

by SaintChoc

First published

Anyone who has sought counsel from Princess Celestia has met Raven, her most faithful aide. She has been a veritable second shadow to the princess for as long as the castle staff can remember... longer than they can remember, in fact. Much longer.

No one alive today can say where she came from; simply that she has always been there.

And yet, few ponies have had a greater impact on Princess Celestia's life than Raven, her most faithful aide.

Inspired by and based off of a headcanon put forth by Heir-of-Rick, though perhaps a bit less insidious than what he had in mind. He very kindly provided an alternate version of his image for me to use as my cover image! Text added by me.

All comments and criticism very welcome!

Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library! Go there to read the interview for some behind-the-scenes info on this story!

Part 1

Morning light poured through the stained glass windows of the Canterlot castle, brilliant streaks of color flowing across Raven's white coat. She adjusted her dark-rimmed glasses and red tie with her magic as she walked down the hall, careful not to spill any drops from the two teacups she held in the air at her side; not that she needed to give it even a second's thought by this point. Suspended on her other side was a collection of paperwork and a quill.

She arrived at the door to the throne room, and after a habitual check that her dark auburn hairbun was set correctly, she entered. Far at the other end sat the two royal sisters, as well as Twilight Sparkle, chatting away in front of the throne. Raven began the long walk down the rich red carpet, past countless stained glass visages of ages past.

As she neared the three princesses, she sent out one teacup, saucer included, to Luna. "Your silver needle tea," she spoke, her tone professional. She turned to Celestia and moved the other cup towards her. "Your Keemun tea. And here is the morning's paperwork to review."

"Thank you, Raven," Celestia said with a smile, the magic surrounding the tea and paperwork turning from soft red to a light gold as she accepted it. Luna did the same, giving Raven her own warm smile.

Raven turned to Twilight. "It is good to see you here, Twilight. I apologize; if I had known you were coming, I would have prepared the Earl Grey."

Twilight laughed. "You remembered! That's perfectly alright, Raven. But thank you!"

Luna peered over at Celestia's cup. "It has been a while since I've sampled a good dark tea. May I have a taste?"

"Your bedtime is in ten minutes, young lady," said Raven with a soft smirk. "No caffeine for you. Drink your tea."

Celestia and Luna laughed. Twilight was surprised, but laughed as well. "The true power behind the throne! I had no idea," she joked.

"Yes, you haven't spent much time with Raven, have you, Twilight?" Celestia said. "Just as you have been my most faithful student, she has been my most faithful aide."

Twilight nodded. "I can believe it." She turned to Raven. "I… can't actually remember a time when I knew Celestia and didn't see you around. You just—" she searched her mind for the words. "—blend in so well. Um, I hope that doesn't sound—"

Raven chuckled. "That's perfectly alright. Such is my duty, after all. I am there only when I am needed."

"And I have needed her many times," said Celestia, almost too quiet for anyone else to hear. Twilight raised an eyebrow slightly, but said nothing.

Luna frowned at Raven. "Hmm. Are you tired, Raven? You look…"

Raven shook her head softly. "No, I feel alright. Why?"

"...It is nothing. Do not mind me. It is I who needs to get some sleep, after all." Luna smiled, and finished off the last of her tea. Raven accepted the empty cup. "Thank you, Raven." Luna began to make her way down the throne room.

Raven nodded, and turned to Celestia, who had hardly touched her tea, looking over the paperwork. "I will return shortly."

"Thank you," Celestia replied. Twilight watched as Raven carried the empty teacup away, headed for the kitchen.

"...I've hardly noticed her before, but… I'm getting the feeling there's a lot I don't know about her," Twilight said.

Celestia smiled softly, eyes still on her paperwork. She said nothing.

Raven exited the throne room and headed to the kitchen, her pace unerringly steady. Upon arrival, she placed the cup and saucer in the sink, then paused.

She walked into the connected staff restroom and closed the door. She inspected herself in the mirror, noting that, indeed, slight bags had developed under her eyes, despite having had a perfectly good sleep the night before.

Something else caught her eye. With some effort, she plucked a hair off of the front of her head and inspected it. The root had turned grey.

She nodded somberly, the slightest of smiles on her face. "Hm."

Raven stared at the hair a moment longer, rotating it slowly. The light from her magic reflected off the mirror in front of her, tinting the bathroom a soft red.

