably upset her family. That part confused Trixie. Lavender was a friend and a fan of hers, so why would Lavender's adoration of everyone's favorite magician upset her family?

She would have continued that train of thought, were it not the jacket that someone threw at her over the stall door.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing? Don't throw your...y-your..."

Trixie's mind went numb as she clutched to the jacket. Her jacket.

"Listen-" Limestone's said, clearly leaning against the stall door, trapping Trixie. "We need to talk."

Trixie quickly looked to the side, wondering how fast she could crawl and if she could make it to the door before Lime caught her.

"And don't try anything this time. The door's locked from the outside and I have the fucking windows locked too. So if you pull one of those damn smoke bombs out, we're both going to have a bad time." Trixie heard Lime crack her knuckles. "I don't think you want me coming in there, right?"


Trixie saw Lime turn around and give out an irritated sigh. "For fuck's sake, don't give me that voice."

"...W-what kind o-of-"

"That one! That voice right there! Look, I'm not here to fucking hurt you, okay? So stop making me feel like I'm the damn bad girl here!"

Trixie swallowed, hard, and then tried her best not to stutter. "Lime...you literally locked me in the bathroom with you. What the h-hell do you expect me to think after last week?"

"Hey!" Lime said, not quite shouting, but close. "How else was I supposed to talk with you after all that shit you pulled? You have more escape acts than that fucking Houdini guy!" Trixie could hear Lime cracking her knuckles. "So I needed to get a little more forceful is all. And it's working so far. *Crack* Right?"


"I thought I told you-"

"How do you expect me to stay calm when you keep doing that!?"

"Doing what?"

"C-cracking you-"

"Hey! It's a fucking nervous habit. Lay off!"

Trixie blinked. "Wait. What the hell do you have to be nervous about?"

A low growl was her only response for a few seconds.

"Look-" Lime started in as close to a neutral, calm tone as Trixie had ever heard. "I get I freak you out. So, I'll make this simple. You don't have to see me if you don't want to, but you ARE going to listen to me, okay?"

"...And no matter what...you won't come in here?"

"Right. I don't need Maud any more pissed off at me than she already is."

Trixie sighed and leaned back against the toilet. This week had been nothing short of an emotional roller coaster for her. A shame most of those emotions had been anger and fear. "Fine. What do you want from me?"

"Simple. I want you to come back to our house this weekend."


Trixie heard Lime's growl again. She could see Lime's legs tense and, through the crack in the door, see her fist come up to strike the door. But, after a minute, no strike came.

"Look, I need you to come back to our house, wear whatever the fuck perverted outfit you want, and act how you did last time so Maud finally gets off my fucking back."

"Lime...I have no intention of ever going over to your house again. I don't want...that to happen to me again." Trixie put her arms around herself. "You're not the first to treat me like that..."

There were a few awkward seconds of silence before Lime spoke up again.



Trixie could see Lime turn away from her and heard her give out a heavy breath.

"...Fuck. Look, Trixie. A lot has happened to my family. I...don't like anyone getting near them."



Another silence.

"Okay." Lime started. "If I tell you this, will you consider coming back? I swear, it'll be different this time...fuck."

Lime walked away from the stall and kicked the bathroom wall. Trixie heard Lime mutter to herself.

"I sound like that bastard, don't I?"


Lime turned back around. "What?"

Trixie gave her temple's a massage, wondering if she was going to regret this. "If you tell me what in the world happened, I'll consider it."

A bang to the side of Trixie caused her to give out a startled yelp. Looking underneath the stall revealed Lime's feet quickly making their way into the stall next to Trixie. Lime sat down, feet twitching in agitation.

"Okay. Look, I'm not good on details, got it? I'm just going to get to the main points. I don't like thinking about this. None of us do."

"Trixie can accept that."

"Heh, about time you started that crap again."

Lime gave another heavy breath.

"To sum it up, Marble has shit taste in men. She wasn't the most outgoing in her old school, but she still had friends. She was...a lot better around others back then. Well, she got herself a fucking boyfriend. He acted like he liked her, and Marble acted like he was her fucking world or something. It started out okay, I think. But, the fucker was using her. She bought him shit, she came home with bruises, and whenever she got called out on it, she insisted everything was fine. That she could handle it."

