
I am Living Lava?

by Shadow of Doubt

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - The Rules (Edited)

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I'm roused from my rest by a continuous nudging I moaned and sat up... only to find myself face to face with a pony? Where am I? Oh Ohh Ohh shit that wasn't a dream, Oh great now the pony is giving me a funny look but as I rose to my full height it turned to slight fear... and was that awe?

"Umm, Hello" Man my voice is so cool sure it's girly but damn is it cool it has a very slight echo effect. I look around and notice that I now appear to be in a medical room of sorts.

"Oh, ah, no need to bow, I'm not royalty or anything, just wondering where I am is all" I mention idly as I look around the room and I can clearly see a few things that just don't make scene like that Pegasus napping on a cloud just outside my window... is he spying on me?

"Sorry for poking you miss," said the pure white pony in front of me.

"Don't worry about that, what's your name?" I asked it seems that talking to a nurse, well she is dressed like one.

"My name is Nurse Redheart I am Canterlot Castle's nurse in charge of you, how is your head feeling" she seemed to want to be somewhere else with the way she was looking back and forth between the door.

"I feel fine a little hungry, but fine none the less," I state as I stand up and to get a better look at the place. There is a pile of ash in the corner of the room and to the left of that there is a window with a Pegasus clad in (what I assume to be) gold armor, The floor is definitely polished marble while the walls are clearly painted stone.

"Well then my job's done, I am to tell you that the princess will be meeting with you soon for brunch." She said as she stealthily (not really) made her way to the exit. "Oh, and you're not to leave the room," she said as she practically ran out the door.

"What, I'm not that scary, am I?" Well, I guess I should wait...



"Yeah... fuck that, I'm gonna look around." I made my way to the door which happened to be open, but something caught my eye a mirror, I didn't notice before was next to the door, I noticed that my 'hair' was now no longer a massive billowing out of control fire like when I arrived but calmer and with a few flicks of fire emitting from the main body occasionally
"Damn, that is pretty cool," I think to myself as I make my way out of the room, only to bump into another pony. Well, I would guess horse because of the height. I mean, she is only a few inches shorter than me (not including horns... mine is longer)

"Hello, Mark. Come, we have much to discuss over brunch," Celestia ordered. And here I thought I could sneak out and look around. We did not speak at all on our way, she still has an aura of hostility towards me. I, however, do not know why... perhaps it is my good looks? Well, for a horse anyway... I miss my family, what would they say if they saw me now? Sure, we never got along, but they were still there... I mean what the french am I eve-

I am brought out of my musings when I bumped into a royal plot hole. Celestia’s, in this case.

"Pay attention next time, please. My sister is inside waiting for us, let us not keep her waiting," She still has that odd aura around her, a feeling of hate just emitted from her towards me, but I know not of what I did to deserve this.

"Do you have a problem with me, Celestia? Because your actions thus far have given me reason to think as such," damn I love speaking fancy, makes me feel just that tad bit better than who I talk to.

Celestia, however, ignores my question/barb and opens the door with her golden magic. Now that I take a look at the place, this castle is quite stunning. I mean, they use gold to decorate the door for Christ sake! it's all hand-made, well... hoof/magic made I guess, but none the less it made the area beautiful and less dull.

I think the highlight of my day this far, though, is that I have burned hoof prints directly through the castle carpet, there still smoking and scorched black. Haha, take that, Celestia! That is for hitting me with a goddamn war hammer! I really dislike her.

"Are you going to stand there until nightfall or are you going to join us at the table?" Luna stated, looking rather bored but energetic at the same time what with her constantly tapping her back leg to get rid of built-up energy.

"Oh, sure, give me a sec," Luna raised her eyebrow at this while Celestia shows indifference as I make my way to the table and sit down.

"Now then, you are undoubtedly hungry. We have already ordered waffle shaped pancakes for all of us, they shall here within ten minutes, now then let's get to business -" Before Luna could finish her sentence my pillow burst into flames, might as well make the best of it. I simply stood up turned three times on the spot and sat down once again this time however in place of a nice fluffy pillow is nice warm ash, I honestly don't know why but it feels more comfortable this way.

