
Cheer Princess

by MythrilMoth

Chapter 12: Book One, Chapter 4 (Side Celestia)

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Tia groaned as she sat back from her computer. "Your world's history is...really complicated," she said with a tired sigh, rubbing the bridge of her nose. She turned a bleary gaze to her human counterpart. "Don't tell me teenagers in this world can really keep all this straight."

Celestia laughed. "Hardly," she said. "History is usually regarded as the most boring subject in school. Only the smartest, brightest, and most invested kids really get involved in it. But it's important, even if they'll forget what little they manage to learn once they graduate."

Tia frowned. "Hmm. I suppose it's not too different from Equestria in that regard." She shook her head. "I guess it just feels overwhelming because I'm trying to learn in a few weeks what kids here have spent years learning."

"Or not learning."

Tia giggled. "Or not learning." She sighed. "Still, all these dates and who went to war with who when..." She shook her head. "It's a lot to process."

"Don't try to memorize it," Celestia advised. "If you can get your head around the broad strokes, you'll be fine." She bit her lip, then added, "Don't waste too much energy studying Great War I, almost no curriculum we've ever used covers more than when it started and when it ended. Great War II is more important, and you'll be covering that for at least three weeks in class. The Independence War is another long unit, and I'm honestly not sure if you'll cover it before or after Great War II. Some teachers prefer to save it for the spring term."

Tia frowned, rolling over dates in her head. "Teaching history backwards?"

Celestia shrugged. "It depends on what the aptitude tests are putting more weight on. Usually Great War II has a bigger section than the Independence War, that's why sometimes teachers cover it first."

"Ah, so it's preparatory."

"Unfortunately," Celestia said with a sigh. "I hate that we have to kiss the exam board's ass so hard these days. The aptitude tests are becoming more important than a comprehensive education. More and more, it's getting to the point where all we're doing is making sure kids pass these stupid, arbitrary tests."

"That seems...counterproductive," Tia said.

"It is." Celestia shook her head. "We do our best to actually teach kids stuff, but honestly? In this day and age, kids who actually want to learn are going to learn way more off the Internet than they'll ever learn in a classroom, and it's all because of these stupid tests some pencil-pushing paper chaser thinks are more important than quality education."

Tia frowned. "I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time processing this. Your world has an education system which far outstrips anything we have in Equestria, even in Canterlot where there's a higher emphasis on structured learning than anywhere else in Equestria. Even so, students in your world are better off left to their own devices if they actually intend to learn anything relevant and useful?"

Celestia let out a long, tired sigh. "Sometimes...it really does feel that way. It wasn't always like this. It's just...the last decade or so, really."

Tia's lips pressed into a thin line. "I've overseen the education of hundreds of foals in my lifetime, and personally taken on a handful of exceptionally talented students. Forgive me, but...as a teacher, I don't understand how this can be allowed."

Celestia snorted a bitter-sounding laugh. "Bureaucracy, that's how."

"Ah," Tia said. She snorted, a most unladylike sound. "I've never had much use for bureaucrats, personally. I humor them so long as they don't hinder the everyday lives of my subjects, but I will never understand how anyone can be so obsessed with trivial, nonsensical paperwork and statistics."

"Amen," Celestia said, squeezing Tia's shoulder. "Hey, here's an idea. Let's both get away from this depressing subject. And the studying. You've been here long enough now that it's time you started meeting some kids your age—" She coughed. "Well, some kids you'll probably be going to school with."

Tia laughed softly. "I think I'd like that," she said. "And you're right. For the length of time I've been in this world, I certainly haven't gotten out and met very many people here in town. I'm usually the one encouraging others to get out and make friends...perhaps it's time I took my own advice to heart."

"Well, if we're going to introduce you to some kids who'll be going to CHS," Celestia said thoughtfully, "the first place we should check out is Sugar Cube Corner. It's one of the more popular hangouts for teenagers near the school." She frowned. "It might not be as busy during the summer, but chances are you'll run into somebody interesting."