She tucked it inside her collar and began to walk back to the throne room. She passed Twilight in the hall. "Leaving already, Twilight?"

"Yep! There's a trio of fillies I have to get back in time to meet." Twilight grinned.

Raven nodded. "Take care." She turned into the throne room, seeing Celestia sitting alone at her throne, on the last of the morning paperwork. Her tea was done.

Celestia signed the last form, then turned towards the approaching Raven. "I had just been considering recently that Manehattan could use a new elementary school. I'm glad they came to the same conclusion."

Raven stopped in front of the empty teacup. Her horn glowed softly as she ran her magic over the grey hair, still hidden in her collar.

"...Have I mentioned, Princess, how honored I have been to be your aide?" Raven said. She stared into the empty cup.

Celestia's expression grew serious. "You do not need to. It has been evident with every action you take." She was lost in thought for a moment. "It is I who should be honored, Raven. I know that I did not make the years easy."

Raven shook her head. "I was always taught that there is no greater satisfaction to be had than a task well-completed, and I was proud to have such an important one under my responsibility. I would not have changed a thing."

"Surely this position cannot be summed up as just one task," Celestia said, laughing softly. When she received no response, she cocked her head. "...Are you thinking of retiring from my service? I would be quite sad to see you go, but you have more than earned it."

"No. As I've said before, I will be with you as long as I am able."

Celestia nodded. "Is there anything I can do?"

Raven said nothing for a moment, her magic still washing over the hair. Finally, the light faded from Raven's horn, and she met Celestia's eyes.

She smiled. "Just... don't blink."

Part 2

Raven paced throughout the castle lobby, nervous, restless. The sun had risen, which was certainly a good sign in itself—but it was not the most pressing thing on Raven's mind. She wore a rut in the carpet, praying those doors would open with good news.

Finally, she heard the rich sound of hooves against the drawbridge. Raven turned and stood frozen, her heart beating inordinately fast, her eyes locked on the door.

The great double doors opened, and for a moment Raven could only see the leading procession of guards. Eight guards filed in and flanked the carpet, standing at attention. There was no fanfare—that would have come earlier.

Raven only saw Celestia, and her heart sank; but a second look revealed that Celestia had a wing wrapped around a figure at her side, held close.

Celestia looked at Raven, and Raven saw more life in her eyes than ever before. Celestia unfurled her wing, revealing a blue, timid pony not much larger than Raven herself.

"Luna...!" Raven breathed, her eyes welling up. She ran forward, meeting the pair just inside the entrance as the guards shut the door. Luna's eyes focused, and then widened.

"R-Raven?" Luna spoke quietly. "...H-how?"

Raven hugged her tightly, tears escaping from her eyes. "You look just like when I last saw you." She looked up at Celestia, an uncontrollable grin on her face.

Luna said nothing for a moment. She slowly wrapped a hoof around Raven, hugging her back, her voice trembling. "It is… heartening to know that this is how thou last sawest me." She shut her eyes tight.

Celestia noticed some of the guards looking at Raven, then at each other, confused. She planted a lingering kiss on Luna's forehead, then spoke. "Guards! Come. Let us ensure Luna's quarters are prepared." Raven heard Luna's quiet, happy laughter in response to those words as she broke the hug.

Celestia walked up the stairs with the guards, looking back at Luna. "I'll be just upstairs, Sister." She blinked back yet another flood of tears. "I'll never be far from you again. Remember that." She turned a corner, out of sight.

Luna and Raven smiled at Celestia's disappearing form. "...Thou stayedst with her," Luna said.

"What else was I to do?" Raven replied. "She needed me."

Part 3

Raven peered up through the massive hole in the roof, seeing sunlight where it was most decidedly not supposed to be. "This will not be cheap." Her horn flared as she scribbled out a work order, not even glancing at the page.

She reviewed the order before handing it off to a guard to take away. She surveyed the classroom, numerous chunks of wood and stone scattered over the desks and flooring. "You said she did this by enlarging the dragon?"

Celestia nodded, also marveling at the damage. "Indeed. It was clearly not something done on purpose, by what the instructors told me, but… it's clear there rests a great power inside of her. I've already begun the process to have her placed in the most advanced classes." Raven raised her eyebrows as Celestia paused. "Remember that name. Twilight Sparkle. I think… she will be very important one day."

