
Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls

by Alvaxerox

Chapter 12: The fat man sings Part 1

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Author's Notes:

sorry for the long wait, I've been busy.

Leave a comment on why do you like my story.

Sunrise was worried about Spider-Man and Spider-Girl, even Master Strike was starting to get worried. "I should go and check to see if Spidey and Twilight are back." Sunset said while her bones was crawling.

"Calm down Sunset," Master Strike said. "I trust Spider-Man will protect her. And with the Kid Arachnid on our side. We'll be strong enough against Kingpin. "

While trying to cheer up. The door opened. Spider-Man and Spider-Girl were there. Sunrise ran to Spider-Girl and gave her a hug for relief. Kid Arachnid was surprised to see Master Strike again. Master Strike asked why they took so long? Spider-Man explained. "We got sidetracked, we were followed by a guy name Ender Knight, who wants to join to take down Kingpin. But later, we were ambushed by a red dragon. Taikivb Twilight tried to beat him, but she... Kinda went a little 'over the edge' it felt like she could've kill him."

Sunrise's eyes widened, she was super shocked to hear the part about Twilight almost killing the dragon. "Oh no... No no no no no no!" She said repeatedly. "What happened after?"

"Spider-Girl almost had a heart attack. It's like Doctor Strange just discovered the most powerful spell of rivals a god." Kid Arachnid said. "Plus Ender Knight is waiting outside for Strike to let him help out."

"Danny...?" Sunrise said. Go introduce our guest to our plan." As Master Strike went to welcome Ender to the mansion."

Master Strike nodded slowly. And showed Ender the mansion while Sunset talks to Twilight alone. They went into a private room. "What happened?" She asked. Twilight was confused. "What happened to you when you were getting Kid Arachnid?"

"We- we were attacked by a red dragon. And I was the only one standing uo against him. I tried to fight him, so I figure I tried using my midnight powers but... But...." Twilight felt guilty for what she almost did. "I went to far, that magic felt like it was consuming me. I almost went too far that I might've killed the dragon. I was so scared." She finished explaining.

Sunset was scared, but she knows what her friend is going threw. "Look, Twilight.... I'm trying very hard to protect you, but you shouldn't try to use your magic.".

Twilight wiped her tears and said. "I know, it just... My whole life has been flipped upside down ever since I became a monster at the Friendship Games."

"But that wasn't your fault. Principal Cinch took advantage of you when she saw how you were desire to understand magic." Sunset said. "Besides, you have me, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Spike."

"But Sunset, everytime I sleep, Midnight Sparkle haunts me. Saying how we're both the same, saying that she's apart of me... I can see her trying to take all the magic away from earth and coming to Equestria to steal all the magic."

"I tried very hard to control that magic, but It felt like Midnight will be awaken. I blasted that siren that tried to take over CHS, and I almost murdered someone." Twilight was starting to panic. "What if Midnight tries to control me again...?"

Sunset shut her up, by giving her a hug. It's okay Twilight, everything's okay. It wasn't your fault." She said. "Once we stop Kingpin, we're gonna Head straight home. And I can analyze if Midnight is still inside you. I couldn't do of with the other girls. But anyways, I know what your going threw."

"It's different with you Sunset. When you used magic to stop me, you became something beautiful." Twilight pointed out.

Sunset counter pointed out. "Perhaps, but before I transformed into an evil she demon. A monster. I know..." Twilight looked Sunset in the eyes smiled. "No matter what, I'll look after you..."

"You are the best friend I could ever ask for. Thanks Sunset." Twilight said while embracing the hug.

"Anytime, Twi. Anytime..."


"Tinkerer, is the machine ready?" Asked Kingpin.

"It will be ready in a 2 hours. I never thought i could make it." Said Tinkerer. "Once we get Spider-Man and a Master Strike. You'll finally win."

"Not quite yet." Kingpin said. "I also have more enemies then that wall crawling arachnid and the armored hunter. I have the defenders to deal with. Especially my second primary enemy, Daredevil!"

Kingpin got up from his chair and looks over the window seeing the view of New York. Until Throne came over. "Hey Kingy, we gotta talk."

"What do you want?" Kingpin asked.

"I have some very interesting news revolving our spider sidekick problem." Thorne said. "I had my... Associate get after her, but he was almost obliterated by her. With some sort of magic beyond anything."

"How is that possible?" Kingpin asked. "I'll need a sample of her DNA to find my answer."

"That will be kinda hard, Fisk." Throne pointed out. "We'll need to trap her, if we want to her blood sample."

"I don't care, if that pink arachnid is allied with my second greatest enemy, then I'll be thrown in jail. I must have a sample of the girl's DNA." Kingpin said.

"Dazzle is recovering as we speak, I'll send her and my assistant right away to get her." Thorne said. 'And possibly I'll get rid of you in the process.'

Danny gathered everyone around, as he constructed his plan. "Alright, listen up. Kingpin's tower would be loaded with defenses, so... Ender Knight will security guards, Spider-Man, Spider-Girl, Kid Arachnid, you'll be stealth, sneek in when after I hack the defenses. Sunrise, once you and Ender are inside, meet me at the top floor, that's wear Kingpin and Throne would be."

"As well as that dragon, and Speed Demon." Spider-Man pointed out.

"Not to mention, Adagio." Sunrise said.

"Okay I know that." Master Strike said. "Alright we know the plan, let's get ready."

Everyone upgraded and prepared for the battle against the Kingpin. Meanwhile. In the bathroom, Twilight was looking at her reflection, as she looked, she felt... Good, almost like she forgave herself for what she did at the Friendship Games, she felt as if Midnight Sparkle was just a bad dream. She reminding herself. 'You are not a monster, you are... The Spider-Girl.'

"Twilight, are you ready?" Sunset shouted.

"Uh.. Yeah I'm ready." Twilight replied, as she put her hands on her hips.

"Let's do this!" She said. As she left the bathroom.

So everyone followed Master Strike's plan perfectly. Ender Knight and Sunrise Shimmer took care of all the guards, the three Spiders managed to sneak inside and Master Strike himself deactivated the defenses. Now the only thing left is to take care of Speed Demon. "You again? Didn't Molten Man burn you alive?" He asked while smirking.

"Oh what the hell, it doesn't matter, I got some friends with me."

"I'm not... Afraid of you." Garble said.

"Well I had a good nap. But now I'm hungry." Adagio said.

"Let's take em!" Kid Arachnid said.

They all charged, and split. Master Strike, Sunrise and Ender Knight, were taking on Speed Demon. Spider-Man and Kid Arachnid were taking on Garble. And Spider-Girl was taking on Adagio.
Adagio charged at Spider-Girl and used her voice to attack. Spider-Girl resisted it, and landed with a power high kick and used her webbing throw the siren at the wall. Meanwhile with the three heroes fighting Speed Demon, Master Strike asks "What is Kingpin planning?"

"Oh you have no idea, but let's say... It involves her..." Speed Demon pointed Spider-Girl out. "HEY DRAGON BOY, NOW!!!" he yelled.
Garble shot fire from his mouth and was about to hit Spider-Girl. Luckily she dodge, buy was off guard, cause Speed Demon. "Thanks for the gift. I'll send my regards."

"Let me go!!!,Somebody help!!!" Spider-Girl cried.

"SPIDER-GIRL!!! NO!!" Sunset cried out as Speed Demon raced away.

"Now, where were we?" Garble asked

"I believe we were about to kill them." Adagio replied. "Don't worry people, Twily is simply getting... A few modifications on. Let's get it on!!!!!!"

To be continued...[/b

Next Chapter: The fat man sings part 2 Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 57 Minutes
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