
A Pain in the Metric

by JusSonic

First published

A new villain comes and the Mane Six needs help of a new pony named Dust to fight him!

Mechastahl, enraged by the Mane Six being victorious in their battles, decides to summon his most cruel and sadistic general of them all: Metric! Will the Mane Six be able to defeat this difficult boss or will they all fall?

Chapter 01: A Dust of A Start

A Pain in the Metric

Chapter 01: A Dust of A Start

The scene begins to open up towards some dark dream place located in the off spot of Equestria, far off from the Land of Dirt. There was a large cavern tunnel that lead deep into a mountain where loud noises are being heard as there were many Dark Mystic Troops that seem to be mechanics in blacksmiths in making weapons & weaponize vehicles. But looking down below from a metal box office supervisor spot was MechaStahl as he was watching things get made while at the same time…seem distracted. It was about to get worse when something came into the room by the front door….

“Hey there uncle MechaStahl, you-hoo! Guess who’s coming in?” Tech called in from coming pass the door to enter someone’s office.

“Ugh, Tech!” MechaStahl sighs in annoyance to roll his eyes to not bother looking in knowing whose annoying voice that belongs to.

“Bingo! I thought I drop in to surprise you!” Tech smiled off to say while coming into the room without asking to be invited in.

“You’re right about one thing…you being here ‘IS’, a surprise. To my annoyance…” MechaStahl remarked off in not wanting to deal with such a matter of Tech dropping in unannounced.

“Aw come on, we geniuses gotta stick together! Cook up schemes, and RULE Equestria…” Tech spoke off to approach his uncle in trying to spice up the mix. “You know, for Dark Curse, etc. etc. We just need to defeat those Equestrians is all,” Tech was waving off in making some comment about what they gotta do to get Equestria to bow down before them.

“Oh really, hearing that from you who’s failed & can still go about without worry thinks it’s so easy to forget this?” MechaStahl glared at Tech who yelped in having to be victim to a scolding & angry lecture. “I’m the leader to the MechaArms, we used buildings in the areas to build thousands of weapons & weaponized vehicles, & so far….we’ve lost a constant stock hold of what we’ve been secretly working on over the years. And do you know who I blame?” He stated off in being very upset over what has happened that much of production has suddenly gone down way down lately.

“Um, the Mane Six & their pals?” Tech responded off worried in answering this right or else.

“Exactly! They have been victorious in their battles & we’re lacking behind in where we never had this much problem since dealing with the Mystics! Do you know what I’ve been through because of them?” MechaStahl exclaimed off in making a list of complaints over what the Mane Six have done to their group in their interference.

“Um, well yah…the time in the past, Twilight was a foal that mess up a hidden weapon facility. Then around the present in the Crystal Empire, you got discovered & humiliated by some ponies, then the Clone Six which Azuma blew up that facility you left me in charge with, and…” Tech was pretty much thinking right about what has been making things hard, but too much good memory is not good when it makes one angry.

“Cease your yammering Tech, for now I’m taking matters into my own clutches.” MechaStahl snapped off in silencing Tech while planning to do something about their enemy having won so much.

“Um, and just…WHAT, do you plan on doing?” Tech asked off in not following along what his uncle was planning.

“I’ll summon forth my most cruel & sadistic general of them all, to take care of those fools!” MechaStahl turn around to issued forth in who he was gonna call in.

“Gulp…You…you don’t mean…” Tech gulps in shuddering a bit nervously in fearing who this Dark Mystic was talking about.

“That’s right…he’ll be returning from a mission I gave him to perform an errand. But once he’s return, then I’ll unleash something those fools will think twice before getting under my fur.” MechaStahl smiled off with a sneaky expression, knowing he’ll soon be unleashing that which may become his vengeful fury on those that have underestimated him.

Soon the scene begins to darken at this time while many of the building of weapons & vehicles are lastly seen. Seems like something is about to go down, but who is it that MechaStahl spoke of that was returning…remains to be seen.


Meanwhile, the scene shifts towards within the Rainbow Kingdom at this time. We find many outside of the Rainbow Castle as the Mane Six, CMC, Spike, Phobos, & Ben are getting ready to head out. As they exit the castle, they see much of the peaceful town before them as it was seen, this was something to cherish for the moment.

“Well, today is another….Whoops!” Pinkie Pie was about to say until she suddenly clamps her mouth shut.

“What’s wrong darling?” Rarity asked off in seeing her friend do something strange now.

“If I continued that sentence, something would have responded as like today was peaceful, but then something bad would start. Good thing I stopped.” Pinkie Pie spoke off in stating something very random & very unusual at this time of almost like Breaking a Fourth Wall about one claim to invite something bad to happen to them.

“Pinkie Pie, you are so random at times.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in stating how random her friend can really be.

“Yep, hard ta know what she’s thinks.” Applejack nodded off in agreeing to that there term.

“Well even still, if something happens, we’ll be ready for it, right?” Spike spoke off in trying to not let doubt cloud their minds here.

“Right, cause after all, we’ve been doing so well on our own.” Phobos spoke off in making this brief claim over the matter of how well they’ve been doing. “Cough….nearly…cough-cough…” He coughs a bit under his breath to let that little part slip in.

“Oh my, do you think any of our enemies may try to attack us?” Fluttershy spoke with concern in what may or may not come of any other enemy attacks.

“That’s a possibly, but we can’t be a hundred percent certain Fluttershy.” Twilight held her chin in pondering the idea as a possibility, but it’s not for certain.

“For now, we can only enjoy the peace we have each time we can hold out against our foes.” Ben stated to say this in knowing how things are slowly being made to where they can enjoy some peace and quiet.

“Hey you guys!” Then Pinkamena’s voice is heard when she & the rest of Goldie’s bunch comes into the picture.

“We came by to see how things are holding up. So…” Goldie spoke off in stating their reason of being here & looks to see how everyone is doing.

“Looks like everything’s good, no worries here.” Nyx replied off proudly that they are all good here, no troubles here.

“Well we’re glad to hear that, it’s been some time since the last active action has happen.” Jack Zen stated off in recalling the last event that caused such an uproar.

“Indeed, and as my memory system has recorded such…it was not long ago since the return matter of the Gabby Gum matter.” Omega issued off to bring up a subject that happened some time ago it seems.

“Let’s not & say we do remember that.” Sombra issued off in trying to not bring up some unsettling past things they recall.

“Right, that’s not a very pleasant memory to recall.” Autumn Gem stated to agree, that event was not at all a pleasant experience.

“I know, how dare that Discord II, also known as Chaotix, do such a thing to the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” Pinkamena protest to state off in knowing that an enemy of theirs made the CMC do an evil action of a new, nastier Gabby Gum event.

“Believe us, we know it.” Apple Bloom nodded off to say this in having understood such things.

“Man, I can hardly recall much of what we did.” Scootaloo stated off to say in holding her head over what happened that time.

“Maybe its better that way, it was all so terrible to think about such a past.” Sweetie Belle replied off in thinking they are better off not remembering when they wanna live the way of today.

“Wow, that’s deep! Wonder how many others have such a thing where they have had such a hard past to live with?” Phobos replied off in having heard such a claim, and it was curious to his little mind.

“I’m sure there are a few, some of them we know.” Spike shrug off to say this in thinking some folks may have things like that.

“Well enough about the slow drama, didn’t we have some plans made here?” Rainbow Dash spoke off in changing the subject to a more better part of the discussion.

“Rainbow’s right, we all agree ta meet up here. Ain’t dat right, Twilight?” Applejack nodded off to say while knowing of their reason for coming here.

“Oh yes, we all wanted to tag along for this.” Rarity replied off in just now remembering why they are here.

“I’m super excited here!” Pinkie Pie cheered forth in being ready to enjoy the show.

“Okay everyone, I get it.” Twilight held up her hooves in seeing that everyone was really looking forward to something here. “We’ll start the Annual Balance Off to see who can last longer without falling into a chocolate pool.” She knows it sounds silly, but hey, it's something to do...

“My favorite part is the chocolate we fall into! Hmm….” Pinkie Pie smiled in loving the idea of swimming around in chocolate.

“I find it nice, no one gets hurt…they just…gently knock one down…um, right?” Fluttershy meekly responded in knowing how that annual event works, knock your opponent off balance into a dunk of chocolate.

“Yep! Come on girls, let’s join the fun!” Nyx smiled off to nod while getting her friends to tag along.

“Yeah!” The CMC nodded off in agreement, they don’t wanna miss this.

“I’m looking forward to it, from all the training I’ve had, I should be pretty much okay with this.” Ben smile doff to say from the training he’s had with Chase the Warrior will help him out, course the guy is out of town on some errand & won’t be back for several days.

“Overconfidence can be a downfall too, Benny boy!” Pinkamena smirked off to tease Ben about not letting such confidence blind him.

Soon the group makes their way towards the center of town where something was about to be held. Everything goes dark at this moment, but somehow, there may be more than what some silly event may make this interesting…


The scene shifts towards the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. Someone from the shadows was seen pushing a bush away to get a clear view of Ponyville. It looked like a pony figure, shrouded by shadows in which we couldn’t see what he really looks like.

“Where…are we?” Spoke a mysterious young stallion’s voice in being puzzled by the sudden scene of what was none other…than Ponyville.

“This place is what’s known as Ponyville. Though I am surprise…there was never a castle when last I was here.” The next to speak sounded very much like a very wise & elderly being of being humble & mystic of when last seeing the area.

“Well it has been over a few decades & centuries, things change.” A third voce was heard, sounding more girly & a bit more…optimistic.

“What will we find over there?” The mysterious youthful stallion asked off in what they are going to such a place to find.

“Somethings….and yet…things never known.” The mystical voice of the wise being responded to the question.

“O….kay, can you just spit it out already? We’re kinda lost?” The girly voice asked off in thinking they ain’t getting nowhere at this rate.

“Simply stroll into town and you’ll find those that are somewhat….like you.” The wise elder voice responded to simply state this out for those that are in town, are like the youthful stallion here.

“Like…me?” The youthful stallion asked off to look to himself, being puzzled by what he’s heard now.

“In a way, it is the elemental power of which I speak. There lies several in that little town.” The elderly voice spoke off to explain that within Ponyville lies those with…Elements.

“Well THAT makes a whole lotta sense, come on, let’s go check it out then!” The girly voice replied off in sounding a bit thrilled to check out a town that has something that relates to the Elements.

“Um, right…” The youthful stallion hesitated at first, but reluctantly agreed to follow along.

Soon those seen by the shadow quickly move away from their spot to prepare to enter the scene of Ponyville. But there was only one when there were two other voices, where were the others is a mystery. The scene goes dark here while many questions are arising of who or what is coming into town…


We return towards the center of town, where there were tightropes stretched across from high altitudes & below was a magically made pit filled with chocolate. And many ponies were trying to balance themselves on the rope, wielded cushion matt bats to knock the other off. And we even find Spike & Phobos being host of this little event that seems to be going on.

“Alright ponies, we have some worthy opponents taking it against balancing over the chocolate pit of DOOM!” Phobos spoke off as an excited & thrilling announcer of a program that is sure to sound like a wrestle-mania event.

“Do you really have to add the Doom part?” Spike raised his eyebrows in having heard Phobos add in such an address term here.

“What, it makes this event sound more exciting.” Phobos reacted off in thinking this was to spice up their event here.

“Anyway…It’s Pinkie Pie & Rainbow Dash, followed by Ben & Applejack, & lastly Pinkamena & Golden Heart.” Spike spoke off in showing scenes where some ponies were balancing on tight ropes over a chocolate pit.

“Wait, hold the phone! Looks like Pinkie Pie is knocked out already!” Phobos spoke off in seeing one pony has already been beaten & fell in the chocolate.

“Pinkie, were you even trying?” Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrows up in feeling like her friend was barely fighting back to stay on top.

“Sorry, the chocolate was so tempting, I forgot to duck! But oh well….hmmm…” Pinkie Pie replied off that she was distracted, but was distracted again to lick the chocolate off her fur.

“Come on Ben, show me what ye got!” Applejack issued off in wanting the stallion to come at her.

“With pleasure!” Ben smiled off in taking that invitation without any regret.

Soon Ben & Applejack were either whacking or dodging the other’s toy cushion matt to not fall, but kept a balance on the rope. Why, even Golden Heart was having trouble fighting his own sister, at least it was a ‘friendly’ type of competition.

“Sorry bro., but you are going down!” Pinkamena issued off to say in about to take her brother down.

“I hate to see how things be if we were in a serious battle.” Goldie responded to say in seeing his sister try to make him lose balance with swings & thrust moves until… “Waaahhh!” Goldie yelps to fall & lands in the chocolate pit.

“And Goldie’s out!” Phobos spoke off in seeing who was the next to be taken down in this challenge.

“So is Applejack!” Spike stated in seeing that Applejack has fallen in the echolocate pit, making Ben the winner.

“Everyone, we have a three way finale, but we need a fourth to break this. Any volunteers?” Twilight spoke off to say in seeing that with Rainbow Dash, Ben Mare & Pinkamena, they need a fourth to make this fair.

“Sorry darling, but I rather not get chocolate in my mane.” Rarity stated to say in refusing the invite, so to not be messy.

“Um, I’m more just watching.” Fluttershy meekly spoke with a shy tone in what she was doing from afar.

“What about any of you guys?” Nyx asked near Goldie’s group that didn’t partake yet.

“My weight would snap the rope.” Omega pointed out that from his weight, he snap the rope & they all land i the chocolate pit.

“And do you honestly want us to face Pinkamena when she’s playing her serious mode in wanting to win a game?” Jack Zen stated off to sarcastically say they aren’t facing someone who wants to win.

“Just be glad this is not an actual combat.” Sombra pointed off in knowing if this was a real battle, facing Pinkamena be a bad idea.

“That would make things a bit…much.” Autumn Gem slowly stated in knowing how things would make at such odds & ends.

While this silly event was going on, no one was noticing a stranger was walking into town in seeing all the cheery ponies observing the event. The character appeared to be an Earth stallion with gray light turquoise color coat, light gray/turquoise mane & tail, he also has clear light emerald eyes. He is seen wearing a strange uniform outfit, tan turquoise color by its view as well as the cape, black boots, black vest, and he wears a Chinese style disc hat of tan turquoise & black of two for four corners which it hide his eyes. He does not have a Cutie Mark, for it's not shown on his outfit, but his talent...is like a dusty view of things. Right now, this character looks around, but his eyes aren’t seen from his hat, but he look to be looking for something.

“Oh, hi there! Never seen you before!” Pinkie Pie smiled off to pop up near the new face in town, much to his startling reaction.

“Um….I just arrived in town.” The youthful stallion responded off in stating that he just arrived.

“Hey gang, we got a new pony in town!” Pinkie Pie called over to her friends, much to the guy’s late notice of what the pink pony was doing.

That earn some attention from the usual gang members to approach the new pony dressed strangely; he really was from out of town here.

“My, I’ve never seen any pony wear such clothing! Where are you from?” Rarity stated to say in not having seen any characters like this one before.

“Um…” The youthful stallion was looking around at seeing how everyone was being…’friendly’ towards him.

“Hold on Rarity, how’s about we introduce ourselves & get ta know de guy who don’t know wha de hay’s gone on?” Applejack stated off that they gotta introduce themselves to the new guy here.

“Oh, we’re sorry, we should tell you our names before you say yours.” Fluttershy spoke out in feeling terrible about being so rude.

“It’s….fine…” The youthful stallion lightly responded that he was fine, that wasn’t bothering him at all.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. That’s my lover Ben, my daughter Nyx, Spike my assistant, and Phobos, Nyx’s pet pal.” Twilight pointed off members of herself & family for the new guy to know who they are; important royals. “Then there's Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Golden Heart, Jack Zen, Sombra, Autumn Gem, Omega & Pinkamena.” She then went ahead to point to each of her friends & the rest of the gang in having introduce everyone to the new stallion in town.

“So what’s your name?” Ben asked off in who this new character was that came into their town.

“My name….is Dust.” The revealed pony slowly revealed himself by name here.

“Hugh, Dust you say….sounds….interesting.” Jack Zen replied off in having heard the name, it sounded…strangely curious indeed.

“You appear to be a warrior from what you appear & wear.” Omega pointed out in what Dust must be to be seen looking like such a character.

“Oh yah, Dust is really tough when he gets to it.” Spoke a girly voice that was giving comments of the pony here to the group.

“What the…who said that?” Rainbow Dash yelps off to look around, there was no one, but they all heard a voice.

“I did!” The girly voice spoke out to suddenly fly from behind bust’s body to appear, & she was not a pony neither. She appeared to be an orange nimbat with white paws, belly and front face, and dark emerald eyes. And as the gang saw her, they were amazed in having seen a creature like this…& could talk & fly!

“Oh my goodness! You’re…a Nimbat!” Fluttershy gasped off in having recognize such creatures to her eyes.

“What’s that? Some sorta Bat?” Spike asked off in not having heard about things like Nimbats.

“No, they’re a different species of bat….they’re also an intelligent race.” Fluttershy spoke off in having explain just what kind of animal the Nimbat really is.

“My….she looks like an astounding creature.” Autumn Gem gasped off to smile in seeing such a unique creature before them.

“Thank you, I am indeed something!” The orange nimbat smiled off proudly in taking in such credits here.

“Heh, I think she looks like any of them Fruit Bats with an ego issue & is more a comic relief.” Phobos snickered off to comment in who the orange bat thing was to him.

“Hey, I heard that!” The orange nimbat snapped off to flap near Phobos in having been insulted just now.

“Alright Fidget, no need to get fussy here.” Dust calmly spoke to calm the Nimbat’s name from starting trouble.

“Oh! Wanna join in our Annual Balance Off event? Last one standing wins!” Pinkie Pie smiled off in suddenly inviting if Dust wants to partake in their little fun event.

“Alright then, we accept! And by we, I mean Dust. Since he’s a pony, and me…I’m just a Nimbat.” Fidget proudly spoke to say this while leaving the matter for Dust to do; since it was a pony thing & not a Nimbat matter.

“Hey wait a minute, Fidget. I don’t even know how this works.” Dust spoke up in feeling like that was happening too fast to know what it is he needs to do.

“Simple, knock your opponent off.” Scootaloo smiled off in stating what it is that Dust needs to do.

“Have them fall into the pit of chocolate.” Apple Bloom pointed that those on the rope knock the other in that pit of cushion chocolate.

“Be the last one, to win.” Sweetie Belle smiled off happily in stating how such a game is supposed to work.

“Besides, we need a fourth competitor.” Nyx issued off to say in what they need at this time.

“Well…” Dust looked around in seeing such eager faces, and he just…got this weird feeling to not disappoint. “I guess…I can try.” He gives in, and so Dust will compete as well.

“Alright, it’s decided. Let’s continue the event!” Twilight stated off in seeing that with Dust’s agreement, they can begin the next part of this fun event.

After a few short minutes, the final event was now here where atop of a tightrope over a pit of chocolate, was four competitors: Rainbow Dash, Ben Mare, Pinkamena, & additional to the math, Dust. They had toy soft cushion bats to knock the other off & into the pit, whoever is left wins, the crowd watches with anticipation.

“Now I know that the rules say you can’t fly out or use magic, so speed & agility are key. So get ready for a big fall!” Rainbow Dash issued off in making herself be ready to make the first move here.

Now Rainbow Dash was charging to attack, but then Dust did something, he leaped away from the attack & struck beneath Rainbow’s hooves. That in turn caused the dare-devil pony to lose balance.

“Waaah…Guupvhmm…” Rainbow Dash fell off of the rope & landed in the chocolate pit; where she came out, but was out of the game.

“Well, I guess you were ready for that great fall of yours.” Dust smiled off a little in seeing something funny.

“Hey Dust, keep your eyes peeled, you got two more!” Fidget called out to warn her bud about more competitors around the area.

Just as Fidget said, Ben & Pinkamena went off to attack from separate jump ropes to get Dust. But even though the two were good in combat, Dust seem to be even more skilled than let on, & even with using a toy weapon….the moves done seem extraordinary. It’s like Dust has had plenty of fighting experience & has sharpen them to an extension.

“Wow, I’ve never seen those moves before.” Ben stated in seeing some new moves that Dust can perform, he’s really fast & swift on his hooves.