Raven frowned for a moment, thinking, and then a soft smile spread across her face. "You're beginning to prepare."

Celestia answered Raven's smile with her own, a more genuine smile than Raven had seen in a very long time, still looking towards the sun. "Truthfully, I've been making plans for quite a long time, now. Wild, redundant, and contradictory plans… a waste of time, in most reasonable respects." She met Raven's gaze, nodding, still smiling. "But it has helped."

Raven nodded in return, then looked at the damage again. "So what will be done with the dragon now?"

Celestia started to walk out of the classroom. "I was… planning to send him to live with Twilight," she said. "After raising him enough so that he is not a burden, of course," she added quickly.

"This student isn't even officially enrolled yet and you're planning to send her a baby dragon!?" Raven followed Celestia, incredulous.

"This dragon wasn't supposed to be hatched for months! I was expecting her to perhaps progress the incubation slightly!" Celestia shook her head. "She's certainly remarkable… and I'm going to give her all the help I can. I will have to make sure she has access to the legends..."

Raven took a chance. "I only mean to say that, for the sake of the other students, you may want to make it a bit less obvious when you play favorites," she said teasingly.

Celestia laughed softly. Raven treasured the sound.

Part 4

Raven opened the door to Celestia's study, carrying with her magic a lantern, a cup of tea, and a folder. The princess was seated on the rug in the center, a lit fireplace some feet away from her. Her shoulders were convulsing heavily, her breath ragged.

"Your Keemun tea, Princess," she said, walking around to the front of Celestia.

Celestia's eyes were wild and unfocused, looking as if all that kept them dry was the fact that the tears were long spent. "I… I haven't accomplished anything. I never have. I've never fixed anything. Every problem, I've just… I've just l-locked away for later. I've sealed kingdoms, I've banished p-ponies…" Her breathing became more intense, and she suddenly reared up on her hind legs. "...but I could never, ever, fix it!" She slammed her front hooves on the ground, and a shockwave of magical energy emitted from her horn. Pictures fell off the wall, and books flew to the other side of the room. The fireplace went out, leaving the room only lit by Raven's lantern. Raven's magic stayed firm. Not a drop of tea was spilled.

"The fact that this nation lives in peace and prosperity is a momentous accomplishment, and every citizen has you to thank. Drink your tea." Raven kept her tone unwaveringly professional.

Celestia fell awkwardly to her knees, not acknowledging Raven's words. "I can't do this anymore. I can't. We're getting closer and closer to my sister returning, and I don't know what I'm going to do. If I end up simply banishing her again, I d-don't think I could…" She breathed in and out rapidly. "And then the Crystal Empire will return, and I…" She bared and gritted her teeth. "NnnaaAAAAAAHHHHHH!" she screamed.

Raven didn't flinch. "Drink. Your. Tea."

Celestia finally focused enough to meet Raven's gaze, swallowing, then looked at the tea. A light gold glow overtook it as she brought it to her lips, though it trembled as it flew. A hint of red remained encircled around it as Raven helped keep it steady.

Raven cleared her throat. "Princess, do not waste the advantage you have gained in your banishments: preparation." Celestia looked to her, her expression slowly returning to some semblance of normalcy. "There still remain over a hundred years until she returns. You know what will happen and when it will happen. Do not squander the opportunity to make sure you are ready."

Celestia continued staring at her. She broke her gaze as she put the cup to her lips once more. "I… I don't know what I can…"

"You have over a hundred years to think of something," Raven said. "The emissary from Griffonstone will be here in an hour. I would recommend we discuss the meeting in the throne room."

Celestia nodded, her breathing more steady. "Alright. Thank you, Raven." She picked herself up and walked out of the room, holding her tea in front of her.

Raven followed, leaving the lantern in the room. She made eye contact with the guards outside the room and used her head to surreptitiously motion inside. The guards nodded, then entered and set to the task of fixing the room back up.

Raven moved faster to catch up with Celestia. "Here is an outlining of the trading that has been done with Griffonstone within the last year. I've—"

"He'll likely want to discuss the border policy. Have there been any significant events that might be relevant to that since the airspace violation four months ago?"

Raven smiled. "There have not." She tucked the border events summary back into the folder.

Part 5

Raven walked into the Royal Canterlot Library carrying both a teapot and teacup. Despite the library being long closed for the night, every light remained on.

