
Godzilla and Gamera: The Return of Iris

by Godzilla2020

Chapter 1: Awaken

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Author's Notes:

Based off of Tarbtano's Godzilla-MLP the Bridge series.
Just a project I came up with while I bored this is not canon with his story at all. Just think of it as an anime movie.
Godzilla is owned by Toho co. Ltd
Gamera and Iris are both owned by Daiei
MLP is owned by Hasbro

Darkness that's all he knew. Darkness that's all he could remember. Iris was alone with his thoughts in state of suspended animation. Even if he could move there was no to go. Iris was sitting in a skyscraper high tank of liquid maid to feed him through his skin. Human scientist were typing away just mere feet from the God of Vengeance. They were gathering data on their creation.

The creature in the tube was both Iris and wasn't Iris at the same time.

Years ago he had died in a duel with the Guardian of the Universe. His body had been scattered to pieces leaving enough DNA to be collected by the military during the clean up. And enough for other organizations to acquire.

The Red Bamboo one of the world's biggest terror organizations had come in like locus taking every last scrap of Iris's DNA that the military had contained. The soldiers left to guard the remains were nothing more than targets to the snipers. As soon as they had arrived they were gone.

What they did afterwards was an even bigger crime. After trading arms with the Saradians the Red Bamboo gained acquired the research notes of one of the greatest genetic scientist of his time. One who figuratively and literally created one of the biggest kaiju alive. Dr. Shiragami. Combine that with a state of the art research facilities. They were able to create one of their greatest weapons.

A perfect clone of the God of Darkness.

Captain Ryu, the new head of the Red Bamboo, stood at the top of a steel railing looking down at his creation. Under his new leader ship the terrorist group grew in power going from buying arms and threatening small nations to preforming full scale assassinations and starting civil wars to sell weapons on both sides. But selling conventional weapons can only get someone far in life but selling kaiju well that's a whole different story isn't. Ryu laughed to himself.

"YOU!" he pointed at female scientist walking behind him. She stopped scared out of her mind as Ryu walked toward his blood red eyes were locked on her. The gun on his hip rattled with each step. Combine that with the scar going across his face it made him look the human version of a kaiju.

"Yes sir." the scientist said with a shrill terrified voice.

"How much longer until it's ready?"

"I'm not sure sir."

Ryu glared at her taping his gun, "What was that?"

"Please forgive me sir but Iris is growing at a rate higher than predicted. Along with his growth we have to increase the amount vitamins to keep him alive." The scientist talked quickly already she could tell Ryu was getting annoyed with her.

"And how does that answer my question about it being ready?" Ryu was beginning to pull his gun out to make an example of this girl.

Suddenly a voice calls from behind him, "What she's trying to say is that Iris will ready when he decides he's ready."

Ryu turned around angered about who speak to him in condescending tone. A man with snow white hair and a lab coat walked toward him, "Dr. Ryan glad to see you but your still failing to answer my question." Ryu said.

Dr. Ryan sighed, "Well if you paid attention the first time I told you would know. Iris reached his mask height days ago but for reason he's still growing. It's as if his battle with Gamera made him stronger that what he originally was."

"Ok then but will we still be able to control him?"

Dr. Ryan looked at Iris floating his tube, "Most likely if you decide to be patient."

"Excellent." Ryu said with an evil grin he looked over to the female scientist that he was talking to earlier. She shook with fear as he glared at her. "Oh and Miss."

"Price sir. Emily Price." She blurted out with no control.

"Miss. Price next time give me answer when I speak to you," He pulls out a gun and fires over her head causing Emily to flinch she could the sound of a body dropping, "Or else that will be you on the ground next time. Ryan I wish to see project 3 now."

"Yes captain right this." Dr. Ryan motioned for Ryu to follow him. Ryu walked with Dr. Ryan but before leaving he put his head over his shoulder to look at Emily.

"One last thing Miss. Price clean that mess up."

Ryu and Dr. Ryan walked off leaving Emily alone. She turned around slowly and looked down at the dead body on the ground. Emily fell to her knees and started to cry.

Unknown to anyone however was that inside Iris's tube there was a bit of movement. His shoulder twitched and an orb of light flickered in his arrow shaped head.
Deep below the ocean
Darkness was all around him as he slept. How long had it been since he's done this? He didn't care for once in his life he was having a peaceful rest. No fighting, no rescuing a city, these were days that he longed for but so rarely ever experienced. The currents rocked his body helping lull him to sleep. He was finally at piece.

"You must wake up."

Is this a dream?

"You must wake up."

Doesn't fell like one. Suddenly his dark vision began to change to orange. He recognized this color of orange it was one he was familiar with. Flames. He turned his head the ocean floor was gone replaced by a burning city. At the center stood an eerie green glowing creature.

"He will destroy your world if don't stop him. You must wake up!"

