
Sonic Adventure: Sonic Riders 4 Ever

by Mariana Deep

Chapter 8: Rev up that Gear: Enemy or Respect

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"Spike!" Both of them yelled. "Where the hell have you been?!"

Spike jumped back a little, shocked and kind of scared that girls seemed to be so distraught over his absence. "Hey calm down, I just went out for a little ride."

Suddenly they stepped forward and grabbed Spike by his shoulders. "You leave in the middle of the night and think we wouldn't notice huh? We're trying to become friends here, you just can't up and leave on us."

"Ok ok, you're creeping me out with the talking in unison thing, I was just outside taking a midnight ride, that's all."

Both them let out a sigh of relief as Lindsey spoke up. "I'm terribly sorry Spike, we were just... worried."

"Right yea..." Korbin added.

Spike sighed. "What am I, some kind of drama magnet. Anyway, I can't neccissarily talk because well, it's my turn."

"Your turn for what?" Korbin confusingly asked.

"Well...my turn to do a little apologizing. See, when I was out on this ride, I kind of met someone."

"Oooooh, like a girl?"

"Well yes...just not for the reason you might think?"

Korbin suddenly was in Spike's face, eyes as wide as saucers and pupils focused directly on his."Details..." she whispered. "Every single one..."

Spike placed his finger on her forehead and slowly pushed her away. "Let's take a step back...little more...little more...there ya go. Now look, I don't want you guys to be mad, but I was thinking and she was thinking, and we were thinking in the same place, and we got to talking and turns out, she's pretty nice, not to mention a top-notch EX-tuner."

"Well don't leave us in the dark, tell us her name stud."

Spike sighed, breathing in and out of his nose as he prepared to introduce the lion to the wolves. Spike then motioned behind him as another figure appeared in the doorway. "Guys, I want you to meet..."

"Wave?!" They both responded.

"Uh...yea...hi..." she responded.

"Spike?" Korbin asked with anger in her soul.

"I said don't be mad."

"That was before I knew it was her, what is she doing here?"

"Well...like I said, we met, we talked, and now we're working together."

"Oh no no, there is no way she is stepping foot in here." Korbin quickly growled before taking a pouncing stance. "I want her out!"

"Woah Woah, you guys are acting like she's the devil, I mean yeah she's done some pretty bad things but--"

"Pretty bad, she ruins everything her and her stupid Babylonian Rogues touch. She even called me a putty cat and I hate it."

"Wait, a what?"

"A putty cat!" she said hissing in the direction of the bird.

"What even is a putty ca-- Actually nevermind, I don't want to know."

Wave sighed then pushed Spike out of the way a little. "Listen or don't I don't care, I just want to apologize for everything that I might have done to you guys and anyone else."

"Yeah right, you're playing Spike to get on his good side aren't you?"

"I'm trying to apologize you big housecat."

"You looking for a fight you big cockatoo?!" Korbin quickly responded.

"No, I didn't mean it like that, I'm trying to say I'm sorry you idiot."

"You're doing one hell of a job at it."

"Look if you let me explain instead of shooting up at every statement I make, we would be ok!"

"Then why don't you apologize like a normal person instead of adding these sarcastic comments in!"

"It's just the way I am, you think this is easy!"

"I do! I wouldn't have accepted it anyway. Anybody who hangs around Jet is not worth my time!"

"Let me explain and maybe you'll figure out why I'm here!"

"No." she responded like a small child would.


"I said no."

Korbin then sat on the ground, legs crossed, eyes closed, and turned her attention away from Wave. "What the? Don't you ignore m--" Wave was suddenly cut off my Korbin meowing in her face. Still, Wave pursued only to be interrupted by Korbin's obnoxious attitude again and again. "You think this is some kind of joke?!"

"When the big cockatoo is involved, it might as well be."

Wave's face was that pure anger. If it weren't for physics, steams would be spewing out her. "I swear you're just a little putty cat."

Korbin's eyes then shot open as the words entered her ears. Slowly but angrily, she got up and now the two were face to face. "Call me that again?"

"Oh, you think I won't. You...are...a baby, a kitty, a little...putty cat."

Their eyes met, the spark noticeably visible between them.

"Lin Lin...call an ambulance...because this bird is going to need a feather transplant when I'm done with her!" she screamed as she tackled Wave to the ground. Within seconds they were rolling around ferociously wrestling, the sounds of the entire event echoed through the house and out of it as the door was still open. As Spike attempted to make his way around the disagreement, they both stood up ready to continue fighting. Unfortunately, Spike was stuck in the middle of them both. Wave proceeded to remove a wrench from thin air and swing it up high. Spike ducked only to see Korbin's claws coming directly at him. Quickly he jumped only to see the wrench coming at him again. Like an acrobat, he was forced to dodge wrench after claw, again and again, contorting his body in different ways and positions to avoid the danger. "Lindsey do something quick!"

"Oh dear, j-just give me a sec to think, um..."

"Hurry up, their strikes are getting closer and closer.

Lindsey stood as Spike continued to dodge, watching his movements closely. She then whipped her tail into the maelstrom allowing Spike to grab on. She quickly pulled him out and watched as the two continued to clash. "Whew, you ok Spike?"

"Fine, I'm fine, just relieved." he said catching his breath. "so what happened between you guys that made this," he uttered nervously looking back upon the fight. "Disagreement happen?"

"Well..." Lindsey began before Korbin screamed out.

"Put the wrench down and fight me like a man!"

"We're women idiot!" Wave shot back before Korbin smacked the wrench out of her hand rocketing the metal tool into Spike's head and sending him to the ground.

