
Forbidden Fruit

by Vargras

Chapter 15: Moment of Truth

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The first light of Celestia's dawn had brought a welcome sight off in the distance - Ponyville. They were so very close to finally being home and completing their journey, and Applejack had no interest in a real meal. Far too much depended on her safely delivering the fruit, and if they set a good pace, they could easily reach the town before noon. Both mares ate lightly, snacking on a few apples, and hastily packed up their camp before departing. With the river behind them and their belongings packed, both Applejack and Twilight Sparkle broke into a sprint as they raced for Sweet Apple Acres.

"C'mon, Twi! Bet I can beat ya back ta Ponyville!"

"Not a chance, Applejack! I beat you in the Running of the Leaves, I can do it again!"

As they dashed and weaved through the trees, they both knew time was of the essence, and though their legs and bodies soon began to ache with fatigue, both mares refused to stop.

They owed it to Granny Smith and to each other to try their hardest, and they intended to do so.


Nurse Redheart had been an increasingly common guest at Sweet Apple Acres, and had been at the farm for such long periods of time that she had eventually begun to stay within the guest room. Granny Smith's condition had been fairly stable for the past few days, but she had made no improvement at all. The Nurse did her best to attend to the elderly mare's needs, keeping her fed and hydrated as best she could. At the very least, it freed up Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom to take care of the other daily tasks that the orchards required.

Big Macintosh, despite almost always being 'the rock' of the family, had found himself suffering more and more from Applejack's absence. The stallion had endured many a sleepless night and gone through far more coffee than what he was comfortable with. It wasn't just stress from Granny's illness - he missed his sister. Most of all, he realized how much he needed her around and how difficult things would be when she eventually left some day. Tending to the orchards was hard enough by himself, but things had been even more difficult due to Apple Bloom. Though the filly tried her hardest to help her older brother with the applebucking, her own thoughts and worries about Applejack typically required some words of encouragement from Big Macintosh. It had been more and more difficult to bolster her spirits with each passing day, and it was beginning to take its toll on him.

"Mister Macintosh?"

He blinked, quickly shaking his head as he looked about the kitchen. The stallion had spaced out, and with every hour of sleep deprivation, it had been happening more often. "Huh? Sorry, Nurse Redheart. I was jus'... thinkin'."

"Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt your thoughts. You just... don't look that well." Before he could say otherwise, the mare already had her tools out and was giving him a quick look-over. Nurse Redheart muttered to herself as she went about her work, though she slowly shook her head as she finished - she was a surprisingly fast worker. "Severe sleep deprivation, Mister Macintosh. Go get some rest."


The Nurse stared at him, mouth agape. "Mister Macintosh, your body can't handle this kind of strain for extended periods. It's already beginning to take its toll on you. Please, go get some-"

"I'm awfully sorry, Nurse Redheart, but I ain't goin' back ta bed until AJ is back."

Slowly, she nodded. "I... I understand. Just keep what I said in mind."

The stallion nodded in return and took another sip of coffee from his mug - his third cup of the day. Big Macintosh was fully aware that Nurse Redheart was right. He wasn't quite sick, but he felt the worst he had in years. He would sleep soon enough, but for now, he needed to hold on a bit longer. If Granny Smith could hold on for this long, then so could he. He took another sip and carefully set the mug down upon the table, giving Apple Bloom's mane a ruffle as the filly stepped in. "Get everythin' done, Apple Bloom?"

"Yup!" She beamed up at her older brother, and received a gentle pat on the back in return. "Everythin's all taken care of. We can take th' rest of th' day off if we wanted to!"

"Not too much slackin', AB. Work on some of yer school stuff a bit, and then ya can go crusadin' with Scootaloo an' Sweetie Belle." Big Macintosh peered down at her with weary eyes, and though the filly knew what her brother had been through, she said nothing. Instead, she nodded and ran up the stairs to her room.