Red and yellow eyes snapped open looking around he was back in the ocean. Was that a dream or was it real? Suddenly he felt a chill run down his spine. Something extremely powerful and evil was waking up. Ivory back spines flashed blue and a long black tail beat on the ocean floor causing a massive black body to lift off the ground. Godzilla narrowed his eyes moving through the water breaching 10 knots.
So much for having a peaceful night.
Red Bamboo Base (Dr. Ryan's lab)
Ryu and Dr. Ryan stood in an white lab in front of them was a large circular object coils hung around it along with two electrical orbs on the front. Ryu looked at the object with fascination.

"So this is project 3?" Ryu asked.

"Yes I give you the Dimension Shifter." Ryan said.

"Are you really stealing names from the G-force?" Ryu said amused.

"I may have tweaked the name and device some what but the rest is all my own design."

"Well then what does it do?"

Ryan went to a blinking control panel and began pressing buttons. The Dimension Shifter began to hum to life Ryu looked at it as a blue swirl began to appear inside of it. Suddenly a building appeared inside of the Dimension Shifter.

"What is this?" Ryu asked amazed.

"A portal to another world." Ryan answered.

"It looks like our world."

"Give it a minute."

Ryu looked at the portal closely when a group of technicolored girls came running out the building each of them wearing a formal dress. Ryu looked over to Ryan with a strange look on his face, "What have you been looking at?"

"This world has been the only one we've been able to access so far and for the past 3 days we've received a massive amount of power inputs. If we go through this world and harness that power." Ryan smiled deviously at Ryu who had already caught on to what he was saying.

"Then we could have even more power." Ryu cracked an evil grin leaning forward to look at the girls through the portal, "Can you identify where this new power is coming from."

Ryan began typing away on the computer until finally the he found what he was looking for, "That crown the orange girl is holding seems to be the main power source."

Ryu looked at the portal to see an orange skinned girl in a black jacket and fire colored hair was holding a crown with a purple star piece over her head. She looked like she was saying something to the others before placing it on her head. There was a flash of light before she was enveloped in a ball of energy. The power she was giving off was incredible Ryu had to shield his eyes from the flashes of light.

"The power she's giving off is bouncing off the Dimension Shifter! It's causing after shocks!" Dr. Ryan shouted.

"Then shut it off!" Ryu shouted.

Dr. Ryan went for the controls but sparks began to fly off the large portal causing to jump back to avoid being hit.

Holding Camber
Emily looked up at the ceiling as the lights around her began to dim. Something was draining the power. She got back to her feet after cleaning the blood off the ground. She was still wiping tears off her face from the terrifying experience. What has she gotten herself into all her life she wanted to be scientist do something to put her name on the world. The Red Bamboo gave her that chance she gave her a home when she had none left to go to. But now it was all coming to startling realization what type of group she was with. But during this time something else was having a realization of it's own. A loud thump echoed in the holding chamber. Emily froze in place as another thump louder than the last echoed around her.

"OH MY GOD!" someone shouted behind her.

Emily turned around slowly looking down to Iris's containment chamber. His tentacles began to bump against the glass walls that kempt inside his cell. A white light was glowing inside of his arrow shaped head. In an instant his head snapped up causing sweat to pour down Emily's face because it pointed directly at her. His body began to move around bumping the his incubation tube cracks began to form along the side as the massive kaiju began to break free.

"Someone call Captain Ryu!" a soldier shouted.

But it was to late one of Iris tentacles smashed out of the tube and began to slam into just about everything inside the base. Soldiers fired their guns but they merely bounced off the tough skin. The tentacle stopped thrashing and stood perfectly still like cobra ready to strike. No one moved out of fear due to the massive hissing sound in the air. Energy formed in arrow tip of the tentacle as it glowed bright yellow. In a horrifying flash of light the tip opened and a sonic cutter, similar to that of a Gyaos bird, ripped out of it. Everything in sight was bisected including the people.

Emily held her head in her hands as she ducked down. The high pitched noise of the sonic cutter was canceling out the screams of people. When it all stopped Emily lifted her head back up to see the horror that was around. Moon light poured into the hole that was cut through the ceiling, soldiers were on the ground sliced into with looks of shock on their faces from dying instantly, a fate shared by some of her friends as well. But Emily didn't have time to scream at the sight of death around her. There was a green glow coming from behind her.

Iris's attack wasn't just to kill the humans around him but was to free himself. The 325 foot kaiju stood up to his full height and looked around raising one of his spear like hands to his head to rub it in a human fashion.

Where was he?

What happened to him?

And what was this power he was feeling?

He looked down to see a small human cowering in front of him he remembered this scene a human called him and gave him gave more power than he ever felt. So why doesn't he haven't know?

