
(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Chapter 37: Part 7 - The End: Act XXXI - Under the Weather

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Part 7: The End (Acts 31-35)

Act XXXI - Under the Weather

Though the earthquake had passed, Luna’s Night Court was not in order. The petitioners were already on edge from the raging storm outside, but now, they were scared and ready to panic.

On the throne, Luna sat quietly surveying her subjects, a curious smile on her face as the aftershocks of the earthquake subsided.

‘Good work, sister! I congratulate you on your newly-founded relationship!’ she mused.

Luna pulled herself out of her internal revelry to address the growing unrest before her.

“Quiet now! Quiet! We assure you all, there is nothing to fear; my command of the night ensures it to be so!”

Now with the room’s full attention, she turned to her attendant. “We believe it best to cancel court this evening. Though there are few petitioners, the storm is still heavy; with the added stress from the earthly disturbance, there will be little calm tonight. Have those that assembled here submit their requests, then send them home. If they are seeking shelter from the storm, allow them to stay and care for them.”

“As you command, Princess.”

“Good. Also, release a statement regarding the quakes. Let the media know that these are quite normal and benign and should any have more concerns, that the Day Court will be pleased to explain and alleviate their fears. Now we will be off, as the guard corp must be addressed.”

Luna stood and nodded to the court, then strode out quietly.


Outside of the golden doors, the Princess of the Night sat on a pillow at a small table, flanked by shadows, while reading a book and sipping from a steaming mug of hot chocolate. Her very presence provided a makeshift protective barrier, as before her were the Celestial guards, pressing their case to wake the Sun Princess from her slumber.

Luna furrowed her brow and stood her ground. “Quiet, please! We assure you that there is no need to rouse my sister; you do know how she is when woken early. May we present to you, that as it was a few days prior, these rumbles are of no concern. You are simply feeling uncertain due to the raucous storm outside.”

“But, Princess—”

Another loud thunderclap sounded simultaneously with a rumbling of the earth below, cutting off the soldier’s words.

‘Oh, my. It seems this night is not quite over yet.’

Luna sipped her cocoa. “Tut-tut. Return to your posts and reassure your compatriots and any staff or citizens you find that all is well. Tell them ‘Princess Luna is watching over them.’ Now go!”

Reproved, the guards saluted, then left to resume their posts.

Now alone, Luna turned back to her book only to feel another small quake shake the surrounding area.

‘Now you are just showing off.’ She sighed. ‘Enjoy this time, both of you.’


In the early morning hours, David and Celestia sat in the royal bed, chatting softly and sweetly together, each with a somewhat giddy display of affection.

Knock, knock, knock!

“Sister! The morning is almost upon us, may we enter?” Luna called out.

Looking quite surprised from the wake-up call, Celestia turned to her new lover for guidance, to which his only reply was a curt nod.

Celestia cleared her throat. “You may enter, Luna.”

The golden doors split open to reveal the Night Princess, who walked over to the bed slowly wearing a pleased grin.

“From the looks of this, I assume all is well, and we have reason to celebrate!”

Celestia only answered with a blush while trying to cower under the covers.

“I suppose so,” David replied, also wearing a bright smile. He turned to his hiding lover and ruffled what could be seen of her mane as she avoided her sister’s gaze and pressed into the side of the man. “Come on, no reason to feel bashful,” he said to her.

“Well, after last night, I should say that there is more than only celebration to be had. Our citizenry are sure to be a bit unsettled after a night of storms, unworldly screams, and earthquakes. I did what I could to comfort them during the night, but, Sister, I believe you will be called on in court to reaffirm my statements. Oh, and your guards would like to see you first thing this morning, as I would not let them intrude on you during the night. I believe the First Lieutenant is outside as we speak, waiting for your appearance to debrief you.”

“Oh, heavens. Was it truly that bad?” Celestia said, finally appearing from her hiding spot.

“Yes, I believe it was. Perhaps it is time to investigate permanent enchantments on our rooms for privacy and reinforcement.”

