
A Dream Unfulfilled

by PonyThunder

Chapter 2: Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Rainbow Dash awoke to the sounds of hooves knocking against the door. She hadn't slept much for the remainder of the night and into the early morning for fear of having another nightmare. Tired wrinkles formed underneath her eyes and her mane was mangled and frizzy, but she didn't care. All she cared about was getting out of the hospital and flying  alone amidst the clouds.

"Your visitors are here, Ms. Dash," said the nurse, rather courteously.

Twilight and Applejack walked cautiously into room, followed quietly by Fluttershy. Dash noticed that Twilight was trying to hide her wings from view by standing near Applejack's flank, as was Fluttershy, but it was normal for her to be in the back anyways. She wasn't sure if she appreciated the thoughtfulness of her friends or if it just made her feel worse that they felt it necessary to act a certain way around her as if she was some sort of emotional wreck. I am an emotional wreck, she rationalized herself. She noticed that nopony else came into the room. Where was Pinkie Pie and Rarity? That's it? Where's everypony else?

"Sorry it's just us, sugarcube," said Applejack, as if reading her mind. "The others were mighty busy, but are gonna come by sometime soon, I promise..." She stopped talking for a moment and looked back behind her at the door. "But there is one more pony here to see you as well."

Dash let out a weak 'who?' and immediately felt embarrassed at herself.

"She'll come in when she's ready," said Fluttershy, gently.

"The poor thing," added Twilight. "She said she wanted to come along, but she's been so nervous and dreadful."

I'm right here, thought Rainbow Dash. Who is the pony in the hospital right now? The creaking of the door interrupted her train of thought as a small orange filly squeezed through the opening near the floor. Scootaloo.

"Hi...Rainbow Dash," said Scootaloo weakly. Her eyes gazed briefly at her for just a few moments and then darted back towards the floor. It was obvious that seeing Rainbow Dash in such a wretched state made her feel much sadness. A complicated mixture of emotions welled up inside Scootaloo. Of course, she felt sadness and empathy for the blue pegasus, but she was so much more than that to her. Rainbow Dash was her inspiration, her aspirations and her dreams all rolled up into one amazing pegasus. It was old news at this point that Rainbow Dash would never be able to fly the same again, but only her immediate friends were given updates on her well-being as the days went by.

Knowing her idol would never fly the same again felt like her own dreams had been taken away from her.

"So," said Twilight after several seconds of silence, "how have things been going?"

Twilight Sparkle, never been the best pony at making small-talk in depressing situations. Rainbow Dash replied with an 'okay' and nothing more.

"We brought you some cider," said Applejack as she set it on her bedside table. "Fresh squeezed just this mornin'."

Dash eyed the cider with deadpan eyes. "The doctor says I can't have exotic food or beverages for another day or so until I'm better."

"Oh," said Applejack. "Well, it'll be there waitin' for you, I guess..."

"I brought you this," said Twilight. Rainbow Dash already knew what it was before she had taken it out. "It's Daring Do and the Griffon's Goblet, your favorite," she said with a small smile.

"And I brought you this tea," said Fluttershy. "It's not too exotic, I think...so it should be okay..."

She looked at the three gifts placed on her bedside table and then to the three ponies and Scootaloo. "Thanks, everypony. I really appreciate having friends in times like these."

Hooves knocked on the door once more and another nurse came into the room. "Hello, everpony. Sorry to say this, but it's time for Ms. Dash to do her daily exercise routine. You can come back later this afternoon." The ponies shuffled their way towards the door.

"Get well soon, sugarcube."

"You'll be alright in no time. Enjoy the book!"

"Everything will be okay, you just need to stay strong."

The door closed behind them, but Scootaloo remained where she stood when she entered the room. "Can I talk to Rainbow Dash for a few minutes?"

"Sure thing," replied the nurse, and she promptly left the room and closed the door behind her.

I can't do this, thought Rainbow Dash. I can't stay strong in front of Scootaloo. It took every ounce of effort not to tear up when her friends were in the room trying so hard to cheer her up with their gifts and encouraging words, because she knew every word they said behind a veil of doubt.  She had tried to believe them, but there simply was no way she could.

Scootaloo walked to Dash's bedside and looked up at her.

A few more seconds of depressing silence was too much for Rainbow Dash. "Thanks for coming to visit, Scoot," she blurted out, trying to stay strong. Looking at her eyes, Dash knew exactly what Scootaloo felt. Disappointment. "Looks like I won't be flying again anytime soon," she continued.

"Hasn't stopped me," she said with cautious optimism, unsure how Rainbow Dash would respond. "If there's anything you taught me about being a pegasus, it's that you never give up."

A lonely, single tear welled up in Dash's eye. Even when she was depressed and broken beyond repair, the little filly still looked up to her. She wasn't filled with disappointment at all, Dash realized and felt stupid for ever thinking something like that.

"You're my big sister, Rainbow Dash. You'll always be."

There was no stopping the full force of emotion that welled up in Dash's body. She felt her throat tighten and her face immediately became hot and flustered. And then the tears came streaming down her face and onto the soft sheets of the bed.

"I brought you a gift too," Scootaloo continued, and jumped carefully up onto the bed and nestled her body against Rainbow Dash.

The two ponies laid together in the stark white hospital room filled only with the small sounds of Rainbow Dash's sniffling. She put her mangled wing over Scootaloo and held her tight.

At least one pony's dreams can still come true

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