“He must be really good with a sword, since he’s got one & isn’t using it.” Pinkamena pointed out in seeing that Dust had a sword on hand, but was not using it for this little event.

“Well, this isn’t a real match…right?” Dust stated to say in knowing what is being done is no real battle.

“Do you feel better with that than with these soft bat toys?” Ben asked if Dust was even alright using something different from a weapon.

“It’s okay…don’t worry…I’ll manage.” Dust stated to say that he’ll be fine.

Now things were really starting to heat up as Ben & Pinkamena decided to try to attack with a bit more serious movements. But of course, Dust seem to study them & avoid any attacks, he even struck around Ben’s side that cause the guy to lose his balance.

“Waahh..Waaahhh!” Ben was starting to lose himself from about to fall into the pit of chocolate, if this was real danger he know what to do, but…

“Ben, careful, he’s…” Pinkamena was about to say her warning until…

“Flupovhmm../Splasshvmm…” But then Dust swooped from behind to knock Ben off & have him fall into the chocolate pit where he splash & was covered all over.

“Right behind you!” Pinkamena finished her warning too late, Dust knock Ben out, so now she’s left to play. “Okay pal, time to dance!” She stated in getting herself ready to face Dust in this final outcome.

“Um, I’m not sure if dancing is my strong suit.” Dust responded off puzzled about the words he has been told.

“Dust! Forget the idea and knock her into the pit of Chocolatey DOOM!” Fidget yelled out in cheering Dust to knock Pinkamena out.

“Chocolatey Doom, really?” Dust look to Fidget in making it sound like a terrible thing to befall someone.

“What, it can be scary if one imagines it.” Fidget responded to look puzzled in how she said something silly, but tried to make it have a dramatical theme.

“Well take this, Dust!” Pinkamena yelled out in preparing to attack now.

But then while Pinkamena was rushing in to attack, Dust leaps off on the rope to end up behind the pink pony. But what came next was another surprise indeed as Dust used a technique…

“Ninja Dash….Hwwuuaaghh!” Dust suddenly dodged the pink pony’s next attack & follows it up with a combo & parry strikes while Pinkamena seem to try to block with her toy soft bat.

“Waaaaugh-Haaaaughh….I’m about to fall in!” Pinkamena yelps from feeling that what Dust did started to make her lose balance until… “Waaaugh…/Splashvm….” Pinkamena let off a scream before she fell right into the chocolate pit and was covered in the stuff.

“And Winner by fallout, is…Dust!” Phobos issued forth in who was the new winner of this event challenge.

“Wow, a first timer out of town won, don’t think we saw that coming.” Spike replied off in seeing they had someone outside of town win this.

Pinkamena was seen coming out of the chocolate pit, but then Dust soon leaped off from the high height as he landed near the pit. Many wondered what was gonna happen, but Dust soon leans down to help the pony out.

“Sorry about that, here, let me help you up.” Dust spoke off with a smile to offer aid for the one he made fall & got covered in chocolate.

“Oh, thanks…that’s nice of you to…” Pinkamena replied off to say in having decided to take that offer, at least Dust is a nice guy.

But just then, when Pinkamena came in contact with Dust’s actually hoof, she froze in having felt something….oddly peculiar about this guy. One thing felt like, an element, but it also felt like there was something else, but….way off. Even after Dust left when he helped the pony up, Pinkamena was still trapped in her own little world of what it was she sense that didn’t seem like normal type of magic.

“Hey sis, you seem space out. Everything alright?” Goldie cuts over in noticing that something was distracting his sister.

“Yah, but Goldie...Dust…I can’t explain it but…he seems different from you or me.” Pinkamena replied off in being okay, but felt there was something about Dust that he was different from them.

“Oh no, he’s not an enemy, is he?” Jack Zen groans to say in picturing the worse thing to come to them.

“Course not, that much I’m sure of, but…just can’t help but wonder what he really is…It’s like he’s alive, but….also not…it’s even confusing even to me.” Pinkamena spoke off in feeling a bit puzzled & unknowing about what Dust was, it was…a mystery.

This did bring questions to the rest, as if feeling that Dust was more than meets the eye, and that answer came from….one more surprise. Which Goldie’s group join in to finally get an ear of what was to be heard.

“Tell me something, are…many of you Element bearers?” Dust asked forth this question in studying the group, being curious about the Mane Six & company.

“Well yah, me & Pinkamena have elements while Twilight & her friends are representatives to the Elements of Harmony, but…why do you ask?” Ben replied of in stating that those here do have Elements, so they are welders.

“Because he said you are somewhat like me.” Dust stated to say this in what he could say here.

“Who said it?” Spike raised an eyebrow in not following what Dust was saying.

“That, would be me…” Then Dust’s weapon floated off from his possession as it was a wide sword shaped mystically with magic runes on it that glows to surround it and can allow it to float at times. “Greetings…” The voice spoke off with its lit runes as it seem to…possess a soul.

“A TALKING SWORD!” Phobos responded off in shock in having seen & HEARD this.

“COOL!” The CMC replied off in being surprised to see a weapon that could talk.

“I am Ahrah.” The revealed sword introduced himself to the others to know his name now. “I am the weapon wielded by Dust, he who is the Wielder to the Element of Dust.” He spoke off in making himself clear to all, and even stating what Dust is here.

“Waaahhh!” The others yelped in having heard that, Dust is actually…another user to an Element? Didn’t see that one coming!

“Wow, having both a name for an element & the pony themselves, that’s something else.” Nyx replied off in finding this to be something amazing to believe.

“Wait, the sword you hold…could it be….the Sword of Ahrah?” Goldie asked off to study Dust’s sword, as if recognizing its detail features & from what it could be. “I remember hearing a legend, stating it is one of Five Blades of Elysium. Ancient weapons forged by a mystical kind using materials unknown in Equestria, created to guide their sword bearers. I heard it vanished long ago.” Goldie has heard about the Sword of Ahrah, but recalled it was lost long ago.

“I can fill in the blanks. He’s been asleep for 200 years, watched over by me, its guardian, until a mysterious warrior, that’s Dust, unknowingly summons him, and when they meet, he allowed Dust to use him as his weapon.” Fidget explained off to fill in the details while being somewhat a guardian to the sword & now travels with Dust.

“Thank you Fidget, for…filling in the blanks.” Dust replied off in seeing how brief Fidget made that sound.

“Eh, I do what I can.” Fidget shrug off to say in knowing what she done here.

“But for you to be an Element Wielder & keeper of a very important sword…is astonishing!” Jack Zen stated to say in finding this all so surprising to believe.

“There are not many that can craft magic objects in which they can obtain both a living natural sense & personality.” Omega pointed out a fact that seems like a rare thing to be seen at times, living weapons that also come with personality & speaking traits.

“I know my Blades of Pinkie Pie are active in being alive, but even they CAN’T TALK at all!” Pinkamena stated that she forge weapons that were very active, but even still, her chain blades can’t speak at all.

“So then, why are you here?” Twilight asked off in being curious of Dust coming to their town.

“I’ve been traveling, and…this is the first place I’ve come across…without much war, it seems…peaceful.” Dust spoke off in noticing just how quiet, calm, and peaceful this place is.

“Buddy, then you miss out on times when we had to fight to survive.” Phobos rolled his eyes in stating that this place ain’t as one believes.

“Shh…don’t ruin the mood.” Spike hushed his fried to not have Dust think they can’t maintain peace.

“Right, anyway, we were wondering…is there a place we can spend the night after a long travel on our journey? And maybe get something to eat while we’re at it?” Fidget asked off in liking to know where they can find a place to stay, get some rest, and food which was on the Nimbat’s mind.

“Well, how about you stay at our castle, one of the rewards for the winner would be treated to a life in our castle for a whole day as honored guest.” Twilight spoke off to say in seeing that Dust won the event they held, so it only sounds fair for whoever won.

“Really….wow, talk about luck! We come into town, get invited in a little event, and get to spend the night in a castle. What are the chances, Dust?” Fidget responded off in smiling in liking the sounds of this as she flapped over to Dust to have him hear what is gonna be going on from here.

“That…really isn’t necessary, princess.” Dust stated off to look away, unknowing if that was even alight for them to be inside a castle.

“Oh come on Dust, she’s a princess, it be rude to decline such a rare offer.” Fidget spoke off with a smile in trying to get her buddy to not turn down something & break the kind mare’s generous heart.

“Well, alright…I hate to impose due to my companion here.” Dust sighs to say in deciding to take that offer, even if force by Fidget’s part.

“Don’t worry, we all have been through something like that.” Ben rolled his eyes in knowing that having those that wanna get in on the good stuff will always be around to get another to change their mind.

Soon the group then begins to move out while some are gonna pack up the event of what was already finished to be done for the day. The scene begins to fade, many surprises have happened, and from one of them, a new face & a new ally has come into the picture. But who or what is Dust, really? That will remain to be seen another time….


Meanwhile, something was approaching the area of where MechaStahl and his MechaArms were currently working on stuff. Many saw what came into the cavern and one ran off to report this to MechaStahl who was waiting in his office room along with Tech before noticing something going on.

“MechaStahl, he’s coming near our station.” A Dark Mystic Trooper reported the case of who was already here at this time.

“Good, give him clearance to enter.” MechaStahl responded off to give the guest the clearance.

“At once.” The soldier bowed his head before he turned to leave.

“I don’t know, you sure about asking him to fight?” Tech asked off in feeling a bit uneasy about what they are gonna be doing here.

“Who better to aid us than with the aid of my unique general…?” MechaStahl responded off in showing confident cockiness in knowing what he’s doing.

Then something was seen opening the door to enter the office as it made Tech squirm with fear to hide behind his uncle’s office chair just as MechaStahl sat down. The character was not seen by the camera as his appearance was left a mystery.

“I heard you have an assignment for me.” Spoke off to sound like something dark, something without feeling; something that sounded…cruel.

“Gulp….” Tech swallowed hard in hearing just the voce while quivering in fear.

“I do…to put an end to certain heroes thinking they are getting too high in standing in our way.” MechaStahl spoke off in getting straight to the point of what it is he wants done.

“Then show me these characters and I’ll handle them….personally within the new mobile base we completed.” The unseen character responded in explaining that he’ll take the mission, & will also bring out something else.

“Mo-Mo-Mobile Base?” Tech responded off surprise in having heard what this character has got up his sleeve.

“Excellent work, commence with the task…General Metric.” MechaStahl responded in sounding pleased while addressing this Dark Mystic in question.

“With pleasure….” The unseen foe known as Metric responded before turning to leave while we watch from an off-screen camera that doesn’t show much of his appearance. “I’ll inform Cobar of what we’re doing…before striking.” He stated to say before he was already out the door the next minute.

The scene grows dark now with a sneaky smile creep up MechaStahl’s face. It won’t be long before those that have brought them such disarray meet an end by this General Metric. What will happen next, is something left to be seen….

Author's Notes:

Dust is an OC Pony made by VISION-KING based from the actual character from "Dust an Elysian Tail Game” along with his two companions; Fidget & Ahrah.

And there we go, the first chapter is made. In the next chapter, everything seems to go by peacefully, nothing out of another day with the exception of Dust getting use to those around him while still having many secrets of who or what he is. But such matters are put on hold when something from afar begins to prepare its attacks on Ponyville, just who is the new enemy who calls himself Metric? Stay tune to find out.

Chapter 02: The Rise of Liberation

Chapter 02: The Rise of Liberation

The scene opens towards what was supposed to be a village, but it was set in flames, being burned down to the ground. Many village residents took arms with farming tools & anything to fight back with. But a shadow assassin was coming through, easily killing them. He moved so swiftly, wielded killing skills with a blade un-match, he could be one of the best swordsman around that taking out a large group was nothing but a walk in the park for him. Soon many of the resistant villagers were dropping one by one across the ground…

“Why…why do you attack us? We’ve done no wrong.” A lone stallion whimpered in seeing he was about to be finished off, why was it that this was happening to them…

“We were order to exterminate Dragons & assassinate any pony who assisted Dragons in any form, so say your prayers, Dragon Sympathizer.” The evil mercenary responded off in mentioning this while preparing to deliver the killer blow.

“Waaaughhhh!” The poor soul was slaughtered off camera screen during the moment his body fell with the rest of the crowd.

“Cassius, sir…” A soldier approach in addressing the name of the one that has perform this task.

“What news of the rest of the village?” The revealed character named Cassius asked off in wanting a report of the situation.

“We are wiping them out as per the general’s orders.” The soldier explained forth in what they are currently doing at this time.

“Good, show them no mercy.” Cassius responded off to say this in what they are to do, slaughter all targets around. “Hmm…” He saw something move in the bushes nearby, something that didn’t seem like an animal.

“Something wrong, sir?” The soldier asked off in seeing Cassius seem distracted.

“Just one last threat to cut is all…” Cassius exclaimed before leaving the scene to follow after what was waiting for him…to kill.

Time pass by after that, and soon sounds of clashes & slashes are heard before it grew silent. Soon Cassius stood within a forest that was having a heavy pouring of rain. Before him was what looked like yellow fur Earth stallion with orange mane & blue eyes with a Cutie Mark of a heart inside a halo. The opposer was on his knees from having survived against someone as skilled as Cassius while not dying like the rest of the villagers.

“You murderer! My parents did nothing wrong!” The youthful stallion shouted off in sounding mad at this evil fiend.

“You have been deceived, little one. Your parents turned against those that rule…an act of pure treason.” Cassius responded off in a cold & uncaring tone that lack emotion or compassion. “What resistance there was, was led by your family alone.” He simply explained how things went down that this youth’s family fell with their resistance against them.

“You destroyed my village…murdered my friends & family! You will not survive this day! I, Jin, will make sure of that!” The youth issued forth in about to put an end to this killer for what he has done.

“I take no joy in slaughtering one as young as you, child, but you have forced my hand.” Cassius responded off in stating this fact that he’ll do what needs to be done & doesn’t find this pleasing.

“Aaaaah!!” Jin yells off his battle cry before wielding a knife to fight with against the enemy.

“Hrawwww!!!” Cassius yelled out his own battle cry in wielding his sword off to deliver the final blow.

Then a bright thunder & lightning blinded all sights before seeing the results, which was of two killings. The injustice of a young stallion killed, but from the blind pride & arrogance of Cassius, he too fell along with Jin. Simultaneously, the result show their souls intertwine in death. The scene shifts towards where the soldiers awaited the arrival of a certain evil general. While the high ranking officer was seen off screen as a shadowy foe, he did notice something missing from those that were awaiting his command to take charge.

“Commander? Where is Cassius?” The Evil General asked off in seeing that his top assassin is not here.

“Sir, Cassius…is dead.” The called Commander spoke off to regretfully inform this grief moment. “He was killed…by a youthful stallion.” He stated in what happened that claim the best swords wielder they had.

“I see.” The Evil General responded in looking a bit displease to hear this tragic lost. “Then continue to take the soldiers & pillage the homes of all Dragon Sympathizers across Equestria, along with any Dragons that are nearby.” He gave the order to continue to do their eradication of many Dragons and those that side with them.

“But, what about Cassius?” The Commander asked off in what they do about the decease member of their group.

“His death will be moan for, but we are task in ridding ourselves of these dragons & those that co-exist with them. Leave him be now, we have much left undone.” The Evil General spoke off in stating this factor that they have their task to do, they’ll be concern with Cassius’s body later.

While much of the evil general was at work & his soldiers proceeding to continue slaughter Dragons & Dragon sympathizers, by the spot where Cassius & Jin fell, someone was seen approaching the area. It was an old mage stallion, hidden under a cloak & hood to conceal himself.

“I see…These two are the ones to change everything.” The old mage spoke in learning of what befallen those here. “A soul of innocence that is noble, but without skill, without power, it can still be easily struck down.” He spoke from looking at Jin, he who is good, but lacks power like Cassius that was so skilled.

Something was seen blowing across from his open sleeve of his cloak, a form of glowing dust. This dust began to swirl around as strange magical glows were happening around the bodies of Jin & Cassius. The old mage held up his front arms in preparing something.

“With this Element of Dust, I shall forge these two souls: One of nobility, innocence & incorruptibility. With that of skill, power & strength.” The old mage enchanted forth in announcing what he was going to do, & shall use an element to two souls…become one!

Then something began to happen that made the two bodies glow before fading away like dust to the wind. But at the same time, they began to come around together in a cocoon form and began to form itself. When light escape from it that it crack open, a glowing body levitated downwards as it stood still before the old mage; it was the one body of the being known as…Dust.

“It is done, a sacred being of two souls, but is anew; Sen-Mithrarin.” The old mage issued forth in stating the name of this new being that was lying before him. “You shall be called….Dust, like your element, you are of which pass on & new life with the power of the element at your command.” He explained forth in what Dust now has, that which shall be as his namesake says. “When you awaken, Ahrah will come & guide you, good luck, Mithrarin.” He whispered this out in stating some sorta pray at this time.

Now things swirl around before Dust’s body fades into dust particles in the wind. The old mage watch with eyes of observing what is to happen as the winds of change help in guiding a lost soul start anew. It wasn’t long before the dust particles had travel so far, they ended up in a meadow field far from anything and they magically were reassembling themselves to form the pony being known as Dust.

“Dust….Dust…Arise!” Spoke a voce from out of nowhere and soon floating off from in front of Dust was none other than the Sword of Ahrah.

“Wh…A talking sword? What are you?” Dust held his head in feeling an aching headache, but why was there a talking sword before him?

“Only that which you have summoned.” Ahrah responded off in stating calmly of this response to the question.

“Summoned? How? For what purpose?” Dust asked off to look at his left hoof while being lost in thought of what this sword was telling him out of the blue.

“That…I do not know. But we shall learn in time.” Ahrah responded off humbly in calmly stating this fact for Dust to understand. “Now rise and claim the Sword of Ahrah.” The sword issued both in stating his name for Dust to know & total claim.

At that moment, Dust reach out and soon grabbed the Sword of Ahrah, with it, he stood up as if feeling stronger now than feeling tired & exhausted. But at the same time, a familiar orange Nimbat was seen entering the scene, it was Fidget at the time. Fidget flew up to Dust’s face from the same path the sword came from, but appeared exhausted from having rushed forth without taking a time of break.

“Huff, huff…Stop…stop right there!” Fidget was panting from being out of breath, but was speaking to the one with the sword.

“And who is she?” Dust asked off in not knowing who was it that was here before him after first encountering a talking sword.

“Me? I’m Fidget! Guardian of this sword!” Fidget declared forth in standing up straight to announce her presence.

“I’m sorry, I think I misheard before. You said your name was Fidget?” Dust asked of in not believing this, this creature who made it sound like she’s important has a simple & plain name.

“Hey, this isn’t about me! You’re the one who’s got my sword! How about you tell me YOUR name?” Fidget asked off in not wanting to go into detail about her background while wanting to know who Dust was.

“I’m…uh…” Dust held his head in trying to recall his own name, but…seem to be having trouble.

“Calm yourself, Fidget. His name is Dust, and he is the one who woke me from my slumber.” Ahrah spoke forth in explaining the situation that Dust was not at fault, he called the sword to him is all.

“So…Fidget then?” Dust slowly responded in trying to make small chat here…

“That’s me! And you’re Dust!” Fidget declared off proudly in knowing who she is and who this guy was to her.

“It would seem that way, though I can’t recall that name.” Dust looked to himself in being unable to recall that name very well if that was who he truly was or not.

“Well, I guess you’re some kinda Unknown Warrior who out of anyone else called the sword. Hugh, makes sense for one to meet a Guardian of the Sword of Ahrah, perhaps.” Fidget proclaimed forth in feeling like Dust & her were supposed to meet if he’s carrying the sword.

“No offense, but aren’t you a bit…well, small?” Dust asked off in questioning this Fidget creature of being some guardian when she’s very small. “For a guardian, I mean.” Dust quickly stated this off in trying to make a save of what his words were meaning.

“Hey, I just look after that thing! After 200 years, nobody expects a sword to just fly off and start, you know, talking.” Fidget issued off her protested excuse over the matter of what happened that she was not aware of that would happen all of a sudden while guarding. “I’m kind of wishing somebody told me this was part of the job description. Or maybe they did…and I just wasn’t paying attention. That happens sometimes.” Fidget was complaining a bit while feeling a bit uncertain if she miss such important details.

