
The Chaos Within

by StapleCactus

Chapter 7: ...Repeat

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Providence was a city much like Manehatten, but with less skyscrapers. For the most part, no building was more than four or five stories tall. We had exited Providence Station to the main thoroughfare; just like any city, ponies were more crowded and less likely to greet you. Sidewalks and cobblestone road separated pedestrians from carriages. Everything even had the grayness to it like Manehatten or Fillydelphia, but splashes of color helped denote places of interest for standard tourists.

"Any idea where to start looking?" I had a sneaking suspicion that we'd be stuck in an alleyway. It was the last place I was hoping to fight the Shade.

"Any local police constable I'd say." Stone's suggestion was easily used when one such individual met us on the street.

"Sir Dex, how wonderful to see you again!" I turned to meet an officer I'd known for some time. His white coat and blue mane was easily recognizable.

"Clear, how you been?"

"If it wasn't for these disappearances, I'd be great. I believe you are here to take that off my hooves?"

"Indeed I have. By the way, Clear Streets, I'd like you to meet my friends." I held out a hand to point at each pony. "This here is Lt. Stone, of Canterlot guard, and Panacea, head nurse of Canterlot Medical."

"Ah, Lieutenant, sorry I didn't notice you earlier!" Clear gave a quick salute, which Stone returned.

"No trouble, I'm sure Dex is quite the eye catcher," Stone jokingly said.

We stood outside the station for a few more minutes, just catching up and enjoying the day. It would have gone on longer, but Pan spoke up.

"Pardon me, boys, but weren't we supposed to..." Clear, Stone, and I quieted down.

"Ah, yes, I'm sure you're looking for information."

"The only information we need is the location of where the ponies have reappeared, Clear." Stone and Pan raised an eyebrow at me. "It was the same in Rockton." They nodded in understanding.

"Hmm, I'd love to help you, but nopony has returned."


"Yes, ponies have disappeared, but none have returned."

It didn't make any sense. Chaotic Shades would warp ponies minds and then release them to spread chaos. "You're sure about that?" After getting an affirmative, we bid Clear Streets farewell and started down the thoroughfare.

"I don't like this. Shades shouldn't do what is happening here."

"Looks like you'll have to play detective after all, boy."

"What about where they disappeared? The two locations didn't seem that off in Slade."

"It's something, Pan, but I didn't check Rockton for the location of the disappearances. It might not be the usual."

"Doesn't hurt to try, boy."

"Ugh, it doesn't make sense!" What fun is that? ....I will stab you.... Hah! Good luck! "Let's do it."

We headed to a nearby store and picked up a map. With it, we could mark any locations the locals told us about. The problem we ended up with, was the marks not being consistent. After investigating multiple leads, we sat down at a local cafe for lunch.

"Alright, here's what we got so far." I laid the map across our table. "We have over twenty different points of disappearance, but they look to be concentrated in three areas."

There were seven X's in the area known as the shopping district and ten in the residences. Only three were marked in the business sector, but they were much closer together.

"We shouldn't split up, in case the Shade appears." Our food arrived and we ate in silence. As we were enjoying some shakes, Pan spoke up.

"It may be best to try the residential district first, then head over shopping, and finally business."

"Sounds good to me. Stone?" He was studying the map more than Pan and I were.

"The thing appears in a different location from the disappearances, correct?"

"That is the running theory," Pan said

"Would it not make more sense to check the center of the three areas?"

"You mean like triangulating?" I took a closer look. "Hmm... Well, if there are more markings in the other areas, the Shade could be closer to those." I picked up the pencil and started writing.

Making three lines from the center of each district, I had a starting reference point. Then, I made a number of evenly placed lines outward on the previous ones. The line from center to residential had ten, to shopping had seven, and to business had three. Finally, I drew a triangle from the furthest markings.

"It's not a perfect representation, but this is the area I think we should cover." There were multiple buildings in the new search.

"We should bring this to Clear, or any police constable, so they can tell us of anything odd in the area." Stone leaned back and started looking for any police.

"Abandoned buildings should also be noted," Pan said as she finished her drink.

"Okay, Stone, Pan, let's get going."

We didn't find Clear, but an associate of his marked two buildings and a hotspot for odd occurrences on our map. One of the buildings were on the far end, near the business sector, so we left it alone. The hotspot was right in the middle of all three, which we thought was too perfect, and the last building sat right between the residential and shopping districts. It was our first choice.

Arriving just after dark, the four story structure wasn't very inviting. Half of its windows were either cracked or shattered and the double door entrance was swinging open and closed. From where we stood, the lobby beyond was pitch black with not a sound meeting our ears. It wasn't an alleyway, but I didn't feel like fighting the Shade in such a cramped location.