Trixie heard the sound of toilet paper being ripped and wisely kept her mouth shut about it.

"She couldn't. One day we get a call and find out Marble was hospitalized. The fucker got angry with her, he...it was bad, okay? I'm not going into it. A few weeks later, I paid some guys to help me out, and almost broke the fucker in half after I found him." She gave out a small, dark chuckle. "I'd say Marble had company in the hospital pretty quickly. Sometimes, I wish I had gotten a recording of it. That fucker screamed like..."

Limestone went silent for a bit.

"...Anyways, things changed a lot after that. All of us got pulled out of school. Pinkie and Maud spent a lot of time with Marble in the hospital. I was...out of it for awhile. Tracking that fucker and punching holes in anything or one who looked at me wrong. Pinkie, she got out of that better than anyone else. She still kept in touch with her friends in school and didn't really change. Kinda glad about that, at least one of us didn't get too fucked up."

Another deep sigh, and the sound of paper towels being ripped.

"Marble couldn't deal with anyone outside of her family after that. We even took turns sleeping at the hospital. Mom and Dad did all they could, but, it was a shit situation for all of us. When Marble got out of the hospital, Maud was with her constantly. But, word got out about what happened quickly, and with what I did to that fucker, our parents decided it'd be better if we moved. So-"

Lime pointed to the floor. "We came to this crappy little town. And from there...I apparently fucked up Maud's life."

"What? How?"

"Because I saw how much shit Marble was going through trying to go back to school and convinced our parents to have her home schooled. I was fucking sick of hearing Marble crying, or seeing how exhausted she was from all the stress she was going through. But...I didn't think how it hurt Maud. Maud was quieter, but I didn't think she was so freaked out over what had happened."

Trixie heard Lime scratching her head.

"Her and Marble did everything together, and when I got Marble pulled out of school, Maud was alone. I thought she was fine with that. She never talked about her friends from her old school like Pinkie did. Fuck, I was happy about it. If Marble and Maud didn't make any friends, I didn't have to worry about them getting in trouble."

Limestone gave out a mirthless laugh. "God, I was stupid. I mean, hell, I have friends, why the fuck did I think it was good that they didn't?"

Lime stood up from the toilet and gave it a flush.

"So, yeah. Maud wanted Marble around, and wanted to get her used to school. I wanted Marble safe and away from everyone. I won and Maud got hurt. And now, we're here. Maud's pissed, Marble's worried, and Pinkie's probably listening at the damn bathroom door instead of KEEPING WATCH LIKE I TOLD HER TO!"

A loud, indignant cry from outside the bathroom confirmed this. Limestone sighed and walked out of the stall.

"Trixie, I, fuck, I'm sorry, okay? I go off the handle when it comes to my family. You freak me out, you and Maud became friends so fast that I couldn't trust it to be real. And she's...acting like Marble did. I don't want her hurt like that. I can't let that happen again. But...just come back to the house. I don't want any of my sisters to think they can't have friends because of me."

Trixie heard Lime knock on the bathroom door. This was followed by the sounds of nearly a dozen locks being undone. Finally, the door opened, and Lime left, leaving Trixie to think over everything.


Or to run desperately to her next class on an empty stomach.

The rest of the school day was uneventful for Trixie, and the walk home gave her a little time to think on what Lime had told her. The puzzle was simple enough for Trixie to put together now that she had heard bits and pieces from each of the Pie sisters.

Marble was horrible around others because of being hospitalized by someone she thought loved her, Lime was violent and mistrustful of anyone outside the family because of the incident, Maud became very distant to others after finding out her friends really didn't care about her, and Pinkie was...Pinkie.

Trixie groaned and rubbed her head, thinking on just how much money a psychiatrist could make on any one of the Pie's. Did she really want to get any more involved than she already was? Maud was fine, but did she really want to be around a girl who was a nervous wreck half the time, another who could easily put her through a wall if accidentally provoked, and Pinkie Pie?

No, no she didn't. Maud was enough weirdness in her life. Even if Pinkie found ways to interact with Trixie more, it would probably only be for an hour or two. If she started going to Maud's house, Trixie's only escape would be running out again. And Trixie was better than that, damnit.

