
I am Living Lava?

by Shadow of Doubt

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 - The Impression (Unedited as always)

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Mark was conflicted, he meant every word he said, He knew Discord needed to hear it, and it might even do Twilight good to know what she was like, people, at least in his experience don't really know how much of a jerk they can be. If only Celestia would see it that way, knowing her temper she wouldn't.

Quickly closing the door to the room, he quickly sat down on his bed, or rather nest. It's really a mix of obsidian and pillows that Luna enchanted to resist heat, making himself comfortable. Mark collected himself... herself, She never got used to that, or rather he could never accept that; Thinking back to the first time he met Twilight he pinned her personality to a T, Frantic, Socially Awkward and a tad insensitive, Oh, she wasn't a monster or anything just not very accepting of things she couldn't comprehend, or that didn't fit in the social norm.

Two weeks ago.

As usual, mark paced around his room, a cage would be a more apt description but apparently since there weren't bars he wasn't supposed to use that word in 'pleasant' company. Realizing that pacing was just going to slowly melt a grove in the obsidian floor, yeah surprise surprise, he was able to melt obsidian, only after a while though. He was supposed to wait in his room until the new Magic teacher could get here, He was already annoyed by the fact that he had already been fucked around by Celestia, it's like she didn't want him to control his magic, he got one failed magic lesson then poof, nothing.

Magic was odd, he knew it was connected to his emotions, Anger seems especially potent, He sure he had some kind of repressed anger but no matter what he just couldn't find out why, he had a great life, never had a particularly bad temper, He knew he didn't have good street smarts or well common sense in general.

*Rap* *Tap* *Tap*

A knocking came from his door, quickly shouting out to come in he was greeted with the face of a purple pony, she barely came up to his barrel, she let herself in, but left the door open, walking forward he could see wings on her body, as from what discord told him, that meant she was, 'special'. Before he continued his musing she stopped and decided to introduce herself.

"Hello, Flair right, My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. I'm going to be your magic tutor, I expect your undivided attention, I'm busy so I only have enough time for around three hours a week, so I expect you to take notes, and I may give you some homework." Twilight lectured, Mark assumed Celestia had already given her a rundown of what he looked like, most would stare for a while, but Twilight seemed to take no note of that... It was nice.

"Well then, I'll be in your care miss Twilight, I'm afraid Celestia wasn't a very apt teacher, Following her instructions I literally destroyed the throne room. Not a pleasant feeling, trust me." Mark was content to ramble away, without noticing Twilight's worsening mood.

"Yes, that's very interesting Miss Flair but I'm here to teach you magic, not chat, now let's begin we have already wasted ten minutes. Now first let's make sure you can learn the basic telekinetic hold spell, foals learn this spell at a young age as it's not only used for convenience but a great way to help foal's control the flow, from what Celestia told me of your... situation, you have flow and control problems." Even though Mark paid attention, most of the terms went over his head, he was a simple man before this happened, he planned to go to university and study geology and specialize in volcanology, so while he may have had the ambition to learn, he was out of his depth in this subject.

Present Time

The lessons have helped, somewhat, Twilight seemed to consider him a friend, Mark doesn't really however, she wasn't the worst, but he just didn't like her personality. Soon he heard a rapping at his door again. It wasn't Twilight's usual pattern, must be a maid Mark assumed.

"Come on in, I swear I don't bite, hehe." Mark wasn't a narcist but sometime's, he want's to talk, just to hear his own voice, the slight echo and seductive sound are slightly addictive, almost like a magical attraction, it, however, seemed to have the opposite effect on ponies, apparently, it creeps them out.

"Celestia has requested your presence in the throne room Immediately." The maid listed off after opening the door, she didn't even step into the room, Unfortunately, this maid was a new face, all well I at least get to have some fun scaring the new maid.

It had never crossed Mark's mind that his habit of scaring maid's contributed to the rumor mill that revolved around him.

Mark got up to follow the maid to the throne room, not even bothering to control his flames, they weren't unlike a roaring campfire.

Walking behind the maid, he noticed that, unlike the other times he walked these halls, ponies other then maids were here, particularly there seemed to be a school field trip here.
The foals energetically followed the teacher, even though Mark wasn't the most emotional person, he did have to admit they were quite adorable, like kittens really.

As Mark looked back at the maid, it looked as if she had seen a ghost, she ushered him to follow her quicker, it was, however too late.

A scream, that was all it took, the palace staff and some of the magic students may have been used to Mark's presence, unfortunately, the foals hadn't seen anything like Mark before.

"A Monster, quick run." a foal, that looked similar to a giraffe shouted and ran into a wall. Mark couldn't help it, he laughed, it was comical, besides he needed a good laugh anyway.

"The monster is gonna get us run." A small pudgy foal shouted before running in a random direction, which prompted a panic in the rest.

"Why did you start laughing, that was the worst thing you could do, Flair, are you insane?" The maid scolded, huh seemed as if Mark's visage no longer scared the maids.

"Hey come on, it was kinda funny, he literally just ran into a wall. Not my fault he thought I was a monster." Mark defended himself, scuffing the carpet with his hoof in shame, he continued. "Well, I didn't mean to scare them, what should I do?"

The maid sighed, "Just ignore it, let the guards and teacher deal with it. Celestia is expecting you." The maid continued along the hall.

Mark assumed that if Celestia really wanted him that much, she must be absolutly pissed off. Gulping down his fear, he followed the maid, for better or worse.

Author's Notes:

Well, here I am again. I've had a fair amount of time off of uni and I'm fairly relaxed now. I've definitely left the more active part of the fanbase now, I've been stuck reading from other websites and lost a fair amount of interest in the fics here.

I know people hate having author's rave or other such things in the footnotes at the end but honestly, I don't know how much longer I'll be updating my fics, I'm already practically a ghost now day's... Hope for the best I guess.

Free that griffon Is underway and now has the first chapter done, with a second at around 500 words, I plan to release it as a two-part upload.

Thanks for your time, it's nice knowing people actually like your ideas and stories. I'll try and stick around.

Oh and contrary to what was portrayed in this chapter my fav pone is Twilight.

Next Chapter: Chapter 13 - The Princess Estimated time remaining: 11 Minutes
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