
Loveliest of Trees (Old)

by Nordryd

Chapter 11: Ch.11: Every Rose Has Its Thorn

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Coppermane slowly opened his eyes, and was met with some flashes of lightning followed by rumbles of thunder. It was still dark outside, and the rain was still heavy. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and it was right then when his arm brushed something below him. It felt soft and silky. He could also feel something… breathing?

He looked below him to see… Fluttershy, sleeping soundly in his arms. A smile came over his face at the sight. It was too adorable.

After sharing their very first dance together, and while they were cuddling, Fluttershy had dozed off in Coppermane's arms. He'd planned on taking her home after the storm let up, but this was infinitely better. Ever since their first date, sleeping alone at night felt rather empty without Fluttershy in his arms. It felt so amazing to hold her. The feeling of keeping her safe as she slept was incomparable.

Coppermane was almost glad the power went out last night. If that didn't happen, they might not have shared their first dance together. It was an opportunity to look deeply into her gorgeous eyes and make her feel beautiful. Nothing was more wonderful than making her smile.

He would give anything to dance with her again.

Fluttershy suddenly stirred in his arms. She nuzzled his chest, mumbling something unintelligible before relaxing again. Coppermane could only smile. Fluttershy was just the cutest thing. He squeezed her lightly in his arms.

"Sweet dreams, my little blossom," Coppermane said.

He gave her a kiss on the forehead before allowing himself to fall back into a deep slumber.

Fluttershy's eyes fluttered opened, and her senses were graced by a wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen. The kitchen and living room were only separated by counters and flooring, so if someone was cooking, anyone in the living room would be well aware. Fluttershy rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she slowly sat up, groaning a little. It took her a moment to notice Coppermane wasn't next to her. The Sunday sun shined through the window with no signs of any storm clouds. Did Coppermane let her sleep with him again? She blushed at the thought. Maybe that's why she felt so well rested. His embrace was more comfortable than any bed she's ever slept in.

She stretched her arms and legs as she let out a mighty yawn. She looked over to the kitchen to see… Coppermane. There he was. Was he cooking? She didn't realize she was staring until he looked in her direction and locked eyes with her. She darted her gaze away, playing with her hair as she felt her cheeks heat up.

"Good morning, Fluttershy," Coppermane said.

Fluttershy smiled. "Good morning, Coppermane."

Coppermane came over to the couch and sat down next to her. He placed his hand on her knee, rubbing it.

"Sleep well?" he asked.

Fluttershy blushed as he rubbed her knee. She placed her hand over his.

"I sure did," she said. "I-I'm sorry for falling asleep. I didn't mean to."

"You have nothing to be sorry about," Coppermane said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "You can spend the night anytime you want."

"Aww… thanks, Coppermane," Fluttershy said.

Coppermane rubbed the back of his neck. "Um… I made some food for us. You hungry?"

Fluttershy blushed. "Oh Coppermane, you didn't have to cook for me."

"I know, but… I wanted to," Coppermane said, interlacing his fingers with hers. "I-I hope you don't mind."

Fluttershy giggled, and leaned forward to give him a kiss.

"You're too sweet," she said.

Coppermane blushed. "Th-Thanks. You wanna eat now? I just made some scrambled eggs and pancakes."

Fluttershy's stomach suddenly rumbled, to which Coppermane rose an eyebrow.

"Um… I-I think I'd like that," Fluttershy said, blushing.

Coppermane chuckled. "You wait here. I'll bring the food over," he said, giving her a peck before going back to the kitchen.

He brought a bottle of maple syrup, two sets of utensils, and two plates full of food back with him. He handed one plate to Fluttershy who happily accepted it.

Coppermane sat down, and held his breath as he watched Fluttershy take her first bite. He's never cooked for anyone before, and didn't know what she would think. But fortunately for him, a big smile came over Fluttershy's face.

"Oh my… this is delicious!" Fluttershy said. "I didn't know you could cook."

