
Loveliest of Trees (Old)

by Nordryd

Chapter 17: Ch.17: Passion

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Coppermane ==> Fluttershy, 6:17 AM
Still feeling a little iffy, but I think I can come to school today.

Fluttershy ==> Coppermane, 6:22 AM
Yay! Take some ibuprofen before you leave, okay?

Coppermane ==> Fluttershy, 6:25 AM
Yes, ma’am, lol. See you soon. Love you :)

Fluttershy ==> Coppermane, 6:31 AM
I can’t wait! I love you too! :D

It was the first day of school since the musical showcase and the Fall Formal, and Coppermane was on his toes. So much happened over the weekend, and he had no idea what to expect as far as how his fellow classmates would see him.

But his unease stemmed from the fear that Hoops and Score might be lurking around every corner. He couldn’t imagine them being anything other than pissed after the showcase, and hungering for revenge. He didn’t have any classes with them, yet they always seemed to know where he was at any given time. They passed by him a fair number of times in the hallways on his way to class, and they knew where his locker was. Hopefully, nothing bad would happen today, but nevertheless, he had to be on alert.

On the way to his first class, his mental radar was scanning at every corner, just waiting for one or both jocks to pounce. Luckily for him, it never happened. He drew a lot of attention as he walked through the halls, and it was never negative at all.

He caught some girls looking at him, smiling and giggling. Some waved at him upon making eye contact, and others darted their eyes away, blushing. It made Coppermane blush each time. With the exception of Fluttershy, he's never had girls looking at him like that before. CHS had a lot of pretty girls, which made it even more humbling.

Some of the athletes came up and complimented Coppermane on his performance at the showcase. Some of the fashionistas came up to him and asked him if his hair color was natural, and were rather impressed when they found out it was.

All of this happened within the first fifteen minutes of entering the building, and Coppermane found himself quite humbled. For the first time, he walked through the halls, and received nothing but positive attention.

Now, he was sitting in Film Studies, waiting for class to start. He always like to get there early because he shared this class with Rarity. It was an opportunity to spend some quality time with a good friend.

“I’m delighted to see you’re feeling better, darling,” Rarity said. “Fluttershy took good care of you, did she not?”

“Oh, she did,” Coppermane said. “She made tea, cooked soup, let me get plenty of sleep, and even gave me a back massage. And wow… Fluttershy has magic fingers. Maybe I should get sick more often.”

Rarity giggled. "I don't think Fluttershy would be too fond of that."

Coppermane chuckled. "Yeah, probably not. By the way, how was the rest of the Formal for you?"

Rarity’s expression went somewhat sour. “Well… actually… right as you left… Blueblood approached me.”

Coppermane’s eyes went wide. “Seriously?”

“Mmmhmm,” Rarity said. “He asked me for a dance.”

“You’re kidding,” Coppermane said. Rarity shook her head, boggling Coppermane’s mind even more. “Well… what did you say?”

Rarity grinned. “I simply scoffed at him and walked away.”

Coppermane chuckled. “Good for you. You deserve better than him.”

Rarity blushed. “Well… thank you for dancing with me. Honestly… it saved my night.”

Coppermane smiled. “I was happy to help cheer you up. Besides… it was fun.”

Suddenly, the bell rang, and soon after, a voice came over the intercom.

“Hoops and Score, please report to the main office.”

Suddenly, everyone in the room looked at Coppermane, and started snickering. Coppermane bit his lip, feeling his face heat up. Practically all of CHS was at the musical showcase, and knew what went down there. He blushed and recoiled in his seat.

"It'll be okay, darling," Rarity said.

Coppermane could already picture going on a hunt for him after they got out of Principal Celestia's office. Or worse… they might go after Fluttershy. With this in mind, Coppermane went for his phone.

Coppermane ==> Fluttershy, 7:23 AM
Hey, watch out of Hoops and Score today. I imagine they'll be pissed when they get out of Principal Celestia's office.

