
"Could You Be My Mommy?"

by Dolphy Blue Drake

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: A Solution

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Author's Notes:

Sorry for the long wait! I haven't managed to get in contact with my supporting author to actually fix the flow of this and later chapters (I actually have all chapters completed up through Chapter 10), but I felt really bad for making you guys wait so long, so I thought, Screw it! I'll just put it up as is and get it edited later!

So, this is what my old writing style actually looks like. The spelling and grammar are likely perfect, but that's not what makes a good story. It's stiff, it doesn't flow, and reading it is like trying to swim through treacle at times. I'm sorry it sucks so much. Please don't be mad at me. I promise to get this edited as soon as I can. For now, I hope those of you who can stomach this awful old writing style had a good read. For those of you who can't, please don't leave a downvote simply because of the drop in quality. I'm better than this now, I promise!

So, whether you can stomach the reduction in quality or not, please don't use the quality of the writing style as a factor for whether or not you like this chapter. I know it's bad, but that's because it's old, and I'll need help getting it to match the better flow of my more recently written stories.

So, please be lenient with this chapter and the next few for the time being. My supporting author's in college, so contacting him and setting up a time to fix the bad flow of my old writing style takes time. I'd rewrite it myself, but I'd have to tear it all down and start over from scratch, which I can't do. I might end up ruining everything if I start over from scratch.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter in spite of its flaws.

Happy reading!

Lyra took a deep breath and knocked on Fluttershy’s door.

“Coming!” Fluttershy’s voice called softly from inside.

After a few seconds, the door opened and Fluttershy looked at Lyra in surprise.

“Lyra? What are you doing here?” the butter yellow pegasus asked.

“I need your help with something,” Lyra began slowly. “I’ve encountered something, and I can’t show him to everypony yet. It’s too soon. But, I need your help in taking care of him.” Lyra sighed, hoping to not have to pull Jonnathan out of her bag. “Do you have any baby formula?”

“Of course,” Fluttershy said with a smile. “But could you please show this little guy to me? I love meeting new animal friends.”

Lyra nodded reluctantly and opened her saddlebag before levitating her new son out of the bag.

“Jonnathan, meet Fluttershy,” Lyra said to the infant human, making sure to speak slowly and with gestures so her human son would have a better time understanding.

“What is he?” Fluttershy asked as Lyra set him down on a pillow.

“He’s an infant human boy,” Lyra explained. “You remember the stories Princess Twilight told everypony about her time in that other world, right?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“Well, this is a human,” Lyra announced. “A little different from the ones Twilight described, but human nonetheless. I don’t know how he got here, and he doesn’t fully understand, either. But whatever sent him here was apparently able to override whatever part of our universe turns humans into ponies.”

“How old is he?” Fluttershy asked before blinking in confusion. “And what do you mean by he doesn’t understand, either?”

“Well, he’s three weeks old. He told me so,” Lyra spoke as if explaining some seemingly impossible natural phenomenon to a pony who had just witnessed one. “And he doesn’t understand how he got here because even though he was there when it happened, he only remembers a mean human attacking his birth father before he suddenly wound up in the Everfree Forest.”

“He… Told you?” Fluttershy asked in shock. “How? He could possibly talk to me because I understand animals, but how did he speak to you when he’s just an infant?”

“Well, I looked at the tag inside the back of his jammie shirt,” Lyra explained patiently, “And the symbols on it weren’t anything I could read, so I cast a translation spell so I could read it. That’s how I found out his name, too. And it’s pretty weird, even for a human name.”

“What is it?” Fluttershy asked with great interest.

“Jonnathan Thaddamaeus Gheelia II,” Lyra recited from memory. It also helped that she’d written the strange name down in her newest notes on humans. “And going back to how I was able to understand him, apparently, there are humans with magic, and he’s one of them. He used telepathy to speak with me, and since the translation spell was still in effect, we were able to understand each other very well. I must admit, he’s incredibly smart for being only three weeks old.”

“Oh! How smart is he?” Fluttershy asked next, growing more excited. “And how could he possibly get so smart so quickly? And how many spells does he know? I know that’s more Twilight’s kind of question, but this is exciting!”

“Well, his magic is different than ours,” Lyra admitted. “It seems that most ponies can’t sense it. I think I can sense it because all the dreams I’ve had about humans has somehow made me somewhat able to feel it. But nopony else felt it but me. Not even other unicorns. Anyway, he said that all the magic he’s used so far is of something he calls the ‘Mind Element’, and he didn’t tell me how many spells he knows because I didn’t ask. I also haven’t asked how he got so smart so fast, but he’s very smart. His telepathic communication sounds very intelligent.”

“May I try asking him?” Fluttershy requested. “Because I can understand all sorts of animals, I might be able to understand him.”

“I could always just use a translation spell for it,” Lyra replied with a huff. “However, I want him to properly learn our language so he can speak it, so go ahead, I guess. It may make things a little easier for him to start out, if you can even talk to him at all.”

Fluttershy then turned to face the baby who had been snuggling up with a squirrel a few seconds ago and attempted to address him. “Hello, Jonnathan,” she said quietly. “I’m Fluttershy. May I ask you a few questions?”