Celestia blushed again.

Then, a tingle of magic interrupted the party and let them know of the impending day’s arrival.

“I suppose I should get up,” David said.

Celestia nodded and lifted her hoof to give him room, unintentionally raising the sheets. Seeing David’s natural form underneath, she blushed yet again, then gently pushed his chest back into the bed. “Perhaps you should stay here, David. I will get up and start the day.”

David relaxed and nodded in reply.

Celestia shifted in the bed as Luna looked on. Slowly, she made her way to the edge of the bed and slipped out from under the covers. Landing on her hooves, she stood shakily, her legs almost giving out. After a cautious moment, she stood tall and smiled, having regained her regal composure.

Luna walked over to her and lovingly nuzzled her neck. “Congratulations, Tia. I am so happy for you,” she whispered.

Celestia hummed in contentment as she returned the nuzzle. “Thank you, Lulu. If it was it not for your gift, I would not be here now.”

The sisters separated, and Celestia went to the balcony. She opened the doors and confidently stepped out with her head held high in the morning breeze. She then powered her horn once again and brought forth the daylight to the waking world below. Having completed her task, she returned inside and rejoined Luna and David at the bedside.

She looked to David. “Are you alright, David?”

“Yes, just a bit of the usual. How about you?”

Celestia smiled. “I feel wonderful!”

“I am glad to hear that, sister, but perhaps you will take a moment to freshen up before venturing outside your chambers again.”

A moment of confusion showed, then, realization. As she was, Celestia wore neither her raiment nor had she taken a single moment to care for her post-date appearance. She turned her head to the side and lifted a wing. With tear-filled eyes and a scrunched muzzle, Celestia had a new understanding of her state of personal hygiene. She quickly ran off to the bathroom and shut the door.

Luna smirked, then walked over to the bedside. “She will be a few moments. May I approach?”

David seemed to be confused by her question. “Of course. You don’t have to ask, you know.”

Luna climbed up into the bed and lay next to David. “Thank you, but this is my sister’s domain. I do not wish to intrude upon it.”


“I am so pleased that you both were able to make inroads into a true relationship last evening.”

“I am as well, but I have to admit that I was a bit concerned that one of us would’ve turned the other down.”

Luna cocked her head. “Is that so?”

“Yes. I think the biggest hurdle is one that we have not yet approached, let alone overcome. Both Celestia and I are concerned about how our relationship will be taken by the citizens. I now share her concerns that, with both of you in a shared relationship with me, challenges to your ruling legitimacy or political unrest could occur. I don’t want to have either of you hurt by that or have the kingdom hurt either. Celestia has chosen to be with us; she chose her happiness now over the possible hurt there is to come. We must all work to prevent that from happening.”

“Yes, and we will. Surely she has mentioned how we might possibly offset or negate the effects?”

“Apparently, Twilight and Cadance are our main hopes. That, and after my introduction, I’ll need to travel a bit for the other ponies to meet and get to know that I’m not evil.”

Luna laughed. “Evil? You?”

“Come on. You know what I mean.”

Luna smirked as she reminisced. “Far too well. I too had to prove myself not to be ‘evil.’ “

“And how did it go?”

Luna furrowed her brow. “It takes practice. Practice and patience.”

“And sometimes voice lessons?” David joked.

Luna turned to him and paused. “Oh! Yes, voice lessons indeed,” she replied meekly.

“I thought it was cute.”

You did not have foals running from you in terror!”

David laughed. “I’m sure I will. Give it time.”

Luna snuggled into his chest. “I do wonder how you would be viewed by a foal.”

“Me too. We’ll find out. Hopefully someday soon.”

The bathroom door opened, announcing Celestia’s triumphant return. She stood at the doorway, clean, radiant and steaming. Wearing a smile of victory, Celestia walked over to join the others.

She stopped at the bedside and locked eyes with David. “Forgive me?”

David smiled and shook his head. “It’s okay. Feeling better?”