Coppermane's heart soared. "Glad you like it," he said, blushing. "I mean… I've lived by myself all my life, so I had to teach myself."

Fluttershy smiled. "Well, all that time alone wasn't a total loss, right?"

"Yeah, I guess," Coppermane said.

The couple continued talking as they finished their meal. Coppermane loved moments like this. Quality time alone with Fluttershy. Making her laugh, making her smile, and occasionally flirting with her. Blowing her kisses, feeding her a bite of his food, and letting her do the same with him. No worries. Just Fluttershy.

After they ate, Fluttershy helped Coppermane with the dishes, and then returned to the couch. Fluttershy hopped into Coppermane's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. Coppermane cradled her in his arms, and took her hand in his, interlacing fingers.

"So what are you planning on doing today?" Coppermane asked.

"Oh, I was going to spend some time at the animal shelter," Fluttershy said. "I haven't been there in a while. I miss all the animals."

Coppermane chuckled. "I bet they miss you too."

Fluttershy giggled. "What about you?"

"I'm gonna meet up with Flash at the mall," Coppermane said.

"Oh? What for?" Fluttershy asked.

"He said he needed help with getting something for Twilight. I'm not sure why he needs me, but I'm happy to help.

Fluttershy smiled. "Well, I hope you two have fun."

"Hope you do too," Coppermane said, squeezing her hand, and leaning in to kiss her.

They pulled away, but kept their faces close. Fluttershy found herself captivated by Coppermane's eyes. They were so warm, and brown like chocolate. He let go of her hand, and wrapped his arm around her waist. He pulled her closer and nuzzled her cheek with his. Fluttershy giggled as she nuzzled him back. Then, he turned his head, surprising her with a passionate kiss. A moan escaped her mouth as she melted in his arms. She used her hand to cup his face as he kissed her. His lips felt so amazing.

Coppermane felt Fluttershy's entire body relax as he kissed her. He would never get enough of her sweet lips. Nothing felt better than kissing his beautiful Fluttershy. Her lips seamlessly molded with his as he cradled her delicate body in his arms. It felt amazing. It was as if when they kissed, all was right in the world.

He pulled away, and was met with Fluttershy's lovely, blissful smile. He gave her a squeeze, earning him a kiss on the cheek. The air was filled with the intoxicating scent of her hair. He felt her snuggle with him, nuzzling his cheek with hers. He squeezed her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, making her giggle, and earning him another nuzzle. He felt her relax in his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder. Coppermane smiled as he gave her a light, loving squeeze. He would love to hold Fluttershy till the end of time. It made him feel so close to her.

How did Coppermane get such a sweetheart?

"Fluttershy?" Coppermane whispered.


"I… I… um…" he stammered.

"Yes?" Fluttershy cooed.

Coppermane was about to say something, but felt a lump in his throat, blocking his words. He knew what he wanted to say. Three words. One phrase. It was such a simple thing to say, yet its magnitude was worth its weight in gold.

He bit his lip, and squeezed her in his arms. "I'm just so glad I have you."

He felt Fluttershy nuzzle him again, and give him a kiss on the cheek before resting her head back on his shoulder.

"I'm happy I have you too," she said, relaxing in his arms.

Coppermane pursed his lips, but focused his mind back on cuddling with Fluttershy. He knew how he felt, but just couldn't bring himself to tell her just yet. He didn't want to ruin this intimate moment with her.

At this time, he just wanted to cuddle with her in peaceful silence. When the time was right, he would know.

He gave her a kiss on the forehead, and squeezed her in his arms.

I love you, Fluttershy.

Fluttershy felt his lips on her forehead, making her smile. She nuzzled him again before relaxing in his warm embrace.

I love you, Coppermane.

After having a wonderful time with Fluttershy, Coppermane was at the mall, eating in the food court with Flash. They had been walking around for quite a while, and getting hungry, so they decided to get a bite.