“So…what is this sword?” Dust asked off in wanting to know about this Sword of Ahrah.

“I am the Sword of Ahrah, and you, Dust, are my fated sword-bearer.” Ahrah spoke forth in explaining to Dust about himself & that this guy shall carry the sword.

“Yes, well, that’s all great and everything, but I think it’s about time I got this sword back to the clan.” Fidget slowly issued off to say this in needing to take Ahrah back with her.

“I can’t let you just leave with this sword, Fidget. Right now, it’s the only thing that knows who I am. I don’t even know how I got here…” Dust explained off that he needs Ahrah, for the sword seems to know about Dust where even he has little knowledge of his background.

“Hmph! Well, then you leave me no choice! I…I challenge you! The winner gets the sword!” Fidget responded off in about to get serious from her fussy mood and tries to act tough in about to fight Dust to take back the sword.

“Well, I…” Dust was feeling uncomfortable about this, from Fidget’s size & lack of physical strength, she stand no chance.

“Alright, Alright! You win! But don’t think I’m leaving empty-handed! I’m coming with you!” Fidget cross her arms to look away with shut eyes in stating she’ll let Dust off the hook this time, under a certain condition. “But, um…I really need the sword back when you’re done doing…you know, whatever it is you’re doing.” Fidget looks back with a bit of a concerning & puzzled expression that she’ll need the sword back when Dust is finished with it, so she can keep guarding it

“What exactly AM I doing, Ahrah?” Dust asked the sword in not having a clue at this point.

“The answers you seek lie to the east. There is a path through the glade that leads down the mountainside, and from there you will find a village. That is your first step.” Ahrah explained forth in where it was that Dust must first go to begin things.

“THEN will you give me the sword? I reeeeeally need to get it back home before anyone notices it’s gone!” Fidget asked in being a bit worried that if her clan learns of the missing sword, she’ll be in trouble.

“When I find out just what it is I’m supposed to do with it, it’s all yours, Fidget. C’mon, let;s go.” Dust smiled off in feeling a bit cheerful in promising what he’ll do once he’s done using Ahrah, he’ll return the sword to Fidget.

Thus the group begins to move along in leaving the calm meadow scene. But while making their way through, strange monsters show up to attack, but Dust…he suddenly reacted with fast reflexes & swift actions to wield the sword to slice, dice, & chop the monsters to bits. Even when one monster slice him from behind, something strange happened that made Fidget yelp in seeing Dust was….turning to dust, and flew around to splice the foe into defeat & reassemble himself.

“Whao! Nobody said anything about monsters around here!” Fidget cringed from what they just saw & fought, that was crazy.

“Strange…Where did I learn these skills?” Dust asked off in being puzzled by what it was he even did; as the skills he did were alien to his very sense of awareness.

“You wield the Sword of Ahrah, and with it, all the skills imbued therein.” Ahrah spoke forth in explaining things to Dust about how it was that he perform such skilled swordsmanship.

“Uh, hello? Monsters?!” Fidget cringe a bit with worry about them standing around in a place where monsters may attack again.

“But what about when I was hurt, I didn’t bleed, I turn…to dust…and move like…I could control & reform myself?” Dust asked off another question of an ability different from the sword skill he could do.

“It is because you were chosen to wield the Element of Dust.” Ahrah explained forth in what it was, that Dust has inside of his very body, a power that suits him even with his name.

“Wait, hang on. You mean he not only has you, but an Element too?” Fidget replied off shock in disbelief in having heard this.

“An element…and it is…dust?” Dust questioned off such a thing as if not understanding further.

“With it, your body can turn to dust & become solid again. You can even attack in forms so small, none may see it coming, and slip away unseen. It is a very unique element, and as its wielder, you must tend to take care in how it’s use.” Ahrah explained forth in what the Element of Dust can do, and that with Dust as the wielder, he is all but invincible, & must use his special gift wisely.

“Is that why I summoned you? To control this power?” Dust asked if the reason he called for Ahrah, was to control these powers & abilities he was never aware he had until recently learning about them in the field of combat.

“It is unlikely, Dust that I would awaken from my slumber for such selfish reasons.” Ahrah humbly issued that such a reason seem hardly a reason at all that he came to Dust in the first place. “There is a village beyond these woods. Perhaps finding it will aid in restoring your memories.” Ahrah spoke off in stating what lies ahead for them to see & can help Dust out.

“And then we’ll be in the clear, right? No more monsters?” Fidget cringed a bit worried that maybe if they reach the village, they’ll be safe from meeting more monsters then.

“Fidget, I think things are about to get a whole lot worse.” Dust regrettably decline that from here out, things may get harder than easier.

“Hugh….And to think, this morning started off so well!” Fidget sighs in regret in seeing how things were starting to look positive, only for them to fall apart later on.

“Dust….Dust…” Then Fidget’s voice was heard off that was not from her own body.

“Fidget?” Dust responded puzzled, why was he hearing her voice out of her body?

Then everything was starting to fad out & become all blurry without any notice. Soon the scene goes dark & then Dust soon felt like he was falling into a bottomless pit before…it all went quiet.


Then at that moment, we find Dust groaning to sit himself up from being woken from where he slept. From the surroundings, Dust was still within the Rainbow Castle and he appeared to have dreamt up something…from the past no doubt. Looking to his side, Fidget flapped her wings in having been alert of Dust’s little action.

“Hey Dust, you okay?” Fidget asked off in feeling worried at the moment.

“I’m…fine…” Dust slowly responded innate wanting to make Fidget worry about him.

“Oh really, doesn’t sound too much of fine.” Fidget raised an eyebrow to remark off this as the opposite of fine.

“Just…that old images of the past. Of when I met you all, and how my journey began.” Dust issued off to say what he saw from his sleep, what was his past, somewhat it seems.

“We have come far since we began, and you Dust have managed much progress since then.” Ahrah spoke from levitating from nearby to speak to his sword wielder about what has occurred that lead to their present development.

“I know, but still…I can’t seem to forget what I was…who I use to be before…” Dust slowly spoke off to say this in feeling remorse over what he went through.

“Aw, cheer up, at least we’ve gotten over all of that, and here we are. On a brand new journey.” Fidget smiled off to try to bring up the encouraging stuff to help Dust out of his gloomy mood. “And besides, when was the last time we slept in a cozy little castle than sleeping outside in the cold? I’ll tell you, NEVER, and the first night, you can’t sleep like a rock even when your pillow was a rock.” Fidget was starting to sarcastically make some statements about the first time they can sleep in someplace nice, and Dust has a hard time sleeping.

“Okay, okay Fidget, I understand….even though most of that was a little off of the main subject.” Dust spoke worried in his defense in upsetting Fidget while slowly reminding her about how off the subject was from what they were speaking about.

“Well, I’m glad my point still made it across!” Fidget crosses her arms to huff in stating that she made herself quite clear.

“Oh it did, it most certainly did.” Dust lightly responded in how he got the message, since Fidget never would drop it unless he gets it.

“Tell us Dust, what view of those around you have help determine their view of wielding elements, similar of your own?” Ahrah asked forth in bringing in a new subject to which they can discuss those that they have come to know.

“I could sense it, Ben Mare’s element…Pinkamena’s element…but…the others, Twilight & her friends felt…not whole.” Dust spoke off in feeling strange& uncertain about those like Ben’s Triforce, Pinkamena’s Aging elements, but the Mane Six felt like….they didn’t have the complete package, why?

“It was because they return their elements to the Tree of Harmony, but even so, I sense their connection is not…entirely lost.” Ahrah wisely spoke in explaining the contents of the matter of what occurred & what there still remains to be seen.

“Is such a thing possible?” Dust asked off stump in having heard something like that just now.

“That is for them to discover.” Ahrah slowly stated to humbly point out the answer to the question itself.

“Well if you wanna talk to them, let’s try taking this up in the morning. I still need some sleep without hearing you moan.” Fidget stated off that while this was a nice chat, they need to get some sleep, and Dust’s moans kept her awake.

“Oh really Fidget, this coming from a Nimbat who either snores or talks about food in their sleep.” Dust smiled off to make a wise-crack about how even Fidget has some faults she never admits.

“I’m not listening, I’m sleeping…Lalalalaaaaa!” Fidget responded off to say in going to bed & turn her head away to pretend she didn’t hear such things.

“Heh…good night Fidget…” Dust let off a little chuckle with a smile as he said goodnight to the Nimbat.

Soon the group begins to go back to sleep at this time now. And with that, the scene begins to fad out with who knows what may come the next time they are awake….


The next morning final came around as the Sparkle Family was getting themselves ready to have their daily breakfast. Then entering into the kitchen was Dust, as he carried Ahrah & Fidget flapped her wings to follow along. Wasn’t long before their presence was soon noticed.

“Good morning Dust, did you all sleep well?” Twilight smiled to greet the one who has woken up now.

“Well, it was…an intriguing new experience.” Dust slowly stated in how it felt to rest within a castle.

“In short, it was nice to sleep on something that wasn’t dirt or rocks or a log for a change.” Fidget spoke off with a smile in having speak out the terms of how glad they could enjoy a good rest.

“Man, what are you, the guy’s interpreter?” Phobos rolled his eyes in seeing that Fidget says other stuff that doesn’t sound much like what Dust himself even admits.

“I like to see myself as the one that makes the certain senses of what Dust lacks to say.” Fidget cross her arms to huff in pointing out to the Moon Dragon about what she does for certain things Dust himself lacks.

“So we’ve seen.” Ben replied off in feeling that those two have a strange bond in looking out for another.

“While Fidget may have some things to be….questionable, of her actions…she isn’t all so bad once you get to know her.” Dust smiled a bit in stating what his companion here does for him, is because she feels concern.

“Sounds like something those that are good friends would say.” Nyx smiled off happily in seeing how good these two are.

“It’s strange, since the only friends I have…is just Fidget & Ahrah.” Dust held his head to ponder the question of those he has come to know so much as his close friends.

“Oh really, what, you need more than a Nimbat & a talking sword to get around.” Fidget narrow her eyes in feeling like Dust needs others than just those he’s got cause they aren’t pony friends.

“Heh, heh, I mean no disrespect, Fidget.” Dust let off a little chuckle in seeing he hit a nerve, but he meant no harm.

“Well, why not sit down…I’ve just got everything setup.” Spike spoke off in having just brought out the thing they can enjoy eating on the first morning.

“Wait a moment…something isn’t right here.” Ahrah spoke suddenly in having…sense a disturbance.

“Whah, since when can a talking sword state things if it has no mouth?” Phobos asked off in finding the sudden action to be puzzling that a sword is telling them to not eat.

“That’s…a fairly good question.” Fidget replied off puzzled, Ahrah would never say something like that, it’s not in him to joke around.

“Dust, I’m sensing a dark presence far away….they are making a move.” Ahrah wisely spoke words of concern & caution of something faraway is about to attack.

“What?” Dust asked off in hearing this to be very surprise to hear.

“Dust, what’s going on? What did Ahrah mean by….” Twilight was about to ask what was even going on by such claims until…

Just then without warning, some unknown noises are heard from a distance, and when they got louder….explosions were heard next. This caused everyone to become active before looking outside of Ponyville, where something was attacking them while the Mystic Shield seem to withstand it. Orbs of light fell from a direction within the clouds to impact the magical shield, but while this went on, it also caught the attention of the Sparkle Family & many other heroes at this time.

“Oh man, just when things were looking like an okay morning!” Phobos groans to complain in seeing their peaceful morning leave them now.

“We need to get out there and see what’s happening!” Ben issued off in knowing they must see what is happening outside.

The Sparkle Family left the room while Spike & Phobos quickly took big bites of some gems to keep up their strength & Nyx also ate some things too. Dust was also trailing behind the others, before they made it around the outer corner border of Ponyville. Joining up with the rest of the Mane Six gang along with Goldie’s crew, were watching the display of something attacking the shields.

“Some pony wanna tell me wha de hay’s going’ on?” Applejack asked off in not knowing what was going on, who was attacking them.

“Oh, I know…we’re under attack!” Pinkie Pie raised her hoof to point out an answer that was easy to follow.

“This ain’t really the time to be smiling now & being random, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash lecture her friend in having the weirdest of moments to make such claims now.

“But what’s attacking us?” Rarity asked off in not knowing who or what was trying to attack their town.

“I can’t tell…all we see are burning orbs before they hit the shields.” Fluttershy stated to say in seeing what was hitting against the Mystic Shield at this time as it was taking a pounding.

“The direction seems to be originating between Unicorn Range & Cloudsdale.” Golden Heart stated from studying where the attacks almost seem to be coming from.

“Well it’s not Cloudsdale, so where is the attacker?” Jack Zen stated that if what is attacking ain’t from the place in the clouds, was it a ground assault.

“It is an invisible area where the enemy hides himself.” Ahrah spoke forth in stating this answer for all to hear this surprising news.

“What do you mean Ahrah?” Dust asked off his sword in how Ahrah even knew that.

“The dark presence I spoke that was near is no doubt belonging to a Dark Mystic, one by the name of General Metric.” Ahrah spoke off in stating that he recall the dark magic presence of an enemy that was attacking them out of sight.

“A Dark Mystic!” Autumn Gem gasped in having heard who the attack was.

“General Metric!” Sombra spoke off the name of the enemy that is performing the attack on them.

“We must approach this with caution, for this opponent is in ways, inhuman, from his cruel & sadistic patterns.” Ahrah spoke wisely with caution, for the enemy is a very unlikeable foe that has a strange habit of performing his work.

“Ohhh, boy; sound like some scary guy we have to face now!” Fidget exclaimed to sigh in regretting to have been told of such things.

“If you are saying the enemy is attacking with something invisible, then perhaps I can detect it.” Omega spoke forth in offering to assist at this time to find the hidden enemy.

“That’s right, I built in a heat seeker program in Omega’s programming to find targets if they thought they give him the slip by turning invisible.” Pinkamena responded off in remembering what she did that Omega can help them find the enemy’s invisible base of operation.

“Then let’s get moving, since the enemy believes we can’t see the target, we won’t know where it is. So we’ll have to approach this in a stealth performance.” Twilight explained the careful plan of how to attack, not drag in attention so they can sneak by, find the invisible enemy base, and put a stop to the attack on their kingdom.

“Like being spies?” Spike stated off in knowing what Twilight was suggesting they do.

“Cool, like secret agents.” Phobos smiled off in liking that plan a lot.

“Oh Phobos.” Nyx shook her head in seeing her pet pal was being silly with such ideas.

“Alright, then let’s go find this Metric & stop his attack. Dust, you coming too?” Ben stated off in seeing what they can do, & runs to the guy here if he wants to help.

“Of course, I won’t stand by and watch innocents be hurt.” Dust responded off that he’ll help out, he won’t like some war seeking general like this Metric bring harm to the innocent.

“Wherever Dust goes, I go! But…I’ll keep my distance when I can.” Fidget proudly declared that she’ll come too, but be keeping a safe distance at best.

“We must hurry, the enemy plans to continue attacking the shield, whatever it is they are achieving to gain must be stop.” Ahrah spoke with caution that the enemy is up to something, and attacking the Mystic Shield must be for something that they are not seeing the whole truth of the attack.

“Alright then, let’s do this.” Dust stated off to say in seeing that it’s time they get going, and stop this action before it spreads.

Soon the band of heroes quickly race off while watching out for any falling orbs of light attacks around the borders outside the shield zone. Their destination, towards whatever sorta stronghold is attacking Ponyville under some invisible tech magic stuff. The scene begins to fad out now, as for what is going to happen soon, will be those about to bring liberation from whoever is trying to bring harm to the Rainbow Kingdom & its citizens.


From a distance within Canterlot, outside the castle, the Royal Sisters: Princess Celestia & Princess Luna, saw what was happening. An invisible enemy was attacking Ponyville, the Mystic Shield was holding, but the attacks were not dropping. If nothing is done, the citizens inside will feel it is unsafe to stay, this trouble the Royal Sister’s minds very much indeed. Celestia & Luna stood on the outside balcony in pondering what was happening before their eyes and how to handle it.

“Sister, what is attacking Ponyville?” Luna asked over in pondering what could be attacking Ponyville at this time.

“I do not know, but it is an enemy we cannot see.” Celestia shook her head in being uncertain of an answer, but knew this was an enemy.

“It would seem the enemy is resorting to warfare now.” Spoke a voice that was coming down from above as both Alicorns moved away to see a magnetic field come down, the sphere disburse to reveal…someone within.

“Magnus!” The Royal Sisters responded in seeing it was none other than Magnus, Master of Magnetism, and keeper to the Element of Magnetism.

“If nothing is done, lives will be lost.” Magnus spoke forth in getting straight to the point of what is currently underway.

“What you say is true. I doubt that Twilight, my son & their friends would standby & watch this happen.” Celestia nods off slowly in seeing that such a scene cannot be ignored, Twilight & company have surely gone off by now.

“But we can barely notify where the enemy is, only from a distance. How can they find them?” Luna stated to say that they cannot locate where the enemy is, how will Twilight’s group even find the enemy unseen.

“Leave them be, as for myself…I shall join them.” Magnus simply stated in letting those going off to tend to such things while he too, shall assist.

“You’re going to partake in the battle, Magnus?” Luna spoke forth in being surprise, this pony is known for having to be one to overcome battles & wars.

“I can sense them, the magnetic waves their technology produces, such things will hold metal as their structure.” Magnus explained forth this statement about how the enemy clearly has things that he too, can sense…and contend to stop them.

“Then we shall leave this in your capability. Just please, help the others.” Celestia asked that Magnus help out, and also help keep their friends & family safe.

“I shall, and I will observe how Twilight wishes to keep her kingdom safe…so that a war will not bring her ruin.” Magnus responded off to say this while he shall do what he can.

“Twilight shall understand.” Celestia nodded her head in having a good belief in Twilight.

“Of that, we are certain.” Luna replied off to say in having good trust as well.

“Then it is time I make preparations…and help make sure what I experience will not be what haunts them.” Magnus responded off to say in knowing what he must do, he won’t let what war did to him, be happened again with those like Twilight & the gang…he won’t let it happen.

“Be safe Magnus. Trend carefully now.” Celestia spoke in wishing Magnus the best of luck in what he’s about to get into.

“May the Mag’ne watch over you,” Luna replied forth in wishing that this pony be safe & be under protection.

“Thank you….and goodbye…” Magnus responded off to the kindness he received from those that understand him and turns to leave.

Then without warning, a magnetic field covered around Magnus, as he soon was flatting off into the sides to head directly for the battle about to commence. The Royal Sisters watch & pray that all things will be well for those they trust; be it with Twilight’s group and with those aiding them against this enemy foe. The scene grows darker now as new events are sure to unfold within due time of a new battle to be commenced…

Author's Notes:

The memory dream scene is a unique reference from 'Dust: An Elysian Tail' that tells the story of how the character came to be, especially the OC made by VISION-KING.

And there we go, another chapter is done. The next chapter, the gang locate the invisible base, which turns out to be a mobile base. And as everyone goes through in overcoming what lies in wait, an enemy named Cobar gets in the way. And this foe can be treated like a Mad Dog, just like the real enemy, Metric. What will happen from here, stay tune to find out...

Chapter 03: The MAD Dog, Cobar

Chapter 03: The MAD Dog, Cobar

The scene opens up towards apart of where Ponyville’s Mystic Shield was still holding against that which was attacking it from afar. Right now, we find that the gang have arrived near the location of what has been causing some trouble. But it was clearly in an invisible coating that none could see it. So when they approach, they couldn’t locate anything or where it was until Omega managed to help out at that moment.

“Enemy structure located.” Omega spoke off in having found the target they were searching for.

“Well with us here, how do we even enter?” Jack Zen asked off the bigger question of entering that which they cannot see that’s invisible?

“There must be a hidden door somewhere, which we can get access to.” Sombra stated in thinking what they need to do here that can help them out.

“Question is, where would they keep it?” Autumn Gem spoke off in trying to figure out how to get inside this invisible place.

“Right, not like we tap a spot & cause something to happen, right?” Phobos shrug off to say this before just tapping his right paw against something.

