
Colin's Perfect Date

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 1: Best Romantic Night Ever

Colin was as happy as he was, living with his new mother, Fluttershy. He really was glad to be in. A family like this one. right now,It was a calm afternoon, and it was still autumn. School was out for the day Nd all the students exited happily, including the human boy. Another successful day of school for every child attending it, including Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who are no longer bullies.

The boy waited for the girls so they can take him home on their usual way of travel in many places.

Things have kind of changed for Colin's relationship with Scootaloo since they are now declared a girlfriend and boyfriend. They are still friends of course, more than friends is more like it. "Oh Scootaloo." Colin sighed. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met." Yes, everything he is near Sccotaloo, or maybe mention her name, he would have some butterflies swarm in his stomach. The same thing was with her around him. They were not shy around eachother of course, but they cannot fight the feelings they have for eachother.

"Colin!" Sweetie Belle called. The boy looked over and saw his three filly best friends ready to take him back to Fluttershy's cottage.

"Coming!" He shouted happily. He got in the wagon with his helmet on and Scootaloo went off into the speed of light. She was a fast demon on her scooter, and was a real daredevil for any obstacles. However, for Colin's sake, she decided not to pull any tricks whenever he was riding in the wasgon, because she couldn't forgive herself if he got hurt, even if he just scraped his knee.

"Golly, can you believe Cheerilee gave us a perfect erformance on the history of Ponyville recital?" Applebloom asked her cronies.

Sweetie Belle squeaked "I know. Although I wonder if it was because Granny Smith was one of the founders of the town."

"She founded Equestria?" Colin asked in amazement

"Yep, she first settled here when she was young." Applebloom replied

"Wow, that's cool Applebloom."


"So any plans for tonight, Colin?" Scootaloo asked

"Well.... no." He replied modestly. "I might just eat dinner and help take care of the animals and then go to bed early." He looked a little embarrassed "I can get tired at night really easilly."

"Ah, it's okay, Colin." Said Sweetie patting his shoulder. "That happens to us too, sometimes."

"Yeah I was just curious." Scootaloo added. During today, she was thinking of something nonstop that it is kind of driving her to the point of going insane. "Colin?" She said again.


"I've been meaning to ask you." She said.

"Ask me what?"

"I... i..."

"Oh, I love you too, Scootaloo." Colin. Replied, thinking if that was what she was going to say to him.

As touched as she was by his sweetness, she replied. "No no no, not that. I wanted?" She was on the spot and kind of loss her courage to tell him what she wanted to say. For that, she answered "we'll talk when we get you home, okay buddy?"

"Are you okay, Scoot?" Asked Sweetie Belle

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." Then she continued riding down the road. She knew every route of this part of town and knew exactly where she was going on her scooter. Finally, they all saw his house and she stopped a few yards away from it. Colin got off, and before he could walk back home, Scootaloo stopped him. "Colin... about what said a few seconds ago, i- i-" she began to stammer mildly

"Yeah, what is it? Are you okay?" Colin asked her

"I'm fine. I was wondering if.... if.... you would like to go on a date with me?" she said at last. Scootaloo felt half good and embarrassed to get that out of her chest. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle gasped with excitement and looked at eachother.

Colin didn't really know what to say. He never had a girl ask him out on a date before, until now. "I... I would love to." he finally said in reply. Scootaloo had a smile on her face


"Of course. Well... I don't know what it's like being on a date to be honest."

Scootaloo's smile turned into a frown. "Oh."

"But don't worry, I will give t a try." Then the filly had a changed from a frown to a smile once again. "I just need to dress really nice and have a nice quite date together."

"Totally. I gotta wear something fancy too."

Then the other two crusaders stepped up on both sides of Scootaloo, and Applebloom blurted "we'll make the arrangements."

"Yeah, I can get Rarity to get you the perfect tuxedo, and a dress for Scootaloo." Sweetie Belle added. Colin and Scootaloo looked more confident and more happy to hear that their best friends will help them set up the best date ever.

"You'll do that?" The boy said, really touched by their helpfulness.

"Of course, Colin., Sweetie said. "We're you're best friends."

"We are always there for you, Colin." Applebloom added. "You and Scootaloo should totally go on this date tonight."

"Great. I might as well tell my mommy that."

"Good idea. See you soon, Colin." Scootaloo said. "And... I love you." The. She gave him a kiss on his cheek, making the other crusaders go "aww."