“No phones in class, please,” the teacher said.

Coppermane flinched. “Sorry…” he said, promptly putting his phone away.

The teacher talked for a little while, but was interrupted almost immediately by another voice on the intercom.

“Coppermane, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy, please report to the main office.”

Coppermane’s heart dropped, and he felt everyone’s eyes on him. What did they want from him? Were Hoops and Score down there already?

And why just the three of them? Why not the entire group?

Either way, he knew he needed to get down there quickly. He said goodbye to Rarity and was on his way to the office.

Coppermane walked into the principal's office, only to see that he was the first one there. Looking back at him was Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and…

He flinched when he saw two fiery-eyed jocks. They looked calm on the outside, but Coppermane saw ire in their eyes, piercing his soul.

“Coppermane, thank you for coming down here so quickly,” Vice Principal Luna said.

“Please have a seat. We’ll wait for a moment for the other two,” Principal Celestia said.

Coppermane gave a nervous smile as he took the seat furthest from the jocks.

“So… um… wh-what’s this about?” Coppermane asked. Before they could answer, the door opened again, and in walked Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Fluttershy's presence alone was enough to make Coppermane feel more at ease.

“Thank you for coming down you two,” Principal Celestia said. “Please have a seat."

Rainbow Dash took a seat in the middle of the jocks and the couple. Fluttershy walked over to Coppermane, and was about to sit next to him, but stopped upon making eye contact with him. Coppermane offered a smile and pat his lap, holding his arms out to her. She blushed, and took a seat in her boyfriend's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck as he cradled her. He gave her a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

Hoops sighed. "Can't you two keep your hands off each other for five minutes?"

Coppermane grinned, and interlaced his fingers with Fluttershy's.

"Nope," he said, giving her another kiss on the cheek, making her giggle. He heard Rainbow chuckling off to the side as well.

“So, what’s this about?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well, we’ve been trying to get some insight on Hoops and Score’s bullying history,” Principal Celestia said.

“We’ve heard what they had to say, but now we want to hear your side of the story,” Vice Principal Luna said. “We called you three down because they specifically mentioned you.”

“Well, what’ve they told you?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Hoops spoke up first before anyone else could. “About how Coppermane almost jumped us when we were trying to talk to her,” he said, pointing at Fluttershy.

“We were just trying to introduce ourselves, and Coppermane threatened us out of nowhere,” Score said.

“Out of nowhere?!” Coppermane snapped. “Are you serious? You two were hitting on her, and even touching her even after she told you to stop!"

The principals both raised an eyebrow.

"You two never told us that," Principal Celestia said.

"Well… maybe not… but I don't think it warranted a threat of any kind," Hoops said.

"You two were scaring her. Was it not obvious? Not to mention it was right after you jumped me for the umpteenth time," Coppermane sneered. "You wouldn't leave Fluttershy alone. What did you expect me to do? Sit idly by as you hit on her?"

"Is this true, Fluttershy?" Vice Principal Luna asked.

Fluttershy looked at the jocks, and saw anger in their eyes. She tightened her grip on Coppermane as she looked at the principals.

"Y-Yes…" Fluttershy cooed. "It… it's true…"

Principal Celestia gave her a nod, and wrote something down.

Fluttershy flinched when she saw the ire in the jocks' eyes. She whimpered, and felt Coppermane squeeze her.

"It's okay. I've got you," Coppermane whispered, kissing her cheek. He looked back at the jocks, and furled his eyebrows.

"So what else did you tell them?" Coppermane sneered.

Rainbow spoke up before anyone else could. "Did they mention that I caught Hoops beating Coppermane up in the halls?"

"They did what?" Principal Celestia beckoned.

"Yeah… after he… um… called us names…" Hoops stammered.

"How old are you? Five?" Rainbow remarked.

"And that was right after you hit on Fluttershy again," Coppermane said. "Can't you just leave her alone?"