"Sounds good," Tia said. She looked herself over. "Let me go change, then we'll go."

* * * * *

Twenty minutes later, Celestia and Tia set out on foot, headed in the direction of the school. Celestia had changed into light tan capris, beige casual loafers, and a gold polo with a sun embroidered on the left breast pocket. Tia wore blue jeans, white tennis shoes, and a powder blue T-shirt. "So we're walking today?" Tia asked.

"The parking situation on the shopping street is...not something I like to deal with, and it's not far enough away to bother driving. Besides, if we do decide to go somewhere farther out, we can take the bus."

After five blocks, the suburban houses gave way to intersections with crosswalks and lots of square buildings. Dozens of people were walking to and fro, many of them engrossed in their phones. The pair crossed four crosswalks and walked two blocks straight before arriving at their destination: a squat white building, situated directly on the corner, with a pink awning all the way around and a few small tables with pink parasols set up along the sidewalk. The day was not unpleasantly hot, but it was warm enough that by the time they walked through the door, Tia had worked up a light sweat and was grateful for the cool air conditioning.

Sugar Cube Corner was not a large shop, but neither was it too small to relax in. There were tables and booths all along the outer walls with a nice, even path for traffic flow in and out of the shop and to the counter, behind which stood a portly middle-aged woman with blue skin and striped pink hair that reminded Tia of cupcake frosting. A display case full of all manner of tantalizing treats stood to one side of the counter, and at least three different drink dispensing machines lined the workspace around the older woman. Tia looked around as they approached the counter; there weren't a terribly large number of people in the shop. A few of them were teenagers, while some looked to be Celestia's age or perhaps slightly younger. Most were busy with their phones and tablets while they ate and drank.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Cake," Celestia said to the woman behind the counter.

"Hello, Celestia dearie!" Mrs. Cake said with a bright smile. "I don't see you in here very much anymore."

"Well, work keeps me busy," Celestia said with a light laugh. "Besides, your shop's a designated hangout for my students. It wouldn't be kind of me to intrude on their haven, as it were."

Mrs. Cake chuckled. "I don't think they'd mind, but do what you think is right. Just don't be such a...stranger..." She trailed off in confusion as she finally registered Tia's presence. Her eyes widened, her brow furrowed, and her mouth worked soundlessly for a moment. "Umm...I...?" She gave Celestia a questioning look.

"This is my cousin Tia," Celestia said. "She'll be staying with us for a while and going to CHS this fall."

"Oh! I see," Mrs. Cake said, nodding and letting out a relieved sigh. "That...that makes sense..." She looked Tia over, her eyes still wide with disbelief. "That's some family resemblance, though."

"Isn't it?" Celestia said lightly.

"So, what can I get you?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"I think I'll have a couple of those carrot cake brownies," Celestia said, pointing at a temptingly-drizzled item in the display case. "And a cherry slush."

"I'll try the carrot cake brownies too," Tia said. "And a red velvet cupcake, and..." She studied the drink menu board above Mrs. Cake's head. "A cola float," she decided.

"Ooh, this one's got a sweet tooth on her, huh?" Mrs. Cake said with a smile as she began removing their choices from the case with a pair of tongs. "For here?" she asked.

"Yes please," Celestia said, folding bills out of her wallet. Once Mrs. Cake put their pastries on small paper plates, she went to work on their drinks. While she filled the drink orders, Celestia looked around the cafe. "Not many faces here I recognize today," she said. "I see a few seniors, but I was hoping you'd find somebody more in the sophomore or the new freshman class to talk to..."

"Oh, those two girls over there in the back booth are going to be freshmen," Mrs. Cake said. "Yeah, they've been coming here for about a year now." She paused, then leaned close and whispered, "They're...special friends, don'tchaknow."

Celestia blinked, looking at the two girls indicated. "Hmm. Perhaps we shouldn't disturb them then, if they're here on a date."

"Oh, I don't think they'd mind," Mrs. Cake said. "They don't exactly come here to be alone together, you know?"

