
Blood Red Roses

by totallynotabrony

Chapter 22: May 12

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sprig mimosa-Lyra
bunch daffodil-Draft Ale
bunch daffodil-Craft Ale
doz begonia-Noteworthy
half doz columbine-Torch Song
doz forget me not-Screw Loose

Looks like rain. I didn't think that was in the forecast?

I'm glad to see Screw Loose is out and about. She's not acting like a dog anymore. Still has the creepy smile, though.

The rain just started here, though it's been raining outside town for a little while now.

Got to dry land! A flash flood came through the market. We got most things rescued. In fact, I think the hardest hit item was this journal. It's squishing as I write, but not completely soaked. The back pages are a messy glob. Looks like I'll have to get a new one sooner rather than later :( Well, looks like that's it for the business today.

Daisy and Lilly are still pretty much beside themselves. I mean, a flood in the market isn't good, but it's not like we really lost very much. Half a day's flower sales? Thursdays are slow anyway. I'm glad I don't freak out like D+L. At least not anymore. Okay, to be fair, lately I've had bigger things to worry about.

Okay, I should save the shopping for the weekend, but Carousel Boutique is dry and a lot of the rest of the town is wet.

Again I smell the smelly smell that smells smelly. Rarity noticed.

I probably could have gotten away with another discount, but I got her talking. Apparently the back room with the smell is her cat's hangout. I offered to help and within a few minutes sniffed out a dead mouse beneath a wardrobe. Gross. But I guess it needed to be done. And Rarity was delighted. Well, delighted with me, not her cat. I got a free scarf!

If I was a werewolf, would it be that bad? I guess enhanced senses could come in handy. I could use my powers for good. And free stuff.

I forgot to schedule an appointment with Doctor Stable.

Next Chapter: May 13 Estimated time remaining: 13 Minutes
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