But then without warning, something ended up moving to reveal a blacken spot of where there was nothing. And once that happened, Phobos fell in, the others came around, only to see what was inside of it…it was part of a door that Phobos push open by chance. And from looking inside, there seem to be a magical line box surrounding the areas in which conceal anything and anyone from seeing what is kept out of sight.

“Or maybe that ended up working after all.” Spike stated off in blank surprise that Phobos had some dumb luck in having helped them out.

“Once we pass through, the structure will be made clear from within.” Ahrah stated off that if they go through, they can see things better of the place that remains invisible on the outside.

That’s when the group enter to go in while shutting the invisible door behind them; & wanted to observe what it was that was being kept so secretly hidden. From looking around, this place was what look like a tall black tower made of metal & had cannons off the sides. More so was that the gang found they were on top of giant trend tracks used by tank types, so that makes this place a mobile base of command center to move unseen & coordinate attacks.

“Holy…..this is supposed to be their base? It’s like being’ in a tower!” Applejack yelps in seeing what it was that they are now standing it, it’s too big to even be compared from what they expected.

“Wow, it’s a mobile base & it’s a pretty tall structure…no wonder we couldn’t see it unless it was invisible.” Pinkie Pie stated off in finding this to be a total surprise, they never saw it coming.

“You’re telling me those Dark Mystics had something this bad up their sleeves?” Rainbow Dash asked off in never having guess that their enemy would pull out something this wicked until now.

“This might be the work of the MechaArms that MechaStahl controls….they work in developing weapons & weaponize vehicles…but never during the last 500 years did they make something like this.” Goldie stated off in figuring out who was likely the culprit in having developed something this outrageous to be used, but it was something not seen the last time the Mystics & Dark Mystics fought in long ago.

“Bet it must have taken at least that long, considering what with the battle against the Mystics & what sorta war base weapons they get out of it.” Pinkamena stated off in figuring that having built something this big took a lot of time, since the enemy needed a base of operation which the Mystics have been taking out in recent past.

“So then, where do we go in order to stop this crazy thing from trying to destroy our home?” Rarity asked off in where they need to go in order to stop whatever madness this might bring.

“Usually we have to go to the top, that’s where all the major bad guys are always station.” Nyx spoke off to say this in a Breaking of the Fourth Wall about what to do, much to everyone’s surprise.

“Well, I guess that’s about a good place as any to go.” Fluttershy responded to say in thinking Nyx’s idea did make a solid proof of sense.

“Be cautious, there will be other enemies to stand in one’s way.” Ahrah spoke with wise caution in what the others must do if they wish to avoid trouble when it finds them.

“Believe me Ahrah, we’ll have to be careful.” Dust stated to say in feeling that they will have to face such problems while being careful along the way.

“Right, careful is just a specialty for ‘some’ of us that aren’t in such a rush to perish.” Fidget pointed out in stating that only the most sensible of the bunch know about being careful if the rest are just wanting to fight.

“Well we best be getting started now.” Ben stated in feeling that they need to get moving here.

“Right, the sooner we stop this madness, the better.” Twilight nods in agreeing what Ben was suggesting here, they must quicken their pace.

“But can we really take down something this huge?” Phobos asked off if just them can bring down this whole place.

“Phobos is right, we’ll have to figure out what keeps it hidden or what’s powering it.” Spike stated to think that whatever keeps a place this big hidden to be stopped so their own forces can counterattack.

“I got it, these places must have a power source, so find like a generator room, & blow it up!” Pinkamena spoke off in feeling that was the perfect plan to be used for such a situation.

“Then we’ll have to search for both the main enemy & take this thing down.” Goldie stated in knowing that they got a pretty tall order to fill.

“Who’s there?” Spoke a voice out as the gang spot some Dark Mystic Troops coming from around the corner.

“Intruders!” The second Dark Mystic Trooper issued off that they have intruders here.

“So much for being stealthy.” Sombra remotely stated in seeing they can’t be as stealthy as before.

“What do we do now?” Autumn Gem asked off in what they do instead here.

“We’ll have to push our way through them!” Jack Zen declared forth in seeing what their only opinion is now.

“I shall assist! Omega Gatling Guns/Bangbangbangbangfruhvmm…” Omega issued forth to say this before he brought out his machine guns to start firing them off.

“Gwaaaughhh!” Many of the Dark Mystic Troops were suddenly getting shot down to be taken down now. It was a quick displaying action to rid the gang of what was gonna be trouble for them.

“Well, so much for being quiet.” Dust slowly responded in seeing their chance to be stealthy is now out the door.

“Quickly everyone, we have to go up before more show up!” Twilight issued off in knowing that the noise will have attracted some attention.

“Right!” The others responded in agreement as they gotta get going here.

With much set in mind, the gang quickly were going forth in heading up into more of the tower while they try to take out more of the enemy forces. The scene begins to fad out around here as what’s gonna be happening will be occurring off screen for a while…


The scene changes to what looks like the top control room of the mobile tower base. And while under the shadowy cover, Metric could be seen in his commander chair while a few of the MechaArms troopers were station around some mechanical controls. They were piloting this tower base while they were continuing to launch attacks at Ponyville while the Mystic Shield was protecting the town from getting attacked.

“General Metric, we’re detecting some unidentified subjects have breach the bottom of the mobile base Dark Gallon.” A Dark Mystic Trooper operating some controls alerted the general in the command chair of what they are picking up.

“So, they have already made their move.” Metric spoke off to say this in knowing the heroes have come to him it seems.

“The situation of our attacks on the Mystic Shield are coming in now.” Another Dark Mystic Trooper reported the state of what they are currently getting from attacking Ponyville while the Mystic Shield is trying to protect it.

“Keep continuing with the attack, resort to using our main cannons if you must.” Metric issued the order to hit the town with their little magic shield with their heavier artillery.

“Sir!” The Dark Mystic Troopers responded in continuing to do their work under their general’s command.

“Now, how will I deal with these pesky fools?” Metric responded off in being curious in what move he shall make against those that have given MechaStahl such trouble.

“Leave the intruders to me.” Then entering the room from a sliding door came a new figure that caught our eyes. It looked like a Unicorn stallion who maybe bald, frail in his appearance & pale looking fur; but it is unseen because he wears a white/grey outfit as some soldier uniform, with black armor paddings. His helmet is more round, with a slight different visor & breathing apparatus than most soldiers wear. A small tube goes from the back of his helmet to the armor on his back, something that could also be noted with the apparent tubes running from the back of his head, or the back of the helmet. He’s seen carrying a weapon on his side, a StA18 Pistol, clearly something magically made by Dark Mystic member MechaStahl. But while the description was done, he saluted in being present which Metric noted.

“I see, very well then Cobar….I leave this for you to finish.” Metric responded off without looking in recognizing who was here, as he gave the order to the one named Cobar.

“Believe me sir, I shall bring their beaten bodies for you personally to enjoy.” Cobar responded forth in what he’ll be doing for the general.

“Excellent. Give them this message to them if you see they foolishly trying to oppose us.” Metric responded forth in making a mention statement here in what he wants done with a message delivered.

“I await your message.” Cobar responded off in awaiting to receive his orders from Metric.

Now Cobar was seen leaving the area out the sliding door after being given both his task & a message to give. Metric stood within his commander chair while the other soldiers stare off puzzled.

“Should we send in more troops to help, sir?” A Dark Mystic Trooper asked if they should give some support to Cobar.

“No need, if those heroes I’ve heard about even get lucky to pass by Cobar, then I will personally deal with them.” Metric explained forth the contents of what he was doing & if the intruding heroes make it pass, he’ll handle things. “Of course, that term is ‘lucky’, which from what we also have in this base, shall be their downfall.” He issued off to say this in knowing that with Cobar going off and of what else lies in wait, the heroes may not survive.

The scene begins to darken here in what little scheme is being cooked up. It seems that Metric will unleash a foe on the heroes in which to see if they survive or not, what outcome comes is to be decided.


Within the Dark Gallon’s lower structure, we find the Mane Six & Goldie’s double team plowing through some of the Dark Troopers station around some areas. With the right team work & some surprise attacks, curtsy from Pinkie Pie & Pinkamena, the gang were making good progress. There were times in where it look like some of the enemy soldiers almost got the heroes, but…Pinkamena used her Blades of Pinkie Pie to whack them off, Goldie’s Golden Flames burn most of the enemies footing down, and Ben used his Megaton Hammer to unleash a shockwave that knock many foes down a hole. The heroes reach a part of the tower structure area in where they felt like they climbed a lot, but didn’t know how far they went up.

“So where are we now?” Rainbow Dash asked off in where they even are in this place.

“Silly, we’re near the below compartment of where they have their storage area.” Pinkie Pie smiled off to simply state of where they are.

“An’ ye know this how Pinkie?” Applejack raised an eyebrow in having heard her friend say such a thing.

“I read this sign posted here.” Pinkie Pie pointed to a sign board that read ‘Dark Gallon below Sector: Storage Supplies’ on it lit up in neon light. Most of the others had awkward faces in seeing the random pony struck again.

“Um, excuse me…” Fluttershy shyly was speaking to get attention, but was cut off.

“So how many more are left?” Autumn Gem asked off in how many more soldiers are there left to face.

“If I could…” Fluttershy was trying to speak up again, but was cut off from her quiet tone.

“Probably a lot more the size of this tower.” Sombra shrug off his shoulders in thinking this place must have more in stock.

“But you need to hear…” Fluttershy was trying to get everyone’s attention, but her quiet whispers weren’t getting through.

“Well we can’t let this stop us now.” Goldie stated to say in knowing they aren’t backing down yet.

“Right, so let’s be cool, and…” Pinkamena was about to finish her sentence until she was cut off…

“Freeze!” Then without warning, more Dark Mystic Troopers held their weapons in preparing to attack the gang from having entered the area to catch them. Fluttershy was trying to warn the group about this, but it appeared too late.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I tried to warn you, but…you all were busy.” Fluttershy meekly spoke in feeling that she should have acted faster, but everyone seem too busy to be bothered.

“In a situation of being surrounded Fluttershy, I think we make an acceptation.” Ben stated off that this was something to be qualified as an emergency.

“Let us take care of this. Fidget?” Dust issued off to the rest that he’ll handle this, and look to Fidget for a minute.

“Right Dust, one combo Dust Storm coming up!” Fidget responded off in being serious in knowing what this calls for.

Then without warning, Dust was spinning his Sword of Ahrah to create a vacuum that was damaging enemies that were being sucked in. But at the same time, Fidget perform something as she unleash projectiles of flame to unleash powerful attacks upon all enemies. When it was over, there was nobody left standing and the gang were amazed, Dust & Fidget took out those soldiers easily, the guy didn’t even activity his element ability; must not have been worth the use perhaps.

“Wow, you could do something like that?” Spike asked off in being surprised in that combo Dust & Fidget performed.

“And here I thought Nimbats weren’t useful.” Phobos rub the back of his head in being surprised by such an action.

“Hugh! There is more to me than meets the eye!” Fidget proclaimed forth in feeling like she’ll get some better respect from now on.

“Seeing that this place is so big, but run by only with machines, that must require fewer soldiers.” Twilight stated from seeing that there probably isn’t much of soldiers working with the machines doing most of the task.

“Well, at this rate, we might be able to stop whoever is in charge around here.” Jack Zen replied off cocky in thinking that they can do this after all, no sweat.

“Save your breath, Equestrians.” Spoke a cold, dark voice with a modify voice speaker that sounded concealing.

That’s when something came into the picture from above a rail that was far away from the group and on a solid floor of this level of the tower base. The one seen was looking like a scary enemy, it was the one known as Cobar, but they won’t know that until he is introduce.

“Who’s that guy?” Nyx asked off in not knowing who was before them.

“Caution my friends, the enemy before you is known as Cobar.” Ahrah spoke wisely over what it is they are seeing here.

“Colonel Cobar, High Commander of the MechaArms Guard.” Cobar self-introduce himself as being who he is to those that don’t know him. “I have a message from General Metric. He’ll make a deal with your kind.” He spoke off in giving this very brief message to those that have intruded in their base. “Rulers of the Rainbow Kingdom, surrender now & go no further. And we won’t kill any hostages we take from your home.” He was giving this message as an act of wanting those to surrender or else.

“What! You’re threatening us to surrender? Not a chance!” Pinkamena shouted off in protesting against such a matter.

“She’s right, we’re here to stop you guys, not give in to your demands!” Ben responded off in also agreeing of what they are here to do.

“The choice is yours, give up your futile chance to win against us. This is your one & final warning.” Cobar responded to say this in a cold tone of not caring what the group does, it’ll be their fate to decide.

“You expect us to surrender to the likes of you who can take away lives so easily?” Dust snapped off in refusing to give up to foes like these guys that don’t share a shred of respect of innocent lives.

Then something was seen stomping across as some giant walking on legs dog-like tank. It looked pretty strong, with a thick armor hide & had weapons in which it look automatic to respond to attack any NONE Dark Mystic targets. The gang had to put up their defense in seeing the enemy had something like this inside the mobile tower.

“Go ahead, give me an excuse to kill you all right here.” Cobar responded off to say in having a means to just quickly kill those here without a second thought. “The General doesn’t like making matters. I’m not so fussy.” Cobar issued off that he & Metric share different views in how they work. “But for now, I have to attend some matters.” As he spoke this, he begins to climb aboard his mechanical mecha-vehicle in preparing to mount-off. “Next time you all die. See you at the mid-quarter of our mobile base, Equestrians.” As Cobar spoke this off, he soon got inside the strange machine which started to leave the scene by going into a large elevator hanger that took it up to the higher points of this enemy tower base.

“You can count of it, buster…” Ben silently issued off that they won’t back down, they’ll fight this Cobar to reach their true target.

“Ahrah, what can you tell us about this Cobar character?” Dust asked his talking sword who seem to knew a bit about Cobar.

“Only that he has slowly risen in rank, but that doesn’t mean he’s change from what he used to be.” Ahrah responded off to mention this of what he knows about such a Dark Mystic. “A vicious & terrifying Dark Mystic, many describe him as sadistic, cruel & ruthless sociopath. His loyalty to the Dark Mystics cause was only matched by his loyalty to General Metric & his love of destruction & death.” He explained much about Cobar of who and what he is, & that he is not someone to be thought any less than what they get.

“Great, anything else we should know about mister CRAZY-pants?” Fidget remarked off in thinking they can’t get any more bad stuff to know about a dangerous enemy.

“Only that he is an extremely skilled soldier who inspires fear not only in his enemies, but more so in his own troops, who refer to him as the ‘White Death’. His radical characteristics surprise even the most ruthless Dark Mystic, even the most experienced troops quiver when he comes around.” Ahrah concluded his explanation in what there was to know about Cobar by how he operates from working with & opposing against.

“Oh boy; me and my big mouth had to go and learn something scary about this guy. And he’s not even the REAL threat we have to deal with.” Fidget gasped her paws over her mouth in feeling spooked out by what they learn about Cobar.

“That machine of his, it looks like one of the Machines of War.” Rainbow Dash stated to say in what they saw go down in what Cobar climbed into.

“Only a bit different. Must be made from them Dark Mystic fellas.” Applejack pointed out that whatever Cobar rode, was made by Dark Mystic know-how.

“So then if we proceed, he’ll attack us with such a thing.” Rarity stated in feeling worried about facing such a dangerous machine.

“Oh my, will we be okay if we come across him?” Fluttershy yelps in wondering with worry if they will be okay.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, we’ll cross that bridge when it comes!” Pinkie Pie smile doff to say this in trying to be positive of their situation.

“She’s surprisingly easy going.” Spike stated off in seeing how well Pinkie Pie’s taking this.

“That’s her thinking alright.” Phobos shrug off to say in seeing how the pink pony deals with such things.

“Let’s keep going, if we come across him, then that’s fine. We won’t let them terrorize our home.” Ben issued off to say this in what they can do to help stop the madness & stop Cobar from doing anything else to their hometown.

“Well spoken, Ben, we’ll help out.” Goldie nodded off in agreement of what was spoken here.

“Then let’s not waste another moment.” Twilight stated to say in seeing what they need to be doing right now.

With this in their minds, the gang continue to push themselves ever more forward in going further up the mobile tower base. The scene grows dark here while the gang are gonna push themselves to keep going upwards until they can stop what’s going to their dear town.


Now the scene opens towards MechaStahl’s hidden facility cavern from where he was still station. He was watching from his view monitor of the progress happening to the Rainbow Kingdom with the Mystic Shield defending against attacks from an invisible force. He smiled in sitting in his chair to admire this sheer display of his weaponize vehicle of destruction. Tech was also there in seeing how things were working out for their side it seems.

“General Metric’s Dark Gallon is working as I expected.” MechaStahl responded off in being admired of his planning to be observing the marvel of what shall be the end of some meddlesome heroes.

“Wow uncle, you managed to build that? How many more are there?” Tech replied off in liking what he sees, if they have many more of those Dark Gallon things.

“Not many, and this is the first one where even those Mystics can’t detect it.” MechaStahl remarked off to say this with both annoyance, but pride that while the Mystics may have stop such construction, they did finish one of these.

“Oh right, cause they been stopping your task of building stuff, I totally get it.” Tech replied off in recalling how things have been rough to get inventions out on the field, but are destroyed before testing.

“For now, all we will do is watch to see how long the Mystic Shield can withstand against my mighty tower base.” MechaStahl stated in seeing what they’ll do and see how well things turn out from their end.

“Sir, we detected something approaching us.” A Dark Trooper reported the matter in entering the office to state there was a problem.

“What is it now? This better be important!” MechaStahl stated off in feeling like he is being interrupted with nonsense.

“Its reading shows to be a Dragon.” The Dark Trooper reported what it was that they are detecting that was coming at them.

“Then take care of it, I don’t have time to waste with some mere Dragons.” MechaStahl stated off in not caring what it was, as long as it’s taken care of.

“Sir, this isn’t your usual Dragon, it’s ah…” The Dark Trooper was about to state off what it was that this foe isn’t what they think it is.

Then some shaking was happening as something was seen on the magic monitor…there was a large creature attacking, smashing, breathing fire in destroying everything MechaStahl built. And it was soon identified as Azure, the Kirin Dragon, as he was going wild in wrecking everything in sight while many Dark Mystics were running away.

“A Kirin Dragon…” MechaStahl gasped off in seeing what was attacking them, a very dangerous type of foe it seems.

“What! What’s it doing here?” Tech gasped off in seeing what was coming at them, not good; not good at all.

“No…No…NOOOO! It’s destroying all of my inventions!” MechaStahl responded off in seeing what was happening to all of his weapons & weaponize vehicles that were lying in wait for the Dragon to destroy.

“Groouuuuaaagghhh!” Azure the Kirin roared off in having wreck much of the area and was moving on to continue attacking without any delay.

“Uncle MechaStahl….normally, you don’t like me because of my own weak cowardice, but….” Tech spoke up on thinking that maybe this was the time cowards comes in handy. “I think we better run.” He stated in what they best be doing here, leave before they are Kirin chow.

“No! All units, attack that Dragon…Destroy it!” MechaStahl shouted off in protesting to the idea, he won’t let a Kirin ruin him as gave the order.

“Yes sir!” The Dark Mystic Troopers responded off in having heard the order.

“We’ll see who has the last laugh, be it you…or me. I won’t let mere Equestrians keep making fools of us!” MechaStahl spoke off in not about to let himself be beaten so easily here.

“Roouuarrughhhh!” Azure let off a mighty dragon roar that shook the place before getting himself ready with an army coming at him.

Everything goes dark here with an unseen battle about to occur, but from who stands taller, it won’t be hard to tell who ends up winning in the end…


Meanwhile after some passing of time, within the Dark Gallon, we find out how the heroes that infiltrated the mobile tower base are doing. They were getting through with anymore of the security, but there wasn’t anything this band of heroes couldn’t do if they used their smarts & plan things out. And at this moment, they reach what would be the weapon’s depository as there were many weaponize-vehicles all station. But before anyone could move, a large metal door was opening up that something appeared to be moving from there from four lights. And soon it stomps out to make itself-presented as it was the walking dog-tank that Cobar was seen going off in, as it appeared to those below.

“We have one of your friends, Equestrians.” Cobar’s voce was heard off inside the mechanical tank in stating something that was heard.