Vice Principal Luna looked at the jocks. "It seems like you withheld a lot of information from us."

"This is so unfair!" Hoops cried.

"You're just siding with them because they make the school look good with their pony ears and wings!" Score said.

"It makes us look awesome, what can we say?" Rainbow said.

"And you," Hoops sneered, scolding Coppermane, "Don't think you're cool just because you grow a ponytail when you play music."

"Don't talk to my friend like that," Rainbow said. "I'll have you know, you're talking to the Fall Formal Prince and Princess."

"What?!" the jocks said.

"That's right," Rainbow said. "They're part of CHS history now. What have you two done besides being total jerks?"

"Whatever," Score said. "It's just a stupid title."

"I still don't know what your stupid girlfriend sees in you," Hoops said.

Coppermane furled his eyebrows. "What did you just say?"

"Don't get mad at me. It's not my fault if your girlfriend was dumb enough to fall in love with a loser," Hoops said.

"Stop!" Coppermane snapped. "Don't you dare talk about my Fluttershy like that!"

"That is enough!" Vice Principal Luna yelled, silencing everyone. She turned to the jocks. "That behavior of yours is exactly why we're here."

"Coppermane, please calm down," Fluttershy said, placing her hand on his heart. He looked at her, and his expression seemed to soften. He offered a smile, and surprised her with a quick peck, making her face heat up.

After the room settled, the principals asked Coppermane about any other encounters with Hoops and Score. He went on and on about the many times they've jumped him, and savored the frustrated looks of the jocks.

"Well, thank you for bringing this to our attention," Principal Celestia said.

"You shouldn't be scared to come to us for help, Coppermane," Vice Principal Luna said. "This kind of thing is unacceptable, and we'll do everything we can to help."

Coppermane smiled. "Thanks."

"You three are free to go," Principal Celestia said. "As for you two, we will decide your punishment later, but until then you'll be in ISS effective immediately."

"What?!" the jocks yelled.

"You're surprised about this?" Rainbow said, earning a scowl from the jocks.

The three of them got up to leave, and after they walked out, they heard one more thing from the room.

"This isn't over, ponyboy!" Score yelled.

Coppermane didn't even bother to acknowledge them as he walked away with a grin.

"See you in English, Cop," Rainbow said. "Looks like those two idiots won't be bothering you anytime soon."

Rainbow walked off, leaving Coppermane and Fluttershy alone in the empty hallways.

"Are you okay, Coppermane?" Fluttershy asked, rubbing his shoulders.

"Yeah. I just can't believe they had the audacity to defend themselves like that," Coppermane said.

Fluttershy smiled, and was about to say something before a coughing fit interrupted her.

"You alright?" Coppermane asked.

"Mmmhmm. Just a cough," Fluttershy said. "How are you feeling?"

"I think my fever's gone down, and my throat's starting to feel better," Coppermane said.

"Does that mean I can… um… kiss you?" Fluttershy asked, feeling her cheeks heat up.

Coppermane chuckled. "You can kiss me anytime you want."

Fluttershy giggled, and lifted her head to give Coppermane a tender kiss. He wrapped his arms around her as his lips moved in tandem with hers. She put her hands on his neck, lightly caressing them, evoking a groan from him. She moaned into his mouth as they kissed. Fluttershy could kiss her prince's sweet, tender lips all day.

They pulled back, and gazed into each other's entrancing eyes.

"Can I… um… walk you to class?" Coppermane asked, blushing.

Fluttershy lit up. "I'd love that."

Coppermane smiled, and gave her one more tender kiss before releasing her from his embrace. His hand found hers, seamlessly interlacing fingers as they walked back to class together.


Fluttershy laid on her couch, wrapped in a blanket, and holding Angel in her arms. Coppermane passed his sickness onto her, causing her to miss school today. She looked at her phone to check the time. Coppermane would be coming over to her house to take care of her after school.