Spike awoke 2 hours later to silence. With his vision heavily blurred and his head pounding in pain, he struggled to figure out what happened. Moments later he was finally able to see that the fight had solved nothing. Wave was on one side room silent while Korbin was on another. "Oh Celestia my head."

"Spike!" Both of them screamed before rushing to his aid. "Are you ok? Why do you care?" they shot back at each other. "You're the reason he was knocked out in the first place, don't act like you care about him!"

"Can you two maybe keep it down?" Spike politely asked.

To no one's surprise, they ignored Spike's request and continued to fight amongst themselves. "Say you're sorry! No, you say it! I shouldn't have to say it, I'm not the one who knocked him out."

"Wave, Korbin, any chance we could tone it down a bit, my head really hurts."

Once again his request fell against deaf ears. "Spike is our friend," Korbin growled. "He's on our team and we met him first."

"Well, he said I could be on the team too!"

"Nobody wants you here, you're just trying--"

"Would you two shut up!" Spike yelled at the top of his lungs. Both of them stopped dead in their tracks, eyes wide and mouth agape. "I swear I've never seen a more immature bunch of animals, I mean I have, but you two are something else! You would think that me getting dropped to the floor would do something for you but no, you two seem intent on continuing this!"

"Oh boy," Wave replied. "My bad Spike I didn't mean to escalate it like this."

"Yes, she did," Korbin whispered.

"That's it." Spike slowly rose to his feet and proceeded to sit on the center of the bed, legs crossed and nostrils seething with smokey rage. He then pointed to two spots directly in front of him. "Sit."

"But Spike?"

"I said sit. And for the love of all that's holy, stop talking in sync." They both took their seats, crossing their legs, and facing him. "No no no, facing each other." An unpleasant sigh left both their mouths as they turned to face each other. "Now, I'm gonna ask someone here to tell me what happened and then we're gonna resolve this entire thing, am I understood?" They both looked at him with that annoyed expression. "I said," he said as his eyes began to glow a luminescent green. "Is. That. Understood?" Both of them became stiff as boards as they nodded. "Good, now please, someone tell me what happened?"

"I'll do the honors I guess." Wave quickly responded. "I am the one apologizing here."

Korbin growled at this act of apology. "Why should she get to the story first, she'll just lie her way out of this." Spike shot his glowing annoyance at her and growled. "Um...go right ahead Wave...I'll just shut up."

"Ok look, I've been...apart...of the Babylon Rouges for a long time. We were a team no matter what, through every race and job, even though they got on my nerves like little babies I had to babysit on a weekday. Of course, when Jet suggests something that sounds a bit crazy, I'm skeptical at first, but I usually go along with it, which isn't my best decision mind you. When he asked me to sabotage Sonic's board during the first World Grand Prix, I was against the idea partially, but in reality, I liked Jet, like really really liked Jet. And I maybe he'll acknowledge me if I do this. maybe he'll stop being a jerk for one day so that I can finally pop the question, but our race, Team Babylon and Team Flora, that was the final straw."

Spike turned his head towards Lindsey in confusion. "Hey don't look at me, we were going through a weird naming process."

"This particular Grand Prix," Wave continued. "ended up with our two teams as the finalist racing in the nostalgic Megalo Station. 2 laps was the goal and in order to win, the majority of the team had to hit that finish line first. It was about teamwork, working together to cross the finish line as a group instead of individually. That is until around the end of the second lap that something happened that I'll always regret. Jet and Storm were ahead of the group while I had gotten stuck in the back of the pack. If I didn't do something, we would lose and Jet would hate me forever. Spike, you of all animals have to understand the place I was in when this happened, I was scared, scared of being shunned like a reject by the hawk I thought I knew ...the reason they were looking for a third member in the first place was because of me, I ruined that dragon's career..."

"Dragon?" Spike uttered.

His name was Kindro the flame, a dragon like you. He was so unique...so special, unlike any rider you'd ever seen before." A noticeable scowl formed on Korbin's face as she continued. "That mobian had the twice the reflexes any professional rider had, a speed that rivaled even sonic on EX-gear, and such a passion for the sport and care for his board that seemed like he was on fire. Jet made the order, "we needed to win, just get him out of the way already" was all he kept repeating to me. We need to win, we need to win, remove him, push him, do something..." Her face began to show that of sorrow and regret, a single tear trickling down her cheek. " He just kept going and going and going until I just couldn't take it anymore! I snapped...I snapped, I exploded, I pushed him. Not planned, not calculated, not even a single thought toward the action, I just shoved him, so hard, that I almost fell off my own board. Spike...t-there was...there was this truck...it came out nowhere...and he couldn't dodge in time...there was no jumping over it, no avoiding it. I-I tried to make up for it..." she said getting loud in her tone. "I tried, I tried so hard do anything, v-v-visit him, I sent flowers, I told Jet wanted to be done with trickery and the cheating a-and...tried to do anything to make up for it...but...when Jet demanded I stop going to the hospital and focus on work, I gave in...still under his wing, and yet I knew there is no excuse for what I did...Even with Jet squawking in my ear over and over, In the end, I made the choice to push him... and no amount of regret can fix that."

Korbin became increasingly agitated, her eyes staring daggers into Wave's as her claws began to emerge. "It was because of you that he quit, It was because of you that he wanted nothing to do with us!"

"You think I want to go around just hurting people because we're "The fastest things on EX-Gear," It's demeaning, it's ruined my freaking life."

Tears began to stream from Korbin's eyes as well before her claws came into sight and angrily took hold of Wave's shirt. With no hesitation, she pulled her in close and angrily stared into her soul, the fire emitting from her eyes as if she were a demon herself. "You have some nerve coming in here like you didn't do what you did, you tore us apart!"