She set the teapot on a table in the main area and poured a fresh cup, then began peering down the rows. After a few minutes of searching, she found the princess, standing in place and focused on a book. Raven walked up to her. "Your chamomile tea, Princess." It was far too late for a black tea.

"Thank you, Raven," Celestia mumbled. She accepted the teacup, but made no move to drink it just yet.

After a period of silence, Celestia spoke. "I did not find anything more today." A standard statement from her these days.

Raven gave her standard response. "I'm sorry to hear that, Princess. Drink your tea."

Wordlessly, Celestia moved the cup to her lips and sipped. After another pause, she spoke again. "This one does contain an interesting passage, however."

"Is it a passage containing information that may lead to a solution?" Raven asked pointedly.

Celestia hesitated, avoiding her gaze, then began reading. "'There are many powerful spells and abilities that are on record as being unique to alicorns; however, there is one among them that stands out. The scholars of the world know next to nothing about this power—to the point that many suspect it to be fruitless legend—and yet it may be more powerful than anything we can currently conceive of.

"'It is said that under certain circumstances, if an alicorn with pure intent and love in their heart asks a promise of another being—and the being accepts—the universe will reshape to allow that promise to be fulfilled. Entire worlds can be woven if an alicorn reveals their truest desire to a fitting subject (who must themselves be a being of extraordinary will—typically another alicorn).

"'As rare as alicorns are themselves, none should expect to achieve this in their lifetime. This is an extraordinary circumstance that can only be fueled by the purest, most desperate want—a circumstance that a typical alicorn could never hope to achieve in thousands of years.'"

She paused. "The purest, most desperate want…"

"Celestia…" Raven began.

"I promised her that I would never leave her. Right until the end. If what this book says is true, then nothing in this world should have been able to change that." Celestia slowly closed the book. "...Not even me."

"Celestia, I supported your endeavors to collect magical knowledge from all corners of the world under the notion that you would be searching for solutions, not new avenues of regret."

"Well, I've failed at that," Celestia said softly. She slid the book back into its slot. "This is my third time reading through this row."

Raven sighed quietly. "I've received word of another possible lead. An archaeological dig some time ago unearthed ancient texts; they're still working on the translation, but it seems to have something to do with magic."

Celestia took another sip of her tea and nodded slowly. Raven continued. "I'll have more details for you in the morrow. For now…"

"Yes. Bed. Thank you, Raven."

They walked out of the library together. Raven shut off the lights and locked the doors.

Part 6

Celestia watched the activity in the growing city of Canterlot from the window of her throne room, sullenly watching fillies and colts trot about in costume, guided by their parents. Raven walked up behind her, pulling along a small trolley with her magic.

"'Tis not right," Celestia said quietly.

"No," Raven said. "It is not."

It was silent for a moment.

"There was a moment where I was… outraged. At how crass the citizens could be, to make a holiday of such a terrible event." Celestia sighed. "But… as I am prone to forget, what can sting so freshly for me is nothing more but legend to them before too long."

Her eyes surveyed the city, counting the groups. "Outside of this room, there is no one left alive who knew her. That is… a bitter pill."

Raven simply stood there. Celestia turned her head slightly to acknowledge her. "I know what you are holding back from saying, as there is no way to say it warmly; so I will say it for you." She turned back to the window. "If I had been more willing to speak of that day… to tell the tale myself, before it became rumors and hearsay… this would never have happened. You were right."

Raven said nothing.

"And now that they've even seen fit to decorate my throne room with a stained glass visage of that night… it seems as if there truly is no way to escape it." Celestia focused on her own reflection in the glass for a moment.

Raven took a breath. "Princess… I do have a proposal. Well, two, in actuality." She lifted a teapot off the trolley and poured it into a cup before sending it towards Celestia, who turned to it and softly smiled. "I recalled that you found the Yunnan tea to your liking once before. I thought I would offer it again before we declare once and for all what your ultimate preference is."

Celestia sipped the tea, then lightly smacked her lips. "I certainly can appreciate the honey tones… but I do think I prefer the Keemun." She took another sip.

Raven nodded. "Very good. And now that we have gotten the most important business out of the way…" The corners of Celestia's mouth curled upwards in another light smile.

"...I propose that, perhaps, it is not too late to tell your story after all," Raven finished.