It was 2:25. School should've gotten out about five minutes ago. He'd be here at any moment.


"Come in," Fluttershy called out. She turned her attention to the front door, and heard the mechanism click. It opened up to reveal the familiar reddish-brown, windswept hairdo that always made her heart skip a beat.

“Fluttershy?” Coppermane said.

“Hi, Coppermane,” Fluttershy said with a smile. She watched as he walked over to the couch, placing his backpack next to the coffee table. He sat beside her, and looked at her with that heart-melting smile as he felt around her face.

"How do you feel?" Coppermane asked.

Fluttershy shivered from chills. "J-Just a little cold…"

Coppermane pulled the blanket up to cover her more. "But no sore throat, right?"

"Nope," Fluttershy cooed. Coppermane smiled as he lifted his hand to stroke her cheek.

"Well good, because that means I can do this," he said, surprising Fluttershy with a tender kiss. Fluttershy melted in bliss, moaning into his mouth. It was like for that moment, she wasn't sick.

He pulled back, and Angel came up to nuzzle Coppermane's arm.

"Hey, Angel. Long time no see," Coppermane said, petting the little bunny on the head.

Fluttershy giggled. "He really missed you."

Coppermane chuckled. "Where do you keep your thermometer?"

"It's in the cupboard next to the fridge," Fluttershy cooed.

Coppermane smiled and got up from the couch, and Angel followed him. Fluttershy giggled. It was too cute to see her boyfriend with Angel. Her smile faded when another wave of chills hit, making her quiver. He came up with the thermometer, along with a glass of water and some ibuprofen.

"Here, open up," Coppermane said, putting the thermometer in her mouth. It took a few seconds for it to beep, and when it did, Coppermane took a look.

"100.8," Coppermane brooded. "Here, take some ibuprofen. I'll go clean this off."

Fluttershy smiled and took the medicine. In the blink of an eye, Coppermane was right back next to her. She shivered from another wave of chills.

"Want me to get you another blanket?" Coppermane asked.

"Well… actually… would you mind doing something else for me?" Fluttershy asked.

Coppermane nodded. "Of course. What do you need?"

Fluttershy felt her face heat up. "Will… will you hold me? I mean… only if you want to…"

Coppermane's heart fluttered as a smile grew on his face. It had to be one of the cutest things she's ever asked of him.

"Sit up for a second," Coppermane said. Fluttershy did just that, and Coppermane sat behind her. He positioned his legs on either side of her, and draping the blanket over both of them. Fluttershy smiled as she snuggled up with Coppermane. He wrapped his arms around her, eliciting a blissful moan from her as she melted in his embrace.

"How is this?" Coppermane asked.

Fluttershy nuzzled Coppermane's chest. "It's perfect," she said before letting out a mighty yawn.

Coppermane smiled. Fluttershy had the most adorable yawn.

"Why don't you get some sleep? You look tired," Coppermane said.

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy asked. "I mean… if you have other things to do…"

"Shh…" Coppermane said, brushing her hair. "Right now, all that matters to me is you. Get some sleep. I'll keep you safe, and I'll be right here when you wake up. I promise."

Fluttershy almost shed a tear at his words. Could her prince be any sweeter? She nuzzled his chest again.

"I love you," she said.

Coppermane smiled, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I love you too."

Fluttershy's heart melted as she felt her eyelids growing heavier.

"Sweet dreams, beautiful," Coppermane said, squeezing her.

Fluttershy smiled and nuzzled his chest. She would never get tired of hearing Coppermane's tender words. She closed her eyes, and allowed the warmth of his embrace, the feeling of him brushing her hair, and the rise and fall of his chest to lull her to sleep.

Coppermane continued to brush Fluttershy's hair as she slept. She looked so cute lying on his chest. He loved watching her sleep. It was an opportunity to admire her from up close, and take in the sheer majesty of her beauty.

How did he win the heart of such an amazing girl?

