
One Night In November

by Nyx-E-Stix

Chapter 1: Burned In The Brain

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“Run Sonata!”

Sonata winced at the shrill scream Aria let out.

“Hurry up!!”

Tears streamed down her face as she tried keeping up with her sisters.

“You gotta keep going!”

Sonata sped up, her feet crunching on the glass that was broken around her. Everything was destroyed in a matter of seconds. She had been rudely awakened by Adagio saying to pack a suitcase and get some shoes on. Adagio had fear in her eyes, which made Sonata afraid. Adagio was never afraid. Not when they were robbed, not when they were in trouble with the law, never. She’s the leader. She can’t be afraid of anything.

Until tonight.


It was 1 AM. Sonata had been sleeping peacefully, a decent-sized drool puddle by her face, when her door was burst down by the eldest siren. Adagio was frantic as she shook the blue girl awake, who merely stirred. The leader growled, the sound getting caught in her throat as she heard the glass of their front window breaking. She violently slapped Sonata across the face, causing the middle siren to jolt up in pain. She stared at her older sister in shock, holding her cheek.

“Nata, you have to pack up. We have to get out of here!!” her sister quietly screamed at her, causing Sonata to leap out of bed and begin packing.

“Meet Aria and me downstairs when you’re done. Only things you need. You have ten minutes.”

Sonata was genuinely terrified, and the gunshots down the street did not help things. She was visibly shaking, her hands scrambling for clothes and some of her favorite snacks, plus some of her sisters’ favorites. She put on her sneakers, running downstairs with her knapsack over her shoulder. She still wasn’t sure what was happening, but if her sisters made the call, she followed. It had saved her countless times before.

“Dagi.. Ari..? Where’d you guys g--?!” Sonata was cut off by a hand over her mouth, yanking her into a closet.

She bit the hand, elbowing her assailant. She was immediately released, then hit in the back of a head by a hand.

“Way to go, you little snot, you drew blood,” Aria whispered in her rough tone, holding her hand.

“Sorry Ari!! I didn’t me--!”

Sonata was cut off by Adagio’s hand this time.

“Shut. Up. Sonata.” she said through her gritted teeth as quietly as she could. “We’re being robbed, just stay quiet and things’ll be okay.”

Sonata nodded, raising her hand to the hand covering her mouth and making a zipping motion over the back of it.

Adagio immediately recoiled, shaking her hand rapidly.

“Don’t do that.”

Aria peeked out the door, looking around before seeing a large man in a black military uniform, a red band around his left arm. He held a pistol, ordering his soldiers around in German. They were flipping chairs in their humble flat, turning over tables and checking every nook and cranny of the small apartment the Dazzlings had called home for a few years. She quickly shut the door and turned to Adagio. They whispered amongst the two of them for a few moments before they turned back to Sonata.

“Sonata, it’s finally happened. Nazis are rounding up the Jews, gypsies.. they’re all going to be killed,” Aria’s harsh voice trembled as she spoke the words, tears welling in her eyes as she imagined their fates.

“But we will not get caught, Aria. For fuck sake, get ahold of yourself. We’re going to be fine. Now you two need to listen to me. Here’s what we’re going to do; Sonata, you and Aria grab your bags. On my cue, sing the Melody of Minty Heartstrings. It should buy us enough time to get out of here, and make them depressed, not angry. On my mark, okay?”

The younger sirens nodded in unison, clearing their throats. Awaiting Adagio’s command and action, they picked up their bags, Aria grabbing Adagio’s.

Adagio sighed deeply, steeling her resolve and flung the door open, beginning to harmonize the transluscent melody. She saw the three Nazis point their guns at her, but she kept holding the notes, soon hearing her sisters join in. With the two added to the harmony, they were able to distract the men threatening them. They dropped their weapons on the carpet filled with shards of glass, eyes transfixed in a saddening stare.