The boy flushed and replied "I love you too, Scootaloo. I promise you we will have the best night of our lives."

Scootaloo agreed by saying "I know it will." Then the boy went to the cottage. When the door opened, many animals came up to him to say hello.

"Colin, how was your day, sweetie?" Said Fluttershy, who was done chipping Harry's claws.

"Good as usual, mommy."

"Wonderful. Would you like me to make you a dinner?"

"Actually mommy, i want to talk to you about something really important." Colin clarified

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"Nothing. Nothing. Mommy, Scootaloo just asked me out on a date."

Fluttershy began to look surprised. "Really? She did?" She asked. Colin nodded a yes to her, and was even more happy than the first time. "Oh, Colin. I am so proud of you." Then she picked him and hugged him tightly while hovering. "My baby is growing up so fast."

Colin smiled. "Thanks, mommy. So I think Sweetie Belle just told Rarity about it, and she might give me my tuxedo."

"Wonderful, thank you for mentioning that." Then a knock on the door was heard. Fluttershy opened it and it was Big Macintosh.

"Daddy!" Colin exclaimed

"Colin, come here, son." He replied. The boy ran up to him and hugged Big Mac and the red stallion vice versa. "I just came to see my own son back from school. Oh, howdy Fluttershy, how you doing?"

"hello, Big Mac. i am doing alright, and what about you?"

"good. so, how was it, champ?"

"Good Scootaloo asked me out on a date tonight." Big Mac gasped and smiled even wider

"Well I'll be." He said "your growing up so fast. My own boy has just became a man now." He gave the human child a hug. "I am so proud of you, Colin."

"Thanks, daddy." When the red stallion let him go, he said "I'm... A little afraid of this."

"Why, sweetie?" Flutterhy asked with concern.

"This is my first date. What should I do? Besides having wear something nice? What if Scootaloo suddenly hates it?"

"Oh, Colin. Don't be silly. She will absolutely adore it. So please don't worry, okay? Just be yourself, that's all a girl wants from you."

"Yeah. I guess."

Big Mc then added "your mama's right, kid. Just be confident in your own self. Do that, and you'll be a real ladykiller." He winked playfully at him

Fluttershy giggled "oh Big Mac. "You are so funny."

"Eeyup. I know."

"So where will you be going?"

"Well, I don't know really." He modestly replied. "Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said they will help us with that, and rearrange how it will be like. But, we both suggested somewhere like Sugarcube Corner or the cafe for dinner."

"Nice. Perhaps we can help you with that." Big Mac added

Colin felt even more grateful seeing that both his parents are willing to help him out. "Oh yes. I can comb your hair and show you how a date would work." Fluttershy volunteered

Colin said "thanks mommy, thanks daddy."

"You're welcome." Fluttershy and Big Mac exclaimed in unison. So they began their little training and advice for the human boy.

It was evening and Colin was waiting for Rarity to bring him his tuxedo. Big Mac already went back home not too long ago, and wished Colin luck on his very first date in his life.

Finally, there was a knock on the front door, and just as they though, Rarity arrived and had the tuxedo on her back. "Rarity, hello." Fluttershy greeted

"Hello, Fluttershy. I have brought our tedious Colin here his tuxedo." She used the magic from her horn to control the nice, newly made clothing. It was jet black like any any normal tux along with a red Bowtie. "Ah, hello, darling. I must say I am proud of you."

"Thanks, Rarity. I'll go change."

"Of course, a perfectly handsome young boy like you deserves some privacy." Rarity remarked. The boy went upstairs to change, and it did not take long either. He came down the stairs, and Rarity and Fluttershy looked at him with big grins on their faces.

"Aww, you look so cute, Colin." Fluttershy said

Rarity gently squished his cheeks while she said "The cutest wittle thing I have ever seen. Oh." Colin flushed at their compliments.

"Thanks, guys." he said. Then there was another knock on the door. "I'll get it." then the boy opened up to see Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom. His eyes went wide to see Scootaloo wearing a cute purple dress tonight.

"Hi, Colin." Scootaloo said.

"H- hi Scootaloo." He replied to her.

"Oh, Scootaloo you look so adorable in that dress I made you. I told you it would fit, didn't i?"

The orange pegasus filly didn't really agree with her, and thought it had a little too much... fru fru as she best describes it. "Thanks, Rarity." She replied anyway

"Oh my gosh, Colin. You loo so handsome." Said Sweetie Belle in a squeaky voice.

Colin flushed again. "Thanks."