He squeezed her in his arms, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you… so much…"

Fluttershy was asleep for a good two hours or so, and after that, she was still cuddling with her prince. Her comforter blanket draped over the both of them to keep them warm. She wasn't feeling nearly as sick as she was before. She didn't know whether to attribute it to the medicine or cuddling with Coppermane, but either way she was feeling much better. And now she laid on top of her affectionate prince as he held her in his arms, giving her that heart-melting smile she loves. What could be better?

Coppermane loved cuddling with Fluttershy. She looked down at him with those beautiful teal eyes and adorable smile. He didn't know why, but he felt strangely warm inside. Maybe it was the fact that she was laying on top of him, or maybe it was her hand over his heart. Whatever it was, he loved it.

"D-Did you miss me at school today?" Fluttershy asked, feeling her cheeks redden.

"Is that even a question?" Coppermane asked, brushing her hair. "Of course I missed you. How could I not?"

"Oh… I don't know," Fluttershy said. "I missed you."

Coppermane smiled. She was just too cute. He continued brushing her hair, grinning at her blissful face. It made him so happy to give her affection.

"Fluttershy… have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Coppermane said.

Fluttershy felt her face heat up. "Oh stop, Coppermane…"

"I'm serious," Coppermane said, chuckling at her modesty. "Have I?"

Fluttershy felt her face going completely hot. She still couldn't buy the fact that someone like Coppermane would think so highly of her.

"Y-You really think I'm… b-beautiful?" she cooed.

"I really do," Coppermane said. "Your beautiful eyes… your adorable smile… your gorgeous figure…"

Fluttershy felt Coppermane's hands move lower, resting on her waist. She uttered a small moan at the feeling. Then, he did something she wasn't ready for. He started massaging her waist. She gasped a little at the sensation. He's touched her waist plenty of times before, but not like this. His caressing felt almost… sensual. She felt something stir within her. Something… warm.

"Coppermane… I… I'm not that pretty," Fluttershy said.

"Yes you are, Fluttershy," Coppermane said. "I don't deserve a girl as perfect as you."

Fluttershy's heart melted. His words were so sweet, and the way he was touching her was amazing. She brought her hands up to rub his shoulders, eliciting a groan from him. She felt the warmth within her escalate. Her eyes found their way down to Coppermane's lips, and they've never looked so sweet.

Another blissful moan from Coppermane pushed her over the edge. She couldn't help herself any longer. She leaned down and gave Coppermane a kiss. She felt Coppermane relax below her, and a groan into her mouth made her heart suddenly explode with lust.

Coppermane melted at the feeling of Fluttershy's delicate lips. He massaged her waist as she kissed him, eliciting a blissful moan from her. She continued massaging his shoulders, enhancing the pleasure. He felt her caresses growing more… voluptuous. He returned the favor by pulling her even closer, rubbing her waist even more, making her quiver in his arms. Her moaning and quivering as he touched her only fueled his growing passion more. He didn't even care that she was sick. He might as well have forgotten that fact entirely. The ecstasy from kissing and touching her pushed any hesitancy out of his mind. He could feel all her love emanating from her lips as she kissed him. Pure bliss…

Fluttershy felt her lust soar as his lips molded with hers. In this moment, she didn't feel sick. Coppermane's groans, and the way he touched her made her forget all about her illness. She moved one hand up to stroke his hair, continuing to caress his shoulder with the other. His hair was so soft and silky, and as she brushed his hair, she felt one of his hands move up to her own hair. She moaned into his mouth again at the feeling. It always felt amazing when he brushed her hair, and this moment only made it better. Nothing but bliss…

Finally, after a minute of lustful ecstasy, their lips parted, leaving them panting for air.

No words were spoken as they stared into each other's eyes. Their expressions conveyed mutual shock and wonder. Did that just happen? Such an explosion of passion, coming out of nowhere and taking them by surprise.