Celestia smiled and nuzzled his neck. “Much.” She then raised her head and gave him a polite kiss on the lips as Luna watched from David’s lap, smiling.

“ ‘Tis my turn!” Luna nuzzled in playfully, forcing Celestia away. With the new opportunity, Luna wasted no time taking David’s lips in an impassioned kiss and parted her lips to draw him deeper.

David felt her intent but instead clamped his lips tightly around her invading muscle, startling her and causing Luna to pull back and break the kiss.

“Now, Luna, let’s all play nicely,” he said jokingly.

Celestia chuckled a bit and shook her head. “I do not mind, David. But perhaps we should start our day, I am simply starving!”

David carefully pushed the blue mare off his chest and lap, then turned to sit on the side of the bed, facing Celestia. He picked up her peytral from the bedside dresser and held it aloft.

Celestia lowered her head, and he gently slipped it over, pulling her mane through before resting it around her neck. He then took her crown, and similarly placed it atop her head. “Now you can go to breakfast.” He smiled. “But I need a shower and a change of clothes, not to mention some help getting out of here unnoticed.”

Celestia blushed hard.

Luna turned and leaned against his arm. “Do you want me to teleport you?”

David paused, thinking. “Maybe that would be best.”

Celestia huffed. “I could do that!”

“No, Sister. You have a report to make to your guards. That, and it is known that I am in a relationship with David. The same is not yet known about you. Do you wish to have that information revealed now?”

Celestia thought pensively. “No, I suppose you are correct. Should I… should I inform the guards about my new relationship?”

Luna raised her head. “That is not for me to decide, though perhaps they should be notified soon.”

“I will think about it.”

David reached out for Celestia. “I trust you,” he said as she drew near. David cupped her jaw and pulled her closer. Sensing his intent, she closed her eyes and met his gentle kiss. David released his hold and broke the kiss, but she stayed still, with her eyes closed and a rosy hue on her cheeks.

Luna laughed joyously. “Tia, you are such a filly!”

With the moment ruined, Celestia snorted and glared at her little sister, then tossed her head into the air. “Forgive me for being a romantic!”

David laughed at their exchange. “Now, now. Let’s be civil. Celestia, I think it’s time you tended to the guards. Luna, did anyone see you enter?”

“Yes, the guards definitely noticed my entry.”

“Okay. It’s probably best for you to go with Celestia then. I should probably go back alone. Would one of you teleport me to my room please?”

“Since I cannot go— Sister, would you like to see our lover off?” Luna asked.

“Certainly. Till later, David.”

“Thanks. I’ll see you both at breakfast in a few.”

Celestia nodded, then powered her horn, causing a slight shudder from David. Then, in a flash, he was gone.


David sat at his seat in the dining room, waiting for Celestia and Luna to join him. He did not have to wait long before the main hall doors opened and they both walked in, talking to each other.

“I simply think that it would have been better to make a convincing excuse rather than to say ‘All is well, I command it to be so!’ “ Celestia said dramatically.

Luna huffed. “Those were not my words. I simply stated that, as it was my night, that I would protect them. That should have sufficed!”

“And then you left them,” Celestia retorted.

Luna rolled her eyes. “It was not required of me to be present to protect them. I am never physically present when I address their dreams. Why would it matter if I were there for storms and quakes?”

The royal sisters continued to banter, even after they took their seats, completely ignoring David in the process.

“We are a symbol, a figure for them to rely on. It is sometimes only our very presence that is needed to comfort and embolden them,” Celestia continued.

“I believe the staff did a fine job in my absence. That, and there were more important individuals that required my personal protection,” Luna said, waggling her eyebrows.

Celestia blushed again. “Yes, thank you for that. Perhaps I was not as careful as I should have been. It would not have come to that if I had simply thought to cast a spell or two before.”

Luna nodded. “Yes, I have experienced as much. However, love flies in the face of rational thought, causing even the most careful strategist to stumble.”