Better to not test it though. On the other hand, she had told Lime she would give it some thought, and since it was Friday she had the whole weekend to relax and go over everything.

Trixie nodded to herself as she approached her home. This was the right decision, she'd play some games, talk Maud into coming over on Saturday, and-

For what was probably the dozenth time in the last week, Trixie's thoughts abruptly cut off. Glancing over to her houses front door revealed that a Pie was waiting there. An unexpected one.

Marble Pie.

She was dressed in a simple lime green dress that reached down to her knees, and a pair of white shoes. The most striking thing to Trixie at the moment, however, was how much Marble seemed to be using the door for support. Not to mention how Trixie could almost hear her gasping for breath from here.

"Ahem. Marble?"

With a loud gasp, Marble slowly peeked her head around, wide eyes on Trixie. Those eyes quickly darted away as she was distracted by several people walking up the block on the sidewalk.

Trixie groaned as Marble started shaking. "How did you even manage to get here in the first place?"

Trixie stepped around the nervous girl, thankful that she wasn't screaming from Trixie being so close to her, and unlocked the door. As Trixie opened the door, she was surprised by Marble frantically moving past her and disappearing around a corner.

"Please, make yourself at home!" Trixie called out sarcastically.

Still, despite Marble being an unwelcome guest, Trixie went and fetched drinks for them both before trying to figure out where Marble disappeared to. A quick search in the direction Trixie had seen her run off quickly revealed a uncharacteristically large, shaking lump in Trixie's bed.

Seriously. Trixie thought, placing the drinks down on a tray table by the bed. None of them understand the concept of personal space.

"So," Trixie addressed the lump. "Trixie assumes you meant to come here, and that you didn't get lost and just happen to find her home, right?"


"If you want, Trixie brought you a drink."


Another minute passed in silence before the covers started to move. A quick peek, and Marble identified where Trixie was. Another where the drink was. Seconds later, Marble's hand reached out of the covers and grabbed the drink, before disappearing back within.

"Marble, if you spill that on her bed, Trixie is going to be annoyed."

The soft sounds of gulping were her only reply. After a minute, the hand came back out and deposited the empty glass back on the table.

"You...have experience with this."


"Right, well, could you tell Trixie why you are here now?"


Trixie's groan came out more like a whine. She sat down on the edge of her bed as weariness creeped over her. "Marble. Come on, Trixie has had a really rough day. She doesn't want to play twenty questions with you on top of it."

Another moment passed in silence before she felt the bed moving again. Shakily, a hand sneaked out and gave Trixie's thigh a squeeze, startling her.

"Marble! What the heck?"

The hand slowly slipped upwards, and felt along the outside of her thigh before disappearing.

"So, what? You get to freak out if Trixie sits down next to you, but you're fine feeling her up?"

More silence. Then Trixie sighed as she felt a hand on her other thigh. When it finally worked its way up again, it stopped, feeling along the pocket Trixie's cell phone was in.

"Mmmmmm!" Marble tapped frantically on Trixie's cellphone.

"Okay, okay! Quit it!" Trixie took out her phone and placed it in Marble's hand, which then quickly retreated back into the depths of the blanket. "Seriously, is anyone in your family normal!?"

For the next minute, Trixie heard a series of clicking sounds coming from underneath the covers. Finally, her phone was spit back out. Within seconds, a ringtone she was unfamiliar with emitted from it. Picking it up, Trixie saw she had a message. From Marble, of course.

Normal? What would you know about normal?

"Excuse Trixie!? She's not the one hiding behind the covers in someone else's bed."

You carry smoke bombs and a cape with you.

"I'm a magician! I need those."

Maud doesn't talk to normal people. Normal people don't talk to Maud. Ergo, you are not normal.

The little face sticking it's tongue out at her at the end made Trixie a little intrigued.

"You're pretty bold for someone who was shaking like a leaf in front of Trixie's door."

That was there, this is here. You're pretty bold yourself. My nose almost bled from you prancing around in that 'sleepwear' of yours.

"Oh, not you too! It was recommended in several fashion magazines!"

...Did any of them have articles about 'spicing up your love life', or have women wearing revealing clothing on the cover, by chance?

