
Twenty-Four Hour Spike

by Tangerine Blast

Chapter 7: Clean the Kitchen

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Clean the Kitchen

9:05 AM

You sigh and head back to the kitchen, figuring it’s better to get it over with than risk forgetting until it’s too late. You start with simply scrubbing the counters clean from the mess of who-knows-what that Twilight called a cooking attempt.

After clearing off anything valuable you take a deep breath and blow a jet of fire over the top of the counter, burning away most of the mess into a black smoke. You quickly open a window before it could start leaking down the hall and bother Twilight. With that done you grab a rag and start the daunting task of chipping away the burnt food that stuck to the crystal table tops.

Ten minutes later you’re interrupted from your task by a thickly accented voice. “Woah nelly, what happened in here?”

You glance up at Applejack peering in the window and scrunching up her nose at the still prominent mess. You hold up a piece of once-an-orange for her to see. “Breakfast,” you say then pop the crunchy fruit into your mouth.

The Earth Pony’s face gains a thin smile. “Here I thought something bad had happened when I smelled smoke, but it was just Twilight doing the chorus for once.”

You chuckle at that. “Yeah, I kind of slept in so she tried to make some food on her own. It obviously didn’t turn out well.”

“And you’re stuck cleanin’ up,” Applejack said sympathetically, “Do ya need any help? I just finished switchin’ shifts at the market with Mac. I’m sure ah could spare a bit of time makin’ this place not look like one of Twi’s experiments.”



Next Chapter: Tidy Bedrooms Estimated time remaining: 28 Minutes
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