"I suppose not," Celestia said. Mrs. Cake placed two full, frosty cups in front of them, then counted out Celestia's change. Celestia grabbed straws, plastic forks, and napkins from the dispensers by the register, then picked up her drink and her brownies. Tia picked up her own drink and plate and followed her "cousin" across the cafe to a booth where two girls sat. One of them had spearmint-green skin and wild silver and white hair; the other had cream-colored skin and curly two-tone blue and pink hair. As they approached, Celestia called out, "Hello! I'm sorry, but do you mind if we join you?"

The girls blinked at them, looked at each other, and shrugged. "Umm...okay?" the spearmint girl said. "I mean, there's plenty of open tables around, but—"

"Actually, we wanted to join you because Mrs. Cake said you'll be starting CHS this fall," Celestia said. "Is that right?"

"Yes, that's right," the cream-colored girl said.

Celestia smiled. "Allow me to introduce myself," she said. "My name is Celestia, and I'll be your principal starting this fall."

The girls gasped. "Oh!" the spearmint girl said, shooting her friend a bewildered look. "W-well, umm...by all means, Principal Celestia! Join us! I'm Lyra Heartstrings and this is Bon Bon." Bon Bon gave a nervous little wave and sat up straighter.

As Celestia and Tia sat down, Celestia unfolded a napkin and handed another and a straw to Tia. "It's a pleasure to meet you girls," she said. "I'm sorry to intrude on you out of nowhere like this, but I have an...unusual situation of my own this summer." She gestured to Tia. "This is my cousin Tia. She'll be starting at CHS this fall too. She's living with me for a while. She's new in town and hasn't really met anybody her own age yet, so..."

"Oh!" Lyra said, eyes wide in understanding. She smiled brightly. "I get it, you're trying to help her make some friends before school starts!"

"Exactly," Celestia said with a relieved smile.

"That's pretty cool," Lyra said. She nodded to Tia. "Nice to meetcha!"

Tia smiled as she sipped her float. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well. Both of you."

"Wow, you're pretty formal," Bon Bon said in a mildly teasing tone. "Come on, relax! It's summer."

Tia blushed. "Sorry. It's...an old habit."

"That's one heck of a family resemblance though," Lyra said. "If I didn't know better I'd say you were mother and daughter or sisters, not cousins."

Celestia laughed. "So we've heard."

"So where did you go to school before, Tia?" Bon Bon asked.

"Oh, err...it was a private school," Tia hedged. "Overseas."

"That explains a lot," Lyra said jokingly. "No wait, don't tell me. You studied wizardry."

Celestia tensed slightly, but was mildly surprised when Tia let out a mirthful laugh. "Oh, absolutely!" she said. "We all had magical mail owls and fought giant snakes and everything! Remind me to show you my wand sometime." Her eyes twinkled mischievously.

Lyra and Bon Bon giggled. "Don't forget about your flying broom!" Bon Bon said.

"If I can find the silly thing," Tia said. "It flew south for the winter and never came back!" This sent the girls into fresh peals of laughter which even Celestia joined in on; it took almost two full minutes for the little group to settle down again.

"You," Lyra said cheerfully, "are going to be so much fun to have around! Right, Bon Bon?"

"Oh, absolutely!" Bon Bon said. She sighed. "Of course, we'll probably lose her to the cool kids once school starts."

"The cool kids?" Tia asked curiously.

"Maybe it won't be so bad," Lyra said, patting Bon Bon's hand. "I mean, we're all gonna be freshmen now! It's like, resetting the game, you know?"

"Yeah, right," Bon Bon said, rolling her eyes. "I give it three weeks before Rainbow Dash is dominating all the sports teams. Again." She began to tick off points on her fingers. "Rarity's still going to be the most popular girl at school on Hearts and Hands Day, Pinkie Pie is a walking party store, Flash Sentry has his guitar..." She shook her head. "I'm telling you, they'll be on every page of the yearbook like they always are and we'll fade into the background like we always do."

"Yeah, well..." Lyra struggled to find something to say. "Maybe things'll change, you know? Besides, being in the background's not so bad. We still get to have lots of fun, right?"