Celestia turned to her, a slight frown on her face. Raven continued quickly. "I am not suggesting an official royal decree, or anything of the sort. Simply… putting it on record. A detached retelling of the context and the events, from as unbiased a perspective as possible. Perhaps the story will merely end up in a compendium of myth and legend one day, but… at the very least, it will be an accurate myth."

Celestia looked into her cup, thinking.

"As you said yourself, you cannot escape it. Perhaps… it will bring some level of closure," Raven said.

Celestia closed her eyes briefly. "I very much doubt that, but…" She nodded. "I am willing."

Raven smiled, and pulled out a few sheets of parchment from the bottom level of the trolley, along with a quill. She used the teapot to top off Celestia's cup, and then sat patiently, quill on the parchment.

Celestia turned away from the window and sat on her side, thinking.

"Drink your tea," Raven said gently, smiling. "It will get cold."

Celestia looked at Raven for a moment, then nodded, taking a sip and savoring the taste. "I suppose we must start somewhere. Detached and unbiased, then?" Celestia paused before breathing in deeply. "...'There were two regal sisters…'"

Part 7

Raven and Celestia opened the grandiose double doors and walked into the room. Grand pillars traced the sides of the large, rectangular room between immense pane glass windows.

"And this... is thy throne room," Raven said.

Celestia's tired eyes ran over the room. "'Tis rather vacuous, is it not?"

"Upon its completion, there will sit a long, red carpet where we stand." Raven checked her notes. "There are also glass smiths working on more decorative windows, and there shall be hanging tapestries and plant life at various points." She looked up. "For now… 'tis vacuous, yes.

"However," Raven continued, "as thou canst see, thy throne hath been completed." True to her word, one throne sat alone atop the raised floor at the other end of the room.

Celestia nodded slowly as Raven flipped further through the notes and continued. "It shall not be much longer before it is ready for us to move in proper." She adopted a lighter tone. "At long last we shall be out of those cramped temporary quarters, hmm?"

Celestia said nothing, still staring at the lone throne.

Raven pursed her lips. "It would have been completed sooner, but as thou decreedst—"

"—There were more important buildings to erect than another castle," Celestia said quietly. Raven glanced out the window, seeing the newly opened library in the burgeoning town below.

"In… deed," Raven said, and began to head for the entrance. "Well, if this meets with thine approval thus far, we can let the masons know to continue and we shall move on to—"


Raven stopped. "...Yes, Princess?"

"How many years wast thou planning for us to continue on as if it were normal?"

A pit grew in Raven's stomach.

"I-I…" Raven swallowed. "I was not certain how to broach the subject, nor... how to discuss it."

"Thou hast been in my service… twenty years now, hast thou not?"

"Erm… around such, yes."

"I stopped aging long ago. In what can feel like only a moment to me, I have lost countless friends and staff to the unending march of time. But thou…" Celestia cocked her head, a stern expression on her face. "...appearest just as thou didst the first day thou walkedst into my view."

Raven breathed in deeply, her eyes drawn to the floor. She'd anticipated this conversation for a long time, but had never figured out what to say.

She spoke hesitantly. "...I fear I know as much as thee. There was no one day wherein I awoke and felt… any different, and yet…" She looked up at Celestia. "All I can say for certain is that it feels… right. As if I am not… ready to leave."

Celestia looked back at her with the same tired gaze Raven had seen for the past few years. It meant any numbers of things.

Finally, she looked away. "Assuming that thou remainest this way, I must admit that... I would welcome a companion that did not disappear in a blink of mine eyes." She adopted a soft smile.

Raven remained still, her mouth open slightly. "W-well…" She breathed in again and stood up straight. "Blink all you like, Princess. I shall still be here." She tried to restrain the relieved grin upon her face.

Celestia moved for the exit. "Now, thou saidst there was more to see?"

Raven straightened her notes and followed after her.

Part 8

Raven stepped through the cracked entrance to the ancient castle's throne room, tattered banners hanging near shattered windows. Her eyes were drawn up to the damage to the roof, appearing as if a scythe had ripped through it, the sun's rays streaming through. "Goodness…" she breathed.

She stepped around the debris littering the ground, as well as what she knew must be the stone housing for the Elements of Harmony. She swallowed nervously as Celestia came into view, curled up between the twin thrones, facing away from Raven. Only one throne still stood.

