Discord has a formal complaint about a certain lovey dovey holiday. Celestia listens while trying not to giggle. And in the end the magic of friendship somehow makes even this most romantic of holidays work out well for everypony involved. <3
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What do you do when you're having a dull/stressful/confusing/boring Hearts and Hooves Day? Most ponies would probably go get chocolate and just wait for the romance in the air to pass. The master of chaos, however, wouldn't dream of having such a predictable response. Instead he goes to Princess Celestia to lodge a formal complaint about the holiday as a confusing mess of emotions and illogical social policy to which no creature should be subjected!

Of course, with a little prying, Celestia gets out of Discord the real reason he's complaining about the day. And she happens to have the perfect friendly solution to turn his stubborn pout back into a warm smirk. And in the process, the two former enemies get to know each other just a little better.

(So much fluff. If you're looking for a cuddly read for Valentine's Day, you have come to the right place).

Slice of Life

5,438 words: Estimated 22 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. Hearts and Hooves Day: A Formal Complaint [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Feb 12th, 2016
Published Feb 12th, 2016


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