
Grow Up, Apple Bloom

by Lux

Chapter 3: At Zecora's

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Chapter 3 – At Zecora’s

After the morning chores around Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom proceeded to Zecora’s place in the Everfree Forest. She didn’t know how her plan was going to work exactly, but hopefully Zecora had a potion to assist her. With a deep breath, she knocked on the door.

“Come in my dear friend, Apple Bloom,” Zecora said with a smile,” I usually don’t expect to see you this soon.”

“Hello, Zecora. Ah’ kind of need yer help, actually Applejack does.”

“Is that so. Well by all mean let Zecora know.”

“There’s a tree that we’ve planted, but it’s too young an’ we’re afraid that it’ll die in the winter. Do ya’ have something that can make the tree older so it can be stronger against the cold?”

Zecora thought about it. “Nature shouldn’t be altered by force. It really should move on its own course.”

Apple Bloom’s heart sank as there was a chance that Zecora might not be able to give her anything.

“But if you and your sister are worried about losing a tree, then I may have something if you follow me.”

With renewed excitement, Apple Bloom followed her to a shelf. The zebra then took a green glass bottle from the shelf.

“One bottle should be enough to age your tree, but heed my words carefully. Be careful not to get any on you, or you’ll be the one who’ll be aging too.”

“Ya’ mean, if ah’ accidentally try any of this stuff ah’ll git older too,” Apple Bloom said trying to mask her excitement with concern.

“Yes, Apple Bloom, it is true. This potion will also age you. So be careful when you try and use it, or else when it comes to your current age, you might lose it.”

“Thanks, Zecora,” Apple Bloom said as she took the potion, “Ah’ll be careful with it.”

“Goodbye my dear Apple Bloom,” Zecora said to her as the filly left, “I hope to see you again soon.”

With that the filly happily trotted back to the farm, ready to initialize her plan.

Next Chapter: The Plan Estimated time remaining: 48 Minutes
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