Nurse Redheart carefully eyed Big Macintosh throughout the entire exchange, and remained silent until the filly was out of earshot. "Mister Macintosh, I'm aware that you're trying to remain strong for the sake of your family, but... go get some rest."

"I appreciate ya bein' awful worried fer me, Nurse Redheart." He grinned and slowly turned his head to face her. "But was that an order fer me ta go ta bed?"

"Well, I'm the closest thing Ponyville has to an actual doctor, so... yes." The white mare nodded enthusiastically and gave him a warm smile. "Go to bed. Doctor's orders."

The red stallion chuckled and was about to pick up his coffee mug when Nurse Redheart intervened, carrying it over to the sink and dumping it out. She stared at him and pointed a hoof up the stairs, and Big Macintosh eventually relented. "Alrighty, Nurse Redheart. Ya made yer point. I'll get some sleep, jus'... wake me up if ya see Applejack."

"Don't worry, Mister Macintosh. I will. Now go get some rest." She watched as he slowly made his way up the stairs, breathing a sigh of relief as she heard the door to his room close. Granny Smith may have been her primary concern, but she was keenly aware of what had been happening to the other members of the Apple family. Though she understood everything Big Macintosh was willing to suffer through for the sake of others, she simply couldn't watch him slowly destroy himself - her oath of ethics prevented her from doing so, as did her own wishes for healthier and happier ponies. With her first real break in hours, the Nurse decided to pull a novel out of her work bag, and she took a seat upon one of the kitchen chairs as she began to read. Occasionally, she would glance away from the text to peek out the kitchen window, if only to see if the orange earth pony and her companion had arrived.

She simply wished they would return soon, before things got any worse.


"I recognize some of these trees, Twi. We're on Sweet Apple Acres land!"

Twilight turned and blinked at her. "Really? How can you tell?"

"Well, that one's named-"

"Actually, just... nevermind. We'll be here all day while you name every single tree." The unicorn grinned, but it was met with a disapproving scowl from the earth pony. Now that they were firmly back in familiar territory, they had slowed their pace back to a walk, and they certainly deserved a reprieve from all the running they had been doing. "Applejack, do you think they're waiting for us?"

"Who, Big Mac an' Apple Bloom? Knowin' those two, yeah." Just thinking of her siblings brought a smile to her face. She'd be home soon enough, and then she could see her brother and sister once more. "I kinda wanna see Granny more, though. Jus' wanna see her up an' about again, which... ain't sayin' much, but at least she was movin' around."

Twilight nodded. "I can understand where you're coming from. Though... I am kinda curious. Not trying to be insensitive or anything, but when do you think you'll be up for that trip to the spa? 'Cause my hooves are killing me, and this is probably the dirtiest I've been in a long time. I'm about ready to be pampered a bit."

"Pampered, huh?" Applejack chuckled and grinned. "Once I know Granny's doin' better, I think I'll be ready fer that trip. Only after I know she's doin' better, though, an' not a moment sooner. Got it?"

The lavender mare nodded once more and they continued their walk. Applejack had been through these orchards and over these hills countless times throughout her life, and if she was right, then they were...


"Here! They're here!" Nurse Redheart hastily dropped her novel and scrambled up the stairs, pounding on Big Macintosh's door. "Mister Macintosh, I see them! Applejack and Twilight Sparkle!"

There was a loud 'thump' from within as the stallion presumably rolled out of bed, and the Nurse hastily backed away from the door as she heard several rapid hoofsteps from inside his room. Big Macintosh threw the door open with enough force to rip it off its hinges and he almost bowled over the white mare, though he managed to stop himself in time. "Er... sorry 'bout that, Nurse Redheart. I uh... guess we should go wait for 'em?"

"I... um... y-yes, of course! Downstairs. Right." Nurse Redheart managed to give him as natural a smile as she could muster - she had heard rumors about how he often had to keep his own strength in check during applebucking season, otherwise he risked cleaving some of the trees in two. To see it herself had been interesting, to say the least. She turned and headed down the stairs, with the red stallion following suit, and the two of them stood within the kitchen and peered out the window. Off in the distance, orange and lavender dots continually drew closer and closer.

