

by Lux

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The rest of the afternoon passed without much attention as you only had one class before the much awaited Astronomy class in the evening. As you sat in class, you couldn’t help but think about Moonflower. It was strange how one pony could have such an impact on you mind, making everything happening around you seem so insignificant. Of course you had your friends and family, and you often thought about how they were doing and what they were involved in at a given moment. This was different when you thought of her. There was an element of concern and caring when it came to your thoughts of the blue unicorn as you wondered how she liked her first day of classes at the school. It wasn’t that you saw her as a shrinking violet, far from it! But any new experience cold be a challenge to even the toughest of ponies!

There was something else about those times thinking of her beyond just knowing how she was. It was a deeper feeling of wanting to be there wherever she went, to comfort her when she needed to be consoled, and to share in the great times together. You wanted to know everything about her life and for her to know about you. Of course you were on the right track of being good friends right from the first day meeting her, but you wanted something more than friends. The trouble was you didn’t know what that could be.

“Why am I feeling this way about somepony I met just the day before?” you said to nopony in particular as you sat on a bench under a shady tree. “I mean she’s nice and smart and has a sexy body, but we’re just friends now, right?”

You paused as if waiting for an answer, but none came. It was like a riddle: what is somepony you care about if they’re not your friend or relative? Deep down you knew the answer, especially as you saw examples of this very relationship day in and day out while walking the quadrangle or in the student center. But, was it really that your feelings towards Moonflower was love?

“No it couldn’t be,” you said with a laugh, “That’s not how things work. I’m supposed to find somepony and after getting to know her as a friend then I can decide if she’s the one. This is all backwards! Besides, I just met her. There’s a lot that I don’t know about her, like what she enjoys, what she’s afraid of, and not to mention if she thinks of me the same way! Oh, what am I going to do?”

“You know, you could talk to her, like a normal pony would do,” a familiar female voice could be heard behind you making you almost jump out of your seat! You turned to see Spearmint standing there with a coy grin on her face, like she saw, or heard, something amazing.

“Oh hi, Spearmint. I was just talking to myself.”

“Yes, I could hear you, especially something about love and Moonflower?”

“Wait, how much did you hear me say?”

“Oh enough,” she said running her fingers through her mane in a playful manner, “and by enough I mean all of it. So, you have the hots for the new student, huh? Snowbeak was right then! I have to say, you picked a winner! Even I was impressed how pretty and smart she was.”

“Yeah, but there’s a few problems,” you said with a sigh. “I don’t know much about her for one. We just met and I know a few things she likes and that she has an older sister, but that’s about it. Plus there’s the big thing of not being sure she even likes me like that!”

“Yeah, those are problems, but not major problems you know. They both can be solved by talking with her, which you seem to have no problem doing. Let me give you some advice, from a mare to a stallion: mares like when you pay attention to them. You ask them how they are, what they’re doing, and what they like and they will do the same. Also, be sure to treat her by taking time out of your life to be with her. It doesn’t have to be a date, just going to the movies with her, heading to a café, or even going shopping. As long as you give her attention and affection, she will respond in kind. Sound like a plan?”

“Yeah, it does.”

“Great. Don’t worry about doing anything special just yet, just be yourself. Oh, and while you are already thinking of her being your one and only, keep it to yourself. If you confess your undying love for her and she’s not into that, you’ll lose her maybe for good. It’s great that you like her like that, but keep that as like a secret weapon when the moment is right, alright?”

“I’ll try,” you said realizing that keeping your feelings bottled up was worse than simply talking to Moonflower.

“Great! Try to keep me in the loop as to how things are going, and I’ll do what I can. Oh, and I’ll try to not let Snowbeak know as he’ll blab it all over the campus.”

“I appreciate that,” you replied.

“Anyway, I have a class to get to, but I’m sure we’ll see each other again. Have fun lover stallion!”

With that your friend dashed away towards the science building as you reflected upon the tips she gave you. Now you felt ready to continue getting to know Moonflower, and hopefully you would know in time how she felt about you.

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