Coppermane still couldn't figure out why Flash would want his help as opposed to… well… anyone else. He claimed that he needed help picking something out for Twilight, but Coppermane seemed like the least qualified to help him out with something like this. Sure, he was dating Fluttershy now, but even so he really had no clue what a girl would want. He probably just got lucky when he picked the stuffed unicorn and necklace out for Fluttershy.

Either way, he was happy to help, and it was nice to spend time with Flash.

But as they ate lunch, another group roamed the mall. One that Coppermane would not be to fond of. And they had a guest.

"So you want me, the Great and Powerful Trixie, to go up to Coppermane and kiss him?" Trixie asked.

"Exactly," Hoops said.

"And we'll take incriminating photos," Score said, holding his phone towards her.

"You know Coppermane, right?" Hoops asked.

"Yes, I do," Trixie said, "I have physics with him. I will admit, he is kind of cute, but I must ask, what is your motivation for this?"

"We need to show that loser his place," Hoops said, "He's dating someone totally out of his league, and that can't happen."

Trixie was surprised to hear this, and decided to get serious, using her normal voice now.

"Wait… you want to use me to ruin Coppermane's relationship?" Trixie asked. "Why me?"

"You don't know each other outside of being classmates, right?" Score asked.

"Correct," Trixie said.

"That's perfect," Hoops said.

Trixie sighed. "But I don't hate him or anything. Why should I help you two?"

"Because we have some rather… interesting intel about you," Score said.

"Intel?" Trixie said. "What kind of intel? What could you possibly use to humiliate the Great and Powerful Trixie?"

Hoops stifled a laugh. Trixie looked so confident, but he knew they had dirt on her.

"We know that you're not exactly in a good financial situation," Hoops said. Trixie's confident expression seem to sour, making Hoops grin. "And we know how you try to make money."

Score stepped in, and pulled some pictures up on his phone. "We happened to see you at a few children's birthday parties, and have some… interesting pictures." Score showed his phone to Trixie.

Trixie's eyes widened. There were pictures of her indeed doing magic tricks for children's parties. One was of a child throwing up on her during a trick, another was of a child pulling her skirt up (when there were no shorts on underneath), and another was of her after she somehow fell into the birthday cake.

"And these could be put online in an instant," Score said.

"You wouldn't dare," Trixie sneered.

"Well, help us out, and nobody will have to see these," Score said.

"Your move, Miss 'Great and Powerful'," Hoops leered.

Trixie bit her lip. Her hands were pretty much tied. She had no idea how they even got those pictures, but at this point it didn't matter. She couldn't risk her reputation being ruined.

"One hundred dollars up front and you have a deal," Trixie said.

The jocks went bug-eyed at Trixie's demand, but they needed to make this happen. They couldn't allow Coppermane to have such a pretty girl all to himself.

"We'll give it to you when you're about to do it, okay?" Hoops said.

"Wait… Hoops… look over there," Score said, pointing towards the food court. When he looked…

"He's here," Hoops said. Coppermane was right there in the food court, eating with one of his friends.

"We could make this happen now," Score said. They both looked at Trixie, who looked obviously displeased.

"Give me the money first, or it doesn't happen," Trixie said. The jocks sighed, but managed to cough up one-hundred dollars between the two of them.

"He's here with a friend though," Hoops said. "We'll have to wait till he's alone."

Trixie sighed. "Whatever."

The three of them found a table in the food court, and tried their best to remain incognito. Now, they watched Coppermane like a predator watching their prey. It was only a matter of time before he was alone. Until then, they wait.

"So that's my plan. I'm not going to do anything too grandiose. I'm just going to give this to Twilight and ask her to the formal," Flash said, examining the amethyst necklace he bought. "I just hope she says yes."

Coppermane chuckled. "What makes you think she won't?"

"I mean, she probably will, but I still have my doubts, y'know?" Flash said.

"I feel you," Coppermane said. "How have things been between you two?"