"Some did, why? That's not a bad thing, is it? Some people like romance. And Trixie didn't read the article's, she just looked over the outfits recommended!"

The next message was just a laughing face. Trixie leaned over and gave the lump a quick poke, resulting in a loud squeak and a message containing nothing but angry faces.

"Look, while Trixie has found this...entertaining. Could you tell her why you are here already?"

Marble hummed for a minute before sending the next message.

I didn't fall asleep until late the night you ran out of our house. Maud and Lime talked afterwards and I listened in. I never realized how much Maud was hurting over what happened...

Trixie nodded. "She's not the easiest to understand sometimes."

Right, but I'm her sister, not some stranger. And she got hurt because of me. My whole family was hurt because of me. Even Pinkie, she just hides it better. I want to do something to help them.

Trixie eyed the lump in her bed confusedly. "Then go tell them you're sorry, don't hide out in Trixie's bed. The only thing you're doing here is depriving Trixie from laying down."

Marble shook her head, exaggerating it so Trixie could see it from beneath the covers.

Pfft, no. Saying I'm sorry won't help anything. Maud and Lime are upset over what happened last week. I am too. The only way for them to feel better is if you come back over.

Trixie gave Marble a dead-pan expression. "Lime just bothered Trixie about this. Trixie has decided it'd be best for her to just meet up with Maud. Over here. Where it's safe. And not crazy."

Oh, come on! I know Lime can be scary, but I swear, since that night, she is all bark and no bite with you! Maud made it clear that Lime crossed a line that night. And I'll be there too! I...I know I didn't help things, but I'll try really hard! Just as hard as I'm trying not to wet your bed right now!


Trixie's only response was Marble gently laughing under the covers. She scowled.

"That's not funny!"

Oh come on, you know I wouldn't actually do that!

"No, she does not know that! All Trixie knows is that you're nervous a lot and that you just drank an entire glass of water! She just put two and two together!"

Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence. For the record, I'm not a bed wetter. I'm going to be nice and not bring up what you did to our kitchen floor.

Shamed and red faced, Trixie stood up. "L-look. I don't...I-"


A slight pressure on Trixie's shirt caused her to look down. Marble's hand was lightly grasped onto Trixie, giving soft, but insistent tugs. Marble had her head out of the blankets, an apologetic expression across her face. She only made eye contact with Trixie for a few seconds before looking away.


Slowly, Trixie let herself be tugged back to sitting on the bed. When she didn't move to stand up again, Marble slipped back under the covers.

I didn't mean to hurt you. When I talk with Lime we pick on each other a lot, but we never mean what we say. You're not Lime though.


That's the thing though, it's not. You have this horrible night etched in your memory as the only experience at our home. You only remember Lime acting angry and frustrated. You haven't seen any of her good side. I want you to come back to our place this weekend. Please.

"Marble...It's not that easy."

Is too. I already told you Lime won't hurt you. What's left to worry about?


...All right then. You want to be stubborn, like Lime and Maud. I'll just have to play my trump card.

Trixie eyed Marble incredulously. "Your trump card? Insisting Trixie does something repeatedly isn't going to get her to change her mind, you know."



After a minute, the blankets began to shuffle as Marble emerged. Gently, she placed the blankets on the floor, before slowly crawling over and sitting next to Trixie. They were close enough that their hips were touching. Marble gradually moved her hands over Trixie's and grasped them before completely turning away from Trixie. After several seconds, Trixie felt Marble starting to shake.

"M-Marble?" Trixie asked, nervously. "What are you doing?"

Haltingly, Marble turned her face around, freezing Trixie up entirely. Marble's eyes were like two large purple lakes, ready to spill over at the slightest provocation. She moved between biting at her lips and letting them quiver as she squeezed Trixie's hands.



Marble let out a quick sniff as her body softly began to shiver.


Saturday Afternoon...

Don't feel bad. None of my sister's could hold up for longer than a minute either. I'll let Maud and the others know your coming over tomorrow!

Trixie shook her head, re-reading the message for what felt like the tenth time before getting back to her conversation with Maud.

"You're kidding me."

Maud shook her head while walking along the sidewalk next to Trixie. Her and Trixie had backpacks on, filled with things from Trixie's house.