Fluttershy's lips trembled as she looked into Coppermane's glorious brown eyes. She saw his expression shift to one that was bashful. There was something else going on in his eyes, though. Something curious, but Fluttershy couldn't quite pinpoint it.

Suddenly, she squeaked as she felt Coppermane's hand slip up her shirt. He started gently, yet sensually, massaging her skin. His hands carefully traced the curves of her waist, occasionally travelling up to massage her back. Fluttershy whimpered at the electrifying sensation. Fluttershy looked down, and saw that Coppermane's face was much less shy, replaced by the certain look she saw before. She saw the bashfulness in his eyes disappear completely when one of his hands moved down, and grabbed the bottom of her thigh, making her squeak. She shuddered at the feeling of his arm lightly brushing the cloth of her skirt. He started caressing the bottom of her thigh, rubbing dangerously close to her panties. She moaned at the sensation, biting her lip to muffle the volume. Her body quivered in his arms at the feeling. Combined with him massaging her waist, her moans were almost involuntary. She looked into Coppermane's eyes as he touched her, and they were devoid of any hint of shyness. As he stroked her skin, his face conveyed one thing. Lust.

Coppermane couldn't believe Fluttershy was letting him touch her bare skin like this, especially in such intimate areas of her body. He felt a warm sensation rapidly stir within him as he watched her face. Hearing her whimper, and feeling her squirm in his arms as he touched her was exciting him unlike anything else ever has. His lips trembled, wanting so badly to taste her own sweet pair again. Another moan from her finally pushed him over the edge, and he pulled her into another passionate kiss. Her moans were muffled as they were uttered into his mouth, only encouraging him to massage her body. His caresses only made her whimper more, serving to rally his own lust even more. Their lips molded together as he continued to feel her body. Her skin was so soft and smooth. He had no right to be feeling and loving such perfection. Yet he was, and he took full advantage of showing Fluttershy how much he can love her.

Fluttershy fell into a sea of euphoria as Coppermane kissed her. Her body involuntarily trembled as he stroked her bare skin. He rubbed her thigh and waist so lovingly. The hand on her thigh was getting dangerously close to her panties. His arm brushed the fabric of her skirt, sending shudders throughout her body. She returned the favor by slipping her hands up Coppermane's shirt, eliciting a groan from him. She explored his smooth chest with her hands as she felt his own massaging grow more voluptuous, pressing harder into her skin. It was electrifying.

But then, Fluttershy felt something weird against her lips, making her squeak. It took a moment to realize what it was. His tongue.

Her reflexes kicked in, causing her to break the kiss. It took a second for her to realize what she just did, and was sorrowed to see a somewhat hurt expression on Coppermane's face.

"Oh goodness… Coppermane, I'm so sorry… I…"

"No, it's fine," Coppermane said. "D-Did you not like that? I just thought…"

"Oh no, Coppermane," Fluttershy said. "I… I actually… r-really liked it…"

Fluttershy saw Coppermane's expression turn from worried to something more… devious. She squeaked when she felt the hand on the bottom of her thigh move up, crossing the border from her skin to the fabric of her panties. She couldn't stop the big smile from growing on her face as he stroked the cloth of her undergarments. And before she knew it, Coppermane was kissing her again. He continued to rub her waist and bottom, adding to the amazing sensation. She felt his hand move down to the border between her panties and bare thigh, eliciting uncontrollable quivering and moaning from her. She returned the favor by rubbing his chest more sensually, pressing harder into his skin.

Soon, she felt his tongue on her lips again. Instead of breaking the kiss, she found herself giggling into her mouth as his tongue caressed the inside of her lips. She couldn't believe he was being so bold. It was a whole new side of him, but she loved it. She savored the feeling of his tongue on the inside of her lips before craving more. Slowly, she opened her mouth, allowing him entry. His tongue found hers, making her giggle into his mouth even more. Their tongues battled for dominance for a good minute, moaning into each other's mouths before Coppermane's tongue finally won. She didn't mind though. Truth is, no matter how hard she fought, he would've won, such is her nature. His tongue wrestled with hers as she reciprocated his every move. The lustful ember inside her burned furiously as Coppermane continued to love her. Fluttershy felt like she was floating on rainbows. His tender, loving lips… the sensation of playing with his tongue… the feeling of him touching her so intimately… Fluttershy never thought she could feel this good in her life.