Celestia looked down and mumbled, “…Yes”

Sensing a pause, David cleared his throat. “So… everything okay?”
Luna looked at Celestia, and Celestia raised her head to look back at her sister before acknowledging David. “Yes. I do not believe the guards are satisfied with the story I told them, but they have stopped inquiring at the moment.”


Luna turned to David. “She told them the truth… somewhat. That she had strong magical outbursts that were completely normal, that shook the heavens and earth, and that she was fine.”


Luna smiled. “They did not buy it. I fear your young Lieutenant may poke around a bit.”

David turned to Celestia. “Why didn’t they believe you?”

Celestia huffed a bit. “They may have noticed the similarities to the other night of earthquakes and screams less than a week ago.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“There is no need to apologize. I fully understand,” Celestia said solemnly.

Luna smiled devilishly.

David quickly broke the silence. “Well, what do you say we start breakfast. I’m plenty hungry now!”

Celestia perked up at the mention of food. “Agreed!” She reached over for the silver bell and picked it up with her lips. She then gently shook her head side-to-side, then set the bell down in front of her. Even as the prep room door could be heard opening, Celestia was one beat ahead as she took off her right shoe and let it drop to the floor, then pulled her hoof-band down and into place.

Cherry’s staff proceeded to load up the table with plenty of breakfast goodies: waffles with berries and accoutrements, oatmeal, fruit, and various sweet and toasted savory muffins. As they finished and returned, Cherry approached the table to greet them, carrying assorted beverages.

“Good morning Princesses, David. Did everypony do okay last night?”

Questionable looks were shared around the table.

Cherry somewhat shirked away at the guest’s obvious discomfort. “I mean, I was quite scared with such a strong storm and then the earthquakes.”

Celestia was the first to speak up. “Oh! Yes, there was a little disturbance, but I feel quite well-rested. Luna? David?”

“Night Court was quite a raucous affair. We were forced to cancel midway and send the petitioners home to take shelter from the storm. Even the guards were a little off-put from it all. I honestly cannot wait to retire.”

All the mares looked to David.

“I didn’t mind it at all. It was kind of exciting if you ask me. I did sleep well after, though.”

“Well, that’s good to hear. Sorry that court did not go well, Princess. So, is there anything else I can do for you this morning?” Cherry asked.

Celestia looked around the table. “No, I believe this will do nicely. Thank you, Cherry.”

“My pleasure!” Cherry bowed, then left for the door only to look back at David and wink.

‘Does she know? Nah.’

As soon as the door shut, Celestia dove for her fork. She quickly fastened it in her hoof-band, then speared several waffles and pulled them to her plate. After securing her bounty, she carefully added butter, dollops of whipped cream, nuts and blueberries before drowning it all in syrup.

David and Luna looked on in awe as the solar princess attacked her tower of breakfast with a huge grin on her face, not once stopping to acknowledge the others at the table.

After Celestia had taken one particularly messy bite, smearing her muzzle with golden syrup and white cream, Luna opened her mouth to speak. “So ravenous today, Sister! It is as if you have been fasting for days!”

Luna’s words broke Celestia out of her trance, and she froze, her hoof in mid-air, a large portion of waffle jabbed on the end dripping with sugary goodness. She slowly looked around the table, a light blush on her cheeks.

“I… I… David, she is picking on me!”

David laughed “I’m afraid you’ll have to deal with your sister’s friendly jabs all by yourself. That, and you were really going at it.”

“David!?” Celestia pleaded.

He shrugged. “Don’t worry, it was cute.”

Luna smirked. “I agree. You reminded me of a happy little filly at the table. Quite the sight!”

Celestia swallowed her current bite, then put down her fork and closed her eyes. “I understand. Forgive me for my behavior.”

“Oh come now, Tia. Tis all in good fun. Let us enjoy our meal. I am quite sure I will make a similar display as I enjoy it!”

Luna grabbed some waffles for herself, and forgoing all utensils, proceeded to make a mess of her face as she consumed her treats merrily.

