
Twenty-Four Hour Spike

by Tangerine Blast

Chapter 10: Put Away New Books

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Put Away New Books

9:05 AM

You decide sorting new books looks like the least daunting task and waddle outside with the scroll clutched in your claw. On the crystal castle's front porch are... no books. You climb down the stairs and start searching because you're sure that they were going to come today and you slept in so they should already be here.

After a few minutes, you find them in the mailbox. Twenty books crammed in your little mailbox. You take a moment to just appreciate the blatant ignorance of physics before you get to work.

Carefully, you start extracting the packages one at a time, holding your breath and praying that the mailbox doesn't explode at the wrong move, you slowly release the books from their prison.

It takes a while, however, and you aren't even half way done when you hear a voice behind you.

"Oh Spike, how are you."

Careful not to disrupt the book bomb you turn to see buttercream Pegasus smiling at you a few feet away.

"Hi, Fluttershy," you greet, thrusting a claw behind you at the mailbox, "Just doing some chores for Twilight. What about you?"

"Oh, um..." Suddenly, the Pegasus looks embarrassed and takes a  step back. "Well, seeing you reminded me that I need a book from Twilight and I was wondering if you could help me look for it." A few more steps, "But, um, if you're busy I'm sure I could just find it on my own..."

Help her find the book

Continue your chores

Next Chapter: Rainbow Dash Pancakes Estimated time remaining: 24 Minutes
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