The three sirens slowly backed towards their front door, their melody never faltering as they stepped outside. Once they turned around, the three girls went from regal sirens to scared children. One by one, Jews were taken from lines and sent to the left or right. A generously built Aryan woman was ordering it all. The people, mostly women and children, who went to the left were loaded into large trucks packed full of frightened screaming, horrendous pained groans, and desperate wails for mercy. The ones who were sent to the right, mostly men and the elderly, were put on their knees and shot in the back of the head. Blood, brain matter, teeth, skull fragments, and chunks of bone were blown away from the nice old man they knew from across the street. They would frequently visit him, and considered the poor old man the only human who hadn’t completely gotten on their nerves. He was the man who introduced the sirens to a peculiar Central American food called “tacos”. Sonata had been in love with the food since he made them a “Welcome To The Neighborhood” party about 4 years ago. And in the time it took Sonata to blink, his tired face and soft, tearful eyes were nothing more than pavement stains. Aria heaved up her dinner at the sight, Adagio’s breath caught in her throat, and Sonata clutched onto Adagio’s arm and screamed.

The shrill scream caused the entire Nazi fleet to look at the three girls. As the cold eyes of the soldiers stared at them, acting on fight or flight, the sirens took off down the street in the opposite direction of the Nazis pulling their pistols and the German woman with piercing blue eyes. With a loud order to fire, they heard what seemed like hundreds of gunshots behind them.

“Run Sonata!”

Sonata winced at the shrill scream Aria let out.

“Hurry up!!”

Tears streamed down her face as she tried keeping up with her sisters.

“You gotta keep going!”

Glass crunched under their feet, as Adagio stopped abruptly, lifting Sonata into her arms and taking off running again. With Aria close by her and Sonata in her arms, she knew they’d all make it out alive. The three girls ran until the echos of the gunshots were mere ringing in their ears. The three stopped to catch their breath, Aria vomiting again from her stomach cramping. Her face had tears staining the cheeks and horrible gasping chokes for air came from her chest. Adagio leaned against the wall of a brick building on the outskirts of town. She was gasping, holding a sobbing Sonata in her arms. She clutched the younger girl tightly, holding her close as a way to comfort her. The three girls took cover in the alley behind the building, resting from their 10 kilometer sprint to “safety”. The trio had finally caught their breath after a few minutes of heaving-gasps turned into deep breaths and small wheezes. The air smelled of smoke coming from their town, and the smell of semi-coagulated and fresh blood lingered in their nostrils. The sight of their nice elderly friend’s head being mercilessly blown away was forever burned in their eyelids. The light blue eyes of the blonde woman who gave the orders to kill their friend, women, men, children, sick, and elderly neighbors still seemed to be grinning the savage grin that she had given them as she nodded for their execution. Adagio imagined losing Sonata or Aria to gunfire, she imagined their brains being smashed in by the Nazi general’s steel-toed combat boots. She wouldn’t have been able to ever forgive herself if her sisters had gotten hurt, let alone killed by the Nazi enforcers. She held both her sisters in a mediocre cuddle pile in an attempt to calm the sobbing and gasping sirens currently buried in her chest. She cursed the day Hitler rose to power. She cursed ever thinking he’d help Germany. They were supposed to leave Germany next week! Now they’re stuck in the deteriorating mess that its dictator had caused. She wanted so desperately to be able to save her sisters from this horrible situation. As tears slowly fell down the eldest girl’s face, she wiped them with her free arm.


‘This is no time to feel sorry for myself. I need to protect my sisters. Their safety is most important. You need to hold off on the nervous breakdown, Adagio. Hold it together, for them.’

Adagio gently ran her fingers down Aria and Sonata’s hair. She stood up, grabbing their hands and beginning to walk down the street away from the blazing town they used to call home. With both of her sisters holding her arms, she made a promise to herself and them.

“I will get you two out of here. We’re going to get out of this safe and alive. I promise.”

Author's Notes:

Spur of the moment inspiration.
Dazzlings are immortal, so I assume they were there on Kristallnacht.

Apologies if this offends you.

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One Night In November

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