David was not so outgoing, and somewhat daintily ate his oatmeal before having two waffles with only syrup and butter.

As everypony settled into their food, an odd expression came over David’s face. He put down his fork and closed his eyes and sat quietly wearing a frown.

Luna noticed this and turned to him. “David, dear. Are you alright? You look to be in pain.”

Hearing this, Celestia stopped as well and turned to him.

“I… it’s just my stomach… or my chest. I’m not sure. I don’t feel bad, but it doesn’t feel right.

Celestia looked at him intently. “Describe it if you can.”

“It feels like my whole… here—” He gestured to his torso. “is tight, or under pressure. I’m sure it’ll pass; it’s starting to feel a bit better now.”

“Perhaps you overexerted yourself. A bit more rest is in order, I believe,” Luna suggested.

Celestia agreed, “Yes. Get some rest, but keep us apprised. Hopefully, it is just exertion or something you ate.”

“I’ll be alright. Don’t worry.” He smiled half-heartedly

“I hope so.” Celestia smiled. “Rest well, David. I will check in on you at lunch. Sister, I suppose it is time I greet the citizens. I do hope their fears were dispelled overnight.”

“Do you hope to placate them again with the truth… ahem, the half-truth and nothing but the half-truth?”

Celestia scowled at Luna’s joke. “We will see. That may have been appropriate for the guard, but my little ponies do take a bit more convincing. The quakes and sounds were only a local disturbance, right, Luna?”

“To my knowledge, yes. Though court was adjourned early and I did not take further reports after I assumed my post at your door.”


Celestia then stood, and the others slipped out of their seats to see her off.

David and Luna walked over to Celestia. Luna nuzzled her affectionately, then left for the apartment doors, leaving David behind.

Celestia looked up at him to find him smiling. She broke his gaze, turning away slightly. David then bent down and kissed her on the cheek, causing her to flinch and blush at his touch.

“Have a good day, Celestia. I’ll see you at lunch.”

“Thank you, I will,” she said quietly, then trotted swiftly to the door and left.

“Well, well. If Tia thought she was ‘broken’ before, you have doubled that now,” Luna joked.

David walked over to join her. “Give it time.” He bent over and kissed her on the cheek.

“I will, but she may need some sisterly guidance. Hah! For once, I will be the teacher!”


Celestia sat on the throne with her placid, royal expression, though inside she was growing impatient. The first citizens she saw that morning were more upset than she would’ve liked after last night, and she had quite a bit of trouble calming them down. Though the morning session was almost over, the princess was losing her composure internally, and luckily, her only tell was that she would occasionally turn away from the speaking petitioner to look at the sun, checking the time.

Finally, her attendant signaled to her of the time, then notified the court of the recess. Wrapping up with the citizens, the attendant then turned to the guard for the procession.

“All hail the Princesses! Long live Equestria!” the guards called out in unison.

With that, Celestia calmly rose, bowed, then headed regally to the door. After it had shut behind her, though, she dropped the facade and broke into a canter as she sped through the empty hallways towards the royal dining room. As she approached the last guarded passage, she slammed on the brakes to, once again, adopt her royal decorum. Nearing the doors, the guards snapped to attention before opening the doors to allow her to pass. As soon as the doors closed and she was clear, though, she took a mighty leap and soared through the last hall on her wings, thus avoiding the cacophony of golden-shod hooves on tile. Landing before the dining room doors, she flung them open, only to see the room bare.

She looked left, then right, then to the sun outside. She was not late, only alone.

Celestia sighed, then walked to the prep room door and rapped on it three times.

Knock, knock, knock.

“David! I’ll be there in a minute!” a voice called out from within.

‘David?’ Celestia mused.

The door opened, and Cherry poked her head out, looking upward to meet the human’s gaze, only to find a royal’s questioning look.

“P-P-Princess Celestia!” Cherry opened the door widely and bowed. “Sorry, I thought you were somepony else. What can I do for you?”