"Oh, it's been great," Flash said. "We've spent pretty much every day together, and she just continues to amaze me. She's a little weird sometimes, but I don't mind. I think it's really cute. I just hope she can stay for a while."

"Is she from out of town?" Coppermane asked.

Flash bit his lip. Twilight had recently explained to him why she came and went all the time, and the notion was still pretty mind-boggling. He figured it would be best to have Twilight explain it to Coppermane herself, because she could probably explain it better than anyone ever could. For now though…

"She's from… Manehatten," Flash said. Thankfully, it looked like Coppermane believed him.

"Oh, okay. How long does she usually stay?" Coppermane asked.

"The longest she's been here is about a week," Flash said. "We're going on three now."

"Well, hopefully she's here for a while," Coppermane said. "She's nice to have around."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Flash said, making both of them chuckle. "Well how about you? How are things with Fluttershy?"

Upon hearing his beautiful girlfriend's name, Coppermane immediately smiled. Images of her gorgeous face flooded his thoughts.

"Man, where do I even start?" Coppermane said. "Fluttershy… she's nothing short of amazing. She's smart, kind, the sweetest thing, and just too cute. She's already done so much for me. I mean, I never would've had such an amazing birthday if it weren't for her. We… we even shared out first dance last night…"

"Really?" Flash asked. "How was that?"

"It was amazing. Just holding her close, moving in rhythm with her, and looking into those gorgeous teal eyes… just wow. She actually fell asleep in my arms when we cuddled afterwards. She's so cute when she's asleep. Then again… when is she not cute?" Coppermane said, letting out a sigh as he stared blankly out into space.

Flash couldn't help but laugh at how smitten Coppermane looked.

"Wow…" Flash said. "You're really in love aren't you?"

Coppermane looked back down at Flash with a big smile on his face.

"Flash, you have no idea," Coppermane said.

Flash chuckled. "Well, I'm glad to hear everything's going so well. Have you asked her to the formal yet?"

"Huh?" Coppermane grunted.

Flash rose an eyebrow. "The formal? The Fall Formal? The reason I bought this necklace for Twilight? It's happening this Saturday. Have you asked Fluttershy yet?"

Coppermane's expression immediately darkened. "I'm such a jerk."

"Huh?" Flash asked.

"I completely forgot about that. I'm not used to having someone I can actually take. I've never even been to a dance before. Do you think she's waiting for me to ask?" Coppermane asked. Much to his dismay, Flash nodded. "Well, I guess that's another demerit for me."

"Hey, no worries," Flash said. "It's not too late. You still have this week."

"Yeah, but how am I going to ask her?" Coppermane asked.

"Well, it's not like she's going to say no, right?" Flash asked.

"I guess," Coppermane said. "It's just… she's special. I want a more profound way of asking her out. I'm still new to this. I don't know where to even start."

Flash laughed. "And that, my friend, is exactly why I invited you here today."

"What now?" Coppermane asked.

"I wanted to make sure you were going to the formal, and that you were taking Fluttershy. Now that I know where you stand, I'm going to help you."

Coppermane went wide-eyed. "Wow… um… thanks, Flash. So where do we begin?"

Flash got up out of his seat. "Let's throw our trash away, and we'll walk around and discuss it. There's nothing to worry about. We'll think of something."

Coppermane smiled. "Alright, let's do it."

Hoops, Score, and Trixie sat at a table with a good view of the trash receptacles, watching Coppermane and Flash, waiting for the right moment to strike. They were trying their hardest to remain incognito, and it was making them a bit impatient.

"This is stupid, Score. Let's just wait until tomorrow at school. This is taking too long," Hoops said.

"Just a few more minutes. He has to throw his trash away at some point," Score said.

As if on cue, Coppermane and Flash Sentry walked over to the trash receptacles, making Score's face light up.

"Told ya," Score said.

"Yeah, but we need him alone," Hoops said.