Bon Bon smiled. "Yeah, I guess." She then remembered they weren't alone at the table and blushed. "Sorry," she said. "Didn't mean to—"

"It's perfectly alright, I assure you," Celestia said, holding up a hand and smiling. "In fact, that entire rant was rather informative. The only name I recognized in there was Rainbow Dash, but then, who doesn't know who Rainbow Dash is..." She laughed. "But it's nice to learn a little something about the new students coming into my school, even if it's second-hand information."

"Oh, I don't know," Bon Bon said suddenly, wincing. "We shouldn't be gossiping about other kids to the principal behind their backs, should we?"

"What gossip?" Lyra said with a grin. "We're not saying anything bad about anybody and everything you said is true, what's the problem?"

"Well, I guess..." Bon Bon paused. "Oh! Speaking of gossip, did you find out anything about that new girl that moved in with Octavia a few weeks ago?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot!" Lyra said, her eyes lighting up. "I never got her name, but apparently she's some kind of amateur DJ. I've seen her around town a few times, she always has on headphones. Oh, and sunglasses. Like, really funky purple sunglasses."

"Purple sunglasses," Tia mused. "That sounds familiar..." Her eyes widened. "Oh, that must be that girl I ran into at Blue Box!"

"Really?" Lyra asked with interest. "Did you find out anything?"

"No, I just literally bumped into her," Tia said. "I remember her because of the very unusual sunglasses and the seafoam green headphones she was wearing. It...sort of sticks in your memory, something like that."

"I know, right?" Lyra said, giggling.

"So, what are you girls most looking forward to about high school?" Celestia asked.

Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other, their mouths pressed into grim lines. "Getting away from Fluttershy's dipshit brother," they said in unison.

Celestia and Tia both blinked. Given their identical appearances, the sight was rather comical. "I'm...sorry?" Celestia asked.

"Oh, there's this girl in our class, Fluttershy," Bon Bon said. "She's nice, she doesn't really say much or anything, real wallflower. Her brother, though..."

"He's a creep," Lyra said.

"He's a pervert," Bon Bon added.

"He's a creepy pervert," Lyra continued, shuddering. "He makes my skin crawl."

"He will not stop being a creep around every girl at school," Bon Bon said sourly.

"I bet he even pervs on his sister," Lyra said with a frown. "You think he does, Bon Bon?"

Bon Bon snorted. "With her boobs? If I was her I'd have a deadbolt on my bedroom door. And the bathroom door."

"Oh...dear," Celestia said in a disturbed tone. She cleared her throat. "And this...what did you say his name was?"

"Zephyr Breeze," both girls uttered in a tone that reminded Tia of dirty diapers.

"Err...he won't be attending CHS this fall, I take it?" Celestia asked in a hopeful tone.

Lyra shook her head. "He's two grades behind us. I think his parents are getting ready to ship him off to boarding school or something, anyway."

Celestia let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, good," she said. "CHS has been a pervert-free zone for as long as I've been in charge, I'd hate to see that streak broken."

"Oh it has, huh?" Lyra asked with a smirk. "That's not what I heard," she added in a singsong tone.

"Lyra!" Bon Bon hissed, going pale.

Celestia rolled her eyes and groaned. "Ignoring what healthy teenagers normally do that they only think the teachers don't know about," she amended. "I don't count blowjobs under the bleachers in the same category as serial sexual harassment."

Tia choked on her float. "I-I'msorrywhat?!"

Lyra erupted in a fit of snickers. "Looks like miss prep school here is a prude," she said, her eyes twinkling with mirth.

"I am not!" Tia responded hotly, her cheeks burning as she cleared her airways. "I just...wasn't quite expecting what I just heard. Or the source." She shot Celestia a dirty look. "Now if I heard something like that from Luna..."

Celestia held up a hand. "Don't," she said, her tone changing from amused to pained and slightly more professional. "Sorry, but I'd rather our future students not hear about what Vice-Principal Luna is like at home, because she likes to instill fear and dread into the students at CHS, and that kind of information...isn't good for her image. And then she whines about it."

