
My Little Minecraft: At the End

by Journeyman

Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Meet n' Greet

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Chapter 23: Meet n’ Greet

“What I want you to do is to become the Miner’s friend, Twilight. More than anything right now, he needs to know that he is not alone in Equestria.” Luna sighed internally. She would have made it a demand that Twilight and her friends were to help, but she was far too tired to put up too much of a fuss.

“I beg your pardon, princess, but he’s far too violent to listen to us.” Twilight extended a hoof for emphasis. “He exploded a portal over Ponyville, he attacked Lyra, the Night Guard, and he put Fluttershy’s mother in the hospital. He doesn’t need friends, he needs guards.”

“All I wish is for you to give him a chance, Twilight; he deserves that much.” Something itched in the back of her mind before it clicked. “How did you know that Captain Barricade was hospitalized?”

“Oh. I was up before dawn and was asking around for anymore information. I needed to kill some time before I sent a letter to Princess Celestia.” Twilight began filling returned books away into their proper place on the many shelves. For such a small town, Golden Oaks Library was quite large.

“I thought you better than this, Twilight. Was it not so long ago when you helped me adjust to current life?” Twilight set her current book back down and her ears folded back over her skull. “‘Twas a long night and everypony trembled at my mere presence. After languishing for a thousand years in desolate cold, I return to discover no pony wants anything to do with me.This creature has no one, just like I did.”

Twilight did not return Luna’s gaze when she replied, “They only wanted you to scare them, princess.”

“Did I know such a practice?” Twilight shook her head. “I did not wish to scare them, only to make some friends. Everypony only wishes to belong. We have friends and family, Twilight Sparkle, to rely on in our darkest hours. This creature has none. You should know I above all ponies empathize with his plight.”

Twilight was silent for several minutes, chewing over her own thoughts and words carefully. Too many variables and scenarios to count collided in a viscous sludge in the depths of the librarian’s skull. All the information pertaining to the last three days was weighed, cataloged, sorted, and stored at quantum speed. All of it concluded that the creature deserved to be locked up.

“Okay, princess.” Despite the logic, she owed that much to Luna and the creature. “How do you know he’s not evil?”

“I don’t, Twilight.” Luna fought back a yawn. It was already five hours past her bedtime and trying to reason with Twilight was tiresome enough. “I only know we should. Indeed, we may be wrong, but to refuse this course of action would be an equally grave mistake if it comes to pass our suspicions prove true.” Hmmm... her royal we was leaking through.

“I hope you’re right, Princess Luna... I’ll meet you at his containment chamber after I find the girls.”

Ponyville was barren, and yet still busy. For the past few days, Twilight had grown accustomed to seeing Royal Guardponies and the occasional Night Guard wandering the small town, buying wares, or getting a quick bite to eat. For once, she did not see a single Guard across town.

The bustle caused by them had been replaced by citizens instead. Near the diner, Thunderlane had stopped by Roseluck and stuck up a chat. “I said I was up in the northern bit of town when I heard. They got him! I swear to you, they got him!”

“I – ” Roseluck’s soft voice was interrupted by the pegasus.

“Where do you think all the guards have gone? Hey, Twilight!” He had noticed the mare listening in on their conversation as she cantered by. “You’re buddy-buddy with the stallions in black. What’s up? Tell her I’m right.” He smiled smugly while Roseluck huffed in disapproval and sipped her lemonade, but she eyed Twilight curiously.

“Well, Thunderlane’s right- ”

“Ah ha! Pay up!” Roseluck grumbled and forked over a small hooffull of bits grudgingly.

Twilight was about to scamper off and fulfill her business for the day, but Roseluck stopped her. “Did anything else happen? Was anypony hurt?”

Twilight felt her eyebrow twitch in irritation; she would be caught out in the rain if this kept up. The bad weather had given the small town a momentary reprieve, but the angry clouds were only reloading for round two. However, Twilight chewed over her words carefully. True, she had acquired the proper clearance to know about Captain Barricade’s injuries, but she doubted Ponyville residents needed to know such information. “I don’t know, you two. That’s what I’m going to find out.” Before the pair could milk her for anymore morsels of information, she cantered away. It wasn’t polite to keep the princess waiting, after all.

Just like with the cafe, ponies were milling about more than usual, even with the oncoming threat of a storm hanging over their heads. They packed themselves in groups, all discussing the sudden disappearance of the Royal Guard and the increased activity in the base itself. Twilight was curious as to why there was anti-teleportation magic surrounding the entire neat grid of military tents. That was a question to be asked when she reentered the base.