Celestia cocked her head with a small smile on her face. “I see. Well, I have just arrived from the morning session and was expecting to find either David, my sister, or both. Do you happen to know if they have declined for lunch?

“No, Princess, I’m sorry, I don’t. I haven’t seen or heard from them since breakfast. Is there something else I can do for you?”

“At the moment, no. Though I may have lunch delivered today. I will either send word in a bit or ring as usual.”

Cherry bowed before the monarch. “As you wish, Princess.”

“So, David…”


Celestia waved her hoof. “Nevermind. Carry on.” Celestia then nodded and turned to go.

“Thank you,” Cherry replied, then gently closed the door.


“Luna… Luna…” Celestia called out softly as she shook the midnight-blue mare. “Luna, wake up.”

The Lunar Princess tossed in her sleep. “I swear it…” she mumbled. “…‘twas not I who ate your— Sister? Ugh. What time is it?”

“It is time for lunch, Lulu. Forgive me for waking you. David is not here with you?”

Luna sat up, looking a bit groggy. “No. He preferred to rest alone this morn. He is in his room.”

“Fine. Is he well?”

“I have not seen him since he retired nor heard from my guards.”

Celestia turned toward the doors. “Let us go check then.”

Luna sat up and lethargically slipped out of bed. “Of course, Sister. I am right behind… yawn …you.”


David lay in his bed, somewhat grunting in his sleep.

Celestia whispered to Luna, “He does not seem to be at peace, is it a nightmare?”

Luna shook her head. “No, he is not dreaming.”

Celestia walked over and pressed her cheek to his forehead. “Thank goodness, he is not feverish.” She shook him gently. “David… David, it is Celestia and Luna. Please, wake up,” she said softly.

David opened his eyes and stretched. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t notice you had come. What time is it?” He stretched up to look at the clock on his dresser.

“It is time for lunch. How do you feel?” Celestia asked.

David took a moment to think. “Not much change. I don’t feel quite… right, but I can’t put it into words.”

Celestia turned to Luna. “I believe it is time to call for a doctor.”

“Sister, certainly you jest!?”

David also looked surprised. “Yeah, I don’t feel that bad. Besides, there aren’t any doctors that know of me, right?”

“No, but the royal physician is well versed in many races’ biologies and can be trusted to keep state secrets. It is better to be safe than sorry.”

Luna nudged her way between Celestia and David, then looked to her sister, pleading. “Tia, give him time. If he does not recover, I will fly him to a physician myself.”

Celestia furrowed her brow. “Do you not care? Did you fail to see his restless sleep?”

“Of course I care. I love David, as do you. I just do not wish to jump to conclusions. Normally, you are the more patient one in these matters.”

‘A lot of good my patience did for Twilight.’ Celestia huffed in exasperation, then took in a deep calming breath and let it out slowly. “Fine. We will see if he improves after lunch. David, do you feel like eating a bit? Shall we go to the dining hall?”

“I could probably eat a bit. Maybe something a bit plain.”

“Good, David. See, Tia, there is nothing to fear.” Luna gently nuzzled her tense sister, bringing an uncertain calm to Celestia’s face.

“I am sorry. I did not mean to be so pushy,” Celestia said.

David got up and hugged the two mares. “It’s okay. Thank you for caring.” He put on his clothes and all then left for the dining room.


Knock, knock, knock.

Cherry opened the prep room door to find Celestia on the other side again.

“Yes, Princess?”

“Sorry to bother you, Cherry. We have come for lunch, but David has requested a bit plainer fare than the usual. He has asked if you could please make him a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with some milk to drink?

“Of course! Will you and Princess Luna be having the same?”

Celestia looked a bit perplexed. “Well… it could not hurt to try.”

“Great! I’ll make a few and a couple of your favorite tea sandwiches as well. Just wait a few moments, and I’ll be right out!”

Celestia took her seat at the table, joining Luna and David.