Big Macintosh couldn't help but grin, and he slowly shook his head. "Good ta have ya back home, AJ."


Winona had already bolted out of her doghouse and had ran off towards the two dots, no doubt after catching Applejack's scent. It didn't take long for the border collie to intercept them, and she began to walk alongside both of the mares as they continued their trek towards the farmhouse, causing Applejack to smile at the dog. "Well howdy there, Winona! I ain't got time ta play with ya jus' yet, but it's good ta see ya too!"

The collie barked in return, deftly weaving in and out of the earth pony's legs before returning to her side. The orange mare chuckled and slowly shook her head as she and Twilight Sparkle neared the house. Within the window of her home, she could already spot her brother and a white pony that appeared to be Nurse Redheart, something which worked out perfectly. With the Nurse already here, Applejack wouldn't have to run off to Ponyville Urgent Care, and Granny Smith could be properly given the fruit that much sooner.

"Looks like we've got a welcoming committee, AJ." Twilight lowered her head while they walked, pointing her horn towards the farmhouse.

Applejack smiled and nodded. "Yyyyep. An' I'm awful glad ta see 'em too. It's good ta be home an' see some friendly faces... besides yers, of course."

Twilight Sparkle smiled and giggled in return, and as they approached the house itself, the unicorn stepped to the side and used her magic to open the door. "You first, Applejack. You've got the fruit, after all."

"Thank ye kindly, Twi." The earth pony nodded and proceeded through the doorway, though she was quickly met with a bear hug from her brother. "Hold on now, Big Mac! I'm awful glad ta see ya too, but it's gotta wait real quick. This is too important."

The red stallion nodded and backed off as Twilight walked through the doorway, though Nurse Redheart was quick to approach the both of them. "I've heard you two have something for me to administer?"

"We do, Nurse Redheart!" The lavender mare smiled as her horn glowed once more, causing one of the saddlebags on Applejack's back to open. From within, the fruit itself floating out and over to the Nurse. Even now, after everything they had done and been through, the fruit softly glowed. It was a faint reminder of the Tree itself, as well as the latent power within the fruit. Nurse Redheart graciously took it, grabbing the fruit by the stem. With the aid of Big Macintosh, her work bag was placed upon her back, and the Nurse quickly proceeded up the stairs to Granny Smith's room to begin her work.

With a sigh, Applejack took a seat upon the floor, sliding her saddlebags off her back and removing her hat. "An' now we wait, I 'spose. C'mere, Big Mac. Ya still owe me that hug."

"About time." Grinning, Big Macintosh walked over and sat upon the floor as well, placing himself at his sister's level. He leaned over and wrapped both forelegs around her neck, pulling her into a hug. "I missed ya somethin' fierce, lil' sis. It's good ta see ya again. An' Miss Twilight?"

Twilight blinked for a moment and then looked back at the stallion. "Yes, Big Macintosh?"

"Thank ye kindly fer returnin' mah sister in one piece. Ya lived up to yer promise, an' I appreciate that."

"After everything we've been through, I don't think I'd be capable of anything less." Twilight smiled back, but Big Macintosh had already turned away from her once more to focus on his sister. In his stead, Applejack caught sight of it, and she smiled knowingly.

What had transpired during their journey would be a tale few would ever know, but such stories are often best when few know of them. It had started as a journey to save Applejack's grandmother, and had become something much more in the end - bonds had been strengthened, fears had disappeared, and more than one pony had been given a new lease on life. In her darkest hour, when all had seemed lost, one of Applejack's first and closest friends had come to her aid. Twilight Sparkle hadn't asked for anything in return. She simply wanted to help. It was something that the earth pony would remember for the rest of her days and until her last breath.

That was a promise.

Next Chapter: Epilogue - A Trip to the Spa Estimated time remaining: 4 Minutes
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