"Yeah, you're all spiffed up." Applebloom added. "So we made something really special for you guys on your night together."

The boy smiled. "Like a dinner?"

"Yep, Spike also helped us with the work too, so he's going to provide you classy music for you guys as entertainment." Sweetie said.

"Yay!" Colin said.

"Colin, when you go out there, please be careful, especially out at night." Fluttershy gently warned him.

"Don't worry, mommy. I'll be okay. I promise i'll be back here before bedtime."

The yellow pegasus smiled at her son. "I know you will."

"And Rsrity, thank you so much for the tuxedo again. I appreciate it."

Rarity replied "oh you are so very welcome Sweetie. Anything for my sweet little nephew."

"Well come on, lovebirds. Let's go." Applebloom said. Then the kids went out in the night to begin the date between Colin and Scootaloo. When they arrived, many ponies were still wide and awake. They all stopped at the cafe with a table with a cloth on it, and some candles on top.

"Well, here we are." Scootaloo said.

"Ah, Colin, there you are, buddy." Said a voice. I was Spike, who was also wearing a tuxedo and carrying a violin with him. "Wow, you look really cool."

The boy smiled. "Thanks, Spike. You look really fancy too."

"Ah thanks, Colin. So, I will be performing the violin for you guys. Don't worry, you won't know that I am here. I promise."

"And we will give you guys some privacy to." Sweetie added

Applebloom then said "yeah, you two deserve a nice quiet evening together." We'll just be over there if ya need anything." She pointed to a table on the far side from them.

"Perfect. Well, let me help you with your seat, Scootaloo."

"Sure Colin. Such a gentleman." The boy then seperated the chair from the table to give his date so room to sit in. "Thanks."

Then the boy made himself comfortable. "Mr Silverware." He called to the waiter who looked available. Then he noticed the boy. "A la cart, s'il vous plait." While the other two girls went to sit across from them and Spike began to play, the waiter came and asked them "ah, Colin. I was told of your arrival good chap. How can I serve you and your beautiful and adorable date?"

"Good evening, mr. Silverware. Let me think.... I will have the.... spaghetti." Then he realized that Scootaloo said it with him. "Yoy want some too?"

"Of course, I love spaghetti." She replied.

"Oh. In that case, we will have that."

Silverware smiled "brilliant, you happen to be in luck because I knew you would ask for it, so I made them for you."

"Wow. Thanks."

"Of course." Then the waiter went to get them their food and it smelled exquisite and delicious. "Here you go, children."

"Merci beaucoup, monsieur." Colin said

"De rien, garcon." The waiter replied with a wink. "Enjoy your dinner." Then he left the two alone.

"Wow Colin. I didn't know you spoke fancy." Scootaloo said.

"On my earth, we call the language French. Severin taught it to me and I already know so many of it."

"Really? How does he speak French? Is that what you call it?"

"Yep. And Gabon, Severin's homeland is a french speaking country."

"That's awesome."

"It's a beautiful language, you know?"

"I do know. It's so romantic." Then she realized what she said probably didn't make her so tough. "I mean for ponies who are in love."

Colin gave her a playful look. "Come on, Scootaloo. You can tell me anything."

"Yeah, I know. I admit it, I do love the language." She confessed with she chuckled. "I'm starved. Let's eat." Then they both dug into their spaghetti. Ot tasted so delicioud. Even though Colin prefers it with meatballs, he still loved it.

It felt really romantic just being alone together with Spike giving them beautiful violin music. While they were slurping noodles, they unexpectedly grabbed hold of one simultaneously. They had their eyes closed and then gently bumped their faces while slurping, looking lie they were kissing each other on the lips.

The two both slowly chewed their noodles and sat back in slight embarrassment, blushing heavilly. "That felt.... kind of neat." Scootaloo modestly remarked

"Yeah... I know."

"So Scootaloo, how long have you been riding your scooter?"

"Since I was little." She replied to her boyfriend. "I never knew I had this special connection with me and scooters." She looked at her flank. "I am so happy I got this cutie mark, I think it suits me."

"Yeah it does. You know I used to have a scooter."

"Really? Was it fun?"

"Yeah really fun. I don't have it anymore because I gave it to the good will charity back home in Montana."

"Oh. I understand. That is actually a very nice thing to do to homeless orphans."

"Yeah, I know. Besides, i'm not that good on the scooter anyway. I always used to get boo boos on my arms and knees."

