
The Little Things

by GeekySonic

Chapter 1: I Don't Feel So Alone

I Don't Feel So Alone

The stillness of the house was absurd. Could it be true that less than an hour ago, it had been filled with music, chattering, and laughter? Now the occupants lay sprawled, on beds or sleeping bags on the carpet. But not everyone was sound asleep.

Twilight Sparkle raised her head. She heard a soft snoring emanating from the bedroom down the hall. Her friends had all fallen asleep earlier. Once she had decided it was safe, Twilight had grabbed her book, flashlight, and blanket, sneaking into the living room away from them. Subconsciously, she had noticed that Rarity had snuggled up to AJ sometime in her sleep.

Now, Twilight settled in a corner, hoping she could get in at least a good solid hour of reading. More than enough time to finish her book. She had no problem with her friends, but Twilight didn't want her bedtime task to awaken anyone else. Better to do it alone.

Sighing in content, Twilight opened the book, breathing in the sweet scent of crisp, new paper. She flipped ahead to where she had left off. Twilight wasn't like most readers. When she had a book, that book was her reality. Whenever she stopped, her reality was simply paused. She didn't need to read a little to remind herself what was happening. She just jumped right back in.

Twilight’s fingers skimmed over the page as she mouthed the words printed on it. It was awkward to hold the flashlight and book at once, but the discomfort quickly faded, as Twilight drifted into the fictional world entrapped inside. She was so lost in the novel that she didn’t notice the presence of someone standing directly behind her.

"Hey, Twilight."

Twilight eeped in surprise. She fumbled, and both the book and flashlight clattered to the floor as she shot up. Twilight looked around wildly, the blanket falling to her ankles.

"Gah! Sorry, sorry! Clumsy!" Twilight sputtered in a panicked voice. Straining her eyes, she saw the person who had joined her. The distinctive curly red hair with golden streaks stood out immediately. Twilight felt a mixture of dread and anticipation.

Sunset Shimmer looked on in mild amusement.

"You're up late." She remarked.

Twilight knelt down to retrieve her book and flashlight. "I know, I'm  sorry, I was just a little restless, and I didn't want to disturb anyone, so I just came out here, and-"

"I think I get the picture," Sunset cut her off. She stood awkwardly for a second, and then gestured to Twilight’s spot. "Mind if I join you?"

Twilight felt a ball of ice form in her stomach. "Uh...sure?" She licked her lips, but her tongue seemed even drier.

Sunset walked over to where Twilight was. Twilight gulped silently as she sat down, Sunset following suit. Her hip was touching Twilight’s, and Twilight felt a thin layer of sweat on her forehead.

Unsure of what to do, Twilight simply resumed reading when Sunset said nothing. She barely got a page in before Sunset spoke up.

"Twilight, are you happy?"

Twilight lowered the book, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Sunset bit her lip, as if she were struggling with something.

"I mean, are you happy... with me?"

The ball of ice turned into a hailstorm.

"What? Of course I am." Twilight said a little too fast.

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Really? Because it sure seems like you've been avoiding me."

Twilight felt her face burning. She stuttered, grasping for words.

"That-That's not true, it's just- I don't know, I mean, I’m not sure if-"

"Please just tell me, Twilight. Do you not want to be with me?"

"Of course I do!" Twilight sputtered, flabbergasted. "It's just... I don't know if I... can."

Sunset gave her a confused look. "How do you mean?"

Twilight carefully thought for a moment.

"E-Every time I see you, I see- it's like I'm looking at a model. Sculpted, and perfect. And you're just so... perfect!"

Sunset rolled her eyes slightly.

"No, I mean it. The compassion you show, your dedication, your infectious laugh. I know I can rely on you, and that you would do everything in your power to be there for me. I admire everything about you."

"I didn't know this was 'National-Flatter-Sunset-Shimmer-Day'." Sunset chuckled, covering a smile. "So, why can't you... you know."

Twilight put her head in her hands, again dropping her items.

"Because... I'm just... me. I'm trying to change, but I'm still the same stupid girl that tried to destroy the universe. I can’t change. And whenever I'm with you, it's just a constant reminder of what I have done, what I could have done... and how I will never deserve to be with you."

Twilight realized that she had started crying sometime in the middle of her little spout. After what seemed like centuries of silence, Sunset spoke up, forcing her voice not to shake.

"Is that really what you think?"

She sighed, leaning her arms on her knees.

"I never once considered myself to be perfect. Nobody is. But I got where I am because someone gave me chance. A chance that I didn't deserve. I am where I am thanks to my friends. But before that, I was...I was actually kinda like you."

Twilight turned her head to look at Sunset. Her voice had almost lowered to an inaudible whisper. Twilight wiped an eye, not daring to interrupt.

"I grew up surrounded in knowledge. And I wanted more. I wanted more, because it gave me power. It made me feel important. I... I hurt people to get what I wanted, Twi.

"And, I didn't think I could ever change back. I thought everyone would hate me forever, and I would never move past it."

"H-Have you?"

Sunset smiled a half-smile. "Yes, I have. There are still times when I think back about what I did, and I get a little down. It's hard. But I moved past it. This is who I am now. And I know you're strong enough to make it, just like I did."

Sunset was surprised to discover her eyes watering as well. Twilight looked like she might break out into sobs.

"B-But why? W-W-What makes me so special?"

Sunset looked Twilight straight in the eye.

"Because when I look at you, I see something that reminds me of me. I see someone who's been through the nightmares that haunt me every night. But I also see you. I see the will and strength that I only wish I had. I see the most beautiful girl in the whole, wide world."

The two girls sat in silence. Heart pounding, Twilight drew her knees close to her chest.

"I...Thank you, Sunset. I needed to hear that."

Sunset scooted closer. "I love you, Twilight. I will always belong with you."

Twilight wiped again at her face. "Me too. I mean- with you, not, I love me and belong with myse-"

Sunset shushed her with a finger over her lips. "Don't worry, I get the picture."

Twilight gave a small giggle. "Sorry. I just... I wish I could say why you make me so happy, without getting all- you know."

"It's easy," Sunset smiled. "Just start with the little things. I'll go first."

Sunset pondered for a second.

"I love your adorable smile."

Twilight hesitated, before opening up. "I love...the charming way your eyes glimmer when you're happy."

Sunset leaned her head against the side of Twilight’s. "I love the sweet lilac smell of your hair."

"I-I love the way you... hold me when we read together."

Taking this as a cue, Sunset wrapped an arm around Twilight, hugging her close.

"I love the mesmerized look on your face whenever you pick up a book."

"I love the-the warmth I feel from you." Twilight realized she was blushing now.

Sunset closed her eyes, yawning. "I love the sound of your voice."

Twilight paused. The dire sensation had fled her a while ago, and was replaced by a cool, comfortable desire. She reached her own arm around Sunset, picking up her book with the other hand.

"I have Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds. Do... do you want me to read it to you?"

Sunset smiled, already feeling sleep tugging at her as she snuggled with Twilight. Still, she answered softly before she drifted away.

"I'd love that."

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