"Must you burn everything you touch?" Celestia's disapproving glare could burn through stone, good thing my skin is obsidian... I think.

"In case you haven't noticed, Celestia, I am, in fact, made of lava. Even my goddamn mane and tale are open flames. Even my eyebrows! Seriously, you must be blinder than most bats, even then that's an insult to bats," I show off my fire brows at her, she isn't impressed, But before she could retort Luna cut us off.

"Enough of this idle chatter. Mark, you are here to learn what we expect of you. Now, as you may not know this, I suggest you listen. For one we have no clue how you manifested a body for yourself. The fact that you have amnesia is more than likely caused by using large quantities of magic without warning. Only if my sister knew anything about it," Luna explained, towards the end, however, she sent a scolding glare at Celesta.

"I have no idea either sister, she truly is a mystery, even to myself," Celestia replied evenly

"Anyway, here are the rules that you will follow. Number one, You are not to leave the castle grounds. The staff knows of you but have been sworn to secrecy, Number two, You are not to take power from the sun, As you have practically no experience in containing it, you can't keep your passive power levels in check. Not only that but you could cause extensive damage to the castle itself and attract unwanted attention. Number three is more or less a task you must perform. Celestia has asked her star pupil to teach you how to contain your magic. She will be teleported here once a week for three hours total before going home, I shall teach you basic magic for mundane tasks after or just before night court. No-" *bang* Oh oh god that was hilarious a white dove (I assume) just flew directly at the clear window on the other side of the room hit and slid down with a squicking noise.

I couldn't help it I burst out laughing as well as luna, even Celestia giggled a tad bit, For once.

"At least you know that the window is clear," I snickered out as luna calmed down

"Well yes, whenever we have lunch here Clean Window and the rest of the castle washmare's can go a tad bit overboard," Celestia giggled a tad bit towards the end of her sentence

"Verily, do not worry about the birds, they usually fly off unharmed... aside from a minor headache," Luna got up and walked towards a door that led towards a kitchen.

"WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG, WE PUT THAT ORDER IN FIFTEEN MINUTES AGO" Luna screamed out in (what I assume is) the royal canterlot voice.

Without further prompting castle staff began scurrying around like wildfire shouting could be heard even from where I am seated, most of if not all of the shouting was either to get a move on or sorry princess.

"Your pan-waffle madame" A waiter was literally right next to me, how he got here so fast I have no clue, did I jump up five feet high? properly

"Jesus, where the hell did you come from?"

"My mother, madame," Wow this guy is thick.

"Umm... ok then," go way, just go away... finally.

"So, basically I'm in a gilded cage," My statement is just that a statement.

"Essentially, yes. Once you can control your power then you may leave the castle... Probably," probably was added on when Celestia cleared her throat before sipping some water.

"Fine, so what's first?" There is no way in hell I'm going to stay here, not with the glare giver, man she really hates me. Luna nudges her with her magic.

"You are to be escorted to a room for the rest of the day until you hear the bells toll, then meet me in the throne room for your first lesson in controlling your flames," Luna responded while she finished off her pan waffles. Guess I should try them, I simply face plant into the plate and get a mouthful of pan waffles, they actually taste nice even if they burn to ash in my mouth, surprisingly it still tastes good, but now the plate has melted, great.

"Well, when can I go somewhere without supervision?" Huh, I've made an indent in the marble floor in the shape of my ass, nice, now they know that this is my spot.

"Once you do not melt the floor then you shall be free to move around, for now, you shall be escorted to your new room," Luna said while motioning Celestia to follow, while I made to follow her.

Author's Notes:

The rewrite of 'The Meeting' will be posted after this as such the rewrite get's rid of the gender confusion scene and well, I decided the he shall now be a she instead of a he thinking that he was a she and then turning out to be a he when he thought that he was a she. :derpyderp2:

big thanks to ScootalooFTW for editing this chapter.

Procrastination laid a trap, I walked around it.

Next Chapter: Chapter 4 - The Training (quick edit) Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 9 Minutes
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