"Oh no. That didn't sound good."

"Nope. It hurt a lot when that happens to me, even if I am wearing my helmet and elbow and knee pads. I had to face the fact that I was so lame on scooters so much that maybe I should have just not do it anymore."

"I can appreciate that." Then she looked up at the sky. "Wow, aren't the stars so bright and pretty out here?"

The human boy looked up and saw how bright and shiny they all were, glimmering in the beautiful night sky. "That is so cool. My dad used to show me the stars like this every night before.... you know."

"Ah, Colin. You know that your parents will always be with you, right?"

"Oh yeah. I do."

"In fact, I think they are all watching you from up there right now." What she said made Colin drift on and smiled at the sky. He can already see that his parents are having their faces appear from the clouds and smile at him.

"I think they are."

Then the waiter came back and asked "did you both enjoy their meals?"

"Yep, we did." Colin replied.

"Don't worry, guys. I'll pay for you." Spike stepped in. He gave mr. Silverware the bits the two lovebirds owed him for the dinner.

"Thank you so much, Spike. Oh, and another thanks for performing tonight. You should put your ingenious skills to more use."

"Your welcome, mister Silverware. Always happy to help out." Then he looked at the couple. "Well, i think I should get back home now." Then he yawned. "I'm tired"

"Okay, see you soon, Spike." Colin said.

"Bye Colin, bye Scootaloo." The baby dragon replied. With his violin still with him, he went along back to Twilight's castle for his well deserved goodnight sleep.

They both looked at eachother and Scootaloo said "well, what should we do now?"

"I don't know." Colin replied. Indeed, they didn't really know what to do next on their date tonight. They both eaten their food and had nice conversations with one another. What should they do next?"

Then the other two crusaders came back to them. "So, how did it go?" Sweetie asked them curiously

"It went good." Colin said.

"Totally." Scootaloo agreed.

"So what would you guys like to do next?" Applebloom asked "or if you want to go home, we understand."

"Wait. I got an idea." Scootaloo said with a thought. "We can go look at the moon and more stars in the park."

"That sounds like a great idea." Colin agreed.

"Well, me and Sweetie Belle need to get back home too." Said Applebloom.

"We are so happy for you too." Sweetie added. "But if you have any trouble, you know where to find us, right?"

"Of course. Besides, I already promised mommy that I will be home before bedtime."

"Oh, good. Well, good night guys." Sweetie remarked. Colin and Scootaloo said goodnight to them in reply then the two crusaders went back home. Now it was just him and Scootaloo.

They both walked to the ark together and sat on the grass, looking at the sky. "This is really cool. If only mommy, daddy, and Johnny were here to see this."

"I know. Equestria has the most beautiful sky in the the universe." Said Scootaloo.

"Speaking of which, was I good performing with them on the talent show and the Crystal Empire?" He asked curiously

"You weren't good." She replied. What she said made Colin frown. "You were awesome!" Then Colin's smile returned to him. "You were a true rock star back there. Everypony loved it."

The boy felt proud of himself. "I guess I am." Then he sighed sadly

"What's the matter, Colin?"

"Oh nothing. I... I just miss Johnny, Severin, Christian, and Bobby. That's all."

"Oh come on, buddy. They visit you from time to time. Discord helps you with that, remember?"

"Yeah I know. You're right. Sorry for being a crybaby."

"You're not a crybaby, Colin." She softly said to him. "You are one of the bravest ponies, I mean- people I have ever met in my life." She placed her hoof on his shoulder. "I love you, Colin. More than anything else in the world of Equestria."

Colin was touched and replied "i.. I love you too, Scootaloo. You are the prettiest filly I have ever met."

"Aw, that's sweet." Then she gave him a kiss on his face.

"Can we... both kiss?" The boy asked

"Of course." They both puckered their lips and gave one another a small kiss on their lips.

"Say, Colin." The filly said, having a sly grin on her face. "Are you... ticklish?"

"Ummm, yeah I guess."

"Oh you are?" She had a playful evil smile on her face and tacked him. Tickling him mercilessly with her tail and wings. "Tickle tickle tickle."

"Hahaha! Scootaloo, stop!" Colin laughed hysterically. She kept on tickling him anyway without hesitation.

This night turned out to be exactly how it was. It was the best first date that Colin and Scootaloo had together as a couple. Scootaloo stopped her tickling and looked at the moon again. Later on, they both went home and went to bed, remembering this special night in the years to come.

The End

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