Coppermane felt Fluttershy moan into his mouth as he played with her tongue, only encouraging him to massage her skin more. She felt so soft and smooth. He couldn't believe she was letting him touch her panties like this. Every caress of her firm bottom elicited a moan from her, fueling his passion. He felt Fluttershy straddle him with her legs, deepening the kiss even further. He felt her move her body in rhythm with his hands as he massaged her. Coppermane never thought he could feel so good. Her lips have never been so sweet and delicious.

Fluttershy continued to feel and love Coppermane as they shared perhaps the most passionate kiss they've ever experienced. She had no idea how they were still going, especially from how hard her heart was pounding and how much energy she was pouring into this one kiss, but it didn't matter. She could feel his love erupting from his lips, making her heart and soul melt with every passing second. Lust clouded her mind. The passionate fire raged within her. She felt an urge to feel more of him. Guided by pure hormones, she slowly moved her hand down his bare skin. She gently caressed his chest, his stomach, and his abdomen, evoking a moan from him at every destination, until finally…

Coppermane let out a sharp gasp as Fluttershy's hand hit a certain sweet spot. The sudden shock caused his reflexes to kick in, breaking the kiss, leaving them panting for oxygen. Fluttershy could only imagine an exact reflection of Coppermane's shocked expression on her own face. Slowly, they caught their breath, and came to their senses before either of them spoke.

"Wh-What's wrong?" Fluttershy asked, unknowingly lingering her hand on his groin.

Coppermane bit his lip . It took all of his willpower to subdue his raging desires, pushing out all the alluring images and luscious thoughts that were begging for scrutiny. He could practically hear the angry mob or hormones inside him as he took Fluttershy's hand and guided it away from his groin.

"Fluttershy… um… m-maybe we… shouldn't do that yet," Coppermane said.

Fluttershy looked hurt. "What do you mean?"

Coppermane felt a tug on his heartstrings at Fluttershy's expression. He was going to sound like such a jerk.

"Fluttershy, I love you, but we haven't even been dating for a month. Think about it. We've been though a lot, but it hasn't really been that long since we first got together," he said. "I-I just feel like we've been moving a little fast, y'know? Doing that… I think it's just too soon."

Coppermane watched as Fluttershy's face turned beet red. She said nothing as she looked down, pursing her lips as her long hair draped in front of her face, halfway concealing it. He bit his lip. Her silence was concerning. What was she thinking? What was going on in that cute little head of hers?

"Fluttershy, you understand, right?" he asked, brushing the hair out of her face. "I care about you. I care about us, and I don't want to make a mistake we'll regret later on."

Fluttershy's head hung low, but her eyes looked up at him. He could see tears welling up in her eyes. Some escaped, trickling down her red cheeks and landing on his shirt.

"Oh… o-okay," she cooed. More tears escaped her eyes. "I… I'm sorry…"

Her breathing was turned shaky as more and more tears fell down her bright red cheeks. Her eyes were filled with shame.

"Hey, don't cry," Coppermane said, wrapping his arms around her, rubbing her back. "It's alright. Shh… it's alright."

Coppermane cursed himself inside for being such a selfish jerk, especially after sharing such a passionate and intimate moment with her. Now she was crying, and it was all his fault.

"P-Please don't be mad at me," Fluttershy cooed, sobbing into his shirt. "I-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"Shh… I know you didn't," Coppermane said, continuing to rub her back. "I'm not mad at all. It's okay."