Then, they overheard Flash say something.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom really quick," Flash said.

"Okay, I'll wait here," Coppermane said.

Flash walked away to the restrooms, leaving Coppermane on his own. And the jocks were still concealed. Perfect…

Hoops looked back at Score. "He's all alone. Let's make sure it stays that way."

Score looked over at Trixie. "Alright, Miss 'Great and Powerful', you're up."

Trixie bit her lip. She couldn't believe she let herself get into this mess, but her hands were tied. She sighed, and got up out of her seat, proceeding towards Coppermane. Hoops and Score snickered as they got their phones ready to take pictures

"Make sure the flash is off," Hoops said.

"Capture everything," Score said.

Coppermane browsed through his messages, chuckling at some pictures sent to him by Fluttershy from the animal shelter. She looked so cute with her animals.

"Pardon me?" a voice said next to him. He looked up, and next to him was a familiar looking girl.

"Um… hi," Coppermane said. "Don't I know you?"

The girl stifled a laugh. "Do you not recognize the Great and Powerful Trixie?"

"Oh yeah. Physics, right?" Coppermane asked.

"Indeed. And you're Coppermane, yes?" Trixie asked.

"Yep," Coppermane said. "Can I help you with something?"

"Well, I'm here at the mall all alone, and I saw you here," Trixie said. "Y'know, you are rather cute…"

Coppermane rose an eyebrow. Her tone sounded oddly… amorous. Was she flirting with him? It was a little weird, but it was nice to hear.

"Well… um… th-thanks, Trixie," Coppermane said.

Then, she took him by surprise when she reached out to rub his arm.

"I would love to have someone to walk around with," Trixie said. "I just feel so lonely."

All alarms began going off in Coppermane's head. There was no question. Trixie was flirting with him. The look in her eye was clear.

He took her hand off his arm. "Listen, Trixie. I'm flattered, I really am, but I have a girlfriend, so—"

Trixie silenced him by placing her hand on his heart. "Oh, that's not a problem. She doesn't have to know," she said, massaging his chest.

Coppermane moved her hand away from his heart. "Trixie, please, I—"

Trixie placed her finger over his mouth to silence him again.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?" Trixie said.

Coppermane pursed his lips, moving her hand away again. Her persistence was admittedly admirable, but this was getting ridiculous.

"Trixie, I'll say this one more time. I have a girlfriend, so I would appreciate it if you—" Suddenly, Trixie grabbed him by the shirt, and pulled him into a deep kiss.

"Mmm!" Coppermane's patience was gone in an instant. All alarms went off in his head. "Get off of me!" he shouted, pushing her away. He pushed her a little harder than he meant to, but at that point, he just needed to separate himself from her.

Trixie looked at him with a face of offense. She brushed her clothes to smooth them out, and folded her arms, refusing to make eye contact with him.

"Fine! Be that way! You could've had the Great and Powerful Trixie all to yourself, but you have blown your chances!" she said in a sassy voice.

"Just leave me alone, please," Coppermane said.

"Hmph!" Trixie grunted before strutting away.

Coppermane sighed, and leaned back against the wall.

"What the hell…?" he grunted. He cringed at the lingering taste of Trixie's lips on his. He began vigorously rubbing his lips to get every last trace of Trixie off. He felt so dirty. He's never wanted to kiss Fluttershy more in his life. Kiss those sweet, candy lips of hers, and get rid of Trixie's taste.

Flash finally returned after a while. "Sorry I took so long. There was a line for the men's restroom, can you believe it?" He stopped when he noticed Coppermane rubbing his lips, and looking very distressed. "Um… did I miss something?"

That night, the girls gathered at the boutique to discuss plans for the Fall Formal. Mostly to help Pinkie Pie plan out some things last minute things. They had a long week ahead of them, consisting of the musical showcase, immediately followed by the Fall Formal.

"So… Twilight and Fluttershy? Have your boyfriends asked you to the formal yet?" Rarity asked, making them both blush profusely.