"Ah, of course," Tia said, nodding sagely.

Lyra and Bon Bon blinked, looking at each other. "You...you live with the Vice-Principal?" Bon Bon asked.

"She's my sister," Celestia explained quickly. "Neither of us are married, so we've never seen the point of not sharing a house."

"Ah," Bon Bon said, a somewhat guilty flicker in her eyes.

"So why isn't she with you two today?" Lyra asked. "I mean, since you seem to be out looking to meet new CHS students and all."

A pained expression crossed Celestia's face. "She's...well..." She coughed and ducked her head. "She has a Détaramon tournament today."

Lyra and Bon Bon exchanged a look, then burst out laughing. "Détaramon?!" Lyra demanded. "The Vice Principal of CHS plays Détaramon?!"

"She's the East Coast Champion five years running and took second place at last year's nationals," Celestia said somewhat testily. With a sigh, she busied herself with her napkin. "Of course, since there are kids from CHS who go to these things, she competes under a psuedonym and wears this...really theatrical disguise." She shot an aside glance at Tia, who winced and shuddered at a memory from the day before...

* * * * *

Tia sat on the living room couch, her bare feet propped up on an ottoman. A bag of potato chips sat open on the couch next to her, a bottle of raspberry-flavored sparkling water next to it. She was taking a break from studying to watch a movie about a retiring gangster's household turning itself upside-down on the day he planned to go into legitimate business.

Without warning, a black-shrouded form emerged from the hallway. "The time has come," a sinister voice intoned ominously. "Once again, the time of my reign is nigh. Once again, I will suppress all fools who dare stand before me. My enemies will feel my wrath!"

The black cloak was thrown open wide, revealing Luna, clad in a skintight black body stocking, a dark blue skirt, dark blue high heels, dark blue evening gloves, a loose, translucent dark blue blouse, and a dark blue cowl which completely hid her voluminous blue hair and obscured her face.


Tia shot to her feet, her mind racing in panic. "No," she whispered, eyes wide. "No...it isn't possible!" A million questions burned through her mind, followed by a million possible answers. Hope, fear, and dread chased each other around her brain like a dog chasing its tail.

And then Celestia walked in from the kitchen, drying her hands with a dish towel. "Yeah yeah, go play your kiddie card game and have fun," she said dryly. She frowned. "You're seriously going to the train station dressed like that? Luna, the tournament doesn't even start until tomorrow afternoon!"

"There IS NO LUNA!" 'Nightmare Moon' proclaimed. "From this time forth—at least, from this time until I return from the Détaramon tournament—I! AM! NIGHTMARE MOON!"

Celestia groaned. "Fine, whatever. Just...don't get arrested." With that, she wandered back into the kitchen. "Good luck!" she called over her shoulder.

"Nightmare Moon does not need luck, for she has the most powerful deck ever assembled! I shall return with yet another trophy proclaiming my victory!"

Tia slumped back onto the couch in utter shock and confusion. *What...is going on here?*

Ten minutes later, Celestia found her curled up in a shellshocked ball on the couch. She explained the whole thing; after the explanation, Tia felt relieved, embarrassed...and severely annoyed.

* * * * *

"You've gotta be kidding me," Lyra said, eyes wide, as Celestia showed her a photo of 'Nightmare Moon'.

"I wish," Celestia muttered, pocketing her phone. "This is what I have to put up with on top of running the largest high school in Canterlot."

"Ouch," Bon Bon said, wincing. "You know, it never really occurred to me that teachers might have really crazy home lives and stuff." She laughed softly. "I guess kids and teachers aren't so different after all, huh?"

Celestia smiled. "Well, we're all only human," she said. She finished her slush, then stood and stretched with a small sigh. "Unfortunately, I just remembered some things I need to take care of today. Would you girls mind terribly letting Tia hang out with you for a while? If you're not busy doing anything."