Twilight sighed in exasperation. She blinked; “Where did that come from?” she asked herself. She had not done much herself in terms of finding and securing the creature, but she could not shake the sense of fatigue weighing on her mind. She felt like she had just awoken from one of her grinding sessions used to uncover magical or historical secrets lodged in ancient and dusty tomes.

Perhaps it was the sheer relief or irritation associated with the creature’s capture. Her past exploits had been quite simple: talk to a dragon, organize everypony, save the world. “How can one creature possibly cause so much trouble?” A hunt had been organized, two portals had been created, and several ponies were injured.

“And that’s just three days,” Twilight huffed. “He’d give Derpy a run for her money in terms of damage.”

Twilight tucked those thoughts away for later and brought out her umbrella. The first droplets of rain fell with the grace of tears, but even a few drops was too much for her at the moment. Securing it to her saddlebags, Twilight exited Ponyville proper.

Rainbow Dash’s house was closer than Fluttershy’s, but it was not uncommon for either to be at the other’s house. Rainbow was lazy, and Fluttershy was cowardly, so Twilight understood the rationale behind why the old friends stayed at each other’s house so often, but understood it induced... certain rumors in the gossip-ridden town.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called.

Rainbow’s house was suspended in air as it always was. Twilight made a mental note to search her books as to why cloud homes could stay in one place in great, billowing winds. At that moment, two shapes exited one of the windows. The paler shape took the extra time to close the window before they both glided to the ground. Both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy attached umbrellas to their own saddlebags.

“Fluttershy!?” Twilight asked, bewildered. Fluttershy’s coat was washed and groomed, her hair was cleaned and combed to its usual, glossy perfection, but the deep shadows around her airs and fatigued stance gave the clear impression that the mare did not sleep in the slightest. “What happened?”

“Fluttershy saw a monster last night,” Rainbow Dash replied in place of Fluttershy. “We were about to go see her mom until you stopped by.”

“That’s good! Princess Luna asked me to collect the gang and meet her at the creature’s new containment cell.” At that news, Fluttershy whimpered and hid behind her.

Anticipating a potential fit, Rainbow Dash was quick to intervene. “Don’t worry!” She flung a hoof around Fluttershy’s neck and hugged her tight. “You’ll have the rest of us by your side the entire time. Plus your mom’s there and if what I heard is true, she beat the feathers off of him already. He won’t dare to mess with your mom or Luna.”

“That’s right, Fluttershy,” Twilight added. “He’s surrounded by guards around the clock, along with magi from the Council of Magic. There is no possible way he’s escaping with all of that and Princess Luna watching his every move.”

The timid and gentle pony did not look at the pair, instead occupying her tired mind with pawing the muddy ground with a dainty hoof. “How about we meet him once?” Twilight interjected. It was almost impossible to get Fluttershy to talk when she refused to do so. A pony’s only hope of extracting her out of one of her ruts would be to offer a string of potential conversation hooks and hope she latches onto one. “If anything, it what you saw is the same creature as the one they have captured, they have conclusive proof he’s a bad guy. Okay?”

Fluttershy’s inaudible response was softer than falling snow, so much so that neither Rainbow dash or Twilight heard what she had said. “What was that?”


“Right then, let’s collect Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity and be off then.”

Twilight had caught the trio talking animatedly at Sugarcube Corner on their way to collect Pinkie. Even though Rainbow and Fluttershy could have flown and twilight teleported, all three walked to their destination; the oncoming storm had recovered its strength and projected large dollops of rainwater. It was not as severe as the previous day, but it was enough to keep a pegasus grounded. Rainbow made her displeasure very clear to the pair, an irritation that was only matched by Twilight having to listen to her.

Applejack and Rarity had commandeered a table while Pinkie and Mrs. Cake served their meager customers. It was still too early in the day for most, so Pinkie kept dancing back to her friends when she was finished with orders and continuing the conversation where she left off.

“‘Bout time they got that critter locked up. Ah coulda swore they were takin’ their sweet time.”

“You cannot possibly be suggesting the army purposely delayed themselves.”

“Not in the slightest, hun. Just sayin’ I’m glad the varmint's behind bars where he belongs.”

“Maybe I should grab some cupcakes to make him feel better?”

“Best of luck evading a battalion of armed guards, Pinkie.”

“What are they sain’ they’re goin’ tah do with ‘em?”

“They know about as much as we do, unfortunately. Supposedly the reason for the army’s sudden absence from the township is due to some meeting discussing that very topic.”