"Flash hasn't asked me yet, no," Twilight said.

"Coppermane hasn't either," Fluttershy said, playing with her hair.

"Maybe their planning something super special!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Fluttershy and Twilight made eye contact, and blushed even harder. Their imaginations went crazy trying to imagine how their boyfriends might ask them to the formal.

Fluttershy suddenly chuckled to herself as she played with her hair.

"Somethin' on your mind, sugarcube?" Applejack asked, noticing the big smile on Fluttershy's face.

"Oh, I was just thinking about last night. Coppermane and I… we… we shared our first dance," Fluttershy said.

Rarity gasped loudly. "Oh, how wonderful! Was it amazing?"

"It was! I've never felt so close to him," Fluttershy said. "He held me in his arms, and… he said I was the most beautiful girl in the world."

"Aww!" all the girls said.

"That's so sweet!" Sunset said.

Fluttershy didn't answer, as she was too busy staring off into space while twirling her hair. Rarity giggled and gave Fluttershy a big hug.

"Oh, you are just so in love, aren't you!" Rarity said.

"Y'know, I gotta admit, you and Coppermane are really cute together," Rainbow Dash said.

Out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie suddenly let out a sharp, horrified gasp. All the girls looked at her, and saw her staring at her laptop screen with wide-eyes, and her hands over her mouth.

"Is something wrong?" Sunset asked. Pinkie said nothing as Sunset's phone buzzed. She opened her phone up, and her reaction was almost identical to Pinkie's. "Oh my gosh."

Suddenly, everyone's phone, except for Fluttershy's, went off simultaneously. Twilight looked at Pinkie's laptop screen to see what was being sent. When they looked, their reactions were all alike, and similar to Sunset's and Pinkie's.

"Did you all get the same thing?" Sunset asked, peeking at Rainbow's phone. Indeed, it was the exact same message.

"Um… I didn't get anything," Fluttershy said, checking her phone. She noticed everyone's uncomfortable expressions, and that they were looking away from her. "Wh-What's wrong?"

Rainbow sighed. "Here… you need to see this."

Fluttershy noticed Rainbow's uncomfortable expression. What was so important? Her phone suddenly buzzed in her hand, showing a message from Rainbow Dash. She opened it up, and her heart ruptured at what she saw.

Apparently, Trixie had sent some pictures to her friends. Pictures of her flirting with a guy. Holding his hands, rubbing his shoulders, putting her hand on his heart, and even… kissing him. And the guy was none other than…

"C-Coppermane?" Fluttershy cooed, choking up. No… it couldn't be. Coppermane… her Coppermane… kissing another girl? It felt like Fluttershy's heart had been ripped out of her chest and stomped on. She felt sick to her stomach. Her body began shaking as tears welled up in her eyes. "But… I… I… I love you…" she cooed. Her phone dropped from her trembling, unstable hand, landing on the floor with a loud thud. She covered her mouth with her hands as her breathing turned shaky.

Everyone else felt their own hearts break at seeing Fluttershy fall apart. Even more so after hearing those three key words come out of her mouth.

A pained squeak came from Fluttershy as she buried her face in her hands. Her body was shaking, and her breathing was unstable. Rarity slowly walked up to her.

"Fluttershy? Sweetness?" she asked, gently putting her hand on her shoulder. Fluttershy looked at Rarity, and upon making eye contact, began bawling hysterically. Rarity immediately pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back to try and comfort her.

A few minutes ago, everything was fine. Everyone was happy. Now, Fluttershy's heart was shattered, and the rest found themselves questioning their friendship with the newest member of their group.

Author's Notes:

Thanks to Harmony Pie for helping me with this chapter. Go check out her stories. She's amazing. :pinkiehappy:

If you liked what you read, be sure to leave a like and a comment!

Peace out. :derpytongue2:

Next Chapter: Ch.12: Broken Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 10 Minutes
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