"We'd be happy to," Bon Bon said with a smile. "Neither of us really has anything to do today, so we're just killing time. If you'd like to join us, we'll probably run into at least one or two other kids from our class."

"That sounds lovely," Tia said with a pleasant smile.

"I'm glad," Celestia said, counting a few bills out of her wallet and handing them to Tia. "Have a good time, don't be home too late!" With that, she disposed of her garbage and left.

Once the three girls were alone, Tia cleared her throat. "So," she said, "what do you usually do for fun around town? I've only been in town a couple of weeks, and I've spent most of that time cooped up at home studying."

Lyra and Bon Bon exchanged glances, frowning. "Studying? During the summer?"

"Differences in curriculum between where I was before and here," Tia offered with a game smile. "I have to make sure I don't fall behind when I start at CHS, after all!"

"That makes sense I guess," Bon Bon said. "Still, all work and no play, you know?"

"Oh, I've taken breaks," Tia said mildly. "We did go down to Canterlittle the first weekend I was here. We spent some time at the beach."

"Oooh, a beach trip!" Lyra said. "Bon Bon, we so need to do that this summer!"

"Hmm...maybe," Bon Bon said. "I'm not really big on the beach. I'd rather spend the day in the park. It's not as hot, there isn't all that gross sand that gets everywhere..." She shuddered. "Last time I went to the beach, I got sand up my hoo-ha."

Lyra blinked at her. Tia's jaw dropped. "How the hell did you manage that?" Lyra asked.

"I'd...rather not talk about it," Bon Bon said, looking away with red cheeks. "Let's talk about where we'll go today! We need to show Tia the fun places to go in town, right?"

"Hmm," Lyra said thoughtfully, tapping her cheek. "Honestly? Other than the mall or the movies, I'm not sure where there is to go in Canterlot that's just...y'know...fun."

Bon Bon rolled her eyes. "That's probably because we've already done it all, all year long..." She frowned. "We could go to the karaoke box. Or bowling maybe?"

"Bowling, on a day like this?" Lyra asked, shaking her head. "Karaoke sounds...hmm." She leaned back, sipping her drink as she thought. "Hey," she said suddenly, a sly grin crossing her face. "I've got an idea." She cut her eyes sideways to Bon Bon.

Bon Bon frowned. "No," she said.

"I didn't even say what it is yet!"

"I already know what you're thinking, and no."

"Aww, come on!" Lyra whined. "We gotta go at least once!"

Bon Bon groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Lyra, we've been over this. There are like a million reasons to avoid that place. Not the least of which is I'm pretty sure it's for little kids."

"Nuh-uh!" Lyra insisted, pulling out her phone and tapping it several times before thrusting it in Bon Bon's face. "See? It's for everybody!"

"It's weird," Bon Bon pressed. "I don't know as I want to be seen in that kind of place."

Lyra raised an eyebrow. "Bon Bon," she said flatly, "anybody we know who you'd be embarrassed to be seen there by would be in the same boat we'd be in. If we're seen there by somebody we know, they'd be seen there by us."

Bon Bon raised a finger and opened her mouth to object, then blinked. "That's...actually a good argument," she said.

Tia looked back and forth between the two, a puzzled frown on her face. "What...are you two talking about?" she asked.

Lyra grinned. "There's this amusement park that opened up just outside the city last year," she said. "Cheesetopia, the Cheesiest Place on Earth!"

"Talk about your slogans that need work," Bon Bon muttered snidely, propping her cheek on her hand.

Tia blinked. "An amusement park," she said, pursing her lips. "You know, I...I don't believe I've ever actually been to an amusement park."

"Seriously?" Lyra asked. "Not even Flag World?"

Tia shook her head. "Never had the time, I suppose."

"Well that settles it then!" Lyra exclaimed, thrusting a fist in the air. "Girls, we're going to Cheesetopia!"

Bon Bon rolled her eyes. "Yay," she said sarcastically.

Next Chapter: Book One, Chapter 4 (Side Sunset) Estimated time remaining: 56 Minutes
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