Trixie grit her teeth. "Trixie calls foul! After all that demon did, she is still allowed in school!?"

"There was no evidence...no pictures...and telling the police..."

"Pfft, Trixie can imagine that already. Hello, officer? Trixie would like you to arrest this girl. Oh, yes. Trixie and most of the school think she turned into a demon and blew up part of the building. So, what? We are supposed to keep going to school with that demon and accept it?"

Maud gave the tiniest shrug of her shoulders. "Most of the school hates her now..."

"Trixie...guesses that's something at least... It's still not enough though..."

Trixie prevented her legs from shaking as their destination came into view.

The Pie family household.

"I get it, Marble."

Marble raised an eyebrow. Lime growled in response.

"I said I fucking get it! I won't do anything! I can control myself, you know. I got her to come back here, didn't I?"


Lime grabbed her juice off of the kitchen table. "Isn't that enough proof then? I'll be fine, so get off my back."

Marble rolled her eyes while Lime ignored her and eyed the door.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Maud walked in, with Trixie behind her.

"So, what's it tonight, you two?" Lime asked, looking at Maud.

"...Smoky quartz..."

"Hah," Lime barked out. "I was expecting that. Fine, you two get settled and we'll be up in an hour. Okay?"

Maud looked over to Trixie, who then looked over to Marble. Marble gave a small smile and an encouraging nod.

"All right." Trixie said, a nervous edge to her voice. "I'll see you two in an hour, then?"

"Huh?" Lime looked at Trixie confusedly. "What the fuck, Trix? You aren't talking like last time you came over. Talk like that."

Trixie cautiously raised an eyebrow at Limestone, and received a challenging glare and the barest hint of a grin in turn.

"Very well then. Trixie expects to see you two in an hour then. Don't keep her waiting, or you'll miss out on some of her amazing insights."

"Hmph. Can't fucking wait."

With a small grin on her face, Trixie walked up the stairs, followed by Maud, who gave Lime an annoyed frown before leaving.

"Huh? Now what the hell did I do?" Lime looked over to Marble, who shrugged cluelessly.

Trixie was in the kitchen a few hours later, getting a drink. She also needed a little break from Maud's newest habit; wasting crackers on that rock of hers. Apparently crackers were now Boulder's favorite food. She rolled her eyes. The really strange part was that the crackers kept disappearing after a while. Trixie was sure that Marble was playing along with Maud and eating them when she wasn't looking though.

Trixie consoled herself on the fact that she at least looked decent. The last sleeping gown had to be tossed out, for obvious reasons. This one suited her better anyways. Her gown this time covered a little more, particularly her arms, and the purple color matched her eyes.

"Hey, Trix?"

She tensed at Lime's voice and quickly turned around.

"Heh, you startle easy, huh?"

Trixie glared.

Lime cracked her shoulders. "Right. Sorry. Look, I just wanted to give you a tip. It's fucking awkward for me, but I do kind of owe you for giving us a second chance."

Trixie raised an eyebrow. "And just what is this tip you wish to grace Trixie with?"

"...Okay. See, the thing is, you don't need to try so hard. You pretty much have Maud wrapped around your finger already."


Lime rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, how could I not see it? She didn't fucking take her eyes off of you for half the video. All those leg rubs and other shit you were doing, you already got through to her, okay? You're already dating, so quit trying so hard."

Trixie blinked, looked like she was about to say something, then stopped herself, and went to sit at the table. A confused Lime joined her.

Trixie pointed to Lime. "You think we're dating?"


Trixie took a moment to think through that before speaking up again. This time pointing at herself.

"You. Think Trixie and Maud are dating?"

"Is there a fucking echo in here or something? Yes!"


Trixie got up and went upstairs.

"...The fuck was that about?"

Trixie was staring at her. She had been for the last half hour. It felt nice, in an unnerving way that Maud couldn't understand. What surprised Maud most, was that Trixie continued to stare at her even when Maud stared back. Maud always looked away, like it was wrong to be caught looking at Trixie.

Apparently Trixie didn't have that issue.



Slowly, Maud blinked in confusion. Trixie nodded, seeming to come to some sort of conclusion. About what, Maud couldn't imagine.