Wave angrily took hold of Korbin's leotard, equally matching her anger. "Bite me cat, I didn't mean to it, I didn't mean to do any of it to anyone!"

"You knew exactly what you were doing you crazy bird! Because of you, he stopped racing! And because he stopped racing, he stopped caring! It's your fault we stopped talking, your fault we stopped everything... I loved him...How do you make up for that?"

"I don't fucking know..." Wave uttered, both of them letting go of the other's shirt and slowly sliding back down to their knees. "I can't ever make up for something like that...I'm a stupid bird who made a stupid mistake and because of that, I'm paying for it now. I was messed up, years and years under the wing of that jerk turned me into something I didn't want to be in the first place. I hated myself and everything about me...even my crush on that green bird going squawk squawk all the time. I never wanted to hurt people, I just wanted to hunt for treasure like when we first formed the rogues, then we realized just how good we were at it and started stealing things we didn't deserve to have, even if it was our birthright. I mean treasure hunting is stealing in and of itself but doesn't hurt innocent people, it doesn't cheat the wrong people...I just wanted an honest life and being with them wasn't going to make that happen. So 2 months ago, I ditched the crew and have been living on my own ever since. I know there is no escaping my consequences but just know, I'm not trying to take advantage of anyone, I'm just trying to say my bad. Well there you go, the full story of Jet, my abusive ex-family, drove me to do something I never wanted to do. But even then, I'm sure you won't accept my apology since I'm kinda the reason you guys went off the grid for so long so...I think it's weird now...so I'm gonna go." Wave proceeded to stand up from the bed, grabbing her oh so precious wrench from the floor as she neared the door.

"W-wait!" Spike said as he ran to block the door. "Y-you can't leave."

"Come on Spike, you just saw what happened, it's over."

"N-no, I'm not letting you leave. I remember what you told me after we got saved by Sonic out there, in that alley. No one trusts you, no one will even give a chance, those 2 months you've been living on your own--"

"Spike I told you not mention that..."

"Living on your own means being offered a chance to actually live somewhere, anywhere, instead you've been homeless, out on the streets eating scraps, living under god knows what."

"Dammit Spike shut the h--"

"You were going end it all on that cliff...try and run from your pain and by walking out of this house, you're doing the same thing. I won't let you."

As Wave was about to furiously retort, a sudden warmth around her hand made her turn back to crying Korbin. "Wave...I'm sorry for how things turned out..."

"I always knew Jet was quite the character, but I never considered him to be that abusive," Lindsey added. "Wave I...I don't what to say."

"Even with that..." Korbin continued. Wave was about to say something when she stopped when a stinging pain pierced her cheek, raising her hand up attempting to comfort it. "I don't want to forgive you, I don't. You have no idea how much I just want to sink my claws into you right now, for all the pain you've caused me, Lin Lin and Kindro. But...I have to forgive you...you didn't want to live that life...and deep down, I've always had the feeling...that something wasn't quite right about you, that you were hiding your true self somewhere in there. She then lifted her head to her with a smile. "I'm glad I was right, call it a kitty's intuition." Korbin hopped off the bed as well and embraced Wave into a hug. "I'm...not sure I like the idea of embracing my sworn enemy, but it feels...good to make a new friend."

"OK ok, enough with the sappy talk, I'm glad you forgive me." She said wiping her tears. "Oh man, just look at you runts, making me all sappy and sad."

"Oh lookie Lin Lin, she's acting all tough, it's so cute. Come on Wave, you know you wanted to get all emotional in the first place didn't you?" Korbin said teasing Wave as she poked her annoyingly.

"Ugh, no I didn't, just drop it already."

"Then why are we hugging?"

"I don't know...I was dragged into it. Just...don't tell anyone this happened cool?"

"I'm so posting this to everyone."

"Don't you guys know how to keep a freaking secret?"

Spike sighed before falling back on the bed. "Geez, my head is still pounding from that wrench."

"Yea...my bad on that one, didn't know she would slap it out of hand like that."

"We're not gonna have to take you to a hospital, are we?" Lindsey asked with a slight chuckle in her voice.

"What kind of dragon can't handle a little head trauma here and there, I'm used to it by now."

Lindsey placed a hand upon Spike's chest, pushing him back down to the bed and sitting next to him. "Korbin, why don't you show Wave your garage."

"That. Is. A great idea, come on Wave!"

"Hey wait a minu--"

Her words were cut off when Korbin yanked her in the direction of the garage. It was then that Lindsey placed a hand upon Spike's shoulder. "I must personally thank you for doing that...we've been at odds with the rogues for a while now."

"It was no problem really, I handle stuff like this back in my world all the time."

"What are you, some kind of guru?"

"I wish..." he uttered before catching a confused eye from Lindsey. "Well you know, friendship guru and all. I'm kind of just the support in the grand scheme of things, the assistant. The true friendship solver is Twilight, and the rest of the gang, I've always kind of just been the necessary background pony. Important, but not really neede--"

Spike was met with a snap in front of his face. "Enough of the negativity Mr. Guru because you seem like the leader of your own story right now. Braving the dangers of this world to try and get home, sounds like you're the main character all right."

"Sounds like a small detour to me."

"You really think so?"

"I mean yea since it will probably be the same exact routine when I get back."

"Have you thought about... perhaps staying here?"

"Hmm? Oh, no way, I have to get back or my friends or they'll be worried sick about me, Twilight will most likely tear through a dozen dimensions at that point to find me. And I care way too much about them to let them go so I'd tear through a dozen dimension too I suppose."

