
Danse Macabre

by Fanskapet

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 The Execution


"MaldiciĆ³n you are here today to answer for crimes against Equestria and its citizens, for several charges of graverobbing, disturbing the recently deceased and practising the dark arts of necromancy!"


"Burn him!!"

"Make him suffer!!"

"Silence!!!" The magistrate shouted, silencing the angry horde of citizens gathered for the execution, looking across the gathered before turning back towards the thin man in heavy chain, leaning down at his face with a grin.
"You are to be sentenced to death through beheading and your remains to be burned to ash, do you have any regrets for which you wishes to pray for forgiveness?"

"Schhhhckk *ptoii!*" The chained man jerked back his head and spat the magistrate on in his forehead.

"The nerve!"

"The beheading is to nice for him!!"

"Behead him twice!!"

"I said silence!!" The magistrate stood back up and using a small handkerchief to wipe the spit away.
"As you wish!" He continued, stepping back and motioning a hand towards the thin man. "Headsman?"

The large executioner gave a small nod as he walked forward pressing MaldiciĆ³ns head towards the flat rock, grabbing the shackles and fastening it to a large metal ring, standing up and hefting his large axe.
"May Tartarus be kind to you necromancer, my axe will not."
He said as he lifted up his axe, taking a deep breath and getting ready to do the deed.

"Stop!" A male shout stopped him just as he reaches the highest point with his axe, turning his hooded head towards the sound, seeing a young man with blue hair, wearing the red jacket of the canterlot guard captains, flanked by two heavy guards covered in golden armor forcing their way towards the platform.

"Who dares to interrupt the la- oh!" The magistrate became beet red as the execution got interrupted, only to become flustered as he saw who it was.
"C-captain Shining Armor, apologies." Giving him a quick salute as the captain walked up towards the platform.

"By the orders of Princess Celestia, the necromancer is to be taken to the castle and I am to escort him." He held a scroll up towards the magistrate, who squatted down taking it and unveiling it, quickly skimming over the words before closing it.

"B-but the sentence for practicing necromancy is death, the princess even signed this paper herself!" He said holding a parchement towards the captain, with the scheduled execution with dates, time and the method, fearing what the gathered people will do when the execution turns out to be cancelled.

"And the princess gave her uh me this paper which states that necromancer is to be taken to the castle!" Shining armor growled, pointing at the necromancer and grabbing the scroll from the magistrates hands, hitting him on the forehead."Now obey!!"

"As her ladyship Celestia of the sun wishes, headsman stay your axe, he is to be handed over to captain Shining Armor and his retinue."

"As you wish." The executioner said, slamming his large axe into the wooden platform, kneeling down unhooking the chains, grabbing the necromancer by the collar of his prisoner garb and dragging him into standing position.

"Seems you got lucky necromancer." He whispered in his ear as he dragged him towards the edge of the platform, shoving him over to get catched by the two royal guards, who quickly grabbed him and begun dragging him away, with the captain walking after with his head held high, getting a raised eyebrow from the executioner as he noticed the captains weird walk.

It took a while after the guards disappeared from view that the gathered people begun to stir and disperce as the days entertainment had been ruined.

"Guess I will take my leave then." The executioner grunted, hefting his old axe on his shoulder and jumping down from the platform, leaving the magistrate to grumble alone on it, wiping his forehead with his handkerchief again.

"such a waste of time." he mumbled to himself, passing through the crowd that still lingered, who quickly parted as he got near them, doing their best to avoid even touching him, as usual people like him were avoided like the plague but they were a usefull tool in keeping order.

"Hello Cranky seems I wasn't needed today." He smiled as he reached his old wagon, patting an old donkey standing strapped to the wagon, it looked annoyed at his owner as he begun patting its bald head.

"Has he been good?" He asked looking up at the blond little girl holding the reins, smiling proudly where she sat on the little wagon, it wasn't anything fancy just enough to carry both the now empty coffin and whatever tools he needed for the job.

"Yup, he has been glaring at everyone getting close." she beamed.

"Cranky has she been good?" He continued patting the donkey with a smile, getting a long grumpy eeehaaaw in response.
"She has been swearing alot?" He feigned surprise.

"I did not!"

"Oh she is lying too?"

"Nooo Crankyyyy" She whined pulling at the reins.

"How should we punish her?" He asked the donkey putting his hand behind his ear and leaning in towards the donkey.

"More vegetables? Sounds good to me." Smiling as he stood up, taking off his hood and handing over his axe to the now frowning girl, who quickly took it and with some exertion managed to put it on its place in the wagon.
"Heh we are just kidding right Cranky?"

Taking off his old executioner garb, handing it to the girl, who in turn handed him a worn grey tunic.
"Anyway shall we head back home? If we head out now we might be back in Ponyville before dinner time."

Author's Notes:

an old idea I had begun writing slightly almost 2 years ago but finally decided to actually finish the first chapter so I could get it out of my mind

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