
Blood Red Roses

by totallynotabrony

Chapter 3: April 23

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Okay, maybe I was being a little overdramatic last night. But as I was bleeding on my journal and stumbling away, at the time it seemed really important that everypony know what happened to me if I died.
I’m glad this journal’s so heavy. A solid whack to the head got the wolf to go away. My watch got broken in the scuffle, though.
This morning, it seems like I’m still alive. Good to know :p By the time I got home last night, Daisy was asleep and Lily wasn’t home yet, so I bandaged my leg and went to bed.

9:00 ish?
I just remembered the note about Sugarcube Corner. Saturday morning tea time! Me time!

9:30 ish?
Pinkie complemented me on my scarf. I tied it on to hide the bandage, and I think it works pretty well. Maybe a bit asymmetric, but you can't go wrong with a dash of color. And Pinkie made a huge deal about how adorable I look. I'm patting myself on the back for getting a table outside. Pinkie can't hang around forever. I just want to soak up the sunshine and drink this tea.

I love this tea!

I really need to get a new watch. I'm telling time by the town hall bell.

10:05 ish?
Lamplight just went into Sugarcube Corner. I must have missed his party yesterday. Oh well, Pinkie's usually pretty good about staggering them so that everypony can go to most of them.

I cannot believe what he just said to me! "You look really hot with that bandage." What kind of stallion says that to a mare? I think if I hadn't glared at him, he would have joined me at my table with his tea. Worse, I don't think he said it because he doesn't know how to talk to mares. That smile...he knew what he was saying. Jerk.
I wanted to get up and buy a cookie anyway. When I came back outside to my tea, he was gone.

Back home. Something's been bothering me. How did Lamplight know I had a bandage? I checked the scarf but it's still hiding it. Daisy and Lily haven't said anything as we get ready for lunch.

Ugh, maybe no lunch for me. Suddenly not in the mood.

I can't remember being so sick. It's at the point that I think if I threw up I would feel better. Where did this come from?

Next Chapter: April 24 Estimated time remaining: 40 Minutes
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