After a few moments of thought, she began to giggle, her failed attempt to hold it in. "I really do like you Mr. Spike, your brand of friendship is quite contagious like a family has for each other."

"Hey in my world, it literally is magic."

"Where do you even get the money to buy all this? Wave asked as they re-entered the room.

"That is a secret that I shall tell no soul," Korbin replied.

"Lindsey, I'm starting to think your sister is hoarding because she has a ton of gear and apparently an infinite amount of income."

"That isn't news to me," Lindsey said with a chuckle. "She won't even tell me where it comes from."

"That's for me to know and you guys never to find out. Now, since we have a brand new mechanic, where we all gonna sleep?"

"I suppose Wave can sleep in your bed, you did just kiss and make up after all."

Wave scratched her head and turned away. "Yea, I don't think so. We just made up, importance on the word, 'just'. Are you trying to make it awkward Lindsey?"

"You could take the couch." Spike chimed in. "Not as comfy as a bed but it's something."

Wave raised an eyebrow at that offer. "But won't that mean you'll be on the floor?"

"I'm a dragon, I've slept on cave floors for a living, no need to worry."

Wave cracked a smile before shrugging. "Suit yourself."

Korbin handed her the spare cover and pillow that Spike refused earlier and they took their positions to sleep. Having been up until about 2 in the morning, the gang found themselves dead asleep until about 11 o'clock. Korbin was the first to wake up, doing some common stretches alongside some unusual ones only a cat could perform. She then roused everyone from their slumber with a loud meow causing Lindsey to angrily groan before rolling over. "I thought I informed you not to do that anymore?"

"Sorry sorry, force of habit. Besides, today's the first day of many right?"

"I'm not quite as forgetful as you are."

"I'm not forgetful at all, I remembered today."

"Did you remember grandpa's birthday was yesterday?"


"Did you even get him a present dear?"


"As I thought. Everyone, please wake up, it's time to begin our training."

Spike got up and stretched ever so slightly letting out a little flame as he yawned. "We're doing what now?"


"Oh yea, the Grand Prix," he said with a yawn. "Any chance that maybe I can get like 10 more minutes?"

"Unfortunately no, you cannot get 10 more hours of sleep."

"I said minutes not hours."

"I understood what you meant dear.."

"Damn...Wave's still out cold, and I don't wanna get hit with that wrench again so..."

"I'll take care of I--"

"No need." Wave said into her pillow. "I'm up already."

Lindsey smiled and began to put on her boots. "Good, now let's tidy up and get moving shall we?"

After the usual hygiene, at least for Mobians, they all proceeded out of the house and into the streets, EX-Gear under their feet. Wave held her stomach in hunger as they neared the road back into the city. "I hope breakfast in on the agenda."

"Oh, you bet!" Korbin screamed. "I know the perfect place." An hour later, they exited the door of that "perfect" restaurant, everyone's faces confused. "Oh man, that was great."

"When I said breakfast, I meant breakfast, as in pancakes or some nice bacon and eggs."

"That was breakfast wasn't it?"

Lindsey sighed. "That was a sushi place Korbin."

"Hey, sushi is good."

"Perhaps for lunch or dinner but we're not like you, we don't eat fish every minute of every day."


Spike tapped his belly watching it jiggle a little. "Well, you did manage to fill us up so I guess it's not all bad."

"Yay, I knew Spike would like it."

"So where exactly are we going for our illustrious training Lindsey."

Lindsey pointed to the highway. "We're heading down east to the Dolphin Resort."

"A dolphin Resort? What's a dolphin exactly?"

"It's like a friendlier version of a shark," Korbin added.

"A shark?"

"Have you...ever actually seen a shark or anything?"

"I've seen a seapony."

"Now there are ponies in the sea?" Wave asked with slight confusion in her voice.

"Yea, they were pretty off the radar for a while but we ended up saving their kingdom and well, all of Equestria really and they rejoined the world.

"Your world sounds so weird." Wave said with a chuckle. Lindsey motioned the team on their way and soon they found their way back onto the highway. "Darn, I don't have my tuning gear, everything I need to work is still on the airship with that stupid Jet."

Spike quietly cheered as the thought crossed his mind. "We can ask Rotor for some help since he's an EX-tuner too."

"Rotor? That freedom fighter who's friends with Sonic? Ugh...Yay, more apologizing."

"Don't you worry your beak about it." Lindsey chimed in. "If this Rotor is friends with Sonic, he'll be more than forgiving."

After what seemed like an eternity of explanation and apologizing, the gang was finally able to return to the highway, a happy Wave in tow. "You weren't kidding, these guys really are buddy buddy with everyone they meet."

"Nice of him to lend you that tool kit too," Korbin said.

"Nice? Nice? It's downright insane that he lent me a one of a kind vintage Meteotech tool kit, the first generation of tuning kits for EX-Gear. Do you know how valuable this is?"

"More than forgiving as I said," Lindsey replied. "We're coming up on the exit, turn here everyone."

Upon doing so, they slowly made their way into a tunnel which conveniently led underwater and back up again. When they emerged they were greeted by a sea of wonder. The path was surrounded on both sides by an endless void of water while arcs of it shot over the path defying gravity. A giant dome of water sat in the distance while dolphins happily swam beside and under the path. Inside the nearby building were fountains going all the way down to a large ramp with a waterfall covering the edge. "Wow..." Spike uttered. "It's like a giant water park."

"It's actually Dolphin Resort." Korbin jokingly added. "Just thought I'd let you know, you know?"