Luna sat with a pensive look as she stared at David’s half-hearted smile. “Dear, we are sorry to have pulled you out for this. I can see you are still tired.”

“It’s okay. I wanted to see you both at lunch, I just forgot to set my alarm.”

Celestia and Luna both smiled at him, studying him as they patiently waited for lunch to arrive, though David fidgeted and would not hold either of their gazes for any length of time. Suddenly, the royals’ silent revelry was interrupted by Cherry roughly clearing her throat.


The two princesses snapped their heads toward Cherry, completely taken by surprise with her arrival. Cherry stood at the edge of the table with a loaded serving cart, smiling.

David waved to her. “Hi, Cherry. Sorry to cause you so much trouble.”

Cherry’s normal smile morphed into a twisted grin. “No trouble! Princesses, I’ve brought lunch as requested.” Cherry lifted a platter of sandwiches to the table. Is there anything else?” she asked as she continued to unload her cart.

Celestia poured a cup of tea for herself, then eyed the meal. “No. Thank you, Cherry.”

“Anytime, Your Highness.”

After Cherry had left, the meal started up, as usual, the two princess ponies chatting with the other and David commenting in between. And though David was socially active, the evidence on his plate showed his appetite to be lacking. David had managed to partially consume one of his requested peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and had taken a few sips of milk, but otherwise showed little effort in eating at all.

As the conversation died down and the break time became short, Celestia showed more interest in David’s condition than ever. She watched him as he conversed with her sister, studying his mannerisms and expressions, looking for a tell.

‘It seems that he has not yet recovered, though he is putting up a good front. I wonder if he is just as stubborn as Lulu is about seeing a doctor… I hope not. I see he did not even finish one sandwich, which is quite odd; he usually rivals my appetite at the table.’

“…so then I told him, ‘Stand firm! You are a royal guard! Do not let the shaking of the earth or haunting screams unhinge you! What are you, a—’ ”

“Lulu, sorry to interrupt, but it is about time for me to return to court,” Celestia said.

“Oh, yes. My apologies for taking David’s time.”

Celestia shook her head. “Yes, well, that may not be all. David, I see you did not eat much. Are you still feeling uncomfortable?”

David frowned and cast his gaze to his plate. “A bit. I’m not really hungry and just feel… off, I guess.”

Luna looked at him worriedly.

“Hmm. Would you consent to see a physician, if only to alleviate my concerns?” Celestia asked politely.

David nodded. “Okay. Just tell me what to do.”

“It will be fine. Just rest in your room. I will have the royal physician sent to you. Lulu, would you mind staying with him?”

“Yes, that was my intention as well. Perhaps he should stay in my quarters?”

Celestia paused. “Perhaps after the doctor leaves. I do not think it would be wise for him to know about your, or my, relationship with David as of yet.”

Luna leaned into the center of the table and cupped her hoof to her muzzle, blocking David. Celestia leaned in to mirror her sister as well. “Are you certain?” she whispered. “What if he is reacting from our intimate encounters!?”

Celestia shot up, shaking the table while blushing rosily “I seriously doubt that is of concern!”

Luna shrugged “ ‘Tis still possible.”

David leaned forward. “I’m pretty sure we can rule that out, Luna. Now stop teasing her.”

“As you wish.” Luna leaned back in her chair.

Celestia sighed. “Thank you, David. Now if you would excuse me, I must go. I will send the doctor soon, so please be ready, and clothed. He is a bit old, so let us take some care in your introduction, okay?”

“Of course. Thank you, Celestia.”

David scooted over to Celestia’s side and leaned in, to which she leaned in and presented her cheek. David kissed it, but then swiftly turned her head with his hand and took her lips.

Surprise was written on her features, but she quickly recovered, closed her eyes to enjoy the unexpected gesture, then slowly pulled away.

“Don’t worry, Celestia. I don’t want to see you like that,” he said.

She smiled. “I will try. Thank you,” she said, then got up and left for court.


Next Chapter: Act XXXII - Pony Pile Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 6 Minutes
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