“Put down the party poppers, dearie; those are considered hazards among the guards. They won’t let you anywhere near them with those.”


“Sorry, Pinkie. Rare’s right; ain’t no pony gonna let you throw a party fer some random bugger that fell from the sky.”

“But what if the wittle walien is all wonely? He needs an emergency party intervention, STAT!”

“No. Just... no.”

Twilight’s hooves clattered against the wooden floor, summoning the attention of the trio.

“Hiya, Twilight!”

“Hi, Pinkie. Hi Applejack. Rarity.”

“I do so apologize for not making it last night; the Royal Guard kept me busy all night with orders.” Rarity flung her mane to the side and sipped her beverage. Twilight smelled the aroma of coffee: two sugars, and as black as the Tartarus Pit.

“It’s not a problem, Rarity. In fact, if you’re free, Princess Luna asked me to gather everyone and meet her at the creature’s new containment facility. We’re going to be teaching him about friendship and Equestrian culture, it seems.” The moment that sentence dripped off her tongue, Pinkie’s empty platter dropped to the counter with a clang. A smile spread across her face.

Rarity set down her coffee and pulled Twilight to her. “Let’s leave before she vibrates through the floor.”

“Mrs. Cake! Hold down the fort, I have a party to plan!”

The air was charged with equal parts thunder and tumultuous emotions. The air itself hung an oppressive question over their minds: what were they getting themselves into? Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack were in a heated discussion, while Twilight, Pinkie, and Fluttershy pondered over the mental marathon they were all about to endure. Alien life. A creature not only different from a pony, but not even home to the planet. Too many unknowns, too many questions.

“I don’t give a bit what you think, Rarity, that thing is dangerous.”

“I only wish to give the poor fellow a chance.”

“‘Poor fella’? Do ah need to remind you what he’s done so far? He’s got a longer rap sheet than Al Capony.”

“Applejack’s right! What if that thing is what scared Fluttershy?”

The air vibrated with power. The six trudged through the dirt road and grasses south of Ponyville. After meeting with a Royal Guardpony, they received directions to the creature’s new cell and set off. The ground was waterlogged with excess rainwater, and it was only bound to get worse before tapering off at the end of the week. Such terrain made travel difficult, but not impossible. Each mare was clad in their best rain gear for the wet journey. Rarity, impeccable fashion sense never faltering in the slightest, was adorned in her finest parasol and stout linens. The impending downfall sprinkled heavenly tears, dire warnings for an impending angry nature god.

The overcast sky darkened more than the recently invigorated grasses. Twilight eyed the quiet Fluttershy; she still held her head low.

“Are you alright, Fluttershy? You look awful.”

“Uh huh. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

“Princess Luna just wants us to meet with the alien. After that, you can go back home. We can take care of things from there.” Fluttershy nodded in thanks. Twilight wasn’t certain if the offer was taken with the gravity she intended. The following proceedings needed tact, taste, and a careful hoof, procedures that were second nature to Twilight, but were uncertain with the tired, timid pegasus. Twilight would rather tread carefully than bite the bullet.

The talking died and was replaced with a few hums of surprise and approval as they crested a small hill. A large tent capable of swallowing Golden Oaks Library and made of the same durable, tough fabric hung over the depression between hills. Several smaller tents lay further south, likely housing and storage units for the alien’s new containment cell. A company of Night Guards had just finished drills and was currently preparing for guard duty. A squad rocketed over their heads and continued north, performing a routine but necessary search for threats.

“Overkill much?” Rainbow joked.

They had all heard stories of the powers the creature possessed, but even they couldn’t help but wonder if almost a hundred guards was being too careful. Before they could ponder the machinations of government and military, a lone Night Guard landed before the troop, spraying a fine mist of water as his beating wings disturbed the wet grass.

“Miss Sparkle? Corporal Shade.”

“Greetings, corporal.” The rest of the group gave their introductions. Pinkie, meanwhile, was surveying everything except the tent in front of her. Excitable as she was, something else was on the uppity mare’s mind.

“We’ve been expecting you. Princess Luna has already graced us with her presence. This way.” The trip was taken in relative silence. Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow had ceased their earlier conversation. Shockingly, Pinkie had barely uttered a peep since they left Sugarcube Corner. Such docile behavior was most unlike her usual behavior.

That, more than anything, scared Twilight.

Princess Luna was waiting near the front door with a grizzled Night Guard by her side. Now that Twilight thought about it, she had yet to see a single Royal Guardpony anywhere since she set out. What was going on?

“It is good to see you, Twilight Sparkle.”