As Raven's hoofbeats grew closer, Celestia's head snapped up. "What are thou—I made it clear to all that I desired to be alone."

"I-I know, but—" Raven babbled for a moment, then gritted her teeth and offered forward the cup magically floating at her side. "I… I made tea."

Celestia's expression softened some, her eyes red and worn. She accepted the tea and looked into the cup. Hesitantly, she took a small sip.

Raven walked closer to Celestia and sat a few feet away from her. "My… my mother spent her life gathering and tasting teas. 'Tis something of a hobby of mine now." She paused. "'Tis chamomile. My mother found it helped with… well, everything."

Celestia took another sip. Her expression didn't change, and she stared into the cup.

Raven tried to ignore her own racing pulse. "'Tis… about time to lower the sun. I believe the residents are beginning to grow concerned." In truth, it was quite overdue.

Celestia sighed deeply, closing her eyes. She nodded. "I shall. Soon."

They sat in silence. Celestia lowered the cup until it was on the ground.

"I do not think I have… accepted it yet." Celestia's eyes opened. "It does not seem real..."

Her gaze was far away. "...I can only imagine what shall happen on the morrow when I awaken and she is not there."

Raven thought for a moment. "Well, I shall be there, then. Every morrow that thou needest me. With fresh tea." She smiled softly. "I do not know what thou likest, but… I have many flavors to try."

Celestia's eyes met Raven's briefly, then returned to the tea. She made no movements.

Raven sat in place for a few more minutes, trying to control her burning question.

She closed her eyes, inwardly cursing herself. "Princess… I do not want to ask this question, but I… I must know." She swallowed. "How long… how long will she be…"

"...A millennium," Celestia answered. "It will be a thousand years before she returns."

Raven's mouth fell open, her eyes widening. She surreptitiously turned away, hoping Celestia wouldn't notice her reaction. "Th-thank thee, Princess." Her mind raced, and she tried to control her breathing.

Steam still rose off the chamomile tea as the princess and her aide sat alone amongst the wreckage of her golden throne

Part 9

"So are the Elements contained here? In the castle?" Raven asked. Vibrant torches lit the stone hall as she and Celestia walked towards the throne room.

"Ahh, I am afraid that is only for we two sisters to know." Celestia smiled. "Some secrets must be kept as such, lest the wrong pony find out."

"Thou dost not trust me to keep a secret? Thou woundest me, Princess," Raven said, grinning. Celestia laughed.

Around the next corner came Luna walking towards them, tired, headed for her room. She was in her smaller form, her hair blue and opaque. "Good morrow, Luna," Celestia said, smiling. "I hope thou hast a pleasant sleep." Raven gave her own sympathetic smile, seeing that Luna was still not feeling well.

Luna looked up at Celestia as she passed. "I thank thee," she said, trying to force a smile. Celestia frowned slightly.

Arriving at her doorway, Luna paused. "Raven… may I speak with thee?"

Raven looked at her, curious, then turned to Celestia. "Wouldst thou like to take these with thee? I shall be just along." Celestia nodded, taking the morning's paperwork.

Raven walked into Luna's room as Luna held the door open with a hoof. Her regal bed sat at the back wall, and every window was covered with thick shades. Only a lantern on an end table provided light.

"What didst thou want to discuss?" She smiled brightly as she turned to face Luna, then paused.

Luna had shut the door, but one hoof still lay on it. She stared at the floor, her breath staggered.

"...Is… is something the matter, Luna?" Raven asked.

Luna tried to force a smile again. "Thou hast been with us almost two years now, hast thou not?"

"Yes! I have been very happy under your employ. And you have been wonderful friends to me."

Luna nodded. "I am glad. And thou as well."

She paused. The room was silent for a moment.

"...I am sure thou hast noticed that I have not entirely been myself as of late." She took her hoof off the door, standing up with a touch of a tired slouch.

Raven grew more serious. "I have, yes."

"I have been plagued with thoughts I know to be irrational, and yet I cannot free myself of them. I have been lashing out, I have been avoiding others, I…" Her eyes grew misty. "Something is happening to me. And I... I fear it shall overtake me in the end."

Raven was taken aback, speechless. "Luna, I... I am so sorry to hear this. I don't believe I fully understand, but—"

"Nor do I," Luna replied. She gritted her teeth, straining as she shut her eyes tight, a tear escaping regardless.

