
Twenty-Four Hour Spike

by Tangerine Blast

Chapter 39: Keep Going to Fluttershy's

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Keep Going to Fluttershy's

11:00 AM

Your breath comes out ragged as your feet continue to pound against the path. For two hours you’ve been running, victory seems to always be just within reach. You know this path is straight and you know it can’t go forever so you continue running. Two hours without much rest you’ve been going and now you;re completely exhausted. Your feet move slowly and you pant out every breath. You realize you’re extremely thirsty too, but you know that if you just keep going the end will be around the corner any second.

Eventually, your tired legs hit a small stone and buckle underneath you. You try to raise yourself up again but your limbs feel like jelly. With a groan you finally admit that you aren’t getting anywhere and let the exhaustion overtake you. The last thing you see before falling asleep is a yellow blur rushing towards you.



Next Chapter: Stop Going to Fluttershy's Estimated time remaining: 7 Minutes
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