Iris tilted his head studying the Emily she backed away from him. The orbs on going down Iris's body began to glow brighter before four sets of human sized tentacles came out of them wrapping around Emily. She screamed trying to get them off her but the more she struggled the tighter they became. The middle orb in Iris's stomach opened Emily screamed louder as she was drawn in closer.

Ryu came running in with Dr. Ryan behind both of them were covered in black burns from avoiding the shocks of the Dimension Shifter.

"What is this?!" Ryu shouted before gasping when he saw Iris stare at him.

"Please Captain HELP ME!" Emily shouted tears coming out of her eyes.

Ryu merely looked at her confused before answering, "Why?"

Emily only had a look of sadden shock on her face as Iris pulled her inside of him. Dr. Ryan watched the entire thing with fascination.

"Amazing it appears to be searching for a host."

"Can it follow my commands?" Ryu asked.

"No I didn't have time to program it right now it's wild." Ryan said backing away slowly Iris turned it's attention right toward them.

He let out a loud moaning roar that sounded like a crying whale. He marched forward at slow pace cocking his head curiously. Ryu smiled looking over to Ryan arrogance showing fully.

"It looks as though he already knows who his master is." Ryu smiled holding out his hand to Iris, "Iris I am the one who gave you life! Know knell before me."

To he and Ryan's surprise Iris bent down toward Ryu. The mad captain began to laugh at his hands was the most powerful monster in history and he could control.... or so he thought. Before Ryan had time to blink Ryu and the ground he was standing were gone replaced by an orange tentacle. Ryan quivered as he looked up at the ceiling where Ryu or what was left of him was hanging on there.

Iris was annoyed the human he consumed had no power what so ever and the real power was somewhere else. He could fell but for now he wanted to vent on one more thing and this human would have to do. He looked down at Ryan as the man made for the hallway. Iris let one of his smaller tentacles fly out of his body. It wrapped around Ryan's body and pulled him back screaming trying to cling to the floor. Another tentacle wrapped around his hands. Iris held Ryan up by his hands and legs slowly pulling both ends of the man in opposite directions.
Godzilla began to swim faster snarling the power he felt earlier just grew tremendously. Something was going on and he had to stop it before it spread to the rest of the world. He beat his tail harder moving his body forward. But suddenly he felt another presence behind him but this one was familiar. He recognized in an instant and it caused his eyes to lower in annoyance.

Not this guy.

The darkness in the water began to glow as a green shell rose up from the depths. Green eyes but yellow eyes as Gamera ross next to Godzilla. He let out a loud roar out of his tusked mouth greeting Godzilla. Godzilla let out his own confused roar.

What was he doing here?

Gamera called out to his old ally his roar was serious.

A threat to earth.

The giant turtle held his right arm an old wound was acting up again. Godzilla watched Gamera do this remembering how long agonizing it was to watch Gamera heal from it. What ever was going was serious. He needed to be fast the last time he arrived late to a fight he found Gamera on death's door missing an arm. He wasn't going to let that happen again Gamera may be annoying but he's also his oldest friend. He let out a loud roar to Gamera.

They need to get there fast.

Gamera smiled between his tusk and began swimming under Godzilla. The monster king understood what the guardian was doing. Godzilla put his hands on Gamera's back and the turtle pulled his back legs into his shell. His back jets opened azure flames burned bright under the ocean. Godzilla king of the monster and Gamera the guardian of the universe sped off to battle.
Docks of the Red Bamboo base
Two grunts stood at the foot of the docks looking out at the ocean they had heard the muffled sounds of what had been going on inside. They also saw the beam of light coming out of the base.

"Sounds like there's some kind of party going on in there." One of the grunts said.

"The captain probably has a new weapon to play with." The second said with a laugh.

They both snickered at each other. The first to start talking looked out at the ocean but what he saw confused him.

"Hey what's that?"

"It looks like a wave."

"But why is it so big and glowing?"

"I have no idea."

"Should we runaway screaming?"

"After you sir."

Both of the grunts didn't waste anytime running away as the massive tit dal wave of water came closer to the island. Before it reached the shore the water exploded. Revealing two the world's famous most kaiju. Ivory back spines flashed blue with atomic power as Godzilla let out a thundering roar. Water poured off a green shell as mana built up in Gamera's throat as he roared as well.

Gamera was first to act when he felt massive power build up coming from inside the Red Bamboo base. He took in a massive breath letting air into his lungs before snapping his jaws shut. Plasma and mana infused fire built up in his mouth before unleashing a fire ball. Godzilla didn't have time to react before it hit the Red Bamboo causing a massive explosion. He snarled at Gamera for not trying to hold back incase humans were inside. Gamera didn't respond he already that they were to late every one inside the base were already dead. Except for one.

