
Broken: Love

by Knackerman

Chapter 1: Matters of the Heart

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There was no time for him to stop. Not even to so much as catch his breath.

He could hear them, their strange cries only slightly muffled by the swirling snow. It had taken everything Sunburst had to make his way safely out of the Crystal Empire. He didn't know if he had fate, providence, or simple dumb luck to thank for guiding him away from the train station, but even though the howling winds of the snowy wastes that border the Empire bit harshly through his star strewn cloak, he was glad of it. Every instinct screamed at him to move as quickly away from the train yard as soon possible. Especially that finely honed sense that allowed him to detect magic. Whatever was going on at the train yard was warping and distorting the aether for miles. It was best not to look, best not to be distracted.

Especially now that he could here hooves crunching quickly through the snow behind him. They had found his trail!

He clutched the bundle beneath his cloak tighter to his chest with his magic, making sure that his parcel was wrapped safe and snug before he began trudging ahead as fast as he dared. Already his glasses were rimmed with frost, and his eyes were blurred with tears. His mane and scraggly beard were whipped by the unrelenting gale. He wished that he had taken the time to grab warmer clothing for himself, but there had been no time to do so. When the shadow fell over the Crystal Empire, there had been no warning. Suddenly massive spires of crystal that pulsed with dark energy had sprouted from the earth, like the teeth of a hungry predator sinking into defenseless prey. But that hadn't been the worst part. No, that had come shortly afterward. That was what was gaining on Sunburst's flanks even now.

A beam of magical energy scorched through the air, arching wide, but still managing to melt a patch of snowy ground into a slightly charred mud puddle near Sunburst's hooves. A warning shot. More magical missiles flew through the air, and it was all that the Unicorn could do to dodge them. He realized with a sinking feeling that they weren't necessarily trying to stop him. Rather they were trying to herd him, trying to drive him back the way he had come... Back to the Empire.

He could not allow that to happen. He didn't know what awaited for him back in the city, but it couldn't be anything good.

For years Sunburst had studied to become a powerful wizard, a magical practitioner without peer. While he had never become important, his studying had not been for nothing. While many of the greatest works of spell craft had remained beyond his abilities, he had still developed an almost encyclopedic knowledge of magics both ancient and new. While this skill made him a better custodian of ancient tomes, a librarian rather than an actual wizard, that didn't mean he hadn't picked up a useful spell here or there. As the snow continued to swirl around him, one such spell came to him now. It was simple enough, a spell for refracting light through ice crystals to make an artificial rainbow. But when the air itself seemed to freeze into a solid sheet of glass and the beams of magic that collided with it scattered in eight directions at once, he took some satisfaction in the surprised yelps of his pursuers.

His satisfaction quickly faded, however, as something heavy fell from the sky and landed in front of him. "Give it up Crystaler!" shouted a masculine voice over the howling wind. Flash Sentry of the Imperial Guard spread his wings wide, using them to block Sunburst's path and to shield the worst of the wind so his voice would carry all the clearer, "The Empress would have words with you! Before or after you regain consciousness, that doesn't matter to me. That's your choice!" He stomped one hoof into the snow, giving his threat emphasis.

"Why are you doing this!?" cried Sunburst, shouting as his words were whipped away by the blizzard. "Who is this Empress of which you speak!? Have you betrayed Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor!?"

"You think you know so much, don't you?" replied Flash, his voice dripping with disdain. "I've met your type before. Brainy, self-satisfied Unicorn's that look down on the rest of us as if we were simple." spat the soldier. Sunburst had never seen him like this before. Flash Sentry was one of the most easy going members of the Imperial Guard. The hatred in his voice, it just wasn't like him. "You'll learn soon enough that you don't have all the answers. Only she does. Only our bright and shining lady! Only the Empress!" And there it was. The sudden change. From hatred to something approaching awe. It almost sounded as if Flash Sentry was... In love.

But then, they all did. They formed a rough semi-circle around Sunburst now. Some were Imperial Guards like Flash, while others were simple citizens. All babbled to themselves. "Her hair, how it shimmers." one said in almost religious fervor. "Her eyes, how they sparkle," another practically wept. "Her coat, how it glimmers," whispered another, hoarsely, clearly overcome with emotion. Sunburst didn't know what to do. They were all around him now. He could hear them before he saw them, trudging through the snow as if they couldn't feel the murderous cold, each with blank expressions and gibbering to themselves about their 'bright and shining lady'.

"Submit to the Empress of Love!" command Flash Sentry. "Her radiance outshines the Moon and the Sun! Submit and know true happiness!"

Before Sunburst could respond, he felt something squirm at his chest. Oh no! This was the worst possible time! The writhing intensified, and a soft cry rose from the parcel he had wrapped so snugly. A horn peeped out of the blankets, and then a smiling face. Baby Flurry Heart had woken up!

"What's that? What do you have there?" Flash questioned.

The Princess giggled as Sunburst tried to shield her with is cloak. Clearly, she thought they were playing a game of peek-a-boo. How badly Sunburst wished that were the case, for he feared the game they had suddenly found themselves caught up in might have far more dire consequences than a simple foal's past-time. "Nothing you need concern yourself with," spoke Sunburst quickly. "You were saying, about the Empress. How she outshines the Moon and the Sun?" he added quickly.

"And the stars, and all the other heavenly bodies!" added Flash, his expression one of rapture. "You should feel honored that she wishes to see you in person."

The blow flew wide, possibly because Sunburst was expecting it. There had perhaps been only a moment before Flash's enraptured expression had turned to one of jealous rage, but the look was so intense that Sunburst knew that violence would swiftly follow. He countered with a pulse of magic, a burst of light to dazzle the gathered Crystal Ponies. It had the desired effect as all those gathered threw one hoof over their eyes, or stumbled blindly. Now was the time for escape!

It was a pity then, that Sunburst's cloak had tangled around his legs. He fell over awkwardly in the snow, careful to keep from landing on his precious bundle. Flurry Heart seemed to think this was just another part of their game, as she shrieked with joy and giggled wildly, one wing flapping loose from her bindings as Sunburst scrambled to find some footing in the snow. They were already on him before he could regain his hooves. His window of opportunity had slammed shut. He could feel the vice like grip of the Unicorns in the crowd as magical shackles clasped his legs and throat.

It was all over. All that struggling had been for nothing. They wouldn't be able to escape after all.

Concentrating, Sunburst desperately rifled through his mind for some spell, any spell that might help them out of this situation. This was what had stopped him from being a successful wizard. While he had an almost photographic memory of magic words and enchantments, when the pressure was on he always froze up. There were too many things he could potentially do! Some might improve their situation but others might only make it worse. Was the right play to go along with them? Let them lead him back to who ever this 'Empress' was that had so clearly taken over their minds? What was to stop him from suffering a similar fate? More so, what would happen to Princess Flurry Heart? His mind fairly raced, darting through the different possibilities like a rat through a maze with the scent of a cat on the prowl not far away.

And then there was a soft sound, like the coo of a dove.

Sunburst's eyes, which had been rolling in their sockets in panic, looked down at Flurry Heart. She had undone the greater part of her swaddling, and was now exposed to the freezing air. The chill must have tickled her nose, for as Sunburst watched, she gave a tiny sneeze. Raw magic pulsed from the baby Alicorn, and in that moment both she and Sunburst were gone! Nothing but a circle of mud remained where they had lain, and even that was quickly filled in with snow once more.

Next Chapter: Lovesickness Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 44 Minutes
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