Spike's eyes rolled as he smiled back at her."I know what it's called Korbin, I'm just saying, there's a lot of water here." As Spike walked to the edge of the path and instantly, a dolphin broke the surface, making him reel back a bit before realizing he wasn't in danger. "So this...is a dolphin?"

"Yep yep." Korbin happily said as she crouched next to him. "They're so cute and innocent and they never ever attack anyone so they're like the perfect animal. Go on, pet it?"

"Pet the dolphin?"

"Yea, they're super friendly anyway, they won't mind."

Spike placed his hand atop the dolphin's head and rubbed gently. "Wow, it's smooth, kinda rubbery."

Lindsey took her place next to Spike placing her hand atop the dolphin's head as well. "They need less friction to move through the water thoroughly and so, rubbery skin."

"Kinda like scales, just for water."

"I wouldn't put it that way but yes, like scales for water. Anyway, there's no time to waste if we are to be the best at this Grand Prix. We'll start off in the building over there."

"Right, see ya later little guy." Korbin cooed.

As everyone made their way over to Lindsey, Wave began to pull out the tools one by one, letting Lindsey begin her lecture. "Everyone knows the basics already but in Spike's case, we'll have to review. We only have a couple of days until the Grand Prix kicks off so let's get started with basics while Wave does what she does best."

"Like no Mobian's ever seen before." Wave uttered as she had already begun working on Lindsey's board.

"Now Spike, first things first, addressing your quite comedic screw up in our initiation race with the timer and the barrier." Spike couldn't help but scratch his head in embarrassment. "The race doesn't officially begin until that timer hits zero, and ten seconds is what you get before you need to be off that starting line and into the course. The trick to this is to mentally count those seconds off in your head once the beeping starts. Once you reach 1 second, kick off so that you meet the starting the moment the electric field drops. This will be your best possible chance of holding first place earlier."

"So listen to the beeps and kick on the last second to have the best chance for an early first place lead?"

"You got it."

Oh oh, can I do the next one?" Korbin interrupted.

"Spike is the student here, so be my guest."

"Awesome! Listen soldier, class is in session!"

"This isn't a military operation Korbin."

"Ugh fine fine, ruin the fun. So next up is items. Items are your secondary advantage in a race. They may be different this year so it's best you know the types of items. Leader items are meant to slow down the competition behind you making sure you stay in first place. I think last time it was a cute little squiddy or something that shot ink behind you. Anyway, next are follower items which help you slow the competition ahead of you. One time it was a giant ice ball that rolled everyone up, another time it was a horde of giant bees."

"Actually Korbin, I don't that's accurate." Lindsey quickly corrected. "That was for an entirely different gimmick, racing transformed or something to that effect.

"You mean when they were driving cars?"

"Yes. As a matter of fact, they a new team racing event going on in the future with cars."

"How many gimmicks can they get away with. Any way last are general items. These include your standard things in a race, like those shiny little rings or air capsules for your board."

"Which bring us to the last point of the lesson, your gear and your HUD." Lindsey continued.

"Hey, you said I could do it?"

"I said you could do one part."

Korbin pouted. "No you didn't..." she mumbled.

"I'm sure Rotor explained this to you in you great detail, that is his style, so hopefully I don't have to explain to you how gear changes work right?" Spike smiled nervously. "I figured. Nicole, may I request a temporary representation of the HUD?"

"Certainly. And also, nice to see you guys doing well after...last night, I swear I could hear you from all the way in the tower. Of course, you have Spike to thank for your eventual solution."

"Hey, I try." Spike chimed in.

Lindsey continued as the holographic example popped up. "This holographic HUD will show you three key things you need to keep an eye on, your air gauge, your ring count, and your gear change slots. Air is the most basic concept of racing you have to keep an eye on. Grabbing item capsules containing air, successfully landing tricks, and heading through your designated gear change paths are the only ways to procure air. Although there are air stations that you can use, these will significantly slow you down if you're not careful. Next, your ring gauge shows how many rings you have collected which influences the gear change slot. When enough rings have been collected for a specific change, the corresponding icon will light up and allow you to change the attributes of your board. Every board is different however, some have two alternate gear changes, some may have only one, others may not have one at all.

"Mine even had 4 once," Korbin added.

"I think I remember the rest," Spike added. Boards have different abilities based on type right? Speed, Flight, and Power. Speed is the fastest and can grind on rails. Flight uses the ability of flight to soar above the competition and power smashes their way through obstacles to reach denied shortcuts."

"Mr. Spike, you have been doing your homework, I'm pleasantly surprised. Also, don't forget that some special boards do exist that allow types to one board."

"That seems kinda cheap isn't it?"

"Well, those boards usually have a high requirement for gear changing so it's fair, trust me. Now, I think that's everything you need to know about the technical side of things, And since we're done, would you mind putting that information to the test?

"I think I could go a round...I think"

"And lucky you, I just finished tuning all of our gear." Wave said as she handed the three back their boards. "Oh and Korbin, I went ahead and tweaked the sensitivity on your board a little. It felt a little slow."

"Thanksies, I always thought it was a tiny bit off."

Lindsey placed her board under her feet as did everyone else. "Alright Korbin, release the drone. Don't forget to do your best everyone."

Korbin took the drone in hand and let it fly as it set up a good 2 to 3 yards away. The electric current popped in and the countdown began. Spike closed his eyes and began to count. Beep...10....beep...9...beep...8. Spike thought as he remembered the advice. As the ticks neared 1, he opened his eyes and placed his foot upon the ground. beep...3...beep...2....beep...1! Spike let loose a hammer of power as he kicked off alongside his three teammates. A higher pitched beep started the race and the dropped the electric field the moment everyone passed through it. "H-hey, I did it woo!"

