
What a Perfect Special Day

by GeekySonic

Chapter 1: Winging It

Winging It

This day didn’t have to be grand. It didn’t have to be a spectacle. Fluttershy certainly preferred to have a nice, quiet ceremony, and Rainbow Dash secretly agreed. Well, at least a little bit. She had practically begged Spitfire and her lieutenants to perform a sonic boom as the pair kissed (covertly satisfied that none of them were fast enough to induce a sonic rainboom).

Maybe in Rainbow Dash’s mind, it was satisfactory. But for Fluttershy, it had been perfect. A beautiful summer afternoon, the sun reaching down to fill everypony with a giddy air. All her friends were there to witness her marriage to the mare of her dreams. She had found that the actual ceremony wasn’t as nerve-wracking as the practice.

Because she knew this was it. Fluttershy had felt weightless as she drifted down the aisle. Waiting for her was the amazing Rainbow Dash. Her fiancée had insisted on wearing her ceremonial Wonderbolt pressed uniform, rather than a dress (much to Rarity’s displeasure). Fluttershy thought she looked quite fetching in it.

Twilight had volunteered to perform the ceremony, how gracious of her. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had looked each other in the eye, said their vows, and they kissed. Fluttershy wouldn’t trade that moment for anything. This wasn’t some soft peck on the check, or a flirty kiss good night.

She could feel the passion of Rainbow Dash’s desire burning on her lips. The kiss left a sensational tingle, and Fluttershy swore she could still taste it. She loved those kisses.

This day had been perfect. But she remembered it wasn’t over when she heard Rainbow Dash groan.

“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I forgot!” She pounded her head with a hoof.

Fluttershy gave Rainbow an uneasy look while still removing her dress. “What is it?”

“We haven’t picked a place for our honeymoon!” Rainbow Dash trotted in place worriedly.

Fluttershy shook her head in amusement. “It doesn’t matter where I am, as long as I have you, Dash.”

Rainbow Dash began tapping a hoof, going deep into thought.

Fluttershy shot a pleading look at her. “How about we go to Las Pegasus? I know you’ve wanted to visit for a long time.”

Rainbow Dash took this into consideration. She was about to agree, when she stopped short.

Las Pegasus was a place that Rainbow Dash wanted to go. But what did Fluttershy want? Rainbow had become an expert at detecting Fluttershy’s disguised reluctance, and now was no exception.

“You know what? Screw Las Pegasus.”

Fluttershy blinked questioningly.

“Let’s just… let’s just get out of here.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes lit up as she brainstormed off the top of her head. “We’ll go into the woods. And we’ll keep going. We’ll fly and fly until we find a field near a fresh spring. Then we’ll stay there, and we can chase fireflies and watch the sunset and sleep on a cloud. Old school, you know? As close to nature as we can get. What do you say?” The grin on Rainbow’s face grew as she spoke.

Fluttershy felt her heart stop. “You… You would do all that?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Of course!”

Fluttershy’s eyes began to water once more. “Dashie, this day has already been perfect. I don’t know how you could manage to make it any better, but I would love that.”

Rainbow Dash nuzzled Fluttershy, gently wiping a tear away. “You deserve nothing less than perfection.”

And so they flew. They flew far beyond Everfree. They flew until Fluttershy began to tire, and then Rainbow Dash had carried her. Fluttershy was worried that they would get lost, but Rainbow Dash eventually grinned in satisfaction, touching down in a wide open field.

Sunflowers dotted the sea of green, a striking contrast to the bluest sky Fluttershy ever saw. There even was a small spring nearby. Fluttershy sighed, soaking it all in. This all seemed so serene. Her meditation was interrupted as she received a sudden cold shock, drenching her coat. Rainbow Dash cackled as she stood in the icy water.

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes playfully. “Don’t think I’m gonna let you get away with that.”

Fluttershy charged, taking her beloved by surprise. She (gently) tackled Rainbow Dash into the water, getting both of them completely drenched. The two mares cried out in laughter, shivering simultaneously. They batted at each other, splashing and giggling like schoolfillies.

This went on for a while, until the two Pegasi noticed that the sun had already begun to descend.

“Perfect timing,” Rainbow Dash panted. Without a word, she latched on to Fluttershy, and shot straight up. They flew up for a few seconds, before Rainbow Dash folded her wings. The pair plopped with a soft whumpf onto a pillowy cloud.

“Hmm… give me 10 seconds.” Rainbow Dash said, leaping off from the cloud. She quickly raced around the sky, kicking stray clouds out of sight. When she was done, she joined her partner once more on their airy bed.

“10 seconds flat.” Fluttershy giggled.

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Never a second more.” She nestled herself down next to Fluttershy, their still sort of wet fur rubbing against each other.

They silently watched the sunset, as the streaks of orange, pink, and violet melted into each other across the evening sky. What could be more perfect? Rainbow Dash’s ear twitched, and she was aware that sure enough, the field was being lit up with fireflies.

She pressed herself against Fluttershy, enjoying the warmth of her body. “Fluttershy?”

“Yes?” Fluttershy’s soft green eyes met with Rainbow Dash’s own.

Rainbow Dash paused. She had been thinking of a cute romantic quip to use, but the words quickly died on the tip of her tongue. Instead, she leaned in to plant a kiss on Fluttershy’s lips. Though slightly taken aback, Fluttershy kissed back.

Their hearts beating rapidly, the two mares slowly pulled back.

“I love you, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy nuzzled against Rainbow Dash’s chest. “I love you too, Dashie.”

They sat together, relishing each other’s company. Fluttershy sighed in content. Words could not describe how perfect this day had been. But as perfect as it was, Fluttershy remembered that it was far from over as she felt Rainbow Dash’s wing begin to quiver with anticipation. Fluttershy flicked Rainbow Dash with a beckoning swish of her tail.

This, the mares realized simultaneously, is going to be the best night ever.

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