“One of our friends?” Sombra responded off in having heard that.

“What does he mean, which one?” Autumn Gem asked off in not sure who Cobar was referring to.

“A little BAT came too close in detecting us & so we caught her.” Cobar’s voce was heard in having stated this off about who it was that they caught.

“Her? He couldn’t mean…Flutterbat!” Pinkamena stated off in realizing who Cobar was referring to, when and how did Flutterbat decided to get involved.

“But you all, I won’t take alive!” Cobar issued off coldly & cruel that they don’t need the rest, so he’ll just finish them off. “Prepare to die from MechaStahl’s KIT-AN1, design to transfer my magic to improve all of its defense & offense. Your chances are…” But then without warning, Pinkamena swung her Blades of the Pinkie Pie that whacked against the shell of the dog-like tank to end up stopping Cobar’s remark to bikeway a bit.

“YOU EVIL FRIEND-NAPPING BLACKHEART!” Pinkamena yelled out in sounding furious in having heard that Flutterbat is held hostage, this guy won’t be getting off easy with her.

“Commencing with full Barrage Assault!” Omega stated in getting himself ready to attack with any of his arsenal weaponry.

Now Omega jet himself upwards to begin firing while Cobar was firing back…until the ally’s heavy fire-power mechanical pony fired his Omega Cannon. That attack caused the giant walking tank object to yelp before it fell onto the ground.

“Quickly, find some cover!” Goldie yelled out an order in what they needed to do right now.

“Why, they took it down?” Phobos asked off in thinking they won already.

“You think taking down some major baddy be THAT easy?” Jack Zen pointed out that if Cobar was dangerous, one blow seems hardly enough to take down that giant metal contraption.

“Fair point.” Spike nodded off in seeing that there was truth to that subject.

Soon the gang quickly scatter to get behind some tall metal crate objects. And good thing too, cause Cobar was seen getting his walking tank thing to stand up again. It fired off a rocket launcher that surprisingly impacted on Omega that caused him to get knocked backwards & hit the ground hard. Now it was just the gang here that was gonna fight off against this tank foe, which the enemy fires off grenades from the top of the tank to aim & imploded around the surroundings.

“What kinda fire-power is that from something so small?” Rarity asked off shock in having seen what they are seeing here.

“He’s infusing his magic in the weapons to make them extra deadly! So if we get hit, then it’ll be an instant KO’d for us.” Adult Nyx spoke off in having guess what the enemy was doing while Breaking the Fourth Wall here.

“I state you’re as random as Pinkie Pie, but we’ll believe you Nyx.” Rainbow Dash replied off to say this off in how Nyx explained that logic to them.

“Then we gotta take out his weapons, right?” Applejack stated in knowing what they gotta do next here.

“Easier said than done, it’s gunning us down!” Phobos remarked off in seeing the enemy has them pin.

“You cannot defeat me!” Cobar issued off that the gang can’t defeat him as he continued to fire off his attacks here without backing down.

“I’ll distract him while you try to attack him.” Dust stated this to the gang in what he’ll do, divert the enemy’s attention.

“Um, Dust, quick question. How you gonna get through with trigger-happy aiming to shot first?” Fidget asked off in knowing the moment Dust goes out, Cobar will blast him.

“You forget what my element is, so here goes.” Dust responded off with a little smile for assurance that he’ll be fine.

Then Dust literally had his body turn to dust to start flying off across Cobar’s view as he was using his Gatling gun to shot off the target.

“I’ll tear you to pieces.” Cobar issued off what he’ll do when he hits his target here.

“Can’t hit what is too small to be hit by.” Dust’s voce spoke off to taunt the enemy about being unable to hurt what isn’t solid.

“Keep it up Dust, you got him distracted!” Fidget cheered off in seeing that her pal is doing great.

“Everyone, keep hammering it on!” Ben issued forth that they gotta keep hitting this thing to take it down.

Now Cobar had his walking tank fire off some rocket launchers to hit any of the heroes that were either expose or hiding behind some large crates for cover. Everyone was trying to attack from different angles & points for attacks. Cobar made his machine get up with a glow of magic powering it, as it was firing another Gatling gun round. It was even using its legs to turn itself to target anyone that was trying to hide.

“Let’s see if you can dodge THIS!” Cobar remarked off in wanting to see if the heroes can dodge this next attack, which was more rocket launchers firing missiles at the targets.

“Incoming projectiles!” Phobos yelled out in seeing what’s coming at them.

“Take cover!” Spike yelled out in what they gotta do here.

Everyone took some cover to not be hit by those powerful dark magic explosive missiles, but their cover spots managed to burden the impacts. Pretty much, many of the little cover spots that the gang used, but from all the poundings from Cobar, they were getting beat down pretty badly to the point they wouldn’t keep the gang safe for long.

“At this rate, we won’t have anything to provide us with cover.” Autumn Gem stated with worry in seeing their cover won’t last for more than a few more rounds.

“We need to damage those weapons of his, if we can only get one.” Sombra stated off that if they take out one of Cobar’s weapons from his tank, they stand a better cache.

Everyone was trying to fire back whatever attacks that were mostly range type techniques. Much landed on the walking tank, but Cobar wasn’t shown going down yet. And while some were dodging against more popping grenade barrages, the Gatling gun was brought up to blast more around the gang, but used any shield or barrier spells to protect them.

“You won’t be able to defeat me, you Equestrian dogs!” Cobar remarked off to snap this statement, that he won’t lose to those being like attack dogs.

“Rude much, isn’t he?” Rarity stated in having been called a ‘dog’ by the enemy.

“Oh my, I feel sorry for the poor doggies.” Fluttershy stated in feeling sorry for the poor animals that were used in battles.

“Focus you guys. We have to take out his weaponize-vehicle.” Goldie stated to remind the group of what they are trying to do.

“Slashvhmm…Kaboom!” Then suddenly, Dust reassembled himself from his dust form to slash Ahrah against the Gatling gun, destroying it in the process when the enemy wasn’t noticing.

“No! It Can’t Be!” Cobar shouted off in great shock to see his Gatling machine gun was terminated & rendered useless.

“But it is, now you can’t just shoot as much as you like.” Dust remarked off to say in appearing beside the others in having taken one part of their foe’s weapons.

“Good job Dust!” Twilight yelled out to comment what their ally did.

Then without warning, from the sides of Cobar’s machine, popped out mechanical spider bots that were approaching to attack the gang.

“Evil spiders, that’s a new thing. But still, better be careful.” Pinkamena stated in having seen this while thinking they best be careful.

“What can these things even do?” Phobos asked off in not being scared by such things.

The group managed to land blows that stop the metal spider’s function…however, they started to glow weirdly. And then many had reactions to duck away before without warning…they exploded.

“WATCH OUT! They Explode!” Goldie warn the gang that those mechanical spiders are rig to blow when they reach them and there are more coming.

“NOW YOU TELL US!” Phobos yelled off in seeing that the enemy had such things.

“We gotta not get near them!” Spike shouted that they can’t get close or those spiders will blow up.

Then as the gang were taking care of the metal spiders, Cobar’s walking tank was firing off more grenades from its top hatch. Cobar wasn’t even caring if he destroyed and set off the spider bombs to create bigger explosions, the only ones that suffer be the gang from Ponyville. This enemy was insane, but they had to get behind cover…but some yelped from the spots already taking too much a beating to break down to expose some of them.

“You can run, but you can’t hide.” Cobar remarked off to state that no matter where the group runs, hiding is useless when he destroys all the cover spots.

“Waaaahhh! He’s right, at this rate, we’ll shot or blown apart!” Fidget yelps in seeing they are losing more cover to hide behind.

“I won’t let that happen, everyone, I’ll provide more cover!” Dust stated to say while turning to dust to provide more blind effort to the enemy’s vision.

“Rainbow, aim for his Rocket Launchers!” Twilight called to her friend in what she can do to help.

“You got it!” Rainbow Dash responded to fly up & use her Magical Nun-Chuck Guns to fire away with everything she had until finally she destroyed one. “Yes!” She cheered in having scored a big one there.

“You will pay for that!” Cobar snarled off to say in about to give vengeance in having lost his right rocket launcher to the heroes.

“Question, cash or credit?” Pinkie Pie asked off an odd and random question.

“I doubt he meant money, Pinkie.” Applejack shook her head from having heard such a statement.

“Watch out!” Rarity yelled out from seeing Cobar preparing his remaining rocket launched now.

“Eep!” Fluttershy yelps from more rockets being fired off at them.

Cobar was about to move his tank’s legs, but Dust managed to slip through as his dust form to use Ahrah, a sword that’s much stronger than normal swords, to cause the machine to fall on the ground to keep it pin from much movement. But Cobar wasn’t giving his enemy any chance to win, he was pulling more stunts. The gang had to be active again, as more machines spider bombs came out from the backside of the walking tank to come near the heroes. But while they got rid of some of the metal spiders, from the sides of the walking tank, Cobar pop open compartments to let out more bomb rig spiders.

“DIE! You Equestrian Dogs!” Cobar snapped off in wanting to kill these Equestrians as he was unleashing another grenade assault from the top of the tank, destroying anything around.

“I’m really not starting to like this guy much.” Jack Zen spoke off from hiding behind the only covers left.

“You and me both.” Sombra nodded off to agree on such terms.

“I never liked him from the beginning.” Autumn Gem stated that from how Cobar acts, he’s very much unfriendly to be with.

Soon it was getting kinda hard to fight & dodge the mad-bombing attacks by the target. Dust seem to be the only one evading such assaulting measures while trying to slash at the other rocket launcher. But the walking tank moved in trying to become active in having to unleash more of its arsenal.

“Die! You Equestrian Scum!” Cobar cursed off in wanting to kill this bunch right here before him.

“Goldie, when this is over…remind me to SLAP that guy into NEXT WEEK!” Pinkamena stated to say in what she’ll do to this foe.

“Because he called us scum?” Goldie asked off in what reason Pinkamena go so far.

“That, and for harming Omega!” Pinkamena pointed out her two reasons to slap the guy.

“Note to self, be careful in not getting you mad.” Goldie self-replied to himself in what he’ll remember not to do in the future.

“Hey mister Crowbar! SURPRISE/Powfruvhmm…Bamfruvhmm…” Then Pinkie Pie pops out into the open, then fires her party cannon right at the other rocket launcher….which took enough damage to be destroyed.

“What the…(beep) You!” Cobar yelped from noticing that he has lost his second rocket launcher, thanks to the heroes.

“Ah-ah-aaaahhh…we mustn’t swear! This here’s a family-friendly series!” Pinkie Pie broke the fourth wall to lecture & cod the enemy for using such harsh words.

“Somehow Aunt Pinkie Pie, he might not really care.” Adult Nyx pointed out that the enemy might not care for such things.

Now Cobar’s resorting to unleashing more rigged spider bombs to go off and deal with his enemies. Course as the group had already experienced, they just need to cut the enemies down from afar and getaway before the bombs explode.

“Well now, looks like mister TOUGH Guy is out of firing guns & rockets at us.” Fidget smiled off in feeling cocky in how far the enemy is losing one advantage by the next.

“I be careful Fidget, we’re not safe yet. He still has that hatch with the grenades.” Dust spoke to remind his friend of the last weapon Cobar can use to get them all.

“Waaaahhh! Why didn’t you say so, hurry up and take it out!” Fidget yelps with worry in having been told of such a scary thought.

“Anyone with range attacks, aim for the hatch where these things are coming out to lower their numbers while those on ground take out the spiders.” Twilight issued the order of what they need to do in order to provide them with their best chances.

The gang are focusing on taking out the hatch that’s letting out more of these mechanical spider bombs out. It was definitely a little more easier but Cobar was pouring much magic to strengthen his machine to withstand things. And the gang had to yelp for cover when the grenade hatch was being launched from the top hatch to explode around the gang. But while the enemy was so busy on destroying his targets, Dust managed to slip through as his dust form & land two major blows on the two spider hatches.

“GWAAAHHHHOOO….” Cobar was yelling out ‘no’ when his final hatch for deploying his spider bombs was destroyed.

“His defenses are down, aim for the last thing to be taken care of.” Dust yelled out in seeing that there was only one thing left to be taken care of.

“Alright, let’s hit it with our fullest of strength, you guys!” Ben stated to say in knowing what they gotta do here.

“Um…Right, I’ll try!” Fluttershy meekly but with some courage in her words responded to.

Everyone was gearing up to attack the last thing to put a stop to their foe, but some remaining metal spiders were coming out to greet those in trying to aim careful on the last weapon Cobar could use. But Dust was using some fast move motions to strike a lot of the metal spiders; that gave the gang a chance to launch all their attacks on the last spot on Cobar’s weaponize-vehicle. And they had to move fast, cause the grenades were tossing around to explode with the sounds of a roaring beast unleashing it’s fury.

“NOW! Sword Beam!” Ben yelled off to say while having charged up his Master Sword.

And soon everyone fired off their best charged attacks that was either destroying the thrown grenades or made it through to impact against the top hatch. But in the end, an explosion was seen at the top of the hatch, which caused the walking tank to yelp in response.

“Noooo….This Can’t Be!” Cobar protest out in having had his last weapon of defense taken out by this bunch of Equestrians. “You’ll pay for that!” Cobar remarked off to say that the heroes will pay for what they have done.

“No….you will pay!” Omega responded in having walk up from recovering from the heavy damage to begin his last attack in pounding Cobar’s machine.

“GROOURRGHH….” Cobar’s machine let off a final monstrous growl with its magic barrier on high, but many of the heroes were attacking to bring it down before….it drop dead.

As the scene shows off, Cobar’s little powerful walking tank…has been stopped & busted down for the scrap heat. The gang finished off any of the remaining rig spider bombs that were roaming around freely, but this fight was over. The enemy’s weaponize-vehicle was already burning, there was no way it’s gonna move, they broken much of any moveable parts.

“Bwuuagh…This…isn’t over…” Cobar gasped out to get out of his tank, as he seem beaten & weaken to struggle to push himself up.

“Enemy unit’s magic has been dropped to sever low levels.” Omega stated from having determine that Cobar’s magic level has dropped to a mere 0.1 percent.

“Then he must have used up all of his Dark Mystic Magic to power that thing, only to backfire in the end.” Jack Zen stated in seeing that if someone powers up a machine to keep attacking, then from so much beatings, it’ll wear the operator out.

“Give it up Cobar. Where is the hostage?” Pinkamena snapped off in wanting this guy to spill the beans here.

“Gweuughn..huugh. Metric knows your plans.” Cobar finally got on the ground, but was limping a bit & panting from exhaustion while stating these little facts. “Your little defense won’t be around for much longer…” He struggled to state out some last minute remarks towards the heroes that stood ready for another fight.

“This guy’s not quitting.” Rainbow Dash stated in seeing this guy isn’t giving up.

“Don’t make us hurt ye more than ye are, mister!” Applejack threaten Cobar to not have them beat up a guy that can hardly move much at all.

“We have…greater fighters on our side. You….can’t win!” Cobar remarked off in stating the heroes cannot win against the Dark Mystics with their stronger warriors. “Death to…” Then the guy pulled out his pistol & pointed it at Twilight’s direction which shock everyone, he was gonna shoot her…

Until something happened, metal sounds were heard from Cobar’s machine as it look like it was starting to stand up on its own. But something was off, a weird noise was heard in the distance as if…moving the thing on its own.

“Wha…how can that thing be moving if it’s busted?” Ben questioned in seeing this happen without warning.

“The auto-pilot should be scraped if Cobar set it, so then how…?” Twilight stated this out while also not understanding what was going on here.

“No….wait…Stop…” Cobar held up his hooves in seeing his own weaponize-vehicle come too close to him, as he couldn’t run away fast enough until…

“RUUVHMM…Clompowwfruvhmm…” Then in a cruel event, Cobar’s own machine couldn’t stand as it toppled down & crushed the guy. The others saw Cobar’s body as there was also something…red, leaking out, the older ones moved the younger members eyes to not see this.

“I guess in the end, the only way to handle a mad dog…was for it to end.” Golden Heart slowly surmised in seeing how Cobar meant his end while still being delusion of reality of not admitting a lost.

“My word, in a way…it seem like a gruesome demise!” Rarity gasped lightly in seeing this end to a vile foe.

“I kinda feel sad for him, you know.” Fluttershy meekly spoke in seeing such a foe perish in a way.

“Your kind hearts are rare to be bless even among the death of enemies, but you all must remember….to save lives, you need to stop the evil actions of your foes.” Ahrah spoke his wise words to tell the group that even from their kind hearts, they must be tough as steel to stop those that cannot stop spreading their cruel & evil actions that are unforgivable.

“Ahrah’s right, right now…the only one left is Metric.” Dust nodded off in seeing that with the enemy here beaten, they have one foe left to find.

“Looks like this elevator can lead us straight up to almost be near the guy & also where he may have Flutterbat kept.” Pinkie Pie pointed to find a nearby elevator to help take them up more, what are the chances.

“Then let’s get going. We’re already halfway through now.” Ben stated to say in what they gotta do here.

“Right, I almost lost friends from guys like Cobar, if Metric is even worse, then we have to stop him here & now.” Twilight nodded off in seeing that to lose her friends to evil fiends like Cobar & Metric, then they have to be stopped.

“We’ll back you up mother.” Adult Nyx stated that they’ll help out anyway they can.

“Alright then troops! Let’s go…up!” Fidget issued forth to say in what they should be doing now.

The gang quickly were boarding the elevator that was soon taking them up more of Dark Gallon. But as they left the spoke, no one say that someone was approaching from behind the shadows in a magnetic electronic sphere…It was Magnus as it seem that he had something to do with having eliminated Cobar on the scene with his own metal weapon. Magnus soon was hovering upwards by his own power, but his voice was heard even while leaving the scene too.

“That was a small aid from my part, the next one…will be for the final enemy.” Magnus’s voice was heard in what will happen to the enemy general leading this operation of war.

That’s when everything begins to fad out around now, as many things begin not question. How will the gang face off against Metric, what will be the outcome, & will the Mane Six & their allies save the day? We best stay tune to find out when that time arrives…

Author's Notes:

Another chapter down. Next chapter, the gang manage to find just who this Metric character is. find the captive hostage, before finally having a showdown against the cruel General Metric. How will the heroes fight him, how will they stop his evil attack on Ponyville, & what change in the flow of battle will be brought when Magnus comes into the frame? Stay tune to find out...

Chapter 04: Battle against Metric!

Chapter 04: Battle against Metric!

The scene slowly changes towards a new area where it was more moveable of different rooms station around. There appeared to be vault doors leading to what look like classified rooms, but the heroes that arrive from an elevator ride were just wondering where they are & where to go next…

“We finally have reach this spot.” Spike sighs to say in seeing where they have managed to reach here.

“Yah, but where are we?” Phobos asked off in not knowing where they are currently at.

“Didn’t you hear what I said before, this is where Flutterbat is being kept.” Pinkie Pie spoke off to remind the gang of what she read before.

“Yah, we know that much Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in commenting how they know that much already.

“But where, she could be anywhere?” Fluttershy asked off in not knowing where the enemy has kept their captured friend.

“Wait, ssh, something’s coming.” Pinkamena hushed the group in hearing something; steps like someone’s coming.

“Take caution friends, I too sense the main foe moving about.” Ahrah spoke wisely to alert those here to be on the guard, the real threat of who they are after…is near.

Everyone then quickly his themselves to be out of sight now. Soon something was seen, there were some Dark Troopers moving with a strange character being like the head-honcho around here. He looked like Earth stallion, with black color fur, white color mane & tail in a short buzz military style, and gray emerald eyes. He appears like someone in his 40s, appears strong, athletic build & somewhat sharp facial features. But he had a very sadistic grin on his face, even to creep a fella out in thinking he is also very snobby & has a charismatic voice. He is seen wearing a very decorative, cuirass, a fine silver armor plate on his left shoulder, & dark-red cape. He looks to usually possess a pistol & knife, but if that was all he was packing, no one knows. From the appearance & high rank look of the foe, it didn’t take a genius to put two and two together here.

“Is that Metric?” Adult Nyx asked off quietly in who they are seeing.

“I think so.” Twilight whispered back to Nyx in thinking that pony was the foe they have to stop; Metric.