Raven searched for the words. "...What can I do? Please, tell me."

Luna took a moment to compose herself, then opened her eyes.

"I may be gone for some time. I do not know under what circumstances, precisely… but Celestia shall be left alone." She swallowed. "And she cannot be left alone." Her voice cracked.

"I need thee…" Luna began to walk towards Raven. "What I need, Raven, more than anything I have ever needed of thee, is for thee to stay with her. She shall blame herself, she shall attempt to hide away from the world... Do not allow this. Please.

"Ensure that she remain busy, ensure that she retain hope… do whatever thou canst to ensure that she cannot focus on the void left behind. I—I would not ask this of thee unless I truly thought it necessary, for it may be… a nightmare at times. She will need thee."

A tear fell out of one of Luna's eyes, then the other. "But I need thee to promise me this. Stay with my sister until I return. Promise me that thou shalt stay with her."

Raven swallowed heavily. Luna's gaze was intense, piercing into her soul. It was a nebulous plea with uncertain terms, but the strain in Luna's voice told her that she would never have a more important task asked of her.

Raven nodded intently. "I promise, Luna. I promise that I shall stay with her until thy return."

Luna's expression twitched slightly, before a wide, trembling smile emerged. She leaned forward and hugged Raven tightly. "I... I thank thee, Raven."

Luna released the hug and moved towards her bed, lost in thought, her slouch lessened. Raven took her cue to leave. "...I hope thou hast a pleasant sleep, Luna. I shall see thee in the evening," she said. She walked out the door as Luna stared at her empty bed.

She met with Celestia in the throne room, who was already halfway through the morning paperwork, sitting atop her golden throne. She looked up as Raven approached. "Ah! Just along, as thou saidst." She smiled.

Raven gave a soft smile in return, then sat next to the throne, trying to ascertain just where Celestia had gotten to in that morning's business.

Celestia frowned. "Is there something wrong, Raven?"

Raven met Celestia's gaze, then looked back at the paperwork, shaking her head. "No… no, not at all." She motioned at the pages. "There is merely some particularly complicated business to take care of this morrow. It may be some time before we are through."

Part 10

Raven hurried through the unfamiliar castle halls, doubling back frequently and cursing the lack of signage. "Oh! Um, hello!" She spotted a passing guard. "Um, wouldst thou be able to tell me the direction of the throne room?"

"Down the hall. Thou shalt see it near the end." The guard nodded down the hallway.

Raven looked down the hallway, then back at the guard. "Many thanks!" She raced down the hallway, a red booklet trailing her, surrounded with her light red magic. She paused in front of the most official-looking door in the area. "Breathe, Raven, breathe..."

She entered the throne room, doing her best to look professional. She closed the door behind her and began the long walk to the other end, where Celestia and Luna sat in their respective thrones, chatting away, both with brilliant vibrant manes flowing to their sides.

Celestia was the first to see her. "Ah! Thou must be the new aide." Luna turned to her as well.

"Yes! My name is Raven, and it is—an incredible honor to be here, Your Majesties." She bowed.

Celestia giggled. "There is no need for that. Did Sunbeam outline what was expected of thee?"

Raven picked herself up. "Yes! She informed me that ye have already gone through the morrow's paperwork, and thus, the next step is to check the agenda for domestic matters!" She waved the red booklet in the air, then opened it, clearing her throat. She paused.

Luna had on an apologetic smile. "I am afraid that is the agenda for international matters. The domestic matters are in the green booklet."

Raven stammered for a bit, then put on a bright smile. "Well, I certainly apologize! I shall… I shall return shortly!" She turned around and walked briskly for the door.

Celestia cocked her head. "Is thy hairbun coming undone?" Raven's hair tie was loose, sending hair spilling out to the side freely.

"Oh! Um..." Raven's red magic appeared around her hairbun, and she spun around in circles as she walked. "I, um, terribly sorry! I'll be, um, just a moment. Terribly sorry." She walked back through the doors and around the corner.

Celestia giggled. Luna spoke, arching an eyebrow. "We do have a tendency to run these aides rather ragged." She looked towards Celestia. "How long dost thou think this one shall last?"

Celestia chuckled. "We shall just have to see, shan't we?"

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