"There is only one victor."


Trixie sighed, shaking her head. "No No, Trixie means, that every competition between two people always winds up with one coming out on top. In every endeavor, one loses, and the other wins."

Maud nodded, following along, but not sure where Trixie was trying to go with this.

"Trixie always wins, Maud."


Trixie grinned, and squatted down, Maud felt her face starting to turn red as Trixie leaned in closer.

"Good..." she almost whispered. "Trixie just wanted to make that clear beforehand. You may have started this, but Trixie intends to finish it."

Maud could listen to Trixie for hours, and had done so on occasion. But, this was one of the few times where Maud listened, and couldn't understand a thing Trixie was trying to tell her.

Without another word, Trixie went behind Maud and began rummaging through a backpack. Maud heard some shuffling of clothes, then nothing.

I wonder what that was about...

Maud didn't remember challenging Trixie to anything. So why-

Something pressed up against her back. Maud only had on a light white t-shirt, so she could feel it quite clearly. Two nubs pressed just between her shoulder blades. Arms, Trixie's arms, began lightly caressing Maud's own.

"You know," Trixie whispered, inches away from Maud's ear. "I've learned a lot about quartz since coming here. For example, the ideal shape is a six sided prism. Not two-" The nubs pressed against Maud harder for a second. "But six."

Maud felt her entire body heating up as she realized what was pressed against her. Trixie's bare arms only confirmed the state of dress Trixie was in. Right behind her.

"You know the best thing about well-formed Quartz, Maud?"

"T-Trixie, w-w-"

One of Trixie's fingers began circling Maud's earlobe. "Well-formed Quartz forms in a bed, Maud. One with unconstrained growth into a void."

Maud could feel it as Trixie exaggerated looking around the room for a few seconds.

"This room is pretty void, Maud."

Maud was sweating as Trixie went in for the kill.

"It also has a bed."

Lime lifted her hand to knock on a Maud's door, and barely managed to get out of the way as Maud burst out of it, running for the bathroom.

"What the hell?"

Laughter from inside the bedroom drew Lime's attention. What she saw in the room caused even her ashen face to redden.

"Trixie!? What the actual fuck!?"

Trixie tensed and covered her chest as she looked over at Lime. After a few seconds, the nervousness on Trixie's face was replaced with a mischievous grin, followed by her sticking her tongue out at Lime.

Lime face palmed in both embarrassment and disbelief. She quickly walked over to Maud's dresser and found one of her sisters oversized shirts before flinging it at Trixie. "For fucks sake, put something on! What the hell were you doing in here!?"

Trixie put the t-shirt on before grinning over to Lime. "All's fair in love and war. You were right, Lime. Trixie has decided that she likes Maud. So, she plans to win this, and make Maud ask her out."

"...Wait...so you two aren't dating?"

"Not yet. But, believe me, Lime. She'll crack before Trixie does."

The sound of water dripping prevented Lime's retort as she looked over to the door. Maud was completely soaked. Maud's eyes met Lime's for a few seconds before darting over to Trixie.

Trixie was proudly wearing the oversized shirt. One hand was on her waist while the other rested on her exposed legs. A pair of blue, glittery panties was barely visible below the hem of the shirt. It didn't take long for Maud to home in on the two obvious nubs of Trixie's sticking out.

For a moment, it looked as though Maud was going to last a whole ten seconds, but then Trixie glanced down at the water dripping on the floor around Maud's feet. A devilish smile crossed her face.

"You're so wet, Maud."

Maud's resolve broke. With a quick turn, she ran back to the bathroom.

"Oh, Maud" Trixie called out, standing up while laughing. "Trixie is just teasing you, come back!"

Trixie walked out of the room, following after Maud. A few seconds later, Marble peeked into the room. Lime was sitting on the bed, hands in her hair, muttering.

"Is this really what life is going to be like now? Did I really beg that fucking pervert to come back here?"

Marble nodded, and gave Lime a pat on the head.

Lime's only response was to groan in frustration.

Author's Notes:

And done! Thank to Crowscrowcrow for editing and suggestions, and all of you for commenting. I was a bit over eager, so I put this story out much faster than my norm. Finally, I can start adding the romance tag into this series!

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