A giant shelled back emerged from out of the rubble unlike most shells though it formed almost bat like wings. The new monster turned around looking directly at Godzilla and Gamera. Godzilla reeled his head back in shock for one it didn't have a face so he couldn't even read this new monster's emotion. The other reason was the look of pure rage Gamera had when he saw it rising up. Godzilla saw Gamera go for right arm again. It hit Godzilla like brick when he realized that this was a creature Gamera had fought before the one who took his arm and destroyed half of Japan. This was Iris the God of Darkness.

Yep so much for a peaceful night.

Godzilla braced himself along with Gamera together they were easily the Earth Defenders most powerful members and neither was known to shy away from a fight. But just how calmly Iris was standing there was easily putting them on guard. Time stood still for them as Iris didn't move just staring at them blankly. Until finally he moved but not toward them Iris turned his back to them and began looking around in the rubble. He didn't even care about them. Godzilla and Gamera looked at each other then back to Iris. Godzilla roared trying to get Iris to notice him. Iris just kept searching the rubble for something neither monster could see.

Gamera sunk all of his limbs back into his shell and activated his jets spinning like a high powered buzz saw. He flew right into Iris causing the kaiju to stumble but not fall. Gamera kept spinning but he wasn't making Iris move any further. The only thing that did move were the four kaiju sized tentacles coming out the rubble at lightning speed. They all slammed down on Gamera before he could notice or Godzilla could warn him. The arrow tipped edge of a tentacle went straight threw the guardian's shoulder pinning him to the ground. Gamera roared in pain as blood came out of the ground. Godzilla roared in rage and charged into the battle his back spines charging he ripped his mouth open to let out a full powered atomic breath. His three free tentacles came right behind Iris deflecting Godzilla's attack and knocking it off into a nearby mountain. He was startled for a moment but Godzilla kept charging forward the arrow head tentacles sprung like snakes.

He was able to dodge the one headed to his skull but the two aimed for ribcage. They pierced right through his skin like butter before wrapping around Godzilla. Before he could react Godzilla was in the air and brought back down on top of Gamera. In only less than a minute and with few moves Iris brought down the two most powerful kaiju on earth.

Now that the distraction was gone Iris continued his search for the mysterious power he could feel it somewhere in the rubble. That's when the rubble began to move. Iris could feel another power surge coming again. There was a bright flash as a burst of energy came out the rubble. Iris roared with delight when he saw it this was what he was looking for.

Godzilla shook his head clear to the see the tower energy pouring out of the rubble and he saw Iris heading toward it. If Iris was able to get that then he'd be unstoppable. He got off of Gamera helping the turtle to his feet. The arrow may have been out of shoulder but green blood was still coming out of it. Gamera shook it off like it was nothing trying to focus more on Iris. They both knew they had to end this fight here or the world was doomed. Godzilla and Gamera looked into each others eyes nodding in agreement. Both charged Iris at once Godzilla fired his atomic breath and Gamera fired three plasma balls. Iris was to distracted by the energy output to notice the attacks coming. Each attack hit Iris causing him to roar in pain and annoyed anger.

He turned around to face his two attackers. Godzilla smiled looks this monster did have emotions. He let out a thundering roar as jumped straight at Iris another attack he wasn't excepting from something as big as Godzilla. The monster king cocked his fist back and let power pour into it. He rammed his nuclear charged fist right into Iris's arrow shaped head knocking him off his feet. Gamera came in behind Godzilla slashing at the demon kaiju with elbow spikes. The spike didn't cut Iris but it was able to knock the him back.

Iris roared ready to end this fight each of his tentacles rose up from the ground charging power. Godzilla and Gamera both let out their roars. Godzilla back spines began to with as he puffed his chest out atomic power building in his maw. Gamera did the same thing as mana built up inside of him. Time slowed for each of kaiju as Godzilla and Gamera both opened their mouths firing their signature attacks and Iris fired out four collective sonic beams. The attacks collided together creating massive explosion none of the kaiju noticed when a rainbow appeared out of the tower energy behind Iris. It just went white.
Canterlot High School (1 hour after the Fall Formal)
Sunset Shimmer made a slow walk down the destroyed steps of Canterlot High School. She looked at the court yard which was still a wreck she already she'd be cleaning that in that morning. She sighed but it was a punishment she was willing to accept after the major mistake she made. Sunset fell back on a step looking up at the night sky. She felt as bad as when she left Celestia. The dirty looks every one gave her as they left the dance were edged in her memory.

"What have I done?" Sunset let her head fall into her knees. On the verge of tears Sunset was about to start crying if their wasn't aloud boom in the sky. Sunset looked up in the night sky to see a white light appear over the school it looked a star. She stared at it amazed before the light broke into three spit pieces and shot off two went for the mountains and the other went over the city.

"What the hay?" Sunset said cocking her head back confused.

Next Chapter: Memories of Darkness Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 43 Minutes
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