Wave patted him on the back before pulling ahead of him. "I'm so proud." Wave sarcastically replied. "Don't get a big head until you win this race kid."

"R-right." The building began to descend to a downward hill with a large ramp at the end of it. Spike felt his body tense once more but shook the feeling immediately. Just gotta stay calm and focus. He bent his knees and prepared, watching as everyone else jumped off the ramp with ease. "I can do this, to get home." He neared the ramp and just as caught the edge of it, jumped with all his might, soaring into the sky like an eagle. As he did so, he looked down to see Korbin make circular motions with her finger. "I think they want me to do a trick but...."

He landed on the ground with ease and caught up with the team. Korbin quickly joined him. "What happened up there Spike? I was telling you to do a trick dummy."

"S-sorry, I guess I'm not as calm as I think I am."

"You gotta keep it calm and take the risk, even if you mess up, you still get air. Just make sure to stay mellooooooo..." she uttered as she pulled ahead.

Spike took in a deep breath before continuing to catch up. As he neared the next building, he saw three signs inside floating above the race. The right one was red with the word power, the left was blue with the word speed, and the middle, yellow with the word fly. As he made his way down this path, a ramp differently colored from the anything else rose to alert him to a new path above the competition. Lindsey took the left where speed was her specialty, showing off as she grinded the rail made completely of water while Korbin took the right, where she effortlessly smashed through the tables and obstacles in her way. Spike looked forward as he rode the ramp up soaring into the air. He passed through the first ring with ease, then the second, then the third, only to see that it was a really straight shot to the end of the building where he was greeted by another open area before a tunnel. "Nice use of the gear path Spike!" Lindsey yelled out.

As they passed into this tunnel, a grind rail sat directly right of them. Easy pickings for Lindsey but Spike was forced to ignore it. He neared the end of the tunnel where large doors began to open on their approach. As they approached another ramp, Spike did his best to calm himself until everyone got a bird's eye view of the area up ahead, and Spike didn't like what he saw. Another large ramp sat at the end of the long straight path but that jump would lead to something else. The giant dome, which actually wasn't a dome at all. Instead, it was like a gigantic water fountain spun up into a small cylinder like twister, and that jump would have them plunging right into the center of it. "Wait wait wait, we're not going into that thing are we?"

"Don't worry about it, Spike. Once you're inside, just start swimming, the current will take you from there."

"Are you sure? I mean..."

Spike was then greeted with Korbin patting him on the back. "Remember what I said earlier, be mellow."

They all spread out as they neared the ramp, Spike taking every moment to adjust his stance. He couldn't help but let out a huge sigh as he bent his legs. Calm, think calm. Nicole's touch...everyone back home...just let them drive you. As he aired of the ramp, he jumped in mid-air, putting pressure on the front of the board specifically as to let it spin vertically under him, a complete 360 before returning to his feet. As he looked over, he could see the stars in Korbin's eyes which honestly creeped him out. However, his attention was drawn downward toward the spiral of water that led within the dome and seconds later, he was diving into it. For a moment he stopped, his eyes closed, letting the feeling of being underwater sink in. Yet, he couldn't easily let it sink in, as his body was being slowly propelled through the underwater area. He opened one eye, then the other, and placed his hand among the water. There was indeed a current carrying him throughout the underwater area, a large tank like room connected to another tank like room of the same design by a large tunnel. Spike took a moment to grab his board floating alongside him and began to paddle. With the help of the current, he rocketed through to the other area where light flooded in from a smaller opening above. Quickly, he took off towards it and emerged into the area they had originally started from. Unfortunately, he was unable to return his board to his feet in time and ended up crashing into the ground, flipping over a few times and sliding to a halt. "Ow..."

"Sorry to break it to you kid," Wave began. "But if you wanna survive in this race, you're gonna have to pick up the pace a little."

"Sorry, I got a bit distracted when I...hit the water."

"Don't let it," Lindsey added. "EX-racing is in the moment dear, little time to think and even less to act."

"And," Korbin continued. "Some things are gonna come as a surprise. Staying in first place is all about recognizing the surprise before it happens, and adapting to it. Like I said earlier, staying calm and being mellow usually helps. Although it's funny that you stopped when you hit the water since everyone almost immediately starts swimming."

"That's not helping Korbin." He sighed as he lay flat on his back for a second. "Welp, let's go again," he said with a smirk.

"Looking to get your but kicked again?" Wave asked.

"Until I beat you, or die from exhaustion."

"That's the spirit my little dwagon!" Korbin happily exclaimed.

"Your what?"

"Um...nevermind, let's just restart the race already."

Spike couldn't help but chuckle as Korbin nervously reset the robot. The electric line appeared once more and the race began anew. After what seemed like hours of training, they all came to halt at the starting line, Spike still tracking at the back of the pack after emerging from the water tank and once again, skidding across the ground with his board flying off. "Damn, over 15 races and I still lagged behind, I thought I had this time too."

Lindsey giggled as she helped him up. "Your reaction is slow, seems we need to work on that. You have the basics down and apparently tricks, but just can't seem to react fast enough to land them effectively. But you're persistent and that's a good start to any good EX-Racer, so quite the nice job out there."

"Persistence is a plus now?"

"In most cases, not all of them. But don't sulk Spike, you're getting better, I know it.

"Alright, It's getting pretty late and I need a serious catnap. Let's go home pretty pwease Lin Lin."

"I suppose that's enough falling off my board for one--" Spike tried to utter out until Lindsey's hand covered his mouth.

"Actually, I think I may stay and coach spike a bit more, I saw one too many things he could improve on before the day's end."