“Can you guys feel that?” Ben asked the group in having felt what Metric’s magic aura level was like.

“Right, it’s completely different from Cobar’s level.” Dust nods off in having to know what sorta presence this enemy was giving off.

“Where are they going?” Rarity asked in not knowing where the enemy was going towards.

“Fellas, over yonder!” Applejack spoke off in noticing where the enemy was currently going towards.

Then from a big metal mechanical door vault, it was slowly opening up to reveal what was inside…A strap bed that seem to be holding in a prisoner, & by the looks of it, it was none other than the certain Vampire Pony hostage herself…Flutterbat.

“Flutterbat!” The Mane Six & Goldie’s group silently responded, that is where their Vampire Pony friend is kept.

“Your comrades are preparing to attack, Vampire. It seems those of Royalty put little value on the lives of their allies.” Metric remarked off in stating this off to the hostage about what they know is going on.

“Even so, when push comes to shoved, my friends won’t be pushed around for long.” Flutterbat responded off to her offense against her oppressor.

“How frank. Your friends may just prepare to sacrifice all of Equestria in stopping us, once you tell us how to disable the shield.” Metric coldly explained how things were going to go down in his version of this event. “War brings out the worst in all of us. But together we could end all this suffering…” He stated off to mention this as what the results will be.

“I’ve already told you things I know and things I don’t know, and the Mystic Shield location…I…Don’t…Know…It!” Flutterbat responded off in stating that she doesn’t know anything beyond that stuff.

“Then you will continue to be tortured…until your undead spirit…is more dead than your flesh. Continue the treatment.” Metric spoke off in giving the order to continue to torture this hostage until she talks.

“Yes sir.” Dark Mystic Trooper saluted in having been given the order.

“Aaaaughhhh!” Flutterbat was getting an electric torment while Metric was seen leaving to enter a nearby elevator to go up within Dark Gallon.

When the enemy was out of sight, the heroes watch the torture continue on. But then Pinkamena approach two of the torturers, tap their shoulders, and then delivered a smash of her hooves to their faces. The other torturers turn to notice, only for the rest of the heroes to have come in & knock them out. So now the good news was stopping this inhuman action, the second was freeing a captive friend & checking to see if Flutterbat was okay.

“Hey, Flutterbat, you okay? It’s us, Pinkamena and the gang.” Pinkamena spoke off in approaching to help free the captive Vampire Pony.

“Uuhhh…” Flutterbat moans a bit in feeling woozy from everything she has been through.

“Don’t worry, we’re here to get you out.” Goldie responded that they are here to get this friend of theirs out; as Sombra & Autumn Gem help lift Flutterbat off the strap chair.

“Can you walk?” Autumn Gem asked if their friend can at least walk on her own.

“I think so…” Flutterbat responded in stating that she believes she can perform that much on her own.

“We have to hurry.” Sombra issued that they need to get going, staying here any longer is just inviting trouble to come.

“Flutterbat, do you know where the generator for this place is? If we destroy it, it might undo its invisibility & stop its attack?” Jack Zen asked off if the Vampire Pony knows where the source of this base’s power is located.

“I think I heard….those Dark Troopers say it was at the very top of Dark Gallon.” Flutterbat responded off to say in getting herself together to explain what she knows from before.

“Okay, then we’ll have to get there & put a stop to this mobile tower.” Fidget spoke off in seeing what they gotta do here, get up to the top of this tower.

“Sombra, Autumn Gem, Jack Zen, you guys escape with Flutterbat, me, Goldie & Omega will tag along to help out.” Pinkamena turn to her group in wanting them to take Flutterbat out while the handle the rest.

The members of Goldie’s group had to split off from the Mane Six party, but they all knew what they had to do & they all play a part. Now the gang quickly go towards an elevator that showed a ’Tower Rooftop’ on it, which Pinkie Pie pressed for them to get going. Soon that’s when everyone rode on for the next ride to take them up in hoping to stop this mobile tower base from trying to level their town’s shield. Everything goes dark around this time before we await what happens next…


The scene changes to where it’s the very top of Dark Gallon as we find an open elevator crate door open to reveal that it was a large massive size platform. Those coming out of the elevator were most of the heroes that have arrived at this location to find nothing but station equipment & the usual stuff. But there was what look like the heart of this tower’s basic core to give it power to move & fire its terrible weapons.

“So that’s the thing powering this tower?” Rarity asked off in seeing what was likely what they were seeking to find.

“Probably need something powerful to even move something this big.” Rainbow Dash pointed out in seeing that to move a tower like mobile base takes a lot of energy to do.

“So if we take it out, it’ll stop this thing from attacking?” Fluttershy asked off in slowly following along what the plan of attack is.

“Dat about sums it up, Fluttershy.” Applejack nodded off in how her friend managed to get the idea down there.

“Then let’s go up and…” Phobos was about to move in, until…

“Wait, company…!” Adult Nyx grabbed her pet pal from going anywhere here.

“The bad kind!” Spike pointed out in seeing there were Dark Mystic Troopers patrolling the area in question.

“Hug…What was that?” Some nearby Dark Mystic Troopers responded in having heard something nearby.

“Who’s there?” The second Dark Mystic Trooper asked off in where they begin to inspect if anyone was hiding from them.

“Bangbangbnagvhmm…/Gaaaughh!” Many of the Dark Troopers were being blasted by Omega’s Gatling guns without ever being aware.

“So much for the sneaking around.” Ben shrug off to say before he and everyone soon went off to attack their targets.

After taking care of some minor Dark Trooper issue, the group then begin to approach the spot in where they found what was label ‘The Heart Of Gallon Tower’ before their eyes. The thing looked like a glowing dark gem admitting a glowing pulse in transferring large amounts of power for the mobile tower base to be active. The group even saw some energy leak through tubes to help fire the cannons against the Mystic Shield.

“Over here guys!” Pinkie Pie waved out for those to approach the spot that was by the heart of this mobile tower base as it was a computer terminal giving out data input.

“Is this thing what’s powering the place & the invisibility function?” Goldie asked off in trying to understand what it is that they are looking at here, but he’s not a tech wiser.

“Amazing, right? Maybe with a bit of code cracking, we can shut it down & cause the whole place to blow. Omega, you’re up!” Pinkamena stated to say in having to study this stuff to see that with a bit of work, they can make this place crumble apart; and looked to Omega.

“Understood.” Omega reached up and began to hook up to the main terminal of the Dark Gallon. “It will take time to cause an overload, giving us time to vacate the area.” Omega explained intruding to set this thing to blow up in which gives everyone time to escape.

“Then we don’t have to blast the thing & go BOOM with it?” Phobos asked off in knowing what was their safest bet here.

“Right, don’t want that.” Spike nods off in thinking that was a smart thing to do than to blow themselves sky high.

“Hey, maybe we can let this place blow up & take out the rest of the Dark Mystics for us.” Fidget smiled off to suggest in how to kill two birds with one stone in this action.

“As tempting as that sounds, I doubt it be easy.” Dust stated off in finding such a plan a little out of the way of being THAT easy.

“Dust! Everyone! Be cautious, the enemy’s near!” Ahrah spoke off in alerting the gang that something was near them.

“Well, well. The famous group I’ve been hearing is here.” Spoke a dark & cruel voce from out of the blue now.

That when the gang got defensive to turn around to see who was over pass an area where…someone was watching them. It was shown to be Metric as he held a heavy machine gun/grenade launcher type weapon specially design by Dark Mystic weaponizing technology.

“General Metric!” Goldie spoke off in getting his sword ready for what’s coming next here.

“Omega, can you continue this by linking with the system?” Pinkamena asked her bot pal while she held her Chain Blades.

“Affirmative.” Omega nods off in leaving the control terminal to have a separate link program run it down to prepare it to self-destruct.

“Metric, as princess of the Rainbow Kingdom, I order you stop your attack on our town at once.” Twilight sternly was demanding this enemy leave their kingdom or else.

“Are you all still trying to win your war against the Three Lords with only single-minded action,” Metric remotely asked off in seeing that from past history, this bunch of fools have been fighting with nothing but beliefs & determination against the harsh matters of fighting. “A shame, it will be the death of you all.” Metric harshly excluded that if the heroes continue under such false measures of hope, they will surely fall.

“Gulp…our deaths?” Fluttershy swallowed hard in being a bit scared in having heard such a threat.

“Don’t listen Fluttershy, he’s trying to psych us out…I think.” Pinkie Pie stated to calm her friend in what she could make out was a lie.

“We won’t give up in stopping you and the Dark Mystics from hurting our kind.” Adult Nyx stated off to say this in what they are gonna do to not lose against such an evil cruel fiend.

“Then I will deal with you myself!” Metric declared forth in seeing that he must settle things by his own means. “Don’t worry your little heads, we have big plans for your kingdom, along with the rest of Equestria.” Metric remarked off in stating that those here can be at ease, those that they hold dear will be lifted off their shoulders.

“Sorry, but that’s not gonna happen.” Ben snapped off to say this in refusing to give in.

“He’s right, we’ll finish you before you can takeover anymore lives!” Dust declared forth in holding the Sword of Ahrah in being ready here.

“You all hate me…that’s good. A soldier needs hatred.” Metric issued forth in seeing how much he’s seeing those that seem to hate his guts out. “You will die for the glory of the Dark Mystics!” He declared froth his reasonings of those here to be dead, just before firing off his weapon which caused many of the group to scatter & find cover. “Stand & fight, cringing dogs!” Metric snapped off in wanting those to stand forth and fight him, while firing away his magical shots from his weapon that were blasting away much of the area.

“Gee, he must be one of those SHOT first, ask questions later kinda guy.” Phobos remarked off in seeing how this Metric guy even works in the field.

“Well at least he’s not like Cobar.” Spike stated to say in recalling the last opponent they fought off.

“Cobar was nothing compared to what this guy is at. But if he wants to shoot, then I’ll shoot back!” Rainbow Dash stated that this enemy was tougher than the other one, but she’s gearing up to attack.

“Be careful not ta shot off more than ye can chew, Rainbow.” Applejack remarked off to lecture her friend about such a thing.

“Eat this, Metric!” Rainbow Dash shouted off in firing her Magical Nun-chuck Guns off that seem to impact the target.

“Pitiful.” Metric remarked off from appearing unharmed and fired his machine gun.

“Waaaugh!” Rainbow Dash ducks down to avoid the shots to take some cover.

“Oh my, he didn’t flinch at all!” Fluttershy yelps in seeing that didn’t work out quite right.

“Well it might be his outfit darlings, it’s made of custom materials to give some protection.” Rarity spoke forth in explaining the case to her friends.

“How can you tell?” Phobos asked off in how an outfit has such defense.

“I design outfits & know what materials are used to make them.” Rarity stated that she can tell because she’s a fashion design and can tell clothing material even among military-wear.

“Then we need to hit him with other attacks.” Ben stated to say in seeing what they gotta do here.

“I’ll try something…Twilight Star Shower!” Twilight stated to say before announcing her attack before using her horn to fire off her spell.

But at the same time, Metric fired his grenade launcher upwards, and in a surprise twist, Twilight’s attack was blocked by powerful explosions. When it was over, nothing even made it through, Metric was completely unharmed.

“Okay….now I’m starting to think this guy is not only creepy…but creepy smart too!” Fidget spoke off in finding what Metric is capable of doing is pretty scary in a way of looking at this.

“Then I shall assist, by approaching the target & blasting him. My armor can handle more hits than the rest of you can.” Omega stated off in what he can do to provide some aid to the group, by withstanding more shots from the enemy.

“Are you sure about that Omega?” Goldie asked from which the bot nodded his head in giving that answer.

“Alright Omega, show him who’s the tougher weapon here!” Pinkamena stated off in wanting her bot to show that Dark Mystic who’s boss.

Soon Omega activated his Omega Boosters to soar up into the air. Metric was firing off more of his charged grenades with his own magic, the impacts done on Omega seem to cause him to get knocked back quite a bit, as expected from a Dark Mystic’s magical force. But soon both targets were firing their machine guns off which ended up with neither ducking away while taking what damage was done. But when Metric felt a bit annoyed by the tin-plate forcing his position, he had to move & duck away while launching more grenades to blow up any of the other heroes.

“Will such a useless machine not just get scrapped?” Metric stated off in complaining to seeing Omega was not falling.

“No, and you will reframe from calling me scrapped!” Omega stated off while also feeling a bit offended now.

Omega was then firing his Omega Flamethrowers to catch Metric off guard, especially when he had some grenades launched out; which exploded to cause the Dark Mystic harm. That gave the others a chance to fire their range attacks when the enemy was stun for a moment.

“I’ll need to back myself up & find a different altitude advantage.” Metric stated to himself before turning to leave the gang to find a different part of the area to fight better in.

“He’s running!” Pinkie Pie stated in seeing the enemy flee from them.

“No, he’s only changing location!” Ben stated in seeing that the guy was trying to find a better position to attack them from afar.

The gang had to quickly go after where Metric went, only to dodge & duck away from some metal barrels & metal crates when the enemy’s machine gun was firing at them. Metric was on a higher railing climb, as he wouldn’t be approachable while firing his weapon with his magic power to give some extra price damage. The proof was seen in how damaging it could punch through the metal barrels some of the gang hid behind, the guy was getting a little more serious here.

“Anyone wanna take him next?” Rainbow Dash asked off in wondering who wants a piece of this action now.

“Sure, like ye tried earlier.” Applejack rolled her eyes in seeing her friend already tried, but didn’t succeed the first time.

“Hey, I got him when we all join!” Rainbow Dash protest to say this about what she did later on that counted.

“Oh my, what should we do?” Fluttershy asked off in what they should do while taking cover.

“Don’t worry, the plan is NOT to panic.” Pinkie Pie was stating this as the easiest thing to do, but… “YIKES!” She yelped when a shot chop off a bit of her fluffy mane to duck down.

“You fools shall fall, this shall become your demise.” Metric stated off in preparing to execute the group that were right in his sight.

Now Metric was firing his machine gun & firing his grenade launcher to destroy the targets, but many either took cover or hid behind some cover. Golden Heart hid behind a crate before throwing a Golden Fireball to impact against Metric, and Pinkamena had her Chain Blades slither to attack from below which only did little damage. Metric got up and was continuing to attack be machine guns & grenade launchers that exploded near the metal barrels that were breaking apart that those hidden won’t be able to be safe for much longer.

“This won’t hold long, Twilight, any ideas?” Rarity stated that at this rate, they’ll lose another cover, maybe their genius friend can save them.

“We have to inflict more damage to him.” Twilight stated of what they will most likely need to help survive against Metric’s attack patterns.

“How, he’ll try to stop it.” Adult Nyx stated in recalling what Metric will do, using his own magic to boost his weapon’s attack power will cancel some of theirs.

“Maybe with something he won’t expect.” Ben stated in summoning a weapon that he prepares to take aim. “Typhoon Boomerang!” As he shouted this, he throws his boomerang off that Metric only duck down to dodge it.

“Your feeble attempts will not save you….hugh!” Metric was suddenly cut off as a cyclone was forming around him, the boomerang had swung around and was blinding him while causing some damage.

“NOW!” Ben yelled out for the rest to attack when the enemy wasn’t paying attention on them.

Soon when Metric was distracted again, that gave more of the other members to attack with more of their range base attacks. Metric was trying to fire any machine gun rounds or launch more grenades, but the cyclone he was trapped in made the shots miss & the grenades blew up inside which started to give him damage instead. While the smoke was clearing & Ben reclaim his boomerang, the enemy looked a bit more ruffled up, but still not down yet.

“Grrr….more resistance than expected, then in that case…I shall show no mercy.” Metric snarls off to say in deciding to try a different tactic here.

Now Metric once again was moving away in order to get further & be in a different location to get the better advantage. The others saw him go and had to chase after Metric & put a stop to him. But at this time, Metric used his magic that seem to summon forth something to appear before him when he reach a higher field; it was a metallic plate booth which he took cover to protect himself while firing his weapon. This caused the gang to take cover behind some metallic crates to be out of the line of fire.

“Great, saw this one coming!” Phobos rolled his eyes in seeing this was another bad situation to come across.

“Right, he’s shooting at us.” Spike nods off to say in seeing that Metric is just not quitting here.

“Sword Beam!” Ben fired off his Sword Beam from his sword, but when it hit that metal defense, it didn’t react much. “What the…that didn’t destroy it?” He questioned off in seeing that the enemy has summoned forth that which seem hard to destroy.

“It’s acting like a shield, we can’t destroy it so easily.” Dust stated to say in seeing what the enemy was using as better defense.

“Then while we’re trying to find a way to get to him, he’s safe to fire endless rounds at us & weaken what we’re using as cover.” Fidget was remarking the fact that while they are hiding, Metric is firing endless rounds to destroy what’s keeping them safe; so what can they do now?

“Calm yourself Fidget, there may still be a way to get through this if we act wisely.” Ahrah spoke forth in giving some wise advice even when things look bad.

“But still, if we poke our heads out, we’re easy targets.” Adult Nyx stated in knowing that they can’t go out, they do and the enemy will shot from a nice defense.

“Then I’ll go and deal enough damage on that thing.” Dust stated to say that he’ll handle things.

“Are you sure Dust, this guy isn’t Cobar?” Twilight asked off in knowing Metric is not like Cobar when they fought & stop him.

“Heh, trust me….I know, and that’s why I’ll help land the extra blows to destroy that thing.” Dust let off a little chuckle to say that he’ll be fine, he can slip through easily.

Then Dust had his body turn into his dust form, as he was performing an attack against the metal structure where Metric was while he was firing his machine gun. Dust’s body in the form of dust was taking the hits, but was not feeling any damage.

“From Whence It Came!” Dust announced as he performed a four-combo attack, consisting of a downward slash, a sideways slash, an uppercut & finally a powerful downward slash. The damages were seen actually cracking much of the metal defense.

“Drat! How could something like dust cause this much damage? Wait….the Sword of Ahrah!” Metric cursed off to say this before noticing...a recognizable sword in Dust's possession.

“Ash Bound!” Dust announced the next move which was a powerful throw combo, consisting of a downward slash, a sideways slash, two uppercuts & a final grab of a light crate box he throws at the ground of Metric’s defense. “Finally…The Fallen!” Now Dust was slashing down with Ahrah horizontally with extended high speed, the attack was going so fast, some couldn’t see where Dust went, but it was clearing out more of the metal defense until….“”

“Kaboomfruvhmmm…” Then without warning, the metallic plate shield that Metric was using blew up as he duck away from it. Course the enemy was mostly on fire from the explosion, so he was putting it out.

“Darn you! Why don’t you all die,” Metric curse before he fired his grenade launcher off that caused explosions to wreck most of the metal crates the heroes were hiding behind.

“Wow, he sure is mad now!” Pinkamena stated in seeing what was happening here.

Now Metric was firing off grenade shots from his launcher that was exploding and taking out the metal crates. Causing most of the heroes to lose their only cover, which meant if they don’t act soon, they’ll get inflicted with some bad damage results. Dust was seen being perfectly fine in remaining in his dust form, but the others were concern, especially since now the explosions are more powerful, Metric is pulling off all the stops in charging his weapons to give it everything he’s got.

“Dust! Anytime you wanna strike, now’s a good time!” Fidget issued off that if her pal can do something, anytime between now is good.

“I will assist!” Omega stated in about to move out here, but…

“Die!” Metric yelled out in firing his machine gun that was now even piercing Omega’s armor defense then before.

“Error…error…attack is stronger than last time!” Omega was yelping from the attacks he was being dealt with, as he was being pushed against the crates.

“Night Blast!” Adult Nyx was soon blasting against the enemy’s attacks & hitting him.

“Dragon Flame/Moon Flame!” Then Spike & Phobos tried to fire off their flames at the attacker which seem to work, but….

“Wraaarrughhhh!” Metric was just firing off between machine gun rounds & grenade launcher in just attacking anything & anyone around. This was causing everyone to duck back for cover, the guy was clearly not gonna give them much a choice.

“Great, he’s gone BONKERS!” Applejack stated off in seeing what their foe was trying to do with them.

“I think now we’re seeing he’s trouble!” Rarity stated to say in how things were looking for them.

