
Twenty-Four Hour Spike

by Tangerine Blast

Chapter 5: Making Muffins

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Making Muffins

6:00 AM

You decide to go with your craving and set to work making some apple muffins. You managed to arrange all the batter without trouble and pop the dough in the oven. About five minutes into the baking, just as you finish cleaning up, you’re interrupted by a loud cry.

“Hiya Spika how’s the cooking!?”

You jump and spin around just in time to see Pinkie Pie extract herself from one of the cupboards. You blink at her in confusion. “Pinkie, what are you doing here?”

She falls out of the cabinet with a small ‘oomf’ before picking herself up and dramatically placing a hoof to her chest. “I was summoned by the creation of unsugared pastries to right the wrong and add sugar to them least I be smite down by the sugar gods.”

You stare at her. “Seriously?”

She held her dramatic pose for a couple more seconds before relaxing and waving a dismissive hoof. “Nah, I was just walking by and could smell the muffins baking. I know Twilight usually likes pancakes so I decided to come see what was shakin’ up the schedule.” She slid closer to you and raised a brow pointedly, “Is there any special occasion?”

You roll your eyes as you place the last dish away, “No Pinkie, no occasion warranting a party, don't worry. I was just craving pastries this morning is all.”

If she was disappointed at the lack of excuse to throw a party she hid it under her excitement to bake. “Ohhh, can I help? Pastries are my specialty.”

You consider her offer. Even though you’re already done with the muffins you could make some cinnamon rolls too. Or you could just invite her to eat with you. Or you could just tell her no and send her off if you really want breakfast to just be Twilight and you.

Offer to make something else

Invite her to eat with you

Send her away

Next Chapter: Outside 9:00 AM Estimated time remaining: 30 Minutes
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