"What, but I'm tired too." he muffled.

"Now now Spike, don't be lazy, you need to improve or you don't get to race."

"Ugh fine..." he muffled again.

"Suit yourself, besides I'm hungry." Wave uttered. "And this time Korbin, I'm choosing the place."

Korbin giggled before taking off with Wave in tow. As they exited the resort, Spike removed Lindsey's hand and nervously rubbed the back of his head. "So what exactly are we staying behind for? Wait, you're not trying to make a move on me are you?"

"How confident we have become Mr. Spike, assuming that I would be making a move on you. But you must remember," she said picking up his board and tossing it back to him. "I am a teacher first and a friend second, and you, my friend, need a few hints on how to ride properly."

"I don't follow what you mean."

"We are all experienced riders, yes, but Korbin can be a bit childish and I'm sure Wave has never taught anyone in her life. Their methods of telling and not showing, do not seem to work well with you. Which is why I've taken it upon myself to teach you 1 on 1."

"And how would that be any different?"

"Because of one thing Mr. Spike, I show not tell. And I give ultimatums."

"Wait what?"

"Yep, we are to step not a single foot outside of this place until you pass me. If you leave or give up, you shall be permanently expelled from the team."

"...What?!" He yelled finally taking into consideration what she said. "W-wait a minute, you can't be serious."

"Deadly," she said with a grin. "Now, the first race begins...now." With haste, she took off into the track making spike stumble on to his board to catch up. Once again, he made his way down the track, airing off the starting ramp and doing a simple kickflip, before barely landing it. "Crap crap, balance balance..." He uttered as he tried to catch himself from falling. "Whew... now where is she--" He stopped when he spotted her icon the track map. "Oh I forgot we had these...wait she's where?!" he uttered as it showed her blip nearly halfway up the track already. "Are you kidding me, she wasn't moving nearly that fast all day." Once again he found himself at the hall of different paths, taking his designated flight path and soon catching visual of Lindsey already off into the water tank. "This is ridiculous how did she get up there so fast. Upon doing his water tank swim and emerging, he once again didn't stick the landing, the ground just came up way too fast. "Damn," he uttered staring up at Lindsey was smiling down at him.

"Had a feeling that would not be your golden moment."

"What are trying to do, demoralize me?"

"Get up dear, we're going again."

Again they raced, and again Lindsey seemed to vanish from the track and appear directly at the finish.

"How are doing that?" Spike asked as he picked himself and his board up from the ground.

"Doing what exactly?"

"Getting here so much faster than me, you're even faster than when we were training with Korbin and Wave."

"It's for me to know and you figure out so that you can pass me. By the way, Items are now active."

Spike grumbled before once again they started. This time, however, the stakes were different, as items had begun popping up all over the track. Spike was quick to pick up one, a squid appearing in his hands. "Sweet, now I'll get her." As he lined up the squid, he popped the button on its head only to realize that squid was leader weapon, meant to blind those behind with ink.

The ink was quick to shoot into his face and send him flying off his board blinded. "You're quite dead in the water Mr. Spike," she said looping around him and continuing down the track as Spike grumbled to himself.

The next lap had him gain a snowball, to which he happily tossed it, watching as it turned into a giant snowball and roll easily down the track. "Oh yeah, she's toast now."

However, what he failed to realize was that Lindsey was one step ahead, as she picked her own item. "3...2....and..."

As she finished 1, Spike's snowball began to shrink in size. "Wait what, no no no, she's right there!"

As his snowball began to shrink and the view in front of it became clear, Spike sighed, as Lindsey's own snowball hurdled toward him. "Are you ki--" he uttered before being taken off back up the track.

"You're dead and going backward, Mr. Spike!"

"Oh come on!" He uttered as he continued to roll.

Again and again, failure after failure, second place after second place, when he reached finish once again, his eyes were drowned in anger, angrily stomping the floor as he picked up his board once more. "Damn it, no way, I'm not done.

"You haven't passed me even once, why don't you just give up?"

"What?! There's no way in hell I'm giving up now."

"But you're definitely lacking behind, and keep falling off your board, is there any help you really?"

"So what?" He said, his eyes slimming to slits. "Sure I fall off my board every time I do a trick, maybe I make easy mistakes, maybe I can't even use items correctly, but this is the first chance I got at getting home, to my friends and my kin, and I'm not giving that chance up. So let's go another round, and another and another until I finally win my spot on this team.

As he began to put his feet to the board, Lindsey placed a hand upon his shoulder with a noticeable giggle. "Now now, no need to be hasty. Let me ask you, Mr. Spike, where was that passion the last 30 times we raced today?"

"What? You mean that was a freaking lesson?"

"Listen to me," she said reaffirming her position as the teacher. "Were you putting the same conviction you feel right now, in this determination, into beating me, or Korbin, or Wave?"

Spike paused for a second. "I...don't follow."

"Lesson number 1 Mr. Spike. Passion is everything in this sport, even in casual racing. It must be your driving force, pushing you to be the very best you can be both on and off the track. It must never be used to get revenge or settle a rivalry based completely on pure ego like Jet the Hawk. Sonic understands that racing isn't about simple egotistical issues at the end of the day, that when you race, it's about having fun and showing your skill, being the best is just an added bonus. But the one thing you have in spades Mr. Spike, is to the ability to never give up. That's something that will top even the most passionate rider, and I commend you for it. You pass the test." she said with a smile.

"Oh boy..." he said letting out a huge breath he had been holding, leaning his body against a wall as he did. "I thought I was toast for a second there."

"But it was a positive speech."