“Yikes….can’t get up, he’ll shoot us off!” Pinkie Pie ducks down from almost getting shot off by the enemy here.

“Eek! And we’re losing cover, what do we do?” Fluttershy yelps from lowering down, their only covers are being torn to spread, they’ll be out in the open at this rate.

“Twilight, if you can think up a plan of attack, think fast, we’re running out of stuff to find cover!” Rainbow Dash was issuing off that if their brainiac friend can think faster, they really appreciate it.

“I am, but it’s hard with all this distraction!” Twilight stated in having some difficulty as it stands from all the matters happening around.

As the enemy was truly suppressing the gang down, no one seem to notice a metal cable nearby Metric that was….strangely moving. The metal rope soon was moving on its own to shackle around Metric’s legs & around his wielding of weapons.

“What the…?” Metric yelps off in seeing what was going on without warning.

“Look! He’s distracted!” Fidget pointed in seeing what was happening with the enemy.

“This might be our only chance, pour everything into this, every pony!” Ben issued off that this was their chance to finally stop the enemy right where they stand.

Now everyone was charging up their little bits of magical auras, and then really, really poured it out in attacking Metric when he was distracted. Metric was trying to fire off his machine gun & grenade launcher, but his gun was busted & even his grenades blew up.

“This….won’t….stop…” Metric was trying to withstand much of the damage the heroes were pouring on against him until the dust clouds from the explosive attacks cover around.

Finally, Metric had fallen on his knees before those that have managed to land enough damage on the Dark Mystic; he held his chest from where he seem to have lost a bit of blood. The gang quickly surround Metric with any of their weapons or battle stances in making certain if any suspicious moves are seen, they strike the target.

“Go ahead, Equestrian. Give me a warrior’s death.” Metric issued forth in wanting those to give him the final blow.

“Forget it, you’re not getting off that easy!” Rainbow Dash pointed out that the villain isn’t getting off that easy if they kill him.

“Right! You’ll take responsibility for your crimes.” Twilight responded off to say in what they tend to do here with Metric as a prisoner.

“It’s over, Metric. Have your forces stop the attack now.” Ben declared in wanting this Dark Mystic to surrender himself.

“You really think, your softhearted means will stop this attack.” Metric stated off to slowly push himself up to stand back up on his own hooves. “You don’t even understand the meaning behind all of this.” He stated this in having known what was truly going on from attacking Ponyville & the Mystic Shield.

“KABOOM-KABOOM-KABOOM!” Suddenly without warning, the areas around the top of the tower were suddenly exploding without warning. This in turn was causing many of the tower’s structure to vibrate & shake, making this event catch everybody’s attention.

“What’s happening?” Adult Nyx Asked off in seeing the whole place was exploding around them.

“Omega, don’t tell me the countdown to self-destruct this place is starting already?” Pinkamena asked off in seeing that something has happened, the explosion event is happening TOO soon.

“Uncertain, I was mostly distracted in attacking than paying attention.” Omega responded off in seeing that the event to destroy this place is occurring, with THEM on it.

“Then we gotta get out before this whole place goes with US with it!” Goldie stated off that they need to evacuate to a safe distant.

Everything was going up in smoke, the group felt much of the ground shaking that caused them to be mildly distracted.

“Wraaaaa!!” Then Metric was seen coming to kill the group while they are distracted.

But then without warning, a strange noise was heard that was causing much of the outer structure to tear itself apart of all the metal & was spiraling around above the gang. The action of the explosions were still occurring, but something else was going on. Even weirder was when the metal plating stretched out from the ground to grasp Metric to stop his movement.

“What is…going on?” Metric struggled to get out, what was going on here.

“That is as far as you will go.” Spoke a voice that was seen appearing above, appearing in a magnetic electronic sphere, was none other than…

“Magnus?” The gang responded in seeing who was helping them out; another ally they know who is the Master of Magnetism; Magnus.

“I have watch you from afar, to see how far you would go to stop an enemy commencing war.” Magnus stated in having watch those fight against those trying to commence a war here.

“Then…were you helping us from a distance?” Rarity asked off the other question on the mind.

“Only against the opponent that did not surrender after his defeat.” Magnus stated off in bringing up a subject.

“Ye mean dat creep, Cobar?” Applejack stated in recalling what happened to Cobar in the end.

“Well that explains how that walking tank landed on Cobar.” Pinkie Pie stated off to say in seeing how this fills in the details of that tank that was busted up was moving on its own.

“Um, I hate to interrupt….but…maybe we should be leaving?” Fluttershy pointed out in thinking they need to get going here.

“Fluttershy’s right, this place is gonna blow up soon.” Spike stated in seeing they can’t stay a moment longer.

“Abandon enemy base!” Phobos screamed out in what they need to be doing right now.

“You fools will not escape here alive…Die!” Metric roared off to say as if sounding battle crazy to come after those to kill. Then he broke free of his metal binds to go forth to attack.

“Foolish being, fall before the Master…Of Magnetism!” Magnus responded forth in stepping in to stop this foe where he stands.

Then suddenly without warning, Magnus’ powers suddenly caused every metal to rip apart in causing where Metric stood to lose his balance. The Dark Mystic was about to try to retaliate, but…Magnus was a step ahead…

“Boltic Volt!” Magnus holds out his hooves & unleashed a magical magnetic spark pressure like a lightning figure to deliver a shocking buildup on his target; Metric.

“Aaaahhh!” Metric let off a scream from being impacted against such last minute attacks; that it shot him off of his tower. Many that watch saw Metric falling from the height & vanished with the black smoke of more explosions occurring at this time, but many could feel…the guy was finished.

“Okay….now it’s official that the guy is defeated.” Fidget stated off blankly in seeing what has befallen Metric.

“But we’re not sure if he’s dead or not.” Goldie stated that they are unsure if the enemy is really gone for good or not.

“No time! This place is gonna blow in less than one minute!” Pinkamena stated to say in seeing that they need to get out.

“Then I shall assist, in getting you all to safety. The others I came across are already safe.” Magnus responded to say in what he shall do in order to give assistance.

“Jack Zen and the others.” Twilight stated in having heard their other friends made it out okay.

“Correct, now stand by me, everyone…Magnetic Barrier.” Magnus responded forth to state before preparing things.

Soon without warning, Magnus recast a spell to make a force-field of a magnetic barrier that will keep anything from harming them & gives protection. Soon he levitates them up to leave the area while much of the tower was starting to crumble a bit and more explosions are seen. Everything goes dark from around this time…


Within the Dark Gallon control room, everything was going bonkers at the time of Metric’s absence to take on the heroes. From what Omega has done in causing an overload with the generator that powers this mobile tower, the red siren lights were going crazy here. Everything was either catching on fire from being hated up or blown off the panel, the crew operating this can’t keep up; everything was out of control at this rate.

“The system is overloading!” Dark Trooper One stated from seeing that the systems were going haywire.

“Shut it down then!” Dark Trooper Two gave the order to shut it down, however…

“I can’t shut it down!” Dark Trooper Three replied back that they can’t shut this stuff down.

“Systems are not responding from the override?” Dark Trooper One issued off that they lost control due to someone tampering with things; probably Omega’s work.

“Where’s General Metric?” Dark Trooper Two asked off in where their general is at this time.

“I don’t know, he left for the rooftop.” Dark Trooper Three responded to say in where any last saw Metric.

“Cobar has been found decease. The general isn’t responding. What do we do?” Dark Trooper One reported in what has already happened that they have no one to give them orders.

“I can’t stop it….she’s about to blow!” Dark Trooper Two yelps off to say in what was happening with the sparks coursing the controls and…

“BAM-BAM-BOOM/Waaaughhh!” Many of the Dark Mystic Troopers yelp from being covered off in a big explosion that took out them and the control room at this time. Everything went into a blur state with no one knowing what was happening next here…


Meanwhile, the attack on the Mystic Shield was soon starting to fade as the citizens look off in the direction to stare in surprise. A tower object was appearing from its magical invisibility function ceasing, and now the Dark Gallon was showing off signs of explosions. But there was still more, Magnus was safely hovering those he had away from the exploding tower before safely arriving on the group where Jack Zen & those with him saw what was going on.

“You made it out, that’s good.” Jack Zen sighs with relief in seeing their friends are safely out of danger.

“Yah, now how’s about we start fleeing before we get caught in the blast?” Phobos stated off to say in what they should be doing right now.

“Alert, new info states the next explosion of the tower itself will destroy everything in a 900 yard meter!” Omega alerted the group of picking up a powerful explosion about to occur.

“That’s too close to us!” Autumn Gem yelps in having heard that message, they won’t be able to escape in time.

“We won’t be able to cast a big enough barrier or shield spell in time.” Sombra stated in what this situation would spell for them.

“Then leave this to me, I shall put an end to this war, once and for all…” Magnus stated off in preparing to stop this senseless action of war once and for all…

Then the gang watch as Magnus then did something that was truly more astonishing than anyone could have imagined. The entire metallic tower was being lifted off the ground to be carried off into the skies. Then Magnus was pressing his hooves together in which was causing a loud crunching sound, as metal was being bent. Then those that ended up having gaping eyes and mouths saw Magnus was….CRUSHING Dark Gallon’s structure into that of a metallic sphere. “Frusvhmmm…Boomfruvhmm….” Soon Dark Gallon lit up like a flashing light show from within & then unleashed a monstrous explosion. The force shook most of the 900 yards of where the Rainbow Kingdom is located along with Cloudsdale & Canterlot, but at least no one was hurt for worse.

“Whoa….” The baby Dragons responded in being awestruck by what they saw happen.

“That was…AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash replied off to say in having seen something so cool like that.

“I hate ta admit, but it sure was.” Applejack nodded off in what they saw was pretty cool in a way of speaking.

“You could actual lift up something that massive and crush it, it seem almost too easy.” Rarity stated that what Magnus did was no short matter, he actual did something without breaking a sweat; amazing.

“Oh my, were you always that strong, Mister Magnus?” Fluttershy stated in feeling like they really have a strong ally on their side who could do that.

“Well the guy is based on a very, very, VERY popular Marvel character, so of course he have to be powerful to perform feats like that & take down a Dark Mystic like Metric in one shot!” Pinkie Pie was randomly saying things while also breaking the fourth wall, much to anyone’s confusion of the case.

“And as usual Pinkie Pie, you are so random.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in stating this fact about their pink friend.

“I’m just glad it’s over. And Ponyville is safe.” Spike stated to say this in seeing that things at least went well.

“We all are Spike, and I like to thank all of you that helped.” Twilight nodded off to say this with a smile and look to those that have helped them out.

“Well you know we’re always ready to help you guys out.” Goldie replied off to say this about what they do when their pals need them.

“Right, just say the word & we can be there. Most times at least.” Pinkamena stated to say this while lightly stating the subject just a bit here.

“And Dust, you were a big help to us too.” Ben stated to say this in thanking their new friend for having helped them out.

“I just…wanted to make sure, there would not be another war to take away any innocent lives.” Dust stated to say this in feeling like the thanks wasn’t much a big deal, he did what he had to do after all.

“And I think we did it, we stop the enemy.” Nyx smiled off to say this in how things turn out in the end.

“Yeah Dust, come on; smile for a change.” Fidget smiled off in being cheery over the issue that they won and such else.

“While we may have won today, the battle against the forces of evil are still never ending.” Ahrah spoke off to mention this to those here in what to expect further ahead of them.

“I guess so. But, I guess we can have a little downtime for now.” Dust stated to say in showing a little smile off his face.

“Then let’s head back to Ponyville, would you like to come with us Magnus?” Twilight stated in where they shall go next while turning to see if Magnus wants to come with them.

“Very well…” Magnus nodded off to reply to the question itself, that he will tag along.

While the others were returning to the Rainbow Kingdom, further from the sight of where Dark Gallon stood, under some rumble was the body of Metric. The guy was not moving, but two shadows were overlapping him and they were turn out to be none other than Houndkiller of the Dark Mystics and Chase The Warrior, the disguise form of Shadow Dragon for his undercover assignment. Right now, they were checking the only survivor that didn't perish with the self-destruction of the Dark Gallon.

“You think he’s even alive?” Houndkiller asked off if Metric was alive or not.

“Indeed…It would seem you underestimated Ben Mare & his allies, Metric.” Chase responded off to the question while stating that Metric has fail to stop the heroes. “But do not worry, there may yet still be some use from you even after such defeat.” He lectures off to the body of the fallen foe that lost the battle.

“Shall I take him back?” Houndkiller asked off in taking Metric back now.

“Do so, Houndkiller.” Chase issued off in letting the Dark Mystic do the task.

“And what about them Equestrians?” Houndkiller asked off in seeing that Ben & Twilight’s party were ahead of them, do they engage or not?

“Leave them be, they won this battle. But the next one shall be different.” Chase stated off coldly that they shall leave the heroes be for now.

“Right, I’ve heard that one before, but alright.” Houndkiller rolled his eyes to state this while deciding to follow along.

“Then let us go, before we are seen.” Chase issued off that they go before anyone catches him hanging with a Dark Mystic to question the matter.

Houndkiller takes Metric’s body to go through a Corridor of Darkness, following his orders to vacate the area without attracting attention. Once those two were gone, Chase also disappears from the spot so no one will have seen or question him of having been near a Dark Mystic. The scene begin to slowly darken now, as while the battle was won, the war itself seems far from being over here…

Author's Notes:

And another chapter is made. In the final chapter, things are looking pretty smooth after handling what Metric thrown at the gang, but it wasn't easy. What sorta lesson can be learn to be wary of war, perhaps Magnus can explain. And what was it the Dark Mystics were trying to achieve when they couldn't get through the Mystic Shield? Stay tune to find out more...

Chapter 05: Liberation from War

Chapter 05: Liberation from War

The scene begin to open up towards where the gang have return to Rainbow Castle. They pass by in seeing the citizens were all safe and sound, and many were grateful that the danger had long pass. And upon entering the castle itself with some plans to rest up, there, they were receiving warm welcomes at the time. And none other than the Royal Sisters themselves; Celestia & Luna.

“Everyone, I am glad you are safe.” Celestia smiled fourth in being received to see those here safe.

“Celestia, you came here.” Twilight spoke off in seeing who came to greet them.

“But of course, I was worried if you would be alright.” Celestia nodded her head in stating this off of her reason of coming.

“We saw the sights of what happened to the enemy’s mobile tower.” Luna pointed out in having notice what happened to Dark Gallon at the time.

“It’s already taken care of.” Ben nodded off to say that the problem has been solved.

“Thanks to some friends of ours.” Nyx pointed to those that are here, their group of Mane Five, Goldie’s bunch, even Dust & Magnus.

“Yep, we did it alright!” Rainbow Dash nodded her head in stating this with much agreement in toe.

“We done good, yer highness.” Applejack nodded off in stating this about what they managed to achieve here.

“Though in truth, it was a close calling.” Rarity stated to say in feeling what they experienced, was too close for comfort.

“Right, almost being shot or blasted. But we’re good.” Pinkie Pie stated all the bad things they went through, but was perky about it.

“Yes, I’m glad we are safe.” Fluttershy nodded meekly in stating that they are now safe from harm now.

“It was a close calling though. We fought against Dark Mystics like Cobar & Metric.” Golden Heart stated to say about who their opponents were during the time they met.

“Both were kinda tough, but we beat them with teamwork & cooperation.” Pinkamena smiled off proudly to say that even against such different foes, they pulled out a win.

“And the result shows the end of Cobar, Metric’s case is unsolved at this time.” Omega issued forth in stating what happened to the two enemies in the end.

“Still, at least that terrible weaponize-vehicle is gone.” Autumn Gem stated off to say in knowing what they can be glad is gone.

“Yes, and now it won’t be attacking Ponyville any longer.” Sombra nods off to agree in what Autumn Gem was stating here.

“We can finally rest a bit after that fiasco.” Jack Zen sighs to say this with much relief now.

“And it seems you have made a new ally…Dust, the Unknown Warrior, you have come forth to us.” Luna stated to say in recognizing one of the new ponies that has appeared here.

“Well Dust, looks like you’re getting famous with all kinds of princesses.” Fidget smiled off to say this in thinking they are the center of attention here.

“We know about you, how you came to be & wielding the Sword of Ahrah.” Celestia stated forth in having mention this about knowing Dust & his talking sword.

“It is a pleasure to see you all here.” Ahrah spoke off in having to greet the Royal Sisters.

“Everyone here helped out in stopping our enemy, that’s what’s important to be recognized.” Ben stated to say this in seeing how well things became in the end for them.

“And Magnus, we want to also thank you again for having helped us out. Especially in removing Dark Gallon before it exploded.” Twilight thanked the other member here that has been a big help to them.

“I watch how you handle things and seen how much you learn to be a good ruler…to survive warfares that may happen.” Magnus spoke off in stating how he’s seen what to expect when Twilight must face against odds that may lead to war.

“It’s because of my friends here, that we’re all still standing here. I wouldn’t be much a good ruler without any of them supporting me.” Twilight smiled off to say this in looking around at those that she feels are really important to her.

Hearing this made Magnus look away, as if hurt, much to the others’ surprise, was something the matter. From the quiet moment, Magnus sighs before he looks to the group again with…a strange response.

“I am sorry, whenever I hear the words, I’m reminded of the pain of losing love ones to war. I maybe an Element User, and my powers do make me a top contender where I’m a force to be reckoned with against other Element Bearer Ponies, but still feel empty for never having a home to return to.” Magnus explained himself that though he is powerful, he wasn’t strong enough to have stop what cost him those he loved to that of his home.

“What do mean….no home to go to?” Nyx asked off in feeling something was up here.

“Magnus, do you wish to tell them?” Celestia asked if Magnus wishes to speak about something on his mind.

“Tell us what?” Phobos asked off in not understanding what’s going on.

“How Magnus became an Element Bearer.” Luna pointed out how this maybe a telling of how Magnus came to be.

“Did…something happen?” Spike asked in feeling there was something uneasy about what they may hear.

“Indeed, something happened. It is a memory that I can never forget.” Magnus nodded off to say this in having gone through something that is…tragic.

Suddenly, everyone was being very quiet to soon hear the tale of how Magnus came to be. At that moment, the screen began to get all blurry before everything went dark…



The scene begins to open up towards a strange shaky little village setup in a winter field place full of snow. A young colt version of Magnus was seen without much of what he looks like in the present. He seem to be gathering firewood & entering a wooden log house to start a fire for his family. The village folk were happy, they didn’t feel worried one they have finished their new town…but they were not aware of watching eyes.

“When I was a young colt, my little town was peaceful, & that it was going to be on the map of Equestria…but it was attacked.” Magnus narrates off in what was happening at the time, before an unsettling event took place.

The even suddenly happened that mysterious cloaked figures came to attack the village without warning. Many of the village folk were captured from the surprise attack, and subject to cruel tortures against the oppressor tyrants.

“No pony knew the attackers as they were wearing cloaks & wielded weapons & perform spells that caused a panic. The ponies were taken as prisoners, only to be exploited to cruel tortures & such.” Magnus narrates off in what happened to his village, and how those that attacked began to perform much cruel acts to everyone that were prisoners of war.

Things were looking bad, but it was soon over….with the village destroyed, bodies lying around, it was all destruction and mayhem before the Royal Guard Pegasus Ponies arrived.

“By the time Celestia’s forces arrived, it was too late, the town was left in massacre, with almost no survivors or any prisoners that weren’t taken. Or so it was thought.” Magnus narrates off that from their best, the Royal Guards were not able to find anything of those that could have survive this, or maybe…they didn’t try hard enough.

As the Royal Guards were searching, they never noticed a colt hidden from sight. At the same time, young Magnus had watch everything from being able to hide from the attackers while having seen & heard what was going on.

“I was safely hidden and was the only one that seem to have made it out. While the Royal Guards searched the area, it was believed by evidence that a mysterious group attacked this area to look for something, but fled before they could locate it.” Magnus narrates off in what the situation had become while having overheard what the enemy had been doing; they were searching for something and left without finding it.

As the Royal Guards looked for more clues of who the enemy was or what they were looking for, a young Magnus explored his burned & ruin town and felt sorrow…he lost everything; because of a war. But then something caught the child’s eye, a secret metal floor board that lead to a wine-holding cell, but in truth, it actually lead to a small facility that makes metal alloys to take into other towns across Equestria.