“Good morning, Princess.”


“How’s it going?”


Pinkie was, strangely enough, silent. With a quick glance upward to check for falling objects, Twilight continued. Princess, I couldn’t help but wonder, why are all the guards – ”

“Why are all the guards Night Guards?” Luna finished. Twilight nodded. “That is something you must discover. This creature does not speak. As a scholar, it is your job to talk to him.”

Bewilderment crossed their minds. The nonsequitur nature of the comment even drew the attention of Pinkie.

“Talk to him? Ah don’t understand, Princess,” Applejack inquired.

“In order to learn more about how this creature came to be and entered this world, we need to create a common dialog first. Above all, you six have been selected for the task.” Luna swayed slightly, eyes drooping. Twilight knew full well the signs of acute fatigue, having experienced them herself many times over arduous nights. “You six have proven valuable and insightful to myself and Princess Celestia many times over. Of all the ponies in Equestria, I cannot conjure any better suited for the task.”

Rarity flushed with the compliment. At the other end of the spectrum, Rainbow Dash puffed out her chest in pride. Luna stood quietly, her mane flickering in the slight wind. The group was unaccustomed to seeing her in such a brightly lit setting and it outlined every curve of her cobalt fur.

“The creature is being brought to us as we speak. Prepare yourselves for your first diplomatic adventure in cross-species communication.”

“What a drag,” Rainbow joked. The mild attempt at humor was enough to lighten the mood with a chuckle from all, even Luna.

The seconds were counted by a bounce from Pinkie. The pent up excitement from the previous minutes had begun to boil over. A smile adorned her pudgy face and her saddlebags, brimming with Celestia knows what, jingled and jangled with every movement. Every granule of sand through the hourglass produced another hop in the air. Twilight was counting the seconds by Pinkie. Sixty seven... sixty eight... sixty nine...

They did not have to wait long. A small contingent of Night Guards and a burly Fluttershy lookalike crested the same hill they crossed only moments before. Everyone was still quietly waiting for their new arrival, including Luna. Twilight opened her mouth to speak... but the words died on her tongue. Luna had her eyes closed and her chest heaving in and out slowly. A small line of spittle escaped her mouth as she quietly snored on her feet.

“Snnnkt... ha ha ha ha!” Luna lurched awake with the sound of laughter.

The Night Guard prepared himself, limbering up a few joints before their new guests arrived. The group could see the alien from there. He was tall, taller than even Captain Barricade. Sandy-brown hair adorned his head, the only semblance of a mane he possesed.

Everypony carried a different expression upon seeing him. Rarity held quiet contemplation, Applejack face was contorted in thinly-veiled disgust, and Fluttershy cowered behind Rainbow Dash.

“Girls,” the captain’s voice boomed. “Rainbow Dash. Flutters...” Barricade’s voice died on her tongue as she embraced her daughter in a tight hug. Twilight wouldn't have cared that much, but Barricade’s body language was completely different than what was expected out of a greeting embrace.

“Mom...?” Barricade did not reply. Her forehooves were wrapped tightly around Fluttershy and refused to let go. The remaining mares, minus Luna, looked away. It felt almost perverse to look upon such an open display of affection.

“I thought... I missed you Fluttershy.” Barricade pulled away, regaining her former composure. “I apologize for my inappropriate behavior, Princess.”

Luna’s face was artfully blank. “Continue, Captain.” Barricade nodded, her own face smooth. She stretched her shoulder to loosen a dull ache and introduced her guest.

“Everypony, meet the Miner.”

“...I-i-i-it’s h-h-h-im-m-m,” Fluttershy trembled. As soon as she glanced at the creature, she shrunk behind Rainbow Dash and curled into as small a ball as she could.

“Fluttershy?” Barricade questioned.

“So it is you!” Rainbow Dash yelled angrily.

In just a moment, the mood had shifted from loving kindness to bristling anger and bewilderment. Luna’s poker face betrayed confusion, as did Barricade’s and the alien’s. His eyes darted from Barricade, to Luna, and landed on the quivering cream-colored feathers huddling behind the raging mass of hate glaring right back at him.

“Everypony calm down. Fluttershy, what are you talking about?” Barricade asked. The alien scratched his growing beard as if he had no clue what was happening in front of him.

Fluttershy was not the one who responded to her mother’s demand, but Rainbow. “He was chasing after Fluttershy last night. He was trying to hurt her.”

“Oh?” Barricade raised an eyebrow. Luna, too looked on curiously.