"Well... Shall we?"

"Did you miss anything, boy?"

"What? No, it's cramped and it will be hard to fight in there. What else do I need to look for?"

"Maybe the fact that we should light the area first? Or that smell Pan noticed in Slade is here?" Dammit.

"Okay, so I didn't notice the smell, but I can't really tell anyway. I also saw it was dark, but it's not like we have anything to light the place up with."

"Bah, I've got just the thing." Stone reached behind him and pulled out some torches. How have I not noticed he's wearing a pouch on his armor? Because you suck! ...

"Stone, I don't think it's a good idea to carry torches and fight at the same time."

"We don't! We light them and toss them in."

"Like glow sticks..."

"Like what?"


Stone managed to light up six torches and toss them through the open doorway. Pan had used a fire spell, so at least I knew she could defend herself. Why would she need that spell if she's a nurse?

As we approached the, now lit, lobby, I saw a check-in counter and some lounging chairs. With everything coated in dust, I couldn't make out the color of anything. Frayed carpet lined the floor and a few old chandeliers hung from the ceiling. An excessively wide staircase led to the second floor on the other side of the room.

I could feel an oppressive atmosphere in the building, almost like we didn't belong. We spread out but found nothing of interest, so we collected five of the torches and headed to the next floor. Once more, there was nothing, and we headed up the next set of stairs. Nothing, stairs. Nothing, stairs. Wait.

"Guys... Wasn't this a four story building?"

"...yeah." Stone was as unnerved as I was. Pan brought the last two torches with her and threw them into the room.

The mysterious fifth floor was unlike anything I had ever seen. All the interior walls were knocked away to leave the whole floor open. Blackness oozed from the debris against the exterior walls of the room and I could see bodies hanging from the ceiling. They were in some kind of dark cocoon, but were alive. Occasionally, we'd hear a moan or see one shake. Whatever this Shade was doing, I wanted it stopped immediately.

There was no Shade in the room, however.

"I don't like this." One of us said it, but I couldn't tell who.

"Pan, stay here. I think it's the safest part," I spoke quietly and started onto the floor. Stone followed behind me just as carefully.

Oh what beauty! No, it's not. Oh, let me repeat that.

"Oh, what beauty!" .....

My chaotic thoughts... had just spoken... through the bodies.

"Stone! Cut them down!" I ran towards the nearest cocoon and cut through the slime holding it up. I didn't like that my thoughts could talk and really didn't like that it was using ponies' bodies. As soon as the pony hit the ground, the ooze from the walls began forming in the center. "Hurry up, Stone!"

We managed to get every pony off the ceiling and over to Pan, when the blob finished congregating.

"Oh, why would you do that? It would have been such fun to play with them."

"What are you?!"

"I'm you! I'm just borrowing this Shade. It's quite powerful you know."

"Dex, boy, who are you talking to?"

"You don't hear it?"

"Oh ho ho! If your friends didn't need more proof you've gone... chaotic... they have plenty now."

"Nothing, Stone. Let's just kill it."

"I think I'll let you. Come on then, let's see what will happen." Hello again. The ooze began moving.

"This is bullshit!" I couldn't take it anymore and rushed the liquid Shade. "Chaotic Shades shouldn't be a liquid!" I wasn't sure what I was saying or doing, but I wanted the thing dead. "And they shouldn't transfer my thoughts!" I stabbed straight through it.

The slime melted back to the floor. Oh, looks like you won. Everything was quiet. Stone relaxed while Pan looked over the ponies.

Just kidding. A spire of black rushed out of the ground under Stone. He was impaled and slammed into the ceiling. No... Yes! "NO!"

My vision turned red. I ran over and sliced through the spire. It collapsed. Stone fell. Pan rushed over to save him. A tendril of the Shade whipped her back. Again, I cut it.

My sword would slice, but there was no internal organs to damage. I would continually attack what appeared, but nothing changed. Stone was bleeding out and I had no way to stop the Shade!

Something caught my eye. A red orb sat where the shade first appeared. It moved before I could reach it. So you found the heart! Every time I tried to reach it, either the Shade would block me or it would move. Would you like some help? Another cut and yet another missed chance at the heart. You aren't listening to me are you? Again. Fine, I'll be free anyway. The heart stopped moving.

"Here you go." In my anger, I didn't think about it and stabbed the heart. A large blast of air rushed past me and electricity coursed through my nervous system. Everything went dark.

In the darkness, I saw myself. I looked gray, but happy. "Hello, Dexter. Welcome to your mind."

Next Chapter: Chaos Estimated time remaining: 53 Minutes
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