"Y-You must think I'm filthy…"

"Hey, don't say that," Coppermane said. "Fluttershy, look at me." It took a second, but Fluttershy eventually looked up, revealing red, bloodshot eyes. Her cheeks were tear-stained and raw, and her breathing was shaky. He gave her a gentle, more tender kiss before using his hand to dry her tears. He caressed her cheek, trying to comfort her. "I… I do want that, I really do. Just… not right now. We've just been moving really fast, y'know? I'm thinking about our future, and I think it would be healthier to wait. I love what we have now, and I don't want to risk anything that might tarnish it. You are not filthy, Fluttershy. I don't think any less of you. You're still the sweet, delicate, beautiful girl who took a chance on me and won my heart, and nothing will change that."

Fluttershy was silent for a moment, making Coppermane purse his lips. He waited anxiously for her answer. What was going on in her head? Was she mad? Did she hate him now? Was she going to cry again? But to his surprise, a small, yet sincere smile grew on Fluttershy's pretty face.

"Do you really mean that?" Fluttershy asked, placing her hand on his heart.

Coppermane smiled and gently caressed her face.

"Really and truly," he said. "I'll always be your prince, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy felt a wave of relief wash over her. She lowered her head to kiss his forehead.

"And I'll always be your princess," Fluttershy said, feeling her cheeks heat up.

Coppermane smiled, and lifted his head to kiss her again. He pulled away and brushed her soft, fragrant hair, making her moan and lean onto his hand.

"Hey… um… sorry for being such a jerk about this," Coppermane said.

"Oh, it's fine, Coppermane. You're not a jerk. You're right. W-We should wait," Fluttershy said, feeling her cheeks blush.

"But… um… just for the record… that was… r-really great… m-making out with you and all…" Coppermane said, feeling the his face redden.

Fluttershy's face turned to a similar hue. "Y-Yeah… i-it was…"

Coppermane chuckled at her blushing face. He reached up to stroke her adorable cheeks.

"You're so cute. You know that, right?" he said.

Fluttershy's face went to the brightest shade of red possible.

"Oh, Coppermane… I-I'm not cute…" she said.

"Sorry," Coppermane said. "How about adorable?"

Fluttershy giggled, feeling her face heat up even more, as if that was possible.

"Coppermane, stop," she cooed.

"Fluttershy, why don't you believe me?" Coppermane asked, stroking her cheek. "I think you're the cutest girl in the world. Would I lie to you?"

Fluttershy looked away, picturing in her head how red her face was. His words were just too sweet. His smile was so brilliant and heart-warming. She couldn't help herself from kissing him again. He relaxed below her, wrapping his arms around her as he took over leading the kiss. She moaned into his mouth as she felt his love emanate from his lips. Her happiness at this moment was indescribable.

They pulled back, and gazed into each other's eyes, utterly entranced.



"Would you like to… um… s-sleep over?"

A smile slowly grew on Coppermane's face as he reached up to brush her hair.

"I'd love to."

Fluttershy squeaked in delight, and gave him another kiss. She pulled back, and rested her head on Coppermane's warm chest. He squeezed her tighter in his arms, making her melt.

"Sweet dreams… my princess," Coppermane said, kissing her forehead. "I love you."

Fluttershy's heart did a pirouette at those three magical words. She would never get tired of hearing them.

"I love you too," Fluttershy said, nuzzling his chest. "Good night… my prince."

Coppermane gave her another kiss on the forehead, and squeezed her in his arms. He relaxed his head on the armrest of the couch, feeling his eyelids growing heavier.

Within minutes, the couple was fast asleep, comforted by each other's warmth.

Maybe they have been moving a little fast. Maybe it would be healthier for them to take it back a notch. After all, they were still young, and had their whole lives ahead of them. Who knows what life might throw at them? They had all the time in the world. Why rush something so wonderful?

Author's Notes:

Things got a bit steamy, I know. I've been itching to write some fluff lately, and this chapter was full of it. Hope you enjoyed it. :yay:

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