"But have you seen your expression when you "teach", it's terrifying, you're like that one angry wife who plays nice one second and has her husband cowering in the corner the next."

Lindsey began to chuckle under her breath, getting louder and louder until she let it out in a burst of uncontrollable laughter. Spike blinked in confusion as she continued to laugh her tail off, a single tear of joy streaming down her cheek. "Um...did I...say something funny?"

"Oh my lord Spike..." she said beginning to let her laughter die as she placed a hand upon his chest. she closed her eyes and began to happily hum to a tune. You...remind me so much of him..."

"W-who exactly?"

She then removed her hand and looked up to Spike with a shred of sorrow in her eyes. "Kindro...was exactly the same as you...determined...unwilling to give up."

"This Kindro, can you tell me about him?"

"Of course," she said leaning against a spot on the wall next to Spike. "Where do I start? Well Kindro, much like yourself, wasn't from around the area. He came from a place where it is forbidden to ride EX-Gear or use technology in general, a tradition that was steeped in generation after generation and was not easy to break. When he showed up in the city, he was so lost." she said with a giggle. "He was running around like a dog without an owner or a leash, freaking out at every piece of technology he came across, phones, cars, even the escalators."

"Wait what's an escalator?"

"Stairs that move dear."

"Oh...yea, continue."

"However, when he feasted his eyes on EX-Gear for the first time, he was amazed at the wonders of anti-gravity technology despite his particular culture of dragons following a strict tradition."

"And so that's how you met?"

I'm getting there dear. When you first let loose your latent abilities, I commented about your eyes remember?"

"Yea actually, what was that about?"

"You see, when Kindro first came to us, he was simply looking for directions. Korbin couldn't help but blush around him and she insisted we show him the way personally. We became friends and as you know, he was heavily interested in riding. He wasn't a very good rider at first but persisted in his attempts to perfect his technique, just like you. In a matter of weeks, he had gotten better than pretty much anything I could teach him, even Korbin couldn't keep up. His natural instinctive nature as dragon made it quite easy for him to adapt to EX-racing, and every time he pushed past an obstacle that stood in his way over and over again--"

"His eyes..."

"Indeed, that's why I commented about your eyes the first time you raced us. You're just like him...and I think Korbin sees that in you too, more than I do."

"More? You mean she--"

"Around the time of our first Grand Prix as a team, Korbin was having a bit of trouble getting a particular trick down. In her desperation to perfect the move, she asked Kindro to help her, and wouldn't you have guessed, she had one huge crush on the dragon. They trained and trained and eventually, Korbin couldn't hold back her feelings. She ended up kissing him while they were in the middle of training and they crashed into the street. I think his exact words were, 'she chose a completely unreasonable time and we ended up spending a week in the hospital.' Afterward, they were discharged from the hospital and she was so embarrassed she didn't even want to look at him. Then...he kissed her back. The relationship grew and, as you know, Wave put him out of commission. He broke up with Korbin after that and we could never determine the reason but boy was she heartbroken. I guess that's why she's taken such an interest in you. You are easily the closest reminder to him that we've seen, save for the colors."

"I...don't know what to say. I mean I feel for her, I do, but I don't want to be the rebound either."

"And you're not, at least I think you aren't, she's just working through some things even all this time later, she just needs time and a little you know."

Spike jumped back at that suggestion. "Woah Woah, I'm not that kind of drake."

She giggled once more. "Oh Mr. Spike, get your mind off such inappropriate things, I meant friendship."

"That's...exactly what I was talking about." he nervously uttered.

"Of course it was." She replied sarcastically.

"You know you're something else, Ms. Lindsey." He said copying her regal accent.

"What are you getting at Mr. Spike?"

"Well I just kinda realized, you're like the most awesome friend/sister."

"I know, I'm glorious aren't I?" She mocked.

"No, I'm serious, you're like the best. You care so much everyone around you, you're super kind and sweet. You're like that one teacher that I would secretly have a crush on because she's like the only who actually helps me with my homework and the only one that gives out sweets to the kids."

"That's a rather interesting compliment."

"And to be honest, I kinda thought your sassiness was really awesome too. like when you told off Jet the Hawk."

Lindsey let her gaze fall to the floor, playing with the tip of her tail as she blushed. "I...never thought you saw me that way Mr. Spike...I've never known myself to be that interesting. Some people call me stuck up just because of sentence structure, and I've never had anyone even say I looked good."

"What kind of bozo's live in this town if they don't see just how cute you are, granted I've never seen women from this world before so I'm a little iffy on the scale, but to me, you are definitely a 10, through and through." A moment of silence passed before Lindsey finally looked to the sky, her eyes tracing the stars. "So ready to--"

Without warning, Lindsey wrapped her arms around him, tackling him to the ground and embracing his lips with her own. For a second the two seemed out of phase of reality, unsure of what was happening, then Lindsey pulled back, her eyes frantically shaking in nervousness. "Oh no no no, I'm so sorry, stupid stupid stupid." She said as she forcefully grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet. "I d-didn't mean to perform such an uncouth action, I r-really didn't, It was just in the moment and--well just...I-I'm going home." She frantically uttered before quickly taking to her board and virtually teleporting out of the Resort.


"Yea Nicole?"

"Did that just happen?"

"Yea Nicole."

Author's Notes:

Wow, talk about a surprise from the monkey, am I right? No this does not mean relationship, not every kiss means relationship. Seemingly rushed some parts do seem but really it was me trying to move through some filler points that would've taken like two more chapter to get through.

Next Chapter: A Dragon's Sorrow: Let me Kill a kill Estimated time remaining: 35 Minutes
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