Jonnathan’s eyes went as wide as they could go when he heard the yellow mare speak. Just like when his Mommy used the translator spell, the right words came out but with the wrong lip and tongue movements, but this time, there was no spell. In response, he cast his telepathy spell again and directed it at the mare who introduced herself as Fluttershy.

How can I understand you without Mommy’s spell? he questioned the yellow pony. And can you understand me?

“I have a special talent for caring for animals,” Fluttershy replied. “I can understand many of them, too.” Suddenly, her expression turned puzzled. “Who’s ‘Mommy’?”

My new Mommy is Mommy, of course! Jonnathan replied as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. I asked her if she could be my Mommy, and she said yes, so the green pony’s my new Mommy!

“Okay, now, I was wondering, how many spells do you know?” Fluttershy asked softly. “Lyra—your new Mommy—said she never asked you much about your magic. As a three week old, I’d expect your pool of spells to be small since a unicorn foal your age usually wouldn’t know almost any yet, but just how many do you know? And how did you get so smart so quickly?”

Given the limitations Jonnathan had due to being only three weeks old, he couldn’t really smirk, but had he been able to, he would have.

I watched my birth father teach my brother and sisters how to use spells, Jonnathan telepathically bragged. And even though I don’t know very many spells in any one Element, I know some for each one. I know around seventy, since there are twenty-two Elements, and I know at least three from each. And I could always figure out more spells on my own later, since I just have to reach inside myself and grab one of the Elements flowing in me. And, I’m so smart because my birth father taught me telepathy shortly after I was born. After I figured it out through imitation, my birth family started communicating with me directly, and I learned quite a bit before ending up here. I’m more aware than the average baby all because of that! That, and my birth family all talked to me constantly, so I learned quite a bit. Humans, or, my people, at least, are capable of becoming super-intelligent before even becoming able to talk!

“Okay, Jonnathan, that’s all I wanted to know about your spells,” Fluttershy giggled because of the cuteness of the baby trying to portray himself as a badflank. “But Twilight will probably want more information, so please be ready.”

Speaking of being ready, when am I gonna get my tummy filled? the infant telepathically pouted. I’m hungry! His stomach growled in agreement.

“We’ll get you some formula, Jonnathan,” Fluttershy assured the very hungry baby. “Just let me prepare it first and get some for your Mommy to take home with her.”

Lyra was fascinated by the proceedings. Her little bundle of joy was somehow able to communicate with Fluttershy, completely ignoring the language barrier!

After Fluttershy went to the kitchen to prepare some formula for the little human she’d adopted, Lyra curled up around her adopted son and nuzzled him while saying, “I love you, Jonnathan. You may have just come into my life today, but I’ll always look out for you as if you were my own colt.” She giggled before continuing. “You probably don’t understand anything I’m saying, but Mommy loves you very much, and I’ll never let anything happen to you. But given how you have all this untapped power I can sense in you, the day may come where you’re the one protecting me.”

Jonnathan hugged Lyra in reply, as if to say “I love you too, Mommy.”

“Okay, the formula’s ready!” Fluttershy announced. “Let’s get something in that tummy of yours!”

Jonnathan giggled in delight as Fluttershy offered the bottle to Lyra, who in turn levitated it over to the human child, who tried to take the bottle in both hands, but it proved too much for him. But just as Lyra was about to use her magic to aid him, the human baby’s eyes lit up in an orange color, as did his arms and hands, and he was suddenly able to hold the bottle with ease, drinking greedily from it without any help.

“That must be another one of his spells,” Fluttershy remarked. “He said he has spells in twenty-two magical Elements, but he didn’t name the Elements for me. Twilight will most likely want to know, though. But it looks like this particular spell increases his arm strength.” Fluttershy shook her head in amazement. This new kind of magic Twilight had never heard of before was going to drive the purple Alicorn into a frenzy.

Lyra shared the same thoughts about how Twilight would react to the baby’s magic, and she suddenly felt fear for her son’s safety. Turning to Fluttershy, she whispered, “I’m afraid Twilight might just see him as a potential test subject. She’s going to want to know everything about his magic. Also, please keep this a secret from your friends for now, okay? Especially Pinkie. Jonnathan used his magic to stop her from following us, but I’m not sure exactly what he did, so please don’t bring this up to her. Jonnathan doesn’t need a party right now. He needs to adjust first, and it’s too early to let very many ponies know about his existence. I haven’t even told Bonnie yet!”

“Okay,” Fluttershy whispered back. “I won’t tell anypony about him. I promise, Lyra.”

“Thanks,” Lyra breathed a sigh of relief as Jonnathan finished his formula and gave a very satisfied burp to express his thanks. Both mares giggled, and Fluttershy gave a can of baby formula and a baby bottle to Lyra, who placed them in her right saddlebag before motioning for her baby son to approach, which he did, dragging himself along the floor because he was too young to crawl yet.

“Jonnathan, we’ve got to see one more pony, okay?” Lyra said, once again using gestures to help her son understand. “You only need to be in the bag for a little longer. On the way for us to see this pony, and on the way home. After that, no more bag for today.”

The gestures seemed to help the baby to understand, and he folded his arms and sighed before nodding.

Lyra carefully levitated the human child into her left saddlebag again, and bid Fluttershy goodbye before heading for Princess Twilight’s library.

Next Chapter: Chapter 4: Meeting a Princess Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 7 Minutes
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