“While naive in wanting to find other survivors like myself, I stubble across something. Not knowing it would lead me to what would change my view of everything.” Magnus narrates off in what was going on next by what the younger Magnus had found that earn some attention to his curious young mind.

Magnus explored until he found that something jump-started the equipment, and found a power source from the wires that lead to…a black sphere orb pulsing with sparks.

“An underground facility that makes metal alloys were one thing, but its source for energy seem…unnatural. Enough that I was curious to approach it, but it soon reacted…” Magnus narrates to explain in what the young colt was going to do next, without knowing what would happen afterwards.

As the young Magnus reached his hoof on the glass dome of the machine that kept the unusual black sphere contact, it instead overloaded the gage that it blew up that caught the kid by surprise. And soon the black sphere grew and it created a magnetic reaction that was drawing a lot of metal to it, including Magnus who wore a metal pendant around his neck. By the time everything cluttered to the sphere, it released a strong pulse force that sent everything flying, wrecking things before a worried Magnus was in the center.

“The black sphere took me in, at first…I believe I was going to die, but instead…it fuse with me.” Magnus’ narrative voice stated in what was happening while the colt felt like his end was coming…or was it?

But slowly, the colt was scared and the magnetic sphere was shrinking inside him, and as it faded, young Magnus felt himself touch the ground, but with loose sparks escaping from his body. To realize what happened, Magnus fold a metal folder that explained what the black sphere was that the facility used to power the equipment.

“When I was free, I found a lead of what fuse inside my body. It turned out to be the Element of Magnetism, for it provided the right magnetic force feedback to power the equipment used in the underground facility.” Magnus narrates to state that a clue told the colt of what has happened to him, and what was fused inside him; an element.

And the colt realized that somehow, that element…was inside him. Magnus left the area to join the Royal Guards that wondered where he went off to.

“Right before I left to join with the Royal Guards, even as a child, figured out what I should do with this power; prevent warfare from destroying anymore innocent ponies’ homes.” Magnus narrates in stating that afterwards, the child would know what he should do with the power he has obtain; to put an end to war.

From young Magnus’s new objective in life, he also found he had a Cutie Mark in the symbol form of two dragons on an ‘M’ that were black, but it was a sign for a revolution league, to build a revolution.

“And so over the years, I have grown stronger with my powers, acquiring new feats to become the strongest pony with my magic of magnetism there ever was.” Magnus narrates explains what was going on that the colt began to develop himself to be stronger & have greater control of his magnetic powers.

Soon scenes show events of many different types of enemy foes being defeated & overpowered by the more grown up stallion form of Magnus, now doing his getup.

“Journeyed to many areas to fight for my kind against oppressors like Griffins, Diamond Dogs, Changelings, other magical foes, even my own kind that gone evil. But all the while, I have never found out ‘who’ were the fiends that attacked my home town long ago, I vowed to make them pay for ruining my life.” Magnus narrates in stating that he came across foes, but he searches for those that took everything he held dear. “And even a sadden burden to myself, I was married to a mare I loved, only for her to disappear when another conflict of war ruin things, like my happiness. The years have gone by….that I lost count.” Magnus explained in having been married, but his love went missing from another matter of war that separated them.

The scene shows what goes on as Magnus continues to prevent any war from breaking out. With that, the scene begin to fade out in having end the flashback of events.



Everyone has heard of Magnus’ story, how it all started, how it began, but how mostly how war seems to drive a person. It was sad how Magnus had suffered, losing a home, losing friends, even losing someone they fell in love, it was all so…heartbreaking.

“It wasn’t until the events during Luna’s return to the events of the Demon Lords meddling with Equestria, that I learn much about what else has been going on. Even now, I can tell…our enemies…are about to go to war with all of you.” Magnus sadly stated off in concluding his story in having seen signs and events leading to what he dreads most, that there will be a war coming soon.

“Ohhhh….that’s too sad!” Pinkie Pie was letting off crying tears in feeling so sad right now.

“Man…that’s just…man.” Rainbow Dash felt silent in feeling like what they heard was rough stuff.

“Darling, you went through so much…even as a child.” Rarity stated in feeling terrible for Magnus to be a victim of war.

“Dat there seems so cruel, a colt living through all dat, it ain’t right.” Applejack nodded off in seeing that no one should go through any of that.

“I feel sad, you’ve been a victim of something, and now…you’re still fighting so much.” Fluttershy stated to feel bad in what Magnus had to go through.

“Now you know, that I try to stop war…so that what I lost…does not happen to others.” Magnus stated to say that this was all he has done, to prevent anymore sorrows from the seeds of war.

“It’s okay…we understand plenty.” Nyx smile to nod in understanding what Magnus has been doing was just trying to keep what happened from happening again.

“Right, there have been some of us that had dealings with losing family…or being drag into a war.” Spike nods off in knowing how that works when the Sparkle Gang saw an alternate timeline with an evil King Sombra causing a war, it was a world where one went through such things in losing family & thus the beginning of a war of good & evil seem never ending.

“But the one thing to know is that no matter where we are, home can be where your heart tells you…those that care for you, are here, like our friends.” Ben smiled off in pointing around Magnus, that no matter what, one’s home is where they have friends to be with that they can call anyplace…home.

This surprises Magnus, even to bring a little honest smile to his face, this made everyone look in surprise in seeing Magnus smile.

“Thank you all, for your compassion.” Magnus gives thanks to the group, for they have cheered him up with renewed confidence.

“It is as thou sees things.” Luna issued off in how to see things from a view can help lead one’s future.

“So….what are you gonna do now?” Phobos asked off in what this guy plans to do now.

“I shall create a kingdom above the clouds, a place where a piece of the Earth can levitate by magic and be a continent where I’ll help bring my fellow ponies seeking to escape the cruelness of evil’s hand with a safe place to be in.” Magnus explained forth something that would end up causing a surprising event that would catch everyone’s attention; the plan to build a kingdom of one’s own.

“YOU’RE GOING TO BUILD YOUR OWN KINGDOM?” Jack Zen asked off in great shock in having heard someone announce they plan to build a kingdom & rule; that’s a major shocker.

“Seeing that with his magical powers & abilities, it’s not impossible.” Sombra stated that from what they saw in what Magnus can do, it’s not impossible.

“Then he really can do it?” Autumn Gem thought up in seeing that Magnus can do so if he tries.

Many of the others pondered that idea, could it be possible for one that was not born in royalty, to suddenly create their own kingdom out of the blue. But while many were in deep thought, only one Alicorn showed signs of a different expression which the sister noticed.

“I think, no…I feel that it’s not a bad idea to think about, others building a new kingdom to give them protection.” Celestia spoke in feeling that what Magnus suggested sounded like the words of one who wishes to build a future for his own subjects that have suffered. “Magnus, other subjects that lost their homes were brought in safe homes, until they can restart their lives again. Perhaps…you maybe their savior.” Celestia stated this in what the stallion can do to help those that need homes after losing them in wars.

“Thank you Princess Celestia, for understanding my desire. Now, I have but one last thing to do before I leave.” Magnus thanks Celestia for understanding his noble cause, as he prepares to leave, but with one thing to say. “That I will aid you all, if you need someone to help stop another warfare from taking homes of those you care for, and if you want, you are always welcome to my own kingdom that I have decided to call: Asteroid-M.” Magnus proclaimed this that he will aid the Mane Six and friends in any way he can, and if ever they need to, they can come visit him in a place that will be above in the clouds that will be his made kingdom.

“Sounds cool, hook us up on a visit then.” Rainbow Dash smiled off in liking what they heard, the name of a new kingdom sounds cool to her.

“Right, we’ll be sure ta visit.” Applejack nods off in stating that they’ll visit when they can.

“Without a doubt.” Rarity nods off in also saying they like to see such a place too.

“Yes, please.” Fluttershy meekly spoke to nod with a happy smile on her face.

“Count us in!” Pinkie Pie proudly stated in wanting to do the same thing.

“We’ll all go to see it, Magnus, your own kingdom.” Twilight stated this off with a sincere smile that they’ll all go and see the place that will be like Magnus’s dream for any ponies.

“Take care, my friends.” Magnus nodded off to give his little farewell reply to those he has become good friends with.

As Twilight’s group gives smiles & say farewell as Magnus was inside his force-field to hover off to the skies & outside the castle. The gang’s new friend goes off to complete a dream while knowing they’ll see him again someday. For with Magnus, he is truly dedicated to wanting to end war that would take the lives of his own kind.

“I suppose I must go too, but before I leave, I must tell you all something.” Dust spoke out in saying that he’ll have to leave too, but before that, he must tell the others something first off. “I am not only an element bearer, but I’m some magically created creature; born from two dead souls long ago to make me as I am.” Dust explained that he is not just a being with an element, but a being that was made from two souls.

“What!” The gang responded in being shock to have learn of this, and too many voices were asking what Dust meant.

“Dust is a creature called, Sen-Mitherarin, for some of you that know about it, will understand.” Ahrah explained briefly in just what Dust is supposed to be.

“Mitherarin, I heard that name in tales of legends of mythical creatures, but…to think it existed.” Twilight stated of in surprise as having heard the name, but never thought it was real.

“It is true, I was there when I found Dust, we had quite an adventure in facing obstacles & improving skills while he never ages to stay young. And Dust learning about himself. Even when he learn of lost memories of two different guys who were good & evil, he confirm his choice & choose’d not to be bound by his former incarnations.” Fidget explained a bit more about Dust’s background about how they been through a lot, experienced a lot of things, learn about stuff & what happened when Dust made is final choice to decide who he was.

“Well, then I guess we can just say we trust the one here who helped us.” Spike shrug off to say in seeing the Dust before them is the one they can call friend.

“Right, you’re our pal now, so, gotta get use to us!” Phobos proudly stated in seeing who Dust is to them.

“If I’ve gotten use to Fidget, then I can handle just about anything.” Dust smiled off to make a little joke about having dealt with Fidget, then other matters seem easy.

“Hey! I take that highly offensively!” Fidget snapped off in feeling a bit offended right now.

“In any matter of speaking, it feels nice to have come across many of you. But, now it’s time for us to continue our own journey ahead.” Dust smiles a bit in being glad to have met such ponies & friends, just before he & his small band have to go. “But don’t worry, I’ll help you all out in times need, as I’m ‘dust in the wind’, as they say.” He issued to state this forth that he’ll be like dust in the wind, always traveling & come across him when one either needs him or not.

Then without warning, Dust soon was disappearing from sight to be enshroud by his dust particles that took him, Fidget & Ahrah out above the open ceiling.

“Man, looks like everybody’s going out the rooftop.” Jack Zen stated to say in seeing how many of their new pals are leaving by the roof style.

“Affirmative.” Omega nodded his head in agreeing to such a statement of the subject.

“Well, we’ll be heading back too, we hope to see you all again soon.” Goldie stated to say in seeing that it’s time that they too, got going now.

“And I better check with Azure, he must have had quite an interesting day.” Pinkamena stated out in what she’ll also be doing at the time.

Now the gang were saying farewell to Goldie’s group at this time that were leaving the Rainbow Castle. The scene begin to fade out now in having handle quite a matter of avoiding a near warfare on their plate. Hopefully, the gang will be ready for whatever may come their way…


The scene shifts towards where within a hidden location of the Dark Mystics, MechaStahl was staying in his own chamber. Right now, he was upset that he return here after Azure the Kirin wreck all that he made, & flee with his life still attach. But still, it was frustrating how he had lost when this was outside his calculation.

“My facility, all my weapons & weaponize-vehicles…destroyed by that accused Kirin!” MechaStahl held his head in feeling like he has a terrible headache that he just can’t seem to get rid of no matter what; especially from the loses he suffered.

“Um, uncle…would now be a bad time to tell you that I just receive word that Metric lost the battle?” Tech came in to report something concerning over the present matter of what’s happened with Metric’s attack on Ponyville.

“Whaaaaat!” MechaStahl yelled out loud in having been told something that upset him further.

“Eep!” Tech yelped in a squalled in being frighten by such a tone of anger.

“Grrr…..those Equestrians have ruin everything again.” MechaStahl growls in frustration that the heroes have again gain another victory & stop his revenge.

“Um, there’s still some good news.” Tech spoke up in trying to get his uncle’s attention here.

“What News?” MechaStahl shouted off in still being upset over what has already happened.

“Waaaahhh…..um, ri-right here. The measurement level & readouts from the Mystic Shield.” Tech yelps before showing a device that had recorded info about the heroes’ little Mystic Shield that protected Ponyville from outside danger.

MechaStahl took the device from Tech to begin looking over it to see the data that it recorded. After a few moments, the guy’s annoyed mood was lighten just a bit as the data he understood told him what he wanted to know.

“Hmm…I see, I suppose it’s not a complete failure.” MechaStahl hums to himself in seeing this, as it helped calm him down a bit.

“Why were we even bothering with such things anyway?” Tech asked off in missing out in what’s going on here.

“The main reason was to isolate where the Mystic Shield is letting off more magic flow into the barrier it cast around Ponyville.” MechaStahl explained the case in what they were truly trying to do at that present course of action.

“Oh, so then…that’s good, right?” Tech asked off in not really getting much of what was happening.

“In short, nephew, the main purpose of attacking that accursed Mystic Shield was to learn where its hidden location is. By triangulating the flow of where it strengthen the barrier around the town.” MechaStahl explained that they can use what they learn to figure out where the Mystics hid their little shield for the Equestrians.

“So, do we know?” Tech asked off if they know where the Mystic Shield is hidden.

“No, the data is still insufficient. But it should aid Shadow Dragon’s search for the shield much easier.” MechaStahl issued off the matter of how this will work for them.

“Then I guess losing your Dark Gallon makes up for this.” Tech spoke off in having to mention this tiny little matter that needs to be brought to attention.

“What do you mean?” MechaStahl raised an eyebrow in not liking how this was going.

“Ah-ha, funny story….the heroes had help from Dust, the Unknown Warrior, who blinded our guys, and then Magnus came and…” Tech explained off that the good guys with the Mane Six had some help that were going against Metric’s group, and….

“Magnus….The same Magnus known as the Master of Magnetism? Tech, don’t tell me he…” MechaStahl yelped out in having heard this and was not liking where this might end, and…

“Crushed your mobile base before it blew up. And help finish Cobar & stop Metric. Eh-he….otherwise, at least the data’s good over the losses, right…?” Tech nervously was reporting this stuff while seeing the very upset and infuriated expression MechaStahl was giving in learning such things before…

Then we see MechaStahl yelling out loud in sounding frustrated all over again. At the same time, Tech was seen running away from the spot in telling that he’s not welcome at the moment. With that, everything begins to go dark with some form of mystery solved, but still there exist many more things one doesn’t know will happen in the future to come…


We find Ben & Twilight looking out of the balcony within the Rainbow Castle. The two were looking out to watch over Ponyville & also stare out from where the Dark Gallon once stood. It was hard to believe what happened really happened to them, an enemy was attacking, but its attack pattern was strange, as the Dark Mystics still failed in not breaking through the Mystic Shield; what was to gain from such action. But for now, the major focus was that no innocent pony was hurt…

“It’s funny Ben. Before I was a princess, I was just a mare who lived in a library & became a part of Celestia’s family when…” Twilight was stating out these things that were on her mind about the subject of what has happened from the past to now…

“Your brother Shining Armor married my cousin, Cadence…well, of course, Cadance is the daughter of a royal family but she treats me like a cousin with my mom and Aunt Luna as aunts to her. Crazy that they’re family, and with me, your family again.” Ben simply stated off in how such things seem to have work, but in the end, Twilight is now in a direct relationship with Celestia by the Royal Sister’s siblings-in-law. And none of that awkward stuff that folks say about Twilight & Celestia having a little more than just such a relationship, that’s just weird, strange, and don’t make sense now.

“Yes, back then, I was just there to help, but now…I’m not only a princess, but I have a castle and kingdom to help out.” Twilight stated to say in seeing herself of what she is now, she who was a simple pony is a princess to her own kingdom.

“Well, you have your prince to help you out, you know that, right?” Ben stated to say that he’s here to help Twilight when she needs it.

“Of course I do. But…” Twilight nods off to agree to that term, but…

“It’s about our enemies, about what future fights we may have?” Ben asked off in knowing what’s got Twilight’s attention here.

“From the last few fights, they were just our own, but if our enemies attack our home with an army, then it’ll be like a war that drags in many ponies.” Twilight spoke in feeling that dealing with war matters, will drag in many innocent ponies.

“Remember how we all join against the Virus-Byte Dragon Army before helping to cure them of their evil, then the guys from the Dark Mystics & so forth…many of them join us to stop our enemies from walking over them.” Ben spoke to remind Twilight how they banded together to stop their enemies from taking over their lives.

“I know, but I’m still concern about when…we face a foe who’s too strong for our own Royal Guards to handle.” Twilight stated to say in worrying about a stronger enemy, even their Royal Guards might not handle someone like Metric.

“Well, every good soldier needs a good leader to lead them, right? And we’re gonna make sure to lead everyone so that no one gets taken away.” Ben proclaimed to mention this in seeing that for a group of their own army, they need a good leader to lead them through it all.

“Do you mean that Ben?” Twilight look to her love in wondering if that was really possible.

“In the words of Flash Sentry: ‘Now Why Would I Go & Lie about That?’ eh?” Ben smiled off to simply state this off with words he’s borrowing from his best friend.

“Oh you! Guhuhuhhh….” Twilight rolled her eyes playfully to let off a giggle at how silly Ben was being here.

“There’s the Twilight I love to enjoy being with.” Ben smiled off to say in leaning his head to Twilight’s forehead.

“And the one who’s glad her prince is here.” Twilight raise her head up to stare at Ben’s loving eyes with a rejoice feeling.

The two lovers soon close their eyes to share a passionate moment to kiss another. The screen begins to back away from this spot while everything darkens out now. It appears that things will still be fine, that even if the Mane Six and friends face up against one foe to an army, they will not give up and focus on defending their homes to the last. That shows their true strength, the strength…to believe in one’s self & in their comrades….That together, they can save lives from any war they maybe involved in…

The End

Author's Notes:

Major Cast List

Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Ashleigh Ball: Rainbow Dash, Applejack
Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Pinkamena Diane Pie, Flutterbat
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity, Princess Luna
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon
Jason Marsden: Ben Mare, Chase the Warrior
Daveigh Chase: Nyx
Chris Sanders: Phobos the Dragon
Lucien Dodge: Dust
Edward Bosco: Blade of Ahrah
Kimlinh Tran: Fidget
David Hemblen: Magnus
Chris Fairbank: Metric
Blake Ritson: Cobar
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart
Brian Drummond: Jack Zen, Various Dark Mystic Troopers
Vic Mignogna: Omega, Various Dark Mystic Troopers
Jim Miller: Sombra, Jin
Lara Jill Miller: Autumn Gem

Minor Cast List

Nicole Oliver; Princess Celestia
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Madeline Peters: Scootaloo
Malcolm McDowell: MechaStahl
Danny Cooksey: Tech
Sean Pertwee: Houndkiller
Peter New: Various Dark Mystic Troopers, Stallion
Jim Cummings: Cassus
Kevin Michael Richardson: Evil General
Jayson Thiessen: Old Mage
Samuel L. Jackson: Azure the Kirin Dragon

There we go fans, this story is now COMPLETED! Next up, a fic which takes place after the upcoming fic "Image Redemption Assistance"...

"MLP: Forging Weapons & Friendship: One day in Ponyville, a large group comes to visit the town to find….Ben Mare. It turns out the group are called: “The Forgers”, each member that carries a weapon that is an element weapon-type. They look to find those like them, strange, difficult past in their lives, and seek to find answers while keeping the peace in Equestria while they will also take up a bounty quest to be paid for service. But also who comes to town, is a powerful swordsmen who holds the Element of Sword, and wishes to challenge & test Ben’s skills, and Ben will unlock a new razor cutting blade to aid him out. How will Ben handle facing one who holds ‘THE’ element that was the center of swords, and what decision will the guy make about joining the Forgers? The questions lie in await…
Villain: Halon Blade (A neutral Foe in the Beginning before becoming a friend)"

All right, hope this will make you folks happy. Read, review and suggest!

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