“Fluttershy, are you certain he’s the same one?” Twilight asked calmly in hopes of defusing the tense atmosphere.

“Uh huh. But... the eyes are different. They were white. L-like they were glowing.” Fluttershy peeked over Rainbow’s back and hid once again, not daring to lock her eyes with his. Her meager courage was running out as it was.

“What time, Fluttershy?”

Unseen in her hiding place, Fluttershy thought for a moment. The loose camaraderie Barricade had with the creature tightened and threatened to snap. He seemed to sense a change in emotions as he eyed Barricade curiously. Her own eyes narrowed coolly. If he did hurt Fluttershy...

“I-i saw him about ten minutes after I left Twilight’s house.”

“Nine fifty.” Twilight clarified.

“Making it ten o’clock.” That seemed to surprise Barricade more than anything so far, including her unintended hug for her daughter. “Fluttershy, I fought him at nine fifty five. I captured him at ten. He couldn’t have been there.”

“It has to be him! Who else could it have been?” Rainbow demanded.

“I have to agree with her.”

“Rarity? Really? You were rooting for him only ah couple o’ minutes ago.”

“I am only thinking rationally, Applejack.” Rarity and the alien watched each other. Rarity’s sense of detail absorbed everything. His body, his posture, his eyes, all of him was drunk in just a moment. “If he is indeed the alien, who else could it be? There aren’t any creatures quite like him.”

“That still does not change the fact he couldn’t have been there,” Barricade said. “I was schedule to work at ten and encountered him,” she nudged her head in his direction, “well before that. I don’t know what you saw, Fluttershy, but it couldn’t have been him.”

Barricade thought for a moment. “Nevertheless, it wouldn’t be wise to disregard this information. Corporal?” Corporal Shade had been silent the entire time. Saluting, he awaited his orders. “Take Fluttershy’s statement. The rest of you,” she turned to the remaining five, “step inside. It’s time to meet your new charge.”

Together they meandered into the open tent. The alien examined them curiously, while his gaze was returned with suspicion and outright disdain. Nevertheless, it did not bother the creature. Following Barricade, he walked to the center and plopped down on the grass. The tent was unremarkable in of itself, but the walls were lined with Night Guards waiting calmly for their prisoner.

“Secure the room,” Barricade called to the Magi waiting outside. A shimmering barrier enveloped the entire tent,locking the corporal and Fluttershy outside

Twilight made the brave first step towards the creature. “Hello... my name is Twilight Sparkle.” The alien blinked and locked his eyes with hers, but said nothing. “Uhhh... my name is Twilight Sparkle and I’m a student to Princess Celestia. We are here as diplomatic representative of Ponyville and Equestria as a whole in order to establish a common dialog and friendship between our races.”


Barricade stopped at the door before leaving. “I forgot to mention something. He doesn’t talk.” Barricade tapped the barrier and the Magi created a hole for her to walk through before sealing it once again.

“What!?” Twilight’s ears flattened against her skull and she moaned, “This is going to be harder than I thought.”

“Come on, Twi; if we’re really gonna do this, you gotta think of somthin’.”

Twilight shrugged. “What do we do? I don’t know how to talk to a mute.” She laughed internally. “I wonder how Pinkie is going to take someone not being able to – Pinkie!?”

While Twilight was talking, Pinkie was rooting through her saddlebags and pulled out an apple. Balancing it on her nose, she pranced to the creature and tossed him the fruit. He caught it with a surprised look on his face, and he wasn’t the only one.

“Pinkie, what are you doing?” Rainbow whined.

“Listen up! Teacher Pinkie is about to begin class!” Pinkie plunged her hooves into the ground and dug small trenches in the dirt. The alien was now as baffled as the mares and even some of the soldiers.

Pinkie shot up, moist earth staining her hooves and dappling her coat. A single word was scratched into the dirt.


“Apple, wittle walien.” She pointed towards the fruit. “Apple.”

The alien blinked, examining the apple in his large hands. Pinkie was bouncing on her hooves, waiting with bated breath for his response. Slowly, he extended a finger and drew his own text into the dirt.

He pointed towards the figure, and then to the apple. Twilight blinked and nodded in appreciation to Pinkie. “Okay; we’re getting somewhere.”

Minecraft/MLP:FIM crossover.
For chapter updates and my ramblings, visit my page on Fimfiction HERE.
Barricade is a character by KnightMysterio that I have been graciously allowed to use.
Chapter Commentary: LINK
Edited by: Material Defender

Next Chapter: Chapter 24: Enemy of My Enemy Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 28 Minutes
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